A Bad Decision
ET 203
Editorial Thunder presents...
A Bad Decision
Plus: Lynn’s amazing studio!
And: Gibran and Kerr on beauty.
Produces a bad result!
by Andrew Roller
The number “11” is becoming infamous. “911” is, of course, the phone number to call in an emergency. It’s also the date of a terrorist attack on America.
“311” is a non-emergency phone number.
On March 11, which is 311, Kay J got a tattoo. This happened in 2021.
On March 11, prior to being tattooed, Kay made a video of herself.
In Editorial Thunder, issue number 131, I wrote the following:
“As of the time of this video, I don’t think Kay knew where she’d get a tattoo. She’d simply decided that she’d get one. I say this because, in this video, Kay doesn’t favor her back. She makes no effort to show it to the camera. Probably, Kay wasn’t thinking of getting a tattoo on her upper back at the time that she filmed this video.”
I was wrong. I have watched, again, the video that Kay filmed of herself on March 11, 2021. Kay does ( briefly ) favor her back. Near the video’s end, she points her butt toward the camera. ( Which is her cell phone. ) Kay pulls aside her long hair. She gazes at the camera as she displays her bare back.
On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The threat of invasion loomed on February 21, 2022. On February 21, 2022, Kay released a photo gallery. It was free for paid subscribers to her Only Fans page. The photo gallery consists of 10 photos. They display all the ‘important’ parts of her body. That is, they focus on her private parts, in the nude. Kay was, apparently, making a photographic record of how she looked. She was doing this in case she got wounded or killed in an ensuing war.
( Significantly, Kay does not show her naked back. That would show her tattoo. )
The same spirit is present in Kay’s video of March 11, 2021. ( The day she got tattooed. ) In this video, Kay displays all of herself in the nude. Unusually, the video’s soundtrack consists of dramatic music.
Kay’s birthday is March 21. On this day, in 2021, Kay gave a first “sneak peek” of her tattoo. She did this in a video. This video has music that is even more dramatic than that in her video of March 11, 2021.
( Kay apparently decided to get tattooed for her birthday. A tattoo requires 10 to 14 days to heal. Hence, if Kay didn’t want to spend her birthday with an enflamed, horribly itchy tattoo, she had to get tattooed some days before her birthday. ) ( Which she did. )
Kay’s skin is dove white and flawless. This despite her years of being whipped, and beaten, as a BDSM submissive.
( Admittedly, for whatever reason, she now has dents in both the left and right cheeks of her bottom. These are on the undercurves of her ass. ) ( Which is a favorite target for someone who’s delivering a whipping, or a beating. )
Now that Kay’s upper back has a large, disfiguring tattoo, it’s no longer lovely. Kay’s tattoo is centered over her spine. Getting tattooed along one’s spine is extremely painful:
“The spine is near the top of the list of the most painful tattoo locations on the body. There are a lot of nerves that run up and down your spine, while the bones are very close to the skin. Therefore, getting a tattoo along your spine can feel like the tattoo artist is taking a hammer to your bones.”
- Authority Tattoo. ( A web site on the Internet. )
Kay claims to love her tattoo. ( See a prior issue of ARSE. ) However, I’m Kay’s fan. ( Even if she hates me. ) I’m entitled to my opinion.
Nobody has complimented Kay’s tattoo. As best I can tell, her tattoo upset her fans. I have several problems with Kay’s tattoo:
1. She’s a model! The rule for a model is as follows: show up as you are. Don’t do anything special with your hair. Don’t wear makeup. The photographer gets to decide how you’ll look.
2. She’s a nude model! Kay earns money by displaying her naked beauty. Over vast expanses of time, humans have become accustomed to nudity looking a certain way. A nude back does not include what Kay now has inked on her: Two pyramids, a hairy, gaping eyeball, and a jungle.
3. She’s an “ass model”. A quality photo ( or video ) of a girl’s bare ass includes her bare back. However, if you look at Kay this way now, you see more than her bare ass. You see her ugly tattoo.
4. She’s an “innocence model”. No matter what Kay did, prior to March 11, 2021, she always looked innocent. She has, apparently, had a wild sex life, that has lasted for many years. Nonetheless, she continued to look babydoll cute, and naive. Until, that is, she disfigured herself with a tattoo. A tattoo is known, colloquially, as a “tramp stamp”. Kay’s tattoo makes her look like something that crawled out of a dumpster, behind a bordello.
5. I dislike the fact that Kay underwent the severely painful process of being tattooed. In her case, the process of being tattooed took about six hours.
6. Kay’s tattoo is large and dense. It includes an incredible amount of ( disfiguring ) detail. Such detail made the process of being tattooed extra painful. ( The skin swells, and becomes quite sensitive, as it is repeatedly pierced with needles. )
7. There’s a clash between what guys want and what girls want. Far too often, I’ve seen an innocent-looking porn model do her utmost to appear sexually experienced. This happens over time. The model does her utmost to appear to be sexual trash. Kay J is no exception to this. She did her best to be seen as a sexual tramp. This is evident in even her earliest photographic items.
But, the average guy doesn’t want sexual trash in his bed. Why? In Nature ( that is, absent birth control ), a girl who’s had sex with a man is pregnant by that man. If you fuck this girl later on, and keep her, you spend your life raising another man’s child. That doesn’t propagate your genes. That propagates his genes.
Furthermore, if you fuck a female who’s been fucked by another guy, you’re wasting your sperm. You’re pumping your sperm into a womb that’s already pregnant!
A young female is likely to successfully deliver a baby. She’s more likely to deliver a baby who’s healthy. A female who’s older is nearing the end of her reproductive years.
( Hence, if you fuck an older female, you could be wasting your sperm. She may fail to successfully give you offspring. )
A female, however, prefers a guy who’s older. A guy who’s older is likely wealthier, and has a higher social status. A female is wasting her time with a young, broke guy, who has no status, if she can mate with an older man. ( And keep him. )
Kay embodies this sexual misunderstanding. She thinks she needs to look sexually experienced to attract older, sexually experienced men.
( Assuming that an older man is, in fact, sexually experienced. )
But: A man, whatever his age, likely wants a virgin womb to pump his sperm into. ( For the reasons given above. )
In theory, laser surgery can remove Kay’s tattoo. However, laser surgery takes time. ( Multiple appointments are required. ) Laser surgery is expensive. And, in my opinion, laser surgery can never restore Kay’s back to its once pristine beauty.
Kay was probably under contract to the metartnetwork ( dot ) com when she chose to be tattooed. That’s because Me Tart released several additional photo galleries of her after she was tattooed. ( In each, an airbrush artist does what he can, perhaps desultorily, to hide Kay’s tattoo. )
Me Tart released no new videos of Kay. It’s impossible to airbrush a tattoo out of a video. A video has too many frames of film.
Femjoy ( dot ) com has released a photo gallery of Kay. It looks new to me, but I can’t be sure. Anything else that you see at indexxx ( dot ) com is old, reposted material. The result: By getting tattooed, Kay torpedoed her career as a porn star.
There are many disgusting porn destinations where Kay, being tattooed, could wind up. Hopefully, she won’t go in that direction. However, if she wants to continue to work as a porn star, no other directions are open to her.
By getting tattooed, Kay alienated her fans and destroyed her career. Worst of all, she ruined her God-given beauty.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J’s first, and best, photographer was Alex Lynn. In his studio, he created the many photo galleries that make up Kay’s “kid cute” era. ( Circa 2016, when she was 20 years old. )
Lynn’s studio was amazing. He was able to weave multiple fantasies, set in diverse locales, in a single room!
Here’s an example of this:
1. The photo gallery “Phania”. In photo “0035”, you can see a view of a kitchen. This kitchen is meant to be absent from “Phania”. Fortunately, the astute masturbator will spot it.
2. The photo gallery “Vuita”. This takes place in a kitchen. It’s the kitchen that we see, briefly, in “Phania”!
Look at the futuristic blue barstool in the kitchen. It’s the proof that the kitchen is the same in both “Phania” and in “Vuita”.
More proof: Look at the panels of wood under the kitchen’s countertop. The hue of the panels is the same in both photo galleries.
Also, the countertop is the same color in both photo galleries.
Both photo galleries are at themetartnetwork ( dot ) com. Model: Kay J.
1. “Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.”
- Kahlil Gibran.
Source: The Gigantic Book of Famous Quotations, by Joanne Kelly. Page 96.
2. “I'm tired of all the nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want - an adorable pancreas?”
- Jean Kerr
Source: Ibid. Page 95.
1. Apparently, as a BDSM submissive, Kay J takes pride in showing how much pain she can endure. Being tattooed in a way that’s severely painful was one more sexual hurdle for Kay. But it was, like Operation Market Garden, “A bridge too far.”
2. Skin, if left to itself, resists being tattooed. A tattoo needle pierces the skin’s resistance. This allows ink to flow into the hole that the needle creates.
( Contrary to popular opinion, a tattoo needle doesn’t inject ink. It merely pokes a hole in the skin. Ink then flows into the hole. )
Tattoo ink is specially made to be permanent, unlike regular ink.
Skin that’s been newly tattooed will itch, horribly, for a number days. There’s a God-given reason for this. You’re supposed to scratch your itch. That will flake off ( to some degree ) the tattoo! ( Returning your skin to its normal state. )
You can have a reaction, years later, to being tattooed. Your body doesn’t want tattoo ink in it!
3. I continue to feel that Kay J was, in her prime, the most beautiful girl of all time. She remains quite attractive. ( Provided you aren’t seeing her tattoo. )
4. Kay J’s Only Fans page is: ukaybb. ( No period. )
5. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the Internet, are conjecture.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me.
I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 203
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 203, version 2.0
Date Written: July 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Groceries Online
ET 202
Editorial Thunder presents...
Groceries Online
Plus: Celebrating sodomy.
by Andrew Roller
Kyle Reese: What day is it? The date!
Cop in Alley: 12th - May - Thursday
Kyle Reese: WHAT YEAR?
- From the 1984 film, “The Terminator”.
I have a good memory. However, many years have gone by, since I was born. You may wonder what effect this has on me. When I write a date, I can’t remember the year.
Not long ago, it was 2021. Soon, it will be 2023. So how am I supposed to know what this year is?! Especially since, being alone all of my life, I’ve never been to a New Years’ party.
I do know that I’m living in The Future. I don’t yet have a flying saucer. I also don’t have a car. However, as Ray Bradbury writes, in his story, “Pillar of Fire”,
“It wasn’t the 20th century anymore.” Page 51. ( Paraphrased. )
I live in downtown San Diego. The area is fully urbanized. There was a city park near me, which had lots of tall, shady trees. However, the trees are now nearly all gone. The city cut the trees down. In their place, the city is installing playground equipment. The park will, likely, become one where only so-called “children” can go.
( In 1992, the park was a tract of land. Republicans held their presidential nominating convention across the street. They did so in the San Diego Convention Center. One day, crossing the street, the Republicans named the tract “Children’s Park”, and planted some trees. )
( The 1990s was notorious for a “protect the children” moral panic. )
Since I live in The Future, I decided to stop being a human donkey. I decided to cease making endless treks, on foot, to the local Ralphs Grocery Store. ( Owned by Kroger. )
In my room ( among my porn pictures ), I visited ralphs ( dot ) com. I spent an hour there. I made a breathtaking discovery. Ralphs doesn’t deliver to my area of San Diego! This despite the fact that I live across the street from the San Diego Convention Center, and near “Children’s Park”.
I tried the Ralphs option called “Deliver”. That didn’t work. I tried the Ralphs option called “Ship”. That didn’t work. Ralphs did get all of my personal information. I gave them intimate details of my life, only to find that they couldn’t help me.
( The good news: The bagger girls at Ralphs can now find out, at ralphs ( dot ) com, how big my penis is. )
Still in my room ( but not masturbating! ) I did a general internet search. My search phrase was: buy groceries online.
( I looked up “local playgrounds” too, but that was later. )
My general search produced results. Albertsons ( dot ) com delivers in my area of San Diego.
So does Vons ( dot ) com.
Which to use?
I looked up some prices at both web sites. They were identical.
Then, I looked for the nearest Albertsons store, and the nearest Vons store.
Why did I do that, if I’m just going to buy from them online?
I figured that I might have to complain. I mean, what if they send me a bagger girl who looks crappy? I’ll want to go to the store and complain. Can’t you have Barbie deliver my groceries?!
I didn’t choose the “closest” store based on an “as the crow flies” assessment. Rather, I took into account the area’s closeness to me in terms of its level of economic development.
The nearest Albertsons store is in a slum. Maybe the folks in that area don’t think it’s a slum. However, I do. I’ve never been to the area. Nonetheless, looking at my Google map, and having a bigot’s knowledge of San Diego, I said to myself, “It’s a slum”.
Vons has two stores in areas where I’ve been. They aren’t slums. In the first area, I’ve had something stuck in my penis, and later pulled out. I also had a man stick his finger up my ass. ( A hospital is there. )
In the second area, where a Vons is also located, I’ve bought porn. So, I know both areas. I didn’t masturbate in them, but that’s just because I didn’t stay long enough.
Since the closest store to me was a Vons, I went to vons ( dot ) com.
The online interface for Vons, Albertsons, and even Ralphs is nearly the same. I’m speaking of how the online interface looks, when you arrive at the home page for each of these stores.
Vons and Albertsons are both owned by Safeway.
At ralphs ( dot ) com, I found their “Terms and Conditions” to be onerous, and ridiculous.
Consider this section of Ralphs’ “Terms and Conditions”:
“4.3 By submitting User Content (as defined below), you automatically grant Kroger a world-wide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully sublicensable and transferable, right and license to use, record, sell, lease, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works from, publicly display or perform, transmit, publish, and otherwise exploit the User Content, in whole or part as Kroger deems appropriate including, but not limited to, in connection with Kroger's or its subsidiaries' or affiliates' businesses.”
Ralphs ( Kroger ) can’t deliver, or ship, groceries to downtown San Diego. But they insist on having a world-wide right to perform my grocery list!
That’s ridiculous. It’s especially so since Ralphs was also unable to sell me grape soda, in either cans or in a bottle. ( The only option in that category was a very overpriced brand that I’ve never heard of. )
Vons ( dot ) com had ordinary “Terms and Conditions”. Their web site works very smoothy. I got a 30-day free trial of their “Annual plan”. It will cost me $99.00 per year after my free trial ends.
In the “Annual plan”, I get a monthly credit of $5.00. Five dollars multiplied by 12 months equals $60.00. So, if I subtract $60.00 from $99.00, that reduces the cost of the “Annual plan” to $39.00!
Are you willing to have groceries delivered to you for $39.00 a year? That seems reasonable to me.
I got $20.00 off of my first order.
Also, a coupon for $5.00 off of my next order was e-mailed to me. It was also sitting on Vons’ home page. ( Scroll down to find it. ) ( Do so after you’ve placed an order at vons ( dot ) com. )
My “Annual plan” is called “FreshPass”. If you go to vons ( dot ) com, look at the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen. The word “Account” is there. Tap on it. An informational box appears. ( A scroll down menu. )
In the informational box, scroll down to “FreshPass”. There, you’ll see offers that Vons is making, that can save you money.
( So I understand. Right now, there aren’t any coupons or discounts listed on my “FreshPass” page. )
From “Account”, you can also scroll down to “Rewards”. My understanding is that rewards are “bonus points”. You accumulate bonus points as you shop. You redeem these bonus points at “Rewards”. ( In the scroll down menu. )
At check out, I was told by Vons to tip my driver. Wow! That excited me. Vons was sending me a beautiful bagger girl, and a beautiful driver too? Of course I’d “tip” them both, by screwing them!
Then I realized that no bagger girl was coming. Also, my driver ( who’s likely a guy ) doesn’t want to get screwed. He wants money. He ( according to Vons ) wants at least five percent of my total order!
( Vons adds your “tip”, for your driver, to the total price of your order. You pay this online, at check out. )
Vons employs independent drivers. ( The drivers don’t work directly for Vons. ) I didn’t realize that the mafia is now in the business of dropping off groceries. Afraid to piss off my driver, I agreed to tip the driver five percent.
When I go to “my” Ralphs store, I take my own bags. Vons charged me a bag fee of fifty cents.
( Had I bought more, the bag fee would likely have been higher. )
I see paying for bags as lost money. The plastic bags that Ralphs sells its customers are too small for trash. Also, you can’t fold and reuse them, like paper bags.
( Try folding a plastic grocery bag. If you’re touching the part of the bag that’s been on the ground, you’re handling the urine and feces that’s on San Diego’s streets. )
I completed my order at vons ( dot ) com. Soon, I wanted to start a new order. I didn’t want my new order processed. I just wanted to start building it.
That proved impossible. Vons insisted that I “Edit” my current order!
At amazon ( dot ) com, I have a cart. I can put whatever I want in my cart. Then, I can save it for later. Some items that I’ve saved for later, like the sex doll with the “MilkMaid” vagina, have been in my cart for years.
You can’t use your cart at Vons like that. You have to wait until your current order is shipped before you can build a new order.
At Vons, from “Account”, you can access something called “My List”. It doesn’t work.
So, to build my next order for Vons, I had to resort to making a list by hand, with a paper and pen. This made masturbating with both of my hands impossible.
My groceries won’t be delivered directly to me. They’ll be delivered to a locker in my building. In order for my groceries to be delivered to the locker, my driver will have to pass through my building’s lobby.
For all this to work well, I need my building’s managers to be present. If they aren’t, my driver could be stuck outside of my building.
Vons was going to deliver my groceries at about 10 o’clock tonight! On a Friday night! I changed the time of my delivery to one where my building’s managers will be present. Make sure you do the same.
At vons ( dot ) com, when you check out, there is a section called “Promo Code”. It gives you a discount. If you’re given a “Promo Code”, make sure that you enter it here.
When I was ready to check out, I looked at my total order. It cost $82.02. I thought that I’d spent the amount necessary to receive a “Promo Code” discount. However, I hadn’t. I was less than 50 cents short. Fortunately, I hadn’t yet completed my transaction. I added one can of soup to my order. Bingo! The total cost of my order dropped to $63.79.
What had happened? Vons had given me a special discount that I hadn’t reckoned with. The discount had LOWERED the price, of my groceries, to UNDER the amount needed to get the $20.00 off “Promo Code” discount.
The special discount is called “Est. Savings”. You’ll see it on your screen at check out. I guess it’s some sort of “store card” discount. However, vons ( dot ) com makes no use of store cards. Also, I don’t have, and have never owned, a Vons store card!
Think of “Est. Savings” as an invisible “store card”. You’ll get it ( the invisible store card ) automatically at vons ( dot ) com.
Under “Est. Savings” is “Est. Subtotal”. THAT is the cost of your groceries. ( Excluding the Sales Tax, Bag Fee, Container Deposit, and your “tip” for the mafia guy that delivers your groceries. )
When you’re trying to buy enough to qualify for a “Promo Code” discount, use the amount that is labelled “Est. Subtotal”. That is the total bill for your groceries.
I was happy with my experience at vons ( dot ) com. Hopefully, I’ll now spend less time trudging to Ralphs. I’l spend more time spending my vigor at online porn sites!
HOLY Joe’s THOT for the DAY
Why is it that Blacks get two holidays,and fags get none? Weren’t fags discriminated against too?
In addition to Independence Day, and Juneteenth Independence Day, we need Anus Independence Day!
Quote from “The Terminator”:
Link: https://www.quotes.net/mquote/95532
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me.
I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 202
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 202, version 1.0
Date Written: July 1, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 202
Editorial Thunder presents...
Groceries Online
Plus: Celebrating sodomy.
by Andrew Roller
Kyle Reese: What day is it? The date!
Cop in Alley: 12th - May - Thursday
Kyle Reese: WHAT YEAR?
- From the 1984 film, “The Terminator”.
I have a good memory. However, many years have gone by, since I was born. You may wonder what effect this has on me. When I write a date, I can’t remember the year.
Not long ago, it was 2021. Soon, it will be 2023. So how am I supposed to know what this year is?! Especially since, being alone all of my life, I’ve never been to a New Years’ party.
I do know that I’m living in The Future. I don’t yet have a flying saucer. I also don’t have a car. However, as Ray Bradbury writes, in his story, “Pillar of Fire”,
“It wasn’t the 20th century anymore.” Page 51. ( Paraphrased. )
I live in downtown San Diego. The area is fully urbanized. There was a city park near me, which had lots of tall, shady trees. However, the trees are now nearly all gone. The city cut the trees down. In their place, the city is installing playground equipment. The park will, likely, become one where only so-called “children” can go.
( In 1992, the park was a tract of land. Republicans held their presidential nominating convention across the street. They did so in the San Diego Convention Center. One day, crossing the street, the Republicans named the tract “Children’s Park”, and planted some trees. )
( The 1990s was notorious for a “protect the children” moral panic. )
Since I live in The Future, I decided to stop being a human donkey. I decided to cease making endless treks, on foot, to the local Ralphs Grocery Store. ( Owned by Kroger. )
In my room ( among my porn pictures ), I visited ralphs ( dot ) com. I spent an hour there. I made a breathtaking discovery. Ralphs doesn’t deliver to my area of San Diego! This despite the fact that I live across the street from the San Diego Convention Center, and near “Children’s Park”.
I tried the Ralphs option called “Deliver”. That didn’t work. I tried the Ralphs option called “Ship”. That didn’t work. Ralphs did get all of my personal information. I gave them intimate details of my life, only to find that they couldn’t help me.
( The good news: The bagger girls at Ralphs can now find out, at ralphs ( dot ) com, how big my penis is. )
Still in my room ( but not masturbating! ) I did a general internet search. My search phrase was: buy groceries online.
( I looked up “local playgrounds” too, but that was later. )
My general search produced results. Albertsons ( dot ) com delivers in my area of San Diego.
So does Vons ( dot ) com.
Which to use?
I looked up some prices at both web sites. They were identical.
Then, I looked for the nearest Albertsons store, and the nearest Vons store.
Why did I do that, if I’m just going to buy from them online?
I figured that I might have to complain. I mean, what if they send me a bagger girl who looks crappy? I’ll want to go to the store and complain. Can’t you have Barbie deliver my groceries?!
I didn’t choose the “closest” store based on an “as the crow flies” assessment. Rather, I took into account the area’s closeness to me in terms of its level of economic development.
The nearest Albertsons store is in a slum. Maybe the folks in that area don’t think it’s a slum. However, I do. I’ve never been to the area. Nonetheless, looking at my Google map, and having a bigot’s knowledge of San Diego, I said to myself, “It’s a slum”.
Vons has two stores in areas where I’ve been. They aren’t slums. In the first area, I’ve had something stuck in my penis, and later pulled out. I also had a man stick his finger up my ass. ( A hospital is there. )
In the second area, where a Vons is also located, I’ve bought porn. So, I know both areas. I didn’t masturbate in them, but that’s just because I didn’t stay long enough.
Since the closest store to me was a Vons, I went to vons ( dot ) com.
The online interface for Vons, Albertsons, and even Ralphs is nearly the same. I’m speaking of how the online interface looks, when you arrive at the home page for each of these stores.
Vons and Albertsons are both owned by Safeway.
At ralphs ( dot ) com, I found their “Terms and Conditions” to be onerous, and ridiculous.
Consider this section of Ralphs’ “Terms and Conditions”:
“4.3 By submitting User Content (as defined below), you automatically grant Kroger a world-wide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully sublicensable and transferable, right and license to use, record, sell, lease, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works from, publicly display or perform, transmit, publish, and otherwise exploit the User Content, in whole or part as Kroger deems appropriate including, but not limited to, in connection with Kroger's or its subsidiaries' or affiliates' businesses.”
Ralphs ( Kroger ) can’t deliver, or ship, groceries to downtown San Diego. But they insist on having a world-wide right to perform my grocery list!
That’s ridiculous. It’s especially so since Ralphs was also unable to sell me grape soda, in either cans or in a bottle. ( The only option in that category was a very overpriced brand that I’ve never heard of. )
Vons ( dot ) com had ordinary “Terms and Conditions”. Their web site works very smoothy. I got a 30-day free trial of their “Annual plan”. It will cost me $99.00 per year after my free trial ends.
In the “Annual plan”, I get a monthly credit of $5.00. Five dollars multiplied by 12 months equals $60.00. So, if I subtract $60.00 from $99.00, that reduces the cost of the “Annual plan” to $39.00!
Are you willing to have groceries delivered to you for $39.00 a year? That seems reasonable to me.
I got $20.00 off of my first order.
Also, a coupon for $5.00 off of my next order was e-mailed to me. It was also sitting on Vons’ home page. ( Scroll down to find it. ) ( Do so after you’ve placed an order at vons ( dot ) com. )
My “Annual plan” is called “FreshPass”. If you go to vons ( dot ) com, look at the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen. The word “Account” is there. Tap on it. An informational box appears. ( A scroll down menu. )
In the informational box, scroll down to “FreshPass”. There, you’ll see offers that Vons is making, that can save you money.
( So I understand. Right now, there aren’t any coupons or discounts listed on my “FreshPass” page. )
From “Account”, you can also scroll down to “Rewards”. My understanding is that rewards are “bonus points”. You accumulate bonus points as you shop. You redeem these bonus points at “Rewards”. ( In the scroll down menu. )
At check out, I was told by Vons to tip my driver. Wow! That excited me. Vons was sending me a beautiful bagger girl, and a beautiful driver too? Of course I’d “tip” them both, by screwing them!
Then I realized that no bagger girl was coming. Also, my driver ( who’s likely a guy ) doesn’t want to get screwed. He wants money. He ( according to Vons ) wants at least five percent of my total order!
( Vons adds your “tip”, for your driver, to the total price of your order. You pay this online, at check out. )
Vons employs independent drivers. ( The drivers don’t work directly for Vons. ) I didn’t realize that the mafia is now in the business of dropping off groceries. Afraid to piss off my driver, I agreed to tip the driver five percent.
When I go to “my” Ralphs store, I take my own bags. Vons charged me a bag fee of fifty cents.
( Had I bought more, the bag fee would likely have been higher. )
I see paying for bags as lost money. The plastic bags that Ralphs sells its customers are too small for trash. Also, you can’t fold and reuse them, like paper bags.
( Try folding a plastic grocery bag. If you’re touching the part of the bag that’s been on the ground, you’re handling the urine and feces that’s on San Diego’s streets. )
I completed my order at vons ( dot ) com. Soon, I wanted to start a new order. I didn’t want my new order processed. I just wanted to start building it.
That proved impossible. Vons insisted that I “Edit” my current order!
At amazon ( dot ) com, I have a cart. I can put whatever I want in my cart. Then, I can save it for later. Some items that I’ve saved for later, like the sex doll with the “MilkMaid” vagina, have been in my cart for years.
You can’t use your cart at Vons like that. You have to wait until your current order is shipped before you can build a new order.
At Vons, from “Account”, you can access something called “My List”. It doesn’t work.
So, to build my next order for Vons, I had to resort to making a list by hand, with a paper and pen. This made masturbating with both of my hands impossible.
My groceries won’t be delivered directly to me. They’ll be delivered to a locker in my building. In order for my groceries to be delivered to the locker, my driver will have to pass through my building’s lobby.
For all this to work well, I need my building’s managers to be present. If they aren’t, my driver could be stuck outside of my building.
Vons was going to deliver my groceries at about 10 o’clock tonight! On a Friday night! I changed the time of my delivery to one where my building’s managers will be present. Make sure you do the same.
At vons ( dot ) com, when you check out, there is a section called “Promo Code”. It gives you a discount. If you’re given a “Promo Code”, make sure that you enter it here.
When I was ready to check out, I looked at my total order. It cost $82.02. I thought that I’d spent the amount necessary to receive a “Promo Code” discount. However, I hadn’t. I was less than 50 cents short. Fortunately, I hadn’t yet completed my transaction. I added one can of soup to my order. Bingo! The total cost of my order dropped to $63.79.
What had happened? Vons had given me a special discount that I hadn’t reckoned with. The discount had LOWERED the price, of my groceries, to UNDER the amount needed to get the $20.00 off “Promo Code” discount.
The special discount is called “Est. Savings”. You’ll see it on your screen at check out. I guess it’s some sort of “store card” discount. However, vons ( dot ) com makes no use of store cards. Also, I don’t have, and have never owned, a Vons store card!
Think of “Est. Savings” as an invisible “store card”. You’ll get it ( the invisible store card ) automatically at vons ( dot ) com.
Under “Est. Savings” is “Est. Subtotal”. THAT is the cost of your groceries. ( Excluding the Sales Tax, Bag Fee, Container Deposit, and your “tip” for the mafia guy that delivers your groceries. )
When you’re trying to buy enough to qualify for a “Promo Code” discount, use the amount that is labelled “Est. Subtotal”. That is the total bill for your groceries.
I was happy with my experience at vons ( dot ) com. Hopefully, I’ll now spend less time trudging to Ralphs. I’l spend more time spending my vigor at online porn sites!
HOLY Joe’s THOT for the DAY
Why is it that Blacks get two holidays,and fags get none? Weren’t fags discriminated against too?
In addition to Independence Day, and Juneteenth Independence Day, we need Anus Independence Day!
Quote from “The Terminator”:
Link: https://www.quotes.net/mquote/95532
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me.
I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 202
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 202, version 1.0
Date Written: July 1, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Nude and Nasty!
ET 201
Editorial Thunder presents...
Nude and Nasty!
Plus: On arrest.
And: Kay J’s watch.
by Andrew Roller
I know. You were too busy pumping iron to get to spring break. ( As a guy told me, “My iron penis requires constant attention!” )
Fortunately, spring break can come to you. It does so via this web site:
The videos in College Girls Gone Bad were filmed in about 2012. The web site has been around for years. Probably, you’ve seen free versions of these videos at a web site like xvideos ( dot ) com.
Everything that’s written about College Girls Gone Bad, on the Internet, is out of date. College Girls Gone Bad is no longer part of Bang Bros. College Girls Gone Bad ( which I’ll now call “College” ) is an independent web site.
Let’s go through the process of joining College. For now, just follow along as a reader. Then you’ll know what it’s like to join!
I had a little trouble getting the web site to appear. I guess College sometimes gets more traffic than it can handle.
