Children Have Sex in America


ET 116                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Children Have Sex in America


Plus:  Lynn exposes the frauds!

And:  Dick danglers are the measure of all things.



In the prior century, the magazines called Time and Newsweek appeared regularly in many homes.  These were weekly newsmagazines. 

Every few years, a special issue would be published.  “Teen Sex” blazed across its cover.  Time, or Newsweek, would then detail American teens’ sex lives. 

Then the 1990s arrived.  A moral panic seized America.  Somewhere, not too far away, there was surely a “child molester”.  In your neighborhood!  On your street!  

What’s that “stranger” doing on our sidewalk?  Stranger Danger!  Molester Alert!  Somebody rid us of him before he abducts Mary!

( Virgin Mary, to you, pervert stranger. ) 


Why is that United States government census taker pausing by our home?  During the census?  During business hours?  He’s a child molester! 

( Hey, it was me, folks! )  ( I must admit, you have some cute daughters! )

In the 1990s, “children” were suddenly “innocent”.  All of them.  Even if they were having sex, they were innocent.  This view persists in the 2020 book, “being lolita:  a memoir”.  ( Spelled entirely in lowercase letters because the author, Alisson Wood, was still in diapers when she was a high school senior.  Alison, at age 18, had an affair with her 26-year-old teacher. )

Alis sin Wood ( ahem! ) speaks of 12-year-old Lolita’s “copulatory entanglements with a boy, slightly older [ than herself ].”  ( Page 119. )  The phrase “copulatory entanglements” is meant to excuse Lolita’s behavior, to render her sex life “innocent”.  

“I had been only with other teen boys, all of us children,” Wood writes, of herself.  

( Page 142.  Note Wood’s choice of childish wording:  “I had been only”, rather than “I had only been”. )

Humbert’s “copulatory entanglements” with Lolita are, of course, a horrific crime, a predatory act, and a crime of violence.  Because no 37-year-old man would ever have an affair with a girl who’s 12.  Except, that is, a man who’s a “monster”.  

You may now look up “List of child brides” on Wikipedia. 

Wow!  There sure are a lot of husband “monsters” on that list of child brides!  What if you’re descended from one of them?  

A question:  would you rather the sex hadn’t happened, with the child bride?  Then you might not exist! 

‘Never mind!  We must go back in time, to save the children!’  ( Trumpets blast a fanfare. )

In the 1990s, Time and Newsweek’s special “Teen Sex” issues vanished. 

Today, in the news, we’re hearing about a place called Loudoun County, Virginia.  A story is emanating from there that causes people to say “God Damn child molesters!  They should get their balls cut off!”  

An aggrieved father in Louden County has been in the news.  ( Indeed, on it: I’ve seen him multiple times on the Fox New Channel. )  Dad has a tale of woe.  His ( presumptively innocent ) daughter went to the school bathroom.  There, she was raped and sodomized by a male. 

Specifically, she was raped and sodomized by a boy who was wearing a skirt.  The boy, who claims he’s bisexual, is permitted by his school to use the girls’ bathroom.

I’ll give you the lowdown on Loudoun County.  The truth slipped out when the boy appeared in court, and was criminally convicted.

The aggrieved father’s “raped” daughter had previously engaged in consensual sex with her “attacker”.  In other words, the “rapist” and his “victim” were sex partners!  They were probably teen lovers.

The “attacker” and his “victim” had agreed to meet in the school bathroom!  That’s why they were in the bathroom together!

Laura Ingrate, of the Fox NEWS Channel, is aghast.  She’s aghast that the facts, above, have been exposed.  Rape shield laws have been violated! Ingrate cries.  They’ve been violated in the case of the rape of a child!

But the situation does look rather different when you know ALL the facts, doesn’t it? 

The aggrieved father obviously knew that his “child” was sexually involved with another child.  Hey, dude.  There was a day when fathers, and mothers, raised their daughters to NOT have sex with every Tom, Dick ( ahem! ), and Harry who comes by the house.  Just a thought. 

Of course, we live in modern times now.  

In 1999, the PBS T.V. show Frontline aired an episode titled, “The Lost Children of Rockdale County”.  ( Not Crockdale County ).  The show reports on “a 1996 syphilis outbreak in a well-off Atlanta suburb [ that ] affected over 200 teenagers. … Some were as young as 12 and 13 years old.  These teenagers were involved in “group sex, binge drinking, drugs, and violence” Google says. 

The teens “describe” their “sexual promiscuity”, reports pbs ( dot ) org.

The paleycenter ( dot ) org writes, “the area was a middle-class mostly white community, and several of [ those ] infected [ with syphilis ] were very young girls. …

“ The outbreak had a great deal of range due to the extreme promiscuity of many teenagers in the area. …

“Group sex of many varieties was common among [ the teenagers ]. …

“The Emory University School of Public Health” was “surprised at the number of sexual partners that the teenage girls involved had.” …

The teens “would organize lavish parties, replete with alcohol.  Some rented motel rooms in order to engage in sexual activity, and it was known that teenage girls would frequently get ‘passed around’ from one boy to another.  Some viewed it as something of a means of social interaction and a ‘game’. … 

“Amy … was initiated into sex and alcohol. … [ She also ] recounts an incident in which she and a friend got drunk and engaged in group sex with several other guys while she was supposed to be babysitting her nephew.” …

What was the county’s reaction to all this?

“The parents in the community were initially incredulous that such extensive sexual behavior could be going on without their knowledge.  They looked to various explanations to explain the behavior, but the health officials involved believed that the fault was with the parents themselves. … The community was described as being ‘in denial,’ and further investigation into the matter was largely discontinued.”

After all, our “children” are really “innocent”!  Right?  

I watched this program at the time.  Some 13-year-old “children” were interviewed.  I can’t recall if any of them were 12.  They were asked if there was any sort of sex that they hadn’t yet engaged in.  There was just one, and the “kids” voiced it:  bondage. 

Thank God for the book, 50 Shades of Grey!  ( Published in 2012. )  Thank God that this “mommy porn”, as Laura Ingrate calls it, is now so popular!  Paddling a child at school is, at last, illegal.  But when today’s Lolita goes to a teen party, then she enjoys getting beaten and whipped!  Right, Kay J?  ( Just asking. )  

But wait!  There’s more!  The paleycenter ( dot ) org continues:

“Keith was very much admired by Kevin and his family for his easygoing and ‘jolly’ nature.  In the summer of 1998, Keith drove Kevin down to Panama City, Florida with their friends, a popular getaway spot for teenagers.  Thousands of them crowded around the beaches there and were ‘drunk the entire time,’ in the midst of constant fighting and sex in all places. …

“The school has a sex education program stressing abstinence. …

“Discussions of sex and sexual activity are quite common amongst teenagers, and they report that girls lose their virginity at quite young ages.” 

But if I, as a “man”, look at a girl, that’s “lookism”, which is “a form of sexual harassment”.  If I spend any time with a girl, I’m “grooming” her.   

Newsweek no longer publishes on paper.  Time is left-wing propaganda.  If you were missing these magazines’ “Teen Sex” issues, or never saw one, ARSE has now stepped into this void. 

I have no idea what actually happened between Romeo and Juliet in the Loudoun County bathroom.  But I’ll bet a whole lot of people are sure that, if we just lock up more “child molesters”, everything will be fine.

After all, the kids are alright.  In fact, they’re innocent! 

Have a virginal Halloween, children.  Enjoy your beatings and whippings.

LYNN Exposes the FRAUDS!

More proof that the Kay J photo galleries “Nedsa” and “Sanora” are wrongly dated.

by Andrew Roller

Kay J is a nude, or erotic, model.  I have written many articles about her on ARSE.  My primary interest is in the “kid cute” era of Kay’s nude modeling career. 

Kay’s “kid cute” era consists of videos and photo galleries.  All of these are at the Me Tart Network.  ( metartnetwork ( dot ) com. )

The Me Tart Network provides dates for Kay’s photographic items.  I thought that these dates revealed when Kay’s photographic items were shot.  They do not.  They only say when the Me Tart Network posted her items on the internet. 

An example:

Me Tart’s date for Kay’s photo gallery “Cocktail Dress” is 14 Oct 2021.  This date is ridiculous.  

“Cocktail Dress” was formerly a photo gallery at a web site called Alex Lynn.  The web site Alex Lynn no longer exists.  As best I can tell, Alex Lynn died several years ago.  The photo gallery “Cocktail Dress” ( Under a name akin to “Red Dress” ) has been available for free on the internet for years.  Often, it’s available as just a sampler of photos.  ( Not as the full gallery. ) 

Fortunately, the internet tells us that Kay J began her nude modeling career at age 20.  Therefore, we know that she was doing nude modeling in the year 2016.  ( Read my earlier posts for more. )

I have argued that two of Kay’s photo galleries have woefully incorrect dates.  Me Tart dates the galleries “Nedsa” and “Sanora” to 2016.  However, I have argued that these galleries fall outside of Kay’s “kid cute” era.  ( They are more recent.  They were likely shot after Kay had her baby, not before. )

Kay’s “kid cute” era, as best as I can determine it, lasts from mid-September of 2016 to mid-January of 2017.  Kay was 20 years old during this time. 

Kay became “unexpectedly” pregnant in mid-January of 2017.  This ends the “kid cute” era of her career. 

Every photographic item during her “kid cute” era was shot by Alex Lynn.  In her videos, he is credited by Me Tart as the “director”.  In her photo galleries, Lynn is credited as the “photographer”.  

Using Me Tart’s ( incorrect ) dates, there are two exceptions:  For the photo gallery “Nedsa”, the photographer is “Arkisi”.  For the photo gallery “Sanora”, the photographer is “Arkisi”. 

The fact that “Arkisi” is Kay’s photographer in these galleries, rather than Alex Lynn, further damns these galleries.  I already viewed their Me Tart dates with great suspicion.  Now, I feel vindicated in my belief:  “Nedsa” and “Sanora” are not part of Kay’s “kid cute” era. 

Below, I list all of the photographic items in Kay’s “kid cute” era.  I put “Nedsa and “Sanora” at the end, beyond her “kid cute” era, where they belong. 

( The dates shown are by Me Tart.  As general dates ( the year 2016 ), they’re okay.  As specific dates, they’re unreliable. )

KAY J’s “kid cute” ERA:  A COMPLETE List

1.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017. ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )  Director:  Alex Lynn.

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

3.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bed. )  Director:  Alex Lynn.

4.  The video “Dreaming”.  25 Dec 2016.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  Director:  Alex Lynn.

5.  The video “My Channel”.  25 July 2017.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  Director:  Alex Lynn.

6.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay as a bride. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.  

7.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bathroom. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.  

8.  The photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in the woods. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

9.  The photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Bedtime for Disney-attired Kay. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

10.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  ( Kay in the kitchen. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

11.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a coverall. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn. 

12.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a blue tank top and white panties. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

13.  The photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Kay and her seashore mementos. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

14.  The photo gallery “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bottom-revealing dress. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

15.  The photo gallery “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  ( Kay as a secretary. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

16.  The photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Kay in the woods again. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

17.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a blue singlet and blue panties. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

18.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

19.  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay wears red panties in a museum. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn.

20.  The photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Kay on a rocky beach. )  Photographer:  Alex Lynn. 

NOT in KAY J’s “kid cute” ERA:

1.  The photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a boring blue nightgown. )  Photographer:  Arkisi.

2.  The photo gallery “Sanora”.  6 Oct 2016.  ( Old fat Kay. )  Photographer:  Arkisi. 


The photographer Arkisi is credited with a number of Kay J’s photographic items.  These were shot later in her career.  Here are some questions for study:

1.  What is the earliest Kay J photographic item that is credited to Arkisi?

2.  How many photographic items did Arkisi shoot of Kay J?

3.  What is the quality ( in terms of creativity ) of the Arkisi photographic items?  

My hunch is that Alex Lynn was Kay J’s best photographer.  He brought forth all of the wonderful essence of Kay J.  

( Of course, he got to shoot her when she was at her most “kid cute”! )

( The photo gallery “Bend Over”, by Arkisi, is very good!  It occurs later in Kay’s career. )

4.  What is the total number of photographers that Kay J had?  Who were they?  I have found the following photographers of Kay J at the Me Tart Network:  Alex Lynn, Arkisi, Blake Jasper, Vicente Silva, and Leonardo. 

Me Tart can be quirky.  Four pages at Me Tart are devoted to Kay J.  Tonight, I went through all four pages methodically.  On some pages, Me Tart showed me photographic items that I’d already seen.  ( On a prior page. )  That was annoying.  When I had gone through the four pages, I discovered that Me Tart had left a dozen or so photographic items out! 

I had to go through the four pages three times.  On my third pass, Me Tart showed me what they had not shown me earlier. 

I complained to Me Tart, about various problems, some months ago.  They fixed a problem with an Alisa Amore photo gallery.  It was downloading incorrectly.  

However, Me Tart did not fix the problem of material reappearing on a subsequent page.  ( When paging through a model’s work. )  Nor did Me Tart fix the problem of a model’s photographic material going missing.  ( Necessitating repeated ‘passes’ through a model’s work. )

If you search for Kay J at Me Tart, you should see this:  “Kay j - 103 items found”.  ( To its credit, Me Tart continues to add Kay J items, over time. ) 

To research Kay J on Me Tart, you’ll want to create your own file, on your iPad, of what you’re supposed to see.  That is, you’ll need to download all of Kay’s work from Me Tart, and then organize it.  This took me over half a year to accomplish.  

( Plus a minute or so of masturbating. )

Now, however, my graduation day has arrived!  I am now a PhD ( Phallic Hot Dog ) in Kay J. 

MAN is the measure of all things!

- Protagoras.

Recent decades have seen a profusion of university disciplines.  Students can now study in such fields as Womens’ Studies, African-American Studies, and Gay Studies. 

But what about Guy Studies?  I propose that a university discipline be devoted to the Average Man.  In this discipline, guys will drink beer, watch sports, and look at porn on the internet.  

They will evaluate women.  They will shoot guns.  ( Not at the women, unless they talk too much. )  Guys will eat at McDonald’s, and hold burping contests.  They will argue about the merits ( or not ) of various ( female ) porn stars.  They will see who can tell the best locker room tale. 

You’ll be able to get a bachelor’s degree in Guy Studies.  ( Unless you go and get married; that’s disqualifying. ) 

What will you do with your bachelor’s degree in Guy Studies?  Great news!  By getting a bachelor’s degree in Guy Studies, you’ll be entitled to more schooling!  You’ll be able to study for a master’s degree in Guy Studies!  

You’ll have to masturbate to ( I mean, read ) a lot of porn to get your master’s degree.  However, if you’re in a graduate degree program ( especially Guy Studies ), you’re probably not getting laid a lot anyway.

The pinnacle of Guy Studies will be a PhD; the Phallic Hot Dog degree.  The recipient of this degree will exhibit a knowledge of many Important Things.  For instance, you’ll know everything that’s worth knowing about females.  Even females who are barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen!  

You’ll know what 12-year-old Brooke Shields was in the film “Pretty Baby”.  That will be helpful if you meet a beautiful 12 year old girl!

You’ll be able to say why Devil Harris should never be our president.  Even better, you’ll be able to diagnose all of our society’s ills.  You’ll know The Truth:  a woman outside of her kitchen ( and especially outside of your bedroom ) is failing society. 

I’m not promising that your views will encompass The Absolute Truth.  But they’ll be as good as any other self-centered curriculum, that venerates its adherents. 


“Defending the status quo seems to be the default position of some people, unfortunately.  But that’s not how we progress as a society.”

- Kathy Guillermo ( not Guillotine! ).  PETA ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ) Senior Vice President.  

Source:  Guillermo was a guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight.  The Fox News Channel, October 26, 2021.


1.  My Google search term for “The Lost Children of Rockdale County” was:  t.v. show: the lost childrn of rockdale high

I followed the links on the ( single ) Google page to the web sites that I mention.  

2.  Recently, another incident like the one in Louden County occurred.  It happened in Rockville, Maryland.  A 14-year-old girl went to her school principal’s office.  She reported that she’d been “raped”.  She’d been “raped” by an 18-year-old man in her school’s bathroom.  

In fact, the “man” was a fellow pupil at her school, who was 18.

The girl was White.  The man was an illegal immigrant from south of the border.  So, he was brown. 

An outrage ensued.  ‘Dirty brown men are coming to America!’  people said.  ‘They’re violating our White daughters’ innocence!’

Then the truth escaped.  ( Sort of like COVID-19. )  The man had a phone.  On it were photos of himself and the girl having sex.  The girl was quite happily having sex with the man.  She was not being raped. 

Now, the man was in more trouble.  This schoolboy hadn’t just “raped” a girl.  By photographing the girl’s consensual act with him, he was guilty of producing child pornography! 

I don’t know how the case turned out.  Last I heard, the man’s phone had pretty much exonerated him on the charge of raping the girl.  The government was trying to figure out what to do about the “child pornography” that exonerated him.

2.  Source for Kay J “unexpectedly” getting pregnant:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com.

3.  Protagoras is not spelled Protagoreass.

4.  Overheard:  He has deeply emotional relationships with the porn stars that he masturbates to. 

( I can’t imagine who that could be. )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 116

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 116, version 3.0

Date Written:  October 27, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


WordPress:  Post your Photo Now! 


AI 24

Apple Info presents...

WordPress:  Post your Photo Now!


Plus:  The death of You Tube’s “Supper Gymnastic Angles”.

And:  Deleted by You Tube:  “Dana Taranova Fun Beach”.


WordPress:  POST Your PHOTO Now!

How to insert an image into your WordPress blog. 

On your Apple iPad. 

by Andrew Roller

I joined WordPress on a lark.  I was very sleepy.  WordPress provided me with instructions on how to use WordPress.  I was too sleepy to read them.  Leaving WordPress, I went to bed.

That was 2 1/2 years ago.  I made several attempts to locate the WordPress instructions, but I’ve never found them.  

For 2 1/2 years, I’ve puzzled over WordPress blogs that have photos in them.  How the heck were photos inserted into a standard WordPress blog?  I couldn’t figure it out. 

Today, I did.  ( I’m once again very sleepy, and I need to go to bed. )

If you follow my instructions, below, you can add images to your WordPress site!  I read somewhere that, with regard to images, WordPress says,

“Simple nudity is fine.”  So, let’s see you without your clothes on! 

( That’s okay, Joe Biden; you look better in your business suit than in your birthday suit. )

My instructions follow:  

( Note:  I use the words “photo” and “image” interchangeably in this article. )

1.  Tap on the WordPress app icon.  The icon launches.

2.  WordPress is now open on your iPad’s screen.  At the bottom of your iPad’s screen is a horizontal bar.  The bar has three icons in it.  They are:

A.  My Site.

B.  Reader.

C.  Notifications.

3.  If necessary, tap on My Site.  You are now put on the My Site page.

4.  Look to the left side of your iPad’s screen.  A sidebar is there.  The sidebar is titled, “My Site”.  

5.  In this sidebar, tap on Media.  

6.  You are taken to a page that’s titled, Media.  ( The sidebar remains available, on the left side of your iPad’s screen. )  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  A plus sign + is there.  

7.  The plus sign + claims that it can add images to your WordPress site.  It will not.  With regard to this, it’s fucking worthless.  We will now proceed to Andrew Roller’s Super Duper Plan B.


1.  Leave the WordPress site.  You’re back on your iPad’s home page. 

2.  Tap on your app called Photos.  The Photos app opens.

3.  Find the photo that you want to put on your WordPress blog.  Tap on your photo.  Your photo enlarges.  It now fills your iPad’s screen.  

4.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Near, but not at the right corner, you’ll see a blue icon.  The icon is a box.  An arrow is sticking out of the top of the box. 

5.  Tap on the box that has the arrow sticking out of the top of it.  An informational box appears.  Your photo is there!  

6.  Look to the bottom right corner of your photo.  A blue circle is there.  It contains a white check mark.  

7.  Look under your photo.  A row of icons is there.  The WordPress icon should be among them. 

8.  Tap on the WordPress icon.  Your photo expands in size.  It now fills your iPad’s screen.

9.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Written there, in blue, is the word “Next”. 

10.  Tap on “Next”.  Your photo disappears.  You are taken to a new page.  This page is white. 

11.  Look to the top right corner of the white page.  Written there, in blue, is the word “Publish”. 

12.  Tap on “Publish”. 

13.  The white page disappears.  You are returned to your photo.  Leave the Photos app. 

14.  Tap on the WordPress app.  You are returned to the WordPress app.  You are, in fact, returned to the page that’s titled Media. 

15.  Wait for your photo to arrive in the page titled Media.  Guess what?  It doesn’t show up.  Now say,

“Fuck your super duper pooper plan B, Andrew Roller.  It doesn’t work!”

16.  Admit it.  That felt good. 

17.  But wait!  There’s more!  Look to the left side of your iPad’s screen.  The sidebar is still there.  In the sidebar, tap on something OTHER than Media.  I’ll assume that you tap on Stats.  You tap on Stats.

18.  The page that’s titled Media disappears.  It’s replaced by the page titled Stats.  Now, in the sidebar, tap on Media. 

19.  The page that’s titled Stats disappears.  It’s replaced by the page titled Media.  ( You’ve refreshed the Media page. )

20.  Wait for your photo to arrive in the page that’s titled Media.  It does! 

21.  Tap on your photo ( on the page titled Media, in WordPress ).

22.  In WordPress, you’re taken to a new page.  For a few seconds, this page is white.  A circle revolves in the center of this page.  Then, viola!  Your photo appears!  

23.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  A blue icon is there.  The icon is a box, with an arrow sticking out of the top of it. 

24.  Tap on the icon of the box that has the arrow sticking out of the top of it.

25.  An informational box appears.  In the top left corner of this informational box is an icon.  It’s the WordPress icon!  

26.  Tap on the WordPress icon.  Nothing happens.  If you wish, say,

“Fuck you, Andrew Roller.  The WordPress icon doesn’t work!” 

27.  Under the WordPress icon is a row of icons.  Scroll to the right in this row.  You find a WordPress icon there!  Tap on this Wordpress icon. 

28.  Your photo expands in size.  It now fills much of your iPad’s screen.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Written there, in blue, is the word “Next”. 

29.  Tap on the word “Next”.  You are taken to a new page.  It is white. 

AUGHGH!  Black lives Matter!  ( A message from MSDNC, The New Dork Times, The Washington Compost, and other failing news outlets. )

30.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Written there, in blue, is the word “Publish.”

31.  Tap on “Publish”.  You are taken back to the page that has your photo on it. 

32.  Look up.  Toward the left side of your screen is a blue arrow <.  It points to the left. 

33.  Tap on the blue arrow that points to the left. 

34.  You are returned to the page titled Media. 

35.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  The plus sign + is there.  To the left of it is this handy word, “Edit”.  

36.  NOTE:  Proceed with caution.  Otherwise, you may wind up saying, 

“Fuck you, Andrew Roller!”

We wouldn’t want that, would we?

Tap on “Edit”.  “Edit” has now put a grey circle in the lower left hand corner of each of your photos.  ( WordPress probably “seeded” your Media page with several photos. ) 

If you want to get rid of a photo, tap on it.  That will change the color of the grey circle.  You can then follow the instructions to delete this photo from your Media page in WordPress. 

37.  Probably, you’re a bit worried at this point.  You don’t ( yet ) want to delete any of your photos! 

38.  Look up.  Toward the left side of your screen is this word, written in blue:  “Cancel”.  

39.  Tap on “Cancel”.  The grey circle that is in each of your photos disappears. 

40.  Your phone is ringing.  The person on the line wants to know why you just posted a photo of her, without her panties on, on your blog.  ( And you thought Kay J didn’t read your blog! )

41.  You remain in the page titled, Media.  Look to the sidebar at the left side of your screen.  Probably, you feel most comfortable getting out of this page by tapping Stats in the sidebar.  It’s hard to screw anything up in Stats.  

42.  Tap on Stats.  Whew!  You’re back on safe ground.  

43.  Now, in the sidebar, tap on Posts.  Hey!  This looks familiar!  You see that the photo that you uploaded is here.  Under your photo, you see the following:

A.  Edit.

B.  View.

C.  …More.  

44.  Tap on …More. 

( Note:  I am now going to delete your posted photo.  You have been warned. )

45.  An informational box appears.  Written in this box, in red, is the following:  Move to Trash.

46.  Tap on Move to Trash.  A small informational box appears.  It asks, Trash this post?  Written under it are the following options:

A.  Cancel.

B.  Move to Trash.

47.  Tap on Move to Trash.

48.  Your photo disappears! 

49.  To get out of this page, look to the sidebar.  I like getting out of this page by tapping on Stats.  ( You can actually tap on anything in the sidebar.  Except, of course, Media, since you’re already in Media. )

50.  You’re back in Stats. 

Congratulations!  You’ve just learned how to add images to your WordPress site.

By following my instructions, you’ve added an image to your site that is like any other post.  That is, when you post something else ( like an article ), it will go above your image.  Your image will gradually go far down in your “scroll” of posts. 

Somewhere in my WordPress site, I saw something called “static image”.  It may be possible to make an uploaded image a “static image”.  That way, it would ( hopefully ) remain at the top of your WordPress blog.  I don’t yet know how to do this.

An alternative is to delete your photo.  Post your article.  Then, repost your photo.  This will put it at the top of your “scroll” of posts. 

You won’t need to repost your photo from your iPad.  Just go to the Media page, in WordPress, and repost your photo from there.


1.  It has been reported on numerous occasions ( on Fox News ) that Joe Biden swims naked in his swimming pool. 

2.  The photos that I experimented with, writing this article, are from a video posted by  You Tube channel “Supper Gymnastic Angles”.  The video is titled, “Dana Taranova Fun Beach”. 

Dana is 11 years old in this video.  She is wearing a bikini.  Dana walks along a beach, and then does a gymnastic move.  We also see her footprints in the sand.  The video lasts about 40 seconds.  “Dana Taranova Fun Beach” is my favorite “Danatar” video.

“Dana Taranova Fun Beach” was one of the first videos that You Tube’s staff deleted.  I’m speaking of the censorship campaign that You Tube’s staff began in August of 2019.  “Dana Taranova Fun Beach” was deleted by You Tube’s staff in ( circa ) October 2019.  ( “Dana Taranova Fun Beach” is an utterly innocuous video. )

Subsequent to this, “Supper Gymnastic Angles” was terminated by You Tube’s staff.  ( “Supper Gymnastic Angles” was an utterly innocuous channel. )

Later, a new channel appeared on You Tube.  It was called “Fantastic Gymnastic”.  I determined that this was “Supper Gymnastic Angles”, reincarnated.  It was.  I asked the channel’s owner to repost the video, “Dana Taranova Fun Beach.”  ( I had a copy, but I am not the person who made the video. )

To my horror, I determined that the owner of “Supper Gymnastic Angles” had destroyed all of his old videos.  He did this when You Tube terminated his channel.  I guess he was very upset at You Tube terminating his channel.  Either that, or he didn’t properly save his videos.  “Dana Taranova Fun Beach” was lost to history. 

I had been bugging Dana Taranova, directly, to repost “Dana Taranova Fun Beach.”  I soon determined that she didn’t have a copy.  I sent her a copy, but I don’t think she opened it.  The video arrived as an attachment.  Everyone knows the first rule of internet use:  don’t open attachments.  You might get a virus.

Watching “Dana Taranova Fun Beach”, I took screenshots of it.  One day, I sent Dana a screenshot of herself.  I guess she, or someone in her family, liked it.  That’s the impression I got, as a result of having sent Dana the screenshot.  Whether she then opened the old attachment of “Dana Taranova Fun Beach” remains unknown. 

Since I rescued “Dana Taranova Fun Beach” from oblivion, I felt I could use it to figure out how to post images on WordPress.  You’ll agree, I’m sure, that seeing Dana in her bikini is way better than seeing me in my birthday suit.

The You Tube channel “Fantastic Gymnastic” was soon being brutalized by You Tube’s staff.  It was then terminated by You Tube.  ( “Fantastic Gymnastic” consisted solely of videos that were utterly innocuous. ) 

3.  How to delete a photo from the Media page in WordPress: 

( Note:  if you follow my instructions ( below ) you will delete a photo from your WordPress app! )

A.  You are on the Media page in your WordPress app.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Printed there, in blue, is this word:  “Edit”.  

B.  Tap on “Edit”.  “Edit” puts a grey circle in the lower left corner of each of your images in Media.

C.  Tap on the image that you want to delete.  The grey circle in the image’s lower left corner turns blue.  If this is the first photo that you tapped, a 1 will appear in the blue circle. 

D.  Look to the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.  A blue icon is there.  It’s an icon of a trash can.  Tap on the icon of the trash can.  

Congratulations!  You’ve now deleted a photo from your WordPress app.  

( Hello, F.B.I.  What photo? )

Note:  The WordPress app adds photos to your Media page from the LEFT.  Let’s assume that you delete a photo from your blog.  You intend to post an article, and then repost your deleted photo.

After you’ve reposted your deleted photo, you’ll notice a SECOND copy of your photo has arrived on your Media page.  You curse.  Why has WordPress duplicated your photo?

WordPress “duplicated” your photo because you added it to your blog AGAIN! 

You swear.  That’s because, if WordPress keeps duplicating your photos, you’ll soon use up your three free gigabytes of memory on WordPress.  

No worries!  Delete one of the duplicated photos.

But which one?

Since WordPress adds photos to your Media page from the LEFT, you should delete photos from your Media page on the RIGHT.  The photos on the right are old copies of your photos, that you’ve deleted from your blog.

In summary:  When deleting old, unwanted COPIES of photos, delete the ones on the RIGHT. 

4.  The most valuable thesaurus that I’ve found is:  wordhippo ( dot ) com.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 24

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 24, version 4.0

Date Written:  October 25, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Inside Kay J


ET 115                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Inside Kay J


Plus:  The tattooing of Kay J.

And:  “Master of O” reviewed.



My best shot, as a masturbator, at psychoanalyzing Kay J.

by Andrew Roller 

This is a psychological study of nude model Kay J.  If you follow my blog, you’ve likely suffered through my many articles on Kay.  Now, you ( or at least I ) get the payoff.  It wasn’t possible for me to psychoanalyze Kay until I’d brought some order to her photographic items.  Only then could I delve into her mind. 

I begin my analysis with Kay’s “kid cute” era.  During this time, she appears to be utterly innocent, or nearly so.  She’s stunningly lovely.  There is no ‘standard issue’ porn aspect to her that draws one’s attention.  She doesn’t, for instance, have cow-sized bosoms.  You might pass a girl like this every day, if you’re in an area where there are girls.  Who knew such submissive ambition, in BDSM terms, and concupiscence could be harbored by a ‘girl next door’, like Kay?

A list of Kay’s photographic items is below.  These are of her “kid cute” era, which lasted from September of 2016 to March of 2017.  

The last photographic item in her “kid cute” era may have, in fact, been shot as early as mid-January 2017.

Kay got “unexpectedly” pregnant sometime between early January and early March of 2017.

Kay turned 20 years old on March 21, 2016.

The dates are those provided by metartnetwork ( dot ) com.  They are generally correct.  However, at the level of any particular photographic item, they can be wildly unreliable. 

1.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017. ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. )

3.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bed. ) 

4.  The video “Dreaming”.  25 Dec 2016.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  

5.  The video “My Channel”.  25 July 2017.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  

6.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay as a bride. )  

7.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bathroom. )  

8.  The photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in the woods. )  

9.  The photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Bedtime for Disney-attired Kay. ) 

10.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  ( Kay in the kitchen. )  

11.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a coverall. ) 

12.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a blue tank top and white panties. )

13.  The photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Kay and her seashore mementos. )  

14.  The photo gallery “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bottom-revealing dress. )  

15.  The photo gallery “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  ( Kay as a secretary. ) 

16.  The photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Kay in the woods again. ) 

17.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a blue singlet and blue panties. )  

18.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. ) 

19.  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay wears red panties in a museum. )  

20.  The photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a boring blue nightgown. )

NOTE:  I question whether this photo gallery falls within Kay’s “kid cute” era. 

21.  The photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Kay on a rocky beach. ) 

Kay’s first professional nude model shoot occurred just prior to September 20, 2016.  This shoot is represented by the following:

1.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017. ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. ) 

This shoot took place indoors.  It occurred in Alex Lynn’s studio in Kiev, Ukraine.  Kay looks the same, and wears the same clothing, in both “Model Test:  Episode 4” and in “Kay”.  It is very common in porn to do both a video shoot and a still photo ( gallery ) shoot on a single day, of a single subject. 

( Hence, in a ‘hot and heavy’ porn video, the actors, in fact, frequently interrupt their doings to allow still photos to be taken. )

( Kay’s photographic items are tasteful erotic nudes, of herself. )

Kay’s first shoot thrilled her.  It opened up a whole new world.  Alex Lynn, her photographer, sold his work to top nude web sites.  Kay was, suddenly, no longer just someone who’d spent time in college, and failed to graduate.  She was a top nude model!

She decided to celebrate.  Where, and with whom, is unknown.  Her next nude modeling shoot occurred soon after.  That’s because she has the same tan lines in the video “Wet Dreams” as she does in the video “Model Test:  Episode 4”, and in the photo gallery “Kay”. 

What happened when Kay celebrated is known.  She was beaten and whipped.  Kay showed up at the “Wet Dreams” shoot bearing whip marks, and two bruises.  Most of her whip marks had bled.  I know this because most of her whip marks have little scabs in “Wet Dreams”.  

Kay was whipped on her right breast, the right front of her torso, the right side of her torso, on her lower back, on her bottom, on both of her hips, and on her left thigh.  She has a bruise on the back of her right leg, above the knee.  She has a bruise on the front of her left leg, below the knee. 

The whip mostly hit Kay on or near her bottom.  The nastiest whip marks are on her right breast, and on the right cheek of her bottom. 

In “Wet Dreams”, Kay is aware of her whip marks.  She is proud of the whip marks on her breast.  She’s also proud of the whip marks on her bottom.  Kay regards her ( temporary ) scars as a mark of sexual sophistication.

Given the severity of her whipping, it likely wasn’t Kay’s first.  Hence, as she thrilled to her shoots in “Model Test:  Episode 4”, and in “Kay”, she was likely contemplating celebrating her shoots.  This means that, as she stripped ( several times ), during her first photo shoot, she was dreaming of being beaten and whipped. 

Writing this, I’m not imposing a fantasy on Kay.  I was, frankly, appalled to find whip marks on her seemingly naive, creamy perfection.  Especially ones that bled.  Even more alarming, to me, was that she was wounded in such private, sensitive places, like her right breast.  

I still can’t imagine someone whipping her, or her wanting it.  The books and movies of “50 Shades of Grey” likely played a role in Kay’s desires.  “50 Shades of Grey” was published on April 17, 2012.  Kay was, at the time, 16 years old.  

One must keep in mind the physical nature of sex.  ( As opposed to, say, carefully turning the pages of a porn magazine, so one doesn’t damage it. )  Sex involves total, invasive bodily contact, via a number of orifices.  Adding a stinging whip to the mix probably doesn’t seem like much of a burden.  Indeed, it increases the range of emotion, and tactile sensation.  ( And soreness, after a hearty sexual “fray”, to quote from a porn novel. ) 

I hesitate to say this, but it’s likely true:  Kay likes rough sex.  This is confirmed, in part, by later photos of her, including on her Only Fans channel.  Kay has bruises.  I’ve seen them on her bottom, as well as on her legs.  Based on the evidence, Kay has craved rough sex from the days before she got into “porn”.  

Some examples:  

1.  Kay has a bruise on the back of her upper right thigh in her Only Fans video, “Good night”.  Date:  mid-September 2021. 

2.  Kay has a bruise on the outside of her left leg, near her knee.  This Only Fans photo is of her legs.  These have recently been unbound from tight ropes.  The ropes have left indentations in her legs.  Date:  August 25, 2020.   

3.  Kay has 11 bruises on the outside of her left thigh, near her knee.  This Only Fans photo shows her at “a castle in Germany”.  Kay is sitting outdoors, on a rock ledge.  The ledge is made of stone blocks.  Kay is wearing a black sweater, black panties, and black pumps.  Date:  October 12, 2020. 

4.  Kay has two bruises on the inside of her right thigh.  One bruise is on her upper thigh.  The other bruise is near her thigh’s midpoint.  This Only Fans photo is part of the same “castle in Germany” photo gallery as ( 3. )  This was a professional model shoot, yet Kay showed up with bruises!  

( I’m not complaining.  That’s because, by showing her bruises, she’s letting us get a glimpse of her real life. )

5.  Kay has five bruises on the outside of her right thigh.  One is on her upper thigh.  Another bruise is at her thigh’s midpoint.  Three bruises are on her lower thigh, near her knee.  This Only Fans photo is part of the same “castle in Germany” photo gallery as ( 3. )

6.  Kay has at least three bruises on the outside of her right leg, below her knee.  This Only Fans photo is part of the same “castle in Germany” photo gallery as ( 3. )  In this photo, one can also see the bruises on the outside of her right thigh.  Hence, this second photo confirms the bruises mentioned in ( 5. )

I could sit here all night counting, and confirming, the bruises on Kay J - in just this one photo gallery!

7.  Kay has three bruises across the apex of her left bottom cheek.  This Only Fans video shows her dressed in a skimpy Santa Claus outfit.  Date:  late December 2020.

None of the bruises are permanent.  That is, they don’t remain over time.  Hence, no bruise is a permanent mark that Kay has had since birth.  Either Kay does a clumsy, daily job as a furniture mover, where she’s frequently injured, or she’s being regularly beaten.  Since she bears such marks, in photographic items, over half a decade, she isn’t being beaten involuntarily.  She likes it.

After her ( early ) video “My Channel”, Kay kept her BDSM sex life away from her life as a model.  There are no further whip marks or bruises on her during her “kid cute” era.

But:  she was surely still doing it!  

1.  There are whip marks on Kay in the Me Tart Network video, “I’m Eating You’re Watching”.  Date:  September 18, 2018.  The whip marks are on the backs of her upper thighs, just under her bottom.  There is also a whip mark on the inner curve of her left bottom cheek.

2.  There are whip marks on Kay in the Playboy video, “First Impression”.  Date:  January 27, 2020.  Several whip marks are on her lower back, just above her left bottom cheek, near her bottom’s cleft.  Three whip marks are on the midpoint, and upper curve, of her right bottom cheek.  Three whip marks are on the undercurve of her left bottom cheek.  A cluster of nasty whip marks are on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.

We now return to Kay’s “kid cute” era.  ( September 2016 to ( at the latest ) March 2017. )

In every photographic item, Kay shows off her nude bottom.  She does so very submissively.  In the ( early ) photo gallery “Phiny” ( Kay in a bathroom ), Kay exhibits her bottom very sassily!  She does so pointing her “fuck you” finger at her pussy.  She also looks ( moderately ) fearful.  This is a deliberately evoked emotion. 

“Maru” is another photo gallery in which Kay shows ( moderate ) fear.  In “Jatine”, she clutches, and then bares, her bottom.  It’s as if she’s acting out, for us, the anticipation of being whipped that she undergoes in her off hours. 

A side comment is relevant here.  It’s a gripe that I have about porn:

You can see a girl doing most anything on the internet.  In Kay’s photographic items, you can see every external part of her sexual anatomy.  But, we’re getting a ‘polished’ Kay.  I have no objection to her wearing subtle makeup for her shoots, and doing her best to look lovely.  But where’s the real Kay?  The Kay who anticipates being beaten and whipped, as it’s about to happen?  The Kay who endures this?  The Kay who then has to recover ( hopefully with assistance ) afterward?  And the Kay who, though having suffered, wants more?  That part of Kay is denied to us.  Kay is cellophane wrapped for our viewing.  And, to view her without screwing things up, a viewer has to exercise some care while doing so.  Hence, the viewer is wrapped in cellophane.  ( Don’t, for instance, get your keyboard sticky.  It will stop working. ) 

KAY J’S Tattoo

In August of 2021, Kay got a tattoo.  It’s high on her back.  Part of it even invades her neck, which I find especially dismaying.  Her tattoo is sure to ‘peek out’ of any item of clothing, including a T-shirt.  This particular aspect of her tattoo seems to have been something that Kay wanted.  In a brief message to me, she told me that she liked her tattoo:

“Hi I don’t know if I make more tattoo but I like”  ( Date:  mid-September 2021.  This was a private message, sent to me through Kay’s Only Fans channel. )

Another appeal of a tattoo for Kay was probably this:  in prosaic society, a tattoo is forbidden.  In his book, Master of O, Ernest Greene writes:

“You see a lot of trendy girls hanging out in Roppongi with manga tattoos on their arms where they can hide them from their mothers when they get home.”  ( Location 7450. ) 

Kay even hides her tattoo from her Only Fans customers!  She sold me a video for $3.00.  It’s called, “Good night”.  I assumed it would be a sweet, sexy bedtime video.  It isn’t.  In “Good night”, Kay wears conventional clothing.  Stripping her shorts off, she flagrantly exhibits her bottom, including by shaking it, and spreading her ass cheeks.  Up close.  ( I’m not complaining; it’s a fabulous video. ) 

Or, it ought to be.  What does Kay fail to do, in this and other videos?  Take off her crop top.  Why?  She has great boobs.  Guys like boobs.  Especially naked ones.  The reason Kay keeps her crop top on is because she’s showing her ass.  You can still see a girl’s boobs when she’s showing her ass.  If she twists sideways, you see her naked, bobbling boobs. 

What you especially see, when a girl shows her ass, is her back.  That includes her upper back.  Kay has a big tattoo on her upper back.  So, she keeps her crop top on, denying me a view of her boobs, because she’s hiding her tattoo. 

Hence, I got half of a video, for my $3.00.  I got to see Kay’s bare ass, but not her bare bosoms.  Looking at a girl’s bare ass, but being denied a view of her bare boobs, is bad.  I felt cheated.  

That’s one reason I quit Kay’s Only Fans site.  If I stayed, I knew I’d be lured into buying more videos from her.  Based on her track record, in recent months, these would be ‘El Cheato’ videos.  She shows off her ass, but hides her bosoms, in order to hide her tattoo.

A year ago, Kay could show all of herself.  She happily did so.  She was natural and carefree in her nudity.  Now she limits herself, and her fans, to ‘El Cheato’ videos. 

So, where does Kay feel comfortable showing her tattoo?  Indeed, where does she show it off?  The point of a tattoo, after all, is to show it off.

Can you guess?  Kinky places.  I don’t object to Kay going to conventional BDSM venues.  I’d love to see the photos, and read narratives of this!  But the world of kink can quickly slide into super-freak land.  I pray that Kay isn’t travelling those odious paths.

Kay’s tattoo is large.  What was it like for her, getting a tattoo?  Ernest Greene provides insight on this, in his book, Master of O.  ( Location 7358 to 7687. )  The character O is tattooed in Greene’s book.  We will now follow O as she goes through the entire procedure:  

“‘Did it hurt much?’ O asked [ another girl, of her own tattoo.  O ] was scared, but not of pain. That part of it made her want to rub her thighs together.”

My comment:  Based on my understanding of Kay’s personality, getting tattooed was a sexual experience for her.  That is, being tattooed was combined with sexual activity of some sort.  

( That’s not a criticism of her.  Kay’s daring concupiscence is something that makes her highly alluring. )  

( Nonetheless, I hate seeing a tattoo on a female. ) 

O’s tattoo is described as “pretty big”.  ( Location 7409. )  That is, big.  As best I can tell, Kay’s tattoo is bigger than O’s.

It takes two hours for O to get her tattoo.  “But they were a very long two hours.”  ( Location 7484. ) 

O, getting tattooed, describes it as follows: 

“‘It feels sort of like getting a haircut,’ she said.  ‘A really deep haircut.’”  ( Location 7437. ) 

However, O admits to having “a high pain threshold”.  ( Location 7436; this passage is awkwardly worded. )

At this point in time, O is experiencing a “first endorphin rush”.  ( Location 7438. )  However, “the tattooing [ outlasts ] the high.”  ( Location 7446. ) 

That’s when the pain kicks in.

O’s tattoo is first inscribed with an “outliner”.  A “shader” follows.  ( Location 7457. )  Of the “shader”, O says, 

“Now that feels more like a massage.  A really deep massage.”   

The sensation of being deeply massaged doesn’t last.

“There wasn’t much blood, but the ink trails were raised and raw and by the time Jan got around to putting white highlights on the ribbons, which involved going back over freshly-applied pink pigment, O was shiny with sweat and gripping both Jacqui’s and Steven’s hands hard.”  Of this point in time, Greene says, “After the first couple of hours, the endorphins [ had worn ] off and the shakes and chills of mild shock set in.”  ( Location 7465. )

Nearly two hours have now passed.  In this time, O was given water to drink, and allowed to go to the bathroom.  

Of this point in time, Greene writes, “‘Almost done,’ Jan said reassuringly, bending to the final shading around Steven’s mark.”  [ O’s lover, Steven, is having her tattooed with his “mark”. ]

“‘I won’t deny I’m ready for it to be over,’ O said.  Her face momentarily twisted out of its usual composure into a mask of real pain when the shader brushed against the outline of Steven’s initials, but she composed herself, gritted her teeth and held onto Jacqui’s arm. … [ O ] looked Jacqui in the eye to show that she was, in fact, capable of tears.”  ( Location 7480. ) 

My comment:  Kay’s tattoo has a lot of shading.  In “Master of O”, Green describes the shader’s use as follows:

“The shader, with its wider array of needles [ put ] in the color.”  ( The color is put into O’s tattoo. )  ( Location 7457. )

Kay’s tattoo is ( thank God! ) not colored.  That is, the sole ink color used in her tattoo is green.  

( She wasn’t born green, but now she’s at least partly green.  If little green men show up from Mars, they’ll want to have sex with her! ) 

The shading in Kay’s tattoo is green.  Therefore, it’s likely that a “shader” was used to apply it.  The “shader” was painful for Kay to endure.  Whenever the “shader” touched a mark made by the “outliner”, the “shader” was extremely painful.  That’’s because Kay’s skin was already wounded by by the “outliner”.  

Above, I say that Kay’s tattoo has “a lot” of shading.  In fact, Kay’s tattoo has an enormous amount of shading.  Nearly all of her tattoo is accented with shading.

Since a “shader” was used, the tattooing procedure took longer.  ( Which prolonged Kay’s pain. )

Greene continues:

“Jacqui brought over the rolling mirror while Steven helped O to her feet.  O craned her neck over her shoulder to see as much as she could of the finished product.  Jan laughed.  ‘You can travel all over the world and see all kinds of things but the one thing you’ll never see is your own back.  You might catch a glimpse in a mirror at some twisted angle or look at it in a photograph, but there’s a big part of yourself that’s always visible to others and always hidden from you.’”  ( Location 7488. )

My comment:  O’s tattoo is on her lower back.  It’s somewhat possible to get a look at your lower back.  Kay’s tattoo is on her upper back.  This is more difficult for the possessor to see.  That’s because your shoulder blades get in the way.  Also, the angle is more acute.  The upper back can’t twist as far, relative to a mirror, as one’s lower back can.

Sadly, if you’re a nude model, and your best asset is your ass ( as Kay admits of herself ), over-the-shoulder views are your prime attribute.  These show off your ass.  What else is seen, unless your long hair is amply in the way?  Your upper back.  Kay has ruined her prime appeal:  Coy over-the-shoulder views that expose the vulnerability of her bottom. 

A second prime attribute for Kay is stooping ass views.  ( Kay bent receptively forward. )  These expose her bottom even better.  In these views, however, her upper back remains visible.  Kay has torpedoed this attribute! 

What is the purpose of the over-the-shoulder view, or the bent-over view?  The girl is presented as being available.  Necessarily, she’s innocent, or relatively so.  I’ve never seen a bitch dyke coyly peering over her shoulder at me.  Nor have I seen one stooped to my will. 

A tattooed woman is not innocent.  That’s why a tattoo is called “a tramp stamp”. 

At indexxx ( dot ) com, you can see Kay’s latest photo gallery.  It’s on the Me Tart Network.  Kay’s gallery is called “Cocktail Dress”.  The gallery is dated October 14, 2021.  

As a photo session date, October 14, 2021 is wholly inaccurate.  “Cocktail Dress” is an old photo gallery by Alex Lynn.  The entire gallery is available for free on the internet.  ( I give the internet address for this gallery, which is at a free web site, in a prior article. )  My guess is that Kay is 22 years old in this gallery.  She’s now 25.

I thank the Me Tart Network for providing this gallery.  They saved the official version of this gallery from oblivion.  I hope that the Me Tart Network provides all of Alex Lynn’s galleries of Kay J.  Currently, many of his galleries of Kay remain unavailable.

But:  what didn’t the Me Tart Network do?  Pay Kay J to pose nude again.  Her last gallery for the Me Tart Network ( as of now ), is called “Energy”.  In it, Kay is not yet tattooed.  The Me Tart Network posted “Energy” on September 13, 2021.  She got tattooed in August of 2021. 

The Me Tart Network is a top nude model site.  Their brand of tasteful nudity features girls who aren’t tattooed.  One can find the odd tattooed girl on the Me Tart Network.  However, such a girl does specialized work, like posing with another girl in a BDSM scene.  ( Such photographic products are considered to be subordinate to solo nude work. )

Perhaps Kay will return to the Me Tart Network in a BDSM scene.  Such work, as I understand it, doesn’t pay as well as solo nude work.  It’s unlikely that she’ll reappear in solo nude shoots.  That’s too bad, since she remains otherwise qualified to do such work.

With my understanding of Kay, I can say the following:  it was impossible for her to resist getting tattooed.  Indeed, it was impossible for her to resist getting tattooed in a way that was prolonged, and painful.

Someone living with Kay could learn to accommodate himself to her tattoo.  Being with a live person is different than looking at someone in a photo.  However, Kay makes her money by posing nude in photos.  ( Primarily for the Me Tart Network. )  My experience of Kay, as a viewer, is quite different from that of someone who, frankly, is inside her.  

Meanwhile, there are lots of younger girls, hopefully ones without tattoos, who want to star on web sites like Me Tart. 

( Many people search ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, using search terms like “Danatar nude”, “Milana nude”, and “Tina nude”.  Watch out, Kay J!  Every year these girls get closer to age 18, while you continually recede from it. ) 

We return to the subject of being tattooed:

The ordeal of getting tattooed isn’t done when the needles cease injecting ink.

Greene describes O’s tattoo as “angrily fresh”.  ( Location 7489. )  He continues:

“It should be pretty well healed in ten days.  I’m going to patch it for tonight, just to absorb any ink and fluid that might ooze out.  After that, short showers, no baths for a week or so and no scratching or picking.  Because once it starts to heal, it will itch like a motherfucker and until the ink sets completely, it can be knocked out. 

“… Jan opened a package of large sterile gauze pads, unfolded a couple of them and started tearing lengths off a roll of surgical tape.  Steven let [ O ] steady herself by placing her hands on his shoulders.”  ( Location 7494. ) 

After she’s tattooed, O undergoes another procedure.  She’s pierced for a nose ring.  I hope I don’t have to research this, because Kay J went and got herself a nose ring. 

Keeping that in mind, what happens in the hours after O is tattooed?  In other words, what occurred in Kay J’s life?

“Jacqui took extra caution undressing O, unbuttoning the white blouse and holding up the skirt so O could step out of it.  Bright splotches of tattoo ink had already soaked through the pad on O’s back.  Jacqui pointed at it.  ‘Doesn’t that hurt?’” 

“No worse than a skin peel,” [ O replied. ]  ( Location 7664. )  

“O [ was ] woozy from the various insults to her body that day.”  ( Location 7689. )

“He pulled out a chair for each of them, watching O sit down with the utmost care before placing a small red velvet cushion behind her back.”

My comment:  Kay J was likely attracted to the aftercare that was required for her tattoo.  Her tattoo didn’t just need it; her whole body did.  This surely attracted her to getting tattooed.  Likely, one or more people pampered her in the hours and days after she was tattooed.  Since she was physically wounded, she was special.  Since her tattoo was out of reach, on her back, she honestly needed help.  People were attentive to her.  She was ( like during the period while she was being tattooed ) the center of attention.  

( She’s also the center of attention when she’s being beaten and whipped.  I explored this in a previous article. )

Kay is a “high attention need” person.  ( That’s not a criticism of her.  It’s great!  Otherwise, she would never have become a nude model.  Also, she wouldn’t like being a BDSM submissive. )

The next day arrives:

“O felt achy and woozy getting out of bed, and Jacqui was extremely careful draping her in the light dressing gown of pale blue silk. … Random blooms of color had seeped through the big gauze patch on O’s lower back overnight.”  ( Location 7876. ) 

My comment:  At her Only Fans channel, on December 31, 2020, Kay writes, 

“Maybe I’m sleeping drunk at home.”  In an earlier article, I cut out this part of Kay’s comment.  That’s because this phrase is followed by three emoticons.  To me, they indicate the following:

1.  I may be drunk during the Christmas holidays.  ( January 1 to January 7, in Ukraine. )

2.  However, I’ll be drunk at a ( nude? ) party, not at home.

( Mari Kruchkova, at age 13, used the same emoticons to annotate a comment about her ( Mari’s ) mother.  Mari did this on You Tube.  My interpretation of Mari’s use of these emoticons is the basis for my interpretation of Kay’s use of these emoticons. ) 

( Mari is Russian.  Kay is Ukrainian.  Both countries were part of the old Soviet Union. ) 

It’s possible that Kay felt no worse in the morning, after getting tattooed, than she would have felt had she gotten drunk.  It’s likely that Kay was, at this point, both drunk and tattooed.  A person doesn’t usually joke about being drunk unless they sometimes get drunk. ) 

In her photos at her Only Fans channel, Kay sometimes looks drunk.  I don’t have any evidence for her use of alcohol besides what I’ve mentioned.  However, someone with her personality probably doesn’t avoid alcohol. 

Greene describes O’s tattoo:

“It was quite a sight.  The freshly applied ink stood out in vivid color, highlighted by the angry redness of the surrounding flesh.  It looked more like an engraving than a tattoo.”  ( Location 7887. ) 

O glimpses her tattoo:

“O was a little dizzy at the realization of how far she’d gone on this excursion.  [ The tattoo ] was big and bold.”  ( Location 7890. ) 

My comment:  Kay J’s tattoo, although hidden from herself on her back, is big and bold.  Given Kay’s personality, it could be nothing less.  Getting a small tattoo wouldn’t have been a painful or prolonged enough procedure for Kay.  Also, one’s ankle or wrist ( for instance ) isn’t as sensitive as one’s upper back.  Your upper back is behind your lungs, and your heart.

“O suggested they drop by the magazine office … and show Ray O’s new tattoo.  Jacqui asked if that was wise. 

“‘Why shouldn’t it be?’ [ O asked. ] 

“‘I’ll bet it makes him want to fuck you,’ [ Jacqui answered. ]

My comment:  Kay, did you really need more people to want to fuck you? 

You may wonder what O’s answer to Jacqui was, regarding Ray:

“He’s a terrific fuck,’ [ O said. ] 

( Location 7930. ) 

Greene continues:

“There was nothing quite like a fresh tattoo – the ink so dense, the flesh so obviously scribed, so swollen and angry.  Eventually the body would accept what had been done to it and begin reclaiming its violated terrain like a slowly encroaching jungle.  The swelling would subside and the colors would dim until the design appeared to have to have been there since O was born.  In some sense, that would be true.  [ That is, she’d bear the tattoo to her grave, and in it. ]  But today it [ the tattoo ] glowed like a neon sign.”  ( Location 8016. ) 


In my life, only two porn stars have had a deep impact on me.  The first impact occurred when I was age 58, in 2019.  You can see the first photographic item that impacted me here:

https://www ( dot ) tube8 ( dot ) com > teen > Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne Porn Video - Tube 8

Last I checked, this video had been temporarily deleted by Tube 8.  It should be available at other web sites.  Be sure to get the 480p version, which is the best version.  The video was filmed in 2001.  ( After Ivey got a ring put through her navel, but before she got a tattoo on the upper left side of her back. ) 

Ivey can appear to be no older than 14.  ( Her age of birth is, in fact, well known, and posted throughout the internet. )  Seeing her get screwed in a backyard by two guys blew my mind; and not solely with pleasure.  The day is hot.  A big, cool swimming pool is present.  Does anyone in this threesome suggest taking a dip?  Nope.  Screwing is all that’s on their mind.  

Cute little Ivey is, in fact, the protagonist.  She briefly thinks that she isn’t going to get screwed!  This startles and dismays her. 

In fact, she gets royally screwed, including painfully.  ( This is not faked. )  Ivey gets a big sperm facial at the video’s end.  ( Which, momentarily, startles and dismays her! )

Now we arrive at the second impact.  That occurred this year.  At age 60, I’m obviously a seasoned veteran of life.  Possessing children, grandchildren, and multiple wives, little about sex can startle me.

Oh, yeah.  That’s the life I was supposed to have.  But I didn’t, because I had fucking parents, and live in the fucking United States of America.  The “Land of the Free”, for those not locked away in its Gulag.  

Locked away, that is, by “smart law enforcement”.  “Smart law enforcement” is defined as follows:

1.  Release imprisoned murderers, looters, and arsonists.  

2.  Imprison any “pervert” who happens to have a young girlfriend. 

Kay J caused the second impact in my life.  Many months have passed since her atom bomb hit.  Time hasn’t eased the pain, or my ( agonized ) pleasure.  Her impact has mushroomed to the size of an H-bomb.  ( Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing this. ) 

“Wet Dreams” set off the explosion.  A young, flawless beauty like Kay J got whipped?  And liked it?  And craves more?  I’m still not able to fully absorb that blow.  In “my day”, such things had to be ferreted out of paperback novels, in possibly seedy stores.  The relevant paperbacks were written in the 1800s, in England.  The novel’s characters, and settings, were obviously fiction.  

At times, I veer into a “flame” about Kay.  However, I have to give her credit.  As a nude model, her job was ( and remains ) to produce emotion.  She definitely had that effect on me.  I’ve been seeing nude porn girls ( in mass-produced images ) since the 1970s.  No nude model has had anything like the emotional impact on me that Kay J has.  


I skimmed Ernest Greene’s book, “Master of O”.  His view of females is different from mine.  He likes women who possess “agency”.  I prefer the old-fashioned damsel in distress.  

The damsel in distress was the prime motif for females when I was young(er).  How much “agency” does the pretty girl in the cartoon Scooby-Doo have?  Uh, none.  Scooby-Doo first aired when I was 8 years old.  She was just one of many damsel in distress characters in the media of that time, and prior centuries.  

I’ve never regarded the 1977 Star Wars’ Princess Leia as sexy.  She talks too much, and she’s too dominant.  Probably, she fires a gun too often, and too accurately.  I hate her hair.  I don’t think she’s pretty. 

I prefer Elaine in the Victorian novel Arabella.  Or 12-year-old Brooke Shields, as Violet, in Pretty Baby.  Violet has plenty of “agency”.  One example of this is when she intrudes on her mom’s nude photo shoot, wanting to be photographed herself.  But Brooke’s “agency” is cute.  It doesn’t threaten my masculinity.

( You can threaten my masculinity if you wish.  In that case, I’ll avoid you.  I definitely won’t regard you as sexy.  In fact, God willing, I won’t notice that you exist. )

Hence, I didn’t find Greene’s book to be erotic.  I didn’t expect to.  I knew him well enough, as a consumer, to know what he was selling me.  Greene’s writing is akin to an instruction manual.  He knows what he’s talking about.  I bought his book to get real facts about BDSM, and related topics.  I haven’t found much, in fact, in his book about BDSM.  But he did a fine job of describing a female getting tattooed!  This proved invaluable in understanding Kay J’s experience. 


“What I love most about my body is my ass!”’

- Nude model Kay J.

( And getting it whipped! )

Source for Kay’s quote:  The Playboy photo gallery “Kay J in First Impression”.  Date:  January 27, 2020. 


1.  Source for Kay’s tattoo:  A photo at her Only Fans channel.  It shows her nude back partly turned toward the camera.  Hence, one sees just part of her tattoo.  Much less of her tattoo can be seen in a photo she posted in August of 2021.  This photo is dated September 11, 2021.

2.  In my description of O being tattooed, I have, perhaps, overdone the attribution.  However, when I read an article in Wikipedia, I often see complaints that the statements lack attribution.  Hence, my statements are attributed!

3.  Source for Kay J “unexpectedly” getting pregnant:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com. 

4.  Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com user name:  ukaybb.  ( No period. )

5.  “Kay J in Private Oasis” is a photo gallery that Kay did for Playboy.  It’s dated March 6, 2020.  In a written preface to it, Kay says that she was born in Kiev, Ukraine.  She says she “studied design at University”.  ( No mention is made of graduating. )

“Kay J in Sweet Subtleties” is a photo gallery that Kay did for Playboy.  It’s dated April 8, 2020.  In a written preface to it, Kay speaks of “going to college for design”.  ( Not “University”. )  ( No mention is made of graduating. )

The point of this is as follows:

Kay left “University”, or “college” at age 20.  If she’d gone to a four year university, she’d have been just a sophomore in the spring of 2016.  She’d have been a junior in the fall of 2016, when she was preoccupied with nude modeling.  ( And getting whipped! )  Hence, Kay either went to a community college, or spent two years ( out of the required four ) at a university.

As best I can tell, she merely majored in design, or something that she regarded as “design”.  She didn’t graduate.  ( That’s not a criticism of her.  She’s a highly appealing nude model.  There’s only one “Kay J, the ‘kid cute’ model”.  The world has more “designers” than it can gainfully employ. )

6.  Unless a fact can be readily verified on the internet, my remarks about Kay J are conjecture.

7.  Source for porn video shoots being interrupted:  A magazine from about two decades ago.  In that era, still photography remained far superior, in visual quality, to video.  Still photography was even regarded as being superior in quality to theatrical film.  

I don’t know if today’s actors still have to pause their fucking to allow still photos to be taken.  Modern video can be very high quality.  However, Kay’s “kid cute” era was in the fall of 2016.  Her videos range, in visual quality, from 720p to 1080p.  In this era, still photography remained superior, in visual quality, to video. 

8.  Master of O, by Ernest Greene.  Daedalus Publishing Company.  Copyright 2014 by Ira Levine.  2807 W. Sunset Boulevard.  Los Angeles, California, United States of America.  ( Amazon Kindle. )

9.  Arabella.  By Anonymous.  Original publication date:  1890.  The 2014 edition is by Locus Elm Press.  69 Cherry Lane.  Birchville, Pedophile Isle, Pedotopia.  

