Melinda Photo Attributions
Melinda Photo Attributions
Melinda Photo Attributions
Below, I credit every photo to the best of my ability.
The photos are credited in order of appearance.
The photos are credited as of the time that I took the screenshot. A given You Tube channel that I mention here, for instance, may no longer exist.
Each photo is a screenshot. If you see a black line at the bottom of a photo, it’s from my iPad. Apple’s iPad is ( now ) plagued by a black line at the bottom of its screen, and three dots at the top of its screen. These degrade the usefulness of the iPad in taking screenshots.
The appearance of someone on my blog does not constitute their endorsement of what I write.
While a photo may evoke a particular story’s mood, the person in the photo is not to be associated with the story itself. Or with the story’s title.
I deeply appreciate those who have provided their photos to the internet.
Any photo will be removed upon request from the copyright holder.
Thank you!
2. Melinda and the Pirates.
Cover photo: Milanka Kudel.
Source: The Telegram app.
1. Melinda and the Little Green Men.
Cover photo: Milanka Kudel.
Source: The Telegram app.
1. Flying saucer photo: stock ( dot ) adobe ( dot ) com.
This is Melinda Attributions issue number 1
Arcana: This is Melinda Attributions issue number 1, version 1.0
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