Go to College. ( With your dick, not books! ) A web page appears. This is the College home page. It's full of lovely young girls doing naughty things! So, you decide to join. You click on a link ( most anywhere ), and you’re taken to another page. Here, you enter the standard information that is required to join any porn site. For instance, you’re asked,
“Do you like underage minor females?”
“How often do you fuck underage minor females?”
Ooops! That’s the F.B.I.’s web site. ( Not that I’ve ever been to it! )
Great news! There are no pre-checked offers! You won’t be sold crap that you don’t want, for $29.95 ( or more ) a month.
The cost of a yearly subscription is $119.40. If you remain a member, your subscription, after a year, will renew at $9.95 a month.
You join. You’re taken to a new page. It gives you your Username, Password, and Member Id. Each of these is very complicated. There is no way to change them.
You are NOT whisked into the web site! After you’ve made a screenshot of your customer information, you’ll have to access College in the usual way. That is, direct your browser to collegegirlsgonebad ( dot ) com.
You arrive ( again ) at the College home page. Here, enter your customer information that you were given. This will be laborious. However, when I visited College later on, my personal information was already present! I simply entered the web site, after proving that I wasn’t a computer. ( Just a pervert. )
There are two pages of content at College. The content consists of 54 videos. These range in time from about half an hour, to nearly an hour. ( A few videos are longer than an hour, to accommodate a long penis like mine! )
You can watch any video at any time. You can NOT download any video! Also, there are no galleries of still photos.
College is never updated. No new content is added. This has been true for a number of years.
You may have heard of a web site called, hazeher ( dot ) com. The web site exists. However, if you try to join, you’ll find that a black box blocks your ability to join. Don’t worry, you’re not being discriminated against. “Haze Her is closed,” various Internet reviewers report. College has all the Haze Her videos ( as it always has ).
An internet reviewer says Haze Her has 57 videos. An Internet reviewer says College has 56 videos. Sadly, this is no longer true. I guess several videos were discarded by College’s owners, along with the photo galleries.
Tap on a video. It will appear. The box that it’s going to play in will be relatively small. To expand the size of this box, tap on its lower right corner.
The box expands in size. Also, the video begins playing.
This is a problem. It’s difficult to stop the video. ( The stop arrow, in the lower left corner of the “player” box, is often unresponsive. )
You can rewind the video in ten second increments. ( Tap the “10” at the base of the video. )
You can’t fast forward the video.
You can attempt to “scrub” the little white ball, at the base of the video, forward. ( To your right. ) However, you’ll soon “outrun” the video. The “player” will become confused.
I only like watching a video in slow motion. In fact, I insist on controlling the video’s progress. I want to see every frame of a video, except where it bores me. What to do?
Stop the video. ( This may require several attempts. The video doesn’t want to stop. )
Begin a screen recording. ( Use your iPad’s “Control Center” to do this. To see how, read prior issues of ARSE. )
You are now recording your screen.
Tap on the “10” at the base of the video. Rewind it to the start. Now, the video should start playing again, from the beginning. ( If it doesn’t play, hit the “play” arrow. The “play” arrow is in the bottom left corner of the “player” box. )
I used to watch “Larry King” on CNN. The announcer would say, to a potential caller, “Let the connection ring. We’ll answer when it’s your turn.” )
The video is now playing. Unless you want to shoot off to some random event in the video ( probably three seconds from now ), you’re going to have to find something to do. Take a shower. Read a book. Ask the girl next door if she’d like to play with her teddy bear in your room.
Sometimes, you can see a white line at the base of your video, as it plays. The white line indicates how much of the video has played.
Sometimes, you can’t see a white line. If you can’t, you’re going to have to judge, in advance, how long the video will play. It will eventually finish. You don’t want to keep recording your screen after the video is over.
The video ends. Don’t touch it! Your job is to stop recording your screen!
Now, wait about 10 minutes. Leave your iPad alone. If you fool with it, your screen recording might be lost.
Keep an eye on your screen. ( Read a book while you do. ) Eventually, you’ll see a notification. The notification is from Apple. It reads,
“You are using your iPad for an unauthorized purpose. It is being erased.”
Actually, I’m kidding. ( In the year 2022. Who knows what the future holds? )
The notification tells you that you have successfully recorded your screen. You have recorded the College video!
Or, you haven’t. The notification may tell you that your screen recording was unsuccessful.
If this happens, quit out of the College web site. Turn your iPad off. Then, turn your iPad back on.
Everything should now be alright with your iPad. However, there is a slight chance that your iPad will refuse to boot up. The white Apple logo will appear on your iPad’s screen. It will remain there. You won’t be given access to your iPad’s home page.
If you’ve had an iPad for awhile, you may have encountered this problem. I report on how to deal with it in a prior issue of ARSE.
If your iPad is functioning normally, you should be able to turn your iPad off. I simply mention the above problem so you won’t get angry with me. As in, “My iPad was working, but now it doesn’t, thanks to you!”
I was unable to make screen recordings. I turned my iPad off. I then turned my iPad back on. The white Apple logo appeared on my iPad’s screen. For a whole minute, as I stared at that white Apple, I was a born again Christian. I pledged my life to Christ. I promised to never touch my penis again.
Then, the white Apple gave way to my home page. My iPad’s home page was back! I shot my butt to College. Plunging anew into their web site, I made a screen recording. I did so, this time, successfully.
Next, I put my screen recording into an Apple app. The Apple app is iMovie. In prior issues of ARSE, I say how to do this.
iMovie has changed some since I wrote about it.
Launch iMovie. At the base of your iPad’s screen, you’ll see a box. It’s titled, “Start New Project”. In this box, don’t tap on “Magic Movie”. Instead, tap on “Movie”. You can then make a movie in the usual way.
Which means: you’re importing your College screen recording into iMovie.
Have you done that? Good. Now, you can watch your movie frame-by-frame. Screenshot any frame that you like. In your Apple Photos app, you can enlarge ( with your fingers ) your screenshot.
Free versions of College videos are grainy. The visual quality of the videos at the College web site is superb.
Some College videos are wonderfully creative. These girls do all sorts of erotically nasty things! For instance, in one video, a cherry is put in a girl’s butt crack. She then has to squat, and “poop” the cherry into a girl’s open mouth.
( The girl receiving the cherry is lying supine. Her head is somewhat elevated by a stair step. I fear that the cherry was a choking hazard. But, in the event, no one choked on a cherry. )
Not every video is a work of decadent genius. Some are fairly boring. However, every video features the girls doing erotic things until they orgasm. There’s a lot of dildo sucking, dildo riding, and girl on girl action. All the girls in the videos are young.
The premise is always the same. Submissive girls seek to join a sorority. Dominant girls boss them about.
Which are the best videos? Well, I just joined, so my dick has a lot of work ahead of it. However, I’m somewhat familiar with College from watching free versions of the videos. I recommend:
1. Pledgers Eat Pussy.
2. Bench of Judgment.
I’m interrupting this review to inveigh against tattoos. There are some lovely girls in these videos who have marred themselves with tattoos. Ladies, leave tattoos to sailors!
A girl who’s at College may also be at this web site:
Girlfriends Films.
You can read about Girlfriends Films at rabbitsreviews ( dot ) com. At Rabbits Reviews, Recon24 writes, of this web site, “AVOID”. Recon24 gives his reasons. He wrote his review of Girlfriends Films on March 6, 2022.
To conclude:
The College web site works. You can come and go, and watch the videos.
You’ll need to screen record the videos to enjoy them at your own pace.
What you see is what you get. There are two pages of videos. There are no galleries, and no new content is ever added.
Some of the videos are works of carnal genius. The naked girls suffer, erotically, through inventive sexual ordeals. College isn’t the usual bump-and-grind porn site.
The subject of criminal procedure is mostly beyond the scope of ARSE. However, here’s something that I learned by watching Fox News.
A lawyer was stopped by the police. They took his phone. On Fox News, the lawyer said that the police took his phone without first presenting him with a warrant. Also, an affidavit was supposed to be attached to the warrant.
For more, read:
Criminal Procedure Simplified. By Benjamin Morton. I got this book as a free sample from amazon ( dot ) com.
Until she kicked me out, I was a member of Kay J's Only Fans page. In recent photos, she wears a green watch.
I told Kay that I didn’t like her green watch. I told her that she wasn’t a Martian.
Today, I discovered that Kay is wearing the new Apple watch. I think the Apple watch looks awful. A green watch doesn’t go well with Caucasian skin. Also, the dial ( or face ) of the Apple watch is disgusting. ( When it’s not black, and not displaying content. )
A green watch, on White skin, is quite noticeable. Kay has turned herself into a billboard for Apple. But, probably, that’s what she wants. For over a decade, a person has been “cool” if they can afford, financially, to be a walking advertisement for Apple.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me.
I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 201
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 201, version 1.0
Date Written: June 29, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 201
Editorial Thunder presents...
Nude and Nasty!
Plus: On arrest.
And: Kay J’s watch.
by Andrew Roller
I know. You were too busy pumping iron to get to spring break. ( As a guy told me, “My iron penis requires constant attention!” )
Fortunately, spring break can come to you. It does so via this web site:
The videos in College Girls Gone Bad were filmed in about 2012. The web site has been around for years. Probably, you’ve seen free versions of these videos at a web site like xvideos ( dot ) com.
Everything that’s written about College Girls Gone Bad, on the Internet, is out of date. College Girls Gone Bad is no longer part of Bang Bros. College Girls Gone Bad ( which I’ll now call “College” ) is an independent web site.
Let’s go through the process of joining College. For now, just follow along as a reader. Then you’ll know what it’s like to join!
I had a little trouble getting the web site to appear. I guess College sometimes gets more traffic than it can handle.
Go to College. ( With your dick, not books! ) A web page appears. This is the College home page. It's full of lovely young girls doing naughty things! So, you decide to join. You click on a link ( most anywhere ), and you’re taken to another page. Here, you enter the standard information that is required to join any porn site. For instance, you’re asked,
“Do you like underage minor females?”
“How often do you fuck underage minor females?”
Ooops! That’s the F.B.I.’s web site. ( Not that I’ve ever been to it! )
Great news! There are no pre-checked offers! You won’t be sold crap that you don’t want, for $29.95 ( or more ) a month.
The cost of a yearly subscription is $119.40. If you remain a member, your subscription, after a year, will renew at $9.95 a month.
You join. You’re taken to a new page. It gives you your Username, Password, and Member Id. Each of these is very complicated. There is no way to change them.
You are NOT whisked into the web site! After you’ve made a screenshot of your customer information, you’ll have to access College in the usual way. That is, direct your browser to collegegirlsgonebad ( dot ) com.
You arrive ( again ) at the College home page. Here, enter your customer information that you were given. This will be laborious. However, when I visited College later on, my personal information was already present! I simply entered the web site, after proving that I wasn’t a computer. ( Just a pervert. )
There are two pages of content at College. The content consists of 54 videos. These range in time from about half an hour, to nearly an hour. ( A few videos are longer than an hour, to accommodate a long penis like mine! )
You can watch any video at any time. You can NOT download any video! Also, there are no galleries of still photos.
College is never updated. No new content is added. This has been true for a number of years.
You may have heard of a web site called, hazeher ( dot ) com. The web site exists. However, if you try to join, you’ll find that a black box blocks your ability to join. Don’t worry, you’re not being discriminated against. “Haze Her is closed,” various Internet reviewers report. College has all the Haze Her videos ( as it always has ).
An internet reviewer says Haze Her has 57 videos. An Internet reviewer says College has 56 videos. Sadly, this is no longer true. I guess several videos were discarded by College’s owners, along with the photo galleries.
Tap on a video. It will appear. The box that it’s going to play in will be relatively small. To expand the size of this box, tap on its lower right corner.
The box expands in size. Also, the video begins playing.
This is a problem. It’s difficult to stop the video. ( The stop arrow, in the lower left corner of the “player” box, is often unresponsive. )
You can rewind the video in ten second increments. ( Tap the “10” at the base of the video. )
You can’t fast forward the video.
You can attempt to “scrub” the little white ball, at the base of the video, forward. ( To your right. ) However, you’ll soon “outrun” the video. The “player” will become confused.
I only like watching a video in slow motion. In fact, I insist on controlling the video’s progress. I want to see every frame of a video, except where it bores me. What to do?
Stop the video. ( This may require several attempts. The video doesn’t want to stop. )
Begin a screen recording. ( Use your iPad’s “Control Center” to do this. To see how, read prior issues of ARSE. )
You are now recording your screen.
Tap on the “10” at the base of the video. Rewind it to the start. Now, the video should start playing again, from the beginning. ( If it doesn’t play, hit the “play” arrow. The “play” arrow is in the bottom left corner of the “player” box. )
I used to watch “Larry King” on CNN. The announcer would say, to a potential caller, “Let the connection ring. We’ll answer when it’s your turn.” )
The video is now playing. Unless you want to shoot off to some random event in the video ( probably three seconds from now ), you’re going to have to find something to do. Take a shower. Read a book. Ask the girl next door if she’d like to play with her teddy bear in your room.
Sometimes, you can see a white line at the base of your video, as it plays. The white line indicates how much of the video has played.
Sometimes, you can’t see a white line. If you can’t, you’re going to have to judge, in advance, how long the video will play. It will eventually finish. You don’t want to keep recording your screen after the video is over.
The video ends. Don’t touch it! Your job is to stop recording your screen!
Now, wait about 10 minutes. Leave your iPad alone. If you fool with it, your screen recording might be lost.
Keep an eye on your screen. ( Read a book while you do. ) Eventually, you’ll see a notification. The notification is from Apple. It reads,
“You are using your iPad for an unauthorized purpose. It is being erased.”
Actually, I’m kidding. ( In the year 2022. Who knows what the future holds? )
The notification tells you that you have successfully recorded your screen. You have recorded the College video!
Or, you haven’t. The notification may tell you that your screen recording was unsuccessful.
If this happens, quit out of the College web site. Turn your iPad off. Then, turn your iPad back on.
Everything should now be alright with your iPad. However, there is a slight chance that your iPad will refuse to boot up. The white Apple logo will appear on your iPad’s screen. It will remain there. You won’t be given access to your iPad’s home page.
If you’ve had an iPad for awhile, you may have encountered this problem. I report on how to deal with it in a prior issue of ARSE.
If your iPad is functioning normally, you should be able to turn your iPad off. I simply mention the above problem so you won’t get angry with me. As in, “My iPad was working, but now it doesn’t, thanks to you!”
I was unable to make screen recordings. I turned my iPad off. I then turned my iPad back on. The white Apple logo appeared on my iPad’s screen. For a whole minute, as I stared at that white Apple, I was a born again Christian. I pledged my life to Christ. I promised to never touch my penis again.
Then, the white Apple gave way to my home page. My iPad’s home page was back! I shot my butt to College. Plunging anew into their web site, I made a screen recording. I did so, this time, successfully.
Next, I put my screen recording into an Apple app. The Apple app is iMovie. In prior issues of ARSE, I say how to do this.
iMovie has changed some since I wrote about it.
Launch iMovie. At the base of your iPad’s screen, you’ll see a box. It’s titled, “Start New Project”. In this box, don’t tap on “Magic Movie”. Instead, tap on “Movie”. You can then make a movie in the usual way.
Which means: you’re importing your College screen recording into iMovie.
Have you done that? Good. Now, you can watch your movie frame-by-frame. Screenshot any frame that you like. In your Apple Photos app, you can enlarge ( with your fingers ) your screenshot.
Free versions of College videos are grainy. The visual quality of the videos at the College web site is superb.
Some College videos are wonderfully creative. These girls do all sorts of erotically nasty things! For instance, in one video, a cherry is put in a girl’s butt crack. She then has to squat, and “poop” the cherry into a girl’s open mouth.
( The girl receiving the cherry is lying supine. Her head is somewhat elevated by a stair step. I fear that the cherry was a choking hazard. But, in the event, no one choked on a cherry. )
Not every video is a work of decadent genius. Some are fairly boring. However, every video features the girls doing erotic things until they orgasm. There’s a lot of dildo sucking, dildo riding, and girl on girl action. All the girls in the videos are young.
The premise is always the same. Submissive girls seek to join a sorority. Dominant girls boss them about.
Which are the best videos? Well, I just joined, so my dick has a lot of work ahead of it. However, I’m somewhat familiar with College from watching free versions of the videos. I recommend:
1. Pledgers Eat Pussy.
2. Bench of Judgment.
I’m interrupting this review to inveigh against tattoos. There are some lovely girls in these videos who have marred themselves with tattoos. Ladies, leave tattoos to sailors!
A girl who’s at College may also be at this web site:
Girlfriends Films.
You can read about Girlfriends Films at rabbitsreviews ( dot ) com. At Rabbits Reviews, Recon24 writes, of this web site, “AVOID”. Recon24 gives his reasons. He wrote his review of Girlfriends Films on March 6, 2022.
To conclude:
The College web site works. You can come and go, and watch the videos.
You’ll need to screen record the videos to enjoy them at your own pace.
What you see is what you get. There are two pages of videos. There are no galleries, and no new content is ever added.
Some of the videos are works of carnal genius. The naked girls suffer, erotically, through inventive sexual ordeals. College isn’t the usual bump-and-grind porn site.
The subject of criminal procedure is mostly beyond the scope of ARSE. However, here’s something that I learned by watching Fox News.
A lawyer was stopped by the police. They took his phone. On Fox News, the lawyer said that the police took his phone without first presenting him with a warrant. Also, an affidavit was supposed to be attached to the warrant.
For more, read:
Criminal Procedure Simplified. By Benjamin Morton. I got this book as a free sample from amazon ( dot ) com.
Until she kicked me out, I was a member of Kay J's Only Fans page. In recent photos, she wears a green watch.
I told Kay that I didn’t like her green watch. I told her that she wasn’t a Martian.
Today, I discovered that Kay is wearing the new Apple watch. I think the Apple watch looks awful. A green watch doesn’t go well with Caucasian skin. Also, the dial ( or face ) of the Apple watch is disgusting. ( When it’s not black, and not displaying content. )
A green watch, on White skin, is quite noticeable. Kay has turned herself into a billboard for Apple. But, probably, that’s what she wants. For over a decade, a person has been “cool” if they can afford, financially, to be a walking advertisement for Apple.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me.
I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 201
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 201, version 1.0
Date Written: June 29, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Whipped, Beaten, and “Butaca”
200th issue! Collector’s Edition!
ET 200
Editorial Thunder presents...
Whipped, Beaten, and “Butaca”
Plus: I date Kay J.
WHIPPED, Beaten, and “BUTACA”
by Andrew Roller
Kay J kicked me out of her Only Fans page. However, that hasn’t stopped me from researching her. In this issue of ET, I update Kay’s whip marks, and bruises, in the video, “Wet Dreams”. Then, I analyze her newest photo gallery, “Butaca”. ( Not “Butaco”! )
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is a nude model. Prior to the war, she lived in Kiev, Ukraine. In 2016, or possibly in 2015 or 2014, she was filmed by Alex Lynn. She was filmed in a video called, “Wet Dreams”.
“Wet Dreams” is currently at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. The date given for “Wet Dreams” is September 20, 2016. ( This is, in fact, the date that “Wet Dreams” was posted to the Me Tart Network. ) Kay turned 20 years old on March 21, 2016.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay bears whip marks and bruises. These are from her private life. They are unrelated to the intention of “Wet Dreams”, which is merely to show her lovely nudity.
I have made a list of Kay’s whip marks and bruises. Today, I’m updating my list. Formerly, I wrote:
“3. A red mark on the front of her rib cage. The mark is on the lower-right section of her rib cage. ( This mark also appears in ‘Dreaming’. There, it’s clearly one, or more, marks from a whip. )”
I’m updating this to:
“3. A whip mark on the front of her rib cage. The mark is from the whip’s cracker. It’s on the lower-right section of her rib cage. ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”. There, it’s also clearly a mark from a whip. )”
Kay also bears whip marks in the video “Dreaming”. “Dreaming” was filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. It was filmed by Alex Lynn.
Below, I’m reprinting my list of Kay’s whip marks and bruises.
This is a recurring article. It lists whip marks, and bruises, as I find them, in Kay’s videos that are called “Wet Dreams”, and “Dreaming”.
At the metartnetwork ( dot ) com:
1. “Wet Dreams”.
2. “Dreaming”.
At freeones ( dot ) org:
1. “Kay Jay enjoys posing naked in her Bedroom”. ( Real title: “Wet Dreams”. )
2. “Kay Jay gives Upskirt View before getting naked”. ( Real title: “Dreaming”. )
Here is an updated list of the whip marks, and bruises, on Kay J in “Wet Dreams”. The word “NEW” denotes my newest discoveries.
“Dreaming” was filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. Some of Kay’s marks in “Wet Dreams” have faded, or vanished, by the time that “Dreaming” was filmed.
1. Two whip marks on the inner curve of her right bosom, near her nipple.
2. One whip mark on the lower curve of her right bosom, just above her ribs.
NEW “3. A whip mark on the front of her rib cage. The mark is from the whip’s ‘cracker’. It’s on the lower-right section of her rib cage. ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”. There, it’s also clearly a mark from a whip. )”
4. A significant slash mark, and at least three light slash marks, on the right side of her torso. These are a bit below her armpit. They are in line with the upper curve of her breast. ( These marks show that, when Kay was struck here, her right arm was raised, and probably bound. Otherwise, her arm would have protected this part of her body. )
5. Three slash marks on the right side of her torso. These are on her ribs. They’re where the outer curve of her bosom meets her torso. The marks form a pattern that resembles a “V” stabbing into a vertical line. The “vertical” line is actually slanted.
6. A significant slash mark on the right side of her torso. This is on her ribs. It’s in line with the place where the undercurve of her her bosom meets her torso.
7. Four slash marks on the right side of her torso. These vary from significant to deep. These are on her ribs. They’re near the underside of her bosom.
8. A red mark on her left shoulder blade. This is revealed in the final moments of “Wet Dreams”.
9. A mark that resembles a small scab ( as do many of her marks ). This is a half inch above the red mark on her left shoulder blade. This is not one of the several small moles on her back. This is revealed in the final moments of “Wet Dreams”.
10. Four deep horizontal slash marks on her right hip. Two deep vertical slash marks on her right hip. There appears to be a mild infection here, amid the marks.
11. A small angled slash mark on her right hip.
12. A light cluster of whip marks on her right hip, just below the level of her bottom.
13. A light bruise on her right hip. This is close to ( 12. ), but nearer to her bottom.
14. A light bruise on her right hip. It’s a little below ( 13. ).
15. A red mark on her left hip. ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”. There, it’s clearly a bruise. )
16. Four clusters of whip marks on her back, slightly above her bottom.
17. A whip mark at the uppermost part of her bottom’s cleft.
18. A cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek. These are on the uppermost part of her bottom cheek, near its outer curve.
19. Light red whip marks on the uppermost part of her left bottom cheek. These, in at least two separate clusters, are above the center of her bottom cheek.
20. A cluster of whip marks on the apex of her left bottom cheek. That is, at its center.
21. A cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her left bottom cheek. These are near the underside of her bottom cheek.
22. A cluster of whip marks on the undercurve of her left bottom cheek. These are near the place where her bottom curves in to her pussy.
23. At least two whip marks near the center point of her right bottom cheek. This mark is a bit above the center point.
24. A slash mark on the inner curve of her right bottom cheek, near her anus.
25. A whip mark above the slash mark on her bottom.
26. A ( light ) whip mark below the slash mark on her bottom.
27. A nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek.
28. A diagonal slash mark. It’s just to the left of the nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek. The diagonal slash mark angles up and to the left, toward her bottom’s cleft.
29. A diagonal slash mark. It’s a bit below the nasty cluster of whip marks on the outer curve of her right bottom cheek. The diagonal slash mark angles up and to the right, toward the nasty cluster of whip marks.
30. Two whip marks on the uppermost part of her right thigh. These are visible from the back of her thigh. The marks are near her thigh’s outer flank, where it merges into her hip.
31. A light cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek. These are to the left of the center point of her cheek.
32. A light cluster of whip marks on her left bottom cheek. These are on the undercurve of her cheek, near her pussy.
33. Vague white lines, resembling slight ridges, on her left bottom cheek. These are visible in the last frames of “Wet Dreams”. The lowest white ridge slashes downward across the midpoint of her left bottom cheek. Three other lines can be ( vaguely ) discerned above it.
These are likely the ‘missing’ whip marks that one would expect to find on her left bottom cheek. The whip, striking her from her left side, scored her left bottom cheek.
The whip’s tip, which is the worst part of the whip, bit into her right bottom cheek. There, it caused blood to well in the abrasive wounds on her right bottom cheek.
34. A slash mark on the back of her left thigh. It’s on the upper part of her thigh.
35. A slash mark on the back of her left thigh. This is about an inch and a half below the other slash mark on her left thigh. ( This mark looks like it did not bleed. )
36. A small bruise on the back of her right thigh. This is at mid-thigh. ( This mark also appears in “Dreaming”. There, its location can be pinpointed to a bit below her thigh’s midpoint. )
37. A small bruise on the front of her left shin. This is at the midpoint of her shin.
Looking at Kay’s whip marks, particularly on her ass, is like looking at stars. The longer you look, the more you see.
Kay’s entire bottom got beaten. The only question is what has healed, and what is still healing. The best way to adjust your eyes is to look, first, at the one place where it was difficult to whip her: in her ass crack. ( Someone tried, wounding her at its highest point, where it meets her back. ) Once you’ve trained your eyes on Kay’s unblemished skin, in her ass crack, then let them wander over her bottom. You’ll see whip marks everywhere.
Had “Wet Dreams” been filmed at a higher definition, more whip marks would be apparent. Where, exactly, the camera is focused also affects one’s ability to see her whip marks. Lighting is also a factor. Some whip marks that show in one shot won’t be visible, when not well lit, in another shot. ( Also, some whip marks won’t show when they’re not in focus. )
END of my recurring list.
Studying Kay’s oeuvre, I’ve come to a new conclusion. This beauty likes rough sex. What does this entail? She likes being whipped and beaten. Also, she likes breath play. ( See prior issues of ARSE. ) She likes getting it up the ass. ( See prior issues of ARSE. )
How accurate are my assessments of Kay? I was a subscriber to her Only Fans page. On May 27, 2022 ( USA time ) Kay banned me from her Only Fans page. She did so abruptly, having voiced no displeasure about me.
Why did Kay ban me? I have no idea. However, at the time, Kay was in Poland. Someone in Poland was reading my articles about her in the days just before she banned me. ( I could see this on my WordPress page. I can’t see such information at my new web site, on webhost ( dot ) pro. )
Was Kay reading my articles about her? I can’t be sure. Lots of people live in Poland. I had, in fact, invited Kay to read my articles about her when I joined her Only Fans page. I joined her Only Fans page on September 14, 2021.
Consider this: If I’d been writing, “Kay lives on Mars, and is a nun”, she would likely have laughed. She probably wouldn’t have banned me from her Only Fans page. But, she did ban me. This lends credence to the notion that what I was writing about Kay was, in fact, accurate.
Hence, by banning me from her Only Fans page, Kay validated what I’ve written about her.
by Andrew Roller
Last year, the metartnetwork ( dot ) com posted the following photo gallery: “Cocktail Dress”. Its posting date is October 14, 2021. The photo gallery features Kay J. Her “Age when shot” is listed as 25.
Kay J was, indeed, 25 years old in October of 2021. However, “Cocktail Dress” wasn’t made when Kay was 25. It was made, by Alex Lynn, when Kay was about 22 years old. I know this because “Cocktail Dress” is available, for free, at various places on the Internet. It’s been available for years. Its previous name was “Red Little Dress”.
Kay’s “newest” photo gallery is called, “Butaca”. When was it actually made? I’ll discuss this, below.
This article discusses the following photo galleries. Each features Kay J. Each is at the Me Tart Network:
A. “Greeny”. ( Posting ) date: June 20, 2019. Kay’s age on this date: 23. Photographer: Arkisi.
( Indexxx ( and the Me Tart Network ) list the date of “Greeny” as June 21, 2019. However, the gallery’s actual photos are dated June 20, 2019. )
B. “Lodging”. ( Posting ) date: July 23, 2019. Kay’s age on this date: 23. Photographer: Arkisi.
C. “Butaca”. ( Posting ) date: June 16, 2022. Kay’s age on this date: 26. Photographer: Arkisi.
Note: There are two long white streaks on the orange wall in “Butaca”.
Note: Kay may have a tattoo in “Butaca”. ( Photos “0040” and “0038”. )
In “Butaca”, the Me Tart Network posted the following about Kay J: “Age when shot: 26”.
Twenty-six is, indeed, Kay’s current age. However, I’m going to argue the following:
“Butaca” wasn’t made when Kay was 26. It was made when she was 23 years old.
Compare “Butaca” to her photo gallery called, “Lodging”. Specifically, look at the waist-high walls behind Kay. One wall is orange. The wall beside it is green.
The walls are aging. The degree to which the walls have aged, in “Butaca” and “Lodging”, is identical.
( Admittedly, there are two long white streaks on the orange wall in “Butaca”. )
Now, count the number of loungers. There are four loungers in “Butaca”. There are four loungers in “Lodging”. Their age is identical in both photo galleries.
Hence, the earliest gallery date is the correct date. ( Which is the posting date. ) Kay was 23 years old in “Lodging”. So, she must be 23 years old in “Butaca”. She isn’t 26 years old in “Butaca”, as the Me Tart Network claims.
Now, let’s look at Kay’s photo gallery called, “Greeny”. Whoa! It looks identical to her photo galleries that are called “Lodging”, as well as “Butaca”. The aging of the walls in “Greeny” is identical to the aging of the walls in “Lodging”. The aging of the walls in “Greeny” is identical to the aging of the walls in “Butaca”.
( Except, in “Greeny”, as in “Lodging”, there are no long white streaks on the orange wall. These are only present in “Butaca”. )
Count the loungers. Whoa! In “Greeny”, there are three loungers. In “Lodging”, and in “Butaca”, there are four loungers!
The age of the loungers in “Greeny” is identical to the age of the loungers in “Lodging”, and in “Butaca”. The date that the metartnetwork gives for “Greeny” is June 20, 2019. Kay was 23 years old on this date.