( Note:  if you’re a publisher, and don’t want me to make up an address for you, include it in your book! )  ( Amazon Kindle. ) 

10.  To readers whose searches land them at ARSE:  

Rest assured, I have no idea who you are.  I can only see what search terms are used, and the country that readers visit me from.  Your search term is not connected to you.  Nor is your search term connected to your country.  Also, your country is not connected to you. 

11.  Whether being beaten and whipped, as Kay J is, constitutes “good” or “bad” ( or both ), I can’t say.  What I do recommend is:  don’t do anything that leaves permanent marks.  

Probably, part of the thrill of BDSM is that it might leave a permanent mark! 

What definitely leaves a permanent mark is getting tattooed.  Ernest Greene says the following, of a tattoo:  initially, it’s on a sheet of tracing paper.  

( Location 7399. )

Tracing paper!  Leave it on the goddamn fucking tracing paper, Kay J!  

Here’s my advice to Kay J, regarding any tattoo that she “likes”:

A.  Buy the goddamn tracing paper.

B.  Hang it in a prominent place, in your lodging, for a year. 

C.  If, after a year, you’re determined to wear it to your grave, then get it tattooed on you.  

Also, decide how you’ll explain the tattoo to your son’s friends, your future husband, and every other non-kinkster who sees it over the next 65 years. 

As in these situations:

a.  ( At the community pool ):  Mark, why does your mom have a big eyeball on her back?  ( The central feature of Kay’s tattoo. )

b.  Gee, Mr. Ken doll.  Do you really want to marry that girl who has a big eyeball on her back? 

c.  Oh, I know who you’re talking about!  The woman who has a big eyeball on her back! 

d.  Which lady is to be served the cocktail?

The one with the big eyeball on her back. 

12.  The Oxford English Dictionary ( OED ) costs $100.00 per year.  It is not the pinnacle of English definitions that it claims to be.  Too often, it lacks a definition for a word.  Or, its definition is incomplete.  An example:


A.  In the OED, no definition is offered for “makeup”.  The given definitions, for “make up” and “make-up” do not provide the definition of “cosmetics”.

B.  In The Free Dictionary, the fourth definition in the first entry is,

“Cosmetics applied especially to the face.”

In fact, The Free Dictionary puts the second entry for “makeup” on the viewer’s screen first.  The first definition in the second entry is, 

“cosmetics for the face or some part of it:  eye makeup. 

( In other words, this is the first definition that you see.  You have to scroll up to see what’s written above it. )

“Dictionary.” by thefreedictionary ( dot ) com is available for free at the Apple app store.  The Ad-free upgrade is $1.99.

I use both The Free Dictionary and the OED.  The Free Dictionary is an outstanding reference work.  You don’t need much else. 

Also, The Free Dictionary is easy to access.  It sits right on my iPad’s Dock.  ( The horizontal bar, at the bottom of my iPad’s screen. )  I simply ‘boot up’ The Free Dictionary.  Unless I’ve lost internet access, it’s ready!  

To use the OED,  I have to enter my user name and password at their web site.  ( oed ( dot ) com. )  After a number of hours, my access to OED expires.  Then, I have to enter my user name and password again.  

( You can maintain your access to OED for a longer period of time, during a single writing session, if you manage to leave one of their web pages open. ) 

13.  I am not a licensed psychiatrist.  That is, I’m a normal, sane person.

I took one course in psychology at a community college.  There, I found out what I already knew.  In contemporary America, having never held hands with a female, I’m the worst sort of sexual pervert.  I need to be declared insane, forcibly drugged, and confined for life in a mental institution.  When, that is, I’m not being conventionally imprisoned for life. 

Obama promised “hope and change”.  What he delivered was riots, looting, and arson.

Trump promised change.  As president, he proceeded to persecute “sex offenders”, in new and malicious ways. 

Biden lost what passed for his brain years ago. 

I continue to hope for change.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 115

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 115, version 3.0

Date Written:  October 24, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Kay J:  The Revised List


ET 114                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Kay J:  The Revised List


Plus:  Kay J in an Xmas orgy?

And:  Concupiscent Kay J!



by Andrew Roller

A list of nude model Kay J’s photographic items is below.  These are of her “kid cute” era, which lasted from September of 2016 to March of 2017.  Kay turned 20 years old on March 21, 2016.

I have made some changes to my list.  Where I have, I explain why.  

If I comment on an item, but haven’t relocated it in my list, I write “Unchanged”.

The dates are those provided by metartnetwork ( dot ) com.  They are generally correct.  However, at the level of any particular photographic item, they can be wildly unreliable. 

I continue to rely on Kay’s unique twin bikini panty tan lines as a primary source for dating her videos.

1.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017. ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )

Kay’s twin bikini panty tan lines in the video “Model Test:  Episode 4” are identical to her tan lines in the video “Wet Dreams”.  However, in “Model Test:  Episode 4”, she doesn’t have whip marks.  In “Wet Dreams”, she does.  Therefore, “Model Test:  Episode 4” was filmed before “Wet Dreams”.

“Model Test:  Episode 4” begins Kay’s career as a nude model.

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. )

This was shot in the same location as the video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  I feel that both “Kay” and “Model Test:  Episode 4” were shot on the same day.

3.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bed. ) 

4.  The video “Dreaming”.  25 Dec 2016.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  

5.  The video “My Channel”.  25 July 2017.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  

There’s an angled whip mark on the inner curve of Kay’s right bottom cheek.  It’s very similar to a mark that’s in her video “Wet Dreams”, and in her video “Dreaming”.  I don’t know why this mark is present, since all of her other marks, including the two nasty ones on her right breast, are gone.  

Did Kay get whipped again?  A new mark, shaped like a V, is below the angled mark.

Or is the angled whip mark the last trace of her whip marks in “Wet Dreams”, and “Dreaming”? 

It’s because of the faded, angled whip mark that I put “My Channel” after “Dreaming”, in my list.

6.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay as a bride. )  ( Unchanged. )  

Kay’s fingernails are painted white, with the slightest touch of pink.  ( In photo 45 of 124. )  She does have twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips.  ( In photo 87 of 124. ) 

“Phania” was shot in the same location as the photo gallery “Maru”, and the video “Dreaming”. 

“Maru” was shot at a later date than “Phania”.  That’s because Kay has twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips in “Phania”.  She does not have twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips in “Maru”. 

In the video “Dreaming”, Kay bears the same whip marks as she does in the video “Wet Dreams”.  However, a day has passed.  Some of her whip marks have vanished by the time that “Dreaming” is filmed.  Others linger.  

The video “Dreaming” was shot some time before the photo gallery “Phania”.  However, not too much time passed; Kay’s fading bikini panty tan lines remain in “Phania”.  Perhaps any remaining wounds from her whipping were airbrushed away in “Phania”.

7.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bathroom. )  

Kay has almost no ‘smile lines’.  ( Hence, she’s young. )  Her fingernails are painted white.  The tan lines of a small bikini bra are very vaguely visible.  The increased whiteness of her bikini panty area is extremely vague; she’s untanned.  She does not have twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips.  

8.  The photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in the woods. )  ( Unchanged. )  

Kay is mostly untanned.  One can detect the tan lines of her small bra.  She has almost no panty tan lines.  Her hips’ twin bikini panty tan lines are so vague as to be nonexistent; she’s untanned.  

Source for her hips’ extremely vague bikini panty tan lines:  photos 55 and 118, of a total of 132 photos.

9.  The photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Bedtime for Disney-attired Kay. ) 

10.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  ( Kay in the kitchen. )  

11.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a coverall. ) 

12.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a blue tank top and white panties. )

13.  The photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Kay and her seashore mementos. )  

14.  The photo gallery “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bottom-revealing dress. )  

15.  The photo gallery “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  ( Kay as a secretary. ) 

16.  The photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Kay in the woods again. ) 

17.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a blue singlet and blue panties. )  

18.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. ) 

19.  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay wears red panties in a museum. )  

20.  The photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a boring blue nightgown. )

NOTE:  I question whether this photo gallery falls within Kay’s “kid cute” era. 

21.  The photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Kay on a rocky beach. ) 

TAN Lines:  MOSTLY Absent!

I had hoped to use Kay’s twin bikini panty tan lines to date her photographic items.  As it turns out, she only has these lines in the following:

1.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. ) 

( Both shot on the same day. )

3.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  ( Kay in a bed. ) 

4.  The video “Dreaming”.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  

( Both shot on consecutive days. ) 

5.  The video “My Channel”.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  

The items, above, were shot within a brief period of time.  This amounted to some number of days.  Otherwise, her twin bikini panty tan lines would have faded to invisibility. 

Kay lives in Kiev, Ukraine.  This is where she did her nude modeling.  Kay’s career began some few days before September 20, 2016.  This is the date for her video “Wet Dreams”.  ( In which she bears whip marks. )

By September 20, summer was gone from Kiev.  Hence, Kay didn’t go somewhere and get tanned again.  The warm days had disappeared.

“Wet Dreams” is filmed outdoors.  If you watch it closely, you’ll see that Kay’s “bedroom” is, in fact, on a porch.  She must have flown somewhere with her photographer ( Alex Lynn ) to film “Wet Dreams”.  It was likely too cold to film “Wet Dreams” in Kiev. 

“Dreaming”, in which Kay still has whip marks, was likely filmed in Kiev, in Alex Lynn’s studio.  That’s because Kay had, during her “kid cute” era, several photo shoots in this studio.  ( “Phania” and “Maru”. ) 

Dating the photographic items in which Kay is untanned is extremely difficult.  That’s because her “kid cute” era lasts just 5 1/2 months.  ( At the most. ) 

KAY J in an XMAS Orgy?

It’s very likely that Kay was pregnant by mid-January of 2017.  In that case, she gave birth to Mark in mid-October.  Hence, she displayed her pussy, as a nude model, for just 4 months!  Then she “unexpectedly” got knocked up! 

One can’t put the blame for her pregnancy solely on her nude modeling.  On her channel at onlyfans ( dot ) com, Kay bids her fans farewell.  She does this on December 31, 2020.  That’s because New Years is imminent.  Christmas, in Ukraine, falls on January 7.  Kay writes:

“I can’t wait for New Year’s Eve guys, if I don’t reply to you, don’t worry, just wait, … I’ll answer everyone after the holidays.”  ( Note that “holidays” is plural. )  Hence, Kay may have been in something akin to a bacchanal during the first week of January.  This would be an ideal setting in which to get “unexpectedly” pregnant.  It would also explain why there has never been any mention, or evidence, of who Mark’s father is.  ( The relevant bacchanal, in her “kid cute” era, occurred during the first week of 2017. )


Kay’s qualities in her “kid cute” era are as follows:

1.  Apparent innocence.

2.  Stunning beauty.

3.  Daring submissiveness. 

4.  Sexual avariciousness.

These make her endlessly, and maddeningly, alluring. 


1.  Source for Kay “unexpectedly” getting pregnant:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com. 

2.  Kay’s onlyfans ( dot ) com user name:  ukaybb.  ( No period. )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 114

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 114, version 2.0

Date Written:  October 23, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Our Insurrection


ET 113                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Our Insurrection


Plus:  More missing content at Apple Music.

And:  Who Can It Be Now? - Men at Work.



by Andrew Roller

Recently, there was an insurrection in America.  As might be expected, given the current environment, the insurrection wasn’t staged by the political right.  People wandering into America’s capitol building do not constitute an insurrection.

The insurrection, necessarily an organized affair, in its planning and implementation, was staged by America’s political left.  The left had been planning an insurrection for decades.  My political science professors, in the early 1980s, were attempting to foment an insurrection.  ( From the left. )  George Floyd’s death from narcotics, and his mishandling by the police, sparked the unrest that led to the left’s insurrection.  A contributing factor to this was the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.  Not everyone can keep himself occupied when he has little to do.  Violence is the proximate result of cooping up humans who remain, in fact, free to roam. 

The manner in which I was “reared” imbued me with a political sensibility.  This was the case from my earliest years.  My father’s hodgepodge of moral views were to be worshipped and emulated - or else.  I found myself stuck on the “or else” end of this spear.  

I was born in 1960.  Although my parents strove to “shield” me from America’s culture ( which is why I’m so holy ), the culture seeped through anyway.  I didn’t know which Beatle John Lennon was, when he was killed in 1980.  But I knew in my soul that, somehow, “flower power” was the answer to everything.  It still is. 

A playlist is assumed to be a pleasant collection of songs, for your listening enjoyment.  My mind doesn’t work that way.  It never has.  If it isn’t political ( or sexual - free love and all that ), I’m not interested. 

Hence, my playlist on Apple Music is called “Insurrection”.  Thanks to history, I’m forced to view any insurrection with skepticism.  We celebrate insurrections that work ( if we like them ).  We fail to note that most rebellions fail. 

“Insurrection” begins with “I’d Love to Change the World”, by Ten Years After.  Someone is dreaming of change, of some sort. 

Next comes the “Overture” to Jesus Christ Superstar.  Based on my playlist’s theme, I could have dumped this whole two-record album into my playlist.  But I limited myself to three songs. 

“Christ” winds up in the grave.  For how long, depends on your view of him.  At this point, my “Insurrection” is just beginning.  So, from Judas’ view of Christ’s end, my playlist moves on to further revolution:  “Children of the Grave”, by Ozzie Osbourne. 

A side note is relevant here.  Various versions of these songs are available.  With “Superstar”, I picked what I consider to be the best version.  Ozzie’s “Children of the Grave” is a live version, from his superb “Randy Rhoads Tribute” album. 

My mind naturally follows an alternative vein, in any subject.  For instance, my favorite literature has always been science-fiction.  Not, say, stories about sports stars, real or imagined.  This is a huge help in putting together a playlist.  I’m familiar with a number of obscure bands, songs, or versions of songs, despite the fact that I’ve mostly lived without music.  Whenever I did listen to music, in my 60 years, I did so in an alternative way. 

My playlist holds six decades of music.  Many people think that a “child” doesn’t know what’s going on until he’s a teenager.  I was quite culturally isolated in the 1960s.  But I woke up to the world around me.  I “Read About It”, to quote the title of the only worthwhile song that Midnight Oil ever recorded.  Hence, the roots of my playlist lie in late 1960s music:  hard rock, screaming vocals, amplifiers bleeding feedback.  I always saw the music of the 1990s as, fundamentally, retro-60s music.  For about a decade, the 60s lived again, in 1990s bands.  I credit the video ( and song ) “Siva”, by The Smashing Pumpkins, with igniting the return to quality music. 

As my playlist draws to its conclusion, politics returns to it.  “SOS”, by “ABBA”, hints that something has gone wrong with the insurrection.  “Light My Fire”, by The Doors, shows that the revolution isn’t dead yet.  But “What Do I Have to Do?”, by Stabbing Westward, indicates that the revolutionaries may have marched into a dead end. 

“Fernando”, by ABBA, is a definite sign that the insurrectionists are in dire straights.  “A Horse With No Name”, by America, follows the last revolutionaries as they wander as fugitives. 

With “Pepper”, by the Butthole Surfers, the insurrection is dead.  Trials of the “guilty” have begun.  The verdicts are foreordained. 

Executions by the status quo begin.  For those insurrectionists who are still on the run, suicide is a too welcome option.  Hence:  “( Don’t Fear ) The Reaper”, by Blue Oyster Cult.

“In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”, by Iron Butterfly, takes us beyond the mortal aspects of death that are present in “The End”, by The Doors. 

And what really matters, anyway?  Whitney Bjerken, in “Amazing to Me”, tells us.  Or maybe she’s just my vision of Heaven.  Sadly, Apple Music is unable to provide her astoundingly wonderful video.  We just have her audio recording. 

“Dream On”, by Aerosmith, indicates that someone, somewhere, is still yearning for change.  “Fly Away”, by Lenny Kravitz, speaks to time’s endless forward flow.  Every species on Earth, however robust, eventually goes extinct. 

Yet that doesn’t stop time.  “Children of the Sun” anticipates the far future.  In 50 million years, there will, once again, be no Mediterranean Sea.  What if aliens stopped by then?  What would they find?  What if the “aliens” were, in fact, humanity’s descendants, who somehow flew away?  And later returned?

It’s unlikely they’d find evidence of a failed insurrection ( ours ) 50 million years in the past.


On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.


Here are updates to some of my previous articles:

Issues:  Editorial Thunder issues number 111, 112.

Article:  The Paucity at Apple Music.

My Update:  The following are missing from Apple’s “Music” app:

1.  The video for “Amazing to Me”, by Whitney Bjerken.  When I was on You Tube, this video was available there. 

2.  The video for “Dig In”, by Lenny Kravitz.  When I was on You Tube, this video was available there. 


In business, there’s something known as a “skunk works”.  Here’s what this involves:

1.  You own a successful company ( Apple ).

2.  You’re facing competition.  ( In this case, You Tube.  When You Tube isn’t shooting itself in the ass, it remains a formidable force on the internet.  You Tube ( still ) has a massive library of content. )

3.  Apple has more money than it can practicably handle.  It should find a small group of people, and hand them Apple Music.  Apple would, of course, retain ownership of Apple Music.  It just wouldn’t run Apple Music.

It’s obvious what Apple Music needs to do:

A.  Buy any content it doesn’t already have.

B.  Tell users of Apple Music when it does not have content.  ( So I, for instance, don’t have to flee to Google to find out what content is missing on Apple Music. ) 

C.  Open Apple Music to self-generated videos.  These can initially be stored in a separate section of Apple Music, if there’s a fear of creating confusion. 

D.  Invite content creators to upload their work.  ( Now ) 14-year-old Dana Taranova, for instance, should get a personally signed invitation from Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, to join Apple Music.  There are many other girls who deserve such an invitation as well.

E.  Don’t censor.  “Objectionable”, but legal, content can be stored in a separate section of Apple Music. 

F.  If the government orders something removed from Apple Music, take them to court. 

G.  Sue the pants off of any company that is blithely infringing on copyright law.  ( That’s you, You Tube. )

If Apple would follow this plan ( above ), they would freshen and transform their company for the 21st century.  It’s a long century.  Selling Apple gadgets may not be a viable business model forever.  Pretty much anyone, these days, should be able to build a gadget that connects to the internet.  That’s who we are.  Internet use is as common as the use of a toilet.  Nobody’s getting rich selling toilets. 

Walt Disney Studios had to alter itself.  It did this to keep up with the times.  Indeed, it found itself surfing the cresting wave of the future, by making PG rated movies.  At one time, Disney forswore making anything other than G rated movies.  That had to change.  

Apple needs to follow Disney’s lead.  “Change or die,” as the saying goes.


On the internet, they don’t actually know you’re an android. 


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 113

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 113, version 5.0

Date Written:  October 21, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


The Secret Inside her Panties!


ET 112                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

The Secret Inside her Panties!


Plus:  Kay J:  The alpha and omega of her “kid cute” era.

And:  “Liberal” goals.



I do my best ( again! ) to date Kay J! 

by Andrew Roller

This article is about “porn” star Kay J’s “kid cute” era.  This era lasts from September of 2016 to March of 2017. 

The purpose of this article is to properly date Kay’s photographic items.  The dates given online are not wholly accurate. 

My article follows:

I was doing something ( not masturbating! ) when a thought struck me about “porn” star Kay J.  In her earliest photographic items, she has unique tan lines on her hips.  They’re a pair of twin lines that connect her panty front to the rear of her panties.  In these same photographic items, she has shell pink fingernails.  

I thought:  why not use Kay’s tan lines, and her fingernails, to date her photographic items?  Surely, this would be a more reliable dating method than trying to assess her smile lines over a period of less than half a year.  It’s also a better way to date her photographic items than by relying on the Me Tart Network.  ( metartnetwork ( dot ) com ) 

Below, I use the panty line / fingernail method to date her photographic items.


1.  Kay has tan lines from a small bikini bra.  It’s akin to a tube top.  That’s because it doesn’t have bra straps.

2.  The photo gallery “Presenting Kay J”, and the video “Model Test:  Episode 4”, were shot in the same location:  a photographer’s studio.  ( Photographer Alex Lynn’s studio. )  Later, the photo gallery “Dantyl” was shot there. 

3.  For each of Kay’s photographic items, I’ve included the best Me Tart Network date.


I conclude the following from the evidence presented below:

Kay J lives in Kiev, Ukraine.  Except as noted below, she was photographed there.

Ukraine is hot in the summer, and cold in the winter.  ( Sacramento, California, in the United States, is the same way.  It flips from a hot summer season to a cold winter one.  Sacramento’s dramatic annual climate change, from summer to winter, occurs in early November. ) 

Hence, Kay was tanned during Ukraine’s summer.  Her unique bikini lines are visible.  It was during this time that she had pink fingernails.  In the winter, she’s untanned.  It’s likely that her fingernails were white during this time. 

When winter came, Kay went somewhere warm for some of her photo gallery shoots.  I say this because she’s naked, untanned, and outdoors in these photo galleries.

NOTE:  I’ve omitted the following from my list ( below ):  

1.  The photo gallery “Sanora”.  The Me Tart Network erroneously places this gallery of “old fat” Kay in her “kid cute” era. 

2.  The photo gallery “Casting Kay”, at the web site watch4beauty ( dot ) com.  I feel that this gallery likely falls just outside of Kay’s “kid cute” era.  Also, I don’t have access to the Watch 4 Beauty web site.  

3.  The photo gallery, and video, “Unusual Girl”.  Web site:  watch4beauty ( dot ) com.  This photo gallery, and its accompanying video, fall beyond Kay’s “kid cute” era.  Kay was knowingly pregnant when these photographic items were made.  The reason that I say she was knowingly pregnant is because she’s somewhat fat.

TWIN Bikini Panty TAN Lines on HIPS

1.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bathroom. )  Twin bikini panty tan lines on hips.

2.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bed. )  Twin bikini panty tan lines on hips.

3.  The video “Dreaming”.  25 Dec 2016.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  Twin bikini panty tan lines on hips. 

4.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017.  ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )  Twin bikini panty tan lines on hips.

5.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. )  Twin bikini panty tan lines on hips.

6.  The video “My Channel”.  25 July 2017.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  Twin bikini panty tan lines on hips. 

7.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay as a bride. )  Her twin bikini panty tan lines are present, but appear to be lighter.  As for her bikini bra’s tan lines, they’re fading into the overall hue of her body. 

8.  The photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in the woods. )  She is mostly untanned.  One can detect the tan lines of her small bra.  She has almost no panty tan lines.  Her hips’ twin bikini panty tan lines are very vague. 


1.  The photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Bedtime for Disney-attired Kay. )  Kay has vague bikini tan lines.  The imprint of her small bikini bra is present.  Kay’s bikini panty tan lines are, at times, vaguely visible.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips.

2.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  ( Kay in the kitchen. )  Kay has vague tan lines from her bikini bra.  Her bikini panty area is slightly whiter than her surrounding skin. 

3.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a coverall. )  One can detect the imprint of her small bikini bra.  Kay has very light bikini panty tan lines.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips. 

4.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a blue tank top and white panties. )  Her small bikini bra’s tan lines are nearly nonexistent; they are not present in most of these photos.  Her bikini panty tan lines are very vaguely visible.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips.

5.  The photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Kay and her seashore mementos. )  At times in this gallery, one can detect the imprint of Kay’s small bikini bra.  Elsewhere in this gallery, one can’t.  Kay’s bikini panty tan lines are, sometimes, just barely visible.  She’s untanned.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips. 

6.  The photo gallery “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bottom-revealing dress. )  Kay has vague tan lines from her bikini bra, but untanned hips. 

7.  The photo gallery “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  ( Kay as a secretary. )  Kay’s breasts are a bit paler than the rest of herself; she is otherwise untanned.  

8.  The photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Kay in the woods again. )  The imprint of her small bra varies from very light to untanned.  She has no bikini panty tan lines.  

9.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a blue singlet and blue panties. )  The imprint of her small bikini bra’s tan lines are vaguely present.  Her surrounding skin almost blends in completely with the dove white panty area of her body.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips. 

10.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. )  Her small bikini bra’s tan lines are vaguely present.  Her bikini panty tan lines are basically nonexistent; she’s untanned.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips.

11.  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay wears red panties in a museum. )  Her small bikini bra’s tan lines are vaguely present.  Her bikini panty tan lines are virtually nonexistent; she’s untanned.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips. 

12.  The photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a boring blue nightgown. )  A bikini’s tan lines are very vaguely visible on her.  She appears to have once worn a small bikini bra.  Kay is untanned.  There are no twin bikini panty tan lines on her hips.  

NOTE:  I question whether this photo gallery falls within her “kid cute” era.  Kay looks markedly older, and taller, in this gallery.  She’s a woman in this gallery, not a ‘child’.  Damn!  

13.  The photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Kay on a rocky beach. )  The tan lines of Kay’s small bra are vaguely visible.  Her hips are totally untanned.  

PINK Fingernails

1.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bathroom. )  Pink fingernails.  

2.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bed. )  Pink fingernails.

3.  The video “Dreaming”.  25 Dec 2016.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably pink. 

4.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017.  ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. )  Pink fingernails.

5.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. )  Pink fingernails.

6.  The video “My Channel”.  25 July 2017.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably pink. 

7.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay as a bride. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably pink. 

8.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  ( Kay in a blue tank top and white panties. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably pink.

9.  The photo gallery “Funk Love”.  ( Kay in a bottom-revealing dress. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably pink. 

10.  The photo gallery “Daintily”.  ( Kay as a secretary. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably pink. 

WHITE Fingernails

1.  The photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in the woods. )  Her fingernails are more white than pink.

2.  The photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Bedtime for Disney-attired Kay. )  Her fingernails are painted white, over fingernails that were previously painted pink.

3.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  ( Kay in the kitchen. )  Her fingernails may be a blend of pink and white, but are probably white. 

4.  The photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Kay and her seashore mementos. )  White fingernails.  

5.  The photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Kay in the woods again. )  White fingernails.  

6.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a blue singlet and blue panties. )  White fingernails.

7.  The photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Kay on a rocky beach. )  White fingernails.

CLEAR Fingernails 

1.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a coverall. )  The last vestiges of white fingernail polish are eroding off of her fingers.  Her fingernails are otherwise clear, and glossed with clear polish.

2.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. )  The last vestiges of white fingernail polish are eroding off of her fingers.  Her fingernails are otherwise clear, and glossed with clear polish.  

3.  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay wears red panties in a museum. )  Her fingernails are clear, and glossed with clear polish. 

4.  The photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a boring blue nightgown. )  Her fingernails are clear.  


1.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bathroom. )  

2.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bed. ) 

3.  The video “Dreaming”.  25 Dec 2016.  ( Kay in a room with canes. )  

4.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017. ( Kay in the unpainted Bean Bag Chair. ) 

5.  The photo gallery “Kay”, or “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Kay takes a water glass bath. ) 

6.  The video “My Channel”.  25 July 2017.  ( Kay watches T.V. )  

7.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay as a bride. )  

8.  The photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in the woods. )  

9.  The photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Bedtime for Disney-attired Kay. ) 

10.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  ( Kay in the kitchen. )  

11.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a coverall. ) 

12.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a blue tank top and white panties. )

13.  The photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Kay and her seashore mementos. )  

14.  The photo gallery “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  ( Kay in a bottom-revealing dress. )  

15.  The photo gallery “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  ( Kay as a secretary. ) 

16.  The photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Kay in the woods again. ) 

17.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Kay in a blue singlet and blue panties. )  

18.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. ) 

19.  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Kay wears red panties in a museum. )  

20.  The photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Kay in a boring blue nightgown. )

NOTE:  I question whether this photo gallery falls within Kay’s “kid cute” era. 

21.  The photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Kay on a rocky beach. ) 

ARTICLE Summary 

Here are all of the factors that I consider when I attempt to date Kay’s photographic items, in her “kid cute” era:

1.  The Me Tart Network date.

2.  How deep her ‘smile lines’ are.  The less visible her ‘smile lines’ are, the younger she is.  An exception to this is if she’s lost weight.  

Kay may have lost weight in her photo gallery “Lenxi”.  She has deep ‘smile lines’.  However, she looks, and acts, in the following ways:  young, enthusiastically frisky, and mostly naive. 

3.  Her tan lines.  If tan lines are present, summer weather is lingering in Ukraine.  If tan lines are absent, it’s winter in Ukraine.  ( Kay may have travelled elsewhere for her photo shoot.  However, she went there from Ukraine. ) 

4.  Her fingernails.  Chronologically, I favor the progression of:

A.  Pink fingernails, followed by

B.  White fingernails, followed by

C.  Clear fingernails.

Unlike with her tan lines, Kay’s fingernails do not follow my preferred chronology in all of her photographic items. 

5.  How heavy ( or fat ) Kay is.  Kay is never fat, as it’s commonly understood, in her “kid cute” era.  However, in early 2017, she got pregnant.  This occurred near the end of her “kid cute” era.  ( Indeed, the weight that she acquires, during her pregnancy, ends her “kid cute” era. )  Hence, I assign an early date to photographic items where Kay is kid-skinny.  I assign a later date to photographic items where she’s heavier. 


I’m not wholly satisfied with my revised list.  I’m presenting this list ( above ) as the evidence of Kay’s tan lines and fingernails dictated.  My concerns are as follows:

1.  Kay seems a bit too heavy, in weight, in her video, “My Channel”.  I’d love to give this video a later date.  However, the presence of her tan lines indicates an early date. 

2.  Kay’s photo gallery “Lenxi” is the most troublesome photographic item to date.  Her lovely face looks old ( if super cute! ).  However, her body looks young. 

LIFE Summary

Kay’s career as a nude, or erotic, model begins in a bathroom.  She naughtily gives the viewer the ‘fuck you’ symbol:  pointed at her pussy.  This occurs in the photo gallery “Phiny”.  

Kay’s last “kid cute” photographic item is the gallery “Cyma”.  Kay dares fate on a wave splashed rock, above a churning sea.  In her last full-body photograph, prior to getting pregnant, Kay is leaning back on a rock by the sea.  Eve was never more naked.  Kay’s slim belly is prominent in this photo.  In this birthing position, she’s facing the camera with her legs flung wide.  Kay is invitingly splitting the lips of her cunt with her fingers.

In her very last photo, we see just Kay’s most important parts.  She remains Eve-bare.  We see her taut belly, with her dimple navel.  Her thighs are wide.  She’s fingering apart her cunt. 

( And Kay claims that she got pregnant “unexpectedly”!

Source:  the web site pregnantkay ( dot ) com. )


Here are updates to some of my previous articles:

1.  Issue:  Editorial Thunder issue number 111.

Article:  Proof of the Lash.


Internet location:  xvideos ( dot ) com.

Video title:  I deserve it - Blonde slavegirl gets the ass-whipping she deserves

Video provider:  thebadsleepwell

Video originator:  www ( dot ) paingate ( dot ) com

My Update:  There are three bleeding slash marks on the “slavegirl’s” bottom at the end of this video.  All are on the undercurve of her right bottom cheek.

The “slavegirl” is saying, “Thank you, Striker.  I deserve it.”  She has a very cute voice!

2.  Issue:  Editorial Thunder issue number 111.

Article:  Proof of the Lash.


At the metartnetwork ( dot ) com:

A.  “Wet Dreams”.

B.  “Dreaming”.

At freeones ( dot ) org:

A.  “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  ( Real title:  “Wet Dreams”. )   

B.  “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”.  ( Real title:  “Dreaming”. ) 

My Update:  Kay J was whipped on her upper back.  The whip, wrapping around her body, struck the side of her torso near her right breast.  It also cut into the underside of her right breast. 

So, where are the whip marks on her back?  There are none.

The reason that Kay’s back isn’t scored by the whip is…  

Her long hair protected her back.  Kay has a thick mane of hair.  It tumbles down her back to her back’s midpoint.  Hence, the whip struck her tresses, as its tip sailed on to score her naked flesh on the side of her body, and on her breast. 

( BDSM instruction guides state that wrapping by a whip is to be avoided.  That’s because the whip’s tip travels faster than any other part of the whip cord.  It strikes with a force that can be harsher than the whipmaster wants. )

( It appals me that someone would whip Kay’s deliciously creamy and lovely ( and otherwise unmarred ) body.  However, I fail to fully comprehend the physicality of sex, or how a stinging whip can, apparently, add to the fun. )  

3.  Issue:  Editorial Thunder issue number 111.

Article:  The Paucity at Apple Music.

My Update:  The following is missing from Apple’s “Music” app:

The theme song of the Disney T.V. show, “Best Friends Whenever”.  Several sources on You Tube offer this. 

4.  In past articles.  

My Update:  I have, at times, compiled a list of “porn” star Kay J’s photographic items.  Twice, I’ve left something out.  One of my past lists omits her photo gallery “Astier”.  A different list omits her video, “Wet Dreams”.  Kay J has agreed that I can whip her bottom for my errors.


“They never want the other side to have their say.  They want total domination, and total control of the conversation whether it’s on the internet, Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, [ or ] Netflix. … You can never please them.”

- Laura Ingraham. 

Source:  Laura Ingraham, The Ingraham Angle.  The Fox News Channel.  The video at foxnews ( dot ) com is:  The “Seen and Unseen” segment for October 20, 2021.

So much for liberals being liberal people!


“Freedom of expression; freedom of artistic expression is crucial. … Don Rickles … said comedy … reminds us of our shared humanity.”

- Raymond Arroyo [ Not yo-yo ! ].

Source:  Raymond Yo-yo, The Ingrate Angle.  The Fox News Channel.  The video at foxnews ( dot ) com is:  The “Seen and Unseen” segment for October 20, 2021.  


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 112

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 112, version 2.0

Date Written:  October 21, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Proof of the Lash! 


ET 111                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Proof of the Lash!


Plus:  Apple Music’s hidden downloads.

And:  The paucity at Apple Music.  


PROOF of the LASH!

by Andrew Roller

Kay J is a nude, or erotic, model.  At age 20, when she was new to nude modeling, Kay starred in two videos.  They are:

At the metartnetwork ( dot ) com:

1.  “Wet Dreams”.

2.  “Dreaming”.

At freeones ( dot ) org:

1.  “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  ( Real title:  “Wet Dreams”. )   

2.  “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”.  ( Real title:  “Dreaming”. ) 

Kay looks very young and innocent in these videos.  Both of them are meant to exhibit Kay’s lovely nude beauty.  That is their sole purpose.

Probably, you’ve seen a billion porn videos on the internet.  You know how you watch them:  quickly.  The first time I saw “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”, on Free Ones, I didn’t pay them much heed.  The versions on Free Ones have lower resolution than the paid versions on the Me Tart Network.  Of “Wet Dreams”, I thought, 

“A cute girl rolls around in a bed.  Big deal.” 

Later, I became more interested in Kay J.  I downloaded, and watched, the Me Tart Network versions of “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.  I watched these videos frame by frame, in my iMovie app.  I was stunned to find whip marks on Kay J.

At first, I didn’t know what the marks on her body were from.  I had to do a lot of research to be able to define her wounds as marks from a whip.  

Then, I watched videos of females being whipped at xvideos ( dot ) com.  What I saw was helpful, but not definitive.

I’ve finally found a video on X Videos that I feel shows exactly how Kay J was whipped.  It is:

I deserve it - Blonde slavegirl gets the ass-whipping she deserves

Video provider:  thebadsleepwell

Video originator:  www ( dot ) paingate ( dot ) com

The blonde in this video is whipped with a single-tail whip.  Each blow leaves a red slash mark on her.  No individual slash mark wells with blood.  However, the master keeps whipping her until, from repeated blows, she begins to bleed in two places on the undercurve of her right bottom cheek.  The blood doesn’t run down her body.  It wells up into the whip’s abrasive cut.  The whipping then ceases.

( With regard to feeling pain, the undercurves of a bottom are its most sensitive parts. )

Kay J’s whipping went much further than the whipping of the blonde in “I deserve it”.  Kay wound up with wounds on many parts of her body.  That is, Kay wound up with wounds on those parts of her body that a two-piece swimsuit would usually cover.  There were also several slash marks, and bruises, on her legs.  

( In other words, Kay’s most private parts were targeted by the whip.  It did considerable damage.  On the other hand, that’s exactly what a ( severe ) erotic whipping is. )

“I deserve it” is one of the best videos that I’ve seen on the internet.  I’m able to take it in stride.  I remain haunted, troubled, and aroused by my discoveries regarding Kay’s sex life in her seemingly “innocent” youth.


I have scoured the internet, and elsewhere, for narratives of people’s BDSM sex lives.  ( Preferably narratives about beautiful girls like Kay J, at age 20 or younger. )  I can’t find anything.  All I have to rely on are:

1.  Victorian era novels.

2.  BDSM “rules”.  These are nonfiction books.

There are a God-awful number of these on Amazon Kindle.  Every book spends untold chapters saying one thing:  Don’t whip someone without their consent.  Then the book ends.

3.  The odd gay BDSM nonfiction book.  These are helpful.  However, they’re gay.  I weary of the man-whacks-man descriptions, and images.

4.  Apple’s “Books” app has a number of BDSM books featuring nude photography of couples.  All these books wind up being vanilla descriptions of nothing.

5.  The odd “kink” web site on the internet.  Some of these are marginally helpful.  Some veer toward the revolting.  All of them seem to be penned by tired old souls who’ve been whacking, or getting whacked, for decades.

6.  The odd one-paragraph narrative that says, in so many words, “My boyfriend and me got kinky.  I got whacked!”  These are on the internet.  They amount to nothing.

Someone like Kay J should write her life story, or get someone to write it for her.  I don’t care where she went to junior high school.  I just want to know about her sex life.  Preferably, her entire sex life.  Especially the BDSM parts.  I think there’s an audience for an authentic narrative on this topic. 

APPLE Music’s HIDDEN Downloads

This article is about the Apple app called “Music”.  There, you’ve cleared out your downloads.  You stream all your music.  ( As you should, unless you want to run out of memory on your iPad. )  You’re feeling good. 

Don’t.  “Music” is hiding more downloads in your app that’s called, “Settings”!  Here’s how to clear downloaded music there.

1.  Tap on “Settings”.

2.  “Settings” opens.  On the left side of “Settings” is a sidebar.  It’s titled, “Settings”.

3.  Scroll down in “Settings”.  DON’T scroll too fast!  “Music” is not in the very long list of apps in “Settings” that are by third party companies.  “Music” is an Apple app.  It’s in the exclusive list of Apple apps that PRECEDES the third party apps.

4.  Tap on “Music”.  The right side of your iPad’s screen ( beyond the sidebar ) changes.  This part of your screen is now titled, “Music”.  

5.  Find the area titled, “DOWNLOADS”.  This is in SMALL grey type.  Under “DOWNLOADS” is this:

A.  “Downloaded Music”.  Go into this section.  Set it to “Zero KB”.

Next, under “DOWNLOADS”, find this:

B.  “Optimize Storage”.  Turn it “On”.

Next, under “DOWNLOADS”, find this:

C.  “Download in Dolby Atmos”.  The default for this is off.  Don’t change it.  Since you won’t be downloading, you won’t need to download in “Dolby Atmos”.  

Next, under “DOWNLOADS”, find this:

D.  “Automatic Downloads”.  Turn it off. 

When might you want “Automatic Downloads”, and other such features, to be turned on?

1.  If you have five external speakers in your room.  Then you can listen to them in “Dolby Atmos”.  ( Google “what is dolby atmos” for more. )

2.  If you purchase music in the iTunes Store. 

3.  If you’re stealing the music.  I use the word “steal” for lack of a better word.  You say, “I paid my monthly fee to Apple Music.  I have a right to download their music and keep it.  A month from now, I won’t be an Apple Music customer.  But I’ll have ‘my’ music!  Ho!  Ho!” 

I have no objection to this.  However, I’m not sure downloaded songs will work, if you’re no longer subscribing to Apple Music.  

( Purchased iTunes Store music should be yours to keep forever.  However, I’ve never bought anything from the iTunes Store. )

Ridding yourself of downloads, as I advise, will not cause you to lose any music from what you’ve stored in Apple Music.

You now have more memory on your iPad to store videos of girls getting whipped!


This is the second installment in what will, sadly, be an ongoing series.  Here, I tell what items Apple Music should have, but doesn’t.

1.  Psychefunkapus.  This is a band of the early 1990s.  It’s entirely absent.  

2.  The soundtrack for the 1968 movie, “Candy”.  The movie stars Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, James Coburn, Walter Matthau, and Ringo Starr.  It features the bands The Byrds, and Steppenwolf. 

3.  Some albums by the band “The Real People”, which formed in 1988.  “The Real People” are on Apple Music.  However, their album titled “The Real People” is not!  

4.  The 1978 Album “Variations”, by Andrew Lloyd Webber.  A load of crap tunes, all called “Variations”, are on Apple Music.  A number of these are even credited to an appropriate Webber.  However, the real “Variations” is not present!  You can hear it on You Tube:

You Tube title:  Andrew Lloyd Webber, Variations (Remastered HD) - 1978 

The You Tube channel is:  The Eye On Spennymoor 

5.  On Apple Music, many music videos, by various bands, are missing.  Apple offers a few videos by a given band, and omits the rest.  Many of the offered videos are recent.  Note to Apple:  A band’s best work usually occurs early in its career; not later on.

NEW  6.  Artist:  Empire of the Sun  ( Not Sin! )

Music video:  High and Low.  Release date:  August 24, 2016.

I guess a trillion dollar company can’t afford to buy a video of two fags in insect suits!


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 111

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 111, version 3.0

Date Written:  October 20, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


KAY J:  A Secret BDSM Babe


ET 110                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

KAY J:  A Secret BDSM Babe


Plus:  Pretty, innocent-looking, and kinky.

And:  More wounds on “kid cute” Kay J.  



by Andrew Roller

An expert on BDSM is Ernest Greene.  In the prior century, Ernest Greene’s videos were about the baddest ones you could get.  Today, they mostly look ridiculously quaint.

According to Google, Greene currently heads Hustler’s “flagship” magazine, Taboo.  When I was buying Taboo, a decade ago, Hustler was Hustler’s flagship magazine!  How times have changed!  Hustler is a vanilla sex magazine.  Taboo magazine is about BDSM.

I quoted Greene in a prior article.  I can now source his remark specifically.  It regards what a “victim” chooses, in advance, to endure in a sex dungeon.  She does this by deciding what implements will be used to punish her.  

Greene is specifically speaking of a “newbie victim”, like Kay J in “Wet Dreams”.  ( See my prior articles regarding “Wet Dreams”. ) 

Greene writes:

“Full of surprises are the eager and cute young things who show up. … Given leave to choose among the vast selection of specialized gear for the infliction of pain and pleasure, they often demonstrate a darker than expected streak of twisted kink.  The pretty and innocent-looking ones often seem to make the harshest selections.”

- Hustler’s Taboo, February 2004.  By Ernest Greene.  Page 52. 

Greene’s article is described as “fiction”.  However, as can be seen, Greene writes in a nonfiction style.  I’ve always found his writing to be mostly thinly veiled nonfiction.  

( Except in his book, “Master of O”. )


Kay J, also known as Kay Jay, is Jessica Tolyda.  She was born on March 21, 1996.  Kay has lived her entire life in Kiev, Ukraine.  She’s a nude, or erotic, model.  That is, she poses for photographers who shoot tasteful nudes.  

So, why am I finding whip marks on her body?  Her photo shoots don’t call for them.  Here on ARSE, I’ve written many articles about the whip marks that I’ve found on Kay J.  These are most evident in her films “Wet Dreams”, and “Dreaming”.

I’ve found more whip marks on Kay.  They’re present in a photo shoot that she did for Playboy.  Her Playboy photo shoot is titled, “Kay J in First Impression.”  It was done on Monday, January 27, 2020.  At the time, Kay was 23 years old.

She has whip marks on, or in the area of, her bottom.  They are as follows:

1.  Two cut-like slash marks, from a whip.  These are just above her left bottom cheek.  They’re near the top of her ass’ cleft.  Additional slash marks, which only produced redness, are present.  They abut the left side of her leftmost slash mark.  ( Actually, the redness bleeds, visually, into both of her slash marks, from the left. ) 

2.  Several thin red lines below the two slash marks in ( 1. ).  These are on the upper curve of Kay’s bottom.

3.  A thin red line that crosses directly, at an angle, over the top of her bottom’s furrow. 

4.  A welter of thin red lines on the upper curve of her bottom.  These are above the innermost curve of her right bottom cheek.

5.  Three little dots on the right cheek of her bottom.  These, in outline, form a very large triangle.  Each looks like it sports a small scab.

6.  A scrimshaw of whip marks, from the business end of a whip’s tip.  These are on the lowermost part of the right cheek of her bottom, where it merges into her hip.  These marks appear to overlay a faded bruise.  

( The bruise would be from a broad strap that someone used while it was folded double.  Or, the bruise is from a paddle. )

7.  Three little dots on the lowermost part of her left bottom cheek.  These are near her anus and pussy.  These marks appear to overlay a faded bruise.  

( The bruise would be from a broad strap that someone used while it was folded double.  Or, the bruise is from a paddle. )

“She described … her visit to a world-famous dominatrix and her ordeal which consisted of more than 250 strokes with a variety of implements.  The weals and bruises of this took a month to fade.  No one who saw those marks would question the severity of the whipping.”

- A Conversation with Lynn Paula Russell.

8.  A fourth dot in the same location, but closer to her anus.

9.  A slash mark on the uppermost part of her left thigh.  The mark starts where her left bottom cheek meets her thigh.  It does this under the midpoint of her left bottom cheek.  The mark then wraps inward along the top of her thigh, as it goes toward her pussy.  

( It disappears between her legs. )

Who in God’s name gets herself whipped just prior to a Playboy shoot?  No one.  Unless, that is, BDSM is an integral part of her life.  ( As a stuffed animal can be, with someone younger. )  

The usual questions are raised:

1.  Was Kay whipped the night prior to her Playboy photo shoot?


2.  Was Kay whipped the weekend before her Playboy photo shoot?  ( That is, on Friday or Saturday night? )  ( Or on both nights? )

My guess is that Kay was whipped the weekend prior to her Playboy shoot.  In “First Impression”, we’re seeing the last traces of an erotically cruel whipping that she endured.  I say this because, increasingly, it looks like BDSM is a regular part of Kay’s life.  

But wait!  There’s more!  In this same video, Kay also has marks on her breasts.  These could be healed marks from a whip.  Or, she may have gotten a tan, and her skin is peeling.  The marks are as follows:

1.  A slim horizontal line that curves slightly downward, in its midsection.  This is on the inner curve of Kay’s right breast.  The line starts very close to the underside of her nipple.  It extends inward, toward her cleavage.  

( “Cleavage” doesn’t mean a woman’s breasts.  It means “the separation between a woman’s breasts”.  - The Free Dictionary. )  ( It took me 60 years to learn that. )

2.  A slim line is under the line in ( 1. ).  It is very close to ( 1. ).  It curves slightly down, and then slightly up.  

In “Wet Dreams”, Kay has two ( nearly ) vertical whip marks in a similar location.  It’s possible that, like in “Wet Dreams”, Kay was struck here twice with a whip, in a single punishment session.

3.  A slim line that angles upward.  This is on the underside of Kay’s left breast.  The line angles upward from the inner curve of her breast to her nipple.  If you look closely, you’ll see that the line, in effect, cups the underside of her breast.  That’s because it curves along the underside of her breast before angling upward toward her nipple.

4.  As on her other breast, this line ( on her left breast ) has a twin.  A second line is under the first line.  It is very close to the first line.  The twin curves and angles in the same way as the line above it.  These two lines could be from two blows of a whip, in a single punishment session.  ( The master simply cracked the whip twice, while standing in the same location. )

5.  Six tiny black dots are scattered along the undercurve of Kay’s left breast.  These may be bruises.

When examining Kay’s bottom ( above ), I failed to report a bruise.  It’s smack in the center of her ass.  The bruise is black and oval shaped — oh.  That’s her asshole.


This is a recurring article.  It lists whip marks, as I find them, in Kay’s videos that are called “Wet Dreams”, and “Dreaming”.  


At the metartnetwork ( dot ) com:

1.  “Wet Dreams”.

2.  “Dreaming”.

At freeones ( dot ) org:

1.  “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  ( Real title:  “Wet Dreams”. )   

2.  “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”.  ( Real title:  “Dreaming”. )

Here is an updated list of the whip marks on Kay in “Wet Dreams”.  The words “UPDATED” or “NEW” denote my newest discoveries. 

1.  Two whip marks on the inner curve of her right bosom, near her nipple.  

2.  One whip mark on the lower curve of her right bosom, just above her ribs.

3.  A red mark on the front of her rib cage.  The mark is on the lower-right section of her rib cage.  ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”.  There, it’s clearly one, or more, marks from a whip. )  

4.  A significant slash mark, and at least three light slash marks, on the right side of her torso.  These are a bit below her armpit.  They are in line with the upper curve of her breast.  ( These marks show that, when Kay was struck here, her right arm was raised, and probably bound.  Otherwise, her arm would have protected this part of her body. ) 

5.  Three slash marks on the right side of her torso.  These are on her ribs.  They’re where the outer curve of her bosom meets her torso.  The marks form a pattern that resembles a “V” stabbing into a vertical line.  The “vertical” line is actually slanted.

6.  A significant slash mark on the right side of her torso.  This is on her ribs.  It’s in line with the place where the undercurve of her her bosom meets her torso.

7.  Four slash marks on the right side of her torso.  These vary from significant to deep.  These are on her ribs.  They’re near the underside of her bosom.  

NEW  8.  A red mark on her left shoulder blade.  This is revealed in the final moments of “Wet Dreams”.

NEW  9.  A mark that resembles a small scab ( as do many of her marks ).  This is a half inch above the red mark on her left shoulder blade.  This is not one of the several small moles on her back.  This is revealed in the final moments of “Wet Dreams”.

10.  Four deep horizontal slash marks on her right hip.  Two deep vertical slash marks on her right hip.  There appears to be a mild infection here, amid the marks.

11.  A small angled slash mark on her right hip.

12.  A light cluster of whip marks on her right hip, just below the level of her bottom.

13.  A light bruise on her right hip.  This is close to ( 12. ), but nearer to her bottom.

14.  A light bruise on her right hip.  It’s a little below ( 13. ).   

15.  A red mark on her left hip.  ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”.  There, it’s clearly a bruise. )

16.  Four clusters of whip marks on her back, slightly above her bottom.

17.  A whip mark at the uppermost part of her bottom’s cleft.

18.  Light red whip marks on the uppermost part of her left bottom cheek.  These, in at least two separate clusters, are above the center of her bottom cheek. 

19.  At least two whip marks near the center point of her right bottom cheek.  This mark is a bit above the center point.

20.  A slash mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek, near her anus. 

21.  A whip mark above the slash mark on her bottom.

22.  A ( light ) whip mark below the slash mark on her bottom.

23.  A nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.

24.  Two whip marks on the uppermost part of her right thigh.  These are visible from the back of her thigh.  The marks are near her thigh’s outer flank, where it merges into her hip.

25.  A light cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek.  These are to the left of the center point of her cheek.

26.  A light cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek.  These are on the undercurve of her cheek, near her pussy.

27.  Vague white lines, resembling slight ridges, on her left bottom cheek.  These are visible in the last frames of “Wet Dreams”.  The lowest white ridge slashes downward across the midpoint of her left bottom cheek.  Three other lines can be ( vaguely ) discerned above it.

These are likely the ‘missing’ whip marks that one would expect to find on her left bottom cheek.  The whip, striking her from her left side, scored her left bottom cheek.  

The whip’s tip, which is the worst part of the whip, bit into her right bottom cheek.  There, it caused blood to well in the abrasive wounds on her right bottom cheek.

28.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  It’s on the upper part of her thigh.

29.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  This is about an inch and a half below the other slash mark on her left thigh.  ( This mark looks like it did not bleed. )

30.  A small bruise on the back of her right thigh.  This is at mid-thigh.  ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”.  There, its location can be pinpointed to a bit below her thigh’s midpoint. )

31.  A small bruise on the front of her left shin.  This is at the midpoint of her shin. 


1.  BDSM stands for “bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism”.  - The Free Dictionary.

2.  I stopped buying Hustler’s Taboo magazine sometime around 2010.  Like all porn magazines in that era, the quality of Taboo fell dramatically as the internet grew.

Taboo was conceived as a magazine featuring submissive women, in BDSM poses.  As I always feared, Taboo eventually strayed from this path.  Who wants normality in a magazine, when you can have freaks?  Taboo had descended, by 2010, into the sewer.  It featured:

A.  Tattooed kinksters screwing each other. 

B.  A photo gallery of a woman with a penis.  ( In other words, a gallery of a male transvestite. )

C.  A photo gallery of a man without a penis, who was striving to look like a woman.  ( In other words, a gallery of a male transvestite. ) 

I wrote a strong letter of protest to Taboo regarding ( B. ) above.  Talk about a shock!  I can still see that damn “woman’s” dick in my mind!

I have not seen Taboo since I stopped buying it.

3.  Regarding Greene’s book, “Master of O”:  So far, I’ve merely skimmed part of the free sample of it that I got from Amazon. 

4.  A Conversation with Lynn Paula Russel.  This is the “Afterword” in the novel Gardens of the Night, by Felicia Plessey.  ( The interior title page of Gardens of the Night lists the author as “Anonymous”. )  Blue Moon Books.  New York, New York, United States of America.  First Blue Moon Books edition 1992.  Pages 179 - 180.  

I have often wondered if the real author of Gardens of the Night is Lawrence Durrell, the author of the 20th century novel, “Justine”.  This is due to a statement that Anonymous, the author, makes in Gardens of the Night:

“The crickets chirruping in sheltered places”.  ( Paraphrased. )  To me, this line, and the gorgeous descriptive writing of Anonymous in Gardens of the Night, evokes Durrell’s writing.

5.  Kay J in First Impression:  “9.  A slash mark on the uppermost part of her left thigh.”  UPDATE:  This is a panty line, not a slash mark.  ( Thanks, Mom! )  

6.  Sorry if this seems like a boring issue.  However, it’s over 2,600 words long.  Even if one subtracts my recurring article, the issue is about 2,000 words long.  I feel that 2,000 words is a good length for one of my issues. 

Kay J’s ( apparent ) sex life, particularly when she was age 20 and younger, continues to haunt me.  She’s definitely lived a full life!

7.  My playlist on Apple Music, “Insurrection”, now has 244 songs in it.  “Insurrection” is 15 1/2 hours long.  It covers 60 years of hard rock-style music, including psychedelic music.  Every song has a quality tune.  I avoided ( to the best of my ability ) tired “rock standards”.  You get the secret messages from Donald Trump if you play it backwards.

8.  Kay J’s whip marks:  When I say that Kay has a whip mark “on her left breast”, I’m speaking of her actual left breast.  If you check my work, look at Kay’s rightmost breast on your screen.  That is, in real life, her left breast.  

( You are the viewer.  You’re not her.  Therefore, the image of her, from your viewpoint, is reversed. ) 

9.  What I write about Kay J, except that which can be readily confirmed on the internet, is conjecture. 

( Someday, I hope to use both of my hands when I’m typing an article about Kay. )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 110

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 110, version 6.0

Date Written:  October 17, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


APPLE:  An Abridged Music Source


AI 23

Apple Info presents...

APPLE:  An Abridged Music Source


Plus:  Amazon is streaming a botched version of “Candy”.

And:  We need a global reliquary.



by Andrew Roller

I was about 15 years old.  In my family’s kitchen, “Band on the Run” was playing on the radio.  It’s a song by former Beatle Paul McCartney, and his band Wings.  I’d just turned the radio on.  My grandfather came into the kitchen.  He heard the radio playing.

“Turn it off!” he yelled at me.  When I hesitated, he turned it off.  I continued with the chore that my parents had assigned to me - in silence.

As a result of my upbringing, I don’t consider myself a music person.  Indeed, given how I was reared, I’m hardly culturally aware.  As far as Dad and Mom were concerned, American culture stopped in about 1945.  Grandad was oblivious to any “culture” that didn’t consist of coins and dollar bills.  I guess when he wanted a song, he jingled the coins in his pocket. 

Yet, even a moron like me can see that Apple Music is far from complete.  I’m shocked that this trillion dollar company can’t provide a truly premium music service.  Apple Music is a “good enough” service, for those who want their music bundled with other Apple One offerings:  T.V. shows, games, and magazines.

I’ve created a playlist on Apple Music.  It’s called “Insurrection”.  It’s free, and as publicly available as I can make it.  On Apple Music, I’m Andrew Roller.  My “Username” is @andrewroller666.

My playlist’s political aspect is most evident at its start, and a bit at its end.  No faction is favored.  Indeed, given Christ’s fate, as my chosen ‘revolutionary’, change itself is regarded with skepticism.

The musical features that my playlist includes are:

1.  Hard rock.

2.  Buzzy feedback.

3.  Screaming vocals.

4.  Operatic quality.

5.  An interesting tune.

Several songs “didn’t make the cut”, for my playlist, because what tune they had didn’t have enough variation. 

I vary the pace of my playlist’s music.  If you get a song that you consider too slow, don’t worry!  A fast song is sure to follow.  In the music world, fast songs are often harder to find than slow songs.  I managed to include many fast songs in my playlist.

You may find yourself needing fast songs in your life.  This is especially so at a place like the gym.  If a song moves you emotionally, it may save your life.  I once hit on a plan to lower my blood pressure.  I decided to just keep taking the damn blood pressure pills, at short intervals, until my blood pressure fell to an appropriate level.  I was soon terrified that I’d taken too many pills!  I played fast, emotionally moving music until I was sure that my blood pressure wasn’t going to go so low that it killed me.

If you catch COVID-19, and the doctor tells you that you’ll likely die, keep my playlist handy!  It’s amazing how music you like can positively impact your body ( and mind ).

I avoided a lot of songs that are ‘rock standards’.  The Beatles, for instance, are a talented band.  But I’ve heard their songs too many times. 

About half a decade ago, I was an inpatient in a hospital.  My nurse was in her early 20s.  Amazingly, she knew little about music, beyond ‘bubble gum’ bands like the Backstreet Boys.  Bands that I thought were the cultural property of everyone were but vague names to her. 

If you’re looking for a primer on music of the past, here’s one!  In my playlist, you’ll hear songs that I myself didn’t know about, until recently.  

Until 2019, I had very little access to music.  That’s when I got my first smartphone, and joined the modern internet.

In the past, if you wanted to hear a song, beyond whatever junk was on the radio, you had to go to a record store.  You had to buy a record.  Records were expensive.  Also, just because a tune was in my head, that didn’t mean that I knew what it was called.  I never found anyone to help me in this matter.  So, for decades, many of the songs in my playlist, “Insurrection”, existed solely as vague musical snippets in my head.  Finding them now is like netting ghosts.  It’s exhilarating to finally obtain a tune that I loved, but hadn’t heard in over half a century.  It’s like reanimating lost corpses from my childhood.

I even have a copy of “Band on the Run”.  However, the quality of this song isn’t quite high enough ( yet, in my opinion ) to be included in my playlist. 

Don’t worry!  My playlist, “Insurrection”, isn’t a dumpster of songs that I heard when I was young(er).  I put such music in my “Library” on Apple Music.  “Insurrection” only has songs that meet the requirements that I stated above.


On You Tube, some otherwise intelligent fellow asked, honestly, what MTV was.  ( It’s the acronym for Music Television. )

My playlist includes music from the 1960s into the 2000s.  The 1960s music is mostly psychedelic music. 

In the 1990s, I watched “120 Minutes”.  It was a two hour show on MTV.  ( Danielle Kennedy, once a host of “120 Minutes”, is now a host on the Fox News Channel’s T.V. show, “The Five”. )

“120 Minutes” played “low rotation” videos.  These were videos that, in the opinion of MTV, nobody wanted to watch.  The videos featured a wide variety of interesting singers and bands.  Among the bands that nobody wanted to watch were Nirvana, and Smashing Pumpkins.

Such music was, at some point, dubbed “alternative” music.  Many alternative bands, and singers, never broke through to a mainstream audience.  Some did.  My playlist includes music from this genre.


Here are some musical items that I couldn’t include in “Insurrection”.  That’s because Apple Music doesn’t have them.  

1.  Psychefunkapus.  This is a band of the early 1990s.  It’s entirely absent.  

2.  The soundtrack for the 1968 movie, “Candy”.  The movie stars such nonentities as Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, James Coburn, Walter Matthau, and Ringo Starr.  It features these otherwise unknown bands:  The Byrds, and Steppenwolf. 

3.  Some albums by the band “The Real People”, which formed in 1988.  “The Real People” are on Apple Music.  However, their album titled “The Real People” is not!  

4.  The 1978 Album “Variations”, by Andrew Lloyd Webber.  A load of crap tunes, all called “Variations”, are on Apple Music.  A number of these are even credited to an appropriate Webber.  However, the real “Variations” is not present!  You can hear it on You Tube:

You Tube title:  Andrew Lloyd Webber, Variations (Remastered HD) - 1978 

The You Tube channel is:  The Eye On Spennymoor

( I only go on You Tube when I’m facing the worst sort of crisis.  Anything that reminds me of You Tube, including instructional pages on Google, absolutely disgusts me.  This is because of how You Tube’s staff treated me and, more importantly, how they treated many preteen and young teenage girls:  deleting their videos, and banning them. )

5.  On Apple Music, many music videos, by various bands, are missing.  Apple offers a few videos by a given band, and omits the rest.  Many of the offered videos are recent.  Note to Apple:  A band’s best work usually occurs early in its career; not later on.

The limitations of Apple Music prevented me from creating a playlist with the musical depth that I desired.  


A venerable portal to the late 1960s is the movie Candy.  A synopsis:

“Candy … is an innocent yet luscious high school student [ who goes ] on a far-out journey of sexual discovery.  … [ She ] encounters lust and lunacy at the hands of [ a whole lot of older men ].  Can [ these older men ] get their own sweet piece of Candy?”

- Amazon.

An Amazon reviewer invades this paradise.  Splinters ( an appropriate name ) McGee writes:

“too rapey for my tastes

“… there is nothing funny about repeated molestation and subsequent victim blaming as the premise for a comedy.  Trash.”

If you’re wondering why I think the way I do, watch Candy.  I was 7 years old when the film was released.  I didn’t see the film until decades later.  However, the whole country was in the embrace of Candy’s motif:  the fabulous allure of young girls!  This is because of the following:  After World War II, all of America’s soldiers came home.  Priority one, for both women and men, was something that the war had kept them from doing.  That was fucking.  As a result, America experienced a “baby boom”.  By the 1960s, America was flooded with teens.  Many of these were, of course, beautiful young girls!

I’m not a pervert.  Nor am I insane.  And I didn’t leave America.  America left me.  In today’s America, it’s an everyday occurrence for a man to be accused of unlawful sexual conduct.  Maybe someday America’s men will wake up, and take back their heritage.  As is said, “Use it or lose it”. 

