Video Attributions 2
Video Attributions Two
Video Attributions Two
NOTE: On my web site ( here ), a video can take several minutes to load. I apologize for this.
Below, I credit every video on my blog to the best of my ability.
The videos are credited in order of appearance.
The videos are credited as of the time that I made the screen recording. A given You Tube channel that I mention here, for instance, may no longer exist.
Each video is a screen recording. If a control panel appears in the video, it’s from my iPad.
The appearance of someone on my blog does not constitute their endorsement of what I write.
I deeply appreciate those who have provided their videos to the internet.
Any screen recording will be removed upon request from the copyright holder.
Thank you!
2. Back to school. Try on Haul. Mari Kruchkova.
Source: The You Tube channel “Mari Kruchkova”.
Wow! This is my favorite Mari Kruchkova video. It was via this video that I discovered Mari. She’s 12 years old in this video.
You Tube’s psychotic employees gave Mari endless trouble over this video. She had to repost it a number of times, under different titles ( some in Russian ). Mari also had to repost this video with different cover photos.
By age 13, Mari was a stunningly bodacious girl. She looks like a younger version of Alisa I. ( Alisa I is at indexxx ( dot ) com ).
1. “Dana Swimwear”.
Source: The former You Tube channel “Danatar”.
I had enormous trouble getting this file to upload. I put it into Apple’s iMovie app. There, I shortened its length. The entire portion of Dana modeling swimsuits is included in this video. I had to leave out the part where she wears a red dress.
Even then, the video still gave me trouble. I quit my web site and came back. The video was present! They say “Quitters never win”. That wasn’t true in this case!
This is Video Attributions Two issue number 1
Arcana: This is Video Attributions Two issue number 1, version 1.0
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