However, Kay looks fat in “Greeny”. She doesn’t look fat in “Lounging” and in “Butaca”. So, “Greeny” was likely made after “Lounging” and “Butaca”.
( A counter argument to this would be the two long white streaks on the orange wall. They aren’t present in “Lounging”, or in ( fat Kay ) “Greeny”. The long white streaks are present in “Butaca”. )
One thing is certain: “Butaca” wasn’t made on June 16, 2022. ( The date given by the Me Tart Network. ) “Butaca” wasn’t made when Kay was 26 years old. It was made when she was 23 years old. That’s my argument.
There is, alas, a counter-argument to this. On March 11, 2021, Kay got a tattoo. It’s on her upper back. Look at photo “0040” of “Butaca”. There seems to be something very dark between Kay’s shoulder blades. Is it her tattoo? ( The Me Tart Network always airbrushes her tattoo; sometimes poorly. )
Now, look at photo “0038” of “Butaca”. Look at Kay’s upper back. It’s a vague olive hue, in contrast to the rest of her back. Is this her tattoo ( mostly airbrushed away )?
The rust streaks on the green wall behind Kay look longer and darker in “Butaca”, than in “Lodging”. ( But not by much. )
( In “Greeny”, the rust streaks on the green wall behind Kay may be, in age, between those in “Lodging” and in “Butaca”. )
It would have been great if Kay had answered, on Only Fans, basic questions about her oeuvre. Sadly, she didn’t. The result is that, instead of merely taking her word for what happened, I’m forced to investigate! I’m forced to find out the truth!
A postscript: I have continued to research “Butaca”. Now, I know the exact age of all three photo galleries: “Greeny”, “Lodging”, and “Butaca”. All three were filmed on the same day! They were filmed during the same hour of the day!
How do I know this? I’ve learned an important lesson. To find the age of a photo, in relation to another photo, check the living things in the background.
Look at the orange wall in these three photo galleries. Atop the orange wall is an orange planter. Plants are growing in it! The plants are long, grass-like stalks. The stalk on the left bends down. The stalk on the right is bent, as if someone broke it. In all three photo galleries, these two separate stalks are the same! So is the degree of sunlight in the background.
Hence, we must give all three photo galleries the date of the “earliest” gallery. That date is “Greeny’s”: June 20, 2019. Kay is 23 years old in all three galleries.
I thank the Me Tart Network for posting “Butaca”. I would appreciate it if they would give Kay’s actual age in the gallery. I would also appreciate it if they would say when the gallery was, in fact, made. ( Not just when it was posted. )
Hopefully, in time, the Me Tart Network will purchase, and post, every gallery that was ever made of Kay J. Especially the galleries by Alex Lynn. Many of these are still absent from the modern Internet.
All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me.
I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 200
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 200, version 2.0
Date Written: June 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Brown Downpour ( the sequel )
“The obscenity is back.” - Ozzy Osbourne. New web site! http://andrewroller.com
ET 199
Editorial Thunder presents...
Brown Downpour ( the sequel )
Plus: How to blow up the world.
And: Learning how to learn.
BROWN Downpour ( the SEQUEL )
My “browning of America” continues.
by Andrew Roller
Today, I saw a 12-year-old girl. Her body was awesome! ( Her face, sadly, was less so. ) I promptly pooped in my pants.
The last time I pooped in my pants, I saw a girl who was 9 years old. Both her face and figure were awesome! Also, she was sexily dressed. ( A tight top and short cut-offs. )
Since the girl who moved my bowels today was 12, I guess I now prefer older women.
( Then again, I didn’t see any girls who were 9 today. )
Sometimes, I’m afflicted with constipation. My doctors prescribe pills for this. But you can readily see why, in fact, I’m constipated. There are too few little girls in my life! If I saw lovely little girls every day ( especially naked ), I wouldn’t need pills.
I’ll bet the same holds true for erectile dysfunction. Over the decades, I’ve seen a T.V. show or two on this. One man was so afflicted with erectile dysfunction, that he had a metal rod implanted in his penis. When his cock needed to be erect, he raised the metal rod from his groin. ( So it would stick straight out. ) When he no longer needed to be “erect”, he folded the metal rod back down again.
I wondered how the man could be so badly afflicted. Then I saw his wife. God! What an old piece of crap she was! Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his prime, wouldn’t have gotten erect over her! He’d have been covering his cock with his hands, to protect it!
The afflicted fellow probably didn’t need surgery. All he needed, to be erect, was a beautiful young wife! Say, a girl who was 12 years old, or 9.
The same holds true for the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting. Why didn’t the police enter the classroom where the gunman was located? Have you heard what separated the 19 police officers, in the school’s hallway, from the gunman? An UNlocked door. Not a locked door. An UNlocked door. The door was supposed to lock, but a teacher had reported its lock as being broken. The teacher had done this some days prior to the shooting. So, all that the police in the hallway had to do, to enter the classroom, was to turn the door’s handle. The door would have opened.
Why did 19 heavily armed, and armored, policemen cower in the hallway, and not confront the gunman? Do you know why? You do, but you won’t admit it. The police didn’t enter the classroom because none of the police were pedophiles. A “child molester” with a cap gun would have barreled right through that unlocked door. A boner fide “child molester” is utterly opposed to the murder of children.
Do you doubt me? Let’s review our society’s definition of a “normal” man:
A “normal” man doesn’t have any interest in children, except for his own children.
Nineteen policemen cowered in the school hallway. Why did they stay on the far side of the unlocked door? Because they were all “normal”. Sure, there were children in that classroom. Sure, a gunman was murdering the children, over time. ( Over an hour. ) But: none of the children who were being murdered were children of the policemen in the hall! So, being husbands and fathers, but not having any kids in that classroom, the cops cowered in the hall.
When I was born, only one sort of person could join the police. He had to be a White man. No Black men could join. No women could join. And, let me tell you, no goddamn faggots could join.
In the early 1980s, in Waikiki, Hawaii, the police had an important job. It was this: To chuck stink bombs into bathrooms frequented by gay men. When the fags came running out of the bathroom, the police arrested them.
I won’t say what would have happened, back ( ahem ) then, if a transvestite tried to join the police force. His “pronouns” would have been shoved up his ass.
Things are different now. But, obviously, if a classroom of children can be killed, things aren’t different enough. More change is needed. America doesn’t need to strip itself of its Second Amendment, because “normal” cops proved to be cowards. America needs to act immediately to ensure that it hires pedophiles as police officers. Especially for work in schools.
Winston Churchill once said,
“Americans try every wrong way before they finally try the right way.” ( Paraphrased. )
We’ll see how long it takes America to get it right. Hire your local “molester” today!
HOW to BLOW up the WORLD
by Andrew Roller
A purpose of ARSE is to report information that isn’t otherwise available on the Internet. Today’s topic: How to blow up the world. Or, specifically, how to succeed in your training as an Air Force Missile Launch Officer.
When you start your training, you’re given a T.O. “T.O.” stands for “Technical Order”. It contains your non-classified instructions for launching nuclear-armed, intercontinental ballistic missiles.
1. Memorize your T.O.’s table of contents. Learn to repeat the T.O.’s table of contents, forward and backward.
I bought a small rubber ball. Bouncing it repeatedly in a hallway, I learned my T.O.’s table of contents.
Once you know the table of contents fairly well, repeat it as you take a shower. Otherwise, your shower is ‘down time’. ( Unless there’s a sexy 9 year old girl in your shower. Or a 12 year old! )
You’ll have to pass a live-action test, in a mock missile launch control center ( LCC ), to graduate. This test consists of mock events. For instance, your instructor will say,
“There’s a fire in your LCC.”
You then turn to the appropriate checklist in your T.O. Following its steps, you deal with the fire.
I felt enormous stress prior to entering the LCC, for my test. If this happens to you, you’re normal. Like me!
In the LCC, as your test proceeds, you may feel stress. Stress hampers your ability to think. As a result, you’ll feel flustered, and not be able to find, say, the checklist for a “fire” in your T.O.
Once my test was underway, I felt no stress at all. I knew where every checklist was in my T.O.! In fact, I was utterly blase, when my instructor announced that there was a “fire”. I was so blase that my instructor ( an Academy grad ), yelled at me, “C’mon, Roller!” He wanted to see me more emotionally involved in my test. But, his complaint was made partly in jest. He was proud of my ability.
( The school’s commanding officer, a full colonel, had done his best to get me kicked out of the school. )
( Which helped prepare me for life on the internet, some decades hence. )
2. Draw the equipment.
I faced a big hurdle, in missile school. We students were given our own LCC to train in. ( One LCC, for the school. ) There were two problems with this LCC:
A. It was in a locked, top secret facility.
B. It was abysmally out of date. The mock LCCs that we were tested in were up to date. But our student LCC was not.
So, I bought big sheets of white paper. On them, I drew every piece of LCC equipment. I drew these life-sized. To do so, I looked at photos in my T.O.
Then, I hung the big sheets of paper in my bedroom. This turned my bedroom into an LCC!
Soon, the school’s commanding officer inspected every student’s bedroom. He didn’t like the fact that I had turned my bedroom into an LCC. His objection wasn’t based on any breach of secrecy. The T.O. was unclassified. But, being a bonehead, he wanted every bedroom to be identically neat and tidy. As if no student lived there. I was told to store my drawings in my clothes closet.
It was impossible for me to hang, and remove, my drawings on a daily basis. Also, tape doesn’t stick repeatedly to a wall. It sticks once, maybe twice, then it doesn’t stick anymore. So, my drawings were useless to me. But, probably, drawing them helped me learn.
If you live off base, you can hang whatever you want on your walls. Even naked photos of Brooke Shields at age 10!
3. Attend every class, and listen. I encountered two issues with this:
A. Our school had two “weapons system” professors. One was great. One wasn’t. I got the one who wasn’t. He gave boring lectures. I listened anyway.
B. A number of my fellow students were married. They were in their early 20s, and eager to get home to their wives. As the school day wore on, these students got fidgety. They also got irked by me.
Our school day didn’t end at a definite time. If no student had any questions, we were let out early.
Guess who had questions? Me. I didn’t have some aging female, in her early 20s, to go home to. All I was going home to was my hand. So, I asked whatever questions I had. This, of course, lengthened the school day. ( And, considering the youth of my classmates, something else too, per student. )
( Every student was male. The Air Force, with regard to nuclear missiles, had a strict policy: No girls allowed. )
Some of the married students scraped by in their final exam. They should have asked more questions in class.
4. Do all of your Emergency War Orders ( EWO ) homework.
You have to do your homework in the locked, top secret facility. You’ll wind up doing it at night. ( You have school all day. ) EWO homework is a pain in the ass. You’re alone, and its boring. It will ruin many of your nights.
Our school had one EWO instructor. He gave excellent lectures. He’d also written our EWO book. ( Which was, sadly, boring. )
I liked my EWO instructor’s lectures. My admiration for him was such that I decided the following:
Since my teacher wrote the EWO book, I’ll read it. ( And do the homework. )
So, I did.
If only the book had been present, and I’d had a crappy EWO instructor, I wouldn’t have read the EWO book. I wouldn’t have done the homework. I wouldn’t be writing this article now.
Even so, I flunked an important EWO test. Retaking the test, I was told, “If you fail this time, you’re out of the Air Force.”
( That is a standard threat that is told to every student upon entering missile school. You’ll hear it endlessly. Graduate, or you’re out of the Air Force. )
5. Drive like an old lady. The military police are young enlisted guys. Whatever they decide you’ve done, at least with regard to driving, is “what happened”. I stopped at a stop sign. I made a full and complete stop. Having done so, I proceeded promptly on my way.
A military policeman stopped me. He said I hadn’t stopped at the stop sign. I had, but I guess he wanted to see a theatrical stop. As in, “My God! It’s a stop sign! The Air Force is training me to kill everyone in the world, but I must stop and worship this fucking sign!”
So, drive like an old lady.
The Air Force hates it if you get in legal trouble anywhere, so don’t. Just learn to kill everyone on the planet, no questions asked.
6. Don’t be a peacenik.
It was the second day of missile school. We were bused to an auditorium.
At the auditorium, we were given a briefing. Then, our school’s top butthole ( the colonel ) came onstage. He invited us to discuss the morality of nuclear weapons.
Don’t. It’s a trap. The colonel has the power, on his own initiative, to kick you out of missile school. This isn’t the day to be Abbie Hoffman, however bright he was. You’re at this school to learn to kill. Remember that.
In my case, being murderously minded, I kept my mouth shut. Who needs to be Abbie Hoffman when you can be a nuclear empowered Jeffrey Dahmer?
( At least I planned to cook my food before eating it. )
7. Don’t be late.
My father insisted on arranging my trip to missile school. His objective wasn’t to have me arrive on time at the school, but to save $40.00.
I had shipped my car to South Los Angeles ( From Hawaii ). ( The Air Force pays for this. )
For $40.00, my car would have been delivered to the Los Angeles Airport ( LAX ). LAX is in the center of Los Angeles. ( Along the Pacific coast. )
I arrived at LAX in the afternoon. Rush hour had started. But rush hour was, at this hour, flowing into Los Angeles. I had to drive north, out of Los Angeles.
Had my car been delivered to LAX ( for $40.00 ), I would have driven north out of Los Angeles. Traffic out of the city would have been light.
Instead, I was at LAX, and my car was in South Los Angeles. Worse, Dad had arranged for me to stay at a hotel in South Los Angeles.
I’m a night person. Had I driven north out of Los Angeles, from LAX, in the afternoon, I would have driven for hours. I probably would have driven all the way to my school, at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Instead, thanks to Dad, I left LAX in a shuttle bus. ( God knows what that cost. ) What direction did the shuttle bus go? South, in rush hour traffic. It went to South Los Angeles.
In South Los Angeles, I had no access to my car. ( As Dad, and I, knew. ) The lot that held my car was closed for the day. I checked into my hotel.
I couldn’t sleep. Like I said, I’m a night person. Also, being 22 years old, I was ( as usual ) full of sperm. I wound up in a grocery store at 2:00 a.m. A blonde girl was there, who was about 12 years old. She was with one or two girlfriends. I think she liked me. However, since I was an utter social and sexual Bambi, I didn’t dare approach her. I ended the night, at about 3:30 a.m., with a Playboy.
I arrived at the car lot at 7:00 a.m. That’s when it opened. I got my car at once. Then, with little idea of where I was going ( in 1983 ), I started driving north to Vandenberg.
I soon realized I had a problem. It was rush hour again. But rush hour was now, like me, flowing north out of Los Angeles. I drove as fast as I could. In fact, I broke the speed limit, by a wide margin. I did that the entire way to Vandenberg. ( Taking care, that is, not to get caught. )
I arrived at Vandenberg at a reasonable time. That is, I arrived at the base. Have you ever been to an Air Force base? It has a fence around it. You can’t drive through the fence.
Vandenberg is a gigantic base. I eventually came upon its back gate. I drove and drove, but I did not arrive at my school on time. I was required to check in by 1:00 p.m. I arrived at 1:20 p.m.
As a result of being “late”, I lost a day’s pay. This was no triviality. The Air Force went through the laborious process of changing my date of entry into the Air Force from August 3, 1983 to August 4, 1983.
Furthermore, the fact of my being “late” was later used against me, by the school’s top butthole ( the colonel ). How could a would-be mass murderer be 20 minutes late?! By God, if the Air Force is going to train you to kill children, you’ve got to be on time!
( The children I was being trained to kill included children in Ukraine. Ukraine was, at that time, part of Russia. )
Don’t let your father manage your entry into the Air Force. You’re the responsible party. You’ll get the blame if Dad fucks up your life.
( My parents continued to fuck up my life for years, but that’s another, longer story. Probably, your parents don’t love you. What they love is using you to satisfy their objectives. Their objectives for you may have been created before you were. Don’t be your parents’ wish fulfillment machine. )
8. I’m finding the following to be helpful:
Learning How to Learn. By Tesia Marshik ( Not Marshit! ) The Great Courses. Audible Original. 4 hours. 21 minutes. Free. ( Amazon Audible. )
1. Article: Brown Downpour ( the Sequel ):
Some “child molesters” have, at times, been driven insane by our society’s pernicious laws. One or more dead children resulted. Usually, the “child molester” died too.
2. Article: Brown Downpour ( the Sequel ):
I’m relating the facts about the Uvalde, Texas, massacre from memory. I followed the massacre on successive days by watching videos at foxnews ( dot ) com.
Texas “law enforcement” has told many conflicting stories about what happened. ( They did their best to lie, to cover their cowardly asses. ) ( “Don’t mess with Texas,” unless you want to slaughter children. Then, Texas gives you a shooting gallery of children to enjoy for an hour. )
Because of the lies told by Texas “law enforcement”, it is impossible for me to Google the correct facts about Uvalde. I’ve been forced to rely on my memory.
The web site texastribune ( dot ) org reports the following:
One policeman, who was cowering in the school hallway, had a daughter in the classroom. Nonetheless, he didn’t go into the classroom to save his daughter. I hope that policeman finds a better occupation.
Link: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/20/uvalde-police-shooting-response-records/
3. For whatever reason, many events in my Air Force training took place at the base chapel. ( On Vandenberg Air Force Base. )
I didn’t just go to Vandenberg for missile school. I also went to Vandenberg for R.O.T.C. Field Training. Whether I was at the base chapel at Vandenberg for missile school briefings, or just for R.O.T.C. briefings, is now unknown to me.
When I went to Vandenberg for R.O.T.C. Field Training, I didn’t drive there. I was flown there on an Air Force cargo plane from a military base in Los Angeles.
I spent every weekend during field training working off demerits. While my conduct remained the same, my demerits diminished as field training wound down. I wasn’t the problem. Our company’s commanding officer was. Other cadets nicknamed him “Darth Vader”. He was a “prior enlisted” guy who had a grudge against the ( supposed ) “easy life” of R.O.T.C. Field Training.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 199
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 199, version 2.0
Date Written: June 23, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
“The obscenity is back.” - Ozzy Osbourne. New web site! http://andrewroller.com
ET 199
Editorial Thunder presents...
Brown Downpour ( the sequel )
Plus: How to blow up the world.
And: Learning how to learn.
BROWN Downpour ( the SEQUEL )
My “browning of America” continues.
by Andrew Roller
Today, I saw a 12-year-old girl. Her body was awesome! ( Her face, sadly, was less so. ) I promptly pooped in my pants.
The last time I pooped in my pants, I saw a girl who was 9 years old. Both her face and figure were awesome! Also, she was sexily dressed. ( A tight top and short cut-offs. )
Since the girl who moved my bowels today was 12, I guess I now prefer older women.
( Then again, I didn’t see any girls who were 9 today. )
Sometimes, I’m afflicted with constipation. My doctors prescribe pills for this. But you can readily see why, in fact, I’m constipated. There are too few little girls in my life! If I saw lovely little girls every day ( especially naked ), I wouldn’t need pills.
I’ll bet the same holds true for erectile dysfunction. Over the decades, I’ve seen a T.V. show or two on this. One man was so afflicted with erectile dysfunction, that he had a metal rod implanted in his penis. When his cock needed to be erect, he raised the metal rod from his groin. ( So it would stick straight out. ) When he no longer needed to be “erect”, he folded the metal rod back down again.
I wondered how the man could be so badly afflicted. Then I saw his wife. God! What an old piece of crap she was! Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his prime, wouldn’t have gotten erect over her! He’d have been covering his cock with his hands, to protect it!
The afflicted fellow probably didn’t need surgery. All he needed, to be erect, was a beautiful young wife! Say, a girl who was 12 years old, or 9.
The same holds true for the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting. Why didn’t the police enter the classroom where the gunman was located? Have you heard what separated the 19 police officers, in the school’s hallway, from the gunman? An UNlocked door. Not a locked door. An UNlocked door. The door was supposed to lock, but a teacher had reported its lock as being broken. The teacher had done this some days prior to the shooting. So, all that the police in the hallway had to do, to enter the classroom, was to turn the door’s handle. The door would have opened.
Why did 19 heavily armed, and armored, policemen cower in the hallway, and not confront the gunman? Do you know why? You do, but you won’t admit it. The police didn’t enter the classroom because none of the police were pedophiles. A “child molester” with a cap gun would have barreled right through that unlocked door. A boner fide “child molester” is utterly opposed to the murder of children.
Do you doubt me? Let’s review our society’s definition of a “normal” man:
A “normal” man doesn’t have any interest in children, except for his own children.
Nineteen policemen cowered in the school hallway. Why did they stay on the far side of the unlocked door? Because they were all “normal”. Sure, there were children in that classroom. Sure, a gunman was murdering the children, over time. ( Over an hour. ) But: none of the children who were being murdered were children of the policemen in the hall! So, being husbands and fathers, but not having any kids in that classroom, the cops cowered in the hall.
When I was born, only one sort of person could join the police. He had to be a White man. No Black men could join. No women could join. And, let me tell you, no goddamn faggots could join.
In the early 1980s, in Waikiki, Hawaii, the police had an important job. It was this: To chuck stink bombs into bathrooms frequented by gay men. When the fags came running out of the bathroom, the police arrested them.
I won’t say what would have happened, back ( ahem ) then, if a transvestite tried to join the police force. His “pronouns” would have been shoved up his ass.
Things are different now. But, obviously, if a classroom of children can be killed, things aren’t different enough. More change is needed. America doesn’t need to strip itself of its Second Amendment, because “normal” cops proved to be cowards. America needs to act immediately to ensure that it hires pedophiles as police officers. Especially for work in schools.
Winston Churchill once said,
“Americans try every wrong way before they finally try the right way.” ( Paraphrased. )
We’ll see how long it takes America to get it right. Hire your local “molester” today!
HOW to BLOW up the WORLD
by Andrew Roller
A purpose of ARSE is to report information that isn’t otherwise available on the Internet. Today’s topic: How to blow up the world. Or, specifically, how to succeed in your training as an Air Force Missile Launch Officer.
When you start your training, you’re given a T.O. “T.O.” stands for “Technical Order”. It contains your non-classified instructions for launching nuclear-armed, intercontinental ballistic missiles.
1. Memorize your T.O.’s table of contents. Learn to repeat the T.O.’s table of contents, forward and backward.
I bought a small rubber ball. Bouncing it repeatedly in a hallway, I learned my T.O.’s table of contents.
Once you know the table of contents fairly well, repeat it as you take a shower. Otherwise, your shower is ‘down time’. ( Unless there’s a sexy 9 year old girl in your shower. Or a 12 year old! )
You’ll have to pass a live-action test, in a mock missile launch control center ( LCC ), to graduate. This test consists of mock events. For instance, your instructor will say,
“There’s a fire in your LCC.”
You then turn to the appropriate checklist in your T.O. Following its steps, you deal with the fire.
I felt enormous stress prior to entering the LCC, for my test. If this happens to you, you’re normal. Like me!
In the LCC, as your test proceeds, you may feel stress. Stress hampers your ability to think. As a result, you’ll feel flustered, and not be able to find, say, the checklist for a “fire” in your T.O.
Once my test was underway, I felt no stress at all. I knew where every checklist was in my T.O.! In fact, I was utterly blase, when my instructor announced that there was a “fire”. I was so blase that my instructor ( an Academy grad ), yelled at me, “C’mon, Roller!” He wanted to see me more emotionally involved in my test. But, his complaint was made partly in jest. He was proud of my ability.
( The school’s commanding officer, a full colonel, had done his best to get me kicked out of the school. )
( Which helped prepare me for life on the internet, some decades hence. )
2. Draw the equipment.
I faced a big hurdle, in missile school. We students were given our own LCC to train in. ( One LCC, for the school. ) There were two problems with this LCC:
A. It was in a locked, top secret facility.
B. It was abysmally out of date. The mock LCCs that we were tested in were up to date. But our student LCC was not.
So, I bought big sheets of white paper. On them, I drew every piece of LCC equipment. I drew these life-sized. To do so, I looked at photos in my T.O.
Then, I hung the big sheets of paper in my bedroom. This turned my bedroom into an LCC!
Soon, the school’s commanding officer inspected every student’s bedroom. He didn’t like the fact that I had turned my bedroom into an LCC. His objection wasn’t based on any breach of secrecy. The T.O. was unclassified. But, being a bonehead, he wanted every bedroom to be identically neat and tidy. As if no student lived there. I was told to store my drawings in my clothes closet.
It was impossible for me to hang, and remove, my drawings on a daily basis. Also, tape doesn’t stick repeatedly to a wall. It sticks once, maybe twice, then it doesn’t stick anymore. So, my drawings were useless to me. But, probably, drawing them helped me learn.
If you live off base, you can hang whatever you want on your walls. Even naked photos of Brooke Shields at age 10!
3. Attend every class, and listen. I encountered two issues with this:
A. Our school had two “weapons system” professors. One was great. One wasn’t. I got the one who wasn’t. He gave boring lectures. I listened anyway.
B. A number of my fellow students were married. They were in their early 20s, and eager to get home to their wives. As the school day wore on, these students got fidgety. They also got irked by me.
Our school day didn’t end at a definite time. If no student had any questions, we were let out early.
Guess who had questions? Me. I didn’t have some aging female, in her early 20s, to go home to. All I was going home to was my hand. So, I asked whatever questions I had. This, of course, lengthened the school day. ( And, considering the youth of my classmates, something else too, per student. )
( Every student was male. The Air Force, with regard to nuclear missiles, had a strict policy: No girls allowed. )
Some of the married students scraped by in their final exam. They should have asked more questions in class.
4. Do all of your Emergency War Orders ( EWO ) homework.
You have to do your homework in the locked, top secret facility. You’ll wind up doing it at night. ( You have school all day. ) EWO homework is a pain in the ass. You’re alone, and its boring. It will ruin many of your nights.
Our school had one EWO instructor. He gave excellent lectures. He’d also written our EWO book. ( Which was, sadly, boring. )
I liked my EWO instructor’s lectures. My admiration for him was such that I decided the following:
Since my teacher wrote the EWO book, I’ll read it. ( And do the homework. )
So, I did.
If only the book had been present, and I’d had a crappy EWO instructor, I wouldn’t have read the EWO book. I wouldn’t have done the homework. I wouldn’t be writing this article now.
Even so, I flunked an important EWO test. Retaking the test, I was told, “If you fail this time, you’re out of the Air Force.”
( That is a standard threat that is told to every student upon entering missile school. You’ll hear it endlessly. Graduate, or you’re out of the Air Force. )
5. Drive like an old lady. The military police are young enlisted guys. Whatever they decide you’ve done, at least with regard to driving, is “what happened”. I stopped at a stop sign. I made a full and complete stop. Having done so, I proceeded promptly on my way.
A military policeman stopped me. He said I hadn’t stopped at the stop sign. I had, but I guess he wanted to see a theatrical stop. As in, “My God! It’s a stop sign! The Air Force is training me to kill everyone in the world, but I must stop and worship this fucking sign!”
So, drive like an old lady.
The Air Force hates it if you get in legal trouble anywhere, so don’t. Just learn to kill everyone on the planet, no questions asked.
6. Don’t be a peacenik.
It was the second day of missile school. We were bused to an auditorium.
At the auditorium, we were given a briefing. Then, our school’s top butthole ( the colonel ) came onstage. He invited us to discuss the morality of nuclear weapons.
Don’t. It’s a trap. The colonel has the power, on his own initiative, to kick you out of missile school. This isn’t the day to be Abbie Hoffman, however bright he was. You’re at this school to learn to kill. Remember that.
In my case, being murderously minded, I kept my mouth shut. Who needs to be Abbie Hoffman when you can be a nuclear empowered Jeffrey Dahmer?
( At least I planned to cook my food before eating it. )
7. Don’t be late.
My father insisted on arranging my trip to missile school. His objective wasn’t to have me arrive on time at the school, but to save $40.00.
I had shipped my car to South Los Angeles ( From Hawaii ). ( The Air Force pays for this. )
For $40.00, my car would have been delivered to the Los Angeles Airport ( LAX ). LAX is in the center of Los Angeles. ( Along the Pacific coast. )
I arrived at LAX in the afternoon. Rush hour had started. But rush hour was, at this hour, flowing into Los Angeles. I had to drive north, out of Los Angeles.
Had my car been delivered to LAX ( for $40.00 ), I would have driven north out of Los Angeles. Traffic out of the city would have been light.
Instead, I was at LAX, and my car was in South Los Angeles. Worse, Dad had arranged for me to stay at a hotel in South Los Angeles.
I’m a night person. Had I driven north out of Los Angeles, from LAX, in the afternoon, I would have driven for hours. I probably would have driven all the way to my school, at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Instead, thanks to Dad, I left LAX in a shuttle bus. ( God knows what that cost. ) What direction did the shuttle bus go? South, in rush hour traffic. It went to South Los Angeles.
In South Los Angeles, I had no access to my car. ( As Dad, and I, knew. ) The lot that held my car was closed for the day. I checked into my hotel.
I couldn’t sleep. Like I said, I’m a night person. Also, being 22 years old, I was ( as usual ) full of sperm. I wound up in a grocery store at 2:00 a.m. A blonde girl was there, who was about 12 years old. She was with one or two girlfriends. I think she liked me. However, since I was an utter social and sexual Bambi, I didn’t dare approach her. I ended the night, at about 3:30 a.m., with a Playboy.
I arrived at the car lot at 7:00 a.m. That’s when it opened. I got my car at once. Then, with little idea of where I was going ( in 1983 ), I started driving north to Vandenberg.
I soon realized I had a problem. It was rush hour again. But rush hour was now, like me, flowing north out of Los Angeles. I drove as fast as I could. In fact, I broke the speed limit, by a wide margin. I did that the entire way to Vandenberg. ( Taking care, that is, not to get caught. )
I arrived at Vandenberg at a reasonable time. That is, I arrived at the base. Have you ever been to an Air Force base? It has a fence around it. You can’t drive through the fence.
Vandenberg is a gigantic base. I eventually came upon its back gate. I drove and drove, but I did not arrive at my school on time. I was required to check in by 1:00 p.m. I arrived at 1:20 p.m.
As a result of being “late”, I lost a day’s pay. This was no triviality. The Air Force went through the laborious process of changing my date of entry into the Air Force from August 3, 1983 to August 4, 1983.