I especially like lesser actor John Astin in Candy.  

Candy is not a gem of drama, or of comedy.  It’s a psychedelic excursion.  The film begins well.  The middle of the film is, frankly, boring.  ( Keep yourself busy by jerking off to Candy. )  The last hour of Candy is great!  The film becomes ever more surreal, right to its cosmic end.

Care is not being taken to preserve Candy.  Every version that I was able to watch was botched.  This includes the version that Amazon Prime is streaming.  What’s wrong?  The end of Candy is cut off.  This includes the final moments of the film itself, and all of its ending credits.  In their place is a shitty strip of film listing the credits in a foreign language.  

To see the original ending of Candy, and its original ending music, you’ll have to brave You Tube.  There, watch this video:

Candy (1968)

The You Tube channel is:

Oretha Spurling

This is a bootlegged copy of Candy.  It’s grainy, and poorly lit.  It plays at a speed that is incorrect ( too fast ).

140 Images from the film Candy are available on the app IMDb.  This app is free at the Apple “App Store”.

Ewa Aulin is the star of Candy.  She’s the “high school student”.  She’s super hot!  A number of IMBd’s images from the film Candy are worthless.  However, if you keep moving through the images, you’ll be greatly rewarded.  You might want to take off your pants before viewing these images.  Otherwise, your trousers may get painfully tight. 

To find the “Images” in IMDb, search for “candy 1968”.  An icon for the film Candy will appear.  Tap on it.  That will take you to the “Candy” page.  Then, scroll down to “Images”. 


If you’re young, you probably mostly like cultural items that were produced in your lifetime.  ( This is, in fact, true of me; I’ve just been alive for a number of decades. )  You’re awash in your culture.  If, due to parental restrictions, you’re unable to access a lot of culture, you may feel that it’s beyond your control.  You definitely aren’t in charge of it. 

Guess what?  In some decades, “your” culture, whether you were able to enjoy it or not, will be gone.  I’m finding that I’m stuck with the job of being a custodian of lost time.  Today’s culture doesn’t care much about “Oldies” from the 1960s.  This is evident in the contemporary treatment of the movie Candy.  I could not find an honest copy of the film!  Multiple companies tried to stick me with the botched version. 

If you value your culture, do what you can to save it.  Also, keep in mind that your culture may be rendered illegal.  So-called “child pornography” was banned by the United States Supreme Court in 1982.  ( For ridiculous reasons, as discussed here on ARSE. )  The U.S. Supreme Court didn’t bother to define what “child pornography” was until 2002.  In the intervening decades, a great deal of ‘young girl’ cultural items were destroyed.  This destruction continues.  It’s the reason that You Tube banned such girls as Dana Taranova, and many other young girls.  Men might watch their videos!  Therefore, You Tube destroyed the girls’ innocuous videos, and banned the girls.  

At times, the artist contributes to this destruction.  For emotional reasons, I’ve sometimes destroyed cultural items, including ones ( of whatever worth ) that I created.  Brooke Shields strove to have her nude bathtub photos removed from public view.  My impression is that she’s now proud of all of her cultural items from her time as a young girl.  

Dana loves doing her videos; until she’s a year older.  Then, for reasons that aren’t clear, she disfavors videos of herself that she made when she was ( gasp ) younger!  She only wants you to see her at 11 years old while she’s 11 years old.  At 12, she’s embarrassed to think that she was ever 11!  Also, who, at age 11, ever consistently saved their work, over time?  Dana’s a video producer and star, not a librarian.  She may well be mislaying, forever, some of her earlier work. 

My parents ensured that many cultural items that I saved, in the 1970s, were removed from my life.  That’s because they didn’t want me to be me.  I was only to be whatever fantasy was in their head, at any given moment.  I was, in effect, a glob of Play-Doh.

You Tube could have been the world’s library.  It wound up, instead, being a ( big ) destroyer of culture.  ( Of all varieties. )  Google, You Tube’s owner, is censorious.

The world needs a library.  The library needs to transcend the ( often blatantly self interested ) censorship of the world’s governments.  Otherwise, many cultural items will be lost.

We are not, in fact, the best referees for our culture’s worth.  Many movies on TCM ( Turner Classic Movies ) were little more than wasted celluloid when they were made.  Today, they’re rare visual evidence of our world’s past.  TCM films provide windows into modes of human thought that are antiquated today.  On TCM, you can see men who aren’t castrated, and who don’t wear dresses!  You can see women who like being housewives!  How much longer will TCM be permitted to show such secular blasphemy?

We should strive to save what we can of the past, and ( God help us ) of the present.  This material needs to be safely stowed somewhere, where we ourselves can’t destroy it.  This is one of the best legacies that we can leave to the future.  It also proves that we were, in fact, once here. 

HOW to BUILD Your PLAYLIST in Apple Music 

This article assumes that you’ve created a playlist in Apple Music.  In a prior article, I wrote that you couldn’t add music to your playlist.  I was wrong.  Below, I’ll tell you how to add music.

What I had the most trouble doing was rearranging the songs in my playlist.  Other people have faced the same problem.  Here’s how to rearrange the songs in your playlist:


A.  In your playlist, tap the icon that consists of three horizontal dots.  This is in the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.  

B.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  In this box, tap “Edit”.  

C.  Find the song in your playlist that you want to move.  Press and hold the icon, for your song, that consists of three horizontal bars.  This is to the far right of your song’s title.  

D.  Move the song wherever you wish, in your playlist.

E.  Look to the top right corner of this informational box.  The word “Done” is present.  Tap on “Done”. 

Now, lets add a song to your playlist.

ADD A SONG to your PLAYLIST  ( From outside of your playlist. )

( If you’re still in your playlist, look at the sidebar that’s on the left side of your iPad’s screen.  Scroll to the top of this sidebar, as needed.  The sidebar is titled, “Music”.  Under “Music” is “Listen now”.  Tap on “Listen now”.  That gets you out of your playlist. )

A.  In Apple Music, look at the sidebar called “Music”.  There, tap on “Search”.

B.  Your iPad’s screen changes.  At the top of your iPad’s screen is a search field.

C.  Type the song that you want into the search field.

Apple Music’s search capability is average in quality.  Often, when I want a song, I’m not sure what it’s called.  I might not know who wrote the song.  To solve this problem, I switch to my Google browser.  ( Any browser should work. )  There, I type in what I can recall of a lyric in the song.  This usually finds the song for me.  Then, I go back to Apple Music, and resort to its search field.

In Apple Music, you’ll likely find a song fastest by entering the band’s name in the search field.  That will take you to the band’s page.  There, you can find the song you want.  The same is true for a singer.

Just because a band is on Apple Music doesn’t mean that all of their songs are present.  Apple Music won’t tell you if songs are missing.  You’ll need to Google the band to discover all that they wrote.  This information may be scattered over various web sites.

Continuing with adding a song to a playlist:

D.  The song that you searched for appears! 

E.  Look to the far right of the song that you want.  An icon is present there.  It consists of three horizontal lines.

F.  Tap on the the icon that consists of three horizontal lines.

G.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  Find the following, in the informational box:  “Add to a Playlist”. 

H.  Tap on “Add to a Playlist”.

I.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Add to a Playlist”.  Your playlist is in this box.  It’s represented by an icon.  Tap on your playlist’s icon. 

J.  The informational box, “Add to a Playlist” disappears.  A new informational box briefly appears.  It informs you that you’ve added your desired song to your playlist.

You can also add songs within your playlist.

ADD A SONG to your PLAYLIST  ( From inside of your playlist. ) 

( If you still see the search field, scroll to the bottom of the sidebar that’s called, “Music”.  Your playlist is at the bottom of “Music”.  Tap on it.  You are taken to your playlist. ) 

WARNING:  The following instructions do something that you probably won’t like.  Don’t follow along, step by step.  I include the following instructions solely as information.  ( No harm is caused.  You’ll just get stuck with a laborious chore. )  Below these instructions, I tell you how do do something that you’ll like!

A.  In your playlist, look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  An icon is present.  It consists of three horizontal dots.

B.  Tap on the icon that consists of three horizontal dots.

C.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  Look for this in the informational box:  “Add to a Playlist”.

D.  Tap on “Add to a Playlist”.  An informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Add to a Playlist”.  Your playlist is in this box.  It’s represented by an icon.  Tap on your playlist’s icon. 

E.  A new informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  In this box is written:

“Some of these songs are already in your playlist.”  You are given two options:

a.  Add Again.

b.  Skip.

Tap on “Add Again”. 

Oops!  That duplicated my playlist!  I wanted to create a duplicate copy of my playlist.  Instead, I added 184 songs to my playlist - that are already in my playlist!  I then had to laboriously delete each song.

( This ends the bad instructions, which my WARNING pertained to. )


ADD A SONG to your PLAYLIST  ( From inside of your playlist. ) 

A.  In your playlist, look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  An icon is present.  It consists of three horizontal dots.

B.  Tap on the icon that consists of three horizontal dots.

C.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  In this box, tap “Edit”.  

D.  Near the top of your playlist, the following appears:  “Add Music”.  A green circle is to the left of this box.  A plus sign is in the green circle.  Tap on the green circle. 

E.  An informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Add Songs to [ your playlist ].”  I recommend using the search field in this box ( if you wish to ).  

F.  Type the name of the song that you want into the search field.  Tap the ‘return’ key on your keyboard.  

G.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Add Songs to [ your playlist ].”  In this box, you see the song that you want.  It’s represented by an icon.  To the far right of this icon is another icon.  It’s red.  It’s of a circle.  A plus sign is inside the circle.

H.  Tap on the red circle that has a plus sign in it.  This icon changes to a check mark.

I.  The song has been added to your playlist.

J.  Look to the upper right corner of the informational box.  The word “Cancel” is present.  Tap on “Cancel”.  

K.  The informational box disappears.  You’re returned to the informational box that was formerly titled, “Add Songs to [ your playlist ].”  Look to the top right corner of this informational box.  The word “Done” is present.  Tap on “Done”.

L.  You’re returned to your playlist.  Look to the top right corner of your playlist.  The word “Done” is present.  Tap on “Done”.

HOW to GET RID of SONGS in your Playlist that you DON’T WANT

A.  In your playlist, look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  An icon is present.  It consists of three horizontal dots.

B.  Tap on the icon that consists of three horizontal dots.

C.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  In this box, tap “Edit”.  

A red circle appears to the left of each of your songs.  In each of these red circles is a minus sign.  Find the song in your playlist that you want to delete.  Tap on the red circle that’s to the left of your song.  

D.  Look to the far right of your song.  You now see a red box there.  Written in the box is, “Delete”.  Tap on “Delete”.  The song disappears from your playlist.  ( It does not disappear from any “Library” that you created.  Also, it’s not removed from your view on Apple Music.  That is, you aren’t ‘blocking’ the song. 


( You’re inside of your playlist. ) 

A.  In your playlist, look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  An icon is present.  It consists of three horizontal dots.

B.  Tap on the icon that consists of three horizontal dots.

C.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  In this box, tap on “Add to a Playlist”. 

D.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Add to a Playlist”.  In this box, there’s a box that’s grey.  If you tap it, Mr. ‘Shades of Grey’ will show up with a whip.

Actually, he won’t.  ( Sorry, Kay J! )  ( She can slap my face if she’s mad at me. )  ( I’ll be looking at her boobs. )

The grey box has a red plus sign in it.  The grey box is titled, “New Playlist…”

E.  Tap on the grey box.

F.  A new informational box appears!  Wow!  It’s a duplicate of your existing playlist!  Look to the upper right corner of this informational box.  The word “Done” is there.  Tap on “Done”. 

G.  The informational box disappears.  Look to the bottom of the sidebar that’s called “Music”.  There, you’ll see the following:  “Untitled Playlist”.  

H.  Tap on “Untitled Playlist”.  Your playlist appears!  It’s titled, “Untitled Playlist”.  

“Untitled Playlist” is a duplicate of your original playlist.  Your original playlist still exists.  

I.  Within “Untitled Playlist”, look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  An icon is present.  It consists of three horizontal dots.

J.  Tap on the icon that consists of three horizontal dots.

K.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  In this box, tap “Edit”.  Your “Untitled Playlist” changes.  

L.  Look at your playlist’s title, “Untitled Playlist”.  Tap at the end of “Playlist”.  A red cursor appears!  Backspace with it.  This erases the phrase, “Untitled Playlist”.  You can now type in whatever name you like!

M.  Look below your playlist’s new title.  The word “Description” is present.  

N.  Tap “Description”.  A red cursor appears.  Here, you can type over the word “Description”.  You can describe your playlist however you please!

O.  Look below your description.  Written here is:

“Show on My Profile and in Search”.  To the right of this is a toggle switch.  If it’s green, it can be viewed by others.  If its grey, it can’t be.  It took me months to learn the following:

You change the toggle switch by tapping on it.  ( Don’t try to slide it back and forth.  That doesn’t work. )  


( If you’re inside of your playlist, look to the sidebar that’s titled, “Music”.  Scroll up in this sidebar.  Then, in the sidebar, tap “Listen Now”.  You’re returned to the home page for your channel on Apple Music. )

A.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  You’re there!  If you’ve been inside of this function previously, you’ve likely put a photo here. 

B.  Tap on yourself.  ( That is, on your iPad’s screen, not between your legs. )

C.  An informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Account”.  BE CAREFUL in this box.  It’s akin to a similar box in the “Settings” app on your iPad. 

Avoid getting involved in the box’s formal aspects.  More than once, in this box, I sent myself to places on Apple where I had to recall what my Apple ID and password are.  Doing so, I managed to temporarily lock myself out of my Apple account. 

D.  In the box that’s titled, “Account”, look directly under the word “Done”.  You’ll see the following:

“[ Your name ] View Profile”

Look to the far right of “[ Your name ]”.  A tiny grey arrow is present:  >

E.  Tap on the tiny grey arrow.  You’re taken to a new informational box.  It’s titled, [ your name ].  Here, you’ll also see your “Username”.  Below your “Username” is a red button.  It’s titled, “EDIT”.

F.  A new box appears.  It’s titled, “Edit Profile”.  Follow the instructions in this box to make whatever changes you want.  When you’re done, tap on “Done” or “Cancel” ( as appropriate ) to exit this box. 

G.  Next, exit the box that’s titled, [ your name ].  To do so, look to the top left corner of this box.  An icon that consists of a red arrow is present:  <

H.  Tap on the red arrow.  You’re returned to the home page for your channel on Apple Music.

MORE on Making your PLAYLIST Public

Exercise caution in doing the following.

A.  You’re at the home page for your channel in Apple Music.

B.  Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen.  You’re there!  Tap on yourself.

C.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Account”.  In this box, you’ll see the following:  “Notifications”.  Tap on “Notifications”.  

D.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Notifications”.  Look at the phrase, “Friend Activity”.  To the right of “Friend Activity” is a toggle switch.  Tap on the toggle switch to make it green.  People can now see what you’re doing on Apple Music!

E.  Look to the top right corner of the box titled, “Notifications”.  An icon of a red arrow is there.  Tap on the red arrow:  <

F.  You’re returned to the informational box titled, “Account”.  Scroll down in this box.  Look at the term, “Allow Finding by Apple ID”.  To the right of “Allow Finding by Apple ID” is a toggle switch.  Tap on the toggle switch to make it green.  People who know your name ( As understood by Apple ), or who have your Apple Music “Username”, will now be able to find you on Apple Music.

G.  Look to the top right corner of the informational box titled, “Account”.  The word “Done” is there.  Tap on “Done”. 

H.  You’re returned to the home page for your channel on Apple Music.

When you’re in the box titled, “Account”, you should not have to enter your Apple password.  If you stumble into a box that asks for your password, retreat!  You’ve taken a wrong turn.  

Leave the matter of making formal changes, in regard to how you deal with Apple itself, to the “Settings” app on your iPad.  ( Unless, that is, you know exactly what you’re doing, in regards to this matter. )


1.  I was unable to find any information about Danielle Kennedy on the internet!  However, she shows up regularly on “The Five”.  Also, she replaced Dave Kendall as the host of “120 Minutes”.  

The internet does not give Kennedy any credit for hosting “120 Minutes”.  However, I enjoyed watching her do that!  I also enjoy her on “The Five”. 

2.  I’m finding it difficult to physically move the songs in my playlist.  I recommend the following:

a.  Once you’ve physically grabbed hold of a song, slide it in the general direction that you want it to go.  Don’t be particular about where it lands. 

b.  Continue this process until the song is exactly where you want it to be.  Hence, moving a song will require several attempts.

3.  An anonymous You Tube employee has curated my You Tube account.  I’m speaking of the new account that was forcibly imposed on me in March of 2020.  

My actual You Tube account was terminated by You Tube in February of 2021.  You Tube never gave me any reason for why they terminated my actual You Tube account, despite my repeated requests.  That’s because You Tube’s employees do whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want, no matter how wrongful it is. 

What does my current You Tube account have in it?  No girls.  There are a bunch of videos about black holes, and other such things.  The videos are simply available to view, on You Tube’s ( curated ) home page. 

In the past, in addition to making playlists of girls on You Tube, I created a vast library of playlists.  These covered every University level discipline, plus films, authors, rock stars, and more.  I included lots of astronomical videos in my library of playlists.  I guess the anonymous You Tube employee knows that.  Hence, my curated You Tube account now displays astronomical videos.  But there are no girls.

All my life, I’ve been faced with the same requirement:  no girls.  My parents, when not busy fucking, ensured that there were no girls in my life.  

If the United Fucking States of America finds a real, actual girl in my life, I’ll go to prison forever.

I’m sick and tired of being told:  no girls.  Somebody is fucking girls.  I know this because there are people who are younger than my 60 years. 

If You Tube thinks they’re going to lure me back with black holes, forget it!  My mind is on a different sort of “hole”.  Preferably, one that’s unopened.

The Mission:  to go where no man has gone before!

( If you stick your dick in a black hole, you’re not getting it back! )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 23

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 23, version 3.0

Date Written:  October 15, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


BAN on Teen Phones


ET 109                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

BAN on Teen Phones


Plus:  Apple’s “Foundation”.

And:  More wounds on “kid cute” Kay J.  


“Steve Hilton calls for smartphone ban on children”.  

- foxnews ( dot ) com.

BAN on TEEN Phones

Hilton’s ban leaves children unsafe.

by Andrew Roller 

Sunday is the day of our Lord.  Ignoring this, the Fox News Channel inflicts Steve Hilton on viewers every Sunday night.  This sacrilege has been occurring for some years.  Hilton’s show is called, “The Next Revolution”.  At times, I’ve found it so revolting that I’ve ceased watching it for months.  This happened when Hilton lambasted ( already long-since convicted ) Jeffrey Epstein.  Hilton called Epstein a “horrible pedophile”.  Epstein was subsequently arrested.  Epstein was then murdered while in government custody.

Hilton’s latest outrage aired on October 10.  How old are you?  If you’re age 15 or younger, Hilton says that you should not be allowed to possess, or use, a portable telephone.  ( Commonly called an iPhone, or a smart phone. )

Let’s say that you’re a girl.  You’re walking home from school.  Suddenly, Steve Hilton jumps out of the bushes.  Steve Hilton intends to rape you.

If you have a phone, you can call 911.  If you don’t, you can’t.  In that case, Steve Hilton may well rape you.

Or, let’s say that you see a girl.  Steve Hilton is obviously having his way with her, against her will.  He’s molesting her.  You’re 15 years old.  Thanks to Steve Hilton’s ban, you don’t have a phone.  You can’t photograph what Steve Hilton is doing, or call 911.  Later, if you talk to the cops, the most you’ll probably be able to say, unless you know Steve Hilton, is:

“I saw some bald White guy molesting a girl.”  Steve Hilton’s appearance is nondescript.  He looks like a million other bald White guys.

With regard to my above examples, I’m speaking hypothetically.  I know nothing about Steve Hilton except what I’ve seen on the Fox News Channel.  As far as I know, Steve Hilton would never rape a girl, or molest one.  He’s an entirely upstanding citizen, by a 2021 ( Republican ) standard.

Of gays, it has been said:

“The guy who expresses the bitterest hatred toward gays is gay.” 

Steve Hilton expressed hatred toward Jeffrey Epstein, and “pedophiles” in general.  Now, he wants to ‘disarm’ young girls, leaving them vulnerable to attack. 

Let’s assume, again, that you’re a 15 year old girl.  You want to phone your boyfriend.  Under Steve Hilton’s ban, you wouldn’t be able to!  In fact, you wouldn’t be able to touch a phone until you were 16!

Judge Robert Bork bemoaned the invention of the radio.  That’s right, the radio!  Why?  Because the radio allowed “children” to listen to content that their parents might not approve of.

I had parents.  One, thankfully, is dead.  The best thing I can say about Dad is,

“Perhaps he was mentally ill.”  My parents utterly, irreparably ruined my life, in the most basic way.  I’ll spare you the details.  If you’re a child, you don’t need your phone banned.  What you may need banned is your parents. 

APPLE’S “Foundation”

This is a review of part of episode one of the Apple T.V. series, “Foundation”.  

An excerpt from Apple’s “Foundation”:

Girl:  [ If ] you go first, and put your mark past the rock, I’ll let you touch my tit.

Boy:  For one minute.  [ The time permitted to touch her tit. ]

Girl:  Ten seconds.  [ The time permitted to touch her tit. ]  Or, you can look at both [ of my tits ] for thirty [ seconds ].

Boy:  Swear on your moon?

Girl:  Sworn.

The boy succeeds, and the “innocent” children ( there are four ) have an orgy.  

Actually, the orgy will be in the 2050 version of Apple’s “Foundation”.  Americans aren’t mature enough, yet, to enjoy child sex at the orgy level.  ( Keep evolving, my fellow Americans! )

( No female child’s tit gets touched in the Foundation novels penned by Isaac Asimov. )


“The story behind the ‘Foundation’”, by Isaac Asimov, appears in the following book:

The Foundation Trilogy ( Foundation ( Publication Order ) # 1-3 ).

The above is an Amazon Kindle edition.  It contains no publisher information.  The book is marred by typographical errors.  I do not recommend this edition, except for “The story behind the ‘Foundation’”, which is at the book’s start.  A free sample of this book is likely to contain all of “The story behind the ‘Foundation’”.

“The story behind the ‘Foundation’” is a preface.  I recall reading it, for the first time, in Asimov’s 1982 book, “Foundation’s Edge”.  ( Discussed below. )  In “The story behind the ‘Foundation’”, Asimov tells how his Foundation galaxy came to be.

America had yet to enter World War II when Asimov got his idea for Foundation.  He didn’t base it on current events, but on the decline, and fall, of the Roman Empire.  

In Foundation, a future empire spans the galaxy.  Foundation became a prime source for George Lucas’ 1977 film, Star Wars.

I thrilled to Foundation in the early 1970s.  Foundation was originally written in the 1940s.  It was written as a series of stories for a science fiction magazine.  

What amazed me most about Foundation?  Every new story was set farther in the future of the galaxy.  Someone introduced in a prior story was old, or dead, by the time of the next story.  

Assume that you’re the emperor of a galactic empire.  A scientist tells you that your empire is going to collapse.  If you were a wise emperor, you’d heed the scientist’s warning.  That would make a worthy, but boring story.  So, you’re a venal emperor.  You’re angry with the scientist.

Now, assume you’re the scientist.  You know your prediction regarding the future is true.  How do you escape the emperor’s clutches, and save mankind?

You can’t save the empire.  It’s doomed.  Your goal is to salvage what you can of civilization, before humanity plunges into a Dark Age.

Thankfully, Foundation isn’t a story of, ‘hero scientist saves civilization’.  The ‘hero scientist’ is soon dead.  Later, humans who are struggling to follow his lead find that his predictions about the future are going awry.

That’s Foundation.

In Foundation ( the book ), I found the most moving story to be the one about “The Mule”.  It perfectly captures male alienation.  Asimov writes:

“[ In ] 1945, I began ‘The Mule,’ my personal favorite among the Foundation stories.”  

“The Mule” is a powerful nerd.  “The Mule” is not a nice nerd.  From “The Mule’s” point of view, he’s entirely justified in what he does.

At the time that I read Foundation, it consisted of three books:


Foundation and Empire.

Second Foundation.

The “Foundation Trilogy”, as it was then called, was first published in 1951.  At the time that I read it, Asimov’s empire was likened to the totalitarian one of the Soviet Union.  This notion was represented in the cover art on the paperback Foundation books that I read.  Specifically, it was represented on the cover of Foundation and Empire.  

Asimov was not an American by birth.  As he liked to say, ‘I was born Russian.  At age two, I moved to America to rectify this.’  ( Paraphrased. )  Asimov was a Russian Jew. 

I feel that Russian history influenced Asimov’s Foundation.  I’m speaking of the back-stabbing.  ( Discussed below. )  Soviet Russia was politically treacherous.  At times, Czarist Russia was too.  The victims included ordinary people.  Ancient Rome could also be politically treacherous. 

( Sadly, in 2021, America has become politically treacherous.  It’s worth noting that the regimes mentioned above all fell. )

Though Foundation was penned before the ‘back to nature’ movement of the late 1960s, and early 1970s, a ‘back to nature’ idea occurs in the trilogy.  To say more on this would be to give too much away.  Asimov might take credit, in part, for the eventual creation of Earth Day, in 1970.

In early 1982, a fourth book appeared in Asimov’s Foundation series:

Foundation’s Edge.

I loved the paperback cover of Foundation’s Edge.  I did not love the book.  I found it to be pointless and derivative.  At one point in Foundation’s Edge, someone visits Asimov’s version of “the lotus-eaters”.  “The lotus-eaters” first appeared 2,700 years ago, in Homer’s tale, “The Odyssey”.  

Two years ago, I reread the “Foundation Trilogy”.  It remains a compelling read.  ( I review it here on ARSE. )  I attempted to reread Foundation’s Edge.  There wasn’t anything wrong with Foundation’s Edge, but I didn’t get far into it. 

I haven’t read the books that Asimov penned after Foundation’s Edge.  As best I could tell, he was simply cashing in on the success of his original series.  He was also an author who, as a writer of fiction, was well past his prime.

APPLE’S Foundation

The first thing that I noticed about Apple’s Foundation was its “woke” interracial cast.  I’ll be honest:  this pissed me off.  The “star” is, apparently, some Black lady who looks like a butch lesbian.  I don’t want to look at this woman!  Furthermore, she’s apparently “holy”, both in terms of Apple’s Foundation, and in her secular value in contemporary America.  

My understanding is that the start of Apple’s Foundation is somehow linked to the end of Asimov’s Foundation series.  Not to the end of the “Foundation Trilogy”, but to the end of whatever Foundation book Asimov penned last, before he died.  ( Had he lived, Foundation would probably be, like Dune, a never-ending story. )  ( New Dune books continue to be penned by Frank Herbert’s son. ) 

Thankfully, the butch lesbian soon disappears from episode one of Apple’s Foundation.  She’s replaced by:  another Black woman!  ( And lots of Black people, just in case you worried that Apple wasn’t woke. )  I liked the new Black woman better.  She’s young.  One can soon find oneself in her shoes.  In other words you, as a viewer, become her; just as you become, at times, Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. 

( Ideally, you become a variety of characters, as you watch them onscreen.  In Star Wars, this would include Han Solo. )

Not all of the acting in Apple’s Foundation is good.  An older White man gets killed early in Apple’s Foundation.  His acting was so poor that I was glad when he got offed.

Sadly, the murder of the White man is wholly predictable.  I quickly wearied of the back-stabbing air of Foundation.  Perhaps Apple is riffing on Game of Thrones ( which I haven’t watched ). 

You might argue:  Andrew, you said that Asimov’s books contain back-stabbing!  I did.  However, in Asimov’s Foundation, the “back-stabbing” consists of political intrigue.  In Apple’s Foundation, the “back-stabbing” is blunt.  It’s the difference between a lecture on politics ( Asimov ), and a punch in the face ( Apple ).

Apple’s Foundation is lushly filmed.  Often, you’re seeing an image that, some decades ago, would have wowed movie audiences.  These occur routinely in Apple’s Foundation.

The same is true of the music in Apple’s Foundation.  It has a theatrical quality soundtrack.  This sort of soundtrack has been common, in theatrical movies, since the mid-1980s.  However, there is no recognizable musical theme in Apple’s Foundation.  You get lots of symphonic music.  Nothing about it is memorable.  ( Unlike, say, the unforgettable soundtracks of Star Wars, Jaws, etc. )

I quickly got bored watching Apple’s Foundation.  The series throws too many characters at the viewer.  It changes locations too often.  None of the characters, as presented by Apple, were compelling to watch.  This was true at the point where I said, “I’m turning this off.”

Here’s what passed through my mind:

“I’d rather watch Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, nude in a bathtub, with a man.”

Then:  conflict occurred.  At last!  This was year 2021 conflict.  Our heroine, the young Black woman, was approached by a man!  He was the most odious of men:  a White man.  Furthermore, he was two decades or so older than the young Black woman.  She, in theory, might still be a “child”.  ( By a 2021 definition. )

So, I kept watching.  By this point, Apple’s Foundation had begun to adhere to Asimov’s novel.  That pleased me.  However, knowing the story, I felt little interest in continuing to watch.

Foundation, as penned by Asimov, is an intellectual novel.  It doesn’t strike me as easy to film.  Perhaps I’ll continue to watch.  But I’ll be doing so mostly to enjoy the lush photography, and the science fiction concepts and terms, rather than to enjoy the characters or the story. 

( If a version of preteen Brooke Shields shows up at some point, in Apple’s Foundation, my interest will skyrocket.  But I’m not holding my breath.  Or my sperm. )


It’s said that one shouldn’t beat a dead horse.  But what if your favorite nude model gets beaten before an otherwise innocent photo shoot?  I remain appalled, and aroused, by Kay J’s body in her two earliest videos.  These were filmed when she was a wholly inexperienced, and naive looking, model.


At the metartnetwork ( dot ) com:

1.  “Wet Dreams”.

2.  “Dreaming”.

At freeones ( dot ) org:

1.  “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  ( Real title:  “Wet Dreams”. )   

2.  “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”.  ( Real title:  “Dreaming”. ) 

In prior articles, I’ve said the following:

1.  Kay was struck with a whip.

2.  Except for two vertical slash marks on her right hip, she was struck only from her left side.

3.  When Kay was whipped from her left side, she was standing.  Her arms were raised over her head.

There is a flaw in my reasoning.  It’s in this sentence, taken from the list of Kay’s wounds ( below ):

18.  A slash mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek, near her anus.

Let’s assume that Kay was standing.  If she was hit with a whip from her left side, her left bottom cheek would have protected the inner curve of her right bottom cheek.  That’s because the apex of her left bottom cheek sticks out farther than the inner curve of her right bottom cheek.  

My belief was that, while the whip struck her left hind cheek, the whip’s tip ( which does the most harm ) bit into the inner curve of her right bottom cheek.  ( Leaving the slash mark. )

My reasoning is flawed if the whip coursed across her ass horizontally.  However, my reasoning is correct if the whip hit her at an angle.  That is, if it coursed down on her ass from above.  At that angle, the apex of her left bottom cheek isn’t protecting the inner curve of her right bottom cheek.

My analysis has been that of a logician.  However, it’s time for me to apply common sense.  It’s likely that Kay was hit with more than a whip.  She may have been in a number of positions during the time that she was being punished.  However she was positioned, her ass remained the prime target.

The part of her that got nailed worst of all was her right bosom.  ( 1. ) and ( 2. ) in her list of wounds ( below ).  One of two things were responsible for this:

1.  The business end of a whip.

2.  The shaft of a riding crop.

The marks on her breast look like they were deep.  Like all of her other marks, these marks bled.  Presumably, the blood mostly just welled up into her wounds. 

A bruise also bleeds.  However, the bleeding is internal.

I say that her right bosom bears the worst wounds.  I’m speaking of her ‘charms’.  The right side of her torso, near hear bosom, has significant slash marks.  Her right hip has deep slash marks.  

It’s the marks on her right breast, however, that are always evident.  This is so in both “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.  Some of the marks on the right cheek of her ass are also continually visible.  The marks on her right torso and right hip are less evident, depending on Kay’s position, the camera’s focus, and the available light.

“Today … we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard”.

- Kay J, at her onlyfans ( dot ) com channel.  ( She then poses as a sexual submissive, in a bondage dungeon. ) 

Kay wasn’t just beaten hard prior to the filming of her videos.  She was beaten bloody.  It troubles me to say this, but it’s true.

Here is an updated list of the whip marks on Kay in “Wet Dreams”.  The words “UPDATED” or “NEW” denote my newest discoveries. 

1.  Two whip marks on the inner curve of her right bosom, near her nipple.  

2.  One whip mark on the lower curve of her right bosom, just above her ribs.

UPDATED  3.  A red mark on the front of her rib cage.  The mark is on the lower-right section of her rib cage.  ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”.  There, it’s clearly one, or more, marks from a whip. )  

NEW  4.  A significant slash mark, and at least three light slash marks, on the right side of her torso.  These are a bit below her armpit.  They are in line with the upper curve of her breast.  ( These marks show that, when Kay was struck here, her right arm was raised, and probably bound.  Otherwise, her arm would have protected this part of her body. ) 

NEW  5.  Three slash marks on the right side of her torso.  These are on her ribs.  They’re where the outer curve of her bosom meets her torso.  The marks form a pattern that resembles a “V” stabbing into a vertical line.  The “vertical” line is actually slanted.

NEW  6.  A significant slash mark on the right side of her torso.  This is on her ribs.  It’s in line with the place where the undercurve of her her bosom meets her torso.

UPDATED  7.  Four slash marks on the right side of her torso.  These vary from significant to deep.  These are on her ribs.  They’re near the underside of her bosom.  

UPDATED  8.  Four deep horizontal slash marks on her right hip.  Two deep vertical slash marks on her right hip.  There appears to be a mild infection here, amid the marks.

NEW  9.  A small angled slash mark on her right hip.

NEW  10.  A light cluster of whip marks on her right hip, just below the level of her bottom.

NEW  11.  A light bruise on her right hip.  This is close to ( 10. ), but nearer to her bottom.

NEW  12.  A light bruise on her right hip.  It’s a little below ( 11. ).   

13.  A red mark on her left hip.  ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”.  There, it’s clearly a bruise. )

14.  Four clusters of whip marks on her back, slightly above her bottom.

15.  A whip mark at the uppermost part of her bottom’s cleft.

16.  Light red whip marks on the uppermost part of her left bottom cheek.  These, in at least two separate clusters, are above the center of her bottom cheek. 

NEW  17.  At least two whip marks near the center point of her right bottom cheek.  This mark is a bit above the center point.

18.  A slash mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek, near her anus. 

19.  A whip mark above the slash mark on her bottom.

20.  A ( light ) whip mark below the slash mark on her bottom.

21.  A nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.

22.  Two whip marks on the uppermost part of her right thigh.  These are visible from the back of her thigh.  The marks are near her thigh’s outer flank, where it merges into her hip.

NEW  23.  A light cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek.  These are to the left of the center point of her cheek.

NEW  24.  A light cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek.  These are on the undercurve of her cheek, near her pussy.

NEW  25.  Vague white lines, resembling slight ridges, on her left bottom cheek.  These are visible in the last frames of “Wet Dreams”.  The lowest white ridge slashes downward across the midpoint of her left bottom cheek.  Three other lines can be ( vaguely ) discerned above it.

These are likely the ‘missing’ whip marks that one would expect to find on her left bottom cheek.  The whip, striking her from her left side, scored her left bottom cheek.  

The whip’s tip, which is the worst part of the whip, bit into her right bottom cheek.  There, it caused blood to well in the abrasive wounds on her right bottom cheek.

26.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  It’s on the upper part of her thigh.

27.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  This is about an inch and a half below the other slash mark on her left thigh.  ( This mark looks like it did not bleed. )

UPDATED  28.  A small bruise on the back of her right thigh.  This is at mid-thigh.  ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”.  There, its location can be pinpointed to a bit below her thigh’s midpoint. )

29.  A small bruise on the front of her left shin.  This is at the midpoint of her shin. 

I’m convinced of the following:  

Had “Wet Dreams” ( and “Dreaming” ) been filmed at a higher resolution than 1080p, I’d find more evidence of a beating on Kay’s body.

Common sense continues to invade my analysis.  If Kay was filmed on a Tuesday ( discussed in an earlier article ), she probably wasn’t whipped on Monday night.  She was probably whipped, at the latest, on Saturday night.  That means that her whipping was brutal.  Presumably, she found it erotically moving.  If it was administered over a prolonged period of time, and included sexual indulgences, her beating may well have been a “hot” experience for her. 

I’ve been assuming that Kay’s whipping was a single experience.  However, if she was a sex slave for a weekend, she may have been beaten a number of times.  No particular whipping would have been brutal.  However, the cumulative number of whip marks left on her would have been considerable.

A magazine published by Hustler is “Taboo”.  In it, I’ve read of private kink parties.  They were described as real events.  

They lasted over days.  In these affairs, a sex slave is punished, over time, by a number of masters.  There’s a lot of sex.  Hence, Kay, as a sex slave, would have had a number of masters at such a party.  Each one would have beaten her in some way.  This, again, would have left a number of marks on her body.  We see traces of these in “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”. 

( There can be more than one sex slave at such a party. )

Kay briefly discusses New Year’s 2021 on her Only Fans channel.  She does this in advance of the celebration.  She warns her fans that she may not tend her Only Fans channel for awhile after New Year’s.  That’s because she’ll be drunk.

Kay was 20 years old when “Wet Dreams” was filmed.  I don’t know what the ‘drinking age’ was in Kiev in 2016.  In my lifetime, the ‘drinking age’ in America was 18.  Hence, Kay may have been drunk when she was whipped.  


1.  I have no notion of what a 2050 Apple version of Foundation might include.  I’m simply, like the scientist in Foundation, making a prediction from current trends.

2.  Source for the original publication date of the “Foundation Trilogy”:  en ( dot ) wikipedia ( dot ) org.

3.  In my discussion of “Foundation ( the book )” I am, at times, collapsing the three books in the “Foundation Trilogy” into a single book.  This is akin to collapsing J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy into a single book.

“The Lord of the Rings” was, in fact, intended by Tolkien to be a single book.  His publisher broke it into three books.  Asimov’s “Foundation” gathers his previously published magazine stories into three novels.

4.  Source for Asimov’s ethnic identity:  Google.  I mentioned Asimov’s ethnic identity because of Russian history.  ( Who did, and who did not, feel compelled to emigrate from Russia. )

5.  Lotus-eaters appear in the T.V. show “Space: 1999”.  They are in the first season of “Space: 1999”, which was released in 1975.

6.  The epitome of back-stabbing on film is the 1968 movie, “The Lion in Winter”. 

7.  “Dead Man”, starring Johnny Depp, is a ‘Cowboy and Indians’ movie.  Its soundtrack, however, is by rock star Neil Young.  Young’s guitar provides a startling counterpoint to the imagery in the film.

Apple might have taken this path in Foundation.  Instead, Apple gives us ‘Yet another symphonic score’.

8.  A great chronicle of future time is “City”, by Clifford D. Simak.  Available on Amazon Kindle, or on paper.

On City:

‘These are the stories the dogs tell.’  

- Paraphrased.  From the back cover of my ( currently unavailable ) paperback copy.

9.  I verified a number of dates and facts using Google.

10.  Source for Kay J drunk after New Year’s:

“I can’t wait for New Year’s Eve ) guys, if I don’t reply to you, don’t worry, just wait, maybe I’m sleeping dru@nk at home [ Three emojis. ]  I’ll answer everyone after the holidays.  With love Kay [ Two emojis. ]”

- Kay’s Only Fans channel:  ukaybb

The three emojis after “drunk” are identical.  They can be interpreted as ironic.  They depict a face laughing so hard that it’s crying.  As in:

If you think I’ll be at home, forget it.  

The emoji after “Kay” is a roaring flame.  It’s followed by an emoji of a face.  The eyes of the face are large hearts.  One can interpret this as:

I’ll be having sex with one or more hot guys.  ( Or gals. )  

Hence, during and after New Year’s Eve, Kay may be at a wild, days long sex party.  One with bondage?

When I was briefly on Kay’s Only Fans channel, I noticed the following:

A.  Kay tends her channel during the week, when she’s stuck at home with her preschool age son.

B.  On the weekend, Kay disappears from her Only Fans channel.  I interpreted this as Kay going out partying.  ( Leaving her son in someone else’s care. )

Hence, as Kay’s fan, I was babysitting her during the week, as she babysat her son.  Then, on the weekend, she abandoned me.

Yes, this displeased me.

On the other hand, one can’t expect Kay to hang around her channel day and night.   

11.  My statements regarding Kay J are conjecture. 

12.  I once read an account of a gay sex party that lasted for days.  The chosen “victim” was “installed” in a bedroom.  He was confined, in some way, to the bed.  The other partiers then proceeded to use him sexually.  Hopefully, he was occasionally released to use a toilet!

13.  Below, I speak of my playlist on Apple Music.  Here’s some advice about creating a playlist on Apple Music:

Once you tap “Done”, it’s impossible to add songs to a playlist.  However, you can create a new “Untitled Playlist” from your current playlist.  Then, add songs to your “Untitled Playlist”.  You can even give your “Untitled Playlist” the same title as your old playlist.  Then, delete your old playlist. 

( You can always create an entirely new playlist. )

14.  Welcome to America, Hilton.  We have different libel laws than England.  


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  ( No period. )  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

On Apple Music, my “Username” is:  @andrewroller666.  ( No period. )  You can listen for free to my playlist, “Insurrection”.  This playlist is under construction.  Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 109

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 109, version 2.0 

Date Written:  October 14, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Apple One Unboxed


AI 22

Apple Info presents...

Apple One Unboxed


Plus:  Where the girls are.

And:  Molesting at last!



by Andrew Roller

It was May of 2019.  I was standing in the AT&T store, as an AT&T customer.  A young woman had been assigned to me, as my saleslady.  She was revolted by me.  This was so from the moment she saw me.  It didn’t help that, with regard to internet devices, I was a moron. 

I was interested in buying an Apple iPad.  I asked my saleslady how much memory my iPad would need.  She was intent on ridding herself of me as quickly as possible.  Recommending the smallest iPad to me ( which was the cheapest ), she then recommended the model with the least memory.  It had 64 gigabytes of memory.

“You don’t need much memory on an iPad,” the saleslady said.  ( The whole staff at that AT&T store proved to be wretchedly unprofessional. )

I have an Apple 6s iPhone.  I learned from an Apple tech support person, over the telephone, the following:

An iPhone is an iPhone.  An iPad is an iPad.  Think of your phone as being an empty briefcase.  What model of iPhone you own is almost irrelevant.  What does matter?

How much memory your iPhone has.

The amount of memory that your iPhone has will determine what Apple iOS version you can run.  ( On an iPad, this is called the Apple iPad OS. )

My iPhone has 32 gigabytes of memory.  From nearly the date that I bought it, new, in May of 2019, I’ve been troubled by a lack of available memory on my iPhone.  Currently, I can’t update to Apple’s newest iOS, because my iPhone doesn’t have enough memory.

I’ve been buying new Apple computers since 1987.  The rule with Apple then, and into the 1990s, was, 

“Apple is stingy.”  Apple provides a new Apple product with the minimum capacity that it can get away with.  This is true of everything, including the amount of memory that a new Apple product has. 

In June of 2019, I was standing in an Apple store.  After hours of trying, I finally got an Apple salesperson to speak to me.  ( I occupied part of my “down” time in the store by gawking at a gorgeous young girl. )

I was still interested in buying an Apple iPad.  I asked the Apple salesman how much memory my iPad would need.

“256 gigabytes,” he replied.  I noted that there was a model with 512 gigabytes.  I asked the salesman about it.  He allowed that 512 gigabytes would be an acceptable amount of memory.  He declared that no greater amount of memory would be needed:

“That would be ridiculous!” he told me.

In August of 2019, I was standing in the Navy Exchange.  It’s a store on a United States Naval Base.  I learned that an iPad was for sale, at the Navy Exchange, that had 1.02 terabytes of memory.  I bought it.

It’s now October of 2021.  The amount of available memory left on my iPad is 375 gigabytes. 

Prior to Apple’s iPad OS 15.0, which was released this month, the “Files” app on my iPad had a very restricted memory allotment.  It turns out that how much memory your “Files” app can access is crucial.  After fucking around for way too long, and issuing interim fixes, Apple has finally liberated the “Files” app.  It can now access the full terabyte of memory on my iPad.

Which raises the question:  if you buy the ( new ) 2 terabyte iPad, will its “Files” app be able to access your iPad’s full 2 terabytes?  Sadly, the only way to answer this question is to blow $2,000 on a 2 terabyte iPad.  

I’ve found that buying at the “Apple Store” on Amazon is the cheapest way to acquire an iPad.  Don’t buy used iPads on Amazon.  You’ll get better pricing if you buy a new iPad at the “Apple Store” on Amazon.  Search around on Amazon to find the “Apple Store”.  It isn’t readily obvious on Amazon.  The “Apple Store” won’t appear as a unique location on Amazon.  It will simply provide an option to buy a new iPad.  This will appear on your screen, as an option, the same way that an erotic novel does on Amazon.

To search for the “Apple Store” on Amazon, enter search terms in Amazon like:

2 terabyte iPad.

Let’s return to the “Files” app on my iPad.  Because its memory allotment was restricted, I had to move everything that I could off of my iPad.  I put these items into iCloud Drive.  ( Apple’s cloud storage service.  It’s right on your iPad. )  Modernly, I don’t do much work on my iPad.  I use my iPad as an internet access device.  With it, I go to iCloud Drive.  I do all my typing in iCloud Drive.  If I want to admire photos of Kay J, I do so in iCloud Drive.  ( iCloud Drive downloads the photos to me, quickly, as I tap on them. )

I only keep essential documents on my iPad.  Also, all of my apps are on my iPad.  There isn’t any way to put them into iCloud Drive.

( That is, there isn’t any way to put your apps into iCloud Drive and use them.  When you ‘backup to iCloud Drive’, your apps are saved there, just like everything else is.  You can get them back if your iPad dies. )

iCloud Drive is where your documents reside.  Your apps reside on your iPad.

Your photos should be “optimized” so that they reside in iCloud Drive.  ( Settings > Photos > Optimize iPad Storage. ) 

Apple reserves the right to censor what you put into iCloud Drive.  Their “Terms of Use” are ridiculously restrictive.  I keep a current copy of my most important documents on my iPad. 

Here’s how I do this:

In iCloud Drive, I have a folder called, WordPress.  It contains the original copies of all of my articles on ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays.

On my iPad, I have a folder called, 3:42pm7octWordPress.  It’s the current copy of my WordPress folder that’s in iCloud Drive.  Its title can be interpreted as:

3:42 p.m.

7 Oct 2021 


By using this method, I never confuse my original WordPress folder, in iCloud Drive, with my duplicate folder on my iPad.  

My most important photo is of Brooke Shields, at age 10, kneeling nude in a bathtub.  I made multiple copies of her in various formats, including as a PDF file.

Hence, if Apple ever kicks me out of iCloud Drive, I’ll still have copies of what truly matters.

Apple sells various amounts of storage in iCloud Drive.  The maximum amount that they sell is 2 terabytes.  This costs $9.99 per month.  I’ve been on the 2 terabyte plan for nearly two years.  Recently, I ran out of memory in iCloud Drive.

I did not literally run out of memory.  I had 11 gigabytes left.  I rarely take photos with my iPhone.  However, I take an enormous number of screenshots.  I use screenshots, in part, as a way to keep track of administrative details.  If you sold me something, over the internet, I’d screenshot your bill of sale that you displayed to me on the internet.  

Screenshots, and Screen Recordings, are what ate up most of my memory in iCloud Drive.  These are all stored in my “Photos” app. 

I was desperate for more memory.  I considered various options.  “Google Drive” was not one of them.  Since Google owns the viciously censorious You Tube, and since Google itself is quite censorious, I loathe Google.  Yesterday, the Fox News Channel revealed that Google has been secretly selling user “tracking” information to the United States Federal Government.  I’d noticed, on ARSE, that the web browser ‘Duck Duck Go’ was suddenly a quite popular way to access ARSE.  Now I know why. 

In the fall of 2020, my iPad crashed.  I don’t own a computer.  As a result, I had to take my iPad to the Apple Store at the mall.  A clerk at the Apple Store erased my iPad.  Then, using her computer, she restored my iPad’s contents.  She did this from iCloud Drive. 

( The entire process of downloading from iCloud Drive took over a week.  I had to go home, restart the download, and wait a week. )

Let’s say that I’d backed up my iPad to Google Drive.  The clerk at the Apple Store would not have accessed Google Drive to restore my iPad.  That’s because Google isn’t Apple.  A clerk at the Apple store will only help you with Apple products and services. 

I pause to say the following:  don’t buy your new iPhone at the AT&T store.  Buy it at the Apple Store in the mall.  Then, take your iPhone to the AT&T store to get a SIM card installed, so that you have telephone service.  

You should only buy your iPhone at the AT&T store if you don’t have enough money to buy it at the Apple Store in the mall.  It’s always cheaper to pay ‘cash’, at the Apple Store, than to lease ( and eventually buy ) your iPhone at the AT&T store.  This is true for any smart phone. 

I return to my main narrative.

I had 11 gigabytes left in iCloud Drive.  Apple wasn’t going to sell me any more memory.  What to do?  

Apple has a new service called “Apple One”.  It includes 2 terabytes of memory.  I read about Apple One on the internet.  There, I was told that I could join Apple One and get 2 terabytes of memory.  If I wanted to keep my current 2 terabytes on iCloud Drive, I’d have to join Apple One, and then “buy more memory”.

The information that I read on the internet is outdated.  I joined Apple One.  To get the 2 terabytes of memory that “Apple One” provides, I had to join “Apple One Premier”.  It costs $29.95 per month.

With the advent of Apple’s iPad OS 15.0, iCloud Drive is known, as a billed service, as “iCloud+”.  What does this mean?  When I bought “Apple One”, I instantly had access to all 4 terabytes of memory in iCloud Drive.  I didn’t have to “buy more memory”.  

My “Settings” app, on my iPad, showed that I had 4 terabytes of memory in iCloud Drive.  However, in iCloud Drive itself ( accessed via my “Files” app, on my iPad ), I still had just 11 gigabytes!  I restarted my iPad.  That didn’t help.  However, some hours later, iCloud Drive showed that I had 4 terabytes in iCloud Drive.  That is, iCloud Drive told me that I had 2.1 terabytes available; I’d used up the rest over two years.

I could have eliminated things from my “Photos” app, and from iCloud Drive itself.  That would have given me back some of my used memory in iCloud Drive.  I preferred to buy Apple One rather than try to chuck stuff. 

On my credit card, I’ll now be billed, each month, for the following:

iCloud+  $9.99

Apple One $29.95

Total price:  $39.94

Apple One doesn’t just provide 2 terabytes of memory.  It includes the following:

1.  Apple Arcade.  This is not a separate app!  To access Apple Arcade, do the following:

A.  Tap on your icon that’s called, “App Store”.  

B.  In “App Store”, look at the bottom of your iPad’s screen.  A horizontal bar is there.  On this bar are the following:

a.  Today.

b.  Games.  

c.  Apps. 

d.  Arcade.

e.  Search.

C.  Tap on “Arcade”.

In Arcade, I looked at this game:  “Star Trek:  Legends”.  I had looked at this game before, as an ordinary ( non-“Apple One” ) user.  I recall that it cost money.  Now, it looks like the game is totally free.  I didn’t find any notification about “in-app purchases”.  

I refuse to try any game that has in-app purchases.  I’ve read a number of reviews of games, and apps, at the “App Store”.  In them, young users bemoan in-app purchases.  The user gets hooked on the product.  Then the user discovers that Mom won’t put up extra money for in-app purchases.  I take the hint from those users, and stay away from such products.

Note:  Apple has highly censorious language about communicating with young users in multi-player internet games that it offers.  My understanding is that these games are in Apple’s “Arcade”.  Basically, you can make statements to a young user.  However, you can’t ask her ‘personal’ questions, including what church she attends!  ( It’s okay, I guess, if she remains an unbeliever, and gets damned to Hell. )

2.  Apple T.V.  This is an icon on your iPad.  The icon is labeled, “TV”.  Apple is a politically correct company.  I expect that most of the T.V. shows that they offer won’t appeal to me.  Apple has turned science fiction author Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” series into a T.V. show.  If I were younger, this would thrill me.  I tapped on the show.  It began to play.

The Fox News Channel is not on Apple T.V.!  In Apple T.V., I searched for “Tucker Carlson Tonight”.  An icon was duly displayed.  It was of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”.  However, when I clicked on this icon, it took me to the “Fox News Channel” app.  There, I was told to sign up with a cable T.V. company.  I have no interest in being a customer of cable T.V.

Somewhere in Apple’s “App Store”, I read reviews of the “Fox News Channel” app.  Users there complained bitterly about it.  In my own experience, I’ve learned to ignore the “Fox News Channel” app.  If you’re interested in the Fox News Channel, I recommend the following: 

Using your web browser, go to foxnews ( dot ) com.  Scroll to the very bottom of the page.  There, tap on “Shows”.  

You’re taken to a second page.  It’s titled:  “Fox News Shows”.  Bookmark this page.  ( “Add to Home Screen”, in your browser. )  Use your bookmark to visit “Fox News Shows” whenever you like.  There, you can watch videos, for free, from every Fox News Channel program.

You can also bookmark the “On Air” page at foxbusiness ( dot ) com.  It offers videos, for free, from every “Fox Business” channel program.

I was thrilled to find the following channel on Apple T.V.:  The Great Courses Signature Collection.  It turns out that this channel costs $7.99 per month.  A similar fee is charged by other channels.  The “Showtime” channel, on Apple T.V., costs $10.99 per month.  I haven’t found ‘bundled pricing’ on Apple T.V.  Hence, if you subscribe to all of your favorite cable T.V. channels on Apple T.V., you’ll be paying more than if you bought old-fashioned cable T.V. 

3.  Apple Music.  This is an icon on your iPad.  The icon is labeled, “Music”.  Tapping on the Apple Music icon, I was taken ( as a new customer ) to Apple Music.  An informational box appeared.  It said, “Welcome to your family plan”.  I am not an Apple “family plan” customer.  I’m an “Apple One Premier” customer.  A “Settings”-type function within Apple Music is titled, “Account”.  There, in a box titled, “Edit Subscription”, I was told that I’m an “Apple One Premier” customer.

Let’s return to the initial Apple Music informational box.  It’s titled, “Welcome to your family plan”.  At the bottom of this box is a button.  It’s labeled, “Start Listening”.  I tapped on this button.  

A new informational box appeared.  It’s titled, “Tell us what you’re into.”  I found this box to be very frustrating.  I was supposed to tap on music genres that I “like”, “love”, or “don’t” love.  The conventional options were listed.  They were such options as “Hits”, “Hip-Hop”, and “Classic Rock”.

There was no genre labeled, “Girl Rock Bands”.  Nor was there a genre labeled, “Disney Girls”.  I like “late Beatles” songs, but not “early Beatles” songs.  I like “early Rolling Stones” songs.  The last time The Rolling Stones wrote a song worth listening to, in my opinion, was half a century ago.  If I told Apple Music that I liked “Classic Rock”, I feared that Apple Music would flood me with “Classic Rock” songs.  I like some “Classic Rock”.  There are many “Classic Rock” songs that I hope I never hear again.

Usually, Apple offers a way to bypass unwanted informational boxes.  Not here.  I grudgingly tapped a genre labeled, “Rock”.

That didn’t satisfy Apple Music.  I was still imprisoned in the informational box.  However, the box now offered this option:  “Add an Artist”.  I tapped on “Add an Artist”.  

A new informational box appeared.  It’s titled, “Enter an artist name.”  This box has a search field.  In it, I typed “The Runaways”.  The search produced no results.  I eventually tried this search:  “Runaways”.  A result was returned!  It was returned for “THE Runaways”.  ( Emphasis added. )

Proceeding in this box, I then added, “Joan Jett and the Blackhearts”, and “Bush”.  That satisfied the informational box.

Describing how Apple Music works is beyond the scope of this article.  I can make some points:

A.  You do not have a “Library” in Apple Music.  Look to the left side of your iPad’s screen.  A sidebar is there.  It’s titled, “Music”.  This is what functions as your ‘Library’.  However, it’s broken up into categories.  These bear such labels as “Artists”, “Albums” and “Downloaded”.

B.  Tap on “Downloaded”.  Whoa!  Apple is trying to do two things here:

a.  Save money on streaming musical items to your iPad.

b.  Download everything that you like to your iPad.  Whoops!  Your iPad is now out of memory!  You need a newer, bigger iPad!

By the time that I got to the category labeled “Downloaded”, I’d added a number of musical items to my ‘Library’.  I now had to manually remove each downloaded item in “Downloaded”.  I was not able to remove any of the videos.  These remained downloaded to my iPad.  I was able to remove all of the other musical items.

I use the Apple app called “iTunes U” a lot.  ( Which is not “iTunes”. )  In “iTunes U”, I listen to, or watch, college lectures.  I’ve found that I don’t need to download any of them.  I just stream them.  I’m planning to do the same with regard to musical items in Apple Music. 

( Note:  I just played an UNdownloaded song in Apple Music.  It played on my iPad by streaming to my iPad.  It did NOT download. )

When removing musical items in “Downloaded”, make sure that you simply remove the downloaded musical item from your ‘Library’.  Don’t delete it altogether, unless you want to. 

I was, essentially, kicked out of You Tube.  That destroyed my library of music on You Tube.  Then, I was essentially kicked out of Pandora.  That destroyed my library of music on Pandora.  I now hope to reconstruct my music library anew, on Apple Music. 

If you have a list of music in a library, on an internet platform, screenshot it.  Then you’ll know what your library held if you get kicked off of the platform.  ( I haven’t figured out how I’ll screenshot items in Apple Music.  That’s because its ‘Library’ is broken up into different categories. ) 

4.  Apple News +.  This is an icon on your iPad.  The icon is labeled, “News”.  In “News”, you can subscribe to various magazines for free.  I subscribed to “National Geographic”, and to “The New Yorker”.  

I was able to open and read a back issue of “The New Yorker”.  It’s possible that every issue of “The New Yorker” is here.  However, there is no search function that finds a particular issue.  If you want to read an issue of “The New Yorker” from 2002, you’ll have to scroll for awhile through the icons that represent the various issues.  This is true of every magazine in Apple News +. 

In “The New Yorker” section of Apple News +, “The New Yorker” invited me to go someplace on the web and download an audio version of their magazine.  An option to listen to a “The New Yorker” podcast was included.  I went and got what was offered.  It was free.  ( I haven’t used the items; I just went someplace and did what was required there. ) 

At some point in the past, I deleted Apple “News” from my iPad.  That’s because Apple is politically correct.  It manipulates the news to damn Donald Trump and the Republicans, and to praise the Democrats.  

I guess when I became an Apple One member, Apple “News” was returned to my iPad.  I’m not expecting much from Apple News +, except to read a few magazines. 

5.  Apple Fitness +.  On an iPad, this is just a web site.  I found it using Google.  The web site’s address is:

apple ( dot ) com

At apple ( dot ) com, Apple Fitness + does NOT recognize that I’m a paying Apple One member.  It offers me a ‘free trial’ of Apple Fitness +.

There is no icon for Apple Fitness +.  Unless, that is, you have an Apple Watch.  If you just have an iPad and an iPhone, Apple Fitness + does NOT exist! 

Apple needs to fix this.  Otherwise, customers will feel that Apple has defrauded them.

6.  iCloud storage.  You get 2 terabytes if you become an “Apple One Premier” member.  The 2 terabytes are automatically added to the 2 terabytes that you already have, as a 2 terabyte iCloud+ customer. 

I collected all of the relevant icons for Apple One into a single ‘folder’ on my iPad.  ( A bubble. )  These icons are:  

A.  App Store.  ( For “Arcade”. )

B.  TV.

C.  Music.

D.  News. 

If you have trouble finding the icons, put your finger in the middle of your iPad’s screen.  Then, swipe down.  This puts an informational box on your iPad’s screen.  

The box is titled, “Search”.  An Apple employee, on the telephone, called the box “periscope”.  “Periscope” contains a search field.  Use it.  That will put, say, Apple’s TV icon into the “iPad Dock” ( the bar ) at the bottom of your iPad’s screen.  You can now move the Apple TV icon onto the main part of your iPad’s screen.

Is Apple One worth the money?  With regard to this question, I didn’t have a choice.  I had to have more memory.  I need to be able to resort to the Apple Store, at the mall, if my iPad dies ( again).  Therefore, I had to sign up for Apple One.

Beyond the question of memory, the decision is, sadly, a political one.  If you’re politically correct, welcome to another liberal cesspool to wallow in.  Also, if your views are unerringly conventional ( “child molesters” are evil ), here’s another sewer for you.

On the other hand, if you’re an unvaccinated atheist pedophile, and a ( grudging ) Trump voter, Apple One is another bastion of conventional thought that, like The Leaning Tower of Piss, is leaning ever farther left.  Make of it what you will.

CRISIS Solved!

In the app “iTunes U”, the best videotaped lectures are by Yale University.  Sadly, with the onset of Apple’s iPad OS 15.0, some videotaped Yale lectures no longer play.  This is true of the course, “Early Middle Ages”.

Using your web browser, go to:

oyc ( dot ) yale ( dot ) edu

“Early Middle Ages” is here!  You can watch the videotaped lectures.  

( In Apple’s “Podcasts” app, “Early Middle Ages” is only available in an audio version.  Also, until several days ago, my “Podcasts” app was inexplicably broken. ) 

A main page at the Yale website gives access to all of its free videotaped lectures.  The address for this main page is: 

oyc ( dot ) yale ( dot ) edu

( The same as for “Early Middle Ages”. )

A great source of audiotaped lectures, in the “iTunes U” app, is La Trobe University.  It’s a university in Australia.  All of its audiotaped lectures still play in “iTunesU”.  

Sadly, La Trobe University does not offer its lectures on its own web site.  I found a boatload of “child safety” crap at La Trobe’s web site.  There wasn’t a hint of educational material.  Propaganda before learning!

WHERE the GIRLS are.

“All the little kids are on Tik Tok.”

I heard the above yesterday, on the Fox News Channel.  The speaker defined the users of various social media platforms as follows:

1.  Facebook:  the users are “older people”.

2.  Instagram:  the users are between the ages of 20 to 50.

3.  Tik Tok:  All the little kids are on Tik Tok.

I haven’t used Tik Tok.  I did read about it.  In a news article, Tik Tok claimed to have a separate ( segregated ) “Tik Tok for Kids” service.  If so, this is an awful development.  No young girl wants to be parted from any of her fans.  Also, I want to see the girls!  Videos by preteen and young teenage girls are the most fun to watch.