Furthermore, the fact of my being “late” was later used against me, by the school’s top butthole ( the colonel ). How could a would-be mass murderer be 20 minutes late?! By God, if the Air Force is going to train you to kill children, you’ve got to be on time!
( The children I was being trained to kill included children in Ukraine. Ukraine was, at that time, part of Russia. )
Don’t let your father manage your entry into the Air Force. You’re the responsible party. You’ll get the blame if Dad fucks up your life.
( My parents continued to fuck up my life for years, but that’s another, longer story. Probably, your parents don’t love you. What they love is using you to satisfy their objectives. Their objectives for you may have been created before you were. Don’t be your parents’ wish fulfillment machine. )
8. I’m finding the following to be helpful:
Learning How to Learn. By Tesia Marshik ( Not Marshit! ) The Great Courses. Audible Original. 4 hours. 21 minutes. Free. ( Amazon Audible. )
1. Article: Brown Downpour ( the Sequel ):
Some “child molesters” have, at times, been driven insane by our society’s pernicious laws. One or more dead children resulted. Usually, the “child molester” died too.
2. Article: Brown Downpour ( the Sequel ):
I’m relating the facts about the Uvalde, Texas, massacre from memory. I followed the massacre on successive days by watching videos at foxnews ( dot ) com.
Texas “law enforcement” has told many conflicting stories about what happened. ( They did their best to lie, to cover their cowardly asses. ) ( “Don’t mess with Texas,” unless you want to slaughter children. Then, Texas gives you a shooting gallery of children to enjoy for an hour. )
Because of the lies told by Texas “law enforcement”, it is impossible for me to Google the correct facts about Uvalde. I’ve been forced to rely on my memory.
The web site texastribune ( dot ) org reports the following:
One policeman, who was cowering in the school hallway, had a daughter in the classroom. Nonetheless, he didn’t go into the classroom to save his daughter. I hope that policeman finds a better occupation.
Link: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/20/uvalde-police-shooting-response-records/
3. For whatever reason, many events in my Air Force training took place at the base chapel. ( On Vandenberg Air Force Base. )
I didn’t just go to Vandenberg for missile school. I also went to Vandenberg for R.O.T.C. Field Training. Whether I was at the base chapel at Vandenberg for missile school briefings, or just for R.O.T.C. briefings, is now unknown to me.
When I went to Vandenberg for R.O.T.C. Field Training, I didn’t drive there. I was flown there on an Air Force cargo plane from a military base in Los Angeles.
I spent every weekend during field training working off demerits. While my conduct remained the same, my demerits diminished as field training wound down. I wasn’t the problem. Our company’s commanding officer was. Other cadets nicknamed him “Darth Vader”. He was a “prior enlisted” guy who had a grudge against the ( supposed ) “easy life” of R.O.T.C. Field Training.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 199
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 199, version 2.0
Date Written: June 23, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Advice for Only Fans Females
ET 198
Editorial Thunder presents...
Advice for Only Fans Females
Plus: Progress at last!
And: The purpose of life.
by Andrew Roller
“Hi dear💋I'm glad to welcome you on my profile. You can personally write to me what your penis wants and I will try to fulfill your wishes🍓for new fans hide discount for exclusive video enjoy my hot masturbation and sweet cum , you can always order custom for your self )”
Porn star Kay J sent me the above Direct Message on September 14, 2021. She sent it to me when I paid $60.00 to subscribe to her Only Fans page. Her Direct Message was, in fact, an advertisement. It offered to provide a video by Kay, of herself masturbating to orgasm.
In order to view Kay’s Direct Message video, I would have had to pay her an additional $9.99. Her Direct Message was sent to me without any accompanying photo to indicate what her video looked like. ( Which is standard practice, for Kay J. )
I didn’t buy Kay’s video.
On September 19, Kay sent me another Direct Message advertisement. It was an advertisement for a video. I did buy this video, for $3.00. ( Sight unseen. )
In her $3.00 Direct Message video, Kay bared her ass. However, she kept her breasts encased in a blouse. That left me feeling dissatisfied.
Do you see a problem? There were two problems:
1. Looking at Kay’s photos, I saw that she’d acquired a large tattoo. It enraged me. At the time, I had no idea when Kay had gotten tattooed. I feared that all of her photos on her Only Fans page were ruined by her tattoo.
2. I soon learned when Kay had begun her Only Fans page. She launched it on August 18, 2020.
Do you see a problem now?
Where were all of Kay’s Direct Message videos from August 18, 2020, through September 14, 2021? Kay never offered those Direct Message videos to me. She did not offer me whatever free Direct Messages she’d sent out ( consisting of a photographic item ). She did not offer me whatever ‘for sale’ Direct Messages she’d sent out ( consisting of a photographic item ).
I’m an ‘all or nothing’ guy. If I can’t have all of something, I skip it altogether.
As soon as I discovered that Kay had an Only Fans page, I subscribed. I subscribed within the hour of my discovery.
I can understand Kay not sending me her prior free Direct Message videos. They were special treats for the guys who were, at the time, subscribers to her Only Fans page.
However, Kay should have sent me advertisements for all of her prior ‘for sale’ Direct Message videos. Since she didn’t, I only ever bought one of her Direct Message videos. That’s because I’m an ‘all or nothing’ guy.
So, I have advice for the ladies ( mostly married mothers ) on Only Fans. It is as follows:
1. Don’t bombard a new subscriber with advertisements for all of your past ‘for sale’ Direct Message videos. Wait a bit.
2. When a guy has been your subscriber for awhile, send him a Direct Message. ( The message can be written in advance, for any new subscriber. ) Tell the guy that you have prior ‘for sale’ Direct Message videos. Would he like you to send him the advertisements for these? He can buy one or all of these videos over time, as he chooses. Or he can just enjoy your other content.
In this way, an ‘all or nothing’ guy will be satisfied. He might not buy all of your Direct Message videos. He surely won’t buy them all at once. However, he may buy some as time goes by. Be sure to include a photo with each of your advertisements. Don’t expect the guy to buy ‘sight unseen’.
More advice: Don’t delete your prior Direct Message advertisements. Had I come into money, I might have bought all of Kay’s Direct Message videos ( that were available to me ) at once.
( Now, I can see her advertisements for her Direct Message videos ( in “Messages”, on Only Fans ). However, I can’t buy anything. That’s because Kay terminated my subscription. )
Kay could have gotten a lot of money out of me if she’d handled herself, and me, better. Instead, she lost a great deal of money on me. God knows how much money she’s lost in all, with her fans. ( I’ve never seen a single person compliment her tattoo. )
by Andrew Roller
On June 18, I watched the following T.V. show ( via foxnews ( dot ) com ):
“Jesse Watters Primetime”.
I watched Jesse’s video titled, “Jesse Watters: Biden has our priorities wrong”.
Watters said the following:
At the U.S. Capitol Building, there are currently gender specific bathrooms. There is a bathroom for males. There is a bathroom for females.
Now, wherever there are gender specific bathrooms, in the U.S Capitol Building, a third bathroom will be added. It will be for transexuals, or for anyone who doesn’t identify with a gender.
I ( Jesse Watters ) will be using the third bathroom, since it will be the cleanest.” ( Watters expects few people to use the third bathroom. )
( Paraphrased. )
I wish to announce that I, Andrew Roller, will also be using the third bathroom. I always try to use the cleanest bathroom available, wherever I am. After all, I’m taking my penis out in the bathroom!
I now wish to address America’s mothers. COVID has taught us all the importance of cleanliness. Especially cleanliness for our precious children. Also, while it might be okay for a boy to get dirty, or to acquire germs, it’s not okay for a girl. Especially a little girl.
Mothers of America, please ensure that your daughters use the cleanest bathrooms available. These will be the ‘third bathroom’ in the U.S. Capitol Building, and in other buildings.
Rest assured! If your daughter has any problems using such a bathroom, I’ll be on hand to help. I plan on spending most of the rest of my life in these ‘third bathrooms’. As Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Also, to quote Stephen King:
“The prettiest girls in school pull up their skirts in there.”
“Since Kay J blocked me as her paid subscriber, on Only Fans, it’s no dollaru for you.”
“Dollaru” is the Ukrainian pronunciation for “dollar”.
“The purpose of life isn’t salvation. It’s procreation.”
( Otherwise, there are no humans. If there are no humans, there is no God in any meaningful sense of the word. Hence, God requires sex. Sex is not the Fall, it allows for God to exist. )
A Real Sign at Chase Bank, Broadway Avenue, San Diego:
“Love Who You Are. Pride!”
I thank Chase Bank for encouraging pedophiles to love who they are.
Source for quote by Stephen King: On Writing, by Stephen King. Page 50.
( The statement was made to King by his friend, about their school’s girls’ bathroom. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 198
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 198, version 1.0
Date Written: June 18, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 198
Editorial Thunder presents...
Advice for Only Fans Females
Plus: Progress at last!
And: The purpose of life.
by Andrew Roller
“Hi dear💋I'm glad to welcome you on my profile. You can personally write to me what your penis wants and I will try to fulfill your wishes🍓for new fans hide discount for exclusive video enjoy my hot masturbation and sweet cum , you can always order custom for your self )”
Porn star Kay J sent me the above Direct Message on September 14, 2021. She sent it to me when I paid $60.00 to subscribe to her Only Fans page. Her Direct Message was, in fact, an advertisement. It offered to provide a video by Kay, of herself masturbating to orgasm.
In order to view Kay’s Direct Message video, I would have had to pay her an additional $9.99. Her Direct Message was sent to me without any accompanying photo to indicate what her video looked like. ( Which is standard practice, for Kay J. )
I didn’t buy Kay’s video.
On September 19, Kay sent me another Direct Message advertisement. It was an advertisement for a video. I did buy this video, for $3.00. ( Sight unseen. )
In her $3.00 Direct Message video, Kay bared her ass. However, she kept her breasts encased in a blouse. That left me feeling dissatisfied.
Do you see a problem? There were two problems:
1. Looking at Kay’s photos, I saw that she’d acquired a large tattoo. It enraged me. At the time, I had no idea when Kay had gotten tattooed. I feared that all of her photos on her Only Fans page were ruined by her tattoo.
2. I soon learned when Kay had begun her Only Fans page. She launched it on August 18, 2020.
Do you see a problem now?
Where were all of Kay’s Direct Message videos from August 18, 2020, through September 14, 2021? Kay never offered those Direct Message videos to me. She did not offer me whatever free Direct Messages she’d sent out ( consisting of a photographic item ). She did not offer me whatever ‘for sale’ Direct Messages she’d sent out ( consisting of a photographic item ).
I’m an ‘all or nothing’ guy. If I can’t have all of something, I skip it altogether.
As soon as I discovered that Kay had an Only Fans page, I subscribed. I subscribed within the hour of my discovery.
I can understand Kay not sending me her prior free Direct Message videos. They were special treats for the guys who were, at the time, subscribers to her Only Fans page.
However, Kay should have sent me advertisements for all of her prior ‘for sale’ Direct Message videos. Since she didn’t, I only ever bought one of her Direct Message videos. That’s because I’m an ‘all or nothing’ guy.
So, I have advice for the ladies ( mostly married mothers ) on Only Fans. It is as follows:
1. Don’t bombard a new subscriber with advertisements for all of your past ‘for sale’ Direct Message videos. Wait a bit.
2. When a guy has been your subscriber for awhile, send him a Direct Message. ( The message can be written in advance, for any new subscriber. ) Tell the guy that you have prior ‘for sale’ Direct Message videos. Would he like you to send him the advertisements for these? He can buy one or all of these videos over time, as he chooses. Or he can just enjoy your other content.
In this way, an ‘all or nothing’ guy will be satisfied. He might not buy all of your Direct Message videos. He surely won’t buy them all at once. However, he may buy some as time goes by. Be sure to include a photo with each of your advertisements. Don’t expect the guy to buy ‘sight unseen’.
More advice: Don’t delete your prior Direct Message advertisements. Had I come into money, I might have bought all of Kay’s Direct Message videos ( that were available to me ) at once.
( Now, I can see her advertisements for her Direct Message videos ( in “Messages”, on Only Fans ). However, I can’t buy anything. That’s because Kay terminated my subscription. )
Kay could have gotten a lot of money out of me if she’d handled herself, and me, better. Instead, she lost a great deal of money on me. God knows how much money she’s lost in all, with her fans. ( I’ve never seen a single person compliment her tattoo. )
by Andrew Roller
On June 18, I watched the following T.V. show ( via foxnews ( dot ) com ):
“Jesse Watters Primetime”.
I watched Jesse’s video titled, “Jesse Watters: Biden has our priorities wrong”.
Watters said the following:
At the U.S. Capitol Building, there are currently gender specific bathrooms. There is a bathroom for males. There is a bathroom for females.
Now, wherever there are gender specific bathrooms, in the U.S Capitol Building, a third bathroom will be added. It will be for transexuals, or for anyone who doesn’t identify with a gender.
I ( Jesse Watters ) will be using the third bathroom, since it will be the cleanest.” ( Watters expects few people to use the third bathroom. )
( Paraphrased. )
I wish to announce that I, Andrew Roller, will also be using the third bathroom. I always try to use the cleanest bathroom available, wherever I am. After all, I’m taking my penis out in the bathroom!
I now wish to address America’s mothers. COVID has taught us all the importance of cleanliness. Especially cleanliness for our precious children. Also, while it might be okay for a boy to get dirty, or to acquire germs, it’s not okay for a girl. Especially a little girl.
Mothers of America, please ensure that your daughters use the cleanest bathrooms available. These will be the ‘third bathroom’ in the U.S. Capitol Building, and in other buildings.
Rest assured! If your daughter has any problems using such a bathroom, I’ll be on hand to help. I plan on spending most of the rest of my life in these ‘third bathrooms’. As Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Also, to quote Stephen King:
“The prettiest girls in school pull up their skirts in there.”
“Since Kay J blocked me as her paid subscriber, on Only Fans, it’s no dollaru for you.”
“Dollaru” is the Ukrainian pronunciation for “dollar”.
“The purpose of life isn’t salvation. It’s procreation.”
( Otherwise, there are no humans. If there are no humans, there is no God in any meaningful sense of the word. Hence, God requires sex. Sex is not the Fall, it allows for God to exist. )
A Real Sign at Chase Bank, Broadway Avenue, San Diego:
“Love Who You Are. Pride!”
I thank Chase Bank for encouraging pedophiles to love who they are.
Source for quote by Stephen King: On Writing, by Stephen King. Page 50.
( The statement was made to King by his friend, about their school’s girls’ bathroom. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 198
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 198, version 1.0
Date Written: June 18, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Photos from a Dungeon
ET 197
Editorial Thunder presents...
Photos from a Dungeon
Plus: Kay J’s dented ass.
And: Why the Bible is sacred.
by Andrew Roller
Here and there on the internet, you can find photos of sex dungeons. The quality of the locales varies. I found a new source of photos of a sex dungeon. It’s at the web site “Monterey ( not Mounterey! ) Stay & Play”.
Link: https://eroticroomandboard.com/gallery/
When you arrive at the page, you’ll see a lot of photos. Click on the first photo. It will be displayed in a size that ( almost ) fills your iPad’s screen. When you’re done masturbating to the first photo, click on the arrow that’s to the right of it. You’ll be taken to the next photo.
There are a lot of photos here. When you think you’ve seen them all, you’ll come across more. That’s because the same room is photographed from several angles. Each of these is a separate photo. There are a number of rooms.
When you first arrive at the site, an annoying informational box may appear. Click on the “X” in the box to get rid of it.
I live in San Diego, California. I live at “ground zero” for Comic Con. This occurs every July. The area is flooded with up to 200,000 people.
For two decades, I’ve endured Comic Con. This year, I intend to profit from it! ( Non financially. )
If you’re reading this, you may be at my new web site: andrewroller.com. Naturally, I want as many people as possible to read the articles on my web site.
Hence, I set about making a sign. I first asked for help at my local mailbox store. They were nice, but I was unable to accomplish my mission through them. In desperation, I visited the web site for the store called, “Office Depot”.
Link: officedepot ( dot ) com
Normally, I provide step by step instructions to you. I can’t do that this time. I had never visited the Office Depot web site before, and I had little idea what I was doing.
Instead, I’ll provide a narrative of my experience. If you’re stuck at home masturbating, I have great news! You don’t have to leave your room. You can make your sign while you jerkoff, and it will be delivered right to your door.
At the Office Depot web site, I immediately found the information that I needed. I told Office Depot that I needed a “poster”. In fact, I was making a sign. However, the word “poster” got me what I needed.
I told Office Depot to switch my sign from vertical to horizontal. I tapped a ( depiction of a ) switch on the web site to make this happen.
Office Depot took me to a new page on their web site. You make your sign here. Unfortunately, in this location, I had to struggle with the Office Depot software. It wasn’t intuitive.
Some pointers:
1. You’ll be working in a ‘work space’.
2. A blank sign will be in your ‘work space’. Controls for making your sign will be on your left.
3. To put text on your sign, press “T” in the controls. Then type in the area that represents your sign.
4. The software is set up to put big words at the top of your sign. Next come medium sized words. Finally, you type in small words. I didn’t want any of that. I just wanted big words.
As I recall, I selected “Header” for my font size. Then, I typed my entire sign’s text in the “Header” size.
5. My font ( the default font ) was “Open Sans Extra”.
6. My sign wasn’t centered.
At the upper right of my ‘work space’, I found an informational box. As I recall, I chose “Center” in the informational box. That centered the text for my sign.
As I recall, “Middle” is also available. Try both. The one I settled on was on the left side of the informational box.
7. Using the Office Depot software, I uploaded a photo from my iPad. The photo is from You Tube. It’s of Zhenya Kotova of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Zhenya is 10 or 11 years old in her photo, but she looks like a teenager, or even a woman.
A month ago, I might have found it impossible to upload Zhenya’s photo. I wouldn’t have understood how to do it. However, I just built a web site on webhost ( dot ) pro. Their software is somewhat similar to Office Depot’s sign-making software. So I had no trouble uploading Zhenya’s photo, and adding it to my sign.
( A prior issue of ARSE details how to use the software at webhost ( dot ) pro. )
Zhenya’s photo is on the left side of my sign. My text is on the right. Here’s a key point: I let the box containing my text OVERLAP the right side of Zhenya’s photo. This allowed me to make my text big. The fact that the box ( NOT the text in the box ) overlapped Zhenya did not create any problem. Zhenya’s photo wasn’t blocked or obscured.
My sign was done!
Next, Office Depot told me to expand my text ( and my photo ) as far as possible, to the sign’s borders. I ( mostly ) did so.
Next, Office Depot told me to NOT expand my text ( and my photo ) as far as possible, to the sign’s borders. There is always a risk in publishing that something close to an edge will get cut off. ( That’s why my dick is now only two inches long. )
I struggled to reduce the size of my text, and my photo, by pulling them back from my sign’s borders.
Next, Office Depot warned me to not use a crappy photo. This is a crucial point. If you expand, or ‘blow up’, any photo, in traditional publishing, the photo begins to blur. A great photo that’s small will look blurry when you expand it to a large size.
Fortunately, my photo of Zhenya was sharp. It remains sharp on my actual sign, that is now sitting at the foot of my bed. ( Where I can jerkoff to it. )
Choose to laminate your “poster”.
Choose to put your “poster” on a foamcore mounting.
Office Depot shipped the sign to my address. My sign was shipped in a very sturdy container. It could have survived a nuclear strike by Vladimir Pukin’.
The total cost of my sign, including tax, was $85.11. Office Depot shipped my sign to me for free.
The specifics of my sign are as follows:
Product: Posters.
Quantity: One.
Paper: 55 pound Matte Paper.
Size: 36 inches by 24 inches. ( That is, three feet by two feet. )
Lamination: Yes.
Foamcore Mounting: Yes.
The price: $78.99. ( Before tax. )
Before quitting the Office Depot web site, I opened an account with them. That way, if I want to order another copy of my sign, I ( hopefully ) can.
When I began, Office Depot offered me the option of buying two copies of my sign, at a discount. Had I known how things would turn out, I would have bought two copies of my sign.
My sign is very sturdy.
As for how my sign looks, with Zhenya on it, my response is, “Holy shit!” My sign, and Zhenya, are awesome!
I have a sneaky way to carry my sign around. My sign has two parts. Zhenya is on its left. My web site address is on its right. To carry my sign, I drape my arm over the front of it. This doesn’t obscure my web site address. That’s because I position my arm to overlap my sign where my web site address meets Zhenya. That is, I obscure part of Zhenya’s right side, but leave my web site address fully visible. This works very well when walking by sensitive areas, like playgrounds. ( Who? Me? I’m just carrying my sign! )
( My sign isn’t divided exactly in half. Zhenya takes up slightly less space than my web site address. )
MORE on KAY J’s WHIP Marks
Kay J is a nude model. She was born in Kiev, Ukraine. Kay lived there until the war. Then, with the war underway, she moved to Poland, probably to Warsaw.
( I told Kay, multiple times, to ‘take a vacation’ before Russia attacked Ukraine. Naturally, Kay ignored me. She then had to flee Ukraine as it was being bombarded. )
Kay has been a nude model since at least the year 2016, when she turned 20 years old. ( She’s often described as a “porn star”. On her Only Fans page, she posted a photo of herself with sperm on her face. That makes her a porn star. Photo date: February 6, 2022. It is a photo of herself on or about that date. )
Kay’s professional work is innocuous. It’s only meant to display her nude body. However, in a number of her photographic items, Kay bears marks on her body. Based on my research, Kay’s marks are from being hit by a whip. The whip was a six foot single-tail bull whip. She also bears bruises.
The following video, from 2016, best illustrates Kay’s whip marks. It’s called “Wet Dreams”. It’s available from the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. A free version is at freeones ( dot ) com.
“Dreaming”, which also stars Kay, was probably filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. Kay bears the same whip marks in “Dreaming” that are present in “Wet Dreams”. However, by the time that “Dreaming” was filmed, some of Kay’s whip marks had vanished.
“Dreaming” is also available from the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. A free version is at freeones ( dot ) com.
My research on Kay’s whip marks continues. I bought the following books, on paper, from Amazon: ( Each is considered ‘the bible’ of BDSM. )
1. SM101: A Realistic Introduction. By Jay Wiseman. ( Not Wiseass! ) Second Edition. Revised, Updated and Expanded. greenery press. Distributed by SCB [ Small Cunt Babes? ] Distributors, Gardena, California, United States of America. Copyright 1998.
2. Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism. By Philip Miller and Molly Devon. Mystic Rose Books. Northfield, Minnesota. Copyright 1995.
I have bought many non-fiction and fiction books on BDSM. The best fiction book in the genre remains an anonymous Victorian novel. It’s called, “Arabella”.
I don’t have a favorite non-fiction book on BDSM.
Most of the books on BDSM that I’ve bought are trash. I learn ( yet again ) the phrase, “Safe, sane, and consensual.” That, and its associated verbiage, takes up half the space ( or more ) in the average non-fiction book on BDSM.
As for the fiction, it’s all become “woke”. A career woman, when not boring me with information about her career, seeks some sort of BDSM experience. Nothing exceptional follows. Little ( if anything ) of educational value occurs. It’s all “safe, sane, and consensual” activity, between aging adults.
In general, contemporary BDSM books can be described as follows:
1. All the non-fiction books are by gay men.
2. All the fiction books are by women ( for women ).
Now, on to the books by Wiseman and Miller / Devon. I quote parts from them that are relevant to Kay J, as she appears in “Wet Dreams”.
Wiseman: ( On single-tail whips. ) “Because they concentrate the energy of the whipstroke into a single, very fast-moving, narrow area, single-tailed whips produce an intense cutting or burning sensation that some masochists absolutely love. However, these whips can be extremely dangerous to both the submissive and the dominant. Lacerations, eye injuries, ear injuries, and even fractures have been reported. ( I’m also told that the marks made by these whips may take an unusually long time to heal. )” ( Says Wiseman. ) Page 190 LM.
( See “Arcana”, below, for the meaning of my letter abbreviations. )
Miller / Devon: “A stroke with the cracker of a single-lash whip leaves a thin, red line, unless you hit too hard in which case it will leave a cut, which is something we try to avoid.” Page 140 M.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay J has various cuts on her body, from a whip, that bled. That’s why they remain visible in “Wet Dreams” and in “Dreaming”. The cuts that Kay bears include cuts on the right cheek of her bottom, her right hip, the right side of her torso, and on the inner curve of her right breast, near hear nipple.
On page 141 of Miller / Devon, there is an illustration of the human buttocks, and upper thighs. The illustration depicts what various marks look like, from different BDSM implements. Since cutting someone with a whip is to be avoided ( according to Miller / Devon ), no ‘stroke’ marks from a whip are shown. Rather, the whip merely leaves little dots, which are described as bruises.
The illustration does depict stroke marks. However, these are attributed to a riding crop. Kay bears two such stroke marks on her body in “Wet Dreams”. The strokes, or slash marks, are on the back of her left thigh. According to Miller / Devon’s illustration, these strokes are from a riding crop.
I disagree with Miller / Devon. I believe that Kay’s two stroke marks are from a whip. That’s because the other marks that she bears, except for her bruises, are clearly from a whip.
Miller / Devon state that a whip bruises, while a riding crop leaves stroke marks.
In the case of Kay J, I disagree with Miller / Devon. My armchair opinion is that Kay’s cuts, and stroke marks, are from a whip. Her bruises may have been from a riding crop. Or, the person who whipped her may have hit her with the whip’s handle.
( I always choose the most practical explanation. The person who was whipping her likely paused to berate her at a close distance. At such a moment, what is easiest for the whipmaster? The easiest thing for him to do is to turn the whip around, and to use its handle as a club. )
“A lot of bottoms who fancy corporal [ punishment ] like to be marked. They see marks as gratifying souvenirs of a memorable session.” Page 140 UM. ( Miller / Devon. )
I am continuing to listen to Harvard Professor Leo Dam ( rosch ). His Audible course is: “Rise of the Novel: Exploring History’s Greatest Early Works”.
Lecture 12 in this course is titled, “Plot and Structure in Tom Jones”. Near the end of this lecture, Dam ( rosch ), quoting a character in Tom Jones, says,
“That fat-arsed bitch”.
Hearing this, I thought of porn star Kay J! Perhaps I did so because she blocked my from her Only Fans page. Did she do so to stop me from jerking off to her? If so, she failed.
I continue to study ( while massaging my dick ) Kay’s oeuvre. Doing so, I continue to seek answers to various questions that I have about Kay. Specifically, about her life when she was 20 years old ( or younger ). What a fat-arsed bitch is doing at age 26, burdened by a tattoo, a son, and a de facto husband, is of little interest to me.
In prior issues of ARSE, I have cited photographs where Kay holds her neck. This could be evidence that, as a young female, she engaged in the risky sexual practice known as “breath play”. ( Flirting with suffocation. )
I have a new “breath play” photo to cite.
Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Photo gallery: Cozy.
Photo: “0014”.
Kay holds her neck as, with her other hand, she tickles her pussy ( from behind ).
Prior citations are:
1. Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Photo gallery: Dantyl.
Photo: “0019”.
Kay grips her neck as, with her other hand, she fondles her cunt ( from the front ).
2. Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Video: Wet Dreams.
Place in video: Near the start.
Kay holds her neck as, under a bedsheet, she masturbates ( from the front ).
3. Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Video: My Channel.
Place in video: Near the end.
Kay holds her neck ( on two occasions ) as she strokes her nude body, with an emphasis on her charms.
I have conjectured that Kay J has a predilection for BDSM, as a submissive. In prior issues of ARSE, I’ve cited instances of whip marks, bruises, or both, on her body. These can be seen in her earliest photographic items. Bruises can be seen on her throughout her oeuvre, including in her photos on Only Fans.
Kay’s body, despite bearing whip marks, remains the epitome of perfection in her “kid cute” photos. ( Circa 2016. ) However, in later photos, including on Only Fans, she has a dent in her left ass cheek. This dent is in the lower curve of her left ass cheek. It’s near her bottom’s cleft.
A photo of this dent is the following:
Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Photo gallery: Red Flowers.
Photo: “0052”.
The date for “Red Flowers”, given by the Me Tart Network, is November 6, 2019.
In contemporary photos of Kay, at Only Fans ( Year 2022 ), she continues to have the same dent in her ass.
Why did a dent appear in Kay’s ass? My speculation is as follows: Kay got whipped in the same place ( on her ass ) too severely. Or, she got whipped to excess, on this area of her ass, on multiple occasions.
My speculation is based on the following: A film called, “The Nightmare From The Headmaster’s Study”. ( See my issue, “VD #2” for more. )
The actresses in “Nightmare” voluntarily endure BDSM punishments. The target of each girl’s punishment is her ass. At least one girl in “Nightmare” has a dent in her ass. Given her role in “Nightmare”, she clearly seeks BDSM experiences.
My hunch is that the girl in “Nightmare” got a dent in her ass from being excessively punished, on multiple occasions. Or, at some prior time, she’d been severely punished on a single occasion.
Kay J clearly sought BDSM experiences. Therefore, it is likely that her ass suffered the same fate as that of the actress in “Nightmare”. That is, Kay’s ass was excessively punished, on multiple occasions. Or, it was severely punished, on a single occasion.
Whatever her faults, Kay J remains the most phenomenal beauty of her time. ( Circa 2016. ) Indeed, in her prime, she was the most phenomenal beauty of all time.
Sadly, those days are over. Kay now has a large tattoo centered on her upper back. It consists of a hairy, staring eyeball, plus a jungle, and the pyramid symbol from the U.S. dollar bill. One can imagine Satan’s wife bearing such a mark.
KAY J: The RIPOFF Continues!
Kay J remains on Only Fans. On May 27, 2022, she abruptly terminated my one year subscription to her Only Fans page. She did this without any warning to me, and for no stated reason.
I was her subscriber for eight months. During this time, Kay released videos on her page. There were also videos on Kay’s page that she released prior to my joining. All of these videos were accessible to me. I made screen recordings of them.
The visual quality of all of Kay’s videos was poor. I didn’t understand why. Kay never told me that I had to adjust “Settings” on her videos.
Kay sent me Direct Messages on a regular basis. Each of her Direct Messages was an advertisement for a Direct Message video by her. Since Kay’s videos looked like crap, I didn’t buy them. The price for a Direct Message video from Kay can be as high as $45.00.
In my eighth month as Kay’s subscriber, I realized that I had to adjust Only Fans’ “Settings” for her videos. ( I changed “240p” to “Original”. ) I then made a new screen recording of each of her videos.
However, in the eighth month of my subscription, Only Fans’ software wasn’t working correctly. I could not “pop open” Kay’s videos. That is, I had to record them at a size that was small.
Now, Only Fans’ software is working correctly. When I first subscribed to Kay, I bought one Direct Message video from her. I can now ( again ) “pop it open”. That is, I can record it at a size that is large. ( With “Settings” changed to “Original”. )
However, Since Kay banned me from her Only Fans page, I can’t go into her page and redo my screen recordings of her other videos. I’m stuck with the screen recordings that I have. All of these are videos that weren’t “popped open”. They were recorded in a size that is small. ( With “Settings” changed to “Original”. )
Hence, I suffered in multiple ways by becoming Kay J’s subscriber:
1. I paid $60.00, sight unseen, for a one year subscription. Kay terminated my subscription after eight months. She never gave me any indication of being displeased with me as her subscriber.
2. I don’t have ( recordings of ) any of Kay’s videos at the correct, “popped open” ( large ) size. ( I only have the one Direct Message video that I bought from her. )
3. I had to pay Only Fans $100.00 in order to be able to pay Kay J $60.00 for a subscription.
4. Given Kay’s behavior, it is probable that she bad-mouthed me to all of her female acquaintances on Only Fans. That means I’m likely banned from the pages of other females on Only Fans.
You will want to consider the above facts before:
1. Paying any money to Only Fans.
2. Paying any money to Kay J.
A purpose of ARSE is to report on real problems that real guys face on the Internet.
“The Bible became sacred, among non-Jews, because the Romans tried to destroy it.”
Marching Orders for Every Pedophile
“We will advocate and fight for those whose voices need to be heard. Learn about what we’re doing to support our communities and push for change.”
- Cox Cable, in San Diego. June 9, 2022.
Link: https://www.cox.com/residential/home.html#
1. I locate a quote on a page using the following abbreviations:
T = Top of the page.
UM = Upper middle of the page.
M = Middle of the page.
LM = Lower middle of the page.
B = Bottom of the page. ( Not dented, since it isn’t Kay J’s ( modern ) bottom. )
2. If you engage in “breath play”, make sure that whatever is gripping your neck can be instantly released. A hand is okay, but not a noose.
Critics argue against “breath play” in any form.
3. I discuss Kay J extensively in prior issues of ARSE. My discussions include detailed descriptions of her whip marks. I also discuss my subscription to her on Only Fans.
Kay J remains the only person that I subscribed to on Only Fans. ( And on any such “social media” platform. )
4. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
( However, no conjecture is needed to ascertain that, at times, Kay J has had a fat arse. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 197
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 197, version 1.0
Date Written: June 17, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 197
Editorial Thunder presents...
Photos from a Dungeon
Plus: Kay J’s dented ass.
And: Why the Bible is sacred.
by Andrew Roller
Here and there on the internet, you can find photos of sex dungeons. The quality of the locales varies. I found a new source of photos of a sex dungeon. It’s at the web site “Monterey ( not Mounterey! ) Stay & Play”.
Link: https://eroticroomandboard.com/gallery/
When you arrive at the page, you’ll see a lot of photos. Click on the first photo. It will be displayed in a size that ( almost ) fills your iPad’s screen. When you’re done masturbating to the first photo, click on the arrow that’s to the right of it. You’ll be taken to the next photo.
There are a lot of photos here. When you think you’ve seen them all, you’ll come across more. That’s because the same room is photographed from several angles. Each of these is a separate photo. There are a number of rooms.
When you first arrive at the site, an annoying informational box may appear. Click on the “X” in the box to get rid of it.
I live in San Diego, California. I live at “ground zero” for Comic Con. This occurs every July. The area is flooded with up to 200,000 people.
For two decades, I’ve endured Comic Con. This year, I intend to profit from it! ( Non financially. )
If you’re reading this, you may be at my new web site: andrewroller.com. Naturally, I want as many people as possible to read the articles on my web site.
Hence, I set about making a sign. I first asked for help at my local mailbox store. They were nice, but I was unable to accomplish my mission through them. In desperation, I visited the web site for the store called, “Office Depot”.
Link: officedepot ( dot ) com
Normally, I provide step by step instructions to you. I can’t do that this time. I had never visited the Office Depot web site before, and I had little idea what I was doing.
Instead, I’ll provide a narrative of my experience. If you’re stuck at home masturbating, I have great news! You don’t have to leave your room. You can make your sign while you jerkoff, and it will be delivered right to your door.
At the Office Depot web site, I immediately found the information that I needed. I told Office Depot that I needed a “poster”. In fact, I was making a sign. However, the word “poster” got me what I needed.
I told Office Depot to switch my sign from vertical to horizontal. I tapped a ( depiction of a ) switch on the web site to make this happen.
Office Depot took me to a new page on their web site. You make your sign here. Unfortunately, in this location, I had to struggle with the Office Depot software. It wasn’t intuitive.
Some pointers:
1. You’ll be working in a ‘work space’.
2. A blank sign will be in your ‘work space’. Controls for making your sign will be on your left.
3. To put text on your sign, press “T” in the controls. Then type in the area that represents your sign.
4. The software is set up to put big words at the top of your sign. Next come medium sized words. Finally, you type in small words. I didn’t want any of that. I just wanted big words.
As I recall, I selected “Header” for my font size. Then, I typed my entire sign’s text in the “Header” size.
5. My font ( the default font ) was “Open Sans Extra”.
6. My sign wasn’t centered.
At the upper right of my ‘work space’, I found an informational box. As I recall, I chose “Center” in the informational box. That centered the text for my sign.
As I recall, “Middle” is also available. Try both. The one I settled on was on the left side of the informational box.
7. Using the Office Depot software, I uploaded a photo from my iPad. The photo is from You Tube. It’s of Zhenya Kotova of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Zhenya is 10 or 11 years old in her photo, but she looks like a teenager, or even a woman.
A month ago, I might have found it impossible to upload Zhenya’s photo. I wouldn’t have understood how to do it. However, I just built a web site on webhost ( dot ) pro. Their software is somewhat similar to Office Depot’s sign-making software. So I had no trouble uploading Zhenya’s photo, and adding it to my sign.
( A prior issue of ARSE details how to use the software at webhost ( dot ) pro. )
Zhenya’s photo is on the left side of my sign. My text is on the right. Here’s a key point: I let the box containing my text OVERLAP the right side of Zhenya’s photo. This allowed me to make my text big. The fact that the box ( NOT the text in the box ) overlapped Zhenya did not create any problem. Zhenya’s photo wasn’t blocked or obscured.
My sign was done!
Next, Office Depot told me to expand my text ( and my photo ) as far as possible, to the sign’s borders. I ( mostly ) did so.
Next, Office Depot told me to NOT expand my text ( and my photo ) as far as possible, to the sign’s borders. There is always a risk in publishing that something close to an edge will get cut off. ( That’s why my dick is now only two inches long. )
I struggled to reduce the size of my text, and my photo, by pulling them back from my sign’s borders.
Next, Office Depot warned me to not use a crappy photo. This is a crucial point. If you expand, or ‘blow up’, any photo, in traditional publishing, the photo begins to blur. A great photo that’s small will look blurry when you expand it to a large size.
Fortunately, my photo of Zhenya was sharp. It remains sharp on my actual sign, that is now sitting at the foot of my bed. ( Where I can jerkoff to it. )
Choose to laminate your “poster”.
Choose to put your “poster” on a foamcore mounting.
Office Depot shipped the sign to my address. My sign was shipped in a very sturdy container. It could have survived a nuclear strike by Vladimir Pukin’.
The total cost of my sign, including tax, was $85.11. Office Depot shipped my sign to me for free.
The specifics of my sign are as follows:
Product: Posters.
Quantity: One.
Paper: 55 pound Matte Paper.
Size: 36 inches by 24 inches. ( That is, three feet by two feet. )
Lamination: Yes.
Foamcore Mounting: Yes.
The price: $78.99. ( Before tax. )
Before quitting the Office Depot web site, I opened an account with them. That way, if I want to order another copy of my sign, I ( hopefully ) can.
When I began, Office Depot offered me the option of buying two copies of my sign, at a discount. Had I known how things would turn out, I would have bought two copies of my sign.
My sign is very sturdy.
As for how my sign looks, with Zhenya on it, my response is, “Holy shit!” My sign, and Zhenya, are awesome!
I have a sneaky way to carry my sign around. My sign has two parts. Zhenya is on its left. My web site address is on its right. To carry my sign, I drape my arm over the front of it. This doesn’t obscure my web site address. That’s because I position my arm to overlap my sign where my web site address meets Zhenya. That is, I obscure part of Zhenya’s right side, but leave my web site address fully visible. This works very well when walking by sensitive areas, like playgrounds. ( Who? Me? I’m just carrying my sign! )
( My sign isn’t divided exactly in half. Zhenya takes up slightly less space than my web site address. )
MORE on KAY J’s WHIP Marks
Kay J is a nude model. She was born in Kiev, Ukraine. Kay lived there until the war. Then, with the war underway, she moved to Poland, probably to Warsaw.
( I told Kay, multiple times, to ‘take a vacation’ before Russia attacked Ukraine. Naturally, Kay ignored me. She then had to flee Ukraine as it was being bombarded. )
Kay has been a nude model since at least the year 2016, when she turned 20 years old. ( She’s often described as a “porn star”. On her Only Fans page, she posted a photo of herself with sperm on her face. That makes her a porn star. Photo date: February 6, 2022. It is a photo of herself on or about that date. )
Kay’s professional work is innocuous. It’s only meant to display her nude body. However, in a number of her photographic items, Kay bears marks on her body. Based on my research, Kay’s marks are from being hit by a whip. The whip was a six foot single-tail bull whip. She also bears bruises.
The following video, from 2016, best illustrates Kay’s whip marks. It’s called “Wet Dreams”. It’s available from the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. A free version is at freeones ( dot ) com.
“Dreaming”, which also stars Kay, was probably filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. Kay bears the same whip marks in “Dreaming” that are present in “Wet Dreams”. However, by the time that “Dreaming” was filmed, some of Kay’s whip marks had vanished.
“Dreaming” is also available from the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. A free version is at freeones ( dot ) com.
My research on Kay’s whip marks continues. I bought the following books, on paper, from Amazon: ( Each is considered ‘the bible’ of BDSM. )
1. SM101: A Realistic Introduction. By Jay Wiseman. ( Not Wiseass! ) Second Edition. Revised, Updated and Expanded. greenery press. Distributed by SCB [ Small Cunt Babes? ] Distributors, Gardena, California, United States of America. Copyright 1998.
2. Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism. By Philip Miller and Molly Devon. Mystic Rose Books. Northfield, Minnesota. Copyright 1995.
I have bought many non-fiction and fiction books on BDSM. The best fiction book in the genre remains an anonymous Victorian novel. It’s called, “Arabella”.
I don’t have a favorite non-fiction book on BDSM.
Most of the books on BDSM that I’ve bought are trash. I learn ( yet again ) the phrase, “Safe, sane, and consensual.” That, and its associated verbiage, takes up half the space ( or more ) in the average non-fiction book on BDSM.
As for the fiction, it’s all become “woke”. A career woman, when not boring me with information about her career, seeks some sort of BDSM experience. Nothing exceptional follows. Little ( if anything ) of educational value occurs. It’s all “safe, sane, and consensual” activity, between aging adults.
In general, contemporary BDSM books can be described as follows:
1. All the non-fiction books are by gay men.
2. All the fiction books are by women ( for women ).
Now, on to the books by Wiseman and Miller / Devon. I quote parts from them that are relevant to Kay J, as she appears in “Wet Dreams”.
Wiseman: ( On single-tail whips. ) “Because they concentrate the energy of the whipstroke into a single, very fast-moving, narrow area, single-tailed whips produce an intense cutting or burning sensation that some masochists absolutely love. However, these whips can be extremely dangerous to both the submissive and the dominant. Lacerations, eye injuries, ear injuries, and even fractures have been reported. ( I’m also told that the marks made by these whips may take an unusually long time to heal. )” ( Says Wiseman. ) Page 190 LM.
( See “Arcana”, below, for the meaning of my letter abbreviations. )
Miller / Devon: “A stroke with the cracker of a single-lash whip leaves a thin, red line, unless you hit too hard in which case it will leave a cut, which is something we try to avoid.” Page 140 M.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay J has various cuts on her body, from a whip, that bled. That’s why they remain visible in “Wet Dreams” and in “Dreaming”. The cuts that Kay bears include cuts on the right cheek of her bottom, her right hip, the right side of her torso, and on the inner curve of her right breast, near hear nipple.
On page 141 of Miller / Devon, there is an illustration of the human buttocks, and upper thighs. The illustration depicts what various marks look like, from different BDSM implements. Since cutting someone with a whip is to be avoided ( according to Miller / Devon ), no ‘stroke’ marks from a whip are shown. Rather, the whip merely leaves little dots, which are described as bruises.
The illustration does depict stroke marks. However, these are attributed to a riding crop. Kay bears two such stroke marks on her body in “Wet Dreams”. The strokes, or slash marks, are on the back of her left thigh. According to Miller / Devon’s illustration, these strokes are from a riding crop.
I disagree with Miller / Devon. I believe that Kay’s two stroke marks are from a whip. That’s because the other marks that she bears, except for her bruises, are clearly from a whip.
Miller / Devon state that a whip bruises, while a riding crop leaves stroke marks.
In the case of Kay J, I disagree with Miller / Devon. My armchair opinion is that Kay’s cuts, and stroke marks, are from a whip. Her bruises may have been from a riding crop. Or, the person who whipped her may have hit her with the whip’s handle.
( I always choose the most practical explanation. The person who was whipping her likely paused to berate her at a close distance. At such a moment, what is easiest for the whipmaster? The easiest thing for him to do is to turn the whip around, and to use its handle as a club. )
“A lot of bottoms who fancy corporal [ punishment ] like to be marked. They see marks as gratifying souvenirs of a memorable session.” Page 140 UM. ( Miller / Devon. )
I am continuing to listen to Harvard Professor Leo Dam ( rosch ). His Audible course is: “Rise of the Novel: Exploring History’s Greatest Early Works”.
Lecture 12 in this course is titled, “Plot and Structure in Tom Jones”. Near the end of this lecture, Dam ( rosch ), quoting a character in Tom Jones, says,
“That fat-arsed bitch”.
Hearing this, I thought of porn star Kay J! Perhaps I did so because she blocked my from her Only Fans page. Did she do so to stop me from jerking off to her? If so, she failed.
I continue to study ( while massaging my dick ) Kay’s oeuvre. Doing so, I continue to seek answers to various questions that I have about Kay. Specifically, about her life when she was 20 years old ( or younger ). What a fat-arsed bitch is doing at age 26, burdened by a tattoo, a son, and a de facto husband, is of little interest to me.
In prior issues of ARSE, I have cited photographs where Kay holds her neck. This could be evidence that, as a young female, she engaged in the risky sexual practice known as “breath play”. ( Flirting with suffocation. )
I have a new “breath play” photo to cite.
Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Photo gallery: Cozy.
Photo: “0014”.
Kay holds her neck as, with her other hand, she tickles her pussy ( from behind ).
Prior citations are:
1. Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Photo gallery: Dantyl.
Photo: “0019”.
Kay grips her neck as, with her other hand, she fondles her cunt ( from the front ).
2. Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Video: Wet Dreams.
Place in video: Near the start.
Kay holds her neck as, under a bedsheet, she masturbates ( from the front ).
3. Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Video: My Channel.
Place in video: Near the end.
Kay holds her neck ( on two occasions ) as she strokes her nude body, with an emphasis on her charms.
I have conjectured that Kay J has a predilection for BDSM, as a submissive. In prior issues of ARSE, I’ve cited instances of whip marks, bruises, or both, on her body. These can be seen in her earliest photographic items. Bruises can be seen on her throughout her oeuvre, including in her photos on Only Fans.
Kay’s body, despite bearing whip marks, remains the epitome of perfection in her “kid cute” photos. ( Circa 2016. ) However, in later photos, including on Only Fans, she has a dent in her left ass cheek. This dent is in the lower curve of her left ass cheek. It’s near her bottom’s cleft.
A photo of this dent is the following:
Website: The metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
Photo gallery: Red Flowers.
Photo: “0052”.
The date for “Red Flowers”, given by the Me Tart Network, is November 6, 2019.
In contemporary photos of Kay, at Only Fans ( Year 2022 ), she continues to have the same dent in her ass.
Why did a dent appear in Kay’s ass? My speculation is as follows: Kay got whipped in the same place ( on her ass ) too severely. Or, she got whipped to excess, on this area of her ass, on multiple occasions.
My speculation is based on the following: A film called, “The Nightmare From The Headmaster’s Study”. ( See my issue, “VD #2” for more. )
The actresses in “Nightmare” voluntarily endure BDSM punishments. The target of each girl’s punishment is her ass. At least one girl in “Nightmare” has a dent in her ass. Given her role in “Nightmare”, she clearly seeks BDSM experiences.
My hunch is that the girl in “Nightmare” got a dent in her ass from being excessively punished, on multiple occasions. Or, at some prior time, she’d been severely punished on a single occasion.
Kay J clearly sought BDSM experiences. Therefore, it is likely that her ass suffered the same fate as that of the actress in “Nightmare”. That is, Kay’s ass was excessively punished, on multiple occasions. Or, it was severely punished, on a single occasion.
Whatever her faults, Kay J remains the most phenomenal beauty of her time. ( Circa 2016. ) Indeed, in her prime, she was the most phenomenal beauty of all time.
Sadly, those days are over. Kay now has a large tattoo centered on her upper back. It consists of a hairy, staring eyeball, plus a jungle, and the pyramid symbol from the U.S. dollar bill. One can imagine Satan’s wife bearing such a mark.
KAY J: The RIPOFF Continues!
Kay J remains on Only Fans. On May 27, 2022, she abruptly terminated my one year subscription to her Only Fans page. She did this without any warning to me, and for no stated reason.
I was her subscriber for eight months. During this time, Kay released videos on her page. There were also videos on Kay’s page that she released prior to my joining. All of these videos were accessible to me. I made screen recordings of them.
The visual quality of all of Kay’s videos was poor. I didn’t understand why. Kay never told me that I had to adjust “Settings” on her videos.
Kay sent me Direct Messages on a regular basis. Each of her Direct Messages was an advertisement for a Direct Message video by her. Since Kay’s videos looked like crap, I didn’t buy them. The price for a Direct Message video from Kay can be as high as $45.00.
In my eighth month as Kay’s subscriber, I realized that I had to adjust Only Fans’ “Settings” for her videos. ( I changed “240p” to “Original”. ) I then made a new screen recording of each of her videos.
However, in the eighth month of my subscription, Only Fans’ software wasn’t working correctly. I could not “pop open” Kay’s videos. That is, I had to record them at a size that was small.
Now, Only Fans’ software is working correctly. When I first subscribed to Kay, I bought one Direct Message video from her. I can now ( again ) “pop it open”. That is, I can record it at a size that is large. ( With “Settings” changed to “Original”. )
However, Since Kay banned me from her Only Fans page, I can’t go into her page and redo my screen recordings of her other videos. I’m stuck with the screen recordings that I have. All of these are videos that weren’t “popped open”. They were recorded in a size that is small. ( With “Settings” changed to “Original”. )
Hence, I suffered in multiple ways by becoming Kay J’s subscriber:
1. I paid $60.00, sight unseen, for a one year subscription. Kay terminated my subscription after eight months. She never gave me any indication of being displeased with me as her subscriber.
2. I don’t have ( recordings of ) any of Kay’s videos at the correct, “popped open” ( large ) size. ( I only have the one Direct Message video that I bought from her. )
3. I had to pay Only Fans $100.00 in order to be able to pay Kay J $60.00 for a subscription.
4. Given Kay’s behavior, it is probable that she bad-mouthed me to all of her female acquaintances on Only Fans. That means I’m likely banned from the pages of other females on Only Fans.
You will want to consider the above facts before:
1. Paying any money to Only Fans.
2. Paying any money to Kay J.
A purpose of ARSE is to report on real problems that real guys face on the Internet.
“The Bible became sacred, among non-Jews, because the Romans tried to destroy it.”
Marching Orders for Every Pedophile
“We will advocate and fight for those whose voices need to be heard. Learn about what we’re doing to support our communities and push for change.”
- Cox Cable, in San Diego. June 9, 2022.
Link: https://www.cox.com/residential/home.html#
1. I locate a quote on a page using the following abbreviations:
T = Top of the page.
UM = Upper middle of the page.
M = Middle of the page.
LM = Lower middle of the page.
B = Bottom of the page. ( Not dented, since it isn’t Kay J’s ( modern ) bottom. )
2. If you engage in “breath play”, make sure that whatever is gripping your neck can be instantly released. A hand is okay, but not a noose.
Critics argue against “breath play” in any form.
3. I discuss Kay J extensively in prior issues of ARSE. My discussions include detailed descriptions of her whip marks. I also discuss my subscription to her on Only Fans.
Kay J remains the only person that I subscribed to on Only Fans. ( And on any such “social media” platform. )
4. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
( However, no conjecture is needed to ascertain that, at times, Kay J has had a fat arse. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 197
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 197, version 1.0
Date Written: June 17, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Get Out Now
ET 196
Editorial Thunder presents...
Get Out Now
Plus: The real Kay J
And: Sex with a 7-year-old.
by Andrew Roller
In the 1970s, I listened to the radio. Sometimes, an advertisement would play. It said:
“To the author in search of a publisher…”
The advertiser was Vantage Press. Vantage Press was a vanity publisher. A person might dream of being an author. He might write a book. However, his chances of getting published were nil.
By paying Vantage Press, you could get your book published! Then, Vantage Press would ship 1,000 or so copies of your book to you. You’d then wind up storing them in your garage.
I was on Word Press for nearly three years. While there, I began to suspect that Word Press wasn’t really interested in selling advertisements off of my content. What Word Press really wanted to do was sell Word Press services to me. I never bought. I’m no longer on Word Press. I now have a real web site. It’s hosted by a web hosting company. The company is called Web Host Pro. As best I can tell, everything that Word Press was trying to sell me, piecemeal, is available for free on Web Host Pro. By paying a single, yearly fee to Web Host Pro, I get everything that Word Press was trying to nickel and dime me for.
I didn’t willingly learn this. My adventure begins below:
In August of 2019, I joined Word Press. I joined as a free user. I remained a free user throughout my time there. At Word Press, I was:
On the morning of May 31, I published a new issue of my blog. I published it on Word Press. During the next several hours, I made several corrections to my issue. Then, accessing my issue via my browser, to read it, I was greeted with a notice. The notice was from Word Press. It read:
“andrewroller.wordpress.com is no longer available.
This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read this support document.”
The Word Press logo, and “WordPress.com”, appear at the bottom of the notice.
I clicked on a link in the notice. I sent an e-mail to Word Press. Then, I launched the Word Press app. I was no longer able to publish with the Word Press app. However, I was able to use it to send Word Press an e-mail. I sent them an e-mail.
Some hours after I sent my e-mails, my Word Press app ceased to work at all. It now lets me do nothing with it.
Days later, I’ve heard nothing from Word Press.
One day, in the Word Press app, I tapped “Cancel”. I did this simply to close a box. ( Like on my iPad. ) As a result, Word Press told me that it was about to delete all of the Word Press data from my iPad! I quit out of the Word Press app.
During my time on Word Press, I never received any complaint from Word Press’ staff. I still haven’t received any complaint from them. They abruptly terminated my Word Press account, for no stated reason.
Worse, Word Press destroyed my content. I have no access to anything that I published on Word Press. Fortunately, I kept copies of what I published on Word Press. I kept these copies on my iPad.
You can imagine the plight of a young Word Press user. A user who’s terminated. She likely wouldn’t have the foresight to keep copies of her work. If Word Press terminated such a user, all of her work would be gone.
It isn’t enough to simply keep copies of your work. Your copies must be sufficiently well organized to be accessible. For instance, I published photos with issues of my blog, on Word Press. However, I didn’t record which photo went with which issue of my blog. It was a major pain to reconstruct this information.
A foundation of life in America is its Bill of Rights. The Internet remains fairly new. We need an Internet Bill of Rights. It must include the following:
1. No viewpoint discrimination. If your content is legal, it cannot be discriminated against.
2. Information portability. If you get banned by a web site, the web site must allow you to transport your content to another web site.
In my case, Word Press hoped that I hadn’t kept a copy of my work. Word Press hoped to erase me, and my point of view, from the Internet. Meanwhile, Big Tech platforms like Word Press are notorious for promoting their social, political, and cultural agenda. It can be summed up as follows:
1. All the men must be women.
2. All the women must be men.
3. The White race is inferior to any other race.
4. The White race must be punished, through various schemes, such as reparations.
I managed to find a silver lining in Word Press’ attack on my person. I decided to quit trying to camp out on a social media site. I decided to have my own web site. It is:
If you type http://www.andrewroller.com, you’ll be automatically redirected to http://andrewroller.com
If you have a domain name, you still need a web hosting service. I researched this in 2019. I found a list of “adult” hosting services. That is, sites that wouldn’t terminate me if I published a photo of a topless woman.
Amazingly, most of the “adult” hosting services were censorious. However, I found one that wasn’t:
Web Host said that they rarely censor. So, I bought a domain name through them:
I bought my domain name in 2019. A domain name is never truly owned. You rent it, from ICAAN, by the year.
In 2019, I was new to the modern internet. I could barely use my iPhone. So, I simply sat on my domain name. ( Fortunately, there wasn’t a famous Andrew Roller somewhere, who could claim that I was “squatting” on “his” domain name. )
In 2022, I researched buying web hosting from Web Host. Here’s what they offer:
$9.00 per month
$81.00 per year.
I signed up for the yearly plan.
The yearly plan includes a free domain name, for the first year. If you already have a domain name, Web Host will give you a discount.
( In my case, I bought my domain name from ICAAN, by paying Web Host. I don’t know if Web Host gives you a discount if you bought your domain name through a different hosting company. )
Web Host has a 45 day money back guarantee.
Web Host gives your web site 50 gigabytes.
Your traffic is unmetered. You don’t pay more if lots of people visit your web site.
Web Host offers free web site building tools. No coding is required. However, I soon realized that the tools Web Host provides are meant for a business. Let’s say you have a doughnut shop. You don’t have a lot to say; you sell doughnuts! So, you just need a few display-type web pages. Pages that showcase your doughnuts, say when you’re open, etc. You’re not trying to publish the Communist Manifesto, and Das Kapital.
I am.
Hence, I had to ‘pervert’ Web Host’s tools to my use. Below, I tell you how you can do the same. You’re going to use display-type pages to publish the equivalent of a magazine. ( Or, in actuality, a blog. )
In your Web Host web site, there will be some display pages. These are self explanatory. Fool around with the Web Host tools, and you’ll succeed. The trouble occurs when you want to publish long tracts of text, and attractive photos that splash across the screen.
I’ll tell you how to do this.
You will be building blog pages. They’ll work just as they do on Word Press. Your oldest posts will be at the bottom of a blog page on Web Host. Your newest post will be at the top of a blog page on Web Host.
Let’s begin your journey. It starts on the Home page of Web Host Pro. Look toward the top right corner of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see “Client Area”.
Tap on “Client Area”. You’re taken to your “Client Area”.
( Make a bookmark of this, in your browser. Do so by tapping “Add Bookmark”. See previous issues of ARSE for more. )
Now, look at the middle of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see “Website Builder”. Some distance beneath it, you’ll see “Build a Website”.
If you haven’t built your web site, tap on “Build a Website”. This launches the process to build your web site! A basic, unmodified site is built for you.
How do you access your web site in the future? ( From “Client Area”. ) Look at the middle of your iPads’ screen. You see: [ Your web site name. ]. To the right of your web site’s name is an arrow. Tap on the arrow to go from your “Client Area” to your web site.
At your web site, you’ll see a blue box. Sometimes it’s in the top left corner of your iPad’s screen. Sometimes its in the bottom left corner of your iPad’s screen. When you tap on it, you gain access to your web site’s tools. When you tap on it again, you lose access to your web site’s tools. ( That is, you put your tools away. ) The blue box is called, “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. It’s the program that you’ll use to build your web site. ( That is, to modify the web site that now exists. )
Let’s go, again, to the initial step. When you launch “Build a Website”, you’re offered various web site templates. I chose the most basic one. ( Scroll down to find it. It’s the one that looks dull. ) It’s called, “Simple”.
After you’ve begun modifying your web site, you retain access to the web site templates. You can find them in the blue box. ( In “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. ) To see the site templates, tap on:
Design > Website Designs
I’m going to assume that you chose the site template called “Simple”. That way, I can tell you how to make it into a blog. Let’s go!
Your web site, as built, comes with half a dozen pages. At some point, you’ll run out of pages. Let’s add a new page now.
Tap on the blue box. ( The “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. )
Next, tap on “Settings” > “Add a new subpage”. A new page appears!
Tap anywhere in your new page. You’ll see that your page contains several boxes. Text is somewhere in each box.
Each of these boxes has icons. They’re in the upper left corner of the box. The icons are as follows:
1. A dark blue box. Six little light blue boxes are inside it. This is your ‘grab bar’. When you tap it, and hold it, you can slide the box up and down on the page.
However, you can only do this if each of the boxes on the page are small. ( In height. ) Let’s say that you publish your newsletter inside one of the boxes. That will give you a very tall box. Now, you scroll down below the tall box. You decide to slide a short box up above the tall box. That won’t work. You won’t be able to do it.
Solution: Delete the tall box. Create a new box for your text. Before you put text into your new text box, scroll down. Grab the short box and slide it above your text box. Now, put the text in your text box. The text box will remain under the short box.