At Apple’s “App Store”, I did not find a separate app labeled, “Tik Tok for Kids”.  There is just a “Tik Tok” app.  ( Which is good. )

“SaveTok” is an app that users in Apple’s “App Store” recommend.  I downloaded it, but I haven’t used it.

Some members of the United States Congress are trying to “update” COPPA.  ( The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. )  This prevents anyone under age 13 from signing herself up to a web site.  The updated COPPA would prevent anyone under age 15 from signing up to a web site!  Other congressmen are proposing other pernicious legislation, to “protect” children.

Congress has always been the enemy of the internet.  In the 1990s, it wanted to ban internet content that didn’t meet a broadcast T.V. standard of decency.  “Broadcast”, in this context, means free over-the-air T.V.  ( Not cable. )

In the 1990s, the American public discovered that “porn” was on the internet.  The American public’s response to the entire internet was:  ban it.  

Who needs an automobile when you have a horse and buggy?

THE F.B.I.’s real MODUS operandi

“The process is the prosecution”.

I heard the above yesterday, on the Fox News Channel.  The F.B.I. is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  According to Google, the F.B.I. “is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency.”  ( Note the phrase “domestic intelligence” ( i.e. spy ) in Google’s description. ) 

What does “the process is the prosecution” mean?  It means the following:

1.  The F.B.I. relies on harassing you to make you obey.  They do this even if they have no legitimate reason to arrest you.

2.  The F.B.I. hopes to entrap you into “lying to the F.B.I”.  ( Which is a crime. )  Who decides if you’ve lied to the F.B.I.?  The F.B.I.!

3.  The F.B.I. hopes to get you to “confess” to a crime when they interview ( i.e. harass ) you.  They watch for both verbal and nonverbal cues.  For instance, a suspect was given a batch of photographs by an F.B.I. agent in an interview.  Each photograph was of a person.  The agent asked for the suspect’s “help” regarding the individuals that each photo depicted.

Feeling important, the suspect proceeded to describe each of the photographed individuals.  The agent, unknown to the suspect, paid no attention to what the suspect was saying.  He watched the suspect’s face.  The suspect proceeded to have a surprised, unnerved reaction to two individuals in the batch of photos.  

Later, the agent talked to the two individuals whose photos had unnerved the suspect.  The two individuals provided information to the agent about the suspect.  This information enabled the agent to arrest the suspect.

If an F.B.I. agent demands to “interview” you, tell him, “I don’t want to talk to you.”


1.  If a psychiatrist is interviewing you, your best response to a question that you dislike is, “That makes me uncomfortable.”  Of course, by saying that a question makes you uncomfortable, you’re:

A.  Acknowledging an emotional response. 

B.  Indicating that the topic of “molesting children” makes you uncomfortable, while the topic of bank robbery doesn’t.

However, there is no other statement that will get the psychiatrist to stop quizzing you on the topic.  ( Silence on your part is golden, if it works. )

2.  If a news reporter demands to interview you, ignore him.  According to the Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters, this is the best way to handle a nosy reporter, including one that’s following you down the street.

MOLESTING at last!

Liberals assure me that, as a man, I can get pregnant.  How does this work?  Do I stick my dick in my ass?  What if my dick isn’t long enough to go in my ass?

My neighbor claims that he’s pregnant.  He says that his baby is a girl.  He’s looking forward to changing her diapers, many times, once she’s born.  He plans to have a whole harem of baby girls. 


1.  I did a search on Apple Music for the band:  psychefunkapus.  Apple Music returned:  No results.

Note to Apple:  Psychefunkapus was a funk metal band from the San Francisco Bay Area.  Have you ever heard of the San Francisco Bay Area?  Oh!  You live there!

Furthermore, Psychefunkapus was a racially integrated band.  It features Whites, Blacks, and at least one American Indian.  ( By appearance. )  This was at the start of the 1990s, when most bands were still all-White or all-Black.  I guess Apple isn’t nearly as “woke” as they think they are.

My favorite song ( so far ) by Psychefunkapus is “Surfin’ On Jupiter”.  

Perhaps Apple hates the fact that Psychefunkapus has at least two ( apparently ) pro-pedophile songs:

A.  17 and Under.

B.  Slut Child.

I did multiple searches on Apple Music for all aspects of Psychefunkapus and got:  No results.

Apple Music features a band called, “The Child Molesters”.  I haven’t listened to them yet.  From the titles of their songs, they look like a run-of-the-mill nihilist band.

2.  In Apple Music, I arrived on a page that I couldn’t escape from.  The color of the page was dark.  I finally swiped down, with my finger, from the top of the page.  That let me escape.

3.  Source for the F.B.I.’s use of nonverbal cues:  What Every BODY is Saying:  An ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People.  By Joe Navarro.  ( Available on Amazon Kindle, and on paper. )

4.  If you follow me on WordPress, thank you!  I apologize for the number of revisions of an issue that may wind up in your mailbox.  My reasons for these are as follows:

A.  If my iPad dies ( again ), I have no way to publish.  Hence, I have an unfortunate incentive to “shoot now”, and do final revisions later.

B.  I sometimes e-mail copies of an issue.  To do this, I have to turn off my spell checker in Apple’s “Pages” app.  Otherwise, all the e-mail addresses in the “Pages” document are listed as misspelled words.  If I touch them, “Pages” tries to delete them.  I sometimes forget to turn my spell checker back on.

C.  I sometimes add more content to an issue that I’ve published.

D.  I continue to search for the best way to say something.  I fix a published issue if I find a better way to say something in it.

E.  If a comma is missing in an issue, or unneeded, I publish a revised issue.  I don’t stop until I get sick of reading myself.

F.  It’s amazing how many errors can remain in a “proofread” document.  This is true even after numerous readings. 

I keep an eye on how popular an issue becomes.  In the case of several articles, about preteen or young teenage girls, they soared in popularity.  This happened soon after I published the articles.  In the case of those articles, I was unable to revise them.  That’s because doing so would have damaged my ( rising ) page ranking in the various search engines.

5.  I updated the following in my article titled “Addendum”:

1.  The HOTTEST Girls on You Tube.  BS, the Basement Stud news service, issue number 1.

See the following there:

11.  NOTE:  ( October 7, 2021. )  Search results for “Danatar” ( Dana Taranova ).

6.  My article, “Danatar2 BANNED”, has been the most popular article on ARSE every single day of 2021.  

In 2020, Milana from Minsk was the most popular girl on ARSE.  Dana was the second most popular girl.  This year, it’s reversed:  Dana is the most popular.  Milana from Minsk is the second most popular.

7.  An “iOS 15 User Guide” is available from the following web site:
igeeksblog ( dot ) com

To obtain this user guide:

A.  Go to the web site.

B.  Follow their instructions.

C.  The “iOS User Guide” will be “downloaded” into your Safari browser on your iPad.  To save it:

a.  Look to the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.  There, you’ll see a blue icon.  It’s an icon of a box.  An arrow is sticking out of the top of the box.

b.  Tap on the box that has the arrow sticking out of the top of it.

c.  An informational box appears.  The box is titled, “iOS 15 Ultimate User Guide for iPhone”.

d.  ( Optional. )  The word “Options” is under the title of the box.  “Options” is in blue.  Tap on “Options”.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “Options”.  Under “Options”, the following is selected:  “Automatic”.  

“Automatic” is selected if you’ve downloaded a free version of the app “Acrobat” from the Apple “App Store”.  ( I’ve always called “Acrobat” by this name:  “Adobe Acrobat”. )  If you haven’t downloaded “Acrobat”, do so!

In the informational box titled, “Options”, the option of “PDF” is available.  However, “PDF” will put arbitrary horizontal lines through your document.  Don’t choose “PDF”!  ( Only choose “PDF” for boring documents, that don’t have pretty pictures. )  ( If your document is a pretty picture, but limited to a single page, you can make a “PDF” of it. )

Tap “Back”, at the top of this informational box, to get out of it.

e.  You are in the informational box titled, “iOS 15 Ultimate User Guide for iPhone”.  Scroll down!  ( This is not always necessary, but in this instance, it is. )  Find this:

“Save to Files”.

f.  Tap on “Save to Files”.  A new informational box appears.  It’s titled, “iOS 15 Ultimate User Guide for iPhone [ plus additional information ]”.

g.  In this box, tap on the location where you want to save the guide to.

h.  Look to the top right corner of this informational box.  Here, you’ll see “Save”.

i.  Tap on “Save”.  The guide is now saved to wherever you chose, in step g.

This may sound boring.  However, I recently bought, and “downloaded”, an old porn magazine.  It arrived in my Safari browser.  I had to get the magazine out of my browser before I surfed to another location.

Following the above procedure, you’ll find that you have more options than “Save to Files”.  You can save the guide ( or an old porn magazine ) to the app called “Documents”, by the company called “Readdle”.  “Documents” is a free app at the Apple “App Store”.

You can also save the guide to the app called “PDF Expert”, by the company called “Readdle”.  However, you might not be able to open the guide unless you subscribe ( for money ) to “PDF Expert”.

8.  My Apple iPad was sold to me with Google installed on my Safari web browser. 

9.  In Apple News +, “The New Yorker” only goes back 36 issues.  That may be the maximum number of issues that “The New Yorker is willing to offer, at any point in time, in Apple News +.  Other magazines also limit the depth of their back issue archive in Apple News +.

“The Economist” magazine is not available in Apple News +.

In Apple News +, the “FOLLOW” button, which is a method of subscribing to a magazine, is frustratingly difficult to use.  Trying to tap your finger on “FOLLOW” takes you to the magazine.  ( Instead of subscribing you to it. )  I had to tap “FOLLOW” 20 times to subscribe to a magazine. 

10.  I read the following on the internet:  If you run out of memory in iCloud Drive, Apple will send you a notice.  It will appear right on your iPad.  The notice will tell you that you can’t back up to iCloud Drive.  So, if you want to cut matters close, you can keep loading things into iCloud Drive until Apple sends you the notice.

11.  I read about a user of Google Drive.  The F.B.I. knocked on his door.  They told him that he was out of memory in Google Drive.

( Hopefully, despite Google secretly selling people’s data to the government, that’s a joke. )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 22

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 22, version 12.0

Date Written:  October 7, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Kay J’s “kid cute” Biography


ET 108                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Kay J’s “kid cute” Biography


Plus:  My most popular posts.

And:  New wounds on “kid cute” Kay J.  


KAY J’s “kid cute” BIOGRAPHY

by Andrew Roller

Some time ago, I wrote a number of articles about girls on You Tube.  The girls were preteens and young teenagers.  These are the most popular articles on my web site.  ( ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays. )

In fact, my articles about girls like Dana Taranova ( Danatar ), Milana from Minsk, and Ustina Abramova ( Tina ), are nearly the only articles on ARSE that anyone reads.  I get about 80 visitors to my web site each day.  ( Each visitor generates a number of views. )  When You Tube banned Danatar and Tina, my daily users shot up to 240 per day.  ( In May of 2021. )

Milana from Minsk was banned repeatedly by You Tube.  Many other preteen and teenage girls have been banned by You Tube, or brutalized by You Tube’s staff.

I write about many topics.  One of these is nude, or “erotic”, model Kay J.  According to the web site freeones ( dot ) com, Kay has been, at times, the most popular “porn” star in the world.  Yet nobody reads my articles about Kay J!

You might answer, “Well, Andrew, that’s because they read about Kay J elsewhere.”  That would be wonderful.  However, I haven’t found any significant biographical information on Kay J anywhere.  Even her Only Fans web site lacks biographical information. 

In our everyday world, men are constantly warned to have nothing to do with “little girls”.  “Little girls” are defined, by unremittingly harsh laws, as being girls under the age of 18.  These laws are nearly boundless in their reach.  I once read the following, regarding these laws:

( I give this in the form of a hypothetical. )

An American man goes to a foreign land.  Coming upon a girl who is 12 years old, or younger, he asks her, “How’s the weather”?  He can be prosecuted, by America, for “attempting to have sex with a minor”.  If he asks the girl to have sex with him, then he can be prosecuted “for HAVING sex with a minor”.  ( Emphasis added. )

You can see the result of such idiot laws.  They may deter men in “meatspace” from associating with “little girls”.  However, they only heighten men’s overall interest in “little girls”.  Hence, my articles on girls like Dana are of continual interest, while my articles on “porn” star Kay J languish unread. 

The web site watch4beauty ( dot ) com titles a photo gallery of Kay J as “Unusual Girl”.  This is true.  But for her cute face and bright eyes, Kay can be easy to miss.  

One can regard Kay as “just” a normal girl.  She doesn’t have big porn star bosoms ( except during, and shortly after, her pregnancy in 2017 ).  Her hips, bottom, and thighs vary in size.  When she’s 20 years old, in 2016, her hips, bottom, and thighs are enticingly small.  When she’s 23 years old, her hips, bottom, and thighs are way too big.  ( She looks great again in the latter half of her 24th year, and at age 25. ) 

Kay’s demeanor changes over time.  At age 20, she’s beckoningly “kid cute”.  By age 22, she’s a remote “young adult wife” figure.  She remains lovely, but her attitude resembles a block of ice. 

I adore the “kid cute” phase of Kay’s career.  This is the era in which she got her start.    

Kay looks “kid cute” again at age 25.  However, in August of 2021, she got her first tattoo.  It’s on her upper back, and it’s huge.  I loathe tattoos on women.  I see many naked women on the internet.  In fact, I see too many.  I have a quick way to eliminate a woman from my masturbatory consideration:  if she has any tattoo, she’s gone.  I skip past her photo at once.  ( Obviously, I have to be able to see the tattoo, to know that it’s there. )  

Since Kay J now has a tattoo, and has been, at times, too fat, and, at other times, too cold in her demeanor, I’m limiting this article to her “kid cute” era.  She’s a nude “kid cute” model from late September of 2016 to Early March of 2017. 

Five months!  ( Plus about three weeks. )  Kay is intoxicatingly interesting during this period. 

You can read about Kay’s later years in my other articles on ARSE.

Sadly, I have no information on Kay as a preteen or as a young teenager.  Those ( doubtless amazing ) periods of her life are lost to history.  Even if they’re someday retrieved as text, in the form of an autobiography, they’re photographically lost.  There are no deleted You Tube videos of Kay lying somewhere.  That’s because, during her lifetime, there was no You Tube.  When You Tube arrived, Kay wasn’t on it, or on any similar platform.

I continue to be outraged by social media platforms that segregate girls who are “too young” from “men”.  A “man” is likely any young girl’s greatest admirer! 


I’m constructing a biography of nude, or “erotic”, model Kay J.  Kay’s name is Jessica Tolyda.  She was born in Kiev, Ukraine, where she currently resides.  Kay was born on March 21, 1996.  She began modeling nude at age 20.

In late May of 1996, Kay graduated with a degree in design from college.  A four year college doesn’t grant a degree in design.  However, a junior, or community, college does.  Hence, Kay graduated from junior college in Kiev. 

She was then faced with three choices:

1.  Do more college, by transferring to a four year institution. 

2.  Get a ( probably boring ) normal job.  

In a normal job, she’d likely be required to sit for most of the day, and get fat.  Or, she’d likely have to stand all day, as a grocery cashier does, and get varicose veins.  

A job of “designer” was probably not available to Kay.  Many college degrees, including from four year institutions, carry no earning power at all.  The world needs designers.  It doesn’t need them in the quantity which colleges produce.  The same is true for anthropologists and historians. 

( However, males everywhere need to ejaculate - and are willing to pay to do so! )

By late in her 20th year, Kay has permanently visible smile lines.  Hence, by September of her 20th year, her very young, innocent look was about to vanish. 

( Which is why aging porn stars complain about porn stars who are 18, claiming that such girls are “children”.  Of course, if 30 year old porn stars could ban 25-year-old women from porn, as being “too young”, they’d do so! )

Kay’s third choice was:

3.  Try nude modeling.

On June 17, 2016, Kay created a presence on the web site freeones ( dot ) org.  There, she is called “Kay Jay”.  Later, she’ll mostly be known as “Kay J”.

The “J” in her ersatz surname is derived from her real first name of “Jessica”.  “Kay” comes from the “ca” in Jessica.  Hence, aurally, “Jess” “ca” is inverted to create her nude model name of “Kay J”. 

Kay had no ( professional ) nude photos to share when she created her presence on freeones ( dot ) org.  ( I assign a date of early 2017 to her Me Tart Network photo gallery called “Dantyl”.  In “Dantyl”, Kay poses in a white-painted Bean Bag Chair. )

According to indexxx ( dot ) com, Kay obtained a presence on the web site enme ( dot ) life.  She did so under her real name of Jessica Tolyda.  Indexxx describes enme ( dot ) life as a “Glam, Pic” web site.  

enme ( dot ) life no longer exists. 

You may wonder how I’ve determined that Kay J’s name is in fact Jessica Tolyda.  Here are my reasons:

1.  The statement at indexxx ( dot ) com regarding enme ( dot ) life.

2.  Kay’s ( brief ) biographical information at freeones ( dot ) com. 

3.  Brief biographical information on Kay that I encountered at other web sites.

4.  I have no idea who visits my web site ( ARSE ).  However, my web site collects search terms that people invent, which then lead them to ARSE.  Recently, someone found my web site by using the search term, written in quotation marks, of Jessica Tolyda.  To a Westerner, the last name of Tolyda is very unfamiliar.  It’s nearly impossible to spell right; unless, that is, you’re Jessica Tolyda! 

To my knowledge, “Jessica Tolyda” was only used in that one instance to access my web site.  However, the person who used the search term didn’t visit ARSE from Kay’s country of Ukraine.  

( ARSE identifies the country that you visit me from.  Only the country is identified.  The country is not linked to you.  This is a function of any WordPress web site.  I didn’t install it. ) 

( Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg reportedly began his web site to collect information about young women.  He has all of your information if you use Facebook.  He also has all of your information if you use any Facebook owned company. )

Kay did not receive any nude modeling offers during the summer of 2016.  However, by late September, she’d connected with the photographer Alex Lynn.

The Me Tart Network photo gallery called “Phiny” is dated September 18, 2016.  In “Phiny”, Kay flaunts her bare ass in a bathroom.  Exhibiting her bottom, anus, and pussy, she gives the viewer the “finger”.  Her middle finger is pointed at her pussy.  Sex, and erotic punishment, were likely on her mind.

( As a nude model, Kay is a genius at playing a “wild child” innocent. ) 

The Me Tart Network video called “Wet Dreams” is dated September 20, 2016.  This is two days after “Phiny”.  The intent of “Wet Dreams” is to depict Kay’s youthful nudity, and her very innocent look.  However, when Kay arrived for the shoot, her nubile body bore whip marks.

There is a Me Tart Network video called, “Dreaming”.  Me Tart dates the video to December 25, 2016.  However, I date this video to September 21, 2016.  That’s because:

1.  Kay has the same exact whip marks in “Dreaming” as she does in “Wet Dreams”.

2.  Kay’s whip marks in “Wet Dreams” have healed more by the time of “Dreaming”.  The nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek are more healed.  The two slash marks on the back of her left thigh are gone.

( Still photos in a gallery can be airbrushed.  However, a video has too many frames for an airbrush artist to eliminate Kay’s whip marks in each frame. ) 

Between late September of 2016, and March 8 of 2017, Kay was photographed a number of times by Alex Lynn.  He made photo galleries of her, as well as videos.  All of Kay’s work during this period is at the Me Tart Network.  

See the web site indexxx ( dot ) com for specific details.  ( A number of similar sounding web sites are part of the Me Tart Network. )  Search term:  Kay J. 

A number of photographic items of Kay J are attributed to the following web site:

alex-lynn ( dot ) com.  This web site no longer exists.  All that remains of these photographic items are “free sample” galleries.  These galleries are scattered, in various iterations, across a number of “free pics” web sites.

According to Indexxx, it was during the period of 2016 - 2017 that Kay posed for this web site:

watch4beauty ( dot ) com.  Two photo galleries, and a video, resulted from Kay’s work here.  Ignore the dates given by Indexxx.  I say that these photographic items were made when Kay was knowingly pregnant, in 2017.

Kay got “unexpectedly” pregnant in one of three months:

1.  January 2017.

2.  February 2017.

3.  March 2017. 

I increasingly favor the month of January as being when Kay got pregnant.  Six weeks may have passed before she knew she was pregnant.  She continued to pose nude, and remained kid-skinny and “kid cute”, during this time.  Her baby was, by the sixth week of her pregnancy, the size of a sweet pea. 

There is a Me Tart photo gallery called “Vuita”.  It features Kay in a kitchen.  “Vuita” is dated March 8, 2017.  However, as with most dates at Indexxx, the date for “Vuita” is wrong.  I say this because Kay looks 20 years old, and “kid cute”, in “Vuita”.  She has yet to develop the full smile lines, and a second line rising up from her chin, that her face had by 2017. 

With regard to the dates at Indexxx:  it gives whatever dates the respective web sites provide it with.



1.  “Wet Dreams”, a video at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.

2.  “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  ( Real title:  “Wet Dreams”. )  A free video at freeones ( dot ) org.

Here is an updated list of the whip marks on Kay in “Wet Dreams”.  The word “NEW” denotes my newest discovery.

1.  Two whip marks on the inner curve of her right bosom, near her nipple.  

2.  One whip mark on the lower curve of her right bosom, just above her ribs.

3.  A red mark on the front of her rib cage.  The mark is on the lower-right section of her rib cage.

4.  Several marks on the right side of her torso, near the underside of her bosom.  ( These are on her ribs. )

5.  A number of whip marks on her right hip.  There appears to be a mild infection here, amid the marks.

6.  A red mark on her left hip.

7.  Four clusters of whip marks on her back, slightly above her bottom.

8.  A whip mark at the uppermost part of her bottom’s cleft.

NEW  9.  Light red whip marks on the uppermost part of her left bottom cheek.  These, in at least two separate clusters, are above the center of her bottom cheek.

10.  A slash mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek, near her anus. 

11.  A whip mark above the slash mark on her bottom.

12.  A ( light ) whip mark below the slash mark on her bottom.

13.  A nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.

14.  Two whip marks on the uppermost part of her right thigh.  These are visible from the back of her thigh.  The marks are near her thigh’s outer flank, where it merges into her hip.

15.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  It’s on the upper part of her thigh.

16.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  This is about an inch and a half below the other slash mark on her left thigh.

All of the marks that I’ve mentioned bled to some degree.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to see them.  However, the lower slash mark on her left thigh may be an exception to this.  It looks like it didn’t bleed.

17.  A small bruise on the back of her right thigh.  This is at mid-thigh. 

NEW  Kay was struck with a single-tail whip.  The person who whipped her stood to her left.  The whipmaster was standing parallel with Kay.  That is, the whipmaster was on her flank, but stood at a modest distance from her.  The whipmaster faced Kay.  She faced perpendicular ( at a right angle ) to him.  

The whipmaster used a short whip.  I say this because there is no evidence of slash marks on Kay’s back.  However, there are a significant number of “wrapping” marks on the side of Kay’s torso, near the underside of her right bosom.  There are also a significant number of “wrapping” marks on her right hip.

At some point, the whip “wrapped” and cut into her right bosom.  It did this twice.  Three marks are present on her right bosom.  However, the third, or lowest, mark on Kay’s bosom lines up with a mark above it.  Therefore, it’s from the same impact as the upper mark. 

When the whip wasn’t threatening Kay’s right bosom, it was landing on her bottom.  This was the whipmaster’s target, most of the time.  Her right bottom cheek bears the most wounds.  Most of these are from the whip’s tip, which travels the fastest, striking her repeatedly there.

( The whole length of the whip strikes her.  However, the whip’s tip inflicts the greatest harm.  It’s the wound that remains by the time of “Wet Dreams”. )

Kay was standing.  Her arms were pulled high over her head.  Her wrists were joined.  Kay adopts this pose ( without restraints ) in a number of her photo galleries.  The whip never struck above the level of her nipples.  However, Kay’s upraised arms would have given added protection to her eyes.  She may have been blindfolded.

The whipmaster was ( mostly ) able to observe Kay’s face each time the whip struck her.  She, by turning her head to the left, was able to see the whipmaster.  Hence, if a short whip was used, this was a very intimate whipping.  

A whip delivers “an intensely sharp sting”, according author Eden Bradley.  The pain then ‘slowly spreads outward, so that the effects of each strike take a full minute or two to ride out.’  Kay bears many whip marks.  As a result, she was whipped for up to an hour and forty minutes.  The whipmaster probably sexually stimulated her, or even had bouts of intercourse with her, during the period in which she was whipped.

Kay’s heightened sexual state allowed her to bear this extended punishment.  It left her bleeding, from “abrasive” cuts of the whip, in many places.

( These could be expected to clear in two to three days. )

Two slash marks are on the back of Kay’s left thigh.  The upper slash mark probably bled somewhat.  The lower slash mark probably didn’t bleed.  These slash marks indicate that Kay was whipped the night prior to her nude modeling shoot.  Otherwise, they would have vanished by the time that “Wet Dreams” was shot.  This is especially true of the lower slash mark on her left thigh.

Kay was not a seasoned nude model when she was whipped.  She was brand new to nude modeling.  Her ( unmarked ) body has milky, satiny, flawless skin.  A bikini’s tan lines are vaguely evident, making her bare charms all the more enticing.  She looks utterly innocent.  Kay is also subtly mischievous.  She’s proud of her whip marks. 

You may wonder how Kay’s whipping began.  There are two vertical slash marks on Kay’s right hip.  Like all but one of her slash marks, blood definitely welled up in these wounds.  My guess is that Kay wasn’t yet bound by the whipmaster when these two cuts were inflicted.  He struck her to move her into a position where he could bind her.  All of the other whip marks on Kay can be attributed to a whip striking her from her left side.

If Kay was just with her whipmaster, then her whipmaster was her lover.  When she and he met is unknown.  There is a possibility that Kay’s whipmaster was a woman. 

If Kay was just with her whipmaster, she likely faced a wall.  However, it’s possible, particularly if this wasn’t her first BDSM “game”, that Kay was at a party.  In that case, she would have been bound in a more exposed way.  Her body would have been strung up as described above.  However, the crowd would have wanted to see all of her; including her facial expressions, and her breasts bouncing as she was struck.  ( Along with her gyrating hips, and squeezing hind cheeks. )  In such a case, Kay would have been standing in something akin to the middle of a room.

It’s unlikely that this was Kay’s first punishment ordeal.  BDSM play usually begins with spanking.  It proceeds, over time, to more severe cruelties.  A single-tail whipping is the worst punishment that one can bear.  ( In terms of ordinary BDSM play. ) 

September 20, 2016 is a Tuesday.  This is likely a correct date.  A number of Kay’s photo shoots with Alex Lynn fall on a Tuesday.  That raises the question:  what was Kay doing, getting whipped on a Monday night?

It’s possible that Kay was whipped the weekend before.  In that case, her whipping was much more severe than I’ve described.  That’s because, if she got whipped on a Saturday night, her whip marks had been healing for three days!  In “Wet Dreams”, we’re seeing the last vestiges of a brutal punishment.  That such a flawlessly beautiful, and innocent-looking, girl would undergo such erotic torture is mind-boggling.

A puritan would hope to dismiss Kay’s torture as involuntary abuse.  However, I’ve studied Kay as thoroughly as anyone can.  I see no sign in her life of involuntary abuse.  Kay willingly submitted to whatever happened to her.  And:  it wasn’t fictional “Kay J” who submitted.  It was the real life Jessica Tolyda.

Sexually, Kay appears to be a very physical female.  God gave her a ripe young body.  She intends to use it, or have it used, to the full!  This remains true of Kay today.

DATING “kid cute” Kay J

The dates given for Kay’s photo shoots, as shown at Indexxx, are erroneous.  They’re only correct in a general sense.  Kay’s earliest photo galleries at Indexxx come before her later ones.  However, which specific gallery precedes another is considerably disordered.

I’m using Kay’s “smile lines” to create my own dates for her photographic items.  I’m dividing her photographic items into “young”, “mid”, and “old”.  With regard to these categories, I’m speaking solely of her “kid cute” era.  Hence, she’s 20 years old in her “young” photo shoots.  Kay is at or near age 21 in her “old” photo shoots.

Below, I give the best metartnetwork ( dot ) com date for each photographic item.  That is, unless I state otherwise.

This is not yet a complete list.  ( My dick can only take so much of “kid cute” Kay! )

YOUNG “kid cute” Kay

1.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  Kay in a bathroom.  My note:  This is Kay’s first photo shoot.  This gallery is correctly dated.

2.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.  This video is correctly dated.

3.  The video “Dreaming”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( My imposed date. )

4.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  Kay in a white bra and panties.  In my mind, she’s wearing these to her ( imaginary ) wedding reception.  This gallery is correctly dated.

NEW  5.  The photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  Kay in a blue tank top and white panties.  This gallery is correctly dated.

NEW  6.  The photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 Mar 2017.  Kay in the kitchen.  My note:  The date for this photo gallery needs to be moved to the fall of 2016.

MID “kid cute” Kay

NEW  The photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  Kay is a real Venus in an Old Master’s painting.  

I’d like to change my description to:  Kay helps the museum’s director prepare for a show.  The first thing she shows him is her naked self!

Not enough time passed in the five months of Kay’s “kid cute” era for her weight to fluctuate.  She moves, over this period of time, from being kid-skinny to being ( attractively ) fatter, due to the onset of her pregnancy.

Kay is not kid-skinny in “Jatine”!  Hence, the date of September 21, 2016 is incorrect.  I’ve provisionally moved the date for “Jatine” to an undefined “mid” point.  That’s because Kay has yet to have well-developed “smile lines” in “Jatine”.  She’s not old, but she’s not young, either.  ( Within the context of her “kid cute” era. )

Kay may have been knowingly pregnant by the time that “Jatine” was photographed. 

Above, I state that Kay’s weight didn’t fluctuate during her “kid cute” era.  There is a flaw in my reasoning.  It’s this:  Kay has significant “smile lines” in her photo gallery called “Lenxi”.  In this photo gallery, Kay is in a coverall.  She’s adorably kid-skinny.  Hence, in “Lenxi”, her ( wonderful ) face is “old”, but her body is “young”.

OLD “kid cute” Kay

1.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair.  My note:  This is not Kay’s first photo gallery.  Her smile lines are too well developed.  Also, a chair that is unpainted in another video is painted white here.  Hence, the date for this photo gallery needs to be moved to early 2017.

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  Kay loses her tank top, skirt, and panties for a water glass bath.  The date for this photo gallery needs to be moved to early 2017.

3.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017.  This date is too late!  If Kay got pregnant in mid-February of 2017, she was 16 weeks pregnant by mid-June.  Her baby was the size of an avocado.  If Kay got pregnant in mid-January of 2017, she was 20 weeks pregnant by mid-June.  Her baby was the size of a cantaloupe.

4.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  Kay in a coverall.  This gallery is correctly dated.

5.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  Kay on the set of “Dreaming”, but in a blue singlet and panties.  This gallery is correctly dated.


Kay’s wildness ( including in her real life ), combined with her innocent beauty, keep the mystery of her aflame.


1.  Kay J is at onlyfans ( dot ) com.  Her user name there is: ukaybb

2.  Source for Kay J as an “erotic model”:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com.

3.  Source for Kay J “unexpectedly” getting pregnant:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com. 

4.  Source for BDSM as a “game”:

“Today … we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard”.

- Kay J, at her onlyfans ( dot ) com channel.  ( She then poses as a sexual submissive, in a bondage dungeon. )

5.  The Darker Side of Pleasure, by Eden Bradley.  Page 183.  Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc.  New York, New York, United States of America.  2007.  Novel.  Available as an Amazon Kindle book.  

6.  When I first cite a web site, I write its ( dot ) address.  When I cite it again, I prefer to use the English equivalent of its name.  

What matters, however, is my article’s usefulness to you.  I write a web site’s ( dot ) address in a second or later citation if this seems best.  On the other hand, if a web site’s ( dot ) address threatens to disrupt the narrative flow of my article ( as in “the metartnetwork ( dot ) com” ), I resort to its English equivalent in later citations.

7.  All of my statements regarding Kay J, except those readily verifiable on the internet, are conjectures.  I write in a definitive style to avoid an endless repetition of “probably,” “likely”, and other such cluttering words.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

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Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 108

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 108, version 7.0

Date Written:  October 5, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Agony’s Evidence


ET 107                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Agony’s Evidence


Plus:  The lure of the whip.

And:  Kay J’s labia.  


AGONY’S Evidence

by Andrew Roller

I read a book about American Civil War General “Stonewall” Jackson.  Planning his battles in a particular locale, he referred to a map.  Jackson did this often.  Of the map, the book’s author said, regarding Jackson:

“The more he looked, the more he saw.”

I’m finding that the same is true with me.  I continue to study the following videos:

1.  “Wet Dreams”

2.  “Dreaming”

Both videos star “nude”, or “erotic”, model Kay J.  

Kay J’s name is Jessica Tolyda.  She was born in Kiev, Ukraine, where she currently resides.  Kay was born on March 21, 1996.  She began modeling nude at age 20.  In this same year, she was seriously whipped.  Also, as her 20th year ended, she “unexpectedly” got pregnant.

“Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are available to members of the following web site:

metartnetwork ( dot ) com

Shorter, lower resolution versions of these videos are available for free at freeones ( dot ) org:

1.  “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  Real title:  “Wet Dreams”.

2.  “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”.  Real title:  “Dreaming”. 

The intent of each video is to depict Kay’s youthful nudity, and her very innocent look.  However, when Kay arrived for each shoot, her nubile body bore whip marks.

The whip marks are identical in both videos.  They result from the same lashing.  In “Wet Dreams”, there are two slash marks on the back of Kay’s left thigh.  These are not present in “Dreaming”.  From this, I conclude that “Dreaming” was filmed a day later than “Wet Dreams”.  By the time that “Dreaming” was shot, the whip marks on Kay’s left thigh had healed.

Kay was at her youngest, as a nude model, when “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” were filmed.  I’ve determined this by paying attention to her “smile lines”.  These deepen as her age progresses from 20, when she began modeling, to 21.  In January or February of her 20th year, Kay “unexpectedly” got pregnant.  Kay’s pregnancy ( beyond its earliest weeks ) serves as a useful cutoff for the “kid cute” era of her nude modeling career.

I’m cataloging the whip marks on Kay’s body in “Wet Dreams”.  Since her marks are more healed in “Dreaming”, it’s a less useful source.  

Here are my findings:

1.  Kay was whipped on her most sensitive parts.  Most of her marks, and the worst ones, are on her right breast and on her right bottom cheek.

2.  The most vicious marks are on her right breast.  These look to be the last ones that will heal.  The next worst marks are on her right bottom cheek.

3.  “Is there a difference between fact and fiction …?  … In Days at Florville [ a novel ] … Lesley is being whipped.  At one point the whip draws blood”.

- Gardens of the Night, by Felicia Plessey.  Page 191.  The quote is from a nonfiction section at the back of the novel.  It’s titled, “A Conversation with Lynn Paula Russell”.  Russell is an experienced sexual submissive of the BDSM world.

When Kay’s whipping was over, she was bleeding in many places.  Probably, she was lashed about 12 hours prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”.  That is, she was whipped on the night prior to her shoot.

4.  Jesus received 39 lashes.  Counting the marks on Kay’s body, I came up with a total of about 100 lashes.  I realize that this is an extraordinary amount.  Here’s the method I used:

A.  I’m familiar with Kay’s body.  I didn’t count the handful of birth marks ( little moles ) scattered over her nubile figure. 

B.  I strove to avoid “double counting”.  If a whip mark lined up with a second whip mark that was nearby, they were likely from the same impact.  Hence, I only counted one of the marks.

5.  “… the single-tail [ whip ] was a high pain toy.  It delivered a unique sensation that started as an intensely sharp sting at the point of contact, then slowly spread outward, so that the effects of each strike took a full minute or two to ride out.”

- The Darker Side of Pleasure, by Eden Bradley.  Page 183.

Kay underwent a long ordeal.  If she was allowed a minute after each blow, to “ride out” the pain, then she was whipped for the length of time of a Hollywood movie:  an hour and forty minutes.

I watched some videos of youthful females being whipped at xvideos ( dot ) com.  The best source for whipping videos here are from a company called elitepain ( dot ) com.  I watched a girl being caned.  She took it pretty well.  She didn’t need much time to “ride out” the pain.  Then, she was whipped.  Her reaction to the whipping was entirely different.  Under the whip, she did indeed require about a minute to “ride out” the pain.

( Always remember that a video can be subtly edited to eliminate “slow” parts.  Running a stop watch against a video does not give an accurate assessment of how much time actually passed. )

6.  The worst whip is a thin one.  The marks on Kay’s breast are akin to cuts in her flesh.  From these, I conclude that she was struck with a thin whip.

7.  The whip ended in a “Popper”, also known as a “Cracker”.  On the right side of Kay’s torso, near her breast, I can see the mark left in her skin by the “Popper”.  Visually, the “Popper” resembles a tiny Cat o’ nine tails.

8.  A little goes a long way.  In fiction ( written or visual ), the whipmaster is depicted as flailing away on his victim.  That’s not the case in the elitepain videos.  In them, the whipmaster makes a slight movement of his arm.  The whip, striking the girl, causes her extreme pain.  A red mark always results.  Often, it bleeds.  The blood doesn’t flow down the girl’s body.  It wells up where the abrasion has occurred.  

Such a blow is called an “abrasive” cut.  It is, according to wikipedia ( regarding a Cat o’ nine tails ), a “laceration”.  However, the “laceration” isn’t deep.  It can be expected to clear within two or three days.  

Here is an updated list of the whip marks on Kay in “Wet Dreams”:

1.  Two whip marks on the inner curve of her right bosom, near her nipple.  

2.  One whip mark on the lower curve of her right bosom, just above her ribs.

3.  A red mark on the front of her rib cage.  The mark is on the lower-right section of her rib cage.

4.  Several marks on the right side of her torso, near the underside of her bosom.  ( These are on her ribs. )

5.  A number of whip marks on her right hip.  There appears to be a mild infection here, amid the marks.

6.  A red mark on her left hip.

7.  Four clusters of whip marks on her back, slightly above her bottom.

8.  A whip mark at the uppermost part of her bottom’s cleft.

9.  A slash mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek, near her anus. 

10.  A whip mark above the slash mark on her bottom.

11.  A ( light ) whip mark below the slash mark on her bottom.

12.  A nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.

13.  Two whip marks on the uppermost part of her right thigh.  These are visible from the back of her thigh.  The marks are near her thigh’s outer flank, where it merges into her hip.

14.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  It’s on the upper part of her thigh.

15.  A slash mark on the back of her left thigh.  This is about an inch and a half below the other slash mark on her left thigh.

All of the marks that I’ve mentioned bled to some degree.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to see them.  However, the lower slash mark on her left thigh may be an exception to this.  It looks like it didn’t bleed.

16.  A small bruise on the back of her right thigh.  This is at mid-thigh.

“Wet Dreams” would be a fun “vanilla” video, starring a naive beauty, were it not for Kay’s whip marks.  They are erotically intoxicating.

Kay appears to be proud of her whip marks.  This becomes evident if you put her video into the app called “VLC”.  At the Apple “App Store” this app is called, “VLC for Mobile”.  VLC lets you watch Kay in slow motion.  The benefit of VLC over the app called iMovie is this:  VLC presents the video with a large image area.

THE lure OF THE whip!

“Today … we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard”.

- Kay J, at her onlyfans ( dot ) com channel.  ( She then poses as a sexual submissive, in a bondage dungeon. )

“Wet Dreams”, in which Kay bears whip marks, was filmed on September 20, 2016.  Why would she want to be whipped?  Doubtless, she was influenced by the bondage craze that was sparked by the book, “Fifty Shades of Grey”.  This was published on May 25, 2011.  ( When Kay was 15 years old. )  ( “Grey” then spawned sequels, and the “Grey” books were made into films. )  ( Copycat works were also spawned. )

( And people complained, in the 1960s, about “Beatlemania”! )

I have cited reasons that Kay would endure a whipping in other articles.  I list more below.  These are taken from “A Conversation with Lynn Paula Russell”.

1.  “We’re all seeking somebody who will … give us what we need - rather than just what we want.”  ( Page 181. )

2.  “A game suggests something which is just for fun and the moment it goes beyond that barrier, you stop.  But you’ve always got to go beyond the barrier of fear and to face fear.  There’s got to be enough pain.  I think pain is really a cathartic thing. … There’s got to be a real pain and a real fear that you may be hurt.”  ( Page 182. )

3.  “The bruising can have an importance.  … You may wish to have some sort of mark, like a kind of branding, although it goes away whereas brands don’t.  And the person who’s doing it might like to feel they’ve affected you, and they can see the marks of what they’ve done.  … I’ve often seen girls looking round at their bottoms and surveying the little bumps and the weals, and thinking:  ‘Oh, look!  I’ve had a lot today!  Aren’t I good?’  A bit like warriors who’ve got their battle scars.”  ( Pages 182 - 183. )

4.  “I can’t imagine anybody who’d just want to be gentle and not push it to its limit.  I’d … want it to go far enough so that I was properly challenged.”  ( Page 185. )

5.  “I’m an awful coward about pain.”  ( Page 181. )  “Then we go through with it and I’m released.  I come back all sparkling-eyed and feeling wonderful.”  ( Page 187. )

6.  [ Russell’s interviewer, referring to an event in history, regarding “two girls in Hungary”: ]

“[ They ] voluntarily incurred whippings in prison because they found these exciting. … But these were out-and-out punishments.”

Russell:  “You have to take into consideration the fact that they were the centre of interest.  … The fact that they were being watched.  That’s very exciting.  I love the idea of people watching.  

“… I was the centre of attention.  I had everyone rushing around.  Even though they were doing horrid things to me, I felt that I was being thought of every moment.  They were aware of me there.”  ( Pages 186 and 187. )  

Kay courted trouble by being whipped.  Her nipple was nearly struck by the whip ( twice! )  Had her nipple been wounded, her photo shoot might have had to be called off.  After all, the shoot was meant to portray a naif, not an experienced bondage submissive.

Was Kay’s whipping, prior to “Wet Dreams”, her first taste of BDSM?  That’s highly unlikely.  The path that leads to BDSM begins with spanking.  Then comes a belt, a paddle, and a flogger.  These experiences occur over time.  Ernest Greene once said the following in Hustler’s magazine, “Taboo”:

“The prettiest girls make the harshest selections.”  ( Regarding choices in being beaten. )  

It’s possible that Kay, as a newbie, chose a whip for her sexual punishment.  A newbie would not, however, have suffered what she did:  100 whip strokes, over an hour and forty minutes.  Therefore, Kay wasn’t a newbie when she was whipped prior to “Wet Dreams”. 

I mentioned, above, that Kay was whipped at the start of her nude modeling career.  After “Wet Dreams”, she never again appears with an abundance of whip marks.  Hence, Kay never got whipped again, in a significant way, before a shoot.  Alex Lynn ( her main photographer in this era ) probably warned her to avoid this.  “Tasteful” nude shoots, which is what Kay poses for, aren’t meant to display whip marks. 


Given the above, some questions remain, regarding Kay’s whipping.  I’m speaking of her whipping prior to “Wet Dreams”.  I list my questions below:

1.  Was being whipped simply a part of Kay’s life, prior to “Wet Dreams”?

2.  I suspect Kay of having a “bomb thrower” personality.  ( That is, reveling in doing what one isn’t supposed to. )  Was Kay daring Alex Lynn to photograph her, despite her whip marks?

3.  Was Kay daring Fate?  If she’d shown up with more marks than she had, she might have torpedoed her “tasteful” nude modeling career.  

4.  Was a boyfriend jealous of Kay?  Did he coax her into being whipped, because he feared losing her as his lover if she became a “porn” star?  ( A famous nude model. )

5.  Was a ( lesbian ) girlfriend jealous of Kay?  Did she coax Kay into being whipped, because she feared losing Kay as her lover if she became a “porn” star?  ( A famous nude model. )

6.  At the time, Kay was new to nude modeling.  “Wet Dreams” is her first video.  Kay, liking BDSM, may have naively assumed that the point of her video was to display whip marks!  For this reason, she got herself whipped prior to the “Wet Dreams” shoot!

This strikes me as being a very likely possibility.  Consider this:  it’s 2016.  “Fifty Shades of Grey” is, to put it in the appropriate lingo, super awesome.  Kay adores BDSM.  Her girlfriends adore BDSM.  The average guy likes it too.  ( Provided he’s the one wielding the whip, plus his dick. )  Kay figured she’d be a smash hit in her first video by showing up for her shoot bearing whip marks.

7.  The photographer ( Alex Lynn ) dated Kay the night before her shoot.  Passion ignited between them.  Alex whipped Kay, who is a sexual submissive.

This is how a novel would read.  In real life, the average photographer is trying to make a living.  ( Note:  most talented photographers make no money at all. )  Alex Lynn probably worked as a freelancer.  As such, his main concern would be to produce a “tasteful” nude video of Kay.  ( Since that’s the market he serves. )  Whipping Kay the night before her shoot poses a big risk of putting unsightly marks on her body.  A body with unsightly marks can’t be sold as a tasteful nude image.  Hence, Alex Lynn probably isn’t the one who whipped Kay.  Also, he’d have been furious with any assistant of his who whipped Kay, prior to her “Wet Dreams” shoot.


In Kay’s photos on Only Fans, I often see bruises on her bottom or, in one shoot, on her leg.  So far, I’ve written these bruises off as the following:

1.  An odd artifact of the photographic process itself.

2.  A mark resulting from everyday life.

However, the frequency of Kay’s bruises is ( erotically ) alarming.  Given that she said “beat you hard”, above, in reference ( in fact ) to herself, she may undergo regular beatings.  Perhaps she’s getting bruised by a nightstick.  Bruises strike me as more dangerous than whip marks ( a bone might get broken ), but at least they aren’t whip marks! 

I’m beginning to suspect that whippings ( and beatings ) have been a regular part of Kay’s sex life since she was a teenager.  At her “Wet Dreams” shoot, she learned to avoid such behavior prior to being professionally photographed.  Otherwise, she’s been a beaten submissive for a long time, and continues to be so.  

Now, she’s added getting a ( big ) tattoo to her list of painful erotic accomplishments.  ( I doubt that she got her tattoo prosaically.  It was likely connected with some sort of sexual urge, and release. )


( To get the reference in the above title, you’ll need to recall the book, “The Harrad Experiment:  the sex manifesto of the free love generation”.  The Bantam paperback was published on January 1, 1967.  I only managed to drool over the book’s cover, at the grocery store. )

I continue to question the dates given for Kay’s photo shoots.  I’m using her “smile lines” to create my own dates for her photographic items.  So far, I’m dividing her photographic items into “young” and “old”.  I’m speaking solely of her “kid cute” era.  Hence, she’s 20 years old in her “young” photo shoots, but at or near age 21 in her “old” photo shoots. 

In a prior article, I stated that Kay got pregnant on February 21, 2017.  I allowed for the fact that she might have gotten pregnant on February 8, 2017.  I have a nagging suspicion that, in fact, she got pregnant on or about January 20, 2017.  This would mean that she delivered her baby on October 20, 2017.  This date is a good match for her video, “At nine months pregnant, long walks take a lot out of me!”  “At nine months” is available for free at the web site xvideos ( dot ) com.  Search term:  pregnant kay j.

In “At nine months”, Kay walks outdoors.  A goodly number of trees have lost all their leaves, while some trees still have leaves.  This raises the question:  in Kiev, Ukraine, in 2017, when did the outdoor world look like this?  

I haven’t lived in a real autumn since I was 9 years old.  Kiev is located at latitude 50.4.  I’ve never lived that far north.  Also, I’ve never been to Europe.  

“They … made love not once but twice before falling into sodden slumber from which they awoke at nearly noon. … About six weeks later Sarah discovered that she was pregnant.”

- Stephen King, The Dead Zone.  Page 108.  Amazon Kindle.

Kay continued to be a nude model while she was pregnant.  As with “Sarah”, above, Kay probably posed without realizing that she was pregnant. 

“You wouldn’t believe how many of the early Playboy Playmates were pregnant when they were photographed.”

The above is a paraphrased quote.  It’s from one of my several books about Playboy, that were published by Playboy.

Kay was soon posing for nude photo shoots knowing that she was pregnant.  At her pregnancy’s end, she posed as “Pregnant Kay J”. 

I had no interest in photos of nude pregnant women prior to finding “Pregnant Kay J”.  She makes a very cute mom!

Imagine how cute an even younger pregnant mom would look! 

“First period, Math.  Second, English.  Third, Parenthood.”

- An ad for “parade” magazine, depicting Brooke Shields as a pregnant preteen. 

- The Brooke Book, by Brooke Shields.  Wallaby / Pocket Books / Simon & Schuster.  New York, New York, United States of America.  1978.  Page unnumbered.  ( I guess The Brooke Book follows the pagination scheme of a coloring book. )

One of the reasons that I bought The Brooke Book was to gain access to material printed before America went insane.

Do you realize?  Prior to now, every generation of men that ever lived got to:

1.  Knock up “little girls”.

2.  Enjoy watching these cuties toddling about with their growing, milk-bulging breasts, and baby-full bellies.  

I suppose today’s men are “civilized”.  Instead of getting preteens pregnant, the cultured man of today cuts his dick off, castrates himself, and tells everyone that he’s a woman.

Is this progress?  Or is it Sodom and Gomorrah?  Mary, the mother of Jesus, was likely 12 years old when she got knocked up by Joseph.

I now return to my Kay J experiment.  Below, I give the best metartnetwork ( dot ) com date for each photographic item.  That is, unless I state otherwise.

Here are my findings so far:

YOUNG “kid cute” Kay

1.  The photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  Kay in a bathroom.  My note:  This is Kay’s first photo shoot.

2.  The video “Wet Dreams”.  20 Sept 2016.

3.  The video “Dreaming”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( My imposed date. )

4.  The photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  Kay in a white bra and panties.  In my mind, she’s wearing these to her ( imaginary ) wedding reception.

OLD “kid cute” Kay

1.  The photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair.  My note:  This is not Kay’s first photo gallery.  Her smile lines are too well developed.  Also, a chair that is unpainted in another video is painted white here.  Hence, the date for this photo gallery needs to be moved to early 2017.

2.  The photo gallery “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  Kay loses her tank top, skirt, and panties for a water glass bath.  The date for this photo gallery needs to be moved to early 2017.

3.  The video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017.  This date is too late!  If Kay got pregnant in mid-February of 2017, she was 16 weeks pregnant by mid-June.  Her baby was the size of an avocado.  If Kay got pregnant in mid-January of 2017, she was 20 weeks pregnant by mid-June.  Her baby was the size of a cantaloupe.

4.  The photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  Kay in a coverall.  This gallery is correctly dated.

5.  The photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  Kay on the set of “Dreaming”, but in a blue singlet and panties.  This gallery is correctly dated.


These photos are new to me.

Web site:  brdteengal ( dot ) com

Search term:  Kay Jay  ( Not Kay J )

I actually got to the brdteengal ( dot ) com web site by entering this search term into Google:

Alex Lynn  

Lynn is now ( apparently ) deceased.  He was Kay’s photographer in her “kid cute” era.

Note:  brdteengal ( dot ) com will connect you to the web site nudexxx ( dot ) pics

The connection is seamless.  nudexxx ( dot ) pics is a free web site.

Note:  If you’re a member of the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, don’t ignore the photo gallery titled, 

“Brown haired stunner Kay Jay opening up gams and trimmed gash close up”.

The photos in this gallery resemble the following at metartnetwork ( dot ) com:

1.  The photo gallery “Maru”. 

2.  The video “Dreaming”.

However, the photos in “Brown haired stunner” are from an entirely different gallery.  Sadly, many of the galleries of Kay, by Alex Lynn, have gone missing.  These free samples are all that remain.


Have you ever looked at Kay’s pussy?  She doesn’t have outer labia lips!  ( Labia majora. )  By this, I mean that her labia majora have no meaningful bulge.  I find this quite lovely.  The more that a girl’s labia majora bulge downwards, the more they resemble the male appendage.  

Kay has an “innie” vulva.  Her labia minora protrude just slightly from her ( nonexistent ) labia majora.  This gives her a “tight” pussy.  I read that this is a visual effect.  It’s unrelated to a pussy’s actual tightness.  Nonetheless, it’s beautiful!

Note to Kay:  don’t tattoo your pussy!  It looks fine!

KAY J and Danatar

I discovered Dana Taranova ( Danatar ) in 2019.  I found her while watching videos on You Tube.  At the time, Dana was 11 years old.  I spent many hours watching Dana.

Then I discovered Kay J.  It took me awhile to find the “kid cute” version of Kay.  When I did, Kay blew me away!  Not only did she look a lot like Dana, but she was naked!

I’m sure that one of the reasons I obsess over Kay is because I fell in love with Dana.  Both girls are lifelong citizens of Kiev, Ukraine.  If you recall Dana’s gym videos, when she was still “really young”, to quote a detractor, Dana goes to a lavish gym.  Its cardio area overlooks a giant swimming pool.

At Kay’s Only Fans channel, there are two photos of Kay in a jacuzzi.  The jacuzzi borders a giant swimming pool.  As best I can tell, Kay uses the same gym that Dana does! 

Dana lifts heavy weights at the gym.  In Kay’s photos, Kay is poised at exactly the right height for her pussy to be stimulated by the jacuzzi’s churning surface!

Kay posted her two jacuzzi photos in the fall of 2020.

HOW to use VLC

1.  Download a video.  

2.  Find the video.  It will be in your iPad’s folder that is labelled “Downloads”.  This is ( very likely ) located in iCloud Drive.  Go into the “Files” app on your iPad to find iCloud Drive.

3.  Tap on the downloaded video.  ( It launches. )

4.  Look to the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.  There, you’ll see an icon.  The icon consists of a blue box.  An arrow is sticking out of the top of the box.

5.  Tap on the box that has the arrow sticking out of the top of it.

6.  An informational box opens.  It bears the title of the video that you launched.  Look at the horizontal row of icons in the box.  These icons are near the top of the box.  

7.  Scroll to the last icon in the row.  It is a box that holds three horizontal dots.  The icon is labelled, “More”.

8.  Tap on the icon that’s labelled, “More”.

9.  A new informational box opens.  It’s titled, “Apps”.  Scroll down through its list of icons.  You’ll see an icon labelled, “VLC”.

10.  Tap on the icon that’s labelled “VLC”. 

11.  Wow!  The app VLC opens!  Your video is inside it!  Your video begins to play.  ( Note:  if your iPad’s sound is turned up, your ears will get blasted. )

12.  Stop the video.

13.  ( As needed: ) tap the middle of your iPad’s screen.  The controls for VLC appear.  ( They’ll disappear, on their own, soon. )

14.  Look to the bottom right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Note the icon that looks like a clock.

15.  Tap on the clock.  An informational box appears.  It’s untitled.  Tap the function labelled “Playback speed”.  Currently, it’s set to 1.00x.  This is the normal playback speed.

16.  The “Playback speed” function features a blue horizontal line.  A little white ball is resting in the center of the blue line.  Slide the white ball all the way to the left.  This reduces the playback speed to 0.25x.  This is a marvelous slow motion speed.  


1.  The best way to leave VLC is to swipe your finger up from the bottom of your iPad.

2.  To formally exit VLC, without quitting the app, look to the top left corner of your iPad’s screen.  “Done” is printed there.  Tap on “Done”. 

3.  When you tap “Done”, your video will disappear from VLC.  Hence, don’t tap “Done”!  Until you are, in fact, done with your video.

4.  “VLC” has a “scrubbing” function.  This is at the top of your iPad’s screen.  Sadly, it doesn’t work very well.  If you try to use the “scrubbing” function to go backwards and forwards in your video, manually, you’ll soon wreck VLC.  This is a temporary condition.  If you wreck VLC, quit out of the app.  Then, reload your video into it.

Don’t be scared to wreck VLC in this manner.  You’ll definitely wreck VLC more than once.

5.  There is no way to save a video in VLC.  You’ll lose the video in VLC if:

A.  You tap “Done”.

B.  You quit out of VLC.

C.  You don’t watch the video, in VLC, for an hour or so.

6.  You can repeatedly leave VLC, and return to it.  Do this by swiping your finger up from the bottom of your iPad’s screen.  Don’t quit out of VLC until you’re all done using it.  ( Otherwise, you’ll have to reload your video into it. )

7.  Since I can’t “scrub” in VLC, I “tag along” with the action in VLC by watching the same video in my iPad’s app called iMovie.  The image area ( of the video ) in iMovie is relatively small.  However, I can manually “scrub” the video in iMovie.  By doing so, I can take a screenshot of any frame of the video that I wish.  ( This is particularly useful when one is trying to capture every spurt of a cumshot. )

8.  If you take screenshots of a video, create an album in your “Photos” app to hold them.  I titled my album “kj movies”.  In it, I put screenshots from her films “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”. 

Prior to this, I either left my screenshots uncollected, or stuck them in my “Favorites” album.  The result was a disorganized mess.

9.  Put your fingers on a screenshot that you want to enlarge.  Spread your fingers.  The screenshot enlarges!  Having enlarged it, you can screenshot the enlargement.  You can do this until the screenshot’s resolution becomes poor.

10.  In iPadOS 15.0, three horizontal dots now appear near the top of your iPad’s screen.  ( They allow for a “split screen” view of your iPad, which I don’t want. )  The three horizontal dots appear whenever you do anything.  They disappear after a few seconds.  

When taking a screenshot, make sure that the three horizontal dots have disappeared before you take the screenshot!  ( Otherwise, they’ll be a permanent part of your screenshot. )  

( Note to Apple:  the line at the bottom of my iPad’s screen was bad enough.  Now I have to beware of the dots at the top of my iPad’s screen! ) 

11.  Use the “Photo” app’s “Edit” function:

( Screenshot a screenshot before working with it!  That way, if you don’t like the result, your original screenshot remains unchanged. )

( Tap “Edit”. )

A.  Adjust the screenshot’s orientation:  

a.  Look to the left side of your iPad’s screen.  Tap the icon that looks like a box.  

b.  “AUTO” appears at the top of your iPad’s screen.  Make sure this stays off.  ( That is, UNilluminated. )  “AUTO” will ( slightly ) crop your screenshot.  ( Which is bad.  I cut off a Playboy Playmate’s mons veneris when “AUTO” was lit! )

c.  Look to the top left corner of your iPad’s screen.  Find the icon that looks like a box ( here ).  Tap the box ( here ) until your screenshot is oriented the way that you want.  ( This is handy when you want to look at a girl’s face, but she’s lying down. ) 

d.  Tap “Done” when your screenshot is oriented the way that you want.

B.  Improve your screenshot.  

Look to the right side of your iPad’s screen.  You’ll see an icon that resembles a magic wand.  It is labelled, “AUTO”.  Tap on “AUTO”.  This will sometimes make your screenshot look better.  ( This is useful when you have a screenshot with too little light in it.  Also, when your screenshot lacks sufficient color. )

This is a different “AUTO” from the one that cut off the Playboy Playmate’s mons veneris.

TUCKER will NEVER be Pregnant KAY

You’ve probably heard of the cable T.V. channel known as the Fox News Channel.  One of its opinion personalities is Tucker Carlson.  His nightly monologue for October 1, 2021 is titled, “This is the end of biology”.  As usual, Tucker ridicules liberal shibboleths.

A current shibboleth is that men can get pregnant.  About two years ago, I learned that I’d never gotten several vaccines that prevent sexually transmitted diseases.  The vaccines are routinely administered to young people.  Girls are given the vaccine at age 9.  That’s right:  age 9.  So much for the myth that “children” aren’t sexually active.

I was told that I was ineligible for these vaccines.  I was ineligible despite the fact that I’d never gotten the diseases, and therefore might succumb to them.  “You’ve aged out”, I was told.  “According to CDC guidelines, you’re too old for us to bother giving you the vaccine.”  Nonetheless, I was still just as vulnerable to getting the full-blown diseases as anyone, of any age.

( CDC stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  It is a United States government agency. )

The CDC assumed that anyone who was my age had either gotten the diseases, or had been vaccinated against them.  My doctors argued that if they “violated CDC guidelines”, they could lose their license to practice medicine.

( I eventually found a doctor who authorized me to get the vaccinations. )

The genius dictators at the CDC now say that “people” get pregnant.  Not “women”, but “people”.  I heard this in Tucker’s monologue, and elsewhere.

I suggest that the folks at the CDC visit this web site:

clips4sale ( dot ) com.  Search term: Pregnant Kay J. 

It is possible to define Kay as more than just a person.  She’s a woman! 

Recently, Wheaties cereal star ( and Olympic athlete ) Bruce Jenner cut off his penis and scrotum.  He now thinks he’s a woman.  Bruce, I hate to break this to you, but you’re never going to have giant, milk-filled bosoms like pregnant Kay J.  Nor will you have a baby in your belly.

Men do not get pregnant.  Nor do they cease to be men.  Surgery, and ( wholly unneeded ) drugs, will never put a thumb-sucking kid in a man’s belly.  

In his monologue, Tucker showed a clip of liberal icon Gloria Steinem.  Steinem is pro-abortion.  She said that banning abortion is akin to “nationalizing women’s bodies”.  

Steinem, have you noticed that America nationalizes children’s bodies?  There are innumerable laws to “protect” children, including 9 year olds who are expected to be imminently sexually active, from sex with “adults”.  The laws go beyond sex.  They travel under such titles as “sexual assault”, “molesting”, “child endangerment”, “child neglect”, and “grooming”.  If it’s wrong to nationalize women’s bodies, why is it fine to nationalize children’s bodies?

Please don’t give me this answer:  because children are stupid, and adults are smart.  Joke Bidet, our president, has lost his ability to speak clearly.  It’s questionable that he knows much about what’s going on.  Any boy could out fuck Joke Bidet any day of the week. 

( Sorry, Bruce Jenner, you eliminated yourself from this competition.  Keep hoping for that baby in your belly! )


ON GOOGLE’s slogan, “Don’t be evil”:

If a company has to remind itself not to be evil, it probably already is.”

- holy joe


1.  Source for Kay J “unexpectedly” getting pregnant:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com.

2.  BDSM, according to thefreedictionary ( dot ) com, stands for “bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism.”

3.  Article:  “Cat o’ nine tails” at en ( dot ) wikipedia ( dot ) org.

4.  Kay J’s user name at onlyfans ( dot ) com: ukaybb

5.  Gardens of the Night, by Felicia Plessey.  ( Almost certainly a fake name; this is an “Anonymous” Victorian novel.  The fake name is imposed to gain a copyright. )  Blue Moon Books.  New York, New York, United States of America.  1992.  Novel.  Available solely as a used copy, on paper.

6.  The Darker Side of Pleasure, by Eden Bradley.  Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc.  New York, New York, United States of America.  2007.  Novel.  Available as an Amazon Kindle book.  ( This is the only book by Eden Bradley that’s worth reading. )

7.  “Parade” magazine is in lowercase in the ad featuring Brooke Shields.

8.  In Apple’s app “Pages”, the font “Rockwell” is a great font to use to check your work.

9.  “The Secrets of Power Negotiating”, by Roger Dawson, was mentioned in a prior article.  It’s available as an audio book on Amazon’s Audible app.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 107

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 107, version 6.0

Date Written:  October 2, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


The Kay J Chronicles


ET 106                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

The Kay J Chronicles


Plus:  How to photograph a nude 18-year-old.

And:  Kay J’s parlous future.  



by Andrew Roller

In 1950, Ray Bradbury published a future history of the planet Mars.  His book holds much poetic beauty.  However, it’s now woefully out of date.

Eve never goes out of date.  That’s why I’m chronicling the life of nude beauty Kay J.

Jessica Tolyda, aka Kay J, was born on March 21, 1996, in Kiev, Ukraine.  She’s lived in Kiev all of her life.  I’m continuing to construct a timeline of her life.  

Strictly defined, all of Kay J’s “kid cute” nude photo shoots are at this website:

metartnetwork ( dot ) com

As best I can tell, all of Kay J’s “kid cute” nude photo shoots were originally at this website:

alex-lynn ( dot ) com

The website alex-lynn no longer exists.  Probably, as is the case with other talented erotic photographers, he died. 

The website indexxx ( dot ) com purports to list, and date, all of Kay J’s nude photo shoots.  Studying these, you may argue that Kay’s “kid cute” nude photo shoots were always at one of the web sites that constitute the Me Tart Network.  If that’s so, it’s likely that she was photographed for the Me Tart Network by Alex Lynn.

The web site watch4beauty ( dot ) com has two photo galleries of Kay J and, so they claim, a video of her.  You can classify these photographic items as being of the “kid cute” Kay if you wish.

At Indexxx, the Watch 4 Beauty photo galleries of Kay J are dated thus:

1.  Casting Kay.  Friday, 2 Dec 2016.  

2.  Unusual Girl:  69 photos & video.  Friday, 2 June 2017.

I’m using a military dating system.  Once you understand it, this system is easy to read and ( importantly for me ) it’s easy to type.  

Hence, 2 Dec 2016 is December 2, 2016.

The months are abbreviated as follows:

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. 

Below, I sometimes include the day when Kay J’s photographic items were shot.  That’s because a number of crucial dates on her timeline occur on a Tuesday.  Such a day would be a highly probable date for her to be photographed.  Hence, a date which falls on a Tuesday is more likely to be correct than, say, a date that falls on a Sunday. 

My assumption is that a professional photo shoot is most likely to take place on a weekday.  If multiple photo shoots fall on the same weekday, that’s likely a day that the photographer actually worked.

The reason that I didn’t assign a day to every date is because it’s a wearisome task.  Anyone can look the date up on their computer’s calendar, and find what day it fell on.  I’m simply illustrating a method whereby one might verify the dates that are publicly stated for Kay’s photo shoots.  

Probably, the dates Indexxx gives for Kay’s Watch 4 Beauty photographic items are wrong.  Kay likely posed only once for Watch 4 Beauty.  She may have done so on or about December 2, 2016.

Or, she may have done so at a later date.  In that case, the date that she posed on was probably June 2, 2017.  By my reckoning, Kay got pregnant ( “unexpectedly” ) on February 17, 2017.  Hence, by June 2, 2017, she was 14 weeks pregnant.  Her fetus was the size of a lemon.  According to “the bump” magazine, Kay’s fetus was doing the following:

“Your fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, making urine and breathing amniotic fluid.”  ( Page 29. ) 

It’s amazing to think of Kay J posing nude while a baby’s sucking its thumb in her belly!

How does a professional photographer work?  I understand the process to be as follows:

1.  A girl does one photo shoot with a photographer.  She may do this as part of a “cattle call”, in which the photographer shoots a number of girls, individually, in a single day.

2.  The photographer decides which models worked best for him.  This is often determined by whether he ( Alex Lynn ) can sell her photos.  If a model looks salable, she gets a “call back” from the photographer.

He now focuses exclusively on the particular model ( Kay J ).  The pair will accomplish a number of photo shoots over a single day.  This process may continue for several days.  Note that Alex Lynn made many photographic items of Kay J in late September of 2016.

Below, I add Kay J’s “kid cute” photo galleries to her timeline.  I’m omitting her Watch 4 Beauty photographic items.  That’s because I don’t trust the dates that Watch 4 Beauty provided to Indexxx.

Kay ceases to be “kid cute” once her pregnancy is underway.  She’s pregnant in the photo gallery “Vuita”.  However, in “Vuita”, Kay is just two weeks pregnant.  Her zygote ( future baby ) is less than the size of a poppy seed.  Kay remains “kid cute” in “Vuita”.

Note:  In an alternate theory, Kay got pregnant on the date of her photo gallery that’s called “Lenxi”.  In that case, she’s four weeks pregnant at the time that “Vuita” was shot.  In this theory, in “Vuita”, Kay’s baby is less than the size of an apple seed.

I now assess the given dates for Kay J’s photographic items:

1.  At Indexxx.  None of these days are correct.  Indexxx gets its wrong information from the Me Tart Network.

2.  At the Me Tart Network.  None of these dates are correct.

3.  From the photo gallery’s cover shot on my iPad.  Such a date is only correct if it matches the date on the accompanying photos.

4.  From the ( accompanying ) photos on my iPad.  This is usually the earliest date given.  If it is later in time than the date for the gallery’s cover, I use the date on the gallery’s cover.

5.  I always call the earliest date the “correct” date.  This is the date that I list below.  If I write “Cover” by the date, the date came from the gallery’s cover.  If I write “Photos” by the date, the date came from the ( accompanying ) photos.

If I write “Both” by the date, the date for the gallery’s cover and the date for the accompanying photos is identical.

All the dates for the photo galleries on my iPad were downloaded from the Me Tart Network.  Hence, the date is that given by Me Tart ( or, more likely, by Alex Lynn ).  It is not the date that I downloaded the photo gallery.

6.  As for the videos of Kay J that I downloaded, they bear the date that I downloaded them.  That’s useless information.  Hence, for Kay’s videos, I’m forced to use the date that is stated online, at the Me Tart Network.

7.  I provide a description of each of Kay’s photo galleries.  However, I don’t do so for her videos.  Generous portions of her Me Tart videos are available for free at freeones ( dot ) com.  For the highest quality versions of these videos, you’ll need to subscribe to the Me Tart Network.

My descriptions of Kay’s photo galleries veer into the realm of fantasy.  The imaginary parts of my descriptions should not be mistaken for her real life.

A photographer once wrote about how to shoot beautiful 18 ( or so ) year old girls.  I combine his advice with what I’ve read elsewhere:

1.  Always tell the girl that she’s beautiful.  Even if she’s a dog, tell her she’s beautiful.

2.  Work quickly.  The girl will soon be bored.  Then, she won’t want to pose for you anymore.

Hence, the photographer must be well organized.  The model won’t wait for him to figure out what he’s doing.

3.  Eighteen-year-old girls are prone to “flaking out”.  A girl will agree to be photographed, in the near future, and then not show.

4.  Always dress the girl in beautiful clothes.  This may seem ridiculous, since the clothes are meant to be removed.  However, the girl wants to see herself as lovely.  Beautiful clothes add to her view of her beauty. 

I’ll add to this:  the more charming a girl looks at the start of a gallery, in clothing, the more amazing it is to see her stripped bare.

I’ll also add:  make the girl’s hair look absolutely lovely.  It should be loose, free ( or mostly free ), and full!  Pay the same attention to her fingernails.

Hence, a real photo shoot is likely a more mundane affair than my descriptions allow for.


1.  March 21, 2016:  Kay J turns 20 years old.  She begins modeling nude.

2.  Photo gallery “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  ( Photos. )

Kay poses nude for the first time, in a delicate lacy blue bra and panties, plus a red sweater.

This is an ideal “first nude photo shoot” gallery.  From the first photo, it’s possible to categorize Kay as a newbie.

Here’s a problem with the date.  Kay is sitting in the same chair that is seen, later, in the video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  

In “Model Test:  Episode 4”, the chair’s frame is naked brown wood.  In “Dantyl”, the chair’s frame bears a light coat of white paint.  I have some understanding of the sort of bamboo chair that Kay is sitting in.  Paint goes on such a chair.  It never comes off.  This is especially so since the chair is held together by strips of bamboo.  These bind the chair’s bamboo frame.  It’s impossible to remove all the paint from the strips, and the underlying bamboo that they bind. 

Hence, “Dantyl” may have been shot much later than its stated date.

What happens in “Dantyl”?  Kay is the guest of honor at a Cherry Popping Party.  She’s the only virgin present, so that makes her the Cherry of Honor.  At the same time, this is a Pregnancy Party.  Kay, like the other females at the party, wants to get pregnant. 

Kay holds the limelight as the party starts.  No one’s going to do much until she’s been violated.  After all, with her hymen, she has an unfair advantage over the other women.  What man can dwell long on any woman when a virgin needs her cherry busted?

Kay is urged to relax.  She does so in a big cushioned chair.  This chair resembles a Bean Bag Chair, except that its cushion rests in a bamboo frame.  Kay tosses her arms above her head.  They rest on the upper part of of the chair’s oval frame.  She throws her naked thighs wide.  Her panties’ nothing gusset nearly fails to keep her cunt private!

With so much attention, Kay is soon masturbating!  Blushingly giggling, she knows what her arousal will bring.  There are a roomful of tented crotches hungrily waiting for their turn in her virgin womb!

When her pussy is hopelessly wet, Kay sits up.  She pulls off her sweater.  

Next, she loses her bra.  Kay contemplates her bra as it goes.  The next time she dons one, she’ll have a baby in her belly!

Kay sits on the floor.  With her fair head resting on the chair’s lower edge, she masturbates.  Kay is thrilled to think of all the guys who want her so badly!  

Kay lies supine on the floor.  With a bit of ceremony, she ditches her panties.  Kay is totally nude now.  She makes great play of frigging, and ( gently ) finger-poking, her wet twat.

Flat on her back, Kay cocks her knees high.  She spreads her legs.  To show that she’s totally ready ( as if her drenched pussy doesn’t ), she tosses one of her bare feet up onto the chair.

The first man takes her.  He tries to go easy on her, but she’s totally tight!  He hurts her rather badly as he plunges deep into her teen body.  Two men follow in quick succession.

Then, Kay gets a bigger surprise than the three that she’s already had.  As Pauline Reage writes:

“Meanwhile, the man who liked women only for what they had in common with men, seduced by the available behind … called for an intermission in order to take advantage of it.”

- Story of O.  Page 15.

Kay is persuaded to get on all fours.  With sperm oozing copiously from her cunt, she’s made to offer her bottom for fucking.  Kay loses her anal cherry.  

Or, as her impromptu lover declares, to those watching:

“If you think Kay’s pussy is tight, you should try enduring her here!”  The stranger says this as he sodomizes Kay.  

He acquits himself well.  That is, he totally reams Kay.  She’s left sobbing.  However, from this ordeal, Kay learns the meaning of “it hurts so good”.  She felt utterly defenseless as she was getting butt-fucked.  That made Kay happy, despite her tears.  But ( ahem! ) for the added pain, she liked getting sodomized almost as much as she liked getting pussy-reamed!  

It scares Kay to think that she’ll likely be taking more dicks in her ass.  But the agony of that coupling held a wonderfully filthy sensuality!  “No pain, no gain,” as they say.

At this sort of party, the Cherry of Honor is initiated to the whip.  When Kay has taken all the screwing that she can bear, she’s hauled to a whipping post.  Kay is made to face it.  Her slender wrists are bound to the post above her head.  Kay’s plump derriere can’t help but stick rudely out!  She tightens it, but that doesn’t deter the “master” who’s going to whip her.  He does so, and Kay enters motherhood with a fertilized egg in her belly, and a very sore bottom.  The pain from this soon becomes a pulsing erotic glow in her ass.

“No pain, no gain,” as they say.

3.  Friday, June 17, 2016:  “Kay Jay” is added to the web site freeones ( dot ) com.

4.  Photo gallery “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  ( Both. )

Kay J in a bathroom!  At the gallery’s start, she’s in a lovely blue bra and panties.  These are paired with a man’s ivory dress shirt.  I imagine Kay wearing her date’s shirt at an orgy club.  The place is big and professional, not someone’s basement.  

Kay exhibits her bottom in the bathroom.  She does so a bit fearfully, and very saucily.  As she shows her hiney, she gives the viewer the “fuck you” sign, with her middle finger.  

Kay’s a sexual submissive.  Her middle finger isn’t meant to blow a guy off, but to arouse his ( sexual ) ire.  Significantly, this is the last photographic item of Kay before she’s whipped quite severely.  The marks from her whipping are visible in her videos “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.  Kay was, consciously nor not, courting a whipping in “Phiny”.

5.  Tuesday, September 20, 2016:  Kay J bears whip marks.

Relevant videos, and their dates:

A.  Wet Dreams, by Alex Lynn, Me Tart Network.  Tuesday, 20 Sept 2016.

B.  Dreaming, by Alex Lynn, Me Tart Network.  Sunday, 25 Dec 2016. 

Ukraine celebrates Christmas at a later date.

C.  My Channel, by Alex Lynn, Me Tart Network.  Tuesday, 25 July 2017.

“Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” were filmed on the same day.  That’s because Kay’s whip marks are identical.  “My Channel” may have been filmed a day later.  That’s because the whip mark on her inner right bottom cheek is still present, but looks to be nearly healed. 

There’s a flaw in my reasoning regarding “My Channel”.  In the videos “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”, the outer curve of Kay’s right bottom cheek bears nasty whip marks.  They’re more vicious than the whip mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek.  Yet, in “My Channel,” Kay has no marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.

The flaw in my reasoning points to “My Channel” being filmed at a later date than “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.  This calls for an alternate conclusion.  It’s this:  the whip mark on the inner curve of Kay’s right bottom cheek is coincidentally in the same location as her earlier whip mark, in “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.

Hence, Kay was whipped at least three separate times in her life!

6. or 7.  Photo gallery “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Both. )

I favor this photo gallery as being Kay’s first.  Her ( imaginary ) wedding is over.  As in the novel “Emily”, Kay is obliged to attend a private reception.  Emily recalls:

“‘What an arse she has!’, I heard on entering the drawing room where the private reception was arranged.”

( Location 520. )

Kay wears a lacy white bra and panties.  Doubtless, you’ve been to a wedding reception.  Imagine if the bride was in her underwear!  Kay looks appropriately wary.  She should be.  As an innocent bride, she’s soon on her knees, and bent over a chair.  Kay musters her pride.  That doesn’t spare her what’s coming.  Soon, still bent over the chair, she’s fearfully clutching her pantied fanny!  Her panties are wedged in her ass’ cleft.  They’re soon gone.  The naked bride is put by her generous groom to the partiers’ sexual whims.  After, one supposes, he properly ruins her honor.  Did Kay’s father watch this?

7. or 6.  Photo gallery “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  ( Both. )

Kay is a true Venus in “Jatine”.  At least one of her photos in this gallery could have been pulled straight from a painting by an Old Master.  Except, Kay is real!  You can fuck her!

Kay strips out of a flowery blue shirt and red panties.  She proceeds to show you everything an Old Master won’t.  To the guy voyeur, I say, God help your sperm load.  I think it’s destined for your underpants, bedsheets, carpet, or toilet.  Hopefully, its not destined for your dog.

8.  “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  ( Both. )

Kay appears in a faded blue tank top.  It’s quite decollete.  Kay’s shirt is cut so low that it barely hides her jutting young breasts!  Kay wears a blue skirt with her tank top.

“What sort of panties has she got on?”  you’ll surely ask.  Well, we get to find out!  She’s wearing blue undies, patterned by white butterflies.

There are many “signature” shots of Kay in this marvelous photo gallery.  My current favorite is this one:  Kay, in her short tank top, frankly yanks down her panties.  She looks like a girl about to hop in her bathtub.  However, no tub is present in this gallery.  Kay settles for pouring a glass of water over her phenomenal breasts.

Then Kay’s on her knees, and bent forward over a stool.  A pink blotch is on her right bottom cheek.  It’s crisscrossed by a scrimshaw of pink lines.  Are these whip marks?  Perhaps!

9.  Photo gallery “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  ( Both. )

Kay takes a hike.  At the gallery’s start, she’s wearing a backwards black baseball cap, light blue overalls, and a black crop top.  But, of course, every guy wants to know:  what sort of panties is she wearing?  Her panties are striped black and blue.  ( As if her panties are bruised, from being beaten! )

Spoiler alert:  Kay winds up on all fours, with her ass ready for erotic use.  In the first of these photos, Kay looks anxiously aroused.  This brings to mind Pauline Reage’s novel, “Story of O”:

“For the next eight days … O wore an ebonite shaft simulating an erect male member which was inserted behind and held in place by three small chains connected to a leather belt around her hips, in such a way that the internal movements of her muscles could not expel it.”

( Page 45. )

In “Story of O”, O suffers being ass-plugged in the comfort of a chateau.  I guess Kay’s master, shoving a fake cock up her rear every day, decided to get creative.  So he rammed an ersatz boner in her hiney in the woods.  

I imagine this was done after he butt-fucked her.  The dildo was put in Kay to retain her master’s sperm.  Then, when Kay returned to the chateau with him, he had a female slave suck his load out of Kay’s bottom.  Aged sperm has a special taste a girl must experience ( a  lot ) to enjoy.  Retained long enough, such sperm comes in only one flavor:  chocolate. 

I notice that my blog posts on Kay J are mostly ignored.  So, feel free to ignore this post too.  Nothing to see here!

10.  Photo gallery “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  ( Cover. )

Kay is about to go on a date!  She’s suitably dressed for nightclubbing.  ( But not for being clubbed at night! )  Her soft grey dress exposes the bare undercurves of her ass!

Kay is wearing purple panties.  Their thong seat wedges deeply in her beautifully plump behind.  Kay is soon in a club’s private V.I.P. lounge with her lover.  It has a bed, and that’s put to quick use.  Kay winds up on her knees, bent forward over the bed.  

This photo gallery has a signature shot of Kay’s lovely bare back.  Her narrow shoulders make her back the epitome of feminine beauty.  Sadly, Kay didn’t value her back.  In 2021, though still otherwise beautiful, she ruined her back with a tattoo.  Apparently, getting tattooed, to please butch lesbians, was more important to Kay than wowing her paying “loves” on Only Fans.  

( Discussed below. ) 

11.  Photo gallery “Sanora”.  6 Oct 2016.  ( Photos. )

The date for this gallery is wholly erroneous.  It doesn’t feature “kid cute” Kay, or even “young adult wife” Kay.  It stars “old fat” Kay.

( Discussed below. )

I see women who look like Kay in “Sanora” every day.  Thankfully, they’re not naked!

12.  Photo gallery “Rough Touch”.  16 Oct 2016.  ( Cover. )

Mom warned Kay to stay out of the woods.  It turns out, however, that Kay rather liked getting butt-fucked and ass-plugged in the forest.  Sure, it hurt like Hell.  But Kay has found a way to derive pleasure from pain.  She has to, with such a cruelly inventive master!  Or, anyway, she’s learned to obey. 

Actually, Kay is braving the woods with her master’s friend.  He hasn’t brought a butt plug.  He figures his giant cock will sufficiently ream Kay’s bottom to make her know what it’s like to be gut-wrenchingly full.

First, Kay must be whipped.  She loses her lovely peasant blouse-style dress.  Kay is forced to stand nude against a tree.  Her bottom sticks out at her master’s friend.  We’re denied a view of the agonizing result.  I guess the master’s friend strikes more than Kay’s butt.  In the gallery’s final photo, she’s clutching one of her breasts, and her pussy.  Kay manages a smile.  Her master’s friend is determined to make her a pain slut!

Someone somewhere complained that Me Tart’s photos are “vanilla” in their erotic content.  Well, friend, you just need to be a sicko like me to make them intoxicatingly sexy!  Now you can apply the same logic to “vanilla” videos of  ( now former ) You Tube preteens and teens.  ( Not that I would, but you might, if you wish to. )

Ooops!  I’m late for church!

Okay, I’m back now.  God forgave all of my sins.

So, it’s time to sin more!

13.  Photo gallery “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  ( Photos. )

I’m suspicious of the date that is given for this photo gallery.  I wonder if it wasn’t shot when Kay was pregnant, but not yet “showing”.  ( i.e. her “baby bump”. )  She doesn’t look quite “kid cute” enough for the date that this gallery bears.

In “Nedsa”, Kay strips off a boring blue nightgown.  Perhaps you wonder if Kay likes bondage.  Well, consider the following photos of her, in this gallery:  

A.  Kay stretches her arms above her naked body.  She looks fit to be tied, in the most vulnerable of ways!  

B.  In another photo in “Nedsa”, Kay offers a view of her nude flank.  This brings to mind the following:

“Since O was sleeping on her left side, her face to the window and her legs slightly drawn up, the view she offered him was that of her white flanks, which seemed even whiter against the black fur.  He took the pillow from beneath her head and said politely:  ‘Would you please stand up.’”

O is subsequently struck repeatedly with a riding crop, as part of a punishment ritual.

- Pauline Reage, Story of O.  Page 26.

In her photographic advertisement for her Only Fans channel, Kay is lying nude in bed.  Her legs are thrown wide.  Her lovely hands, thrust between her legs, are giving the viewer a dual “fuck you” salute.

Which may leave you wondering, what’s between Kay’s legs?  I mean, if her hands weren’t blocking the view?

In “Nedsa”, Kay provides a through gynecological lesson to nerdy masturbators who endlessly drool over her photos!

14.  Photo gallery “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  ( Photos. )

Kay was riding her skateboard up and down on the hot sidewalk.  You invited her indoors.  She was so pleased by your posh apartment’s air conditioned chill that she pulled off her shorts to enjoy it.  

That left Kay in a blue tank top and white panties.

But you’re a hot dude.  Kay is soon clutching one of her breasts, which she’s freed from her shirt.  Her other hand is shoved down the front of her panties.  Kay’s overheated again!  

She pulls off her shirt.  That doesn’t help.  So, she exposes her pussy, by pulling aside her undies’ crotch.  That makes Kay hotter!  With her undies’ crotch displaced, she spreads the lips of her snug cunt.  

You have a suggestion.  Instead of adjusting her panties, Kay should just pull them off.  This comes as a revelation to innocent Kay.  She delights in losing her undies.  You promise not to tell her mom.

Kay is so thrilled with your help that she masturbates.  Your place is “Weally cool!” she tells you.  Mom doesn’t let her go naked at home, and she got spanked when Mom caught her masturbating.

Kay relaxes on your couch with her long legs spread wide.  She feels fabulously open and free, if still sorta hot.  You have a recommendation for Kay.  To truly air herself out, she should get down on her knees.  She should bend over the seat of your couch, and thrust out her hiney.  “Spread it good,” you tell her.  Kay does.  Kay has never been told that she has a beautiful little butthole, until now.  There’s a first time for everything!

It’s at this moment that your best friend enters the room.  Imagine Kay’s mortification at being caught on her knees, sticking her ass out!  Your friend assures her that he’s just as cool as you are.  Kay is soon at ease.  

Your friend has a suggestion for Kay.  He wants her to pretend to be your puppy, and his too.  She does.  After all, puppies love bones.  You have a big one!  So does your friend.

15.  Photo gallery “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  ( Cover. )

Your secretary called in sick.  You let her daughter know.  Kay’s soon in your office!  She’s always wanted to work for you.  You promise not to tell her mom.  Kay can’t type.  She can, however, take “dicktation”, she promises you.

It’s dress-down Friday.  You’re a successful attorney who’s in solo practice, so Kay’s free to wear as little as she likes.  That suits her fine.  Wearing glasses, she’s soon in nothing but a blouse, panties, and socks.

You tolerate Kay’s excessive amount of clothing for awhile.  She senses that you might not be wholly pleased.  Since she can’t learn to type in a day, she takes off her clothing instead.  You’re satisfied when, after all else, she removes those damnable socks!  They’re pretty, but Kay’s little bare feet are lovelier still.

There’s never a better time for an office break than when your new secretary is naked!  Kay removes her glasses to be newborn bare.  She uses them to ( what else? ) tickle one of her fulsome breast’s nipples.  Being a secretary is super fun.  Kay masturbates, because she knows you want her to.  Then, taking your professional advice, she shows you her butthole.

Suddenly, Ms. Morales barges into your office.  She’s the F.B.I. agent that you’re suing.  Kay’s caught with her ass well-displayed.  Fortunately, she has her high school I.D. in her purse.  It proves to Ms. Morales that she’s 18.  

Morales isn’t an expert on I.D.s like your buddy is.  She never discovers that Kay’s I.D. is a fake, by an ex-con who counterfeits I.D.s for a living.  ( You got him off. )  ( But not like Kay will. )

16.  Photo gallery “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  ( Cover. )

It’s Kay’s bedtime!  As her uncle, you’ve been asked by her parents to watch over her.  That’s because you and Kay get along better than she does with her mom and dad!  So, since you’re a millionaire, rebellious Kay has moved in with you.  It’s her first night in your luxurious mansion.

Kay’s donned her Minnie Mouse tank top and her Mickey Mouse boxers.  Her long hair is in loose pigtails.  She’s thrilled that you’ve joined her in her room to tuck her in!  ( You don’t mention that it was formerly the room of your now grown daughter.  Kay and your daughter don’t get along. )

Kay’s super happy to see you.  Her hand goes where you both knew it would - straight to her pussy!  She clutches her cunt over her boxer shorts.

You tell Kay that adults often sleep naked.  They definitely don’t wear kiddie pajamas.  Kay’s thrilled to learn this.  She yanks off her Minnie Mouse shirt.  You let her keep on her boxers.  Kay’s hand is soon exploring herself inside of them.  So, she decides her boxers really do have to go, as you advised.

Since she’s about to sleep naked, Kay regards herself as an adult!  This thrills her.  Lying supine in her bed, but out of the bedclothes, she asks what you think of her adult self.  You mention that there’s one item, a fairly trivial one really, that lies between her kid self and adulthood.  Kay divines your meaning.  It spurs her to tickle her pussy!  She’s getting amazingly wet there, for a virgin!  You tell her that the cunt-soaking steaminess that she’s feeling might be alleviated if she kneels on her bed.  And thrusts out her peach plump behind. 

Kay guesses that you’re toying with her, seeing how far she’ll go.  Well, she’s willing to go as far as mooning you!  Ms. Digirf, your head of housekeeping, butts in as Kay does this.  Kay is totally embarr ( assed )!

You tell Ms. Digirf that she was supposed to take the night off.  Kay, meantime, kneels upright on her bed.  Nude as Eve, she grabs one of her breasts, and her soaking cunny.  Ms. Digirf is fired.  Kay is relieved.  You suggest that, since Kay is pretty much an adult now, she might accompany you to a chateau.  The place is called Roissy.  ( Not “Pussy”, though a lot is there; “Roissy”. )

You and Kay leave your mansion just before a nosy police cruiser arrives.  They find no one home.

You secretly own Roissy.  That’s why Kay’s new bedroom there looks so much like the one at your mansion.  She waits naked in it for you, while you attend to other matters.  Not everyone at Roissy is quite the gentleman that you are.  Kay’s surprised when a stranger enters her room.  He tells her that she’s been “furnished” to him.  To be a true adult, she needs to obey him.

Kay is pretty sure that the stranger is up to no good.  But he’s awesomely handsome.  So she submits.  Nine months later, Kay’s more than just an adult.  She’s a mom!  

Kay’s thrilled, even if her parents aren’t.  A state-mandated paternity test clears you of any misbehavior with Kay.  She doesn’t spill to investigators about Roissy, or about all the guys, including you, who boned her there.  So many did that she has no idea who her baby’s dad was.

But she still has her sugar daddy - you!

17.  Photo gallery “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  ( Photos. )

Winter has come to Ukraine.  Kay has mementos in her room from last summer, when she stayed at your seaside mansion.

Now, you’re visiting her!  Kay’s mom and dad are, thankfully, absent.  Kay pulls up her skirt.  She shows you her panties!  They, and her skirt and blouse, make a nice ensemble for yachting.  

Kay yearns to go yachting with you again.  In the meantime, why doesn’t she pull off her clothes?  Since, you know, she doesn’t have a bikini handy.  You and she can pretend to be yachting again! 

Kay thrills you with a view of her from behind.  Shirtless, she’s reaching back and undoing her skirt!  Next, Kay ditches her panties.

Kay teases you with views of her cunt.  You tell her you’re gay.  ( Bear with me! )  So, Kay is soon convinced to do something totally dirty.  She kneels, and shows your her ass.  You find her butthole most appealing.  It hurts Kay a lot when you satisfy your mutual lust by thrusting deep, and repeatedly, in her shitter with your giant cock.  This is her first time doing it.  That’s not true for you.  You’ve learned that the best way to avoid getting caught shafting a girl who’s “too young” is to do her anally.  She keeps her hymen, as Roman Polanski notes, and she doesn’t get pregnant.

After your mutual bliss, Kay asks you what you thought of her ass.  After all, it wasn’t a guy’s ass, and you’re gay.  You admit to Kay that she’s the best “gay conversion therapy” that you’ve ever encountered.  You’re ashamed of being a faggot.  If she’ll help you reform, by letting your fuck her butt often, you’re sure you’ll turn straight.  Kay agrees that this must be done.  Even if it leaves her sore, and her butthole bleeding a little.

You cease to be gay.  Sadly, since you’re not gay anymore, you must resign from being a cardinal in the Catholic Church.

You’re also damned to Hell now, by the modern Church, since you’re a pedophile.  But young Kay’s little ass saved you from being a homosexual sodomite!

Later, you become the rectum, I mean the rector, or your own church.

18.  Photo gallery “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  ( Photos. )

Kay’s at the seashore.  This isn’t a boring palm-fringed beach, with a pacific sea.  Kay’s on a rocky headland that juts into the ocean.  She’s wearing a white fishnet-accented bikini, with a blue jacket.

Kay’s soon out of her jacket.  She uses it to soften a boulder’s roughness by lying supine on her jacket.  Kay does this while still standing; she’s laid back on the boulder to catch a bit of sun.

Kay pulls down her panties.  The warm sun and breeze urge her to fondle her cunt.  Closing her eyes, she does!  With her panties pulled low, Kay’s soon squeezing her plump tits too!

You have a suggestion.  Kay might enjoy giving her apple round bottom some sun, and feeling the sea breeze caress it.  Kay always takes your advice.  She knows that a man who’s the age of her dad must be full of wisdom.  ( As long as he isn’t actually her dad; he’s a moron! )

Kay soon wonders, aloud, if she should wear anything at all.  As a professional biker, you tell her that she shouldn’t.  The most gorgeous girls don’t need clothing.  You learned that way back in the Summer of Love, at a seashore nudist colony.

Kay wasn’t present at America’s inception.  She asks you if the Liberty Bell is really cracked.  Gazing at her ass crack, you tell her that you’re not sure.  Your mind was on bell-shaped hips at the nudist colony, not actual bells.

Kay gets butt-naked.  She even takes off her tennies, that protect her feet from the jagged rocks.  Kay likes daring her nude self against all sorts of things.  ( That’s why we love Kay J! )

Shockingly, Kay poses nude on a wave-splashed boulder, dangerously high above the turbulent sea.  The rock is wet from a recent wave.  Kay sparkles with spent spume.  She’s a modern Venus, birthed by the ocean.  She’s also a masochist.  Thankfully, the Fates favored her on this day!

19.  Photo gallery “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  ( Photos. )

Back in the stone age, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to subscribe to the Me Tart Network.  A year there would cost me about $350.00.  I had a lot of free photos of Kay J.  Did I really need more?  That is, did I need a complete set of each of her galleries, or could I satisfy myself with the free samples?

“Lenxi” convinced me that I had to join the Me Tart Network.  In “Lenxi”, Kay looks astonishingly young.  She’s sexy, naive, and frisky!

As “Lenxi” begins, Kay’s in a denim coverall.  It’s not a sexy outfit.  But Kay’s still a virgin, so she doesn’t always notice how much she appeals to men.

She knows you like her.  And she adores you.  That’s why she’s appeared at your house to help you fix it up.  She never dreamed that such a big, handsome stud ( you ) would move in next door to her!

In addition to her coverall, Kay’s wearing a midriff and bobbysocks.  You tell Kay that this is likely to be a hot, sweaty job.  Kay doesn’t like getting sweaty.  To avoid becoming so, she downs the upper half of her coverall.

Next, Kay pulls off her midriff.  You’re worried about her overheating.  You suggest that she get rid of her coverall.  After all, what Kay’s wearing is best suited to little girls.  Kay’s got big, beautiful bosoms.  They’re practically the size of her mom’s!  So, she’d be better off without the coverall.

Kay’s delighted to take your advice.  Losing her coverall, she’s down to just her socks and panties.

But, gosh, this is getting to be a hot summer day!  And so quickly!  You tell Kay she’d better be safe, and take her undies off too.  Kay does.

But what if her feet get hot, she wonders.  A person can die from heat stroke.  Has anyone ever died from heat stroke of the feet?

You don’t want Kay doing anything risky.  You tell her to take her socks off.  She does.

Kay asks you what you think of her ass.  Some guys claim it’s too big.  But those are the guys that then want to spank her!  You tell Kay that you’ll need to get a good look at her ass to render a proper opinion.  Kay is soon gleefully exhibiting her bottom to you!  She proves very good at wriggling it about.

( In real life, Kay claims that she isn’t a very good dancer.  But, in my opinion, any girl with a beautiful bottom, who can wiggle it good, is a great dancer!  So Kay is! ) 

You tell Kay that she has a great ass.  She wonders if she has a small pussy.  And if it’s cute.  Guys say that it is.  But those guys always want to screw her!

You have Kay exhibit her cunt to you.  She happily does.  Kay, lying supine, arches her ass high.  She does so with her long legs fetchingly splayed.

You are greatly impressed.  Kay notices that your groin is greatly impressed too!  She decides that it’s too hot to work.  You tell her it’s okay if she rests.

“Just keep your legs wide open,” you tell her.  “That way, you’ll stay as cool as you can.”  Kay does!

Later, she’s lying prone as she watches you work.  She’s forgotten to keep her legs apart, but she’s got a superb bare bottom!  You remind Kay to keep her thighs well-divided.  Her hot little cunt needs as much air as it can get, on this humid day!  In fact, you have some refreshment for her pussy.  If Kay will rise up on all fours, sticking her ass up at you, you’ll give her twat just what it needs.

Later, Kay whines that what you pumped into her was, like, freakin’ boiling!  It definitely didn’t cool her down.  Also, she got some of your sperm in her mouth.  It tasted salty!  That made her thirsty, as well as overheated.

Suddenly, you both hear Kay’s mom calling her.  Kay’s parents are home from the community meeting, held by the police, on the dangers that child molesters pose to children. 

Kay quickly gets back into her coveralls.  She doesn’t have time to yank on her panties.  Thankfully, coveralls don’t stain like less durable sorts of clothing.  Kay’s mom ( hopefully ) won’t notice that her pussy is leaking sperm.  Yours.

After Kay leaves, in considerable haste, you realize that she’s left more than her panties behind.  Her midriff is on your floor, along with her socks.

The next day, Kay tells you that she’s grounded.  Her parents have forbidden her to go to a girlfriends’ house, where there’s a pool.  Kay’s mom reproved her with these words:

“There will be no more teen skinny dipping parties for you, young lady!  You’ll not come into my house topless again!”

Fortunately, your house doesn’t have a pool.  However, it still needs a lot of work.  And, today, Kay wants to get hot and sweaty!  Especially without her coverall on!

Note:  Kay J got pregnant on the date of this gallery, or soon after it.  It’s astonishing to think that her bare-bottomed innocence may have led her, in real life, to getting knocked up!

20.  Photo gallery “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  ( Photos. )

“When she was properly made up and prepared … she was led into a room.”

- Pauline Reage, Story of O.  Page 7. 

The photo shoot was wonderful, but the bondage orgy promises to be unbearably thrilling.  At least, that’s what Kay hopes.  She doesn’t dare imagine the darkest corners of what she’s venturing into.  The heroine of “Fifty Shades of Grey” survived, Kay figures.  She will too. 

Her photographer, Alex, has brought her to the bondage orgy.  It’s Kay’s first time at such an affair.  At the event, several women sequester her.  They fuss over her her hair and makeup, and insist on dressing her in the lingerie of their choosing.

Like a bride on her wedding day, Kay is presented by the women to the party at large.  

“Here she is, gentlemen,” a woman coos.  “Miss Cherry Fuck Me”.  Nobody goes by their real name at a fling like this.  Kay’s wearing a singlet and panties.  Both are rose-patterned and blue.  She’s barefoot.

Kay’s an instant hit with the partiers in her semi-sheer singlet and panties.  She’s never partied in just lingerie before.  Also, this is her first bondage soiree.  Kay nervously feels her plump, pantied behind as she spies flagellants lying about.  They seem as common as canapes!

Kay is showered with compliments.  These soon persuade her to offer a view of her bottom to everyone.  It earns lavish praise, even as Kay gets more worried that something’s in store for her ass that might hurt!  However, she still has her panties on.  Kay is aware that her little undies wedge deeply in her rear’s cleft.  Also, her hiney’s undercurves bulge pertly free of her panties. 

Alcohol flows freely at the bondage soiree.  Kay drinks more than she should.  Soon, her fair head buzzy, she’s convinced by a stranger that she’d have fun partying without her panties on.  Kay pulls off her undies.  She feels wonderfully free drinking and dancing with her bare ass showing, and her pussy embarrassingly soaked!

Omigod!  Kay soon remarks to herself.  For some reason, no one’s dancing much anymore.  A “master” has brought out a host of flagellants.  Kay clutches her wet pussy as someone suggests that she be the first one tonight to be publicly whipped. 

Kay is invited to pull off her singlet.  The logic is simple, especially now that she’s drunk.  If she’s going to brave a public flogging, she may as well go all the way:  receiving it totally naked.

Kay loses her singlet.  Her long, full tresses remain gorgeous.  They’re adorned with a waterfall braid.

Kay is furnished to the “master” as naked as Eve, and as vulnerable as sea-birthed Venus.  Shy as she is to admit it, this is the fantasy that she’s dreamed of for years.  ( Or, anyway, since she saw “Fifty Shades of Grey” at the mall! )  Kay has no idea who the “master” really is.  He’s big, strong, and masked.  He’s here to give orders.  Her job is to obey.

Kay is bound and proffered for punishment.  She’s free to sob and scream as much as she likes; no one will stop her here.  Indeed, they want to see how much she can be made to moan, howl, and bawl.  Kay’s soon making as much of a racket as a spanked newborn!

She endures.  “Master” pushes her beyond what she can bear, but not beyond what she can stand.  That’s because she must become a good slut.  

After her punishment, Kay is revived.  She’s made to kneel.  Her head and upper body are thrust through a hole in a wall.  This leaves her ass and legs at the disposal of all who care to have her.  Kay gets screwed by a succession of men.  She has no idea who they are, her head’s on the other side of the wall!  There, the women who’d prepped her for the event soothe and caress her.  They do not heed her pleas for her cunt to be spared.  Or her tight virgin bottom.

Note:  Kay J got pregnant on the date of this gallery, or soon after it.  “Maru” is one of her hottest galleries!  Kay’s temperament in this gallery likely led to her getting knocked up.

21.  Tuesday, February 21, 2017:  Kay J gets pregnant.

22.  Photo gallery “Vuita”.  8 March 2017.  ( Photos. )

Your co-worker invites you to dinner at his place.  He’s a jerk, but he’s also a newlywed.  His wife is named Kay.  She’s fucking gorgeous.

Kay serves a casual summertime meal.  She’s wearing a yellow spaghetti-strap blouse, and a pretty flower-patterned skirt.  After dinner, Kay takes care of clearing the table.  You and your buddy discuss matters of world historic importance in his parlor.  Kay retreats to the kitchen.  There, she does the dishes.

Your buddy’s a chain-smoker.  ( Like Judge Robert Bork. )  To your buddy’s horror, he realizes that he’s out of smokes.  He excuses himself to make an emergency run to 7-Eleven.

When you were young( er ), you were warned that you were uncool if you didn’t smoke.  However, unlike your buddy, you’re never beset with a craving for cigarettes.  Pussy is another matter.  Left alone in the parlor, you can hear Kay humming to herself in the kitchen.  You decide to help her do the dishes.  ( That, anyway, is your excuse to yourself! )

Your visit delights Kay.  She soon downs one of the straps of her blouse.  That leaves her small shoulder bare.  Kay isn’t wearing a bra.  Tempted all evening by the perkiness of her fulsome breasts’ nipples, you now get to behold one of her boobs!  It’s as milk pale as you imagined.  Her erect teat is dawn pink.

Kay tells you frankly that she wishes she’d known you before she got married.  You advice against her divorcing.  At least, that is, until you both “test drive” the other.  Kay likes your “joke” very much!

It earns you a look at both of her tits.

Did you know Kay was wearing red panties? she asks.  You tell her to prove it.  Kay ups her skirt.  Of her undies, she says,

“Look!  They’re valentine red!”  Kay claims that she wore this color for you.

Did you know that Kay’s panties have a thong seat? she asks.  You insist that she prove this.  Lifting her skirt again, she does!

“This is all very well,” you tell Kay.  “But here’s what I really want to know:  do you have a tight pussy?”

Kay obligingly bends over the kitchen counter.  Raising her dress, she exposes her bottom.  Kay reaches between her legs.  Tugging aside her undies’ thong, she shows you her cunt.  It’s tight alright.  It’s also glistening with arousal.  As an added bonus, you get a view of her anus, nestling between her bared hinds.

You ask Kay to show you what she looks like without her skirt on.  She removes it.  Your curiosity remains.  What does she look like without her blouse on?  And when she’s not wearing panties?  Kay proceeds to remove both.

Now, you’re more curious than ever!  You want Kay to show off her big bosoms to you, and her tight little twat!  She’s a firm believer in helping you satisfy your curiosity.  And all of your needs.  Somehow, both you and Kay forget all about her jerk of a husband.  Armed with his smokes, he arrives home to find you boning his wife.  Fortunately, you’re armed with more than smokes.  As an undercover cop, you carry a shoulder-holstered pistol.

Your friend doesn’t get to be a cop killer.  Kay, on the other hand, does get a new husband.

Note:  Kay was, by any reckoning, pregnant ( in real life ) when “Vuita” was shot.

23.  Video “Model Test:  Episode 4”:  18 June 2017.  

The date is wrong.  I note that Me Tart lists 18 June 2017 as the date when “Model Test:  Episode 4” was “Released”.  “Released” is not the same as “Date when shot”.  However, only a “Released” date is listed for each of Kay’s videos at Me Tart.

Why is the date for “Model Test:  Episode 4” wrong? 

The photo gallery “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”, was shot on 23 Sept 2016.  “Model Test:  Episode 4” was absolutely shot on the same day as “Presenting Kay J”.  One can easily divine this from looking at both photographic items.

24.  November 21, 2017:  Kay J is about to deliver her baby.  

25.  Tuesday, September 18, 2018:  Kay J bears more whip marks.

Relevant video, and its date:

I’m Eating You’re Watching, by Alex Lynn, Me Tart Network.  Tuesday, 18 Sept 2018.

( Kay J delivered her baby ten months prior to “I’m Eating You’re Watching”. )

26.  Fall 2020:  Kay J posts seven photos from a bondage dungeon on her Only Fans channel.  These photos are in two separate sets.

A.  Four photos feature her in a corset and stockings.

B.  Three photos show her nude, bound with ropes.

27.  Late August 2021:  Kay J gets a tattoo on her upper back.  It consists of an eye, an unmarked playing card, and a rose-budding plant.  ( I erroneously dated this tattoo to September 11, 2021 in an earlier article.  Kay got tattooed a bit before then. )

KAY J Quick REFERENCE “kid cute” Photographic Guide

With Important Life Dates!

The web site for every photographic item below is the Me Tart Network, unless otherwise stated.

Each photographic item below is a photo gallery, unless otherwise stated.

1.  “Dantyl”.  4 June 2016.  Kay in the white-painted Bean Bag Chair. 

2.  “Phiny”.  18 Sept 2016.  Kay flaunts her bare ass in a bathroom.  

3.  Tuesday, September 20, 2016:  Kay J bears whip marks. 

A.  Video “Model Test:  Episode 4”.  18 June 2017.  Date adjusted by me to 20 Sept 2016.

B.  Video “Dreaming”.  Sunday, 25 Dec 2016.  Date adjusted by me to 20 Sept 2016.

C.  Video “My Channel”.  Tuesday, 25 July 2017.  Date adjusted by me to 21 Sept 2016. 

4.  “Phania”.  21 Sept 2016.  Kay is stripped to a white bra and panties for her ( imaginary ) wedding reception.

5.  “Jatine”.  21 Sept 2016.  Kay is a real Venus in an Old Master’s painting.

6.  “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”.  23 Sept 2016.  Kay strips out of her decollete tank top and panties for a water glass bath.

7.  “Teinalt”.  24 Sept 2016.  Kay in the woods.

8.  “Funk Love”.  25 Sept 2016.  Kay goes clubbing in a grey dress that exposes her ass, and her purple thong panties.  

9.  “Sanora”.  6 Oct 2016.  The date is erroneous.  This is “old fat” Kay.  

10.  “Rough Touch.  16 Oct 2016.  Kay in the woods.  ( Again! )

11.  “Nedsa”.  7 Nov 2016.  Kay in a boring blue nightgown.

12.  “Embery”.  15 Nov 2016.  Kay chills in a blue tank top and white panties - until things heat up!

13.  “Daintily”.  17 Nov 2016.  Kay in glasses, as your new ( virgin ) secretary.  She loses her clothes and then, somehow, her hymen too!

14.  “Casting Kay”.  Friday, 2 Dec 2016.  Web site:  Watch 4 Beauty.

15.  Photo gallery, and video “Unusual Girl”.  Friday, 2 June 2017.  Web site:  Watch 4 Beauty.  Date adjusted by me to Friday, 2 Dec 2016.

However, I could comfortably assign a date of Friday, 2 June 2017 to all of the Watch 4 Beauty photographic items.

16.  “Cerise”.  22 Dec 2016.  Kay in her Minnie Mouse tank top and her Mickey Mouse boxers.  But not for long!

17.  “Astier”.  11 Jan 2017.  Kay, her seashore mementos, and her raised skirt.

18.  “Cyma”.  18 Jan 2017.  Kay dares Fate on a rocky, wave splashed headland.  Naturally, she does this nude!

19.  “Lenxi”.  8 Feb 2017.  Kay helps me fix up my house.  I help her out of her coverall.

20.  “Maru”.  21 Feb 2017.  Kay parties at a bondage orgy in her panties.  ( And in her singlet. )

21.  February 21, 2017.  Kay is “unexpectedly” made pregnant.  The actual date that she got knocked up on could be as early as February 8, 2017. 

22.  “Vuita”.  8 March 2017.  Kay in the kitchen.  Kay is two to four weeks pregnant at the time of this photo shoot.

A good FONT

I use Apple’s “Pages” app to type.  Recently, Apple eliminated the venerable font called “Courier” from “Pages”.  Apple replaced “Courier” with the worthless font called “Courier New”.  I call “Courier New” by this name:  “Courier Pee Yew”. 

As you likely do, if you use an iPad, I type and publish in Apple’s font called “Helvetica Neue”.  However, I’ve found that I catch typewritten errors best if I switch to a different font to check my work.  I’ve found a font that’s reasonably good for this.  It’s a font called “Georgia”.


1.  At indexxx ( dot ) com, use this search term:  Kay J

2.  Source for Kay J “unexpectedly” pregnant:  pregnantkay ( dot ) com.

3.  the bump, from the knot, Volume 8, Edition 1.

thebump ( dot ) com/sandiego

4.  Emily, which I have always known to be a novel by Anonymous, is credited by Amazon Kindle to James Jennings. 

5.  I don’t have access to the Watch 4 Beauty web site.  Free samples of Kay’s Watch 4 Beauty photo galleries are available at this web site:

definebabe ( dot ) com

Search term:  Kay J

6.  Kay J’s user name at onlyfans ( dot ) com:  ukaybb

7.  Amazingly, at age 25, in the year 2021, Kay can again be called “kid cute”.  Sadly ( for me ), Kay isn’t “kid cute” in her photo galleries after “Vuita”.  She is, however, “kid cute” in some of her photographic items at the web site pregnantkay ( dot ) com.

8.  Kay J’s appearance evolves over time.  I name her most visible stages of life as follows:

A.  Kay the “kid cute” “virgin” ( who got whipped ).  Kay at age 20, and into her 21st year.

B.  Kay the young adult wife ( who got whipped ).  Kay at age 21, but mostly at age 22.

C.  Old fat Kay.  Kay at age 23. 

D.  “Uppity” Kay.

“Uppity” Kay is present, to a greater or lesser degree, when she is:

a.  Age 22 or older.

b.  Not “old and fat”.

E.  “Kid cute” Kay resurrected.  

Kay at age 24 and 25, on her Only Fans channel.  Kay can look amazingly young in what appear to be Only Fans ( only ) photos.  Or, she can look downright elderly.

F.  Tattooed Kay.  

Kay can still look “kid cute” at age 25.  However, her beauty is, in my view, forever ruined by her tattoo.

9.  It’s possible to obtain more precise dates for Kay J’s bondage dungeon photos, and for when she got her tattoo.  However, I remain highly upset that Kay got a tattoo. 

Kay told me that she likes her tattoo.  There’s nothing wrong with it per se, but she’ll never again be the Kay J of my fantasies.  That’s because, any time she turns her bottom toward me, her back ( absent a garment, or her veiling long hair ) displays her tattoo.  As a result, I’ve simply stayed off of her Only Fans channel.

10.  Kay J ( to me, in September of 2021 ):  “Hi I don’t know if I make more tattoo ) but I like”.

Her parenthesis is an emoticon:  a smile.

I had written to Kay, warning her against getting more tattoos.  

Often, a girl who gets a tattoo soon decides that she’s made a mistake.  However, the human mind is wired to reinforce a prior action, even if it was a mistake.  This is discussed by Roger Dawson in his book, “Secrets of Power Negotiating”.  He says:

“A person at a race track will spend a great deal of time deciding what sort of bet to make.”  On, say, a horse.

“However, once the person has placed his bet, he’ll soon make a second bet.  His second bet is placed with relatively little thought.  It’s done quickly.  The reason that he makes it is to reinforce his prior decision.”  His first bet. 

( Paraphrased. )

I listened to Dawson’s audio book some decades ago, as a collection of cassette tapes.  It’s the most valuable “audio book” that I’ve ever heard.  Unfortunately, his printed book is tedious.  This is despite the fact that it’s a transcript of his “audio book”.

In the case of Kay J, she sold me a $3.00 video via “Messages” in Only Fans.  It was titled, “Good night”.  The video had no photo as an advertisement.  The space for a photo was blank.  I bought Kay’s video on faith.

In “Good night”, she shows off her fabulous bottom.  Kay has gained and lost weight over the years.  As of September 2021, she is looking her best!  ( “Kid cute”, and not too fat. )

Here’s the problem.  Kay bares her ass in “Good night”, but she wears a crop top.  Kay never takes off her crop top.  In fact, reaching behind herself ( as she shows off her ass ), she tugs down on her crop top’s lower hem, to ensure that it doesn’t slide up!

Why doesn’t she want her top to slide up?  After all, she has beautiful breasts.  Kay insists on keeping her top on so her tattoo won’t show.

This occurred in a school girl video that she posted on Only Fans.  Kay posted her school girl video in late August of 2021, or in early September.  Kay bares her bottom in the school girl video.  However, she keeps her top on.  She keeps her top on so her tattoo won’t show.

Upon buying Kay’s “Good night” video, I wrote to her.  I told her that she needed to be topless in her video.  I haven’t checked back with her Only Fans channel for the answer that she might have sent me.

Later, I realized why Kay had failed to pull off her top.  ( Or, indeed, why she’d worn a top at all. )  It was to hide her tattoo.

It’s likely that Kay’s other fans are upset about her tattoo.  The result is that she sells us censored videos, where she fails to show her boobs.  Kay still releases photos of her bare breasts.  However, in her mind, it’s now impossible for her to show both her bare ass and her bare breasts in a given photographic item.  That’s because her ( large ) tattoo will be seen.

Kay can never again give coy, over the shoulder views of her bare bottom, with her bare breasts being glimpsed at the same time.  Unless, that is, she lets her tattoo be seen.

She can never again be seen nude, but bound in ropes, from behind, with her beautiful bare back displayed.  Unless, that is, she lets her tattoo be seen.

It’s impossible to remove a tattoo.  Any attempt to do so involves a long, unsexy, painful process.  It leaves a smeared mess.

I know three Ukrainian girls:  Dana Taranova, Ustina Abramova, and Kay J.  Dana and Kay are “bomb throwers”.  Each girl delights in doing something that she isn’t supposed to.  I credit this less to the girl than to an aspect that may be present in Ukrainians generally.  Ukrainians are Cossacks.  They have an independent mindset. 

At the same time, I think Kay craves a dominant in her sex life.  The current dominant in her sex life may be a woman.  A tattooed woman.  A woman who, being ( perhaps ) a lesbian, has led Kay into a lesbian lifestyle.

I’m speaking of the real lesbian lifestyle, not one conjured in magazines like Penthouse.  Real lesbians harbor a hatred for their femininity.  The more butch they are, the more likely they are to resemble men.  This includes getting tattoos.

Hence, Kay, led into the lesbian lifestyle, got tattooed.  There are three ways this could have happened:

1.  Kay went to a tattoo parlor as one might to a bank.  She got tattooed.

2.  It was a party night.  Kay got drunk, and was persuaded to get a tattoo.  Her dominant may have been hounding her for some time to get tattooed.

3.  Kay got tattooed at a lesbian orgy.

In my view, the tattooed Kay is no longer a top nude beauty.  This means that less men will love her.  As a result, that makes the butch lesbians happy.  They don’t want any female to be an “object” of male desire.  Kay must, in their view, only be attracted to, and attractive to, butch lesbians.  It is for this same reason that “feminists” decry “men” loving “little girls”.  All men are to be forced, by law, to only find adult women attractive.  This reduces the competition for sex-starved women’s pussies.  It’s the equivalent of my outlawing all blogs except mine.

One can easily chart a future course for Kay’s life:

1.  She finds herself unable to do further work for top nude model web sites.

2.  She gets another tattoo, to reinforce her earlier stupid decision ( to get tattooed ).

3.  She drifts into:

A.  Sex films.  A tattooed woman can work into her 30s making sex films.

B.  Tattoo art magazines.  These pay far less than top nude model web sites, but everyone needs money. 

C.  God-awful kink photography.  The slide down this hill is as deep as Hell.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 106

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 106, version 4.0

Date Written:  September 28, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Maru got her Screwed!


ET 105                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Maru got her Screwed!


Plus:  Kay J in bondage.



by Andrew Roller

This continues a discussion with my wiener that I began in Editorial Thunder, issue number 103.  I asked nude model Kay J if she’d help me write her biography.  She declined.  Hence, as usual, I’m left to attend to this matter myself.

Web site:  sexart ( dot ) com.  ( Part of the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. )

Date of the photo gallery “Maru” at indexxx ( dot ) com:  March 13, 2017. 

Date of the photo gallery “Maru” at the Me Tart Network:  March 13, 2017.

Date of the actual downloaded “Maru” photos on my iPad:  February 21, 2017. 

( I didn’t download these photos until April of 2021.  Hence, the date that the photos bear is the date when they were shot. )

Name of the photo gallery at the Me Tart Network:  Maru.

Of all Kay J’s “kid cute” photo galleries, “Maru” is her hottest.  Among other poses, she:

1.  Fearfully anticipates a whipping.

2.  Hugs her pussy, with her hand, in surprise.

3.  Thrusts her naked hips at the camera.

4.  Offers her bottom for fucking. 

I’m revising Kay J’s timeline again:

3.  February 21, 2017:  Kay J gets pregnant.

4.  November 21, 2017:  Kay J is about to deliver her baby.  

It is highly probable that Kay got screwed at the end of her “Maru” photo shoot, or went home to a night of prolonged copulation.  ( With someone. )  

Of course, one’s imagination can run wild.  By this point, Kay had experienced being whipped.  Perhaps, after her shoot, the photographer took her to a bondage orgy, where she got knocked up.  This could explain how Kay, in her words, “unexpectedly found myself pregnant”.  Also, no mention has ever been made as to who the father of Kay’s baby is.  Perhaps it was a stranger who Kay met, briefly, at the bondage orgy.

( Kay J is free to join me in bed to correct the record. )

Kay’s next photo shoot after “Maru” was “Vuita”.  According to my iPad’s photos, that shoot occurred on March 8, 2017.  If Kay got seriously whipped at a bondage orgy, after her “Maru” shoot, she had plenty of time to recover!  ( Maybe she needed it! ) 

“Today … we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard”.

- Kay J, writing on Only Fans, regarding four photos that were shot in a bondage dungeon.  In the photos, Kay is a sexual submissive. 

Photo 1.  She is presenting her bottom as she stoops before a St. Andrew’s Cross.  ( An X-cross. )  A riding crop is balanced on her lower back.  Bondage items, including a cane, are visible.

Photos 2. and 3.  She is chained to the St. Andrew’s Cross.  Bondage items, including a cane, are visible.

Photo 4.  Kay is on her knees.  She is wearing a bondage collar, and is ball-gagged.

Kay J is bound with ropes in a set of three other photos.  These were also shot in the bondage dungeon.

Photo 1.  Kay is sitting on a bondage swing, in front of a bondage chair.

Photo 2.  Kay is on a bed, in a pose similar to being hogtied.

Photo 3.  Kay’s ropes have been removed from her legs.  The indentations that the ropes have left in her legs are deep!  One of her legs is bruised on the outside of her calf, near her knee.

The seven photos of Kay J in bondage, mentioned above, are on her Only Fans channel.  My understanding is that they were shot in the fall of 2020.

Kay J began to pose as a nude model in 2016.  She lasted LESS than a year before getting knocked up.


1.  Source for:  “unexpectedly found myself pregnant”.  The web site pregnantkay ( dot ) com. 

2.  Kay J’s full timeline is in Editorial Thunder issue number 103.

3.  Kay J can be found at onlyfans ( dot ) com with the search term:  Kay J

Or type in her user name:  ukaybb  


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 105

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 105, version 1.0

Date Written:  September 24, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Kay J Update


ET 104                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Kay J Update


Plus:  Kay J, naked and secretly pregnant.

And:  More whip marks on Kay J!



by Andrew Roller

This article updates my information on nude model Kay J in Editorial Thunder issue number 103.

The following free video is at xvideos ( dot ) com:  “At nine months pregnant, long walks take a lot out of me!”  Search term at xvideos ( dot ) com:  pregnant kay j 

At clips4sale ( dot ) com, this video is titled, “After a Nice Walk, I Head Home and Strip Naked!”

“At nine months pregnant” begins with Kay walking outdoors.  She’s doing so in Kiev, Ukraine.  Many of the trees have lost all their leaves.  The ground is covered with leaves.  

It gets snowy and cold in Ukraine in winter.  This is definitely not a day in December!  The average fall temperatures for Ukraine are as follows:

September’s temperature ranges from 50 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

October’s temperature ranges from 43 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

November’s temperature ranges from 32 to 43 degrees Fahrenheit.

Kay is dressed in a winter coat.  One must keep in mind that she’s lived all her life in Ukraine, where it gets very cold.  Hence, Kay is used to the cold.  If she’s wearing a winter coat, the temperature must be low.

For these reasons, I’m dating her “At nine months pregnant” video to November 2017.  Kay J likely gave birth at the end of November.

That means she got pregnant in March 2017.  By my reckoning, the last photo gallery of Kay, before she got pregnant, is “Vuita”.  Its date at indexxx ( dot ) com is March 18, 2017.

“Vuita” is a pleasantly domestic ( and sexy! ) gallery.  Kay J is in our kitchen.  She’s doing the dishes.  Since I’ve come home, she strips off all of her clothes.  This leaves her barefoot.  I proceed to knock her up.  Kay J is then, appropriately, barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen!

Math has never been my strong suite.  Since writing the fantasy ( above ), I’ve realized that Kay likely got pregnant in February of 2017.  If “Vuita” is properly dated, this means that Kay was about a month pregnant when the gallery was shot.

I am still moving between apartments.  A lot of what I’m moving are magazines.  More than one person has told me that I should throw my magazines out.

However, the other day, I unearthed this gem of a magazine in my old room:  

the bump.  “from the knot”.  Volume 8, Edition 1.  the bump ( dot ) com/sandiego

Pages 28 to 31 show the size of an embryo, and then ( later in a pregnancy ) of a fetus.

No information is given regarding week four of a pregnancy.  However, at week three, an embryo is the size of a poppy seed.  At week five, it’s the size of an apple seed.  So, in “Vuita”, Kay may well be pregnant!

The question is asked again:  What is the last photo gallery of Kay, before she got pregnant?

The answer is shocking!  If the gallery is properly dated, “Lenxi” is her last gallery before becoming a mom.  “Lenxi” is dated February 17, 2017.  Kay looks her very youngest in “Lenxi”.  She’s the epitome of ( sexy ) innocence!

I am now going to adjust Kay J’s time line:

3.  February 17, 2017:  Kay J gets pregnant.

4.  November 17, 2017:  Kay J is about to deliver her baby. 

Wow!  Kay may have gotten pregnant at the end of her shoot for “Lenxi”!  Imagine if she wasn’t just posing, but actually got screwed!

Hopefully, I’m not annoying you by showing my work.  There is a slight flaw in my reasoning.  According to the photos on my iPad, “Lenxi” was shot on February 8, 2017.  

However, the date given at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com for “Lenxi” is February 17, 2017.  

I trust the date on my iPad’s photos.  The photos were downloaded directly from the Me Tart Network. 

If Kay got knocked up on February 8, 2017, she delivered her baby on November 8, 2017.  This is a very plausible date.

KAY J:  NAKED, and SECRETLY Pregnant!