2. A wheel, or “Settings” icon. I don’t fool with this. There is, however, an exception to this. When I began building my web page, I was stuck with type that was light gray. I went into “Settings”, somewhere. I changed the color of the light gray text. I changed it from light grey to dark black. Now, whenever I paste text into a box, the text is dark black.
Note: Somewhere, you’ll be asked to choose among fonts. There are various templates for this. They include a big headline font, and a smaller text font. Choose the pair of fonts that you prefer. ( You don’t have absolute control over this. You must choose from among a selection of paired fonts. )
3. A trash can icon. Tap this to delete a box, if you don’t want it.
MAKE the PAGE Yours
When you create a new page, you’ll have several boxes of text in it. The text is provided by Web Host. On a blog page, I get rid of all of the existing boxes. The exception to this is the box at the very top of the page. I can’t get rid of it. Also, I don’t want to get rid of it. The box at the very top of the page shows all of the pages on my web site. People can use this area, at the top of the page, to tap their way to all of the various pages on my blog.
You’ve gotten rid of all of the boxes. Now, create a box for text. Tap:
Content > Design a content block
A new box appears! At the bottom of your iPad, you now see a blue box. White lettering is inside it. The letters say, “Apply Changes”. Tap on “Apply Changes”. The new box is placed into your web page.
Latin text is written in this new box. Highlight the Latin text. When you have done so, paste your own text into it. Paste your text from your iPad’s clipboard.
( That is, go to your word processor program. Copy text from it. Now, paste your text into the highlighted area in the “content block”. )
On Web Host, you’ll see a blue checkmark. Tap it to complete this process. ( That is, tap the blue checkmark so that your text ‘takes’, or ‘sets’ into the box. )
Wow! The Latin text is gone! Instead, the box now holds your Communist Manifesto!
You may see the following:
All of your lines of type are smooshed together.
When I type, I put one space between each of my paragraphs. Web Host removes the space between my paragraphs. The result? When I paste my text into Web Host, all of my paragraphs are smooshed together.
How to solve this? I went into my document. I did this in my word processor program. I put two spaces between each paragraph. Where one carriage return had been ( creating a space ), I now made two carriage returns.
Don’t fool with the lines of type within your paragraph.
You only need to add an extra carriage return between each paragraph.
Also, add an extra carriage return between design elements in your document. For instance, I use dashed lines to separate parts of my document. I had to add carriage returns here.
You add the carriage returns on the left side of your document. Just zip down the page, adding an extra carriage return to each existing space in your document.
You can also add carriage returns to the text that you pasted into Web Host. You do this in Web Host. ( On your web page. )
Let’s return to your web page. You just pasted your Communist Manifesto ( the text ) into your web page.
Above your text is the following: “Header”. You need to replace this. Highlight it. Paste, or type, your headline here.
( Using my example, you’d change the “Header” to read: “Communist Manifesto”. )
Look to the right. A large picture is present. It vaguely resembles a man. Let’s get rid of him. Tap twice on the picture. An informational box appears on the left side of your screen. Look to the bottom of this informational box. You see the trash can icon. Tap it. The picture disappears!
Your box now has a headline. It reads, “Communist Manifesto”.
Your box now has text. The text is your “Communist Manifesto”.
Two boxes are under your manifesto. They’re buttons. They do nothing. You can’t get rid of them. You can, however, change what they say. If you like, tap twice on one of these buttons. An informational box appears. This is where you can change what the button says. So, change it to read, “Nuke Capitalism”.
ADD a BIG, Splashy PHOTO
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Let’s put a big, splashy picture above your manifesto. Tap the following:
Content > Design a content block
A new box appears! At the bottom of your iPad, you now see a blue box. White lettering is inside it. The letters say, “Apply Changes”. DO NOT tap on “Apply Changes”!
Tap inside the new box. Tap where the text is. You’ll see nested boxes. Choose to work on the largest, or outermost, box. What are you going to do with it? Trash it! In this box, tap the trash can icon. Whoa! All the text disappeared! Only the picture remains. ( The picture that vaguely resembles a man. )
Tap on the blue box at the bottom of your screen. It’s the box that says, “Apply Changes”. The new box, of the picture ( that vaguely resembles a man ), is placed into your web page.
Let’s add a picture to your web page. The picture, when added, will be above your manifesto.
On your iPad, you have Apple’s “Photos” app. In it, you have an album. Your album contains a photo of the Communist flag.
We’re going to transport your photo of the Communist flag to your web page. However, this can present a problem. You need to be able to find the correct album quickly. I recommend the following:
Go into your “Photos” album. Find the album that contains the Communist flag. Make the first photo in this album a big face. When you’re accessing this album, from Web Host, you’ll now be able to find the correct album quickly.
Probably, you don’t just want one photo on your web page. You want lots of photos! Arrange your album so that it holds all of your favorite photos. Do this in the “Photos” app on your iPad. Now, whenever you want a photo, you’ll be able to find the correct album quickly.
Ready to transport? Let’s go! On your web page, tap twice on the big photo.
An informational box appears. It appears on the left side of your screen. You’ll see a small photo image inside of this box. ( That is, you’ll see the picture that vaguely resembles a man. )
A small ‘photo’ icon is at the bottom of this box. ( The small box that vaguely resembles a man. ) Tap once on the ‘photo’ icon.
A new informational box appears. In it, you see: “Upload a file”.
Tap on “Upload a file”.
A new informational box appears. In it, you see “Photo Library”.
Tap on “Photo Library”.
A new informational box appears. In it, tap on “Albums”.
Next, tap on “See All”.
Scroll to the Album you want.
Tap on the Album you want.
Inside the Album, scroll to the photo you want.
Tap once on the photo of the Communist flag. This puts a blue circle on it. A white checkmark is in the blue circle.
Tap “Add”.
The photo of the Communist flag is uploaded. It appears in an informational box.
Look to the bottom of this informational box. A blue box is there. White lettering is inside it. The lettering says: “Save changes”. Tap on “Save changes”.
Wow! Your photo of the Communist flag is placed into the photo box. It’s placed into the box that formerly held the picture that vaguely resembles a man.
Sometimes, mistakes happen. Let’s suppose a mistake occurred. Your album didn’t just have a photo of the Communist flag in it. Your album also contained a photo of the American flag. When you tried to transport the Communist flag, you wound up with the American flag! What to do?
Relax. You did, in fact, transport the Communist flag. But, somehow, your finger highlighted the American flag too! So you wound up with both flags.
Finish the process, as stated above. You’ll wind up with a photo of the American flag above your Communist Manifesto.
Now, tap twice on the photo of the American flag.
An informational box appears. It appears on the left side of your screen. In this box is a small photo image. At the bottom of the photo image is a ‘photo’ icon. Tap once on the ‘photo’ icon.
A new informational box appears! It’s your Web Host photo library. In it, find the photo of the American flag.
Tap once on the photo of the American flag. A trash can icon appears. It appears at the bottom of the photo. Tap on the trash can icon. That will get rid of the American flag.
I tried to transport 188 photos from my “Photos” app to Web Host. That didn’t work. So, I now just transport one photo at a time.
MY Lines of TEXT are too LONG!
Yes, I have the same problem with my penis. Sometimes, the method that I described above, regarding text, won’t work. You’ll wind up with a box that holds lines of text. However, each line of text will go all the way across your screen. Nobody wants to read lines that are that long.
Try this:
Content > Columns > [ Looking down from the top, tap on the third box. ]
A box is placed into your page! In this case, you don’t have to tap “Apply Changes”.
You only want the column on the left. Get rid of the column on the right. To do so:
Tap the column on the right.
Next, tap its trash can icon. The box disappears!
Now, paste your own text into the column on the left.
Next, look at your box. To quote a character from the movie “Titanic”:
“Is anything missing?”
Yes. The “Header” is missing. You’ll be able to paste in your Communist Manifesto. However, you won’t be able to write the headline, above it, that reads, “Communist Manifesto”. Also, unpleasant vertical lines will appear on either side of your text.
But, at least your Communist Manifesto won’t spill across your entire screen.
Here’s another option:
Tap: Content > Contents
An informational box appears. Scroll down in this box. Stop when you see the photo of the Roman Coliseum. You want the template that has the coliseum on its right side. Tap this template.
Wow! A new box appears on your web page! It’s the page that has the photo of the coliseum on the right.
Latin text is on the left side of this box. Paste your Communist Manifesto here.
In this box, you have someplace to write your headline: “Communist Manifesto”. Do so.
Unfortunately, there’s a line between your headline and your manifesto. There’s no way to get rid of the line.
You can replace the photo of the coliseum. Do do so, follow the steps that I described above, regarding photos.
GET Rid of a PAGE
What if you become a capitalist? How do you get rid of your incriminating web page?
Tap: “Settings”. Do so on the page that you want to get rid of.
An informational box appears. In it, the page that you want to get rid of is highlighted. A “Settings” icon is inside this area. ( The area that represents your incriminating web page. )
Tap on the “Settings” icon. A trash can icon appears. Tap on the trash can icon.
Whew! You did that just in time! The F.B.I. is knocking! ( At least you’re only a Communist, and not a Trump voter! )
You now have your own web site! Unless the web hosting company censors you, you’re free to speak your mind!
Kay J is the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland’s body.
“The [ men’s ] young boyfriend is forced to take the virginity of a seven-year-old girl. We might assume that’s intended to seem dreadful, but not at all. The girl enjoys it immensely, and her name is Pannychis, which means, “All night long”.
( Another character is named ( in English ) Captain Blowjob. )
- Harvard professor Leo Damrosch, on the Satyricon.
Rise of the Novel: Exploring History’s Greatest Early Works. Lecture 2: Roman Novels: Satyricon and The Golden Ass. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
1. Someone holds up a sign in the 1975 film, “The Eiger Sanction”. It reads: “Get out now.”
2. For this article, I surrendered to the convention of capitalizing “Internet”.
3. ICAAN stands for “The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers”.
4. This regards your web site:
There is a limit to how much a page can hold. How do you know when you’ve hit it?
A. You try to add something to your page. ( Like a block for text. )
B. Your web page turns blue. An icon appears atop your page. It reads: “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. A wheel, atop your page, spins and spins. It keeps spinning.
C. Quit out of your browser. Do this by closing your browser window.
D. Now, relaunch Web Host Pro. You’ll arrive in your “Client Area”. From there, return to your web site.
E. Begin work on a new page on your web site.
F. NOTE: Once, I got the ‘blue page’ quite early. It eventually went away. I continued to work on the same page. I did this successfully. “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder” works very well. However, as you use it, you’ll occasionally experience a mild quirk. It’s no different from quirks you encounter in other computerized environments. Computers, sadly, aren’t insightful and logical like we humans.
5. Two days after I built my web site, the following appeared in my “Client Area”:
“Upgrade to latest version”. I tried to do this. The answer I got, from the Web Host computer, was, “You already have a web site!” Then, scarily, it started to build a web site for me! Fortunately, that didn’t happen. I somehow escaped from this mess without harm to my web site. So, for now, my advice is: Don’t upgrade! If your web site does everything you need it to, leave it be.
6. I used Apple’s Safari browser to build my web site. In Safari, Web Host always gives me “Administrator” access. It even does this when I visit my web site through the Only Fans web site! ( Using Safari. )
There’s a problem with having “Administrator” access. You can fuck up your web site. Sometimes, I just want to screw around on my web site, as an ordinary user. To do so, I visit my web site using a browser OTHER than Safari.
7. You’ll want your web site listed in the search engines. Fortunately, Google noticed my web site at once. When I checked my web site, using various browsers, the following worked:
A. Duck Duck Go.
B. Firefox.
C. Opera.
Using any of the above browsers, I can visit my web site as an ordinary user. I won’t be able to fuck it up.
Sadly, Bing is as moronic as ever. It has no idea that my web site exists. In my experience, it takes a number of months for Bing to notice a new web site. So, Bing will never know of my published plans to destroy Microsoft!
No other web site could find me, besides the four listed above.
8. The arrow symbol indicates what you should tap on next. As in:
Activate nuclear arsenal > Choose target > Russia > Launch.
Or, as President Reagan said, during a microphone test,
“The bombing will begin in five minutes.”
The U.S.S.R., catching wind of this, went on high alert for the next three days.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 196
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 196, version 5.0
Date Written: June 5, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 196
Editorial Thunder presents...
Get Out Now
Plus: The real Kay J
And: Sex with a 7-year-old.
by Andrew Roller
In the 1970s, I listened to the radio. Sometimes, an advertisement would play. It said:
“To the author in search of a publisher…”
The advertiser was Vantage Press. Vantage Press was a vanity publisher. A person might dream of being an author. He might write a book. However, his chances of getting published were nil.
By paying Vantage Press, you could get your book published! Then, Vantage Press would ship 1,000 or so copies of your book to you. You’d then wind up storing them in your garage.
I was on Word Press for nearly three years. While there, I began to suspect that Word Press wasn’t really interested in selling advertisements off of my content. What Word Press really wanted to do was sell Word Press services to me. I never bought. I’m no longer on Word Press. I now have a real web site. It’s hosted by a web hosting company. The company is called Web Host Pro. As best I can tell, everything that Word Press was trying to sell me, piecemeal, is available for free on Web Host Pro. By paying a single, yearly fee to Web Host Pro, I get everything that Word Press was trying to nickel and dime me for.
I didn’t willingly learn this. My adventure begins below:
In August of 2019, I joined Word Press. I joined as a free user. I remained a free user throughout my time there. At Word Press, I was:
On the morning of May 31, I published a new issue of my blog. I published it on Word Press. During the next several hours, I made several corrections to my issue. Then, accessing my issue via my browser, to read it, I was greeted with a notice. The notice was from Word Press. It read:
“andrewroller.wordpress.com is no longer available.
This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read this support document.”
The Word Press logo, and “WordPress.com”, appear at the bottom of the notice.
I clicked on a link in the notice. I sent an e-mail to Word Press. Then, I launched the Word Press app. I was no longer able to publish with the Word Press app. However, I was able to use it to send Word Press an e-mail. I sent them an e-mail.
Some hours after I sent my e-mails, my Word Press app ceased to work at all. It now lets me do nothing with it.
Days later, I’ve heard nothing from Word Press.
One day, in the Word Press app, I tapped “Cancel”. I did this simply to close a box. ( Like on my iPad. ) As a result, Word Press told me that it was about to delete all of the Word Press data from my iPad! I quit out of the Word Press app.
During my time on Word Press, I never received any complaint from Word Press’ staff. I still haven’t received any complaint from them. They abruptly terminated my Word Press account, for no stated reason.
Worse, Word Press destroyed my content. I have no access to anything that I published on Word Press. Fortunately, I kept copies of what I published on Word Press. I kept these copies on my iPad.
You can imagine the plight of a young Word Press user. A user who’s terminated. She likely wouldn’t have the foresight to keep copies of her work. If Word Press terminated such a user, all of her work would be gone.
It isn’t enough to simply keep copies of your work. Your copies must be sufficiently well organized to be accessible. For instance, I published photos with issues of my blog, on Word Press. However, I didn’t record which photo went with which issue of my blog. It was a major pain to reconstruct this information.
A foundation of life in America is its Bill of Rights. The Internet remains fairly new. We need an Internet Bill of Rights. It must include the following:
1. No viewpoint discrimination. If your content is legal, it cannot be discriminated against.
2. Information portability. If you get banned by a web site, the web site must allow you to transport your content to another web site.
In my case, Word Press hoped that I hadn’t kept a copy of my work. Word Press hoped to erase me, and my point of view, from the Internet. Meanwhile, Big Tech platforms like Word Press are notorious for promoting their social, political, and cultural agenda. It can be summed up as follows:
1. All the men must be women.
2. All the women must be men.
3. The White race is inferior to any other race.
4. The White race must be punished, through various schemes, such as reparations.
I managed to find a silver lining in Word Press’ attack on my person. I decided to quit trying to camp out on a social media site. I decided to have my own web site. It is:
If you type http://www.andrewroller.com, you’ll be automatically redirected to http://andrewroller.com
If you have a domain name, you still need a web hosting service. I researched this in 2019. I found a list of “adult” hosting services. That is, sites that wouldn’t terminate me if I published a photo of a topless woman.
Amazingly, most of the “adult” hosting services were censorious. However, I found one that wasn’t:
Web Host said that they rarely censor. So, I bought a domain name through them:
I bought my domain name in 2019. A domain name is never truly owned. You rent it, from ICAAN, by the year.
In 2019, I was new to the modern internet. I could barely use my iPhone. So, I simply sat on my domain name. ( Fortunately, there wasn’t a famous Andrew Roller somewhere, who could claim that I was “squatting” on “his” domain name. )
In 2022, I researched buying web hosting from Web Host. Here’s what they offer:
$9.00 per month
$81.00 per year.
I signed up for the yearly plan.
The yearly plan includes a free domain name, for the first year. If you already have a domain name, Web Host will give you a discount.
( In my case, I bought my domain name from ICAAN, by paying Web Host. I don’t know if Web Host gives you a discount if you bought your domain name through a different hosting company. )
Web Host has a 45 day money back guarantee.
Web Host gives your web site 50 gigabytes.
Your traffic is unmetered. You don’t pay more if lots of people visit your web site.
Web Host offers free web site building tools. No coding is required. However, I soon realized that the tools Web Host provides are meant for a business. Let’s say you have a doughnut shop. You don’t have a lot to say; you sell doughnuts! So, you just need a few display-type web pages. Pages that showcase your doughnuts, say when you’re open, etc. You’re not trying to publish the Communist Manifesto, and Das Kapital.
I am.
Hence, I had to ‘pervert’ Web Host’s tools to my use. Below, I tell you how you can do the same. You’re going to use display-type pages to publish the equivalent of a magazine. ( Or, in actuality, a blog. )
In your Web Host web site, there will be some display pages. These are self explanatory. Fool around with the Web Host tools, and you’ll succeed. The trouble occurs when you want to publish long tracts of text, and attractive photos that splash across the screen.
I’ll tell you how to do this.
You will be building blog pages. They’ll work just as they do on Word Press. Your oldest posts will be at the bottom of a blog page on Web Host. Your newest post will be at the top of a blog page on Web Host.
Let’s begin your journey. It starts on the Home page of Web Host Pro. Look toward the top right corner of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see “Client Area”.
Tap on “Client Area”. You’re taken to your “Client Area”.
( Make a bookmark of this, in your browser. Do so by tapping “Add Bookmark”. See previous issues of ARSE for more. )
Now, look at the middle of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see “Website Builder”. Some distance beneath it, you’ll see “Build a Website”.
If you haven’t built your web site, tap on “Build a Website”. This launches the process to build your web site! A basic, unmodified site is built for you.
How do you access your web site in the future? ( From “Client Area”. ) Look at the middle of your iPads’ screen. You see: [ Your web site name. ]. To the right of your web site’s name is an arrow. Tap on the arrow to go from your “Client Area” to your web site.
At your web site, you’ll see a blue box. Sometimes it’s in the top left corner of your iPad’s screen. Sometimes its in the bottom left corner of your iPad’s screen. When you tap on it, you gain access to your web site’s tools. When you tap on it again, you lose access to your web site’s tools. ( That is, you put your tools away. ) The blue box is called, “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. It’s the program that you’ll use to build your web site. ( That is, to modify the web site that now exists. )
Let’s go, again, to the initial step. When you launch “Build a Website”, you’re offered various web site templates. I chose the most basic one. ( Scroll down to find it. It’s the one that looks dull. ) It’s called, “Simple”.
After you’ve begun modifying your web site, you retain access to the web site templates. You can find them in the blue box. ( In “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. ) To see the site templates, tap on:
Design > Website Designs
I’m going to assume that you chose the site template called “Simple”. That way, I can tell you how to make it into a blog. Let’s go!
Your web site, as built, comes with half a dozen pages. At some point, you’ll run out of pages. Let’s add a new page now.
Tap on the blue box. ( The “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. )
Next, tap on “Settings” > “Add a new subpage”. A new page appears!
Tap anywhere in your new page. You’ll see that your page contains several boxes. Text is somewhere in each box.
Each of these boxes has icons. They’re in the upper left corner of the box. The icons are as follows:
1. A dark blue box. Six little light blue boxes are inside it. This is your ‘grab bar’. When you tap it, and hold it, you can slide the box up and down on the page.
However, you can only do this if each of the boxes on the page are small. ( In height. ) Let’s say that you publish your newsletter inside one of the boxes. That will give you a very tall box. Now, you scroll down below the tall box. You decide to slide a short box up above the tall box. That won’t work. You won’t be able to do it.
Solution: Delete the tall box. Create a new box for your text. Before you put text into your new text box, scroll down. Grab the short box and slide it above your text box. Now, put the text in your text box. The text box will remain under the short box.
2. A wheel, or “Settings” icon. I don’t fool with this. There is, however, an exception to this. When I began building my web page, I was stuck with type that was light gray. I went into “Settings”, somewhere. I changed the color of the light gray text. I changed it from light grey to dark black. Now, whenever I paste text into a box, the text is dark black.
Note: Somewhere, you’ll be asked to choose among fonts. There are various templates for this. They include a big headline font, and a smaller text font. Choose the pair of fonts that you prefer. ( You don’t have absolute control over this. You must choose from among a selection of paired fonts. )
3. A trash can icon. Tap this to delete a box, if you don’t want it.
MAKE the PAGE Yours
When you create a new page, you’ll have several boxes of text in it. The text is provided by Web Host. On a blog page, I get rid of all of the existing boxes. The exception to this is the box at the very top of the page. I can’t get rid of it. Also, I don’t want to get rid of it. The box at the very top of the page shows all of the pages on my web site. People can use this area, at the top of the page, to tap their way to all of the various pages on my blog.
You’ve gotten rid of all of the boxes. Now, create a box for text. Tap:
Content > Design a content block
A new box appears! At the bottom of your iPad, you now see a blue box. White lettering is inside it. The letters say, “Apply Changes”. Tap on “Apply Changes”. The new box is placed into your web page.
Latin text is written in this new box. Highlight the Latin text. When you have done so, paste your own text into it. Paste your text from your iPad’s clipboard.
( That is, go to your word processor program. Copy text from it. Now, paste your text into the highlighted area in the “content block”. )
On Web Host, you’ll see a blue checkmark. Tap it to complete this process. ( That is, tap the blue checkmark so that your text ‘takes’, or ‘sets’ into the box. )
Wow! The Latin text is gone! Instead, the box now holds your Communist Manifesto!
You may see the following:
All of your lines of type are smooshed together.
When I type, I put one space between each of my paragraphs. Web Host removes the space between my paragraphs. The result? When I paste my text into Web Host, all of my paragraphs are smooshed together.
How to solve this? I went into my document. I did this in my word processor program. I put two spaces between each paragraph. Where one carriage return had been ( creating a space ), I now made two carriage returns.
Don’t fool with the lines of type within your paragraph.
You only need to add an extra carriage return between each paragraph.
Also, add an extra carriage return between design elements in your document. For instance, I use dashed lines to separate parts of my document. I had to add carriage returns here.
You add the carriage returns on the left side of your document. Just zip down the page, adding an extra carriage return to each existing space in your document.
You can also add carriage returns to the text that you pasted into Web Host. You do this in Web Host. ( On your web page. )
Let’s return to your web page. You just pasted your Communist Manifesto ( the text ) into your web page.
Above your text is the following: “Header”. You need to replace this. Highlight it. Paste, or type, your headline here.
( Using my example, you’d change the “Header” to read: “Communist Manifesto”. )
Look to the right. A large picture is present. It vaguely resembles a man. Let’s get rid of him. Tap twice on the picture. An informational box appears on the left side of your screen. Look to the bottom of this informational box. You see the trash can icon. Tap it. The picture disappears!
Your box now has a headline. It reads, “Communist Manifesto”.
Your box now has text. The text is your “Communist Manifesto”.
Two boxes are under your manifesto. They’re buttons. They do nothing. You can’t get rid of them. You can, however, change what they say. If you like, tap twice on one of these buttons. An informational box appears. This is where you can change what the button says. So, change it to read, “Nuke Capitalism”.
ADD a BIG, Splashy PHOTO
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Let’s put a big, splashy picture above your manifesto. Tap the following:
Content > Design a content block
A new box appears! At the bottom of your iPad, you now see a blue box. White lettering is inside it. The letters say, “Apply Changes”. DO NOT tap on “Apply Changes”!
Tap inside the new box. Tap where the text is. You’ll see nested boxes. Choose to work on the largest, or outermost, box. What are you going to do with it? Trash it! In this box, tap the trash can icon. Whoa! All the text disappeared! Only the picture remains. ( The picture that vaguely resembles a man. )
Tap on the blue box at the bottom of your screen. It’s the box that says, “Apply Changes”. The new box, of the picture ( that vaguely resembles a man ), is placed into your web page.
Let’s add a picture to your web page. The picture, when added, will be above your manifesto.
On your iPad, you have Apple’s “Photos” app. In it, you have an album. Your album contains a photo of the Communist flag.
We’re going to transport your photo of the Communist flag to your web page. However, this can present a problem. You need to be able to find the correct album quickly. I recommend the following:
Go into your “Photos” album. Find the album that contains the Communist flag. Make the first photo in this album a big face. When you’re accessing this album, from Web Host, you’ll now be able to find the correct album quickly.
Probably, you don’t just want one photo on your web page. You want lots of photos! Arrange your album so that it holds all of your favorite photos. Do this in the “Photos” app on your iPad. Now, whenever you want a photo, you’ll be able to find the correct album quickly.
Ready to transport? Let’s go! On your web page, tap twice on the big photo.
An informational box appears. It appears on the left side of your screen. You’ll see a small photo image inside of this box. ( That is, you’ll see the picture that vaguely resembles a man. )
A small ‘photo’ icon is at the bottom of this box. ( The small box that vaguely resembles a man. ) Tap once on the ‘photo’ icon.
A new informational box appears. In it, you see: “Upload a file”.
Tap on “Upload a file”.
A new informational box appears. In it, you see “Photo Library”.
Tap on “Photo Library”.
A new informational box appears. In it, tap on “Albums”.
Next, tap on “See All”.
Scroll to the Album you want.
Tap on the Album you want.
Inside the Album, scroll to the photo you want.
Tap once on the photo of the Communist flag. This puts a blue circle on it. A white checkmark is in the blue circle.
Tap “Add”.
The photo of the Communist flag is uploaded. It appears in an informational box.
Look to the bottom of this informational box. A blue box is there. White lettering is inside it. The lettering says: “Save changes”. Tap on “Save changes”.
Wow! Your photo of the Communist flag is placed into the photo box. It’s placed into the box that formerly held the picture that vaguely resembles a man.
Sometimes, mistakes happen. Let’s suppose a mistake occurred. Your album didn’t just have a photo of the Communist flag in it. Your album also contained a photo of the American flag. When you tried to transport the Communist flag, you wound up with the American flag! What to do?
Relax. You did, in fact, transport the Communist flag. But, somehow, your finger highlighted the American flag too! So you wound up with both flags.
Finish the process, as stated above. You’ll wind up with a photo of the American flag above your Communist Manifesto.
Now, tap twice on the photo of the American flag.
An informational box appears. It appears on the left side of your screen. In this box is a small photo image. At the bottom of the photo image is a ‘photo’ icon. Tap once on the ‘photo’ icon.
A new informational box appears! It’s your Web Host photo library. In it, find the photo of the American flag.
Tap once on the photo of the American flag. A trash can icon appears. It appears at the bottom of the photo. Tap on the trash can icon. That will get rid of the American flag.
I tried to transport 188 photos from my “Photos” app to Web Host. That didn’t work. So, I now just transport one photo at a time.
MY Lines of TEXT are too LONG!
Yes, I have the same problem with my penis. Sometimes, the method that I described above, regarding text, won’t work. You’ll wind up with a box that holds lines of text. However, each line of text will go all the way across your screen. Nobody wants to read lines that are that long.
Try this:
Content > Columns > [ Looking down from the top, tap on the third box. ]
A box is placed into your page! In this case, you don’t have to tap “Apply Changes”.
You only want the column on the left. Get rid of the column on the right. To do so:
Tap the column on the right.
Next, tap its trash can icon. The box disappears!
Now, paste your own text into the column on the left.
Next, look at your box. To quote a character from the movie “Titanic”:
“Is anything missing?”
Yes. The “Header” is missing. You’ll be able to paste in your Communist Manifesto. However, you won’t be able to write the headline, above it, that reads, “Communist Manifesto”. Also, unpleasant vertical lines will appear on either side of your text.
But, at least your Communist Manifesto won’t spill across your entire screen.
Here’s another option:
Tap: Content > Contents
An informational box appears. Scroll down in this box. Stop when you see the photo of the Roman Coliseum. You want the template that has the coliseum on its right side. Tap this template.
Wow! A new box appears on your web page! It’s the page that has the photo of the coliseum on the right.
Latin text is on the left side of this box. Paste your Communist Manifesto here.
In this box, you have someplace to write your headline: “Communist Manifesto”. Do so.
Unfortunately, there’s a line between your headline and your manifesto. There’s no way to get rid of the line.
You can replace the photo of the coliseum. Do do so, follow the steps that I described above, regarding photos.
GET Rid of a PAGE
What if you become a capitalist? How do you get rid of your incriminating web page?
Tap: “Settings”. Do so on the page that you want to get rid of.
An informational box appears. In it, the page that you want to get rid of is highlighted. A “Settings” icon is inside this area. ( The area that represents your incriminating web page. )
Tap on the “Settings” icon. A trash can icon appears. Tap on the trash can icon.
Whew! You did that just in time! The F.B.I. is knocking! ( At least you’re only a Communist, and not a Trump voter! )
You now have your own web site! Unless the web hosting company censors you, you’re free to speak your mind!
Kay J is the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland’s body.
“The [ men’s ] young boyfriend is forced to take the virginity of a seven-year-old girl. We might assume that’s intended to seem dreadful, but not at all. The girl enjoys it immensely, and her name is Pannychis, which means, “All night long”.
( Another character is named ( in English ) Captain Blowjob. )
- Harvard professor Leo Damrosch, on the Satyricon.
Rise of the Novel: Exploring History’s Greatest Early Works. Lecture 2: Roman Novels: Satyricon and The Golden Ass. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
1. Someone holds up a sign in the 1975 film, “The Eiger Sanction”. It reads: “Get out now.”
2. For this article, I surrendered to the convention of capitalizing “Internet”.
3. ICAAN stands for “The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers”.
4. This regards your web site:
There is a limit to how much a page can hold. How do you know when you’ve hit it?
A. You try to add something to your page. ( Like a block for text. )
B. Your web page turns blue. An icon appears atop your page. It reads: “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder”. A wheel, atop your page, spins and spins. It keeps spinning.
C. Quit out of your browser. Do this by closing your browser window.
D. Now, relaunch Web Host Pro. You’ll arrive in your “Client Area”. From there, return to your web site.
E. Begin work on a new page on your web site.
F. NOTE: Once, I got the ‘blue page’ quite early. It eventually went away. I continued to work on the same page. I did this successfully. “Web Host Pro Web Site Builder” works very well. However, as you use it, you’ll occasionally experience a mild quirk. It’s no different from quirks you encounter in other computerized environments. Computers, sadly, aren’t insightful and logical like we humans.
5. Two days after I built my web site, the following appeared in my “Client Area”:
“Upgrade to latest version”. I tried to do this. The answer I got, from the Web Host computer, was, “You already have a web site!” Then, scarily, it started to build a web site for me! Fortunately, that didn’t happen. I somehow escaped from this mess without harm to my web site. So, for now, my advice is: Don’t upgrade! If your web site does everything you need it to, leave it be.
6. I used Apple’s Safari browser to build my web site. In Safari, Web Host always gives me “Administrator” access. It even does this when I visit my web site through the Only Fans web site! ( Using Safari. )
There’s a problem with having “Administrator” access. You can fuck up your web site. Sometimes, I just want to screw around on my web site, as an ordinary user. To do so, I visit my web site using a browser OTHER than Safari.
7. You’ll want your web site listed in the search engines. Fortunately, Google noticed my web site at once. When I checked my web site, using various browsers, the following worked:
A. Duck Duck Go.
B. Firefox.
C. Opera.
Using any of the above browsers, I can visit my web site as an ordinary user. I won’t be able to fuck it up.
Sadly, Bing is as moronic as ever. It has no idea that my web site exists. In my experience, it takes a number of months for Bing to notice a new web site. So, Bing will never know of my published plans to destroy Microsoft!
No other web site could find me, besides the four listed above.
8. The arrow symbol indicates what you should tap on next. As in:
Activate nuclear arsenal > Choose target > Russia > Launch.
Or, as President Reagan said, during a microphone test,
“The bombing will begin in five minutes.”
The U.S.S.R., catching wind of this, went on high alert for the next three days.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am http://andrewroller.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 196
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 196, version 5.0
Date Written: June 5, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
More Free Great Courses
ET 195
Editorial Thunder presents...
More Free Great Courses
Plus: Kay J: rear entry?
And: How to be on Only Fans.
by Andrew Roller
Audible is a subscription service. On it, you listen to recorded audio items, such as books. Audible is owned by Amazon.
On Amazon, you can get books for free. Use this search term at Amazon:
kindle classics free books.
Audible now provides something similar. On Audible, enter this search term:
the great courses
You will get 736 results.
Now, tap the box labelled, “Included in your membership(s)”.
You will get 445 results.
Each one of these is a course. It’s free. It’s produced by “The Great Courses”.
A sampling of what’s on offer:
1. The Celtic World.
2. The Early Middle Ages.
3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
The list goes on and on, covering a huge range of topics.
I recommend that you add each course to your Audible library. You don’t need to download it. Just add it to your library.
Earlier this year, Audible made some of The Great Courses available, for free. I downloaded those courses that I hadn’t bought. ( I’d paid $9.96 per course. )
Later, Audible said that it was going to eliminate these free courses. They said that they’d do so on May 1, 2022. Perhaps Audible eliminated some of the courses that I’d downloaded for free. However, they didn’t eliminate all of them. Some of those courses remain in my Audible library.
Will the current courses remain free? They ought to. Otherwise, Audible is an Indian giver.
When I joined Audible, I was horrified. All I found was content that didn’t interest me. It consisted of the usual ‘popular’ fare you find on a grocery store bookshelf. Much of it was woke. If you weren’t getting enough crap on daytime T.V., Audible had its equivalent for you. Anything worthwhile cost extra money, beyond the price of my subscription.
Hence, I’m thrilled that Audible is providing some of The Great Courses for free. I rely very heavily on this content. I don’t have a T.V. That’s because I regard T.V. fare as worthless, or insidious propaganda. On the internet, I visit foxnews ( dot ) com. However, on something like the long Memorial Day weekend, Fox degenerates into the mundane. ( Where it too often dwells, on a normal news day. )
When you add a course to your Audible library, the list of 445 courses resets. That is, it returns you to the top of the list. You then have to scroll down to your prior place in the list.
The icons in the list are small. You have to look closely to figure out where you were in the list.
The list won’t tell you which courses you’ve added to your Audible library. That is, it won’t tell you until you quit, and relaunch, Audible. Hence, you’ll have to remember where you were in the list.
I added all 445 courses to my Audible library. I didn’t have to tap on each course. That’s because I’d already gotten some courses for free, earlier in the year. Also, I’d previously bought some of the courses.
It took me a number of hours to add all of the courses to my Audible library. The task was tedious. However, the reward is great. I can now listen to courses on many topics as I do chores, or try to fall asleep.
Currently, I have 1856 titles in my Audible library. I bought some. I acquired most of this quality content for free.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is at the following web site: naughtymag ( dot ) com. One of her videos there is titled, “The Cashier’s Clam”. Biographical information is written under her video. One of the questions that Kay J answers is the following:
“Anal: I've never done it.”
Is this true?
Previously, I was a paid subscriber to Kay’s Only Fans page: ukaybb. I was a subscriber until she abruptly terminated my subscription.
When Kay posts something on her Only Fans page, she’ll get some likes and, occasionally, comments. This lasts for some hours. Then, her new post doesn’t get any more comments or likes.
This inactivity annoyed me. ( I liked each of her posts. I commented on every one of her posts that she made from late November 2021, onward. )
It was May 15, 2022. Kay’s latest post was dated May 13, 2022. It had been sitting idle for about two days. That is, it had gotten no new likes. It had gotten no new comments, other than mine.
Early on May 15, 2022, I posted a new comment to Kay’s post of May 13. I complimented Kay’s metartnetwork ( dot ) com photo gallery called, “Teinalt”. I mentioned that she was naked in “Teinalt”, and on her hands and knees.
There are two reasons, sexually, why a girl is on her hands and knees:
1. It is the “doggie style” position for vaginal sex.
2. It is a position for anal sex.
Kay didn’t release new subscriber content on May 15. However, some hours after I posted my comment about “Teinalt”, Kay sent out a Direct Message advertisement.
Kay’s advertisement was for a new video from her. The video was priced at $35.00. Four photos were included with the video. Of this video, Kay J wrote the following:
Video with fingers in my ass for you😏
and 4 photos as a gift🎁🏷
( I didn’t buy Kay’s video. )
I feel that, on several occasions, I gave Kay an idea for her next content release. I feel that this is true of her Direct Message advertisement of May 15.
Hence, on the morning of May 15, I mentioned Kay on her hands and knees, naked, in “Teinalt”. By the evening of May 15, Kay had released her Direct Message advertisement. By my reading of the situation, Kay had interpreted my compliment of her in “Teinalt” as being a reference to anal sex. In her Direct Message video, she sticks her fingers ( plural ) in her ass.
Have you ever stuck your finger ( singular ) in your ass? Some decades ago, I was heavily constipated. The modern “poop” medicines that we have today didn’t exist. Also, I had no such medicine on hand. I was obliged to attempt to relieve my constipation by sticking a finger ( singular ) in my ass.
The asshole is tight. That’s what I learned, as I tried to relieve my constipation. In her video, Kay sticks her fingers ( plural ) into her ass. Hence, this likely wasn’t the first time that something was stuck into Kay’s ass. From this, we can conclude the following: Kay J has engaged in anal sex. If she’s able to stick her fingers into her ass, she’s likely taken a penis in her ass, probably multiple times.
Kay shows her butthole many times in her various Me Tart Network photo galleries. She does the same in her Me Tart Network videos. Kay’s butthole is attractive in these photographic items. However, I wouldn’t call it small. Or tight.
Kay is said to be 20 years old in the Me Tart Network photographic items that I’m referencing. She may, in fact, be younger.
( My hunch is that Alex Lynn, her photographer of this era, began photographing Kay when she was 18 or 19 years old. See my prior posts for more. )
Hence, by age 20, Kay had a butthole that wasn’t small or tight. Her photographic items that are at Naughty Mag were made when she was 21 years old.
( “The Cashier’s Clam” is dated October 11, 2017. Kay’s photographic items at Naughty Mag appear to have been made shortly after she delivered her son Mark. This happened around the end of September, in 2017. )
( Kay is said to have begun her modeling career on May 1, 2016. This is when her first photo gallery, made by Alex Lynn, was posted to the Me Tart Network. )
Hence, Kay lied to Naughty Mag. With regard to anal sex, it isn’t true that she’d “never done it.”
I don’t knock Kay for lying about this matter. I feel that, on such a subject, she can give Naughty Mag whatever answer she likes.
Also, Naughty Mag is probably at liberty to invent biographical information about Kay J.
But what is the truth? Here, I’ve given my opinion on this world historic point. If Kay can stick her fingers ( plural ) in her ass, she’s likely taken a penis there, too. She’s probably been doing so since age 20, or younger.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J’s Only Fans page is: ukaybb. It begins on August 18, 2020. It’s fun through March 11, 2021. On that date, Kay got a large tattoo on her upper back. It includes the triangle, and staring eye, that are on the back of the U.S. dollar bill.
( By having eyelashes inked onto her back, Kay gave herself a hairy back. )
The quality of Kay’s Only Fans site declines after March 11, 2021. She ceases to post normal, ‘whole body’ photographic items. Instead, one gets close-ups of her boobs, ass, and cunt, in endless rotation.
( Kay began providing some ‘whole body’ images on and after March 23, 2022. These, inevitably, show her tattoo. )
In her posts over the past year, Kay often seemed bored. This was prior to Russia invading Ukraine which, understandably, disrupted her life. ( Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. )
I felt that Kay regarded her customers as dupes. On January 9, 2022, Kay posted a video. In the image that represents her video, Kay gazes in a blase way into the camera. Her accompanying message is: “…I remember you”.
Gosh, Kay. Since I’m your paid subscriber, I’m glad you remember me.
In her video, Kay wears a long, dull dress. She proceeds to stroke her hair, and give glimpses of her body. She’s bored throughout her video.
I’m accustomed to You Tube. I spent over a year there. The girls that I followed on You Tube were preteens and teens. In their videos, they were lovely and sprightly. I only saw one mention of money. It was in a video that Danatar made. In it, she showed her new iPhone. Some viewers had helped her buy it, through PayPal. ( I never learned how this was done. )
It was quite a transition for me to go from the girls on You Tube, to Kay J on Only Fans. A request for tips is included with every one of Kay’s posts. This isn’t her fault; it’s built into Only Fans’ software. However, given that the request is made, one can imagine Kay taking umbrage when a subscriber doesn’t tip her.
Kay herself made requests for tips. This happened on a regular basis. Kay would request a tip in the message accompanying her post. She would request a tip using icons under her post. She would stage a ‘campaign’, where she sought to get tips for the fact that, say, she’d had a birthday.
The Only Fans software requested a tip any time a subscriber sought to send a Direct Message to Kay.
Then, finally, there’s this fact: Kay abruptly terminated my subscription to her Only Fans page. She did this on May 27, 2022. My subscription was paid through September 14, 2022. I complained to Only Fans. No refund was given. Kay gave me no warning that I had displeased her.
By any legal standard, Kay J is a thief. The fact that Only Fans allows her to be a thief reflects poorly on them.
I had to pay Only Fans $100.00 in order to subscribe to Kay J for $60.00. Only Fans’ odd method of taking payment makes it a thief, if not in the legal sense. I’m now stuck with $37.00 sitting at Only Fans. Only Fans refuses to refund my $37.00.
( I bought one Direct Video from Kay J. I did this on September 19, 2021. The video cost $3.00. In it, Kay shows her nude ass, but keeps her boobs encased in a blouse. She apparently does this to hide the tattoo on her back. This despite the fact that, in prior posts, she’d given ‘sneak peeks’ of her tattoo. )
When I first subscribed to Kay J, she showed a mild interest in me. This quickly vanished. For the remainder of the time that I spent as her subscriber, she ignored me. In the end, she stole from me. Kay J is not a nice person. She’s a money-grubbing porn star. A star whose fame is fading, largely due to her stupid decision, with no input from her fans, to put a large, hideous tattoo on her back.
There’s a dent in the left cheek of her ass, on its underside. I have written, previously, about Kay’s apparent predilection for BDSM. I assume that the dent in her ass is from her being whipped too severely in that location. ( Perhaps multiple times. )
I subscribed to Kay J, on Only Fans, to learn more about her. I didn’t learn much. She never speaks in her videos. Her written messages are cursory. One might conclude that she’s ‘the silent type’, and that’s her right. However, I’m able to monitor her activity on Only Fans, in its Messages section. Kay chats all day, every day, on Only Fans. She does this by sending, and receiving, Direct Messages. ( Which are unavailable to her subscribers. ) Kay was very active in this regard when she lived in Ukraine. I have no idea who Kay chats with, but it sure as heck wasn’t me. So, Kay is endlessly talkative. That gregariousness didn’t extend, however, to someone like me, who’d paid her in the hope of knowing her better.
Mostly, I didn’t find Kay’s Only Fans content to be erotic. The exception to this is her older photos, and videos, made prior to March 11, 2021. A number of those photographic items are sexy. Sometimes, in this current era, Kay will post a photo that was made prior to March 11, 2021. It’s great when she does that. Otherwise, her content is relatively uninteresting.
On March 23, 2022, Kay again began posting some ‘whole body’ content. The erotic nature of this content is considerably higher than what she’d been posting during the prior year. ( After March 11, 2021. ) However, in this new content, one sees Kay’s tattoo. ( When her bottom is toward the camera. ) Kay’s tattoo is hideous.
I have no ability to assess Kay’s content now. Perhaps it’s great. However, she’s a thief. So, buyer be ( very ) beware.
It is sad that such a ( once ) beautiful model is such a base person.
HOW to be on ONLY FANS
by Andrew Roller
I’m presuming to give advice to a porn star. That’s who mostly seems to be on Only Fans.
First, you can choose to deal solely with the porn web sites. Let’s consider the positive aspects of this:
All you have to do is show up. The photographer will have you made up, and give you clothing to wear. He’ll handle all aspects of the photography session. All that you have to do is be your natural self, and follow his practical advice. ( You can, presumably, decline to do anything you dislike. )
When the shoot ends, you get a large money payment. You have no obligation to ‘print’ what’s been produced. That labor intensive process is the responsibility of the photographer, and his staff.
You have no obligation to any of your fans.
In your printed photos, you get to be the center of attention. Your fans get to comment on you. This is true of porn stars, sports stars, politicians, even writers. If it’s public, people can comment. They can even comment on strangers that they see in the street. ( As in, “He looks like a child molester.” )
Now, let’s consider having an Only Fans page.
1. You’re in business. You provide bank account information to Only Fans, so they can pay you.
2. You are responsible for your fans’ experience on your page. No one expects you to do anything unreasonable.
I recommend that you do the following:
A. Tell a fan, when he joins, to tap on the first video that he sees on your page. Tell him to look in the lower right corner of the video. A “Settings” icon is there. Tell him to tap on the “Settings” icon. Tell him to choose “Original” for the best video quality.
( On my blog, I wrote, “Kay J makes nice photos, but her videos are grainy”. It took me eight months to learn to adjust “Settings” for videos. )
B. If a fan posts a comment, give it a like. Only omit giving a like to a comment if it offends you.
C. If a fan sends you a Direct Message, consider giving some sort of answer. The answer can be cursory. It can be as little as a heart emoji.
A fan may become over enthusiastic. In such a case, you’re free to omit answering each of the fan’s Direct Messages. An occasional cursory answer is sufficient.
D. Try to write about yourself. You can write in your native language. A person eventually learns to put written material into Google Translate. If you do write in your native language, try to mention Google Translate. Do this in the standard message that you greet a new fan with.
E. A fan is most interested in your day-to-day life. You should find it fairly easy to report on your doings. You can, of course, edit your activities to the extent that you desire.
F. The average male fan is present for a fake girlfriend. He realizes you’re not going to be his real girlfriend. He understands that you likely have a lover that you sleep with every night. ( i.e., a de facto husband. )
Play the role of being your fan’s fake girlfriend. When you post, publicly, address the individual. For instance, write: “Hello. How are you?” Do not write: “Hi everybody.” Everybody isn’t reading your post. An individual is reading your post. The fact that twenty individuals may be reading your post, in twenty separate locations, is irrelevant.
( Kay J always, wisely, addressed the individual in her posts. )
G. If you sell a subscription, honor the subscription for the entire length of its term.
H. If a fan’s comments or Direct Messages annoy you, place that fan on “Restricted” status. The fan will continue to doggedly comment and message you, but you won’t have to read any of it. That’s because you won’t see it.
I. If a fan posts a comment that you don’t like, tell him. You can screenshot the comment and send him the screenshot. Send it as a Direct Message. Ask the fan to remove his comment. He probably will.
J. Let’s say that a fan continues to post public comments that you don’t like. Mention this in one of your public posts. Your other fans will likely criticize the fan who’s making the disturbing comments, if they haven’t already done so.
K. Some people are morons. If a moron makes endless public comments that you don’t like, he’ll simply deface himself. Everyone will readily see that he’s a moron. He’ll be doing the equivalent of spitting into the wind. No one will hold you responsible for the conduct of morons on your Only Fans page. There’s graffiti in this world. We put up with it.
L. If you have a moron, tell him that you won’t be letting him renew his subscription. Explain to him that, a day or so before his subscription is going to renew, you’ll be Blocking him. It is not hard to do this. Simply write:
“Your subscription is due to expire on September 14, 2022. On September 12, 2022 I’ll be Blocking you. I’ll be doing this so you can’t resubscribe to my Only Fans page. I’ve told you repeatedly that your behavior on my Only Fans page disturbs me.”
You don’t need perfect English to write such a statement. The relationship between you and the moron will likely have deteriorated prior to this. If you’ve kept the moron briefed about your feelings, he’ll know what you’re saying.
1. In my article, “Kay J: Up the Butt?” I use California time. Kay posts her content to Only Fans from Poland. Poland is nine hours ahead of California.
2. At Naughty Mag, Kay has a video titled, “Stacked Stroker”. This bears a date of January 10, 2018. ( Indexxx dates this video to January 9, 2018. ) It’s likely that “Stacked Stroker” was made at the same time as Kay’s video, “The Cashier’s Clam”. ( Kay looks the same, physically, in both videos. ) Hence, the dates that I’ve given, which are by Naughty Mag, are likely the dates that the video was posted to Naughty Mag. Kay was probably filmed at an earlier date. )
3. I was not going to write the article, “Kay J: Up the Butt?”. That’s because I didn’t want to write about something that Kay did, that I may have inspired.
However, Kay has since ( as of May 27th ) abruptly terminated my paid subscription to her Only Fans page. She robbed me of the remainder of my subscription, which was to last until September 14, 2022. I complained to Only Fans. No refund was given to me. Kay gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, toward me.
There was, of course, no agreement with regard to myself and Kay about what I could write. During the time that I was her subscriber, on Only Fans, I felt that she treated me, for the most part, with contempt.
Things were fine at the start. That’s when Kay thought she’d be getting lots of extra money from me, in the various ways that Only Fans enables. When I turned out to be an ordinary subscriber, Kay treated me with ever greater disdain. In the final months, I was:
A. Receiving no likes for any of my ( many ) comments. ( All of which were meant to be complimentary. )
B. Receiving no answers to any of my Direct Messages. ( Which were about the ongoing war in Kay’s home country of Ukraine, and other pedestrian matters. )
Some time ago, a person wrote on Indexxx that Kay is “very friendly”. If so, it’s only true when you first join her Only Fans page, as a new subscriber. It’s possible that Kay terminated my subscription, and kept the remainder of my money, because I wasn’t tipping her, and buying her ( very expensive ) Direct Message content.
It is impossible for me to contact Kay J. Hence, I have done all that I can to provide a fair assessment of this situation.
Kay J is a 26 year old woman, with a son and a de facto husband. I consider her conduct toward me, with regard to my Only Fans subscription, to be reprehensible.
4. The least expensive way to buy Audible credits is to go to:
Sign in using your Amazon password. Traditionally, buying three Audible credits will cost you $29.90. One credit will buy one Audible product. ( A recorded book, course, etc. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 195
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 195, version 1.0
Date Written: May 31, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 195
Editorial Thunder presents...
More Free Great Courses
Plus: Kay J: rear entry?
And: How to be on Only Fans.
by Andrew Roller
Audible is a subscription service. On it, you listen to recorded audio items, such as books. Audible is owned by Amazon.
On Amazon, you can get books for free. Use this search term at Amazon:
kindle classics free books.
Audible now provides something similar. On Audible, enter this search term:
the great courses
You will get 736 results.
Now, tap the box labelled, “Included in your membership(s)”.
You will get 445 results.
Each one of these is a course. It’s free. It’s produced by “The Great Courses”.
A sampling of what’s on offer:
1. The Celtic World.
2. The Early Middle Ages.
3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
The list goes on and on, covering a huge range of topics.
I recommend that you add each course to your Audible library. You don’t need to download it. Just add it to your library.
Earlier this year, Audible made some of The Great Courses available, for free. I downloaded those courses that I hadn’t bought. ( I’d paid $9.96 per course. )
Later, Audible said that it was going to eliminate these free courses. They said that they’d do so on May 1, 2022. Perhaps Audible eliminated some of the courses that I’d downloaded for free. However, they didn’t eliminate all of them. Some of those courses remain in my Audible library.
Will the current courses remain free? They ought to. Otherwise, Audible is an Indian giver.
When I joined Audible, I was horrified. All I found was content that didn’t interest me. It consisted of the usual ‘popular’ fare you find on a grocery store bookshelf. Much of it was woke. If you weren’t getting enough crap on daytime T.V., Audible had its equivalent for you. Anything worthwhile cost extra money, beyond the price of my subscription.
Hence, I’m thrilled that Audible is providing some of The Great Courses for free. I rely very heavily on this content. I don’t have a T.V. That’s because I regard T.V. fare as worthless, or insidious propaganda. On the internet, I visit foxnews ( dot ) com. However, on something like the long Memorial Day weekend, Fox degenerates into the mundane. ( Where it too often dwells, on a normal news day. )
When you add a course to your Audible library, the list of 445 courses resets. That is, it returns you to the top of the list. You then have to scroll down to your prior place in the list.
The icons in the list are small. You have to look closely to figure out where you were in the list.
The list won’t tell you which courses you’ve added to your Audible library. That is, it won’t tell you until you quit, and relaunch, Audible. Hence, you’ll have to remember where you were in the list.
I added all 445 courses to my Audible library. I didn’t have to tap on each course. That’s because I’d already gotten some courses for free, earlier in the year. Also, I’d previously bought some of the courses.
It took me a number of hours to add all of the courses to my Audible library. The task was tedious. However, the reward is great. I can now listen to courses on many topics as I do chores, or try to fall asleep.
Currently, I have 1856 titles in my Audible library. I bought some. I acquired most of this quality content for free.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is at the following web site: naughtymag ( dot ) com. One of her videos there is titled, “The Cashier’s Clam”. Biographical information is written under her video. One of the questions that Kay J answers is the following:
“Anal: I've never done it.”
Is this true?
Previously, I was a paid subscriber to Kay’s Only Fans page: ukaybb. I was a subscriber until she abruptly terminated my subscription.
When Kay posts something on her Only Fans page, she’ll get some likes and, occasionally, comments. This lasts for some hours. Then, her new post doesn’t get any more comments or likes.
This inactivity annoyed me. ( I liked each of her posts. I commented on every one of her posts that she made from late November 2021, onward. )
It was May 15, 2022. Kay’s latest post was dated May 13, 2022. It had been sitting idle for about two days. That is, it had gotten no new likes. It had gotten no new comments, other than mine.
Early on May 15, 2022, I posted a new comment to Kay’s post of May 13. I complimented Kay’s metartnetwork ( dot ) com photo gallery called, “Teinalt”. I mentioned that she was naked in “Teinalt”, and on her hands and knees.
There are two reasons, sexually, why a girl is on her hands and knees:
1. It is the “doggie style” position for vaginal sex.
2. It is a position for anal sex.
Kay didn’t release new subscriber content on May 15. However, some hours after I posted my comment about “Teinalt”, Kay sent out a Direct Message advertisement.
Kay’s advertisement was for a new video from her. The video was priced at $35.00. Four photos were included with the video. Of this video, Kay J wrote the following:
Video with fingers in my ass for you😏
and 4 photos as a gift🎁🏷
( I didn’t buy Kay’s video. )
I feel that, on several occasions, I gave Kay an idea for her next content release. I feel that this is true of her Direct Message advertisement of May 15.
Hence, on the morning of May 15, I mentioned Kay on her hands and knees, naked, in “Teinalt”. By the evening of May 15, Kay had released her Direct Message advertisement. By my reading of the situation, Kay had interpreted my compliment of her in “Teinalt” as being a reference to anal sex. In her Direct Message video, she sticks her fingers ( plural ) in her ass.
Have you ever stuck your finger ( singular ) in your ass? Some decades ago, I was heavily constipated. The modern “poop” medicines that we have today didn’t exist. Also, I had no such medicine on hand. I was obliged to attempt to relieve my constipation by sticking a finger ( singular ) in my ass.
The asshole is tight. That’s what I learned, as I tried to relieve my constipation. In her video, Kay sticks her fingers ( plural ) into her ass. Hence, this likely wasn’t the first time that something was stuck into Kay’s ass. From this, we can conclude the following: Kay J has engaged in anal sex. If she’s able to stick her fingers into her ass, she’s likely taken a penis in her ass, probably multiple times.
Kay shows her butthole many times in her various Me Tart Network photo galleries. She does the same in her Me Tart Network videos. Kay’s butthole is attractive in these photographic items. However, I wouldn’t call it small. Or tight.
Kay is said to be 20 years old in the Me Tart Network photographic items that I’m referencing. She may, in fact, be younger.
( My hunch is that Alex Lynn, her photographer of this era, began photographing Kay when she was 18 or 19 years old. See my prior posts for more. )
Hence, by age 20, Kay had a butthole that wasn’t small or tight. Her photographic items that are at Naughty Mag were made when she was 21 years old.
( “The Cashier’s Clam” is dated October 11, 2017. Kay’s photographic items at Naughty Mag appear to have been made shortly after she delivered her son Mark. This happened around the end of September, in 2017. )
( Kay is said to have begun her modeling career on May 1, 2016. This is when her first photo gallery, made by Alex Lynn, was posted to the Me Tart Network. )
Hence, Kay lied to Naughty Mag. With regard to anal sex, it isn’t true that she’d “never done it.”
I don’t knock Kay for lying about this matter. I feel that, on such a subject, she can give Naughty Mag whatever answer she likes.
Also, Naughty Mag is probably at liberty to invent biographical information about Kay J.
But what is the truth? Here, I’ve given my opinion on this world historic point. If Kay can stick her fingers ( plural ) in her ass, she’s likely taken a penis there, too. She’s probably been doing so since age 20, or younger.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J’s Only Fans page is: ukaybb. It begins on August 18, 2020. It’s fun through March 11, 2021. On that date, Kay got a large tattoo on her upper back. It includes the triangle, and staring eye, that are on the back of the U.S. dollar bill.
( By having eyelashes inked onto her back, Kay gave herself a hairy back. )
The quality of Kay’s Only Fans site declines after March 11, 2021. She ceases to post normal, ‘whole body’ photographic items. Instead, one gets close-ups of her boobs, ass, and cunt, in endless rotation.
( Kay began providing some ‘whole body’ images on and after March 23, 2022. These, inevitably, show her tattoo. )
In her posts over the past year, Kay often seemed bored. This was prior to Russia invading Ukraine which, understandably, disrupted her life. ( Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. )
I felt that Kay regarded her customers as dupes. On January 9, 2022, Kay posted a video. In the image that represents her video, Kay gazes in a blase way into the camera. Her accompanying message is: “…I remember you”.
Gosh, Kay. Since I’m your paid subscriber, I’m glad you remember me.
In her video, Kay wears a long, dull dress. She proceeds to stroke her hair, and give glimpses of her body. She’s bored throughout her video.
I’m accustomed to You Tube. I spent over a year there. The girls that I followed on You Tube were preteens and teens. In their videos, they were lovely and sprightly. I only saw one mention of money. It was in a video that Danatar made. In it, she showed her new iPhone. Some viewers had helped her buy it, through PayPal. ( I never learned how this was done. )
It was quite a transition for me to go from the girls on You Tube, to Kay J on Only Fans. A request for tips is included with every one of Kay’s posts. This isn’t her fault; it’s built into Only Fans’ software. However, given that the request is made, one can imagine Kay taking umbrage when a subscriber doesn’t tip her.
Kay herself made requests for tips. This happened on a regular basis. Kay would request a tip in the message accompanying her post. She would request a tip using icons under her post. She would stage a ‘campaign’, where she sought to get tips for the fact that, say, she’d had a birthday.
The Only Fans software requested a tip any time a subscriber sought to send a Direct Message to Kay.
Then, finally, there’s this fact: Kay abruptly terminated my subscription to her Only Fans page. She did this on May 27, 2022. My subscription was paid through September 14, 2022. I complained to Only Fans. No refund was given. Kay gave me no warning that I had displeased her.
By any legal standard, Kay J is a thief. The fact that Only Fans allows her to be a thief reflects poorly on them.
I had to pay Only Fans $100.00 in order to subscribe to Kay J for $60.00. Only Fans’ odd method of taking payment makes it a thief, if not in the legal sense. I’m now stuck with $37.00 sitting at Only Fans. Only Fans refuses to refund my $37.00.