According to the dates at indexxx ( dot ) com, Kay continued with her ordinary nude modeling career while she was pregnant.  I can speak to several photographic items from this period:

1.  Web site:  naughtymag ( dot ) com.

Date at indexxx ( dot ) com:  October 11, 2017. 

Name of the video at Naughty Mag:  The Cashier’s Clam.  ( i.e., Kay’s pussy. )  ( I just figured this out, after 2 1/2 years! )

Name of the photo gallery at Naughty Mag:  The Cashier’s Clam.

In these photographic items, Kay has gained a lot of weight.  One can’t say for sure that she’s pregnant.  However, she isn’t kid-skinny like she was 8 months before!  ( Obviously, these photographic items were shot prior to October. )

2.  Web site:  18eighteen ( dot ) com.  ( This is a sister web site to Naughty Mag.  Both are owned by “The Score Group”. )

Date at indexxx ( dot ) com:  January 9, 2018.

Name of the video at 18 eighteen:  Stacked Stroker.  ( Bosomy masturbator. )

Name of the photo gallery at 18 eighteen:  Puffy Princess.

Kay’s breasts are considered to be “medium” in size.  In “Stacked Stroker”, Kay has huge, bowling ball bosoms!  If this video ( and its accompanying photo gallery ) are correctly dated, Kay had delivered her baby about two months before.  Her breasts are full of milk!  That’s why they’re “full, round and perky”, according to 18 eighteen.

NOTES on Kay J:

1.  Web site:  metart ( dot ) com.  ( Part of the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. )

Date at indexxx ( dot ) com:  July 25, 2017.

Name of the video at Me Tart:  My Channel.  

This video likely dates from September of 2016.  That’s because a whip mark lingers on Kay’s right bottom cheek.  It is identical to the whip mark on her right bottom cheek in the videos, “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.  However, in “My Channel”, Kay’s whip mark is nearly healed.

2.  Web site:  sexart ( dot ) com.  ( Part of the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. )

Date at indexxx ( dot ) com:  June 18, 2016.

Name of the photo gallery at Sex Art:  Dantyl.

“Dantyl” is photographed in the same studio, and on the same cushioned chair, as the following:

The photo gallery “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”.

The video:  “Model Test:  Episode 4”.

In “Dantyl”, the frame of the cushioned chair has been painted white.  Otherwise, the chair’s cushioned part is the same.  The room’s floor, and its white-painted brick wall, match those in “Presenting Kay J” and “Model Test:  Episode 4”.


These free photos are new to me:

Web site:  definebabe ( dot ) com

Search term:  Kay J

The information at this web site is woefully out of date.  However, it has five photo galleries of Kay J.  

Two galleries at Define Babe are by the web site watch4beauty ( dot ) com.  These are the galleries that are new to me.  All five galleries at Define Babe can be classified as featuring the “kid cute” version of Kay.

SCREW Apple!

I use the Apple app “Pages” to type.  My favorite font for checking my work is “Courier”.  This font has now disappeared from my “Pages” app.  

In its place is the useless font, “Courier New”.  “Courier New” is too light to be of value for any purpose.  This change apparently occurs when you switch to the new version of Apple’s operating system:  iPad OS 15.0


1.  Source for Ukrainian fall temperatures:  seasonsyear ( dot ) com.

2.  Kay J’s full timeline is in Editorial Thunder issue number 103.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 104

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 104, version 4.0

Date Written:  September 24, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Knocked Up!


ET 103                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Knocked Up!


Plus:  Kay J in “Red Little Dress”.

And:  The bane of Chaturbate.



by Andrew Roller

If you follow Kay J, you know that she had a baby.  Her son, Mark, is now three years old.  This raises the question:  When did Kay J get pregnant?

Kay J’s name is likely Jessica Tolyda.  She was born in Kiev, Ukraine, where she currently resides.  Kay was born on March 21, 1996.  Twenty-one years after her birth, she got pregnant.  At the web site pregnantkay ( dot ) com, Kay writes the following:

“I made a name for myself as an erotic model.  When I unexpectedly found myself pregnant, I was worried the pregnancy might ruin my booming modeling career.  Fortunately, a friend of mine clued me into pregnant modeling and suggested I give it a try.  Since I needed the money for my unborn baby, and since I was no stranger to getting naked for the camera, I decided to give it a shot!  … I captured the end of my pregnancy in a series of amateur videos.”

Pregnant Kay is a subscription web site.  It lists Kay’s age as 19.  That’s because teen pregnancy sells.  However, the web site is “Copyright 2017 PregnantKay ( dot ) com”.  Kay turned 21 years old on March 21, 2017.

Now let’s go to this web site:

clips4sale ( dot ) com.  The relevant search term here is:  Pregnant Kay J.

There is another way to reach Kay J at Clips 4 Sale.  In Google ( or another browser ), type this search term:  when did porn star kay j get pregnany

Being full of need, I mistyped the word “pregnant” as “pregnany”.  However, I like the search results that this search term gives.

The web site Clips 4 Sale has all the videos from the Pregnant Kay web site.  At Clips 4 Sale, her videos are sold individually.  Clips 4 Sale provides dates for Kay’s pregnant videos.  From Clips 4 Sale, I learned the following:

1.  Kay J made a video on December 19, 2017.  It’s titled, “Watch as I Strip Naked for You!”  She writes:

“I have a big, sexy belly.  It’s nine months now.”  ( Into her pregnancy. )

2.  Another video by Kay is dated December 30, 2017.  It’s titled, “My Friend Helps Me Fight Off Contractions!”  She writes:

“I’m struck by a bout of painful contractions. … Groaning in agony, I rub my bare belly.”

You can check my work at Clips 4 Sale.  At its home page, look toward the right side of your screen.  A small box is there.  Written in the box is:

Date:  New

Tap on this box.  It expands in size.  Within this expanded box, tap on:

Date:  Old

That will take you to the first video that Kay J posted.  It bears the date of December 19, 2017.

By the end of December of 2017, Kay was ready to pop!  ( That is, to deliver her baby. )  Hence, we can conclude that Kay had a New Year’s baby!

This helps date when Kay J got pregnant.  She got pregnant on or about April Fools’ Day!

Now let’s go to this web site:

indexxx ( dot ) com.  Enter this search term:

Kay J

Indexxx purports to date every one of Kay’s photo shoots.  However, not all the dates listed for Kay J are correct.  For instance, the film “Wet Dreams” has a date of September 20, 2016.  The film “Dreaming” has a date of December 25, 2016.  ( Ukraine celebrates Christmas at a later date. )

In both films, Kay J has whip marks on her body.  The marks are identical.  Hence, both “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” were filmed on the same day.  

The photo gallery “Maru” has a date of March 13, 2017.  However, “Maru” was filmed in exactly the same indoor locale as the film “Dreaming”.  No whip marks appear on Kay’s body in “Maru”.  They were likely airbrushed away.  Airbrushing ( of some sticks ) is clearly evident in a photo in “Maru”.

The photo gallery “Kay”, also known as “Presenting Kay J”, is dated May 1, 2016.  However, the film “Model Test:  Episode 4” was clearly shot on the same day as “Presenting Kay J”.  The date for “Model Test:  Episode 4” is dated June 18, 2017.  ( When Kay was 11 weeks pregnant. )  It’s likely that “Model Test:  Episode 4” was filmed a year prior to its stated date.

When does Kay look her youngest?  In the photo gallery “Lenxi”.  This is dated February 17, 2017.  My guess is that this gallery was actually shot in March of 2016, when Kay was new to modeling.  In “Lenxi”, she is wonderfully enthusiastic and frisky, verging on the naive.

No films or photos of Kay date from when she was 19 or younger.  Hence, Kay’s first porn shoot took place on or after March 21, 2016.  Kay lasted a year in the nude modeling business before being knocked up.

Kay’s photos in “Lenxi” speak to some sexual experience on her part.  When did she lose her virginity?  I don’t know.  It’s fascinating to think of her flirting with getting pregnant during her first year as a nude model.

She was whipped during this first year.  I date her whipping to September 19, 2016.  That’s because her whip marks have healed somewhat by the date that “Wet Dreams” was filmed, on September 20, 2016.

Kay was whipped on another occasion.  The marks from her whipping are evident in the film, “I’m Eating You’re Watching”.  This film is dated September 18, 2018.  If you’re getting lost in the dates, here’s help.  Kay J delivered her baby at the start of 2018.

In the song “Crimson and Clover”, Joan Jett sings,

“… my mind’s such a sweet thing

I want to do everything”.

This sums up Kay’s personality.  She’s super cute, and always looks innocent.  At the same time, she seems to have lived a full sexual life.

Kay J is on onlyfans ( dot ) com.  There, on her channel, Kay posted four bondage photos.  Of these, she writes:

“Today … we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard”. 

In every photo, Kay is clearly a sexual submissive!  She isn’t out to beat the viewer, but to be beaten ( hard? ) by him!  That’s what I love about Kay ( among other things ).  Even when she claims to be dominant, she can’t be!  

This is illustrated by an untitled video.  It was shot by Alex Lynn.  Kay and another girl are told to have a pillow fight.  However, Kay can’t bring herself to hit her friend, at all!  

Kay is a true female.  She’s sexually present on this earth to receive!  At the same time, in a number of her early photo galleries, she’s highly sexually aggressive.  I guess she’s determined to get herself screwed, even as she strives to avoid getting knocked up!

That’s a gamble with odds that favor the house.  ( Nature, God, or whichever pregnancy goddess that you prefer.)

Unmentioned sources ( above ):  freeones ( dot ) com.  Musixmatch, via Google.  

I slightly edited Kay’s remarks to make them more readable in this quoted form.


1.  March 21, 2016:  Kay turns 20 years old.  Kay begins modeling nude.

2.  September 20, 2016:  Kay J bears whip marks.

3.  April 1, 2017:  Kay J gets pregnant.

4.  December 30, 2017:  Kay J is about to deliver her baby.

5.  September 18, 2018:  Kay J bears more whip marks.

6.  Fall 2020:  Kay J posts four photos from a bondage dungeon on her Only Fans channel:  @ukaybb 

7.  Late August 2021:  Kay J gets a tattoo on her upper back.  It consists of an eye, an unmarked playing card, and a rose-budding plant.  ( I erroneously dated this tattoo to September 11, 2021 in an earlier article.  Kay got tattooed a bit before then. )


These free photos are new to me:

Web site:  babesrater ( dot ) com

Search term:  Kay J

This web site has an “infinite scroll”.  The “scroll” holds 263 photos of Kay J.  Babesrater claims that this is the total number of photos of Kay at their web site.  However, I’m not sure that this is true.

Babesrater also has photo galleries of Kay.  The best one is “Kay J:  Red Little Dress for Alex-Lynn”.

The photos in the “infinite scroll” are disordered.  You can make a “Web Archive” document of the “scroll”.  My iPad saved it to the program “PDF Expert”, by the company called “Readdle”.  “PDF Expert” is available at the Apple “App Store”. 

I took a screen shot of each photo in the “infinite scroll”.  Sadly, even with my iPad standing upright, some of the photos exceeded the size of my screen.

I took a screen shot of every photo in the “Red Little Dress” gallery.  It takes a minute to understand how this gallery functions.  When you get to a full-sized image of Kay, take a screen shot of it.  Then, tap your browser’s “left arrow” < at the top of your screen.  One tap may work.  Or, you may have to tap the “left arrow” twice.  Then proceed to the next photo of Kay.


The web site Chaturbate can be, or become, a huge nuisance at Babesrater.  To the owners of Chaturbate, I say:  “God invented lamp posts for more than giving light.  They work quite well as points to suspend a noose from.”

For God’s sake, don’t sign up for Chaturbate.  In 2019, I was new to the internet.  ( After a two decade hiatus. )  I signed up with Chaturbate.  The goddamn web site constantly invaded my iPhone!  ( Which was all that I owned, at the time. )  Whenever a Chaturbate slut decided to put herself on the internet, she’d appear on my phone.  The Chaturbate program would interrupt whatever I was doing. 

I finally got rid of Chaturbate.  I did so by getting rid of each slut that appeared.  ( I don’t recall how. )  No matter who she was, I ignored her.  Finally, Chaturbate sent me an angry message.  It read:

“This web site is strictly for those who are 18 years of age or older!”  ( Paraphrased. )  In other words, Chaturbate had decided that I was younger than 18.  I’d like to think that I am.  If Chaturbate wants me to pay attention to their girls, they need to put on some girls who are under 18, like me.  I’d love to be interrupted all day by preteen and teenage virgins.

Here’s a catchline for a new, improved Chaturbate:

Why be a little girl, when you can be a mom?  Get laid today!

CALL 1-800-2 dick me


1.  I use Apple’s “Pages” app to type my articles.  My favorite font for checking my work is “Courier”.  My iPad is now running Apple’s new system software:  iPad OS 15.0.  In OS 15.0, Courier DOES NOT WORK.  When I try to put my text into the “Courier” font, nothing happens.

2.  Running OS 15.0, I downloaded some videos from xvideos ( dot ) com.  The videos played.  Then, for a time, they didn’t!  I feared that Apple had decided to prevent its customers from watching downloaded videos from porn sites!  Thankfully, my downloaded videos are now, again, able to play.

Note to prudes:  You don’t want to imagine how many young girls will get pregnant if porn is eliminated.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 103

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 103, version 6.0

Date Written:  September 24, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


How to buy The Brooke Book


BO 22                                  

Book Observations presents...

How to buy The Brooke Book


Plus:  How a writer should handle his phone.    

And:  What Only Fans really is.



by Andrew Roller

The year was 2012.  It was close to midnight.  I went to the gym.  There, the sound on the various T.V.s was always turned off.  I became quite good at reading the lips of people on T.V.  

I put one of the T.V.s on TCM ( Turner Classic Movies ).  Watching the announcer, I realized that a movie starring Brooke Shields was about to begin!

If you don’t know who Brooke Shields is, then you might not know who Jesus is either.  God help you.  Brooke Shields is a movie star.  Her most famous film was “Pretty Baby”.  It was released on April 5, 1978.  In the film, Brooke plays a 12 year old prostitute.  

At the gym, TCM was about to air “Alice, Sweet Alice”.  This movie was released on November 12, 1976.  Brooke was born on May 31, 1965.  So, in “Alice, Sweet Alice”, Brooke is 11 years old.  ( It takes time to shoot and edit a movie. )

Sadly, Brooke has a small, secondary role in “Alice, Sweet Alice”.  Most of the film is about a 12 year old girl who’s ugly.

A third film featuring Brooke as a preteen is a T.V. movie.  It’s called, “The Prince of Central Park”.  It originally aired on June 17, 1977.  Brooke has a small, secondary role in this film.

Which brings us to The Brooke Book, by Brooke Shields.  Several points need to be made about this book:

1.  There are two versions of The Brooke Book.  Each one has the same title.  If you like teenage girls, you might prefer the second version.  It was published in 1982.  This edition is censored.  The sexiest photos of Brooke Shields as a preteen were removed from this book.  In their place, boring photos of her as a teenager were inserted.

2.  If you’re saved, and are a pedophile, then you prefer preteen girls.  You’ll want the original version of The Brooke Book.  Its publishing information is as follows:

A WALLABY BOOK  ( It evokes lullaby, but it’s actually Wallaby! ) PUBLISHED BY POCKET BOOKS NEW YORK

POCKET BOOKS, a Simon & Schuster division of  GULF & WESTERN CORPORATION 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y.  10020

Copyright 1978 by Brooke Shields & Co, Inc.

ISBN:  0-671-79018-8

First Wallaby printing March, 1978

Since 2019, I’ve been watching for this book on amazon ( dot ) com.  It has appeared a number of times.  On Amazon, the price for a “Good” edition is always just under $1,000.  That’s too much money for me.  ( Especially if the book gets lost in the mail. )

Recently, I stumbled upon ebay ( dot ) com.  I immediately found multiple copies of The Brooke Book on sale!  ( More quality copies, at excellent prices, remain on e-Bay. )

3.  You can sign up for free at e-Bay.  You don’t have to put in your credit card number, or other payment information, until you’ve won an auction on e-Bay.

However, once you give e-Bay your payment information, every product that’s in an auction becomes available for immediate sale.  I was looking at The Brooke Book on e-Bay.  The price was $225.00.  This was the auction price.  However, as soon as I gave e-Bay my credit card number, this same item became available for immediate sale.  The “buy now” price was $229.00.

I could have haggled with the seller for a lower price.  That is, I could have made him an offer for The Brooke Book.  ( If I’d done this, I’d probably have offered him $200.00. )

I bought The Brooke Book for $229.00, plus a shipping fee and tax.  The book arrived very quickly.  It was in “like new” condition.  The listed “Condition” was “Very Good”.

Prior to buying this copy, I joined an auction.  This was for a copy of The Brooke Book from another seller.  I learned several things from this auction.

A.  I was the first bidder.  The price that the seller wanted was $99.99.  So, I bid $99.99.  I got a big advantage by being the first bidder.  If subsequent bidders joined the auction, but bid no higher than me, I would win the auction.

B.  Seven other people were “watching” this auction.  That made me nervous.  So, I quickly bid for The Brooke Book again!  I bid $100.99.  Now, e-Bay’s software informed everyone that TWO bids had been entered for The Brooke Book.  That was sure to scare off some potential bidders.  However, both bids were mine!  E-Bay’s software didn’t mention that.

C.  When I placed my second bid, e-Bay sent me a warning.  It read:

“You’ve entered the highest bid.  However, another bid is close to yours!”  E-Bay was trying to get me to bid again!  But I figured out that e-Bay was trying to trick me into bidding against myself.

I won the auction.  After waiting for four agonizing decades, I finally got a copy of The Brooke Book!  ( Sadly, in 1982, I threw away the copy that I’d bought ( on sale ) in 1978.  Back then, God had not yet granted me salvation as a pedophile. )

D.  My final bid in the auction for The Brooke Book was $100.99.  However, The Brooke Book was sold to me for just $99.99.  I don’t know why this occurred.  However, I heartily thank the seller, and e-Bay!  I did have to pay for shipping and tax.

I now have two copies of the original version of The Brooke Book.  I have a “used” copy, and a “very good” copy.  Both are in the condition that their “grade” describes.  The “used” copy is “Structurally sound and clean with signs of use on the cover.”  That’s a quote from the seller. 

E.  If you decide to invest in The Brooke Book, I recommend buying two copies.  ( In this case, two copies of the original version. )  It’s possible that a copy will arrive with one of the pages being marred in some way.  The book is 43 years old.  So, if you’re all set to enjoy The Brooke Book without your pants on, you’ll want a second copy if the first copy has a defect.

I’m honored to say that I now possess what some folks disparage as “pedo pornography”.  However, the best things in life really are free.  The hottest photos of Brooke as a preteen can be had from Google ( or, likely, any browser ).  Use the search term:  “Brooke Shields in the bathtub.”  ( Unlike 25-year-old nude model Kay J, nude 10-year-old Brooke doesn’t have a giant eyeball, playing card, and plant tattooed on her back! )


“Hi Andrew,

I really like your writing. Interesting topics. What's your phone number? Let's chat.


My reply:  Thank you!  I don’t carry a phone with me.  In my room, my phone is always turned off.  That’s because a ringing phone interferes with my writing.

I once saw a writer on T.V.  He complained that he had trouble getting his writing done, because people kept calling him!  I thought:  Why don’t you unplug your phone?!  ( This was in the era of landline telephones. )


THE big SECRET - revealed!

In my experience, the women on Only Fans consist of leftovers and losers.

- holy joe


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  BO, Book Observations, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 22

Arcana:  This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 22, version 2.0

Date Written:  September 22, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Goodbye to All That


ET 102                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Goodbye to All That


Plus:  The three types of people.

And:  The real social construct ( it isn’t virginity ).



Epitaph for a Beauty

by Andrew Roller

September 11 is a notorious date.  It just got more notorious.  It’s the date that Kay J appears, for the first time, with a tattoo.  

For a quarter century, Kay J managed to survive on this earth without a tattoo.  Now, she’s hit the road for Freakdom.  That’s because she got a tattoo.

Who lives in Freakdom?  Mostly, girls who are ugly.  Being ugly, they proceed to “improve” their ( nonexistent ) beauty by getting tattoos.  ( And piercings. )

Kay J was born beautiful.  I have a guess as to who’s responsible for leading her into Freakdom.  However, I don’t want to accuse the person without evidence.  

Kay J has narrow shoulders.  If you’re a guy, you want broad shoulders.  If you’re a girl, you don’t.  ( Otherwise, you look like a guy. )  Because Kay J has narrow shoulders, she has a gorgeous back.  Or, rather, she did.

Kay J’s tattoo is on her upper back, between her shoulder blades.  Its central feature is a giant eyeball.  Here’s some advice for any girl.  If you’re stupid enough to get a tattoo, for God’s sake, don’t get an eyeball!  ( Especially a giant one. )  Did Eve have a giant eyeball on her back?  Does the goddess Venus have one?  Has any known beauty ever had a giant eyeball on her back?!  Has a guy ever said to you, “I’d date you, honey, but you don’t have a giant eyeball on your back!”

Kay J’s tattoo doesn’t end with her eyeball.  It’s placed on an unmarked playing card.  How original.  A tattoo of a playing card.  What’s next, dice?  A skull?  Tattoos constitute the most unimaginative art in the world.  In fact, tattoos aren’t art.  They’re kitsch.

A giant eyeball and a playing card weren’t enough for Kay.  She had to plaster a plant on her back!  Okay, it’s a budding rose.  Whoop de do.  She’s a girl, so she has a rose on her back.  More unimaginative art.

Kay J didn’t stop there.  The plant extends ( via its flower ) into her neck.  Kay J’s neck was lovely.  Now, it’s the host for a fucking plant.

Gee, honey, you don’t have “ring around the collar”.  But you have a fucking plant sprouting on your neck!

The tattoo is a fine illustration.  Kay J should have bought the drawing and hung it on her refrigerator.  A month from now, she’d likely have wearied of it.  She’d have thrown it away, or she’d have put it away in a drawer.  Instead, she’ll bear this image for the rest of her life.  At swimming pools, children will ask her son Mark,

“Why does your mom have a giant eyeball on her back?”  ( Plus a playing card, plus a plant. )

I was willing to put up with the fact that Kay J was getting older.  Everyone gets older.  I’m not going to blame someone for something that she can’t help.

I was willing to put up with the fact that Kay J had a baby by someone.  I don’t favor abortion.

I was willing to put up with the fact that Kay J likely has had an adventurous sex life.  I’d love to know more about it!  If I was a girl, I’d wish that I’d had her life!  So I can’t blame her for having fun.

But, damn it, I can’t stand seeing someone deliberately ruin her beauty.  There is no way to remove a tattoo.  It’s meant to be permanent.  I’ve seen people who attempted to remove their tattoos.  What results?  A crappy, if faded, mess.

Kay J’s tattoo is new.  However, skin is living tissue.  In the future, the ink in Kay J’s tattoo will expand.  It will run.  The crispness of her new tattoo will become something akin to an expanding smear, albeit one that remains in a recognizable pattern.

Getting a tattoo hurts.  Kay J didn’t get a small tattoo.  She got a big whopper of a tattoo.  I spoke to a man who’d gotten a new tattoo.  Of the procedure, he said, “[ The tattoo artist ] went deep.”  Meaning, it hurt.  A lot.  

My advice:  if experiencing pain is part of your sexual repertoire, don’t do anything that leaves lasting change.  ( Like getting tattooed. )

Kay J’s prime, if not sole, source of income is as a nude model.  She’s never made sex films.  Guess what?  Nude modeling involves the body, as it has existed for millennia.  A guy wants to see a nude model with great boobs, as great boobs have looked for eons.  He wants to see a great ass, as a great ass has looked for eons.  He does not want to see a back with a giant eyeball on it!

A girl who has tattoos cannot earn a living as a top nude model.  Girls with tattoos are relegated, in the modeling world, to the rubbish bin end of the porn industry.  The rubbish bin pays low wages.

A question for Kay:  when you can’t make it as a nude model anymore, what are you going to be?  A nuclear physicist?  You say, in your bio ( for Met Art Network, and for Playboy ), that you’re “a designer”.  As I understand it, you went to community college, and got a degree as a designer.  Guess what?  Every other girl who goes to community college gets a degree as a designer!  It’s about as valuable as my two college degrees in political science.  I’ve never earned a penny with either degree.  Nor did I expect to.  I just wanted to make sure that I graduated from college.  Congratulations, Kay.  You graduated.  Now you can join those of us who, IF we’re employed, get to empty the rubbish bins at McDonald’s.

Tattoos are for the tattooed lady in the circus.  ( Which nobody attends anymore. )  They aren’t for a beautiful young woman.

It’s a truism that “beauty fades”.  That’s too bad.  What’s worse is to see someone purposely wreck her beauty.  Especially when being beautiful is her livelihood.

I still recommend Kay J’s Only Fans channel.  She gives good value for the money.  Of course, Jane the Human Dog, on Only Fans, gives good value for the money too.  However, I won’t be subscribing to Jane’s channel.  I don’t want to see a girl with tattoos that make her look like a dog.


There are three types of people in this world:

1.  People who know what’s going to happen.

2.  People who know what’s happening.

3.  People who say, “What happened?!”


The “pedophile” is a social construct.

- holy joe


1.  Kay J is @ukaybb at onlyfans ( dot ) com.  The search term “Kay J” will also get you to her onlyfans ( dot ) com channel.

2.  I encouraged Kay J to visit my blog.  So far as I know, she hasn’t, and she won’t.  Thank you, Kay!  Don’t read my blog!  There’s nothing to see here.  ( Unlike your giant eyeball tattoo. )

3.  The great thing about preteen virgins on You Tube ( or wherever ) is, they don’t get a giant fucking eyeball tattooed on their back!


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 102

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 102, version 7.0

Date Written:  September 19, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


KJ in Portrait Mode


AI 21

Apple Info presents...

KJ in Portrait Mode


Plus:  How to write to Kay J.

And:  Where the men aren’t.



by Andrew Roller

Nude model Kay J has a channel at onlyfans ( dot ) com.  Her “user name” at Only Fans is @ukaybb.  ( She appears to have been given a celebrity “user name” by Only Fans.  The photos that she posted when she was new to Only Fans have an ordinary “user name”.  It consists of a “u” followed by a string of numbers. )

Tap any photo at Kay J’s channel.  It explodes in size!  A single photo displays the same information whether it’s at its normal size, or in “portrait mode”.  ( Portrait mode, in this case, does NOT refer to the photo’s dimensions.  Most of Kay’s photos remain taller than they are wide, in portrait mode or not. )

However, if a photo is part of a larger set, it delivers more information when you put it in portrait mode.  ( This may not be true in each instance.  However, it is true some of the time. )

Once a photo, that is part of a set, is in portrait mode, you can “swipe” to each photo in turn.  You don’t have to reduce the size of the photo to proceed to its successor.

The formal way to put a photo, that’s part of a set, into portrait mode is to tap an icon at the bottom of any of the set’s photos.  The icon depicts a landscape.  This is the icon for portrait mode.

The formal way to exit portrait mode is to tap a white “X”.  You’ll find this in the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.

Sadly, the iPad has a line at the bottom of its screen.  This is to inform morons that you swipe up to exit the screen that you’re on, in order to return to your iPad’s home page.  Often, this line is black.  Sometimes, it’s white.  At Only Fans, it does not disappear!  ( In some internet locales, the line will vanish, if you wait a few seconds. )

You can enlarge any photo, that’s part of a set, to portrait mode without the iPad’s line interfering.  It will be present, but it won’t block part of the photo.

This isn’t the case with an individual photo that is put into portrait mode.  The iPad’s line covers part of the photo, near its base.

Hence, if you own an iPad, the following applies:

1.  DO put each photo that is part of a set into portrait mode.

2.  Do NOT put any individual photo into portrait mode.  A line will mar the photo near its base.

I continue to study Kay J’s channel on Only Fans.  It’s even better than I thought!  ( I have little expecatation of Kay reading these words; hence, I’m not trying to flatter her. )  If you love Kay, this site is a great value.  She is a very beautiful girl.  ( Since she calls herself a “woman”, and is now 25-years-old, I grudgingly call her a woman when I post comments on her channel. )

You can read much more about Kay, including at Only Fans, elsewhere on my blog.


1.  Launch onlyfans ( dot ) com in your browser. 

2.  You will be at your Only Fans home page.

3.  Tap on “Messages”.  The following will appear on the right side of your screen:

“Select any Conversation or send a New Message”.  Below this sentence is a blue button.  Printed on the blue button is:


4.  Tap on “NEW MESSAGE”.

5.  The following appears, on the right side of your screen:  “SELECT USERS TO SEND THEM A MESSAGE”.  Look to the middle of your screen.  There, you’ll see the following:

A.  “NEW MESSAGE”  ( Ignore the leftward pointing arrow that precedes this phrase. )

B.  “Add people.”  ( Ignore this. )

C.  Kay J  ( If, in the past, you added others, they will be here too.  Make sure you select the right person! )  Tap on Kay J.

D.  Kay J’s channel loads into your browser.  ( Unlike You Tube, you don’t go to Kay’s channel.  You bring Kay’s channel to your Only Fans home page. )

E.  A black and white photo of Kay tops her channel.  ( Which is now in your Only Fans home page. )  ( It irritates me to say that she is in me.  I’d rather be in her! )  ( From such a perspective, I got to screw all the lovely preteen and teenage girls on You Tube. )

Under Kay’s black and white photo, you’ll see several icons.  One of them resembles a word bubble in a comic strip.  Tap on it.

F.  The right side of your screen changes.  Here, you can read every message that you sent to Kay J.  Put your finger to a message and scroll up.  You’ll see every marriage proposal that you sent to Kay J, and her ( ever more ) exasperated refusals.  ( That’s what I see, anyway.  Maybe I shouldn’t have told her in my first message that I wanted to screw her.  I forgot to mention marriage in that message! )

G.  At the bottom of the string of messages is a small box.  This is meant for you to type in.  Or, if you write love letters that are the length of a roll of toilet paper, you can paste in your message.  I compose my thoughts in Apple’s app, “Pages”.  Then, if my keyboard isn’t too sticky, and still works, I paste my message into the Only Fans message space.  ( To paste from your keyboard, press “command” and “V”. )

Paste your message into the box.

H.  A blue button lights.  It reads, “SEND”.  Tap “SEND”.  A sent message will appear in the center of your screen, under “MESSAGES”.  ( That’s good.  It means your message was delivered. )

The first time I sent a message, Only Fans asked me for money.  It said the following:

“A message sent with a tip will go to the top of the recipient’s queue.”  ( Paraphrased. )

This presented me with a quandry.  What constitutes a proper amount for an Only Fans tip?  If I send too little ( whatever that is ), I insult myself and Kay J. 

If I send too much, I set up a dangerous pattern.  Roger Dawson taught the following:

“If you give your secretary a Christmas gift, she’ll expect one every year.”  ( Paraphrased. )  If I send Kay J a tip with my message, she’ll expect a tip every time that I message her.  Furthermore, she’ll expect an amount that is equal to the amount that I sent her before ( or more ).  It’s like when I bought lollipops for the girls at the playground.  Now, every damn time they see me, they expect free lollipops from me.  

I say:  don’t tip when you send a message.  Join Kay’s channel for a respectable length of time.  That’s her tip.  

I see less of a problem tipping with regard to a photo or video, on her Only Fans channel, that you like.  You might tip $1.00 for one photo, $3.00 for another photo, and $1.00 for a third photo, depending on how much you like it.  

Frankly, however, if you’re tempted to go down that path, don’t.  Save your money and order “hotter” private photos from Kay instead.  ( Of course, she’s the final arbiter with regard to what the photos actually are. )

Myself, I don’t tip.  I fear that it opens a door that then can’t be closed.  Kay can join me in spending the $56.79 in my checking account when she marries me.  And she’ll get to sleep on the park bench with me.  ( Next to the playground. )


At age 29, women look at each other and ask, 

“What happened to all the men?”

( Danatar knows where they are! )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 21

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 21, version 4.0

Date Written:  September 18, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


Danatar ( Dana Taranova ) will be 14 years old on September 28.

This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Kay J at Only Fans


ET 101                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Kay J at Only Fans


Plus:  Censorship by Only Fans.

And:  The Only Fans interface.


Kay J at Only Fans

by Andrew Roller

“It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities.  

Recently, I was watching The Fox News Channel.  Specifically, I was watching Laura Ingrate, the host of The Ingrate Angle.  She “reviewed” the web site onlyfans ( dot ) com.  Since her target audience is grumpy, sex-starved middle aged moms, you can guess what Ingrate’s verdict was, on Only Fans.  She damned the web site in strong language.  As I recall, Ingrate ended her review by calling Only Fans,

“This filthy, disgusting web site!” 

Do you wake up with a girl in your bed?  I don’t.  In fact, I never have.  But I’ll bet Laura Ingrate has, voluntarily, awakened with a man in her bed.  So, if there’s going to be a “Biggest Sex Pervert” contest, between myself and Laura Ingrate, the winner is Laura Ingrate.  She crosses the Pervert finish line with flying colors.  I’m left holding my dick behind the starting line in this race.

Congratulations, Ms. Ingrate, for being “filthy and disgusting”.

Of course, Ingrate’s view of our world is the perverted Christian view.  In this view, sex is bad.  We’d all be better off if sex didn’t exist.  Then there would be no “precious” children in the world.  Humans would pass from the Earth.  Procreating rats and roaches ( who aren’t Christians ) would take our place.

We can toss Christianity, and most other sex-hating religions, into the dumpster with Ingrate, and her audience of puritanical, but sex-starved, moms.

I’m an atheist.  As such, I’d like to wake up with a girl in my bed.  Only Fans fills that need.  By subscribing to Kay J at Only Fans, I can now enjoy the illusion of waking up in my bed with Kay J beside me!

Kay J’s “creator name” at Only Fans is:


When I first joined Only Fans, I did a search for “Kay J”, and for her creator name there.  I did this repeatedly.  My search returned “No Results”.

However, once I paid to subscribe to Kay J on Only Fans, that changed.  I can now search on Only Fans for “Kay J” or for “@ukaybb”.  Only Fans delivers Kay J!  I guess Only Fans is censoring access to Kay J, since her “channel” is considered to be sexually explicit.  Once you say you’re 18, and pay money to Only Fans, you’ll have uncensored access to Only Fans.

Only Fans is divided between “fans” and “creators”.  Technically, I’m a “creator” at Only Fans.  However, I’ll never post anything there.  That’s because Only Fans is highly censorious.

Hence, in this review, I’m speaking solely as a “fan”.  

In what way is Only Fans censorious?  A creator can say “fuck” on Only Fans.  Maybe a fan can say “fuck” too.  However, Only Fans refused to allow me to say the word “pee”.  ( I wrote “pee”, humorously, in a message to Kay J.  Only Fans wouldn’t let me post the message with the word “pee” in it.  I had to change “pee” to “go”. )

Only Fans refused to allow me to say the word “young” in a private message to Kay J.  This is ridiculous, since I was stating the title of one of her videos at freeones ( dot ) com!  The video’s title contains the word “young”.  I was forced to delete the word “young”.

Here is a quote from the “TERMS OF SERVICE” at Only Fans.  I’m quoting from their “ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY”:

“5.  Do not [ this is in bold ink ] upload, post, display, or publish Content on OnlyFans that:

a.  shows, includes, or refers to:

i.  any individual under 18 years old ( or which refers to individuals under 18 years old generally ); or

ii.  any other individual unless you have written documentation which confirms that all individuals shown or included or referred to in your Content are at least 18 years old, and you have a written consent from each individual to use their name or images ( or both ) in the Content”. 

Only Fans is a British company.  Though England fathered the rights that we know in America ( and, as Americans, improved ), Britain has gone down the toilet in recent decades.  It has gone down the toilet in terms of freedom of expression.

I will deal briefly with images.  In America, you can take a photo of anyone who is in a public setting.  This includes “children” who are under age 18.  You can publish your photo.

Now, let’s consider the subject of writing.  According to Only Fans’ acceptable use policy, I cannot write about Dana Taranova on Only Fans.  That’s because Dana is under 18 years old.  This despite the fact that I’m commenting on Dana’s publicly posted photos and videos!

According to Only Fans’ acceptable use policy, I cannot refer to “individuals under 18 years old generally”.  If I write, “Today’s young people are highly intelligent”, Only Fans will kick me out of their web site.  They’ll do so for two reasons:

1.  I wrote about “individuals under 18 years old generally”.

2.  I used the word “young”.

To repeat, the word “fuck” is allowed on Only Fans, but not the word “young”.

The purpose of my web site, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays ( ARSE ), is to obliterate such censorship.  I was born into a world where “fuck” was forbidden.  I learned to live with that.  “Young” was a perfectly acceptable word.  ( As it should be. )  In the 1960s, Americans worried about “the generation gap”.  This was a divide between people who were above a certain age ( somewhere between 18 and 30 ), and those who were younger.  It was felt that “the generation gap” needed to be closed.

Now, there is a huge, censorious gap between older and younger people.  As Ronald Reagan once said, we must “tear down this wall”!  I hope you will join me, however you can, in doing so. 

As mentioned above, I was unsuccessful, at first, in searching for Kay J on Only Fans.  I was being censored.  

How did I get to Kay J on Only Fans?  I did a search on Google.  Probably, any browser will work.  So, to access Kay J on Only Fans, for the first time, you must go through a browser.  You cannot go through the Only Fans web site.  This is true even if you are a member of Only Fans.  ( However, if you’ve submitted a credit card, or other such payment information to Only Fans, it is possible that Only Fans will no longer censor your searches on Only Fans. )

The first time that I visited Only Fans, I found the web site to be utterly boring.  It seemed to have no content.  Furthermore, I had trouble signing up.  The Only Fans web site didn’t work very well. 

I managed to get signed up at Only Fans.  This was some months ago.  Since then, I haven’t had any trouble with the Only Fans web site.  It has functioned correctly.

Only Fans will remain an utterly boring web site even after you join.  It is only when you’ve submitted payment information, such as a credit card, to Only Fans that its treasures will be revealed.  I did not have to provide any evidence, besides a credit card, that I was a particular age.  ( Such as 18 years old, or older. )  I thank Only Fans for this.  If I had been asked to provide a driver’s license, particularly before I’d known that Kay J was on Only Fans, I would have abandoned and forgotten about this web site.  Furthermore, I’m against censoring the activities of people who happen to be under age 18.  

I would like to clarify something.  Submitting payment information to Only Fans will unlock the door to its treasures.  However, its gems will only appear once you’ve subscribed to a creator on Only Fans.  I subscribed to Kay J.  She is a young woman.  I had to pay to subscribe to her.  However, once I did, three young women contacted me!  Each young woman asked me to subscribe to her “channel” for free!  ( So I did. )

You can see where this leads.  A lonely guy can soon be a gigolo, communicating with numerous young women on Only Fans.  Furthermore, these young women are open to showing their naked charms, and engaging in naughty language.

I’ll point out several caveats with regard to this.  These are given from a guy’s point of view:

1.  A lot of your “gigolo” behavior will be happening in your mind.  Only Fans is structured to favor the creator ( the young woman ).  You’re likely just another loon chasing a mirage.  The young woman is real.  But so are the 10,000 other guys in her life, past or present.  If you don’t mind being a loon, enjoy!

2.  To a modest extent, paying to be a subscriber is just a first step.  The creator ( the young woman ) then wants you to “tip” her, which costs more.  She’ll offer you “extra” or “private” content, which also costs more.  You could wind up spending a lot of money.  Understand this before you get involved.

I’m delighted to say that Kay J’s channel provides an excellent value.  She does ask for tips.  However, she does so in a fun, humorous way.  She also offers “hotter” content.  I feel she has every right to do this.  Why?  First, Only Fans has more censorious terms in its acceptable use policy than what I quoted above.  Kay J may have content that she’s willing to share that Only Fans doesn’t allow.  Second, if you want to see Kay J dressed, say, as a taco, you need to pay for your special desire to be fulfilled.  That’s fair.

3.  I was happiest when I was publicly commenting on the publicly posted videos of preteen and teenage girls on You Tube.  Sometimes, I got a heart ( or several hearts! ) in reply.  Occasionally, the girl wrote back to me!

It pisses me off to be forced, by our society, into writing to “young women” on Only Fans.  I can’t write to virgins on You Tube.  I can only write to highly sexually experienced adult women on Only Fans.  That’s like being forced to eat dog food, when life entitles you to a steak. 

I’ll assume that you’ve decided to subscribe to someone on Only Fans.  Let’s assume that this is Kay J.  What caused me to subscribe to her?

First, I’d gone as far as I could in collecting her free content on the internet.

Second, I’d gone as far as I could, financially, in subscribing to commercial web sites that feature Kay J.

Third, I had unanswered questions about Kay J.  

So, it was time to stop dicking around and to get as close as I could to Kay J!

Using Google, I stumbled across the following web site:

fansmetrics ( dot ) com.  Google took me straight to the section devoted to Kay J on this web site.

There is a photo of Kay J here.  She’s lying nude in a bed.  With a naughty grin, she’s giving me the “fuck you” sign with both of her lovely hands!

I’m not into female domination of men.  ( If you are, that’s fine.  Not everyone can be me. )  I’m also wary of girls who do things like flash “fuck you” at me. 

However, Kay J is super cute!  She always looks innocent.  I have photos of her at 20 years old, from the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, that show her giving me the fuck you sign.  Those photos are wonderful!  ( They appear in Kay J’s photo set titled, “Phiny”.  The Met Art Network has yet to give me a password that actually works. ) 

What else caught my eye, regarding Kay J, at the web site Fans Metrics?  She was “Listed in categories” such as “amateur”, “teen”, and “fetish”.  

I am not the person who popularized the book, and the movie, “Fifty Shades of Grey”, by E. L. James.  ( Which brought bondage and sadomasochism into mainstream culture, globally ).  Who did?  The audience of Laura Ingrate!  Ms. Ingrate herself called “Fifty Shades of Grey” “mommy porn”.  I’ve seen “50 Shades” referred to elsewhere.  Its fans are middle-aged women.

If an innocent teenage virgin ( or some facsimile thereof ) is in bondage, I’m in!  My morals are no worse than those of Ms. Ingrate, and moms.

I pause to note that the female protagonist in “Fifty Shades of Grey” begins the novel as a 21 year old virgin.  The novel, “I Am Charlotte Simmons”, by Tom Wolfe, features a female protagonist who is an 18 year old virgin.  Hence, virginity is important.  It is not a “social construct”.  However, a critic said, of Wolfe’s protagonist, 

“The only way that this girl could be a virgin at 18, in real life, is if she’s highly religious.”  ( Which she isn’t. )

I’m pleased to say that I am not a liar like Tom Wolfe.  Nor am I E. L. James.  When I write about a fictional female protagonist who’s a virgin, I choose an age that’s realistic.  I keep in mind that Lolita, in Nabokov’s novel, lost her virginity at age 12.  She did not lose her virginity to Humbert, the “older man”.  She lost her virginity at summer camp to a boy.  The boy was close to her in age.  Lolita had sex with the boy after watching her same age girlfriend have sex with him a number of times. 

Lolita was not published in the “free love” decade of the 1960s.  The 1960s had never happened when Lolita was published.  The book was released in the censorious, sex-phobic 1950s.  Nabokov only had the culture of his time to inform him.  Twelve-year-olds were fucking in the 1950s, and in earlier times.  They still are.  But guys my age aren’t supposed to know that. 

Kay J’s “channel” on Only Fans looks very boring.  If you scroll down, all you see is an image of a lock.  However, once you pay, the lock disappears.  In its place is a very long scroll.  The scroll consists of photos and short videos.

Note:  Sometimes, a photo is part of a set.  Look at the right side of any photo.  If you see a small white arrow, that means more photos await!  Tap on the arrow!  

Kay J’s photos and videos are mostly amateur shots.  She takes many of them by holding her phone in front of her.  She seems to take most of her photos when she first wakes up.  So, if you want to see Kay when she awakens, in a possibly lusty state, you can!  On the other hand, she’s done little to prepare herself for the shoot.  You’re getting her as she really is, without makeup or artful preparation.

I found the most enjoyable photos of Kay to be at the bottom of the scroll.  That’s when she was new to Only Fans.  Some of her photos here are from porn shoots.  They look wonderful.  ( You may already have these photos, or very similar ones. )  Kay has several original photos, far down on her scroll, that I like very much:

1.  Kay J in stockings and a corset.  She is bound.  There’s a black ball gag in her mouth.

2.  Kay J bent over, with her panties pulled down.  She’s clearly waiting for a painful, disciplinary lesson!

3.  Kay J as a sexy airline hostess.

4.  Kay J bound with ropes.  ( Including a photo of the indentations left by the ropes on her leg! )

There are many photos of Kay J’s beautiful, natural nude body.  Sadly, in my opinion, she now has a big tattoo.  It’s in green ink, and is high on her back.  I was always proud of her for not getting tattooed or pierced.  Those days are over.  Fortunately, one almost never sees her tattoo.  That’s because Kay’s long, lovely hair covers it.

Note to any girl:  A tattoo is called “a tramp stamp”.  As far as I’m concerned, it announces that you’re used merchandise.  I don’t buy used merchandise.  I buy what’s new.  That’s why I prefer preteen and teenage virgins on You Tube to used ladies on Only Fans. 

Currently, Kay J is holding a sale for her channel on Only Fans.  As I write this, her sale will end soon.  However, I suppose that Kay can hold a sale whenever she wants to.  So, perhaps she’ll have another sale after this one.

Kay wants $10.00 per month for her channel.  That’s $120.00 per year.  Generally, I would not be willing to pay that much for access to a channel on Only Fans.  So, I’m delighted that Kay is having a sale. 

I considered subscribing to Kay J for one month.  That would have cost me $4.50.  What I didn’t know was this:  next month, my subscription would have renewed, automatically, for $10.00 per month!  That would have pissed me off.

Fortunately, I subscribed for a year.  That cost me $60.00.  I consider this a fair price for Kay’s channel.  Remember, by becoming a subscriber, you’re becoming an “entry level” member.  You can always tip Kay, and ask her for “hotter” content.  You’ll have to pay for the “hotter” content, since Kay will provide it privately to you.  

Kay provides a lot of free content ( to paid subscribers ), and updates her channel often.  Her channel on Only Fans is worth $60.00.

I pressed the button that subscribed me to Kay J for $60.00.  This took me to a new screen.  Here, I was asked to input credit card information.  Such a screen always scares me.  That’s because, too often ( as with the Met Art Network ), trouble lurks down the road.

I’m pleased to say that Only Fans doesn’t sneak in “pre checked” offers.  You’re not going to be signed up to Kay J for $60.00 per year, and then get sold “Giant Fucked Cunts”, by whomever, for $200.00 per month, all charged to your credit card.  On Only Fans, you get exactly what you ordered.  

However, there is a catch.  You don’t get to pay $60.00!  I had to deposit $100.00 into an Only Fans “Wallet”.  ( The next level down was $50.00, which would not have been a sufficient amount to subscribe to Kay J’s channel. )  

I have now subscribed to Kay J’s channel on Only Fans for $60.00.  That leaves $40.00 in my Only Fans “Wallet”.  Since I have no interest in becoming a gigolo on Only Fans, with a bunch of loose women, the $40.00 will stay in my “Wallet”.

One year from now, my subscription to Kay J automatically renews.  It renews for $10.00 a month.

Here are several items to note:

1.  Only Fans says that if you don’t put enough money into your wallet, you’ll be charged the required excess amount.  I was joining Kay J’s channel for $60.00.  If I’d put just $50.00 into my wallet, Only Fans would have charged my credit card $60.00.  ( The required amount. )

I say:  good luck with that.  You need to put into your wallet what is required.  Put too little in, and you’re likely to screw everything up.  That’s my opinion.

2.  You must put some amount of money into your wallet.  You can put nothing in, but you’ll be charged a ( minimal ) fee by Only Fans for putting nothing into your wallet.

3.  “Auto-Renew” is set, by default, to “on” for Kay J.  That’s because I subscribed to her channel. 

A year from now, I’ll be resubscribed to Kay J’s channel.  I’ll be resubscribed at her normal price.  Currently, her normal price is $10.00 per month.  However, a year from now, it could be a different price.  If Kay J’s normal price, a year from now, is $200.00 per month, my credit card will be charged $200.00.  If her normal price is $2.00, my credit card will be charged $2.00.

You can find out what the normal price is at any time, for any creator’s channel.  I explain how to do this in my next article, “The Only Fans Interface”.  ( Below. )

I get offers of free subscriptions from female creators on Only Fans.  By default, “Auto-Renew” is set to “off” for these free subscriptions.

If I should turn on “Auto-Renew”, my credit card will be charged when any “free” subscription ends.  This turns a “free” subscription, which is totally free ( for whatever length of time ), into a “free trial”.  

4.  I quickly found the offers for free subscriptions from various young women to be annoying.  I turned them off.

5.  In your home page, on Only Fans, there’s something called “Auto-refresh”.  This automatically charges your credit card whenever your wallet runs low.  I highly recommend that you keep this turned off.  It is possible to go crazy, tipping a woman and ordering “hotter” content.  This problem multiplies if you subscribe to the channels of multiple women.

6.  In your home page, on Only Fans, there’s something called this:

“Make wallet primary method for rebills”.  I recommend turning this on.  Your wallet will then be drained by Only Fans before Only Fans sets about trying to charge your credit card.

( It’s not a perfect solution to prevent lots of charges being made to your credit card, but it helps.  You control how much money is in your wallet on Only Fans. )

( I guess if “Auto-refresh” is turned off, your credit card won’t be charged. )

7.  On Only Fans, I decided that I just wanted to see Kay J.  I turned off the free offers from the other young women.  That’s because I was being swamped with “free” this and “free” that from an endless number of them.  Many of these young women promised, voyeuristically, to have sex with me right away.  This was interfering with the experience that I’d paid for:  to be a part of Kay J’s life. 

The subscription process ends when you’ve put money into your wallet.  You are then whisked to the channel of the woman that you subscribed to.  In my case, I was returned to the boring Kay J page that I’d been looking at.  Except:  it wasn’t boring anymore!  The image of the lock was gone!  I spent the next six hours scrolling down.  I took screen shots.  I made screen recordings.  I read every word that Kay J ever publicly posted on Only Fans.  I posted enough public comments to make myself look like a lovesick loon.  ( Which, in the case of Kay J, I am! )

In Summary:  If you want the illusion of having a girlfriend that you wake up with in the morning, Only Fans will be a useful addition to your life.  It can be a Las Vegas of Women.  For me, the Las Vegas of Women was ruining my experience of enjoying Kay J.  I banished them from my life.


This article is written from the perspective of a “user” who has already signed up at Only Fans.

It is also written from the perspective of someone who’s logged in, recently, to Only Fans.  ( Hence, Only Fans “remembers” you as an authorized user. )

You will be both a “fan” and a “creator” at Only Fans.  You point your browser to onlyfans ( dot ) com.  Where do you land?  You land on your “Home” page.  ( Depending on what you did the last time you were there, your “Home” page may bear a different title, like “Messages”. )  

On the left side of my home page is “AL”.  ( The initials of my first and middle name. )  “AL” is in blue ink, in a grey circle.  Tap this circle when you want to enter the sidebar that is on the left side of your home page at Only Fans.  ( For instance, when you want to see how much money is left in your wallet. )  

Tap “AL” again when you want to exit the sidebar.  ( Your circle will have your own initials in it. )

I’m assuming that you’ve exited the sidebar.  Let’s look at what this sidebar holds:

1.  AL, in a circle:  That’s you.  ( Your circle will have your own initials in it. )

2.  Notifications:  This is where you’ll find that creators ( young women ) have told you that they’ve subscribed to your channel!  Post your gym photos now!

3.  Messages:  

A.  If you send a private message to a woman, a copy of your message will appear here.  That’s good.  It tells you that your message was actually sent.

B.  If the woman writes back, agreeing to marry you right away, and have all your children, it will appear here.

C.  More:  This functions the same as tapping “AL”.  It lets you go inside the sidebar.


Tap on ( your version of ) “AL”.  This lets you go inside the sidebar.  What’s most important here?

1.  Andrew L. Roller.  ( Your name will be here. )  

A.  Tap “Andrew L. Roller”.  

B.  A new page opens, in the center of your screen.  It is titled, “Andrew L. Roller.”  ( Your name will be here. )  Tap on “EDIT PROFILE”.  

C.  A new page opens, in the center of your screen.  It’s titled, “EDIT PROFILE”.  Look for “Display name”.  This will be displayed when you publicly post a comment to a woman’s channel.

2.  1 Fan.  In my case, it’s Kay J.  She subscribed to my channel after I subscribed to her channel.  Thanks, Kay!

Kay J is represented here by a large icon.  In this icon is the word “SUBSCRIBED”.  Under this word is written:  

Renews for $10 / month

Beside the above is written:

Sep 14, 2022.

This means that I’ll be charged $10.00 a month to subscribe to Kay J’s channel, starting on September 14, 2022.

If I should decide against this, all I have to do is tap the word “SUBSCRIBED” in Kay J’s icon.

If I tap “SUBSCRIBED”, I will be unsubscribed from Kay J’s channel.  However, I’ll still have access to her channel until September 14, 2022.

Note:  There is no “Auto-Renew” button on Only Fans!  You subscribe, or unsubscribe, by tapping the word “SUBSCRIBED” in the creator’s icon.  This icon should be in “1 Fan” or in “1 Following”.  ( “1 Following” is discussed below. ) 

If needed, go to the following web site:

3.  1 Following.  In my case, it’s Kay J.  I never dreamed that Kay J would be following me on Only Fans.  Thanks, Kay!

4.  Lists.  Tap on this.  A new page appears, in the center of your screen.  It’s titled, “Lists”.  

In “Lists”, an option is “Close Friends”.  I tapped on “Close Friends”.  Kay J appeared in “Close Friends”!  ( She is the only person I currently allow on my home page. )  I tapped on Kay J.  Then, I tapped on “Add”.  “Add” is a button in the upper right corner of my screen.  This added Kay J to my “Close Friends”!

5.  Settings.  Tap on this.  A new page appears, in the center of your screen.  It’s titled, “Settings”.  Tap on “Privacy and safety”.  A new page opens, in the center of your screen.  It’s titled, “PRIVACY AND SAFETY”.  An option is “Show subscription offers”.  Turn this goddamn thing off, or you’ll be inundated by every loose woman in the universe.

6.  Your cards.  “Your cards” means, ‘your credit cards’, or ‘your method of payment’.  Tap on “Your cards”.  A new page appears, in the center of your screen.  It’s titled, “PAYMENTS”.  Here, do the following:

A.  Turn on “Make wallet primary method for rebills”.

B.  Turn off “Auto-recharge”.  ( Otherwise, your credit card will be billed whenever your wallet, on Only Fans, runs low. )

Here’s a link to check the balance in your wallet:

7.  Add bank.  Tap on this.  A new page appears, in the center of your screen.  It’s titled, “BANKING”.  

A circle is present.  “AL” is in the circle.  ( Your name will be here. )  Tap on the circle.  Follow the steps to access your “Photos” app, on your iPad.  

By default, you’ll be offered individual photos.  However, look closely at what’s being displayed.  You can, if you wish, access your photo albums in “Photos”. 

Add whichever photo you wish.  Don’t forget to tap the button marked, “Save Changes”.  Your chosen photo will replace “AL”.  ( Your name. )

8.  Help and support.  Tap on this.  A gigantic blue page appears on your screen.  It’s titled, “Hi [ your “user” name ], how can we help?”  

Scroll to the bottom of this page.  In the bottom left corner is “Contact”.

Tap on “Contact”.  A new page appears, in the middle of your screen.  Here, you can type a message to the Only Fans support department.  Then, click the button marked, “SEND”.

Check your e-mail box.  ( The one that you listed with the Only Fans web site, when you created your Only Fans account. )  If your message was delivered to Only Fans, this will be acknowledged in your e-mail box.  ( In my case, my e-mail box is my Apple “Mail” app. )  

I use an Apple iPad.  Not every part of the internet is configured to work well with Apple products.  ( Microsoft’s Bill Gates still rules the world. )  I was especially worried about compatibility with regard to channels on Only Fans.  That’s because many channels on Only Fans are run by amateurs.  

I’m pleased to say that Only Fans was fully compatible with my Apple iPad.  I could view all of the content on Kay J’s channel.  

I was being inundated by free content from other young women on Only Fans.  For better or worse, I could view all of their content too. 


This world is amazing.  People bitched when someone my age could post PUBLIC comments to preteen and teen girls on You Tube.  ( Commenting on the girls’ PUBLICLY posted videos. )  This wonderful aspect of my life was destroyed.

Now, I’m left with an ability to communicate with adult women on Only Fans.  I can’t exercise my First Amendment rights.  Only Fans forbids me to say “pee”, and “young”.  Only Fans forbids me to reference, in any way, anyone under 18.  Yet Laura Ingrate damns Only Fans as “filthy and disgusting”.  

I already spend most of my life sitting alone in a room.  That’s been true for decades.  Isn’t that enough isolation for you, Ms. Ingrate?  How much more isolated do you need me, and others like me, to be?  

This is how revolutions occur.  


1.  I refer variously to “Kay J” and “Kay”.  I would prefer to standardize this.  However, it struck me as ridiculous to endlessly type the “J”.

On the other hand, I am writing about “Kay J”.  To only refer to her as “Kay” in the body of my article could quickly confuse the reader.  As in, “Which Kay is he talking about?  My daughter is named Kay!”

2.  With any new word ( like “Wallet”, in this context ), I begin by capitalizing it, and by putting it in quotes.  When I feel that the word has become familiar to the reader, I drop the quote marks and the capitalization.

3.  Above, I write:  “She is the only person I currently allow on my home page.”  By this, I mean that I turned off the free offers from the various female creators who were inundating me.  You can visit my home page on Only Fans.  However, it doesn’t have, and will not have, any content.

4.  Confronting someone who isn’t present is known as “unguested confrontation”.  Rush Limbaugh excelled at it.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

On, I am:  Andrew L. Roller.  My “user name” is:  u136530150.  Due to censorship by Only Fans, I do not expect to post content on Only Fans.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 101

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 101, version 6.0

Date Written:  September 15, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


WonderClub Girls


BO 21                                  

Book Observations presents...

WonderClub Girls


Plus:  Sex versus the Bible, the ultimate contest!    

And:  How we’re here.



by Andrew Roller

It was the summer of 2002.  At age 41, I was, yet again, dying from kidney disease.  I wasn’t supposed to drink anything, including water.  Ever.  That’s because your kidneys make urine.  My sole kidney, which had been transplanted into me from a corpse, was dying.  There was no ready prospect of my getting a new one.  ( A person without any kidney function is put on kidney dialysis. )

It was a hot day, and I was hungry.  I lived at the YMCA, in downtown San Diego.  I took the trolley to “the sports arena boulevard area”.  That’s how I describe it.  It’s not a neighborhood with which I’m very familiar. 

Against medical advice ( such as it was ) I ate and, yes, I drank.  ( Soda. )  I did so at a cheap Chinese restaurant.  I wasn’t yet so sick that I was throwing up everything that I ate.  I left the Chinese restaurant. 

I do not own a car.  My task was to walk back to Old Town.  That’s where I could take the trolley back to downtown San Diego.  ( There are buses in “the sports arena boulevard area”.  However, then, as now, I know little about them. )

Walking, I came to a modern “fork in the road”.  I crossed a big, busy street.  From there, I could walk East.  That was the “right” direction.  Going that way, I would, eventually, arrive at the trolley.

Or, I could Sin.  I could follow The Path of Satan.  I could walk West.  That would take me even farther from the objective I had to reach:  the trolley, in Old Town.

What was to the West?  What could have lured my weary, sick, hot ( but not yet vomiting ) self Westward?  The prospect of a lovely young girl.  Not a real girl!  This isn’t the Stone Age, Ancient Rome, or any era of history prior to our politically correct era.  Modern Men don’t get to meet, or even look upon ( in real life ) young girls.  The Modern Man contents himself with masturbating.  For that, he gets damned as a loser and a pervert. 

We shall now all pause to sing God Bless America.  Fuck.  That made me vomit.

I walked West.  The streets in “the sports arena boulevard area” aren’t inviting.  They amount to dusty, unpleasant roads.  Nonetheless, having spied the sign for an Adult bookstore ( for guys like me, who never held hands with a female - but who’s nonetheless a fucking adult! ) I walked West. 

I arrived at the Adult bookstore.  Entering it was like going into a safe house.  ( The word “safe”, here, is meant in a bad context. )  The bookstore’s staff was like the staff always is in such a place.  You, the customer, are a sleazy, fucking pervert.  You’re always made to feel that way the second you walk inside.  As for the man who stands all day at the cash register?  He’s obviously God.  He Sits in Judgement of my pervert ass. 

Suffering under the clerk’s withering gaze, I competed with several other virgin sleazeballs for a look at the sexually experienced ( but “too young” ) 18-year-old girls in the porn magazines.  

( At least, I was looking at the mags with 18-year-olds in them.  God help the customer who braves a porn shop to look at fucking women, or, worse, men. )

A big problem with magazines, especially if they’re shrink-wrapped, is this:  you have no idea what you’re getting.  I once bought nine shrink-wrapped magazines at a Hustler store.  Seven were shit.  Two were worthwhile.  That’s a bad ratio, when each magazine costs ( in 2002 dollars ) $10.00 each.

I found a magazine that I liked.  I can’t recall if I was able to look in it before I bought it.  I took it home.  There, I found that it only had one worthwhile pictorial.  Unfortunately, the featured girl was mostly in panties.  That pissed me off.  I prefer nudity to panties.  The magazine wound up deep in one of my boxes of porn magazines.  ( Which are stacked atop each other, making access a chore. )

Some years later, I needed “new” photos to jerk-off to.  I dug deep in my boxes.  I found the magazine that I’d bought in “the sports arena boulevard area”.  I looked at the one pictorial in this magazine that was worthwhile.  To my amazement, its excess of panty photos no longer bothered me.  In fact, there weren’t so many panty photos; just some.  I decided that I ( more or less ) liked them.

The girl in this magazine has now fueled an innumerable number of my stories.  I always draw upon a variety of sources when I write.  But some girls regularly rise to the top of my thoughts.  I’ll share this one with you.

Magazine:  Red Hot Amateurs No. 35.  

The girl:  ( Described on the magazine’s cover. )  “Bust a load on this busty babe!”

The publisher:  Magna Publishing Group.  Gent Special.  www ( dot ) gentonline ( dot ) com.

The girl:  ( Inside the magazine. )  “Heinies From the Heartland.  Presenting Kelly from Ohio.”

She is a blonde.

It is possible that “Kelly” appeared as “Jen” in an issue of “Tight” magazine, as well as in one of the following magazines:  “Live Young Girls”, or “Hawk”, or “Finally Legal”.  I don’t have full information on this.  ( “Live Young Girls”, “Hawk”, and “Finally Legal” were all being published by the same publisher by 2002. )

You might have read one or more of my stories.  The central character in my stories ( since about 1995 ) is Katy.  Even I sometimes think, “No way could a girl this lovely exist.”  Well, “Kelly” looks a lot like Katy.  But there’s a girl who looks EXACTLY like Katy, with one exception:  Katy has long hair.   

Let’s now meet the authentic, living, Katy ( as of 2002 )!

Magazine:  CHERI teens No. 21.  Special Collector’s Edition.

The girl:  ( Described on the magazine’s cover. )  “Tasty Teen Titties  ‘Take A Lick & I’ll Suck Your Dick!’”

The publisher:  [ CHERI magazine. ]

The “Display until” date:  May 6, 2003.

The girl:  ( Inside the magazine. )  “Tasha:  D - Cup Darling.”

She is a blonde. 

I can hear it now:  Well, Roller, it’s nice that you have a bunch of old fuck magazines that you jerk-off to.  But how does that benefit me?  I wasn’t frequenting Adult bookstores at age two.

There is a web site that sells “old” magazines.  It is:  wonderclub ( dot ) com.  If you visit it, you’ll see super heroes.  The entire “home” page is filled with comics.  There’s not a whiff of “adult” material.

Fortunately, there is a “Search” field near the top of the page.  Enter this keyword:


This takes you to every available issue of Tight magazine at this web site.  Compared to other web sites, WonderClub has an extensive collection. 

Make sure that you look to the very bottom of the page.  Years are listed here.  You might land on the year 1997 page for Tight magazine.  If you want the year 2002 page for Tight magazine, tap on 2002 at the bottom of the page.

Below the years, the following is written:

“Click here to see our entire line of adult mens magazines”.

I recommend the following issues of Tight magazine:

1.  Tight Magazine, May 2002. 

WonderClub Price:  $9.98

A  number of fine girls are in this issue.  However, I bought it to see Katy!  Or, rather, CHERI magazine’s “Tasha”.  Tight magazine calls her “Margot”. 

An aside, to such girls:  Why do you pose under a variety of names?  Do you think, if I jerk-off to you 534,926 times, I’m not going to recognize you?  Of course I will!  Which magazine you pose in makes no difference.

It is possible for me to jerk-off to you 534,926 times and not know your name.  But your lovely self will never escape!  You may as well try to hide yourself from God.  ( Or Satan. ) 

“Margot” poses with two other girls in this issue.  The cover of Tight bills it as:

“Erin, Tory + Margot.  3 Girl Suck Fest.”

Margot has a cute face and a gorgeous body.  It’s big-bosomed yet lean.  She has a small bottom.  She “gets down”, in wonderful action shots, with the two other girls.  From the photographer’s point of view, Margot is ( appropriately ) the star of the trio. 

This pictorial looks to have been shot in the same woods that “Margot’s” CHERI pictorial was shot in.

2.  Tight Magazine, March 2002.  

WonderClub Price:  $19.98.

“Margot” is on the cover:  “Covergirl Margot’s Just-Sprouted Whoppers”. 

This is “Margot’s” debut pictorial in “Tight” magazine.  Amazingly, this very leggy ( yet booblicious ) girl is just 4 feet, 11 inches tall!  She is 18 years old.

3.  Tight Magazine, January 2001. 

I don’t have this issue.  However, looking at its cover, I see a porn star that I know as “Gigi” ( from another magazine ) smiling out at me.  “Gigi” is a gorgeous, big-bosomed brunette. 

Note the magazine’s WonderClub price:  $99.99. 

Look to the bottom of the page.  On the far right, you’ll see this:  FAQ.  FAQ stands for “Frequently Asked Questions”.  The FAQ explains the prices for digital magazines.  A digital magazine that costs $99.99 will eventually fall in price to $9.98.  So, if you wish to be charitable to your fellow perverts, skip the church’s collection plate during Sunday services.  Buy a digital copy of Tight magazine that costs $99.99.  That will lower the digital price for all the folks who buy the same digital magazine after you do.  The FAQ explains how.  ( It also explains why you’ll have to wait to receive your digital copy. ) 

On Sunday, September 12, I bought two digital copies of Tight magazine at WonderClub.  ( The paper copies were sold out. )

First, I bought the May 2002 issue of Tight magazine.  It did not download.  The reason this happened is, probably, because I use an Apple iPad.  WonderClub’s owner, Sean Ross, is most familiar with non-Apple devices. 

A phone number is listed on WonderClub’s web site:  1-866-966-3226.  ( This is a toll-free number to Canada.  An alternate number, for which you’ll pay standard rates, is 1-514-694-0060

I called the toll-free number.  It was early Sunday morning, California time, but Sean answered immediately.  He sent me an e-mail link:

I clicked on the link.  I was presented with a “log in” page.  I had previously joined WonderClub.  ( An easy, free process.  )  I “logged in”.  

I was taken to a new page.  It showed my purchase of Tight magazine.  To the right of my purchase was this word:


I tapped on “Details”.  That took me to a new page.  On this page, there was a download button.  It resembled a link.  I tapped on it.  That downloaded my magazine.

The magazine arrived in my Google browser.  This raised the question, “How do I get the magazine out of my browser”?

Here’s how:

1.  Look to the upper right corner of your browser.  You’ll see a blue icon there.  The icon is a box, with an arrow sticking out of the top of it.  

2.  Tap on the box that has the arrow sticking out of the top of it. 

3.  An informational box appears.  This informational box will likely be titled, “Tight magazine”.  You should see the following, in this informational box:

“Save to Files”.

( I’m unable to get “Save to Files” to appear in my browser, as I’m writing this.  However, I’m no longer trying to save a copy of Tight magazine out of my browser! )

NOTE:  In this instance, ignore “Options”.  This is written in blue, near the top of the informational box.  Let Apple choose the format that it prefers. 

Tap on “Save to Files”. 

Ooops!  I’m learning as I write this.  It turns out that “Save to Files” will NOT appear, unless you tap on “Options”.  So, tap on “Options”.  A new informational box appears.  This informational box is titled, “Options”.  In this box, you are to choose which format you want to save your copy of Tight magazine in.  The following formats are available:

A.  Automatic.

B.  PDF.

C.  Reader PDF. 

D.  Web Archive.

Apple writes:  “‘Automatic’ will pick the most suitable format for each app or action.”

Traditionally, I pick the format called PDF.  However, there’s a big problem with PDF.  The PDF creates its own highly visible page breaks.  In a photo from the internet of, say, a girl, one winds up with a page break going right through the middle of her body, or through her face.  

The format called “Web Archive” can only be opened in the app called “Documents”, by the company called “Readdle”.  You can save a “Web Archive” document anywhere.  However, when tapped, the document opens in “Documents”.

The format called “Reader PDF”, as I recall, exposes hyperlink information.  One winds up with a photo of a girl that has “https://“ ( etc. ) written across her face, or alongside it.

I’m writing this AFTER I’ve already successfully acquired my copy of Tight magazine.  I don’t recall tapping “Options”, but I must have.  I do recall telling myself, “Don’t choose a format.  Let Apple choose the format.”  Hence, I must have let Apple choose the format called “Automatic”.  

So, don’t tap anything in the informational box that’s titled, “Options”.  If you must tap something, tap “Automatic”.  

( As I sit here now, thinking on this, I must have tapped “Automatic”. )

Now, in the informational box titled “Options”, look to its upper left corner.  There, you’ll see this:  “< Back”.

Tap on “< Back.”  ( This takes you back to the prior box.  In it, “Save to Files” is, at last, present! )

Hence, By tapping “Options”, I caused “Save to Files” to appear.  ( I guess. )

Now, tap on “Save to Files”.

4.  A new informational box appears.  This informational box, though different from all other boxes, is likely ( once again ) titled, “Tight magazine”.  

In this box, you must choose where you want to save your copy of Tight magazine to.  I saved it to my iCloud Drive.  Then, in case something went wrong, I repeated the process.  This time, I saved my copy of Tight magazine to On My iPad. 

5.  I went to the copy that I’d saved.  It opened!  The pages were huge!  To see a full page in the screen of my iPad, I turned my iPad sideways. 

NOTE:  Take a pause.  Quit out of this document.  ( Tight magazine. )  Look to the top right corner of your screen.  You’ll see this, in blue:


Tap “Select”.  

A white circle appears.  It appears atop the icon that represents your copy of Tight magazine.

Tap on the white circle.  It turns blue.  A white checkmark appears in the circle.

Now, look to the bottom of your screen.  Tap “Duplicate”.  The icon of your copy of Tight magazine reproduces itself!  Each copy will open on its own.

Make several copies of your document ( Tight magazine ), using “Duplicate”.  That way, if you screw something up, you’ve got extra copies on hand.

Our narrative continues.  You’re inside Tight magazine!

6.  At this point, I was looking at an Adobe Acrobat document.  I hate Adobe Acrobat.  They offer a minimal amount of free space in their “cloud”.  The Terms of Service for their “cloud” state that whatever you save there, they can erase!  They have exactly the same access to your content in the Adobe cloud that you do.  

7.  Another difficulty arose.  This was written in blue, in the top right corner of my copy of Tight magazine:  

Open in Acrobat

DO NOT tap this!  If you do, here’s what happens.  Adobe says, in effect, the following:

Hi There, Piece of Shit.  Think you can write nastily about Joke Bidet in the Adobe Acrobat cloud?  Well, think again!  When the censors at You Tube get off work, they work for Adobe Acrobat.  Tech will rule the world!  HA!  HA!  HA! 

Reading this, I declined to join Adobe Acrobat’s cloud.  But:

Adobe wouldn’t let me go!  The only option available was “Continue”.  This appeared in a big grey box that blocked every page of my copy of Tight magazine!  I was dumbstruck.  The fuckers at Adobe had ruined my copy of Tight!

I quit out of the Adobe Acrobat document.  Later, when I relaunched it, the grey box was gone. 

I still wanted a copy of Tight magazine that didn’t involve Adobe Acrobat.  Here are the next steps that I took.  ( Written so that you can do the same, if you wish to. )

1.  You’re inside Tight magazine.  Look to the top right corner of your copy of Tight magazine.  You’ll see a blue icon.  It’s of a box, with an arrow sticking out of the top of it.  

NOTE:  Do not tap on the icon of the blue circle, that has the tip of  a pen in it.  If you do, your finger becomes a pen!  You’ll wind up writing on your copy of Tight magazine.  ( The marks can be erased.  Select the “eraser” from the pen’s options. )

2.  Tap on the blue box that has the arrow sticking out of the top of it.

3.  An informational box appears.  It is titled, “Tight magazine”.  Find the following, in the informational box:

Copy to Documents.  (“Documents” is a free app at the Apple App Store.  It’s by the company called “Readdle”. )

Tap on “Copy to Documents”.  You’ll be whisked to the app called “Documents”.  There, you’ll be able to view your copy of Tight magazine.  “Documents” will automatically save a copy for you to “Documents”. 

If not, do it manually: 

A.  In Documents, look to the top right corner of your copy of Tight magazine.  You’ll see an icon that consists of three dots.  Tap on the icon of the three dots.

B.  An informational box appears.

C.  Choose “Save a Copy”. 

Find your copy of Tight magazine in “Documents”.  Shit!  It’s marked with the Adobe Acrobat symbol.  Tech will rule the world!  HA!  HA!  HA!

Fortunately, you have another option.

Go back to your copy of Tight magazine.  ( The Adobe Acrobat document. )  This time, don’t choose “Copy to Documents”.  Instead, choose “Copy to PDF Expert”.  You’ll be whisked to the app called “PDF Expert”.  There, you’ll find yourself viewing your copy of Tight magazine.  “PDF Expert” will automatically save a copy for you to “PDF Expert”. 

“PDF Expert” is made by the same company that makes “Documents”.  It is the company called “Readdle”.

In “PDF Expert”, no Adobe Acrobat logo mars your PDF’s icon.  You finally have a “clean” PDF.  It’s not associated in any way with Adobe Acrobat. 


The visual quality of the digital magazines is superb.  However, these were once real magazines.  If a magazine was recently digitized, that means that a 20 year old magazine was digitized.  Printed material, like people, ages.  

The real magazine was printed in a process that isn’t super high definition, like today’s best internet images.  I like the digitized magazine images.  However, I’ve been looking at porn magazines since the 1970s.  My eyes are trained to accept magazine images.

In the real magazine, the Tight centerfold splashed across two pages.  The real magazine had to be cut apart for it to be digitized.  This means that staples had to be removed, leaving staple holes in the magazine.  The holes were then trimmed off by scissors.  As a result, a bit of the centerfold, in its middle, was lost.

Furthermore, the centerfold can’t be reassembled when it’s been digitized.  So, in the digitized version, you see the girl’s face and ( some of ) her boobs.  Then, on a totally separate page, you see the rest of her.  ( Especially her pussy! )  The exact middle of the centerfold is missing.

Tight magazine, as a publication, put out some swell issues.  It also put out some junk ones.  As I wrote in the 1990s, “What’s great about most any girl in Tight magazine is that she looks 12 years old.  Unfortunately, it seems as if the photographer is also 12 years old!” 

This judgement holds.  Tight has some fine beauties who are poorly photographed.  At some point, two decades ago, I let my subscription to Tight lapse.  I wish I hadn’t.  However, in that era, there were an abundance of jerk-off magazines.  I was spending $200.00 a month on them, in 2002 dollars.  I went broke, for various reasons, and I had to make choices.  Tight lost.  ( And so did I. )

Thankfully, you can recapture old memories, and spark new ones, at WonderClub.

WonderClub telephone hours:

Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed Saturday

Eastern Standard Time.  ( In Canada. )

I get the impression that not too many people work at WonderClub.  Hence, if your phone call isn’t answered, it just means that the person who would normally answer is busy.  

WonderClub e-mail addresses:

“Complaints”, among other options, is written at the bottom of every page at WonderClub.

The ultimate contest!

SEX versus the BIBLE

My parents always considered the subject of sex, in one’s mind or elsewhere, to be “The Big Taboo”.

It wasn’t a taboo for them, in their relationship.  Sex was taboo for me.  That’s because I was my parents’ precious child.

I was still my parents’ precious child at age 15.  One day, I was with my father.  He was driving somewhere.  For whatever reason, in an odd locale, my father stopped the car.  He gave me a serious look.  I didn’t know it, but this was The Big Conversation.  ( A totally one-sided conversation, for which I’d had no warning. )

“Andrew,” my father said, from behind the wheel of his car.  “You must never look at Playboy.”  That was the end of our Big Conversation.

My father did not say, “Don’t have sex.”  Nor did he say, “Don’t get Mary pregnant.”  He knew that no girl was available to me, let alone a girl that I might date.  

Dad was a pastor.  Our family lived on top of the church.  I was obliged to attend religious functions every week.  Our church was tiny, so there weren’t many girls.  

Our church was a former servicemens’ center in Guam.  It sat between a shanty that passed for a store, and an auto sales lot.  Hence, our church was located far from its parishioners.  Nonetheless, I had to attend, weekly, the following religious functions:  church, Sunday school, choir practice, Catechetics, and a “Youth Group” meeting.  I received little worthwhile religious instruction from these.  However, there was always a Bible around.  

There was no sex in my life, just the Bible.  That’s because the Bible was deemed to be more important than sex. 

But is it?

In his book, “The Lunatic Express”, Carl Hoffman travels ( among other places ) to Indonesia.  There, on a remote island, he meets shore-dwelling villagers.  The villagers tell Hoffman of their rural neighbors, inland.  These neighbors are condemned by the villagers as being “men without God”. 

Let’s say that you have an Earth that consists solely of “men without God”.  They know no God, but they know how to fuck.  In fact, they’re crazy for fucking. 

You go a century into the future.  You visit this Earth.  Guess what?  Absent a big catastrophe, the “men without God” will still be present.  No Bible is there, but people are.

Let’s look at a different Earth.  On this Earth, the Bible is everywhere.  There’s no sex, but there are plenty of Bibles.  

You go, as before, a century into the future.  You visit this Earth.  Guess what?  No big catastrophe happened, but there aren’t any people on this Earth.  Why?  Because, a century ago, sex ceased to exist on this Earth.  There are still lots of Bibles on this Earth, but there’s no one to read them, or even to look at them.

Now, I ask you?  Which is more important:  sex, or the Bible?

The answer is glaringly obvious.  Sex matters.  The Bible does not matter.

In a contest between sex and the Bible, sex wins.

HOW we’re HERE

In the beginning, Earth had 100 people.  None of them were immortal.  There were 50 men, and 50 women.

49 of the men were very holy.  They had no thoughts of sex.  All day, they read the Bible.  If a woman went by, the men took no interest in her.

Which was just as well.  That’s because 49 of the women were very holy.  They had no thoughts of sex.  All day, they read the Bible.  If a man went by, the women took no interest in him.

One man was a pervert.  All day, every day, he thought of nothing but sex.  The Bible?  He took no interest in it.

One woman was a pervert.  All day, every day, she thought of nothing but sex.  The Bible?  She took no interest in it.

One day, the sex fiend, who was a man, met the sex fiend who was a woman.  Wow!  Did those two have sex.  All day, every day, they copulated. 

You can guess what resulted.  Children.  A lot of children. 

Time passed.  The 49 holy men “died without issue”, as one reads in books on law.  Also, the 49 holy women “died without issue”. 

Today, there are nearly 8 billion people on Earth.  We’re all descended from the two perverts:  the man, and the woman, who had sex all the time.

We are not descended from the 49 holy men, and the 49 holy women, who “died without issue”.

This is why your thoughts turn to sex, and away from the Bible, on a regular basis.


“I have sinned!”

- Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, confessing to a sexual affair before his T.V. audience.  

( Forswearing such misbehavior in the future, he was later caught “sinning” again. )

( The last time I saw his ( much diminished ) T.V. show, it was notable for having one, or more, beautiful young telemarketing women on it. )  ( Jimmy might still be “sinning”. ) 


1.  I write, above, that an informational box is titled, “Tight magazine”.  This is a form of shorthand.  The box is actually titled, “Tight”, followed by numbers that indicate when the magazine was published.

2.  The inverted quotation mark, above, is courtesy of Apple’s app, “Pages”. 

( If, for some ungodly reason, you want a text version of “Where’s Waldo”, find the inverted quotation mark.  I promise that it is present. )


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  BO, Book Observations, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 21

Arcana:  This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 21, version 4.0

Date Written:  September 12, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Analysis of a Whipping


BIG 100th Issue!          Collector’s Edition!

ET 100                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Analysis of a Whipping


Plus:  Kay J:  personal accounts.

And:  Story of O, Arabella on Audible.



by Andrew Roller

I have often written about porn star Kay J.  In two of her videos, when she’s 20 years old, her nubile body bears whip marks.  These videos are:

1.  “Young Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”.  Real title:  “Wet Dreams”.

2.  “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”.  Real title:  “Dreaming”. 

In each instance, above, the initial title is taken from the copy of the video that is available, for free, at freeones ( dot ) com.  Kay J is called “Kay Jay” at Freeones.

The second, or “real”, title is taken from the copy of the video that is available at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.  ( Metartnetwork has yet to provide me with a password that works.  You can read more about this elsewhere on my blog. )  Kay J is called “Kay J” at the Metartnetwork.

Since finding whip marks on Kay J, I have done extensive research on the topic of punishment.  From this, I’ve learned that Kay J’s marks are, indeed, from a whip.  They aren’t from a riding crop.  Nor are they panty lines. 

A whip sharply stings the skin’s surface.  Its tip travels faster than the speed of sound.  The whip “cracks” when its tip exceeds the sound barrier.  Since the tip of the whip is travelling fastest, it is the tip that will damage the skin most.  It inflicts a high speed “abrasive” mark.  This mark will usually vanish in two or three days. 

“Wrapping” occurs when the business end of the whip goes beyond its intended target.  Assume that Kay’s bottom is the target.  However, if the whip “wraps”, it will strike her ass, while its tip flies on, to strike her hip.  A mark is inflicted along the whip’s length.  However, the most vivid “cut” occurs on her hip. 

All of the blows that struck Kay J were delivered from the left side of her body.  A number of these blows “wrapped” beyond their intended target.  When Kay J’s back was the target, the whip “wrapped” to strike her side, somewhat below her right bosom.  Twice, the whip struck the undercurve of her right breast, near her nipple. 

Her bottom was the favorite target of her tormentor.  Often, the whip “wrapped” beyond her ass, to mark her right hip.  An infection looks to be clearing from the whipped area of her right hip.  This can be seen in her video, “Wet Dreams”. 

Her hiney was struck often by the whip.  Here, the whip scorched her left bottom cheek, but the tip landed on her right bottom cheek.  This is where the most damage is visible.  Kay J helpfully sticks her ass out at me ( more than once ) in “Wet Dreams”.  A whip mark snakes across the inner curve of her right ass cheek.  ( One wonders if, at some point, her anus was struck. )  A cluster of marks pepper the outer curve of her right ass cheek.  The whip’s tip didn’t “wrap” here, but, boy, did it strike.  She must have been bleeding, at least for bit, from these wounds, and from her other whip marks that resulted from the whip’s tip.  

Any time you find a red dot on her body, that’s likely where the whip’s tip did its awful work.  She does have a few tiny birth marks on her otherwise flawless body. 

There are a number of videos on the internet of girls being whipped.  Of these, only one or two girls are “too cute to be whipped”.  Kay J is breathtakingly innocent in the above-mentioned videos.  That’s what, for me, makes her whip marks so entrancing.  I both love and hate them.  I guess I’m mostly jealous that she had her sexual adventure, involving a whip, with someone other than me.

Conclusion:  I have read that a couple, trying bondage for the first time, will overdo it.  They should start with a spanking or a ( well made ) strap.  Instead, they acquire the biggest, baddest implement they can find.  

Let’s combine this observation with the amount of “wrapping” present on Kay J.  It’s probable that she was whipped by a novice boyfriend.  He wasn’t able to handle the whip to avoid “wrapping” it.

On the other hand, Kay J is exquisitely marked.  You wouldn’t want lots of whip marks on her breasts, or any marks on her nipples.  ( I wouldn’t, anyway. )  Two whip marks on one breast, near her nipple, is the right amount.  These could be the work of an expert whip master.  

The whip’s “wrapping” leaves marks on her skin that are over her ribs and her hip bone.  That’s fine; bones protect her internal organs.  If the whip had “wrapped” to the side of her torso where bones aren’t present, her internal organs could have been damaged.  That’s ( quite ) bad. 

Her right ass cheek is wonderfully marked ( if you like whip marks ).  She seems to have the correct amount:  just enough to show that something wicked occurred.  That’s emphasized by the fact that no whip marks remain on her left ass cheek.  However, the whip marks on her upper left thigh again signal that she was, indeed, thrashed.

In Summary:

1.  Kay’s boyfriend got lucky.  He didn’t know what he was doing with the whip.  However, he marked her in the right amount, and in good places.


2.  Kay J subjected herself to an expert.  If this is the case, it’s likely that she was whipped at a party.  Kay J probably met the man who whipped her at the party itself.  She may not ever have seen him again.

Metartnetwork assigns dates to “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.  These dates are three months apart.  However, after practically jerking my dick off, studying these videos, I’ve reached the following conclusion:

Kay J’s whip marks in both videos are from the same experience.  

I’ve found whip marks on Kay J in the video, “I’m Eating You’re Watching”.  Here, you can see the whip marks on the backs of her upper thighs when she pulls down her panties.  “I’m Eating You’re Watching” was filmed when Kay J was 22 years old.  So she’s been whipped on more than one occasion.  If so, being whipped is likely a regular part of her sex life.

Kay J is a strange creature.  She’s the apotheosis of sexual innocence and submission.  At the same time, particularly in her photos, she can appear highly sexually aggressive.  She’s like the virgin huntress Diana, a goddess.  In this case, Kay J is hunting for cock.

She often appears, in her early photos, highly pleased with herself.  She probably knew a jerkoff like me would one day be wallowing in her photos. 

I pray that Kay J someday writes a book about her experiences!  Or, she can just get in bed with me, and tell me what happened. 

( I actually sleep on the floor, on a narrow mattress topper.  But two people can fit on the topper if they’re fucking. ) 

( I will have to move all my stuffed animals off of my bed… )

( Don’t worry, Kay!  I accidentally popped my inflatable fuck doll.  She’s not on my bed anymore. )


I have found accounts by Kay J at the following web sites:

1.  At instagram ( dot ) com.  She is present as ( @katisolll ).  Most of her photos here are from porn shoots.  Hence, if you’ve been kicked out of the Fuckerberg universe, like me, you can obtain these photos from, among others, the Metartnetwork.  

2.  At onlyfans ( dot ) com.  She is present as Kay J.  You’ll have to pay money for access.  The good news is that your money goes to a worthy cause:  Kay J, and her son Mark.  Kay J lives in Ukraine.  ( Probably in its capital, Kiev, where she was born on March 21, 1996. )

NEW Kay J PORN Videos! 

( These free videos are new to me. )

nubiles ( dot ) net.  She is present as Kay J.  

Kay J continues to release brand new videos.  These are available at the Metartnetwork.  Samples of these videos are available at free porn sites.


Use the following search terms, in Google, to bring up the information that I accessed today:

1.  kay j bio

2.  @katisolll 

3.  A good search term for any porn star is ( girl ) naked, or ( girl ) nude.  As in:

Kay J naked


With all due respect to Kay J, there are three versions of her:

1.  The kid-cute “virgin” ( who liked being whipped ).  Kay J began her “porn” career ( as a nude model ) at age 20.  She remained kid-cute into her 21st year.

2.  The young adult wife.  Kay J at age 21 and 22.

3.  Old fat Kay.  ( With, at some point, a kid. )  Kay J at age 23 and up. 

“Old fat Kay” can still manage to look quite lovely, in some of her photo shoots.  In other shoots, she looks ordinary ( or worse ).  I like her as a kid-cute “virgin” best.  That she liked being whipped still appals me, even as it erotically intoxicates me.

JERK-OFF Heaven!

The following books are available, for one credit each, on Amazon’s “Audible” service:

1.  Story of O.  By Pauline Reage.  Narrated by Kathe Mazur.  This is an excellent reading of the classic text.  Use this to understand females, and how to conduct yourself properly toward them. 

2.  Arabella.  By Edward Sellon.  ( With the emphasis on “sell”; I’ve always known this to be a book by “Anonymous”. )  Narrated by Beatrice Hartley, Lily Barnes.  ( Not Barnyard! )  I only heard one woman’s voice during my cursory listen.  Admittedly, my dick was distracting me.  This is a workmanlike reading  of the ultimate erotic novel.  The narrator does pronounce “bottom” quite nicely!  

Audible does not yet have the following erotic novels:

1.  Emily.  By James Jennings.  ( Available as an Amazon “Kindle” book. )

“Emily” is, traditionally, a book by “Anonymous”.  It, and “Arabella”, are surely by the same author.

2.  Beatrice.  By Anonymous.  ( Available as an Amazon “Kindle” book. )

3.  First Training.  By Anonymous.  ( Available as an Amazon “Kindle” book. ) 

4.  The Days at Florville.  By Anonymous.  ( Available as an Amazon “Kindle” book. )

As jerk-off fodder, “Florville” is subpar.  However, there is a worthy sequel:

5.  Gardens of the Night.  By Felicia Plessey.  Gardens is, traditionally, a book by “Anonymous”.  A 2008 anti-pedophile movie poaches the name of this book, along with the name of its central character.  “Lesley”, in the book, is spelled “Leslie” in the movie.

“Gardens” is available solely as a book that was printed some years ago.

6.  Lessons in Obedience.  By Lucy Golden.  

Lucy Golden is a fake name.  Other books by “Lucy Golden” aren’t as good as this one.  They are, apparently, by other authors.  

“Lessons” is available solely as a book that was printed some years ago.

7.  Kink:  the shocking hidden sex lives of Americans.  By Susan Crain Bakos. 

“Kink” is nonfiction.  Bakos speaks of “a private play party” on page 126:

“…Thirty … members of a social group are gathered in a typical suburban … ranch house.  Jill and Dick, the married couple who are hosting the party, have sent the children, ages three and ten, to Grandma’s for the night.  They proudly show me their ‘den’, a twenty-by-thirty-foot room painted black and fitted with wall chains and shackles, a [ rape ] rack, two whipping posts in the middle of the room, a spanking saddle, a hanging swing, and a cupboard filled with paraphernalia ranging from whips to candles for dripping hot wax. …

“‘How do you keep the children out of the dungeon when they’re home?” I ask.

“‘We keep it locked,” [ Dick ] says.  [ Jill ] offers me a tray piled high with crab puffs.  … ‘They know this room is off-limits.’

“I have never known a child who wasn’t up to the challenge of unlocking a room in his or her own house…

“The guests range in age from a young woman who doesn’t yet look twenty-one to…” 

( I imagine Kay J getting her whip marks in such a place. )

I wish all of “Kink” was written at this level of quality.  Unfortunately, much of the text isn’t worth reading. 

“Kink” is available solely as a book that was printed some years ago.

KINK Podcast

The following podcast is available on “Audible”:

Kink.  By Alix Fox, Ned Carter-Miles.  “Only from Audible”.  I have yet to listen to this.  ( Generally, I prefer scanning text, since much that is written about kink, whether fiction or non, is hot air. )  


Two years ago, I bought the ( then ) latest version of Apple Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones.  For nearly two years, they worked flawlessly.  Then the following happened, over about a month:

1.  The flimsy plastic part of the headphones, that fits atop my head, broke.  It broke above the right headphone.  It broke where the headphone was built to fold inward.  Nothing cracked.  The headphone simply detached.  The right headphone remained connected to the rest of the apparatus.  It still put out the correct amount of sound.  ( It hung off of my head at a crazy angle.  I used Scotch tape to try to hold it in place. )

Apart from my wiener, which every girl should worship, I’m not a big person.  I’m able to wear child-sized baseball caps on my head.  ( I have three of them. )  The plastic part of the headphones, that fits over my head, broke because I tried to fit it on my head when I had a cloth wrapped on my head.  Apple’s headphones should have been able to widen to accommodate the cloth on my head.

I have “shooter’s” ear protectors.  I bought them in the late 1980s.  I’ve worn them everywhere and, sometimes, treated them abusively.  ( I’ve treated them abusively in the presence of females who deranged my emotions. )  My “shooter’s” ear protectors don’t fit me quite as tightly as when they were new.  However, they still look new.  They work wonderfully well. 

2.  Something went wrong with my headphones’ software.  The same thing has happened to my Apple iPad and my Apple iPhone.  I was unable to turn my headphones off.  I had to drain the battery in my headphones to “fix” them.  Even so, I was still unable to turn my headphones off.  ( Whenever I turned them off, they ceased to work until I drained, and then recharged, their battery. )

3.  My headphones could no longer be turned on and off using the headphones’ controller.  ( On the right headphone. )  Nor was I able to adjust the headphones’ sound, using their controller.  ( I tell how I dealt with this problem elsewhere on my blog. )

4.  Finally, my headphones’ battery went dead.  I’ve owned my iPhone longer, and used it more.  Its battery is still perfect.  The same is true of my iPad.  So why is my headphones’ battery dead?

Another problem plagued my headphones.  From an early date, the black coating on the headphones began to flake off.  I’m speaking of the black coating on the part of the headphones that fit over my ears.  The headphones look like they’re made of leather.  They’re not.  The black “leather” is just a coating.  It starts flaking off with moderate use.  Under the coating is bare foam.  

NOTE:  There is no assigned “left” or “right” on the Apple Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones.  I use “right” to help describe what happened.

I have now bought the latest version of the Apple Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones.  ( Amazon calls these headphones the “Latest Model”. )  My former headphones cost about $320.00.  This was a standard discounted price offered to servicemen at the Navy Exchange.  ( A store on a U.S. Navy base. )

My new headphones cost $199.95, with free shipping.  They were shipped from and sold by amazon ( dot ) com.  Thank you, Amazon, for this low price!  

The “Latest Model” headphones look and work like the old ones.  However, the on / off button, on the headphones, doesn’t work well.  It is difficult to locate the button.  Also, it’s difficult to get it to respond. 

How is this a problem?  Let’s say you’re listening to “Story of O” on Audible.  I’m not going to sit and stare at Audible’s screen.  I’m going to jerk-off to photos of Kay J!  The only way I can turn my headphones off is by using the button on my headphones.  If my dick gets too excited, I need to turn my headphones off quickly!  Otherwise, my worshipping of Kay J will end.  I would like to worship Kay J for more than three seconds. 

Once my headphones are off, I soon want them on again.  Then, after that, I soon need them off again!  And so it goes.  I need RESPONSIVE headphones.  I hope Apple will release a special “Jerkoff Edition” of Beats to accommodate normal atheist pedophile insurrectionist-minded people like me. 

( Both headphones, described above, are “Noise Cancelling” headphones.  I’ve only worn them at home. )  ( Not, say, at a noisy gym. )

You may wonder what the difference is between Beats Studio and Beats Solo headphones.  Beats Solo headphones fit ON your ears.  Beats Studio headphones fit OVER your ears.  In my opinion, it is ridiculous to manufacture ON your ear headphones.  Proper headphones should always fit over your ears. 

( Ear buds are a different matter.  Someone wearing ear buds values their portability. ) 


Apple’s sales strategy, regarding its headphones, is called, in the sales world, “triplicate of choice for value”.  This consists of the following:

1.  A basic model.  ( Ear buds. )  This establishes a “floor” on the price of a product.

2.  The normal model.  ( Beats Solo. )  This is what the manufacturer expects to sell the most of. 

3.  The “luxury” model.  ( Beats Studio. )  This is a deliberately overpriced model.  It is meant to justify the price of the normal model.  

If you buy ice cream from a vending machine, you might notice “Dove” bars.  The Dove bar looks elegant.  It is, however, little different from the other ice creams being sold.  The difference is that the Dove bar is ridiculously overpriced.  Its price is meant to justify the prices of the other ice creams.

This concept is discussed by sales trainer Tom Hopkins.  ( If you’re interested in Hopkins, he was personally trained by J. Douglas Edwards.  Some decades ago, I bought original, unedited recordings of J. Douglas Edwards from Tom Hopkins’ company.  Hopefully, these recordings are still available.  Edwards is the ultimate sales trainer. ) 

A recent book discussing price is the following:

Priceless:  The Myth of Fair Value ( and How to Take Advantage of It ).  By William Poundstone.

The thesis of this book is:

Nothing has a “true” price.  A “price” results from a process of negotiation, that occurs within the relevant social group.  You might tear up The Brooke Book, by Brooke Shields, as “pedophile pornography”.  I would happily pay for it.

NOTE:  There are two editions of The Brooke Book.  The one that is worth having was published in 1978.  ( Not 1982. )

The best photos of Brooke Shields are free on Google.  ( And, probably, in other browsers. )  Enter this search term:

brooke shields in the bath tub

Do not accept any photos that have been censored.  Keep digging until you find uncensored photos.  In my opinion, the best photo is of Brooke Shields’ nude bottom.  She wins, at age 10, the prize of “best bottom”!  ( Of ANY girl, at ANY age. )

ASSigned to the DUNGEON!

Fucking Amazon is always hiding its porn books.  Here’s an example.  I went to the business version of amazon ( dot ) com.  It’s the only version of Amazon that I’m allowed to use.  ( Amazon forced me into a business account two years ago, when I partially filled out a form for the web site. ) 

How many “children” use the business version of Amazon?  Probably none.  At the business version of Amazon, I entered this search term:

author:  angel carter.

I got no relevant results.  Nonetheless, Angel Carter has many porn books on Amazon.  All are of middling quality.  However, I love the author’s photo!  She’s cute, and has a wonderful, comically shocked expression. 

Some of the young girls on the covers of her books are worth jerking-off to.  An example:

Teen Detective 5:  The Traffickers.

Sometimes, a man will write to my blog complaining about pedophiles.  I have a test for such fellows.  Look up “Teen Detective 5:  The Traffickers” on Amazon.  Look at the girl on this book’s cover. 

Now, use your fingers to enlarge the photo of the girl so it fills your screen.  Grab your penis.  Vigorously rub it as you continue to look at the girl.  If you ejaculate, you’re a pedophile.  Stop whining to me about it.  

If you don’t ejaculate, keep at it!  God will help you eventually. 

( “Teen Detective 3:  The underground spanking club” also has a fine cover! )


Previously, I mentioned the following:

The Days at Florville.  By Anonymous.  ( Available as an Amazon “Kindle” book. )

I found this on Amazon’s “Kindle” service:

La Trilogie de Fleurville.  Collection Complete.  By Comtesse De Segur.  On the cover of this book is a lovely 4-year-old blonde.  She’s wearing a pink themed dress, and picking a pink flower.

Sadly, everything about this book, and its text, are in French.  I downloaded a “Kindle” sample of this book.  I highlighted certain passages, in the blue “copy text” hue, and had “Kindle” translate them.  ( I explain how to use “Kindle” elsewhere on my blog. ) 

I came up with a passage where a girl had done something “dirty”, and she and her preschool friends had to be “punished”.  The book appears ( in translation ) to be delightfully written.  What exactly is happening in it remains a mystery to me.

A book of a similar nature, by the same author, is “Les Malheurs De Sophie.”

I flunked French in high school.  If only my teacher had told me, “Dude, you’ll be able to jerk off to porn books about lovely 4-year-olds when you’re 60!”  ( And understand La princesse Didi on You Tube! )


The United States of America continues to lie about its killing of an Afghan aid worker and his children.  America’s military calls its action, by a Hellfire Missile, a “righteous strike”. 

I found a number of articles on this topic by entering the following keywords into Google:

august 2021 U.S. hellfire missile kills afghan family

Google serves articles from The New York Times, USA Today, Al Jazeera, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and many other news organizations that are regarded as reputable.

So much for America “protecting” children.  When it’s not “protecting” them, by persecuting pedophiles, it’s slaughtering them. 


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 100

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 100, version 4.0

Date Written:  September 12, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Threat from New Covid Variants


ET 99                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Threat from New Covid Variants


Plus:  How to win in life.

And:  The direction of modern leftists.


THREAT from New COVID Variants

by Andrew Roller

Recently, I was sitting on the toilet.  It wasn’t my own toilet.  I was in a public toilet in the park, frequented by bums and flies.  Someone entered the stall next to mine.  He made a brief phone call.  To my amazement, I realized I was pooping next to Dr. Fallacy!  I confirmed this with him.  My interview follows:

Dr. Fallacy:  Are you vaccinated?

Me:  No.  I don’t want to make myself sick from a virus [ Covid-19 ] that you paid for, by sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab.  Did you realize, Dr. Fallacy, that you were breaking U.S. law when you did this?  [ I’m not Mike Wallace, but I try. ]

Dr. Fallacy:  ( After farting. )  That’s not my question.  Are you vaccinated? 

Me:  No.

Dr. Fallacy:  We have a new injection method.  It goes right into your bottom.  You won’t have to remove your coat, or roll up your shirt sleeve!  Did you hear about the new Covid variants?

Me:  I guess…

Dr. Fallacy:  There’s the N variant.  It turns you into a Negro.

Me:  Negro is not a polite word for a Black person.  Plus, if I could talk like Obama ( and grin like him ) I might get to be president.

Dr. Fallacy:  That won’t happen.  The N variant of Covid-19 will leave you sitting in a room, thinking you’re a rap star.  The only word you’ll be able to say is “Nigger”. 

Me:  Maybe I better get vaccinated…

Dr. Fallacy:  Then there’s the F variant of Covid-19. 

Me:  I’m not in school anymore.  I don’t have to worry about getting F’s.

Dr. Fallacy:  F stands for Fag Variant.

Me:  Fag is not a polite word for a gay person.

Dr. Fallacy:  At the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, which is not a special interest group promoting their interests, we follow the science.  

Me:  What will the F variant do to me? 

Dr. Fallacy:  You’ll find yourself buying a dildo on Amazon. 

Me:  I definitely wouldn’t want to do that!

Dr. Fallacy:  No.  I did, and the result wasn’t pleasant.  That’s why I’m in here.  Do you know how to get a dildo out of your butt?

Me:  No!  Umm, are there any other Covid variants that I need to worry about?

Dr. Fallacy:  My agency has cooked up a few more, to make sure that every American gets vaccinated.  Today, vaccination.  Tomorrow, Martial Law!  Bidet forever! 

Me:  What are the other variants?

Dr. Fallacy:  There’s the W variant.

Me:  My God!  Will it make me a woman?

Dr. Fallacy:  Not exactly.  It will turn you into Bruce Jenner.  You won’t be using THIS bathroom anymore. 

Me:  You mean, I’ll have to go to the bathroom with little girls?!

Dr. Fallacy:  Yes!

Me:  That’s a pisser.

Dr. Fallacy:  Then there’s the P variant of Covid-19.

Me:  What does that do?

Dr. Fallacy:  It turns you into a pedophile.

Me:  Good Lord!  

Dr. Fallacy:  It’s already spreading.  If you don’t act quickly, America will become overrun with child molesters!  

Me:  I’d better get vaccinated.

Dr. Fallacy:  Yes. 

Me:  Does your stall have any toilet paper in it?

Dr. Fallacy:  Is yours empty?

Me:  Yes.

Dr. Fallacy:  I’ll make you a deal.  If you get this dildo out of my ass, AND get vaccinated, I’ll loan you some of my toilet paper.

Me:  Deal! 


When I was 7 years old, I lived in Pennsylvania.  I learned that the earth was round.  Furthermore, I learned that people were living directly under my feet.  They were some miles down, in China.  They were literally upside down!

This struck me as impossible.  Teaming up with my 5 year old friend, Dean Bower, I decided I’d dig a hole.  I would dig to China and see for myself if the folks there were upside down. 

I began digging.  Soon, my younger brother showed up.  At the time, Pierre was 2 years old.  His friend, Dennis, was 4.  Dennis was Dean’s brother.  Whenever Dean or I had anything, our younger brothers insisted on getting their share.  It was as if they were the preschool mafia.  “We want our cut - or else!” 

Pierre and Dennis hung around Dean and I as we industriously dug to China.  I soon had enough of the younger boys’ indolent gawking.  

I went indoors.  I got two empty soda bottles.  I filled them with water.  Bringing them out to Dean, he and I began putting every imaginable odious thing into the bottles that we could find.  I can’t recall where Dennis and Pierre were.  They were together somewhere, not far from Dean and I.  

In this era, Coca-Cola was utterly dominant.  Michael Jackson’s successful promotion of Pepsi, Coke’s competitor, was two decades in the future.  In any case, both sodas are brown.  With dirt, Dean and I made the water in my soda bottles Coca-Cola brown.  

Our brothers returned.  Dean and I, leering at Dennis and Pierre, showily drank our “sodas”.  We didn’t swallow the liquid.  Dean and I each put a bottle to our lips and, holding our lips closed, simulated drinking.

“Mmmmm!” I cried, to Pierre’s rapt gaze.

“Mmmmm!” Dean cried, to Dennis’ rapt gaze.  Contrary to our usual natures, Dean and I were eager to share with our younger brothers.  I begged Pierre to have some of my “Coke”.

Fortunately, even at age 2, Pierre was a wise guy.  In this single instance, he refused his “cut” of my loot.  Dennis did the same.  Dean and I had soiled our lips with dirty, odious water to no purpose.

It is a common feature of the business press to link a historical name with cutting-edge business ideas.  As in, “The Business Principles of Genghis-Khan”.  ( Principle One:  Kill any male enemy, and rape any female.  Principle Two:  If you need a “Principle Two”, you didn’t properly follow “Principle One”. )   
The hole that Dean and I dug in my backyard never reached China.  Not only did Dean and I waste our time digging, but my parents ordered me to fill in the hole before I could eat my dinner.  Hence, I risked my labor ( and Dean’s ), and lost.

Dean and I lavished time on making shitty drinks for our younger brothers.  They didn’t bite.  Hence, this too was a failed “business”. 

Here’s “The Business Principle of Andrew Roller”:

“Everything that doesn’t need a risk to be taken is already being sold.”

Coca-Cola didn’t used to exist.  Someone had to risk time, money, and even his reputation ( given the sting of rejection ) to invent and attempt to distribute Coke.  Consider the soda.  It’s brown.  It’s the color of what comes out of your ass when you have diarrhea.  ( NOTE:  one of the triumphs of becoming a great speller is to learn how to spell, from memory, “diarrhea”. )  Have you ever seen the photograph called “Piss Christ”?  It consists, in part, of urine.  Note the bubbles in the urine.  They look like the bubbles in Coca-Cola! 

With Coca-Cola, one is asking a person to drink something that looks like diarrhea, and has bubbles in it, like urine.  Talk about taking a risk!  Coke’s inventor did.  As a result, by the 1960s, Coke had conquered the world.  It was so successful that it spawned competitors.  ( Competition being a form of flattery. )  

Perhaps you’re a writer.  You’re wondering how much time you should invest in writing.  In my case, I didn’t want to be a writer.  I was willing to write one book.  I expected to write it perfectly, since I didn’t want to bother revising it.  I didn’t want to have to submit it to more than one publisher.  I wanted the publisher to buy it immediately, for a high price.  I expected that my book would become an instant bestseller.  Immediately thereafter, it would become a blockbuster movie.  Girls would love it, and I would ( finally! ) get a date.  In fact, I’d get so many dates that I’d have to build a Playboy Mansion to hold all the girls who insisted on being with me, and getting knocked up by me. 

None of that happened.  Fortunately, I kept scribbling on paper, and banging on the odd keyboard ( when one was available ).  I’m still risking time, money, and my reputation ( such as it is ) writing.  I’ve learned that the journey is the reward.

If I hadn’t been willing, at least in a backhanded way, to risk, I would never have learned that the journey is the reward.

To put it another way, you win in life when you learn to accommodate yourself to your circumstances.  That’s probably not the answer that you hoped for at the start of this essay.  For a fuller explanation of this, I recommend “The Epic of Gilgamesh”.  It is, according to Google, 

“The earliest surviving notable literature and the second oldest religious text, after the Pyramid Texts”.  ( Search term:  gilgamesh. ) 


THE direction of MODERN Leftists

“A movement that initially presented itself as a quest for social justice but quickly revealed itself to be the most bloodthirsty totalitarian system in history.” 

- “Silverstein” ( On communism. )  

Source:  A review at Amazon ( dot ) com on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, “Warning to the West”. 


Your urine won’t appear to have bubbles in it unless it contains proteinuria.  Proteinuria is protein in your urine.  It resembles foaming bubbles.  According to Google,

“Protein in the urine can be a sign of serious disease or a harmless temporary condition.”  Search term:  proteinuria.

The bubbles in “Piss Christ” probably result from the crucifix being dropped into the urine.  I consider the photo beautiful.  How it was made is irrelevant. 


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 99

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 99, version 3.0

Date Written:  September 10, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Move a Video to “Photos”


AI 20

Apple Info presents...

Move a Video to “Photos”


Plus:  S-L-O-W down “Documents”.

And:  Tucker on You Tube’s Wojkickme.


MOVE a Video to “Photos”

by Andrew Roller

In the Apple “Photos” app, it’s possible to create albums.  One album is special.  It’s titled, “Shared Albums”. 

Let’s find this album in “Photos”.  Launch the “Photos” app.  A sidebar is on the left side of your screen.  It’s titled, “Photos”.  Some distance under “Photos”, the following is written:  “Shared Albums”.  

How do you put a downloaded porn video into “Shared Albums”?  Do the following:

1.  Leave the “Photos” app.  

2.  Find the icon titled “Files” on your iPad’s “Home Page”.  ( The blue folder. )

3.  Click on “Files”.  It opens.  A sidebar is on the left side of your screen.  It’s titled, “Files”.  Look down in this column.  You’ll soon see “Locations”.  Under locations is written:

A.  iCloud Drive.

B.  On My iPad.

C.  Recently Deleted.  

Apple put other locations on my iPad at some point.  I feel honored to say that, thanks to abuse by You Tube, which is owned by Google, I deleted Google Drive.  I don’t miss it.

Adobe Acrobat was listed under “Locations”.  Their terms of service stated that Adobe would have the same access to my Adobe Acrobat file as I did.  They could delete whatever they pleased.  As a result, I got rid of the Adobe Acrobat file. 

Little is free in this world.  If you have additional files under “Locations”, they’re the equivalent of an advertisement.  You’re offered a minimal amount of storage for free.  If you want more storage capacity, you have to pay for it.  Even Apple’s iCloud Drive is an advertisement.  However, it is essential.  You’ll need to subscribe to iCloud Drive to properly back up your iPad. 

“Downloads” is listed under “Locations”.  However, the actual “Downloads” folder is located in iCloud Drive.  Let’s go to iCloud Drive. 

The “Downloads” folder in iCloud Drive can only hold about 450 downloaded porn videos.  I know this from hitting the limit.  You’ll want to keep “Downloads” free of downloaded videos.  Use the standard method to move the videos somewhere else. 

I have a folder of downloaded videos featuring porn star Kay J.  I downloaded them from the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.  ( Metartnetwork has yet to provide me with a valid password.  You can read about that elsewhere on ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays. ) 

In two of her videos, Kay J bears whip marks on her nubile body.  I continue to find her whip marks erotically shocking.  One of these videos is titled, “Wet Dreams”.  ( The other video is titled, “Dreaming”. )  

Let’s send “Wet Dreams” to “Shared Albums” in Apple’s “Photos” app.

As a precaution, let’s make a duplicate of the downloaded video.  We’ll work with the duplicate, since this is our first time doing this. 

Apple usually provides more than one method of doing something.  This is the case with “duplicate”. 

4. Find “Wet Dreams”.  ( Or whatever video you prefer. )  I’ll assume that you’re inside of a folder.  The folder is located on your iCloud Drive.  ( Or it may be in the location, On My iPad. ) 

5. My folder is titled, “Priority Masturbation”.  I don’t pray to Mecca five times a day.  I pray to Kay J.  ( With my dick. )

( According to thenationalnews ( dot ) com, Mecca is now spelled, “Makkah”.  For what it’s worth, my name, Andrew Roller, is now spelled, “He Whom All Girls Must Obey”. ) 

6.  You are looking at an icon of a downloaded video.  The icon is labelled, “Wet Dreams”.  It’s in your folder that’s titled, “Priority Masturbation”.  

7.  In the top right corner of your iPad’s screen, the word “Select” is written.  Tap “Select”.  A grey circle appears on “Wet Dreams”.  Tap the gray circle.  It turns blue!  You can now work with this icon.

8.  Across the bottom of your screen, the following are written:

A. Share.

B. Duplicate.

C. Move.

D. Delete.

E. More.  

If you want to work with the icon for “Wet Dreams” right now, in the manner that we intend to, tap on “Share”.

There’s another way to get to “Share”:

A.  Press your finger on the icon for “Wet Dreams”.  Hold your finger there.  Now, release your finger.  An informational box appears!

B.  “Share”, plus a number of additional options, are listed in the informational box.  Let’s use “Share”.  

C. In the informational box, tap on “Share”. 

D.  A new informational box appears!  It’s title is that of the video, “Wet Dreams”.  A number of options are listed in this box.  Find the one named, “Add to Shared Album”.  

A new informational box appears!  It is small.

I now run into a difficulty, describing exactly what happens next.  That’s because I’ve already done it before!  My iPad is no longer a virgin in this matter.  It remembers “doing it” ( sharing ) with me before. 

I recall having to assign a name to the “Wet Dreams” video.  I chose the name “girl”.  This seems to have been an unneeded act, as the word “girl” is, now, nowhere to be found with regard to this process. 

I was then asked where I wanted to send my video.  I typed in my Apple e-mail address.  For whatever reason, this directs my iPad to send “Wet Dreams” to my iCloud Drive.  Except, I’m already IN iCloud Drive!  Anyway, this is the correct method to use.

I then ( “doing it”, the first time ) had to input another name.  It could be whatever I wanted ( as “girl” was ).  I chose the name “wet kay”.  This created a folder named “wet kay” in “Shared Albums”.  “Shared Albums”, of course, is in my “Photos” app.  ( NOTE:  I have done all this while still inside my folder, “Priority Masturbation”. )

As a non-virgin, I typed my Apple e-mail address into the small informational box.  ( For what it’s worth, the box, as it exists now, is called, “iCloud”. )  In the upper right corner of the small informational box, the following is written:  “Post”.  

E.  Tap “Post”.  The small informational box disappears.  You are returned to a view of your folder, “Priority Masturbation”. 

Quit out of “Priority Masturbation”.  Return to your “Photos” app.  There, go to “Shared Albums”.  Under “Shared Albums” is written, “All Shared Albums”.  Under “All Shared Albums” is written, “wet kay”.  

F.  Tap on “wet kay”.  There, you’ll find your downloaded porn video.  It’s now in your “Photos” app! 

Is this important?  I wish that it was.  The program “Picsart” ( Not Piss art! ) provides this ability:  you can watch a video frame-by-frame!  The video fills your iPad’s screen! 

Picsart can access my “Photos” app.  It can access photos, or albums.  ( I explain how to use Picsart elsewhere on ARSE. )  Sadly, Picsart can’t access “Shared Albums”.

In “Photos”, I decided that I’d “heart” my video, “Wet Dreams”.  That would put a copy of “Wet Dreams” in my album, “Favorites”.  Guess what?  In “Shared Albums”, you can’t “heart” videos. 

So, I’m stuck.  I got a downloaded video into my “Photos” app.  But I still can’t get it to its ultimate destination ( for me ), the Picsart app.  My dick is quite disappointed.


I’ve discussed the app “Documents”, by the company called “Readdle”, a number of times.  You can put a video of a pastor’s sermon in it.  But what if you want to watch the pastor in slow motion?  Sadly, you can’t watch him frame-by-frame.  But it is possible to slow him to speed 0.5.  Here’s how:

1. In “Documents”, open the video.  ( Hmm, in this pastor’s video, I’m seeing Kay J in “Wet Dreams”.  That’s what happens when you’re a computer novice! )  

2. The video is playing.  Hit the “stop” button.

3.  Look at the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.  You’ll see a funky icon.  I consists of two dots that appear to be fleeing each other.

4.  Click on the funky icon.  An informational box appears!  The box is titled, “Improve Masturbatory Experience”.  Actually, it’s titled, “Video Actions”.  

5. Look down in the box.  Find “Player Settings”.  Tap on “Player Settings”.  

6.  A new informational box appears!  It’s titled, “Settings”.  Look down in this box.  Find “Double-tap step”.  Tap on “Double-tap step”.  A new informational box appears!  It’s titled, “Double-tap step”. 

Oops!  I just figured out that, what I’m telling you now, is irrelevant to slowing the speed of the video.  Exit out of these informational boxes.  At least you now know they’re there, whatever they’re for.

7.  Are you back to the video?  Great!  So, we’re looking at Kay J, and the video is still stopped.  You can leave the video stopped, or you can tap “play”.  I’ll assume that you tap “play”.

8. Kay J begins to masturbate, show off her whipped ass ( and whipped breast ) etc.

Now, I’m going to ask you to do something very difficult.  I realize that you’ll object.  However, in life, we sometimes have to make sacrifices.  That’s why George Washington crossed the Delaware.  It’s why American troops stormed the beaches of Normandy.  I need you to take your hand off your dick. 

There!  Now you can concentrate better.  Look at the lower right corner of your screen.  There, you’ll likely find this:  1.0x.  That’s the speed at which your video is playing. 

Tap on 1.0x.  An informational box appears.  It’s titled, “PLAYBACK SPEED”.  If your mom is coming home, you might want to tap 2.0x.  That will finish off your dick quickly.  Otherwise, let’s try the more leisurely pace of 0.5x.  It’s not a perfect slow motion speed.  I’d prefer frame-by-frame.  However, if you’re going to watch this video ( as opposed to scrolling at your own, slower, pace ) 0.5x is an okay speed. 

As soon as you tap 0.5x, the informational box disappears.  You can now study every whip mark on Kay J as she masturbates ( etc. ).

NOTE:  if you see nothing that I’ve spoken of, tap your screen.  That will force the controls to appear.  Tap the screen ( again ) to get rid of the controls.

I hope someone reading this will create a great frame-by-frame video viewer for the iPad.  Its image of the video should fill the whole screen.  There is no need to add video editing controls to the app.  I just want to jerk off to my favorite porn videos. 

( Actually, it’s my friend who wants to do that, but he insisted that I not use his name.  I’m told that he also likes likes little girls.  Everyone’s different, as they say.  But diversity is our strength! )  


“Censorship is always counterproductive.  It doesn’t work.  People know they are being lied to.”

- Tucker Carlson, on You Tube’s censorship, and its CEO ( Chief Enormity of the Organization ) Susan Wojkickme.

Source:  Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight.  The Fox News Channel.  Video title:  Susan Wojcicki wants to aggressively censor people.  ( No kidding!  Including preteens! )  Date:  Circa late August 2021.  ( Unlike issues of ARSE, the videos at foxnews ( dot ) com are undated. )


Mecca’s new spelling:  From the article, “Ramadamn:  Why Muslims pray five times per day”.  By Haneen ( Not Hanes! ) Dajani ( Not Jammies! ).


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 20

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 20, version 3.0

Date Written:  September 8, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Save iTunes U 


AI 19

Apple Info presents...

Save iTunes U


Plus:  Resurrect your dead headphones.

And:  “Child sexual abuse” defined by TNW.


SAVE iTunes U 

by Andrew Roller

Recently, I wrote a review of the Apple app called “iTunes U”.  I did this at the Apple “App Store”.  

iTunes U features academic, university-level courses.  Many universities are represented.  La Trobe University, for instance, is in Australia.  ( Dr. Rhiannon Evans, of La Trobe, teaches the course, “Epics of Rome”.  You may know her from the podcast, “Emperors of Rome”. )

iTunes U is equivalent to “The Great Courses” on Amazon’s “Audible” app.  However, iTunes U is free.  Also, many of the university lectures on iTunes U are videos!

My review follows:

Title:  Apple, please keep this app!

I am deeply troubled by a message that appeared on my iPad last summer.  Apple said, in the message, that it was getting rid of the iTunes U app.

Apple is happy to sell songs, T.V. shows, and games, but apparently has no interest in continuing to support an EDUCATIONAL app:  iTunes U.

I consider iTunes U essential to my life.  It is far more important to me than a bunch of songs, T.V. shows, or games. 

Whether ( or not ) Apple keeps the iTunes U app is, in my opinion, a moral judgement on Apple.  Is Apple truly devoted to improving our world, or just flooding us with ( yet more ) commercialized junk?

A trillion dollar company like Apple can afford to support and retain the iTunes U app on my iPad.  

( This ends my review. )

Apple suggests that universities transfer their lectures from its iTunes U app to its “Podcasts” app.  There are several problems with this:

1.  “Podcasts” doesn’t host videos.

2.  Apple writes the following, at its “App Store”, about iTunes U:

“Publishing public courses to iTunes U requires teachers to be affiliated with a qualified institution.”

That’s not the case at Apple’s “Podcasts” app.  Any jerkoff can host a podcast on Apple’s “Podcasts” app.  That’s fine; I’m glad that jerkoffs have someplace to go.  However, I also appreciate an app that offers curated material, like iTunes U.  

3.  My “Podcasts” app has been malfunctioning. 

4.  A number of podcasts have annoying ads.  The podcast will play at a certain volume.  I’m usually doing something like scrubbing my toilet.  My hands may be wet.  Abruptly, an ad appears in the podcast, at a loud volume. 

5.  My flimsy “Apple Beats Studio” headphones are now semi-broken.  I can no longer adjust the volume of my headphones using the headphones’ controls.  

( I have to adjust the headphones’ volume on my iPad, which is usually many feet away.  Hence, if a podcast’s ad is blasting my ears, I have to rush to my iPad - with wet hands. ) 

If it’s of interest to you, I urge you to go to Apple’s “App Store”.  Use its “Search” field to find iTunes U.  There, write a review regarding iTunes U.

Here’s how:

1.  Search for iTunes U.  iTunes U appears.  It is in the form of an icon that is shaped like a box.  Three other boxes, representing other apps, are on your iPad’s screen.

2.  Tap on the icon for iTunes U.  It opens.  It now fills your iPad’s screen.

3.  Scroll down to the section titled, “Ratings & Reviews”.  Look at the center of your iPad’s screen.  In blue, you’ll see, “Write a Review”.  

4.  Tap on “Write a Review”.  An informational box appears.  It is no longer possible to paste text into this box.  You’ll have to type it in by hand. 

5.  Make sure to give your review a title.

6.  Tap the number of stars that you feel iTunes U is worth.  

I gave iTunes U five stars.  I would not always have done so.  It takes awhile to learn how to use iTunes U.  However, it is, like Star Trek’s Data, “fully functional”.  I’ve written about how to use iTunes U here on ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays. 

7.  Don’t forget to tap “Send”.  That’s written in the upper right corner of the informational box.

Some courses in iTunes U are great.  Others are okay.  The course that called Humbert’s love for Lolita “criminal lust” pissed me off.  However, overall, iTunes U is an extremely valuable app.  It’s a free education, for anyone who wants one. 

HOW to RESURRECT your “Apple Beats Studio” headphones. 

I own an Apple iPad, an iPhone, and “Apple Beats Studio” headphones.  I have no other computer equipment.  Hence, I don’t have an ( actual ) computer that I can use to resurrect my internet “devices”. 

( Take any “device” from 2021 to, say, 1970, and it would be the greatest marvel humanity had ever witnessed.  ( Assuming that it somehow connected to the 2021 internet. )  Nobody in 1970 would call my “devices” anything other than “computers”. 

Take my “devices” farther back in time, and humans would probably mistake them for gods. 

Each of my “devices” has had problems.  I’ll speak of each one in turn:

1.  Apple iPad.  ( A year old, at the time that it broke. )

About a year ago, my iPad decided that it wanted to stay on all the time.  I could not turn it off.  My iPad refused to display anything except the white Apple logo.  

I attempted to solve this problem by letting the battery drain.  When I recharged my iPad, it just stayed on all the time.  My iPad refused to display anything except the white Apple logo.   

( You Tube managed to delete two of my playlists while my iPad was broken. )

I took my iPad to the Apple store.  A clerk erased it.  I spent the next week or so redownloading my iPad’s contents from Apple’s iCloud.  The job never finished.  I finally cut it short.  Later, I realized that, while all the porn movies in my app, iMovie, were present, some were not present at their full length.  I lost at least one movie as a result.  Several other movies are on iCloud.  If I want to watch them, I must first download them from iCloud.  I have to do this every time that I want to watch them.

( The man beside me, at the Apple store, had not backed up his “device” to iCloud.  When a clerk erased his “device”, he lost its contents forever. )  

2.  Apple iPhone.  ( A year and a half old, at the time that it broke. )

Some months ago, my iPhone decided that it wanted to stay on all the time.  I could not turn it off.  My iPhone refused to display anything except the white Apple logo.

I attempted to solve this problem by letting the battery drain.  When I recharged my iPhone, it resurrected.  I was ( very gratefully ) able to jerk off to my iPhone’s photos again. 

Later, I turned my iPhone off.  That was a mistake.  When I turned my iPhone back on, it decided that it wanted to stay on all the time.  It refused to display anything except the white Apple logo.

Have you ever tried to masturbate to the white Apple logo?  It isn’t pleasant. 

I let my iPhone’s battery drain ( again ).  When I recharged my iPhone, it resurrected.  

Lesson:  Don’t turn off your iPhone!

Later, Apple released a new version of its iOS.  This fixed my iPhone.  However, I remain terrified to turn off my iPhone.  I now just leave it on all the time.

( I put it to sleep, to save battery power. )

3.  “Apple Beats Studio” headphones.  ( Two years old, at the time that they broke. )

Recently, my “Apple Beats Studio” headphones decided that they wanted to stay on all the time.  I turned them off, by pressing the small on / off button on the headphones.  My headphones decided, as a result, to stay on!  They ceased to function. 

I let the battery drain.  When I recharged my headphones, they resurrected.  Stupidly, I later turned my headphones off.  The result:  they stayed on all the time!  They ceased to function. 

I let my battery drain ( again ).  After being a moron several more times, I took the hint.  I never turn my headphones off anymore.  I just let the battery drain.  I’d rather recharge my headphones on a frequent basis, than have no headphones at all. 

I wrap my head with cloths to keep it warm.  ( Like a terrorist. )  If you do something similar, be very careful when putting your “Apple Beats Studio” headphones on.  They don’t just look flimsy, they are flimsy.  Trying to fit my headphones over the cloths on my head, I broke the right headphone.  Nothing cracked.  But, the headphone itself detached from the rest of the apparatus.  It now hangs at a crazy angle when I’m wearing my headphones, making me look like the jerkoff that I am. 

Let’s say that you’re in my situation.  That is, you wear cloths on your head, but not any pants.  This is due to your frequent masturbatory responsibilities.  You decide that you don’t want to listen to moaning, orgasming ( and whipped! ) girls through your headphones.  You’ve decided to use your iPad’s speakers instead.  It’s time to annoy your neighbors.  ( And wake up little Susie. )  ( And play with The Beatles’ Prudence! ) 

Put your finger on the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen.  Swipe down.  Your iPad’s Control Center appears. 

In “Location”, enter “Susan Wojkickme’s house”. 

Tap the icon of the nuclear missile.

Under “Action”, press “Launch”. 

Depending on your distance from Wojkickme’s house, detonation of her house will occur between four and thirty minutes after launch.

But I digress. 

Look to the upper left corner of Control Center.  You’ll see a “B” that looks weird.  ( It also resembles an “8”. )  The “B” stands for “Bluetooth”.  That’s the technology that your headphones use to connect to your iPad, and to your iPhone. 

The “B” will likely appear as a white letter in a blue circle.  That means that Bluetooth is on.  Tap the “B”.  That turns Bluetooth off. 

Your headphones will remain on.  ( Don’t press the small button on the headphones, to turn them off! )  However, when you listen to an orgasming girl, her moans will come from your iPad’s speakers.  

“CHILD Sexual ABUSE” Defined by TNW

My iPad has 15 “Home Page” pages.  They hold a number of semi-organized icons.  Yesterday, I clicked on an icon for a publication called, TNW.  Thanks to ( I guess ) the popularity of the topic, I quickly wound up at a page on TNW titled, “Sexual Abuse”.  

TNW proceeds to define “Sexual Abuse”.  Doing so, they fail to capitalize the first word of each sentence.  ( Not once, but multiple times. )  TNW also fails to put two spaces after a period.  

Nonetheless, TNW is sure what “sexual abuse” is.  The relevant part of their definition, for this article, defines “child sexual abuse”.  According to TNW, it’s “any behavior by any adult towards a child to stimulate either the adult or child sexually.”

I can hear prudes everywhere applauding.  Let’s rephrase this, to make it more vivid. 

Sexual Abuse of a White woman.  Defined as:

Any behavior by any Negro towards a White woman to stimulate either the Negro or the White woman sexually.  

Now let’s raise further questions, regarding TNW’s definition.  We’ll revert to their language in doing so.

1.  What constitutes “behavior”?  I read a sign at a college in the early 1990s.  It said the following:

“Lookism is a form of sexual harassment.” 

Hence, if I, a male, look at a female, I’m engaging in “lookism”.  “Lookism” is “sexual harassment”.  Therefore, I’m a “sexual harasser”. 

Is looking at a child a “behavior”?

If so, who says I looked at the child?  Does the child have to feel that I looked at her?  What if she’s wrong?  Or can the mother claim that I looked at her daughter?  If that’s a “behavior”, and it “sexually stimulated” me, I’m now a “child sexual abuser”.

2.  What constitutes “sexual stimulation”?

If I comment on a girl’s You Tube video, is someone then able to claim that I did it to “sexually stimulate” myself?  In a trial, a jury gets to decide the facts.  So a jury of bigots against pedophiles gets to convict me, or any alleged pedophile, as a “child sexual abuser”.  I’m a “child sexual abuser” because I commented on a girl’s You Tube video. 

3.  The question of what constitutes an “adult” or a “child” is also relevant, especially now.  We’re told that race doesn’t matter, and may be a myth.  We’re told that gender is irrelevant.  But by God, one’s chronological age is all important!  One can be thrown in prison ( for life ) on account of one’s chronological age.  For instance, one can be thrown in prison for “behavior” ( like having sex with a child ) that is perfectly legal between two “children”.  One can also be thrown in prison for “behavior” ( like having sex with a child ) that’s legal between an “adult” and a “child”, if it’s permitted by a “Romeo and Juliet” exception.  


The goal of the bigots against pedophiles is to prevent any relationship between any “adult” and any “child”.  Note that TNW’s definition can apply within a family.  A mother can claim ( in, say, a divorce ) that “Dad behaved sexually toward our daughter”.  Dad loses access to his home in the divorce, and he loses a great deal of money.  He also can be easily convicted, under TNW’s definition, of being a “child sexual abuser”.

Pedophiles are, currently, behaving like Jews in Nazi Germany.  “Law” upon “law” continue to be piled up against us.  Yet we do nothing.  If so-called “child molesters” were told, tomorrow, to line up to be entrained for Auschwitz, I can imagine pedophiles packing for the trip.

The goal of the bigots isn’t to “regulate” pedophiles, it’s to destroy us.  Elsewhere on TNW, with regard to “child sexual abuse”, I read of “reformed or recovering offenders”.  No one would, today, speak of “reformed or recovering offenders”, with regard to homosexual behavior.  Even the word “homosexual” is deemed offensive.  Speaking of a “reformed or recovering” Jew is, of course, offensive.  A “reformed or recovering” Negro is ridiculous.

However, women who protested for the right to vote, in America, were considered sub-human.  They were, as such, imprisoned, and abused by their ( legal ) captors.  I guess such women, if sufficiently abused, became “reformed or recovering” women.  Thankfully for them, or for those who came after them, women overcame such “reform” and “recovery”.  Women now vote, and enjoy rights equal to men. 

The American Revolution is now disfavored as only fighting for the rights of White men.  But, under British law, White men in the American colonies had truncated rights.  I guess George Washington could have sat back and endured yet more British oppression.  Instead, he resorted to violence.  Let’s hope that pedophiles don’t have to do the same.


America, “over the horizon” from Afghanistan:

“It takes a two million dollar missile to hit a 10 dollar tent, to strike a camel in the butt.” 

- President George W. Bush.

Source:  President George W. Bush, quoted on the Fox News Channel in August, 2021.


1.  Wake up Little Susie is a song by The Everly Brothers.

Source:  Musixmatch, via Google.

2.  Dear Prudence is a song by The Beatles. 

Source:  Musixmatch, via Google. 

3.  Source for “Sexual Abuse”:  The article titled, “All Articles for Sexual Abuse”.  TNW.

4.  Source for “ …reformed or recovering offenders”:  The article titled, “How the world’s biggest dark web platform spreads child sex abuse material - and why it’s hard to stop.  A look at the seediest corners of the Tor network.”  TNW. 

5.  I was accessing TNW through a “TNW” app.  TNW is owned by the “Financial Times”.  The Financial Times is owned by the Japanese company Nikkei, which would be a perfect repository for the world’s nuclear waste.

6.  TNW stands for, “The Nutjob Wackos”.  Or something like that. 


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 19

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 19, version 6.0

Date Written:  September 6, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Fix Fox News!


AI 18

Apple Info presents...

Fix Fox News!


Plus:  How to get a job.

And:  An adult at age 12.


FIX FOX News! 

by Andrew Roller

I have found a substitute for watching the Fox News Channel on cable T.V.  It’s this:  visiting foxnews ( dot ) com. 

Let’s go there:

1.  Type foxnews ( dot ) com into your browser.  I use an Apple iPad.  Its browser is called “Safari”.  My iPad came with Google’s browser preinstalled in Safari. 

2.  You arrive at foxnews ( dot ) com.  An advertisement is near the top of your iPad’s screen.  That’s because foxnews ( dot ) com wants money for their anti-pedophile views.  

ARSE, by contrast, is a pro-pedophile web site.  Other than ads placed by WordPress ( which I don’t control ), you won’t find ads here. 

Some of us are like Jesus, and some of us are like Fox News.

3.  At foxnews ( dot ) com, you’ll see a large news photo.  It heralds the latest written news story at foxnews ( dot ) com.  The headline and photo are always timely and well made.  However, I’m mostly interested in watching videos at foxnews ( dot ) com.

4.  To the left of the large news photo is a small box.  It shows what is currently airing on Fox News, the cable T.V. channel.  Don’t tap on this box!  The first time you do, you’ll get to watch Fox News, the cable T.V. channel, for about ten minutes.  After that, any time you click on this box, here’s what will happen:

A.  A new screen appears on your iPad.  The screen is blue, with white lettering.  It is titled, “TV Providers”.  Under this is the following:

“Log in with your TV provider to watch full episodes of your favorite shows and live TV!”

In 2019, I had never owned, or used, a “smart” phone.  I have come a long way since then.  What Fox is asking me to do, on its blue screen, is to go back to the stone age.  I have some “news” for Fox: 

1.  I am never going to subscribe to cable T.V. again. 

2.  The only “cable T.V.” channel that I want to watch is Fox News.

3.  My “other cable T.V. channels” are Amazon Audible books.  With Audible books, I actually learn things.  I’m not simply inundated by the ( soon to be outdated ) conventional orthodoxy.

4.  I have no interest in “Fox Nation”.  Why?

A.  “Tucker Carlson Today” is a poor man’s substitute for the erstwhile “Charlie Rose”.

B.  I have zero interest in cooking shows, like “Paula Dean”.

C.  Nancy Grace is a lunatic.  She will improve the world when she ceases to shoot off her ignorant mouth.  Her audience consists of grumpy middle aged women, with small children, who are unemployed.  The women are unemployed because they’re stupid. 

5.  We are still on the blue “TV Providers” screen.  At the top left of your iPad’s screen is an arrow:  <

6.  Click on the arrow:  <

7.  You would think that, by clicking on the arrow, you would be returned to foxnews ( dot ) com.  Nope!  You are, instead, taken to the Fox News app.  This is a worthless piece of trash.  That’s why you shouldn’t click on the little box that shows what’s currently airing on Fox News, the cable T.V. channel.

8.  Under the little box ( mentioned above ), are various videos.  You’ll be tempted to click on one of these.  I’ve done so in the past, only to get screwed.  I don’t recall exactly what happened, but I didn’t like the result.  Let’s move on.

9.  Scroll to the very bottom of the foxnews ( dot ) com page.  You will have to scroll down very far.  You will pass many news stories.  Each one is represented by a large news photo. 

10.  At the bottom of the foxnews ( dot ) com page is a broad horizontal bar.  It is blue, with white lettering.

If you scroll down quickly, your iPad screen, the visual image, will bounce.  Fox News doesn’t want you to go anywhere.  Hence, your iPad’s screen bounces to keep you from seeing the blue horizontal bar.  

What will you see?  The last news story.  It is, as usual, represented by a large news photo.  Inevitably, this news story is about a “child molester”.  You might think that I, as a pedophile, would be highly interested in such a story.  However, the story about the “child molester” is always negative.

Imagine that you’re a Black person.  ( Perhaps you are. )  You go to foxnews ( dot ) com.  You scroll to the bottom of the page.  There you see a large news photo.  The headline for this photo reads,

“America saved again!  Nigger lynched by KKK.”

That’s how I feel, as a pedophile, when I see Fox’s story about a “child molester”.  I actually hold my hand over the upper half of my screen, when I scroll down, to avoid seeing such news stories.  

11.  Look at the broad blue bar.  It holds two horizontal columns of information.  On the lower line, a column of information is labelled, “TV ”.  Under “TV” is written, “Shows”.

( To the right of “Shows” is “Contact Us”.  Use it! )

12.  Click on “Shows”.  You are taken to a new page.

13.  We have now reached the main point of this article.  It took me a long time to learn what I’m going to tell you, even though it is obvious.

14.  This page is titled, “Fox News Shows”.  Look to the top right of your iPad’s screen.  You’ll see a blue icon.  It is an icon of a box, with an arrow sticking out of the top of it.  

15.  Tap on the icon of the box, that has an arrow sticking out of the top of it.  An informational box appears.  In this box, you’ll find the following:

“Add to Home Screen”.  Tap on “Add to Home Screen”.

16.  A new informational box appears.  In the upper right corner of this box is the word, “Add”.  Tap on “Add”.

17.  Your browser will quit.  That’s fine.  Look at your iPad’s Home Screen.  Somewhere on one of your Home Screen’s “pages” will be a Home Screen bookmark.  It is in the form of an icon.  The bookmark is for the “Shows” page at foxnews ( dot ) com.  The bookmark is labelled, “Shows | Fox News”.  

( If you can’t find the bookmark, it is a ghost.  It lies beyond the last page of your Home Screen’s pages.  Consolidate some icons on your Home Screen.  The ghost bookmark will then appear on your Home Screen. )

18.  “Shows | Fox News” is an extremely valuable bookmark.  Tap on it when you want to watch videos at foxnews ( dot ) com.  By clicking on it, you will bypass the main foxnews ( dot ) com web page.  You won’t have to scroll down past lots of irrelevant news stories.  You won’t be assailed by the daily story regarding a lynched “child molester”. 

AT THE foxnews (dot ) com SHOWS PAGE

Every show on Fox News, the cable T.V. channel, is represented here.  It is represented by an icon.  Let’s examine these:

1.  Special Report with Bret Baier.

This is a worthless “bait” icon.  Its intent is to lure you into ordering Fox News from a cable T.V. provider.  The content here is always outdated.

2.  Fox News Primetime.

This is a fine choice.  The content is fresh.  Let’s pause to discuss what “fresh” means at foxnews ( dot ) com.  

I have the schedule for Fox News, the cable T.V. channel, memorized.  If you don’t, look under any of the icons on the “Shows” page.  Written under any icon will be the day, and hour, that the program regularly airs.  ( On Fox News, the cable T.V. channel. ) 

Fox News Primetime airs at 4:00 p.m. in California.  I expect to see videos from the show beginning at 5:00 p.m.  So far, Fox News Primetime has fulfilled my expectation.  Sometimes, additional videos from the show will be added sometime after 5:00 p.m.  

3.  Tucker Carlson Tonight.  Morning Joke, the man, at MSNBC, once said of Fox News, the cable T.V. channel, that “the whole channel rests on Bill O’Reilly”.  He was correct.  Mr. anti-molester O’Reilly got fired from Fox News.  Why?  Because, as a man in his late 60s, he was sexually harassing women employees of Fox News who were fetuses when he was 40.  

( I’d add the word “allegedly” to the previous sentence, but O’Reilly has already had his staff cut my microphone off. )

All of Fox News now rests on Tucker Carlson.  If you don’t like Tucker Carlson, you won’t like Fox News.  If you do like Tucker Carlson, try to listen to his nightly monologue.  That’s the best part of his show. 

( I’m reading his new book, “The Long Slide”.  It is, so far, a great book.  The “Introduction” to his book has more typographical errors in it than any article I’ve ever posted.  But then, he’s not a pedophile.  A pedophile cares about what he writes. ) 

Tucker will usually have fresh content posted an hour after his cable T.V. show airs.  Additional videos are added as the night wears on.


You can follow the news, throughout the day, by watching videos at foxnews ( dot ) com.  Let’s watch a video.

1.  On the “Shows” page, tap on the icon:  Tucker Carlson Tonight.  

2.  You are taken to a new page.  Near the top of your iPad’s screen is a large horizontal bar.  It reads, “Tucker Carlson Tonight”.  ( I was going to make a self-referential joke, but I’m not Neil Cavuto. )  

3.  Under “Tucker Carlson Tonight” is a colored box.  It represents a video.  Tap on the center of this box. 

4.  An ad begins to play.  WHOA!  Did your ears get blasted?  Fox News cranks up the volume on its ads.  This is very annoying.  Before you start any video, turn down your iPad’s volume.  You must do this on your iPad.  Trying to adjust the volume on your headphones won’t work.  

You can turn down your headphones’ volume once the ad has begun to play.  However, by then, your ears have already been blasted. 

You will have a second or so from the time that you tap on the colored box, until the time that the ad begins to play.  ( Once you’re out of the ad, you’ll need to increase your iPad’s volume. )

5.  For five agonizing seconds, you are forced to watch the ad.  I guess the Democratic Party buys all the ad space on foxnews ( dot ) com.  That’s because the ads are stupid and irrelevant.  One of them features a big hairy guy who isn’t wearing a shirt.  He is middle-aged, and has a gigantic stomach.  Sometimes, I watch videos at foxnews ( dot ) com while I’m writing a sex story.  One minute, I’m jerking off to a girl like Kay J ( as a photo, on my iPad ).  The next minute, I’m seeing the fat hairy guy at foxnews ( dot ) com.  My wiener doesn’t like the fat hairy guy.

6.  After five seconds, you’re offered this option:  “Skip Ad”.  It takes some practice to get “Skip Ad” to work.  But it does, thankfully, work.  However, if the ad is for Fox Nation, you’ll have to watch the whole ad.

Fortunately, the ad for Fox Nation features Tomi Lahren ( when she was still beautiful ).  Unfortunately, the ad usually has a big white “stop” button over Tomi’s face, which should be a felony.  

7.  The ( actual ) video plays.  You’ll be tempted to enlarge the size of the video.  Don’t!  Why?

When the video is done, your iPad’s screen will freeze.  There is no way out of this except to quit out of foxnews ( dot ) com. 

If you do quit out of foxnews ( dot ) com, quit COMPLETELY.  Otherwise, when you relaunch Safari, Google will try to return you to where you were.  Foxnews ( dot ) com will then take you to the worthless Fox News app.   

It is, in fact, easy to quit completely out of foxnews ( dot ) com.  It’s easy to return, using the “Shows | Fox News” Home Screen bookmark.  It just takes some practice. 

8.  The ( actual ) video plays.  You’ll be tempted to enlarge the size of the video.  Don’t!  Why?

When the video is done, crap fills huge sections of your iPad’s screen.  There is no way to get rid of this crap.  If you watch another video, the crap blocks much of it. 

Above, I’ve given two reasons to not enlarge the size of the video.  Which disaster will befall you is a matter of chance.  None of the disasters require you to restart your iPad.  You simply need to quit COMPLETELY out of foxnews ( dot ) com. 


1.  I need to go to the bathroom.  Can I stop the video?

Yes.  Tap the video.  That is, tap the center of the colored box.

The video keeps playing, but a “stop” button appears on the video’s image. 

Tap the stop button.

The video stops.  Strange photos appear.  They look like scenes from Hell.  They’re trying to lure you to the Fox News app ( I think ).  Ignore these strange photos.

When you’re ready to restart the video, tap the white “play” arrow.  It’s in the bottom left corner of the colored box.

2.  Tyrus just insulted pedophiles.  I want to write down his remark, to publicly shame him.

Tap the video.  That is, tap the center of the colored box.

The video keeps playing, but a “stop” button appears on the video’s image.

Don’t tap the stop button!  That will take you to the strange photos. 

Along the bottom of the video is a white horizontal line.  A white ball is on this line.  The ball is travelling, slowly, from the left end of the line to its right.

Put your finger on the white ball.  Drag it backward AS the video plays.  Then, take your finger off of the white ball.  The video will resume playing from this point.

Alternatively, you can fast-forward the video, to a later point, by dragging the white ball to the right, along the white line.

3.  I scrolled down on the page, “Tucker Carlson Tonight”.  I tapped on a small colored box that contains a video.  The video said that it was “LOADING”.  Now, it says that it’s “NOW PLAYING”.  Where is it playing?

The video is playing in the large colored box, near the top of the page, “Tucker Carlson Tonight”.

FURTHER information

Look directly under the large colored box where the video plays.  You’ll see a horizontal line of small colored boxes.  Each of these colored boxes will load in turn.  You can watch a number of videos.  Just tap the “play” arrow for each, when it has loaded.  Then, adjust your iPad’s volume before and after each ad plays.  Also, you’ll want to skip each ad as it appears. 

I have not found anything else that is useful on, say, the Tucker Carlson Tonight page.  The page for every other show has the same format as that for Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Often, you’ll be stuck watching videos that are a day old.  This seems to be especially true for “Gutfeld!”  Fortunately, day-old Kat Timpf is as fun as fresh Kat Timpf.  I’d make a joke here about “sloppy seconds”, but such jokes annoy Tyrus.  ( Who, fortunately, doesn’t get to edit Greg Gutfeld! ) 

Sadly for Fox News, Apple’s Steve Jobs is dead.  However, I’m here.  I can tell Fox News what Steve Jobs would do, if he owned Fox News.

( Fox News is, in fact, owned by Rupert Murdoch.  Murdoch is the genius who closed myspace ( dot ) com, handing a trillion dollar business to Mark Fuckerberg’s Facebook. ) 

Fox News should do the following:

1.  Regard Fox News, the cable T.V. channel, for what it is:  a method of selling Depends diapers to viewers who will soon be dead.

2.  Make foxnews ( dot ) com the primary focus of the company.  

Foxnews (dot ) com needs to run as smoothly as You Tube.  You Tube is a censorious hell, but its technology works well.

3.  Relegate Fox Nation to what it is:  a stupid person’s attempt at an internet platform. 

In the 1970s, the gold standard of T.V. news was CBS News.  On my iPad’s Home Screen, I have a Home Screen bookmark for CBS News.  I regard today’s CBS News as pond scum.  However, if foxnews ( dot ) com doesn’t improve, I may wind up watching CBS News.  It looks like their app works well.

HOW to get A JOB

Say this:

“I’m glad your organization embraces diversity, because I’m proud to be a pedophile.”

And this:

“How many child molesters does your company currently employ?” 

( they answer ) 


“You need more equity, inclusion and diversity.  Diversity is our strength!”



“Between the 630s and the 660s, matters grew even worse for the Merovingians, because of bad dynastic luck.  It just so happened that during these decades the Merovingian kingdoms experienced a series of royal minorities, which is to say, a series of periods in which the ruling king was a child under the age of 12, which is the age at which you’re able to rule in in your own name.”

- Philip Daileader.  ( Speaking of the period A.D. )

Source:  The Early Middle ages, by Philip Daileader.  The Great Courses.  “Only from Audible”.  Amazon Audible. 


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 18

Arcana:  This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 18, version 4.0

Date Written:  August 28, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


After the Fall 


BO 20                                  

Book Observations presents...

After the Fall


Plus:  Slow motion porn!  

And:  America’s stupid reasons for outlawing child pornography.



An “Audible” Audio Book Review 

by Andrew Roller

Relevant Quote:

“The Roman empire had always been prey to army takeovers, from the first century A.D. onwards; [ now, ] army leaders from the frontier, or just beyond it, began to call themselves kings.”

- Chris Dickham ( Wickham ).

Source:  Medieval Europe.  By Chris Dickham ( Wickham ).  New Haven, Connecticut.  United States of America.  Yale University Press.  2016.  Page 81.  ( Amazon Kindle. )

Medieval Europe.  ( Unabridged. ) By Chris Dickham ( Wickham ). 

Blackstone Audio.  ( On the recording, not on the audio book’s cover. )

Narrated by:  Derek Perkins.  No sound effects.  

No PDF ( Printed documentation. )  Date of ( Amazon Kindle book ) publication:  2016.

Length:  14 hours, 19 minutes. 

“Included”.  Free to Audible subscribers.

Review:  In his book, “The Singularity is Near”, Ray Kurzweil speaks of “tedious bodily maintenance”.  I’m thrilled that I can now accomplish such chores while listening to books.  That’s the only way that I got through Dickham’s book.  It is a survey of the Dark and Middle Ages, written in a textbook style.  It is the epitome of B O R I N G.

Dickham covers a thousand years of history:  500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.  Modernly, it’s fashionable to refer to this whole period as “The Middle Ages”.  The term “The Dark Ages”, which I still find useful, has been discarded.   

As a result, historians now speak of “The Early Middle Ages”, “The High Middle Ages”, and “The Late Middle Ages”.  ( Source:  Philip Daileader, The Great Courses. )   
“The dividing-line between ancient history and the Middle Ages … is … 476.”  So writes Charles Oman in his book, “The Dark Ages:  476 - 918 A.D.”

( One instantly notes the conflict in terminology:  Oman speaks of “the Middle Ages”.  Yet his book is titled “The Dark Ages”! )

( I would settle the matter by calling the whole era B.R., “Before Roller”, but not enough historians are potheads for my view to prevail. ) 

Each chapter of Dickham’s book surveys the regions of Europe.  By about 1,000 A.D., he is doing so by the names of countries; the ones we use today.  His survey is economic.  Dickham reports on such things as how each country went about collecting taxes.

Crucially, important people, and events, are treated glancingly by Dickham.  The Mongols raped Eurasia, yet Dickham barely mentions them.  He doesn’t say, “By the way, the Mongols raped Eurasia.”  He says,

“The Mongol incursion in Hungary interfered with Hungarian tax collection.”  A novice is left wondering,

“Who the hell are the Mongols?”  Dickham says no more.  Instead, he proceeds to the subject of Bulgarian tax collection.

I’m paraphrasing the above.  I listened to this whole fucking book.  I listened to some chapters multiple times.  The experience was nearly valueless. 

Is Dickham worth anything, to anyone?  Yes.  If you have a thorough knowledge of the history of Europe, you can listen to Dickham to brush up on how Poland collected taxes in 1100 A.D.  Then girls will throw their underwear at you.

I made up a name for history’s Charles Martel:  Charles Fartel. 

Further Reference:

The Dark Ages:  476 - 918.  ( A.D. )  By Charles Oman.  ( No Location stated. )  www ( dot ) digitalhistorybooks ( dot ) com.  2017.  First published in 1898.  ( Amazon Kindle. )

SLOW motion PORN!

I downloaded the following app from Apple’s “App Store”:  Picsart.  ( Not Pisscart! )  It’s free.  You don’t have to “log in” with Picsart to use their app. 

Boot up the app.  It will tell you that it needs access to your photos.  ( Your Apple “Photos” app. )  I told Picsart “no”.  Then, I added an individual photo from my Apple “Photos” app.

In Picsart, I work within a screen titled, “Create”.  Near the upper right corner of my screen is this word:  “Proceed”.  Let’s use “Proceed” to find a porn video and watch it in slow motion!

1.  Tap on “Proceed”. 

2.  An informational box appears.  It shows all your illegal kiddie porn photos in your “Photos” app, plus videos of Tucker Carlson monologues. 

3.  Look at the center of this informational box, at its top.  You see:

A.  Photos

B.  Albums 

The two words flank one another. 

“Photos” is selected.  It is the default position.  In fact, all your photos and videos are available under “Photos”.  However, if you have thousands of photos of “german pornography”, to quote Ron Burgundy, you’ll never find the photo, or video, that you want.

4.  Tap on “Albums”.  The informational box changes.  

5.  Look at the dead center of this box.  It reads, “Media Types”.  Under “Media Types” is written, 

A.  Videos ( etc. )  Scroll down in the box to find:

B.  Screen Recordings.

“Screen Recordings” is a newer version of “Videos”.  I have screen recordings filed ( by my “Photos” app ) in both “Videos” and “Screen Recordings”. 

You do not, sadly, have access to downloaded videos from porn sites.  ( Or from You Tube, or from anywhere. )  If you want to put a downloaded porn video into “Photos”, make a screen recording of it.  Then you can access it, in “Photos”, using Picsart. 

I have a porn video that I made a screen recording of.  Using Picsart, I imported it into Picsart.  I can now watch two lesbians pleasure each other in super slow motion!

Probably, you already watch lesbians screw in Apple’s “iMovie” app.  However, the size of the screen in “iMovie” is small.  In Picsart, it’s big!

Your imported porn movie shows up on Picsart’s “Create” screen.  It appears under “Videos” as a large icon.

6.  Click on the icon.  The movie launches.  It begins to play.  Playing with your wiener, you’ll likely want to stop the video.  That’s so you can study up on sex, so you know what to do if, someday, someone who doesn’t have a dick speaks to you. 

7.  In the center of the screen, towards the bottom of it, is a “stop” button.  Tap on the “stop” button.  The video stops playing.  The “stop” button becomes a “play” arrow. 

8.  Forget about the play arrow.  Below it is a filmstrip.  This shows your movie, frame-by-frame.  

9.  Put your finger on the filmstrip.  You can now move the movie back and forth, at whatever pace you prefer! 

10.  Did you make a mess on your floor?  Find that can of carpet cleaner before mom comes home!  You’re finished ( for about an hour ) with Picsart. 

11.  In the upper left corner of your screen is an arrow:  <

12.  Tap on the arrow:  <

13.  An small informational box appears.  It reads:

“Discard changes?”  Tap “Discard”.  You don’t want to change your porn movie.  You want it to remain in the virgin condition that it was in when you got it!

14.  You are sent, by Picsart, back to the “Create” screen.


Burgundy:  “We all know about german pornography.”  In the 2004 film, “Anchorman”, Will Ferrell’s character is inadvertently admitting to viewing child pornography.  By 2004, this was an illegal act under United States federal law.  It was not illegal under federal law prior to 1982. 

The relevant opinion by the United States Supreme Court is New York v. Ferber.

The following web site gives the U.S. Supreme Court’s reasons for outlawing child pornography:  robertslawteam ( dot ) com:

1.  The government has a compelling interest in preventing sexual exploitation of children; 

2.  The distribution of sexual depictions of children is intrinsically related to sexual abuse ( images of child pornography, for example, are a permanent reminder and record ); 

3.  Those engaged in producing, advertising and selling child pornography are motivated to do so because of money;

4.  The artistic value of child pornography is negligible; and 

5.  Generally speaking, child pornography itself - by virtue of the young ages of those depicted - meets the definition of “obscene” and need not be held to be legally obscene under the Miller test before being criminalized. 

Several points can be made, with regard to the Court’s reasons in New York v. Ferber:

1.  “Children”, engaging in sex, or in sexually “lascivious” poses, often photograph themselves.  Hence, no one is exploiting them.

2.  “Kids” distribute these sexual depictions.  Hence, they weren’t sexually “abusing” themselves when they made the photos and videos.

3.  The “children” make their photos and videos at their whim.  No one is paying them to do it.

4.  So-called “child pornography” has as much artistic value as any other art form.  Who wants to look at an old painting of a dead woman ( the Mona Lisa ) when you can admire a lovely, lasciviously naked, young girl?

5.  The Court admitted that child pornography isn’t obscene.  That’s why it summarily outlawed it, without reference to the Miller test.  ( A definition of obscenity. )

The Supreme Court’s reasons in New York v. Ferber are ridiculous.  I’ll demonstrate why, by using their reasons to outlaw legal pornography:

1.  The government has a compelling interest in preventing the sexual exploitation of women;

2.  The distribution of sexual depictions of women is intrinsically related to sin ( images of pornography, for example, are a permanent reminder and record of this sin ). 

3.  Those engaged in producing, advertising and selling pornography are motivated to do so because of money;

4.  The artistic value of pornography is negligible; and

5.  Generally speaking, pornography itself - by virtue of the weaker sex ( women ) who are depicted - meets the definition of “obscene”, and need not be held to be legally obscene under the Miller test before being criminalized.

Recently, federal law, regarding the internet, was changed.  It was changed to outlaw such web sites as backpages ( dot ) com.  Backpages ( dot ) com was a dating site.  It allegedly offered, among its various ads, ads for prostitutes. 

A woman on television gave her reason for changing the law:

“It’s a 20 year old law!” she claimed.  At the law’s signing, she can be seen next to then President Donald Trump.  The woman is, literally, dancing as Trump ( in a cowardly act ) signs the law. 

New York v. Ferber is a 39 year old “law”!  It’s time for “New York” to drop dead. 

ADVICE to Fox News’ Mark Levin

“One man’s perversion is another man’s religion.”

- holy joe


OUR pedophile FUTURE?

“It is the conversion of Constantine that is largely responsible for Christianity going from [ the ] status of an illegal, and minority, religion in the Roman empire to becoming the official, and majority, religion by the end of the fourth century A.D.”

- Philip Daileader.

Source:  The Early Middle Ages, by Philip Daileader.  Lecture 3:  Constantine the Great - Christian Emperor.  The Great Courses.  Amazon Audible.  


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  BO, Book Observations, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items. 

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 20

Arcana:  This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 20, version 3.0

Date Written:  August 25, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Molesters Win!


ET 98                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Molesters Win!


Plus:  Illegal manga.

And:  Censored dictionaries.



by Andrew Roller

Americans who have been to Afghanistan have noted this:  homosexual pedophilia is widespread in the country. 

America’s military has been fighting a war against Afghanistan’s men since October 7, 2001.  Now, America has lost the war in Afghanistan.  

Let it be said, because it is true:  the United States of America was defeated by pedophiles.

ILLEGAL manga 

I was born in Pennsylvania.  This is a state in the Northeast of the United States.  My parents insisted on moving house frequently in my youngest years.  I lived in four different locations in Pennsylvania by age nine. 

Then, my parents moved to Guam.  It’s an island in the Western Pacific.  My parents did not sell their home in Pennsylvania.  That’s because, in Guam, we lived on the second floor of a church.  It had formerly been a “servicemen’s center”, for United States troops.  The “servicemen’s center”, renamed the Lutheran Church of Guam, was located along a road in Guam’s capital, Agana.  

The Lutheran Church of Guam was funded by its parishioners.  However, it was mainly funded by a Lutheran organization, headquartered in Los Angeles.  This organization was called the Division of Service to Military Personnel ( DSMP ). 

Every two years, DSMP paid for our family to fly “home”.  “Home” was the house in Pennsylvania where, in fact, our family would never reside again.  

( I was only present in Pennsylvania, after age nine, for brief intervals of a month or so, every two years.  I last visited in 1976. )

In my youth, I was eager to get back to Pennsylvania.  I was an American.  I wanted to be in America.  There wasn’t any internet in the 1970s.  My best contact with America, as it turned out, was a bookstore located in Tokyo, Japan.  It was located in an American military hotel in Tokyo:  the Sanno. 

The summer of 1975 arrived.  I wanted to go back “home”.  My parents didn’t.  We’d just been “home” a year before.  Why go again?  Instead, we went to Japan.  We stayed briefly at the Sanno.  Then, to my horror, we left the Sanno, and its bookstore.  We proceeded to travel, via multiple trains, from Tokyo to Hiroshima. 

Every train had a bathroom.  This was located on the car that one rode in, or in a linked railcar.  The bathroom was a cubicle for a single individual’s use.  

One day, using a railcar’s bathroom, I found a comic book.  At the time, comic books were my main reading material.  This comic book was larger in its dimensions than an American one.  It was also much, much thicker. 

The comic book was written in Japanese.  However, it had quality cartooning.  I was thrilled.  I read the comic book while using the toilet.  In fact, there wasn’t just one comic book in the bathroom.  There were at least two, maybe three. 

Americans are individualists.  They operate on the principle of “lost and found”.  If something is left in a bathroom, that means its owner has abandoned it.  The item is available to the finder as his private property.

Japanese are community-minded.  If something is left in a bathroom, it has not been abandoned by its owner.  He will not repossess it.  However, he has left it for the benefit of the community. 

I did not understand this.  Hence, I went tearing out of the bathroom, with great excitement, and the comic books.

“Look what I found!” I told my brother, and my parents.  My brother and I proceeded to read the comic books.  We left the train with them.  Our fellow passengers, who were Japanese, indulged my “thievery”. 

The Japanese, in fact, were quite amused.  Reading the comics, I discovered that they did not obey the strictures of America’s “Comics Code Authority”.  They contained racy sexual references, in cartoon form.  My parents would have been aghast.  However, they never discovered what the comics contained. 

My brother and I found several more comic books in bathrooms on subsequent trains.  Thank you, Japan! 

Japanese comics are no longer popular just in Japan.  They are referred to as “manga” comics. 

Some years ago, an American, in America, bought manga comics by mail, from Japan.  He bought a lot of them.  Apparently, he did this over time.  I guess the American postmaster was jealous, or suspicious.  The American postmaster opened the manga comics.  He didn’t know Japanese, but he looked at the pictures.  The American manga fan was arrested.  He was prosecuted, and convicted, by America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ), for possessing and viewing child pornography.

I read the FBI’s press release at the time.  In a pompously moralizing manner, the FBI thanked some entity, or a person, for translating the Japanese in the comic books for them.    
In fact, the manga fan was wrongly convicted.  The United States Supreme Court has stated the following:

“For something to be ‘child pornography’, it must involve an actual child.”  ( Paraphrased. )  

The manga comic books were cartoons.  They are not, under American law, “child pornography”.  The Supreme Court issued its decision in 2002. 

A web site with racy “All Ages” cartoons is:

toptoonplus ( dot ) com

All of the cartoons are, apparently, about young people.  They are drawn in a manga style.  I found the funniest cartoon at this web site:

classroomsynonym ( dot ) com 

The cartoon was present as an advertisement.

It took me awhile to understand the cartoon topping the toptoonplus ( dot ) com web site.  Don’t focus on the 13-year-old girl’s big, gorgeous bosoms.  Look at her belly.  Or, rather, think about her belly.  Then you’ll understand what “new family” is being referenced.

CENSORED Dictionaries

A few years ago, I began to notice the following:

The word “girl”, in any context that might be deemed sexual, was removed from modern dictionary meanings.  It was replaced with the word “woman”.  As in, ‘adult woman’.

I’ve been using unabridged dictionaries since the 1970s.  I’ve been aware, since the 1960s, of the erotic allure of young girls.  Hence, I was familiar with dictionary words that described this.

Late in the prior century, a third-rate dictionary decided to make itself more competitive.  It chucked its old dictionary meanings.  The new version of this dictionary offered meanings that were politically correct.  The dictionary was not a “specialized” dictionary.  That is, it wasn’t “the feminist’s dictionary”.  It passed itself off as a normal English dictionary. 

Here’s an example of the current problem:

1.  nymphet - a sexually attractive young WOMAN.  [ Emphasis added. ]

- The Free Dictionary, by Farlex.

2.  nymphet - a sexually attractive … young GIRL.  [ Emphasis added. ]

- The Oxford English Dictionary.

Oxford references Vladimir Nabokov’s novel Lolita, where “nymphet” is accurately defined:

“Between the age limits of 9 and 14 there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travellers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature, which is not human, but nymphic … and these chosen creatures [ are ] nymphets.”

If you’re a male, and haven’t been “bewitched”, you have missed all that matters in our universe.

The purpose of a dictionary is to report on the current and past usage of words.  It is not to censor the language in an act of social engineering.

In another article, I discussed the Reformation.  The Reformation began in 1517.  Why did the Reformation happen?

1.  The Roman Catholic Church wanted people to be highly religious.

2.  The Roman Catholic Church demanded that everyone have no religious views other than those prescribed by the Roman Catholic Church. 

Some years ago, I read a book about mental illness.  The book said the following:

“An adult is normal if he regularly celebrates holidays, such as the Fourth of July, and regularly engages in sex with an age-appropriate adult.”  

( I am boiling the whole book down to a single sentence. )

Hence, our government expects the following:

1.  “Adults” are to be actively sexual.

2.  “Adults”, and “children”, are to engage solely in those sexual activities which the government prescribes. 

Do you see a problem?  Is a sexual Reformation, that is, a time of ( actual ) sexual liberation, in our future?

Perhaps the men of Afghanistan are, in fact, spearheading a global sexual revolution.


“The victors write history.”

- Winston Churchill.

Napoleon is also credited by Google.  Search term:  quote:  the victors write history.


1.  “America’s military has been fighting a war against Afghanistan’s men”.  I regard this as a fair statement.  From my perspective, nearly all the men in Afghanistan are Taliban.  The few who weren’t are now fleeing Afghanistan.  

2.  The Lutheran Church of Guam’s web site is:

lutheranchurchofguam ( dot ) org

Their e-mail is: 

3.  Guam’s capital, Agana, is now spelled Hagatna.

4.  When I lived in Guam, it was a “Trust Territory” of the United States.  It had been, in its history, independent.  It had also been owned by larger states, including Spain.   

5.  The Sanno Hotel, in Tokyo, Japan, is now called the New Sanno Hotel. 

6.  I don’t like to cite a source unless I’ve just referenced it, directly.  Hence, I’ll source the following here, in “Arcana”, from memory:

A.  The convicted manga fan:  He lived in Iowa.

B.  The third-rate dictionary:  The unabridged American Heritage dictionary.

7.  Lolita quote:  Page 16 of The Annotated Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.  Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, Inc.  New York, New York, United States of America.  1991.  Original publication date:  1955.  Amazon Kindle, with a crappy non-cover.  ( Amazon’s Jeff Bozo can’t afford to pay for the book’s cover. )

8.  My source for the Martin Luther King Jr. quote, in Editorial Thunder issue number 97, was the sidewalk.  

“Urban renewal is Negro removal”, James Baldwin said.  This happened in San Diego.  The area near San Diego’s Convention Center was once a Black area.  The Blacks were removed.  To “honor” them, a sidewalk was built.  It is called “Martin Luther King Jr. Promenade”.  Few Blacks promenade on it.  However, it is littered with cement placards that you can stand on.  Each placard has a quote by the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.  You can use the raised letters on the placards to wipe dog doo-doo off of your feet. 

Promenading, I was fuming about Shitty Bank.  ( Otherwise known as Citibank. )  I wondered if Martin Luther King Jr. might have a quote to help me.  I stopped by the first placard that I came to.  That’s the quote at the end of Editorial Thunder issue number 97. 

9.  I read the quote by James Baldwin in advertising literature from The Library of America.  Web site:  loa ( dot ) org. 

10.  It turns out that The Free Dictionary’s definition, cited above, is the fourth one that it provides.  The first three definitions of nymphet are as follows:

A.  A pubescent girl REGARDED AS sexually precocious.  [ Emphasis added. ]

B.  a young girl who IS sexually precocious and desirable.  [ Emphasis added. ]

C.  a sexually precocious girl.

Enjoy these definitions while you can.  Expect the feminists to eliminate definitions “B” and “C” soon!

11.  The source for my “Easter egg” quote, below, is from several years ago.  George Will spoke on a Fox News Channel program.

12.  I came up with the headline, “Molesters Win!” this morning.  I wrote my short article on this topic.  Having been awake for 24 hours, I had nothing to add.  

WordPress isn’t Twitter.  I slept on the problem.  I awoke with this mandate:

“Quick!  I need 2,000 words that aren’t plagiarism, and are interesting.”  Hopefully, I’ve succeeded.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 98

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 98, version 6.0

Date Written:  August 16, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


“Americans don’t like wars abroad, but they also don’t like impotence.”

- George Will.

This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


Citibank Discriminates Against Veterans


ET 97                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

Citibank Discriminates Against Veterans


Plus:  King on oppression.


CITIBANK discriminates against VETERANS

by Andrew Roller

I am a disabled veteran.  Because of this, I have faced discrimination with regard to employment.  I never thought that I’d face such discrimination with regard to obtaining a credit card.

I have been a customer of Citibank for about 20 years.  I have never borrowed any money from them.  The bank has never lost a penny on me.

In the past, Citibank routinely issued me with a credit card.  I never used the credit cards that they gave me.  Eventually, each card would expire.  Then, for awhile, I wouldn’t have a Citibank credit card. 

I was told some years ago, by the then manager of Citibank on Broadway Avenue, in San Diego, that I had “fabulous credit”.  ( That was when the Citibank on Broadway Avenue was in its Horton Plaza location. )  Nothing has happened to my credit since then.  I still have fabulous credit.

Recently, I visited Citibank.  I was asked if I would like to apply for a credit card.  I said, “Yes”.  I was helped by the “substitute manager” of the Broadway location, Vanessa Castilleja.  She submitted my application to Citibank’s credit card department.  She said that I would receive a decision in the mail.

I received a letter from Citibank’s credit card department on June 24, 2021.  Their address is:

citi P.O. Box 6500 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-6500

My Application ID is:  2106 238 398 028 16

Citibank’s letter reads as follows:

“We need to verify some important information [ no period ]

Hi, Andrew.  Thank you for your interest in the Citi Custom Cash Mastercard account.  In order to continue processing your application, we need to verify the information you provided.  Please provide copies of the following documents:

We were unable to verify your residential address, telephone number, and employment / income.  To continue processing your application, please send us all three of the following:

Your most recent home telephone bill.  We need the original bill ( not a copy ) showing the telephone number and the name and address for that number.

A copy of ONE of the following, which clearly shows your name and home address:

A bank statement [ no period ]

A credit card statement [ no period ]

A utility bill other than your telephone bill [ no period ]

A copy of your most recent pay statement clearly showing your name, your Social Security number, and the date.  If you are retired or self-employed, you may send one of the following instead:

A letter from your broker, CPA, or personal banker confirming the income stated on your application, or 

A copy of your federal tax return for the most recently completed tax year.  The tax return must include your signature and all supporting schedules.

Please mail these documents to:

Citibank, N.A. PO Box 6495 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-6495  

Be sure to keep copies for yourself, as we won’t be able to return any documents you send.  If we don’t receive this information by July 24, 2021, your application will no longer be considered.

Your Citi Team 

I responded as follows:

I wrote Citibank a letter.  In it, I told them that I did not have a “home telephone bill”.  That’s because I don’t have a “landline”.  I told them that I had no plans to obtain a “landline”.  I sent Citibank a copy of my cell ( also called “mobile”, or “wireless” ) phone bill.  My provider is AT&T.

Because I was unable to send Citibank a copy of my “landline” bill, I sent them a copy of my Cox cable bill.  It is for Wi-Fi service in my residence.  I sent this bill to Citibank even though it was not requested by them.

I sent Citibank a copy of my SDGE bill.  SDGE stands for San Diego Gas and Electric.  SDGE provides power to my residence.

I sent Citibank a copy of my “Retiree Account Statement”.  This is provided on a yearly basis to me, by the United States Department of Defense.  The most recent statement is dated December 3, 2020.

The above documents fulfilled all of Citibank’s requirements.

On July 19, 2021, I received a response from Citibank’s credit card department.  It was the EXACT SAME letter that they had sent me on June 24!  It was as if nobody had even read the letter, and the documents, that I had mailed them.

This new letter contained a new termination date.  I was required to reply by August 18, 2021.

I walked to the Citibank on Broadway Avenue.  The location is: 


( in Spreckels Theatre )

145 Broadway Avenue San Diego, CA 92101

I spoke with the manager at this location.  His name is Carlos E. Parra. 

Carlos called Citibank’s credit card department.  Their complaints were as follows:

1.  “Roller’s bills show his address, but not that he made a payment to the respective companies.”  ( AT&T, etc. )  Carlos looked at my bills.

“They do show that you made a payment”, he told me.  He reported this to Citibank’s credit card department.

2.  “We can’t accept Roller’s ‘Retiree Account Statement’.  It’s from last year.”

I explained to Carlos that I am a disabled veteran.  I only receive disability compensation from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.  The paperwork for this is provided to me by DFAS, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.  ( A service of the United States Department of Defense. ) 

Carlos reported the above to Citibank’s credit card department.  Then, following their instructions, he submitted my paperwork to them.

Today, I received a letter from Citibank’s credit card department.  It is dated August 5, 2021.  The Reference Number is:  2106 238 398 028 16

Citibank’s letter reads as follows:


Thank you for your interest in obtaining an account with us.

We have carefully considered your request for an account.  We are unable to approve your application because of the following:

We have not received satisfactory verification of the credit information we previously requested from you.

Thank you,


Credit Management Department

My response:

1.  Citibank is lying.  Citibank never requested “credit information” from me, beyond what their earlier letters requested.  

2.  Note their language:  we have not received “satisfactory verification” of the credit information.  What does that mean?  It is Citibank’s responsibility to verify the information that I sent them.  I sent what they requested. 

3.  My initial application was made by the substitute manager of the Broadway Citibank, Vanessa Castilleja.

4.  I then mailed Citibank additional information.

5.  I worked with the manager of the Broadway Citibank, Carlos E. Parra, when submitting ( yet more ) information.  

6.  Carlos spoke directly with Citibank’s credit card department to find out what documents they wanted.  

I can only assume that Citibank is refusing to give me a credit card because they are rejecting my “Retiree Account Statement”.  Again, their claim is that it is “too old”, because it is from last year.  

I have no control over when the Department of Defense issues its documents.  The “Retiree Account Statement” is always issued at the end of the calendar year.

Citibank is, by its conduct, blatantly discriminating against veterans.  This includes those who were disabled by organ failure, like myself, and those who were wounded, perhaps gravely, in war.

People wonder why there is a problem of “the unbanked” in America.  Now you know why.

Do you recall “the great recession”, which began in 2008?  Citibank would not exist today, if the United States Government, using money from taxpayers, hadn’t bailed them out.  ALL the major United States banks were bankrupt.  It is you and I, and disabled veterans, who kept them alive.  It is our serving military members who are protecting them at this very moment.  Those serving members are tomorrow’s veterans.  What kind of a welcome will they get from Citibank?

It is time to break up America’s large banks.  They are greedy institutions who milk the taxpayer for their survival, and then treat the taxpayer like garbage.


“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.  It must be demanded by the oppressed.”

- The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.  


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 97

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 97, version 3.0

Date Written:  August 14, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  


You Tube Attacks Again!


Celebrating 20,000 visitors this year!

ET 96                                  

Editorial Thunder presents...

You Tube Attacks Again! 


Plus:  Wandering with Ambivert.

And:  Regina’s Writings.


YOU TUBE Attacks Again! 

by Andrew Roller

In March of 2020, an anonymous staffer at You Tube abruptly terminated my You Tube account.  This staffer also abruptly terminated my Google account.  I even lost access to my Google browser. 

As of March 2020, my You Tube account had never been given a “warning”, or any “strikes”.  However, an e-mail from You Tube claimed that my account was guilty of “repeated or severe violations” of their rules.

I appealed the termination of my Google and You Tube accounts.  My Google account was restored to me.  So was my You Tube account.  However, my You Tube account was swiftly terminated again!  

I filed another appeal with You Tube.  About eight days later, my You Tube account was restored.  An anonymous You Tube employee then:

1.  Tampered with my You Tube password.

2.  Demanded my Apple password.  

3.  Successfully deleted one of my playlists.

In subsequent months, the You Tube staffer repeatedly attacked my playlists.  I lost a number of them. 

I have never uploaded a video to You Tube.  My playlists consisted solely of videos that were already on You Tube.  All of my playlists had innocuous titles and descriptions.

I stopped using You Tube in December of 2020.  However, I continued to pay my You Tube bill.  

You Tube sent me additional notices about my playlists.  One playlist was ( allegedly ) restored to me in February of 2021.  Another playlist, which had already been through the entire appeal process in September of 2020, was again denied to me.  That playlist had one innocuous music video in it, from the 1960s.

On July 1, 2021, I tried to use You Tube.  I found that my You Tube account had ( once again ) been terminated.  I checked my Gmail account.  There were no e-mails from You Tube’s staff as to why my account ( which was in perfect standing, with no strikes ) had been terminated. 

I complained to “You Tube Support”.  “You Tube Support” never wrote back to me.  However, they did contact the anonymous You Tube staffer who’d been abusing me since March of 2020.  This staffer proceeded to abuse me more:  my access to You Tube was screwed with throughout the month of July.  

In March of 2020, when my You Tube account was terminated, the You Tube staffer created a substitute You Tube account for me, without my consent.  This account lacked my playlists, subscriptions, notifications, and library information.  When I accessed You Tube in July of 2021, it was through this substitute account.

I didn’t always have access to this substitute account.  For a time, in July of 2021, I was relegated to You Tube Music.  I had no access to You Tube itself.  

At other times, in July of 2021, I had access to You Tube itself ( with commercials ), but no access to You Tube Music.

My complaint, as expressed to You Tube Support in July 2021, was the following:

You have terminated my You Tube account.  However, I haven’t violated any of your rules.  You have never sent me any e-mails regarding why my account has been terminated ( for a third time ).

Here’s a quiz for you, the reader:  What do you think You Tube’s abusive staffer did next?

I’ll give you time to think….

O.K., it’s time for me to reveal the answer ( which you’ve perhaps already guessed ):

The You Tube staffer truncated my Gmail account.  I tapped on my Gmail account in early August of 2021.  To my surprise, I found that I was unable to access any e-mails prior to late July of 2021.  I was only able to access one week of e-mails!

I will address potential objections:

1.  You get a lot of e-mails.  

My answer:  I get almost no e-mails in my Gmail account.  That’s because I’ve regarded Gmail, Google, and You Tube as odious since I was attacked by a You Tube staffer in March of 2020. 

2.  You have other Google apps, which have used up your free Google memory.

My answer:  Many months ago, I deleted “Google Drive”.  I deleted “Google Photos”.  Subsequently, I downloaded “Google Photos” again, from the Apple app store.  However, this time, I did not upload any of my photos to “Google Photos”.

I use no other Google apps, except the Google browser.  That was preinstalled on my iPad by Apple. 

I tugged repeatedly on my Gmail inbox.  Finally, I got Gmail to grudgingly release more e-mails.  I got back as far as May 7, 2021.  I could go back no farther.

Months ago, I was in my iPad’s “Settings” app.  This was in late February of 2021.  In front of my eyes, my allocation of iPad memory, devoted to the You Tube app, dropped!  It went from a usage of hundreds of gigabytes to about 200 megabytes.  ( A trifling amount. )  At that time, I suspected that my You Tube account had ( once again ) been terminated.  However, I had no time to go through the arduous and lengthy process of protesting to “You Tube Support”.  I simply continued to boycott my You Tube account, while paying You Tube’s monthly bill. 

I did address this problem on July 1, 2021.  That resulted in an entire month of abuse, as reported above.  It is now mid-August, and I’m still reporting on this abuse. 

You Tube’s staffers have abused many You Tube customers.  This abuse includes the accounts of preteen and teenage girls.  That’s shocking.  What is unbelievable is that You Tube’s staffers are allowed to abuse any Google customer throughout the Google ecosystem.  They’ll terminate your various Google accounts.  They’ll screw with your Gmail.  Google isn’t a company, its an outfit of terrorists, who have been allowed to inflict global distress. 

My advice:

1.  Do not pay money to any part of Google’s ecosystem.  

2.  Do not use any Google products ( including You Tube ).

3.  If you are attacked by staffers of You Tube or Google, do your best to write up and report on what happened to you.  The WordPress app can be downloaded for free from the Apple “App Store”.  I have been using it, very successfully, for free, since 2019.  I have never been censored by WordPress. 

I am still striving to take my own advice.  I will never pay any money to Google.  However, I still rely on the ( preinstalled ) Google browser.  I do so because I can make PDFs and Web Archive documents with it.  

Also, I can download religious videos.  This is especially important if I’m paying to access a porn ( I mean, theological ) web site. 

Probably, I could download documents, and videos, with another browser.  However, I’m not a tech-savvy person.  As of 2019, I’d never been on You Tube.  I thought the company was spelled “U Tube”. 

HOW TO make a “Home Screen Bookmark”.

In “Andrew Roller’s Art Review” issue number one, I wrote about how to make a “Home Screen bookmark”.  

I have since discovered more on this topic:

1.  You might get an e-mail from someone about their web site.  This might arrive in your Google Gmail mailbox.

2.  Using the Gmail mailbox, you can visit the person’s web site.  However, you cannot make a “Home Screen bookmark” of the web site. 

3.  Note the name of the person’s web site.  This will be at the top of your iPad’s screen.

4.  Leave Gmail.  Open your browser.  ( Currently, I’m using the Google browser.  It was preinstalled, by Apple, on my iPad. )  In your browser, you can make a “Home Screen bookmark”.  Do so.  You now have immediate access to the web site.  You don’t have to use Gmail to access it.


I like to think of myself as an artist.  An area that has always interested me, but that I’ve had little time to delve into, is photography.  I’ve bought a number of books on the subject.  I’ve read one or two of them.  In the 1990s, I got a free camera.  ( I forget how. )  I was successful in taking nice photos with it.

I bought a film camera.  In 2002, I took stupendous photos, of world historical importance, along California’s Pacific Coast Highway.  Then I discovered that I couldn’t afford to develop the film.  Currently, my camera, and the used film, are in a storage locker.  It is 700 miles from where I live now. 

“Wandering Ambivert” is a photographer.  His web site is:

wandering-ambivert ( dot ) com. 

His site has gorgeous photos, and wonderful quotations.

I can hear an objection:

Dude, I too can photograph my dog in my backyard.

Ambivert does not wander in your backyard.  Nor have I found any photos of dogs, or cute kittens, on his web site.  He roams in the exotic locales of Namibia and South Africa.  His photos are of “National Geographic” quality.  They feature moving images of sunsets, breaking waves, and stark landscapes.  

He photographs rain-drenched plants, and towering, snow-capped mountains.  As for animals, I found photos of a giraffe on his web site.  It wasn’t photographed at the zoo.  It is strolling in its natural setting. 

Ambivert’s advice for photographers is as follows:

“Take photos all the time. … All the time.

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”

A section of Ambivert’s Home page is titled, “Improve your photography”.  I tapped on this.  I thought I’d find articles, written by Ambivert, on how to improve my photography.  I didn’t.  All that this section held ( besides the brief advice, quoted above ) were a handful of complimentary comments from readers. 

It would be great if Ambivert would provide advice on how to do photography.  I realize that not everyone is a writer.  Also, I’m not obliging Ambivert to provide free advice.  Perhaps he’ll write an e-book, and sell it in places like the Apple “Books” app, and on Amazon. 

If you love fabulous photos, visit Ambivert’s web site.  Viewing his photos is free!

“Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.”

- Wandering Ambivert.


reginathans ( dot ) wordpress ( dot ) com is the web site of Regina Nathania.  It features her essays and poetry.  By each of her writings is a photo, from unsplash ( dot ) com, that she has selected to suit her topic. 

I searched the internet for a source of free photos.  Somehow, I missed unsplash.  This web site lets you use their photos for free.  You can even use an unsplash photo for a commercial purpose.  Thank you, Regina, for informing me about this web site! 

The icon for Unsplash is horrific.  However, the web site itself has an attractive, professional appearance.  It operates smoothly. 

An excerpt from Regina’s poem, “cinderella”:

“what reason do i have to stay

“when the dandelions already blew away”.

In my mind, this references a point that I made in “Book Observations” issue number 19, about girls.  However, Regina’s opinion may be the opposite of my own. 

Regina’s essay, “stage situation - pandemic [ art. ]” makes excellent points.  ( You Tube’s rogue employee attacked me, initially, just as COVID-19 was confining everyone to their homes.  I guess the employee hoped to deprive me of as much internet access as possible. ) 

At the bottom of Regina’s web site is an icon.  It is an icon of a shield.  It reads, 

“Proud member of The Internet Defense League.  Established 2012.” 

If you click on the icon, you’ll be taken to:

internetdefenseleague ( dot ) org

Their e-mail is:

team@fightforthefuture ( dot ) org 

The following information is also given by the league:


I tapped on the CatSignal link.  It connected me to this web page:

privateinternetaccess ( dot ) com

The page reads, 

“OOPS!  That page can’t be found.” 

( It must be super private! )

I didn’t know that The Internet Defense League existed.  Thank you, Regina, for telling me about this!


1.  I have written many articles on You Tube’s abuse of its customers.  You can find these articles here, on Andrew Roller Stories and Essays ( ARSE ). 

( The above is not a link.  Just scroll down. )

2.  For the reasons mentioned above, Google remains my main browser.  The fastest browser that I’ve found is Duck Duck Go.  I keep a bookmark for Duck Duck Go in a “bubble” folder on my iPad’s Home screen.  Icons for several other browsers share the folder with it.  

( I don’t have room for Duck Duck Go on my iPad’s “QuickTap Bar”. ) ( The bar at the bottom of my iPad, that holds various icons for quick access. ) 

Before I post an article on ARSE, I edit it thoroughly.  However, as soon as I post it, I find additional changes that I need to make to my article.  ( WordPress, live, is a great editing platform! )

As soon as I post an updated article, I want to read it.  That means I need Duck Duck Go.  Inevitably, I scream, in my head,

“Where’s the Duck?!”

As if the Duck will come waddling up to me.

Then I go about finding the Duck. 

A useful conclusion can be derived from this:

If you want to create an icon for your company, choose an animal.  I’ve become quite fond of my Duck.  

3.  Although a duck is a bird, it is also an animal.  The Free Dictionary, by Farlex, states:

“Sponges, jellyfishes, flatworms, [ and ] mollusks … are animals.” 

4.  I once lost an argument with an 8-year-old blonde, regarding a “Brontosaurus”.  She claimed it was an “Apatosaurus”.  It turns out that each of us was right, in our own way:

“The Brontosaurus Is Back”.  Scientific American.  scientificamerican ( dot ) com. 

5.  My web site, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays ( ARSE ), has had 29,000 views this year.  Source:  “Stats” on my WordPress web site.


Copyright 2021 by Andrew L. Roller.  ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.   

I am    

Earlier posts by me are at    

I’m on paper at: > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

and > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew 

If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box.  In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”.  In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”.  This will bring up some of my pamphlets.  I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles.  I don’t recall all the titles I published under.  

I have no financial involvement in these resale items.

The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store. 

This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 96

Arcana:  This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 96, version 9.0

Date Written:  August 13, 2021.          Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.      


This has been a presentation of A R S E news.  