( I bought one Direct Video from Kay J. I did this on September 19, 2021. The video cost $3.00. In it, Kay shows her nude ass, but keeps her boobs encased in a blouse. She apparently does this to hide the tattoo on her back. This despite the fact that, in prior posts, she’d given ‘sneak peeks’ of her tattoo. )
When I first subscribed to Kay J, she showed a mild interest in me. This quickly vanished. For the remainder of the time that I spent as her subscriber, she ignored me. In the end, she stole from me. Kay J is not a nice person. She’s a money-grubbing porn star. A star whose fame is fading, largely due to her stupid decision, with no input from her fans, to put a large, hideous tattoo on her back.
There’s a dent in the left cheek of her ass, on its underside. I have written, previously, about Kay’s apparent predilection for BDSM. I assume that the dent in her ass is from her being whipped too severely in that location. ( Perhaps multiple times. )
I subscribed to Kay J, on Only Fans, to learn more about her. I didn’t learn much. She never speaks in her videos. Her written messages are cursory. One might conclude that she’s ‘the silent type’, and that’s her right. However, I’m able to monitor her activity on Only Fans, in its Messages section. Kay chats all day, every day, on Only Fans. She does this by sending, and receiving, Direct Messages. ( Which are unavailable to her subscribers. ) Kay was very active in this regard when she lived in Ukraine. I have no idea who Kay chats with, but it sure as heck wasn’t me. So, Kay is endlessly talkative. That gregariousness didn’t extend, however, to someone like me, who’d paid her in the hope of knowing her better.
Mostly, I didn’t find Kay’s Only Fans content to be erotic. The exception to this is her older photos, and videos, made prior to March 11, 2021. A number of those photographic items are sexy. Sometimes, in this current era, Kay will post a photo that was made prior to March 11, 2021. It’s great when she does that. Otherwise, her content is relatively uninteresting.
On March 23, 2022, Kay again began posting some ‘whole body’ content. The erotic nature of this content is considerably higher than what she’d been posting during the prior year. ( After March 11, 2021. ) However, in this new content, one sees Kay’s tattoo. ( When her bottom is toward the camera. ) Kay’s tattoo is hideous.
I have no ability to assess Kay’s content now. Perhaps it’s great. However, she’s a thief. So, buyer be ( very ) beware.
It is sad that such a ( once ) beautiful model is such a base person.
HOW to be on ONLY FANS
by Andrew Roller
I’m presuming to give advice to a porn star. That’s who mostly seems to be on Only Fans.
First, you can choose to deal solely with the porn web sites. Let’s consider the positive aspects of this:
All you have to do is show up. The photographer will have you made up, and give you clothing to wear. He’ll handle all aspects of the photography session. All that you have to do is be your natural self, and follow his practical advice. ( You can, presumably, decline to do anything you dislike. )
When the shoot ends, you get a large money payment. You have no obligation to ‘print’ what’s been produced. That labor intensive process is the responsibility of the photographer, and his staff.
You have no obligation to any of your fans.
In your printed photos, you get to be the center of attention. Your fans get to comment on you. This is true of porn stars, sports stars, politicians, even writers. If it’s public, people can comment. They can even comment on strangers that they see in the street. ( As in, “He looks like a child molester.” )
Now, let’s consider having an Only Fans page.
1. You’re in business. You provide bank account information to Only Fans, so they can pay you.
2. You are responsible for your fans’ experience on your page. No one expects you to do anything unreasonable.
I recommend that you do the following:
A. Tell a fan, when he joins, to tap on the first video that he sees on your page. Tell him to look in the lower right corner of the video. A “Settings” icon is there. Tell him to tap on the “Settings” icon. Tell him to choose “Original” for the best video quality.
( On my blog, I wrote, “Kay J makes nice photos, but her videos are grainy”. It took me eight months to learn to adjust “Settings” for videos. )
B. If a fan posts a comment, give it a like. Only omit giving a like to a comment if it offends you.
C. If a fan sends you a Direct Message, consider giving some sort of answer. The answer can be cursory. It can be as little as a heart emoji.
A fan may become over enthusiastic. In such a case, you’re free to omit answering each of the fan’s Direct Messages. An occasional cursory answer is sufficient.
D. Try to write about yourself. You can write in your native language. A person eventually learns to put written material into Google Translate. If you do write in your native language, try to mention Google Translate. Do this in the standard message that you greet a new fan with.
E. A fan is most interested in your day-to-day life. You should find it fairly easy to report on your doings. You can, of course, edit your activities to the extent that you desire.
F. The average male fan is present for a fake girlfriend. He realizes you’re not going to be his real girlfriend. He understands that you likely have a lover that you sleep with every night. ( i.e., a de facto husband. )
Play the role of being your fan’s fake girlfriend. When you post, publicly, address the individual. For instance, write: “Hello. How are you?” Do not write: “Hi everybody.” Everybody isn’t reading your post. An individual is reading your post. The fact that twenty individuals may be reading your post, in twenty separate locations, is irrelevant.
( Kay J always, wisely, addressed the individual in her posts. )
G. If you sell a subscription, honor the subscription for the entire length of its term.
H. If a fan’s comments or Direct Messages annoy you, place that fan on “Restricted” status. The fan will continue to doggedly comment and message you, but you won’t have to read any of it. That’s because you won’t see it.
I. If a fan posts a comment that you don’t like, tell him. You can screenshot the comment and send him the screenshot. Send it as a Direct Message. Ask the fan to remove his comment. He probably will.
J. Let’s say that a fan continues to post public comments that you don’t like. Mention this in one of your public posts. Your other fans will likely criticize the fan who’s making the disturbing comments, if they haven’t already done so.
K. Some people are morons. If a moron makes endless public comments that you don’t like, he’ll simply deface himself. Everyone will readily see that he’s a moron. He’ll be doing the equivalent of spitting into the wind. No one will hold you responsible for the conduct of morons on your Only Fans page. There’s graffiti in this world. We put up with it.
L. If you have a moron, tell him that you won’t be letting him renew his subscription. Explain to him that, a day or so before his subscription is going to renew, you’ll be Blocking him. It is not hard to do this. Simply write:
“Your subscription is due to expire on September 14, 2022. On September 12, 2022 I’ll be Blocking you. I’ll be doing this so you can’t resubscribe to my Only Fans page. I’ve told you repeatedly that your behavior on my Only Fans page disturbs me.”
You don’t need perfect English to write such a statement. The relationship between you and the moron will likely have deteriorated prior to this. If you’ve kept the moron briefed about your feelings, he’ll know what you’re saying.
1. In my article, “Kay J: Up the Butt?” I use California time. Kay posts her content to Only Fans from Poland. Poland is nine hours ahead of California.
2. At Naughty Mag, Kay has a video titled, “Stacked Stroker”. This bears a date of January 10, 2018. ( Indexxx dates this video to January 9, 2018. ) It’s likely that “Stacked Stroker” was made at the same time as Kay’s video, “The Cashier’s Clam”. ( Kay looks the same, physically, in both videos. ) Hence, the dates that I’ve given, which are by Naughty Mag, are likely the dates that the video was posted to Naughty Mag. Kay was probably filmed at an earlier date. )
3. I was not going to write the article, “Kay J: Up the Butt?”. That’s because I didn’t want to write about something that Kay did, that I may have inspired.
However, Kay has since ( as of May 27th ) abruptly terminated my paid subscription to her Only Fans page. She robbed me of the remainder of my subscription, which was to last until September 14, 2022. I complained to Only Fans. No refund was given to me. Kay gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, toward me.
There was, of course, no agreement with regard to myself and Kay about what I could write. During the time that I was her subscriber, on Only Fans, I felt that she treated me, for the most part, with contempt.
Things were fine at the start. That’s when Kay thought she’d be getting lots of extra money from me, in the various ways that Only Fans enables. When I turned out to be an ordinary subscriber, Kay treated me with ever greater disdain. In the final months, I was:
A. Receiving no likes for any of my ( many ) comments. ( All of which were meant to be complimentary. )
B. Receiving no answers to any of my Direct Messages. ( Which were about the ongoing war in Kay’s home country of Ukraine, and other pedestrian matters. )
Some time ago, a person wrote on Indexxx that Kay is “very friendly”. If so, it’s only true when you first join her Only Fans page, as a new subscriber. It’s possible that Kay terminated my subscription, and kept the remainder of my money, because I wasn’t tipping her, and buying her ( very expensive ) Direct Message content.
It is impossible for me to contact Kay J. Hence, I have done all that I can to provide a fair assessment of this situation.
Kay J is a 26 year old woman, with a son and a de facto husband. I consider her conduct toward me, with regard to my Only Fans subscription, to be reprehensible.
4. The least expensive way to buy Audible credits is to go to:
Sign in using your Amazon password. Traditionally, buying three Audible credits will cost you $29.90. One credit will buy one Audible product. ( A recorded book, course, etc. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
On September 14, 2021, I paid $60.00 to porn star Kay J for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page: ukaybb. ( No period. ) On May 27, 2022, Kay J abruptly terminated my subscription. Kay J gave me no warning of any displeasure, on her part, with me. Kay J is Jessica Tolyda. She is Ukrainian, and formerly lived in Kyiv. She now lives in Poland, probably in Warsaw. I complained to Only Fans. There was no refund. I had to pay $100.00 to Only Fans in order to buy the $60.00 subscription to Kay J’s page.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 195
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 195, version 1.0
Date Written: May 31, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 194
Editorial Thunder presents...
by Andrew Roller
I have continued to research my inability to access Kay J on Only Fans. Kay J’s user name at Only Fans is: ukaybb. ( No period. )
The video that I purchased from Kay J, as a Direct Message, is still available to me.
Under “Notifications”, on my “Home” page, I can still see that Kay J mentioned me in three posts last December. I can also see that she subscribed to my profile on September 14, 2021.
( Only Fans’ software no longer lists Kay J as a subscriber to my profile. My “profile” is my “Home” page. )
If I go to “Messages”, on my “Home” page, I can see that Kay J is still sending Direct Messages to people. That’s because Only Fans displays when Kay J was “last seen” in the “Messages” section of her Only Fans page.
Hence, Kay J is still on Only Fans. She blocked me from accessing her Only Fans page.
On September 14, 2021, I paid Kay J $60.00. I paid her for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page.
Kay J blocked me from accessing her Only Fans page on May 27, 2022.
Hence, Kay J sold me a one year subscription, but only provided me with a subscription for nine months. Kay J stole my money.
Kay J did not give me any indication that she was displeased with me.
Kay J could have restricted me. In that case, I would have still been able to view her content, and buy her Direct Message content. She would not have seen any comments that I wrote on her Only Fans page. She would not have seen any Direct Messages that I sent her.
However, Kay J did not restrict me. She abruptly blocked me, without warning. Had she taken umbrage at me at an earlier date, she would have robbed me of even more money than she has.
God knows how many other customers Kay J has robbed. She could have warned me. She can write English reasonably well. She can write it well enough to tell me basic information.
Currently, because of the war, Kay J is in Poland. She has friends there. I know this because her friends sometimes help her write her Direct Messages. When they do, “Kay’s” English can be flawless.
In a prior article, I reported that Only Fans gives a refund to a customer who has been blocked. That is not true. I read the following article by Only Fans: “Blocking and Restricting on Only Fans”. The article says nothing about refunds.
I complained to Only Fans when I ceased to have access to Kay J. Only Fans gives themselves seven days to respond. So far, Only Fans hasn’t answered my complaint. I doubt I’ll hear anything from Only Fans’ staff. Only Fans is a company in the United Kingdom.
Only Fans did not warn me, when I joined, that I might be blocked. Had Kay J wished to, she could have blocked me a day after I subscribed to her. That would have given her $60.00, for free. This lends credence to the notion that Only Fans is fundamentally a scam. Creators are at liberty to rip off customers. Only Fans is slow to answer complaints. ( If they ever answer. I gave Only Fans over a day to answer me. I’ve heard nothing. )
Kay J was quite beautiful, in her youth. She remains quite attractive. Sadly, the large tattoo on her back goes a considerable distance toward ruining her beauty. Its presence is the primary reason that I didn’t buy her Direct Message content. Also, it would have been costly for me to try to keep up with Kay’s Direct Message offers. I would have been paying her about $100.00 extra a month.
Which brings up a question: did Kay J ban me because I wasn’t buying her Direct Message content? Did she ban me because I didn’t tip her when I sent her Direct Messages? ( Which were about the progress of the war. ) Did she ban me because I didn’t tip her for her content on ukaybb?
Kay J should have fulfilled her contract to me. She should have allowed me to view her content for the full year. She could have told me that she didn’t like whatever it was about me that annoyed her. That she chose to rob me reflects poorly on her. That Only Fans allowed this reflects poorly on them.
Only Fans is definitely “a side hustle”, as they declared in their online advertisement on Fox News. Only Fans may be an illegal side hustle.
1. In a prior article, I spoke of accessing Kay J’s Only Fans page via indexxx ( dot ) com. If you’re already a member of Only Fans, you’ll be taken by Indexxx to your existing Only Fans page.
2. On your Only Fans “Home Page”, you can find the following:
Restricted: empty
Blocked: empty
This refers to who you restricted or blocked ( if anyone ). It does not refer to who may have restricted or blocked you.
To see the above, do the following: Only Fans “Home” page > The icon that represents you ( for me, it’s the sun ) > Lists.
( The symbol > indicates what you tap on, if you’re using an iPad. )
3. As of 2:24 a.m. ( U.S. Pacific Time ), on May 29, 2022, Kay J was listed in “Messages” as “Available now”. Hence, she is still on Only Fans. She took my money and then abruptly deprived me of my subscription. By any legal standard, Kay J is a thief. Only Fans is her accomplice.
4. I received the following from Only Fans:
Emily (OnlyFans)
May 29, 2022, 09:28 GMT+1
Hello there,
Thanks for reaching out. The thing is our users can limit access to their account for certain users, So that is probably the case. Unfortunately, we are not able to influence their decision.
According to records of our system you have access to the @ukaybb subscription for more than a 50% of the paid period, so there is no refund case.
Users can disable their subscriptions anytime, but there are no refunds being made in such cases because all subscriptions and payments on our platform are final and non-refundable. Please see more details on this page: https://onlyfans ( dot ) com/terms.
Please note that all PPV content that was purchased is stored in the Purchased section of your account created with the current email address. According to our Terms of Service, Wallet Credits are non-refundable, which means that you are not entitled to a refund of any unused Wallet Credits.
We recommend using the remaining wallet funds for purchases on OnlyFans, such as subscriptions, tips, and paid messages from other models.
Your understanding is most appreciated.
The e-mail above was sent by “OnlyFans Support”. Of “OnlyFans Support”, the e-mail states:
“This email is a service from OnlyFans. Delivered by Zendesk”.
5. Summary: It’s possible that Kay J, for whatever reason, took umbrage at me some time ago. She then let me linger on her Only Fans page until she was sure she could block me, without having to give me a refund.
I had planned to continue my subscription to Kay J, after its expiration in mid-September. Only Fans’ software now makes it impossible for me to do that.
On October 25, 2020, Kay J wrote on Only Fans: “… support me with likes and comments or tips 😛”. I gave every one of her posts a “like”. I wrote hundreds of comments. All of my comments were meant to praise her. I sent her many Direct Messages about the ongoing war in her home country of Ukraine. The result? Kay J robbed me.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I posted comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 194
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 194, version 4.0
Date Written: May 29, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 194
Editorial Thunder presents...
by Andrew Roller
I have continued to research my inability to access Kay J on Only Fans. Kay J’s user name at Only Fans is: ukaybb. ( No period. )
The video that I purchased from Kay J, as a Direct Message, is still available to me.
Under “Notifications”, on my “Home” page, I can still see that Kay J mentioned me in three posts last December. I can also see that she subscribed to my profile on September 14, 2021.
( Only Fans’ software no longer lists Kay J as a subscriber to my profile. My “profile” is my “Home” page. )
If I go to “Messages”, on my “Home” page, I can see that Kay J is still sending Direct Messages to people. That’s because Only Fans displays when Kay J was “last seen” in the “Messages” section of her Only Fans page.
Hence, Kay J is still on Only Fans. She blocked me from accessing her Only Fans page.
On September 14, 2021, I paid Kay J $60.00. I paid her for a one year subscription to her Only Fans page.
Kay J blocked me from accessing her Only Fans page on May 27, 2022.
Hence, Kay J sold me a one year subscription, but only provided me with a subscription for nine months. Kay J stole my money.
Kay J did not give me any indication that she was displeased with me.
Kay J could have restricted me. In that case, I would have still been able to view her content, and buy her Direct Message content. She would not have seen any comments that I wrote on her Only Fans page. She would not have seen any Direct Messages that I sent her.
However, Kay J did not restrict me. She abruptly blocked me, without warning. Had she taken umbrage at me at an earlier date, she would have robbed me of even more money than she has.
God knows how many other customers Kay J has robbed. She could have warned me. She can write English reasonably well. She can write it well enough to tell me basic information.
Currently, because of the war, Kay J is in Poland. She has friends there. I know this because her friends sometimes help her write her Direct Messages. When they do, “Kay’s” English can be flawless.
In a prior article, I reported that Only Fans gives a refund to a customer who has been blocked. That is not true. I read the following article by Only Fans: “Blocking and Restricting on Only Fans”. The article says nothing about refunds.
I complained to Only Fans when I ceased to have access to Kay J. Only Fans gives themselves seven days to respond. So far, Only Fans hasn’t answered my complaint. I doubt I’ll hear anything from Only Fans’ staff. Only Fans is a company in the United Kingdom.
Only Fans did not warn me, when I joined, that I might be blocked. Had Kay J wished to, she could have blocked me a day after I subscribed to her. That would have given her $60.00, for free. This lends credence to the notion that Only Fans is fundamentally a scam. Creators are at liberty to rip off customers. Only Fans is slow to answer complaints. ( If they ever answer. I gave Only Fans over a day to answer me. I’ve heard nothing. )
Kay J was quite beautiful, in her youth. She remains quite attractive. Sadly, the large tattoo on her back goes a considerable distance toward ruining her beauty. Its presence is the primary reason that I didn’t buy her Direct Message content. Also, it would have been costly for me to try to keep up with Kay’s Direct Message offers. I would have been paying her about $100.00 extra a month.
Which brings up a question: did Kay J ban me because I wasn’t buying her Direct Message content? Did she ban me because I didn’t tip her when I sent her Direct Messages? ( Which were about the progress of the war. ) Did she ban me because I didn’t tip her for her content on ukaybb?
Kay J should have fulfilled her contract to me. She should have allowed me to view her content for the full year. She could have told me that she didn’t like whatever it was about me that annoyed her. That she chose to rob me reflects poorly on her. That Only Fans allowed this reflects poorly on them.
Only Fans is definitely “a side hustle”, as they declared in their online advertisement on Fox News. Only Fans may be an illegal side hustle.
1. In a prior article, I spoke of accessing Kay J’s Only Fans page via indexxx ( dot ) com. If you’re already a member of Only Fans, you’ll be taken by Indexxx to your existing Only Fans page.
2. On your Only Fans “Home Page”, you can find the following:
Restricted: empty
Blocked: empty
This refers to who you restricted or blocked ( if anyone ). It does not refer to who may have restricted or blocked you.
To see the above, do the following: Only Fans “Home” page > The icon that represents you ( for me, it’s the sun ) > Lists.
( The symbol > indicates what you tap on, if you’re using an iPad. )
3. As of 2:24 a.m. ( U.S. Pacific Time ), on May 29, 2022, Kay J was listed in “Messages” as “Available now”. Hence, she is still on Only Fans. She took my money and then abruptly deprived me of my subscription. By any legal standard, Kay J is a thief. Only Fans is her accomplice.
4. I received the following from Only Fans:
Emily (OnlyFans)
May 29, 2022, 09:28 GMT+1
Hello there,
Thanks for reaching out. The thing is our users can limit access to their account for certain users, So that is probably the case. Unfortunately, we are not able to influence their decision.
According to records of our system you have access to the @ukaybb subscription for more than a 50% of the paid period, so there is no refund case.
Users can disable their subscriptions anytime, but there are no refunds being made in such cases because all subscriptions and payments on our platform are final and non-refundable. Please see more details on this page: https://onlyfans ( dot ) com/terms.
Please note that all PPV content that was purchased is stored in the Purchased section of your account created with the current email address. According to our Terms of Service, Wallet Credits are non-refundable, which means that you are not entitled to a refund of any unused Wallet Credits.
We recommend using the remaining wallet funds for purchases on OnlyFans, such as subscriptions, tips, and paid messages from other models.
Your understanding is most appreciated.
The e-mail above was sent by “OnlyFans Support”. Of “OnlyFans Support”, the e-mail states:
“This email is a service from OnlyFans. Delivered by Zendesk”.
5. Summary: It’s possible that Kay J, for whatever reason, took umbrage at me some time ago. She then let me linger on her Only Fans page until she was sure she could block me, without having to give me a refund.
I had planned to continue my subscription to Kay J, after its expiration in mid-September. Only Fans’ software now makes it impossible for me to do that.
On October 25, 2020, Kay J wrote on Only Fans: “… support me with likes and comments or tips 😛”. I gave every one of her posts a “like”. I wrote hundreds of comments. All of my comments were meant to praise her. I sent her many Direct Messages about the ongoing war in her home country of Ukraine. The result? Kay J robbed me.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I posted comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 194
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 194, version 4.0
Date Written: May 29, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 193
Editorial Thunder presents...
Plus: Airplane antics.
And: How to complain to the United States Federal Trade Commission.
by Andrew Roller
I was on You Tube when You Tube’s staff deleted content by Danatar, and content by My_ Home. ( Two girls who were, at the time, preteens. ) I saw the girls’ content disappear. It was an awful experience. In each case, the deleted content was innocuous.
You Tube proved itself to be run by psychopaths. ( I realize “psychopaths” is a strong term. I’m not using it insultingly. I’m using it descriptively. )
I never expected Only Fans’ staff to behave like psychopaths. Yet now, as best I can tell, they have.
Here’s an e-mail that I wrote to Only Fans’ staff:
Dear Only Fans,
Subject: No access to ukaybb
On September 14, 2021, I paid you $100.00. I did this to subscribe to the following Only Fans creator: ukaybb. The creator is Kay J.
The amount of money that I paid to subscribe to ukaybb was $60.00.
I paid you $60.00 for a one year subscription to ukaybb.
Subsequently, I paid you $3.00 for a Direct Message video from: ukaybb.
At 11:40 p.m. on May 27, 2022, I was at ukaybb on Only Fans. I was enjoying Kay J’s content.
Suddenly, ukaybb is gone!
You are telling me that ukaybb is an expired subscription!
My subscription to ukaybb is not expired! It has many months left to run.
What is going on?!
I will report you to all of the relevant authorities if you do not restore my subscription to ukaybb.
I have the e-mail addresses of all of the relevant authorities. I am ready to write to them immediately if you do not restore my subscription to ukaybb.
Kay J’s content is utterly innocuous. If, for some reason, an Only Fans staffer removed it, that staffer needs to be disciplined.
I have had no indication from Kay J that I displeased her. Hence, you ( Only Fans management ) must be doing something wrong!
You owe me $63.00 if my access to ukaybb is not restored!
Frankly, if I don’t have access to ukaybb, I want my entire $100.00 back. I am ONLY interested in following ukaybb on Only Fans!
I publish a popular blog, with a global audience. I will be reporting on this matter.
Andrew L. Roller
That ends my e-mail to Only Fans.
At Only Fans, the software did not tell me that my e-mail was, in fact, sent. So, I sent my e-mail a second time. ( I later received a confirmation from Only Fans in my Apple e-mail app. )
If you follow Kay J on Only Fans, you may want to complain. There are two ways to do this:
1. Complain via your Only Fans “Home” page.
A. You’re on your “Home” page on Only Fans.
B. Look to the far right of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see a small blue box. Inside it is an icon. The icon is of a white question mark.
C. Tap on the white question mark.
D. You are taken to a new page. It’s titled, “Only Fans. Community Guidelines”.
E. Look to the far left of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see the following, in small blue letters:
“Take me to support”.
F. Tap on “Take me to support”. You are taken to a new page. The relevant title is, “All tickets”.
G. Look to the far left corner of your iPad’s screen, near the bottom. You’ll see the following, in small gray letters:
H. You are taken to a new page. The relevant title is, “CONTACT”.
I. A form is present. In the field titled, “Select subject”, choose “Profile Access”.
J. Your next task is to write your complaint. You’ll be entering it in the field titled: “Enter your message”. I recommend leaving Only Fans at this point. Go to your word processor app. Write your e-mail there. Then, copy and paste your e-mail into Only Fans.
K. Tap the blue button marked “SEND”. ( You’ll have to prove you’re a human, via the computerized “prove you’re a human” test. )
2. I found the following e-mail for Only Fans buried in their Terms of Service:
I e-mailed my complaint to Only Fans twice, using their e-mail address.
( Hence, I sent my complaint to them four times. Their Terms of Service gives them seven days to reply. )
Next, I went to:
https://www ( dot ) indexxx ( dot ) com/m/kay-j
Here, look to the right side of your iPad’s screen. Look for this box: Submitted Links > Social:
The following link is present:
only fans @ ukaybb
[ I altered the above, here, to prevent it from being an actual link. ]
If you click on the above link at Indexxx, you’ll go to Kay J’s page on the Only Fans web site. Except: Kay J’s page is no longer present! Instead, you’ll find:
this page is not available
The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.
Go back to OnlyFans ( dot ) com
You might argue: Andrew, Kay J kicked you out of her Only Fans web site.
My response: In that case, by going through Indexxx, I should be able to reach Kay J’s web site ( or “page” ) on Only Fans. I would reach it as someone who is not a subscriber. I would be invited to subscribe. ( Then, having been banned by Kay J, I would find that I couldn’t actually subscribe. )
Instead, Kay J’s Only Fans web site ( or “page” ) is utterly gone!
All of Kay J’s content on Only Fans was innocuous. The only thing that differentiated her Only Fans photos from, say, her photos on Instagram was that, on Only Fans, she was naked.
Kay J remains on Instagram. I’m not able to join Instagram. That’s because, years ago, for no stated reason, I got kicked out of Facebook. Facebook owns Instagram.
At one time, Kay J was on Twitter. However, I haven’t seen evidence, lately, that she’s still on Twitter.
The only “kayj” that I found on “myfreecams” was a “Male” from the year 2012.
I investigated Kay J on Patreon last fall. There is one video of her on Patreon. She receives a massage from a woman named Adel Morel.
Of the video, CL85 writes, at Indexxx,
“She's on www ( dot ) patreon ( dot ) com/massagevids (ASMR Massage), for example Japan Massage #2 where her tattoo is clearly visible too.”
The above is written in the “Comments” section on Indexxx. It was posted on May 20, 2022.
You can’t buy Kay’s massage video. You have to subscribe, by the month. ( To watch her one video. ) If you subscribe on, say, June 1, you buy one month of viewing. If you subscribe on, say, June 29, you buy one day of viewing! That’s how “the month” is structured on Patreon.
Some Patreon videos are cross-posted to You Tube. Kay J’s massage video is not cross-posted to You Tube.
Kay J was, via Only Fans, part of my daily life. On Only Fans, I could see when she last sent someone a Direct Message. It was almost never me. However, I enjoyed knowing she was around.
( In “Dubliners”, James Joyce comments on how young men enjoy a female’s presence, even if a given young man isn’t the subject of the female’s attention. )
Kay J posted regularly to her Only Fans web site. She posted something new about every other day. I always looked forward, with mounting eagerness, to her next post. I checked for new content from her often.
On Indexxx, you can read complaints. The complaints are by fans. They’re about how certain girls run their Only Fans web sites. I’ll paraphrase these complaints:
1. She hires assistants to answer her Direct Messages.
2. She spams me a number of times, every day, with requests to buy extra content from her, via a Direct Message.
Nobody on Indexxx has made complaints about Kay J.
Kay J ran an honest Only Fans web site. She posted the content herself. Kay J’s English remains limited. To the extent that someone answered her Direct Messages for her, it was because of her inability to read and write English.
Kay offered extra content. This was offered via Direct Messages. Given the purpose of Only Fans, Kay’s offers for extra content, via Direct Messages, were reasonable.
( In an advertisement that I saw, on Fox News, Only Fans described itself as “a side hustle”. Only Fans meant that it was “a side hustle” for its creators, such as Kay J. )
There may be a benefit to Kay J getting kicked out of Only Fans. It’s a benefit that’s unlikely to be realized, but it’s worth mentioning.
Only Fans is quite prudish. I want to experience Kay J’s actual life. Kay J’s actual life may include things that Only Fans won’t allow to be shown, or even mentioned!
I do not want to experience Kay J’s life AS CENSORED BY Only Fans! Only Fans, for instance, doesn’t permit Apple’s poop emoji to be used. It bans many ordinary English words.
If Kay J can move to a more permissive social media platform, I would prefer to see her there. I see a great deal in an ordinary Google search that Only Fans would never allow. For instance, this blog would not be allowed on Only Fans!
Kay J hoped to make money on Only Fans. Whether there is, in fact, a permissive platform that both creators and users can trust, to handle their financial payments, is unknown to me. On the other hand, I now have unresolved financial issues with Only Fans. Perhaps Only Fans isn’t as trustworthy as I thought.
I invested a considerable amount of time writing comments on Kay J’s Only Fans web site. Now, in addition to all of her work being lost, my work is lost too!
When I got kicked out of You Tube, I felt sad and lonely. Now that Kay J has been kicked out of Only Fans, I once again feel sad and lonely. So much for “social media” on the internet.
BUSINESS “News You Can Use”
by Andrew Roller
In the 1970s, “the news”, on T.V., lasted half an hour a day. Minus commercials, it lasted 22 minutes per day. It aired in the early evening. Walter Cronkite, who hosted “The CBS Evening News”, is the best known figure from that era.
Starting in 1980, “the news” changed. It ceased to be solely about serious topics. It became “news you can use”.
Sticking to that tradition, I offer, here, “news you can use”. ( Who exactly can use it, I’m not sure. But it’s fun to read! )
From the Fox Business [ News ] App:
The Southwest Airlines passenger who masturbated four times during a flight pled guilty to a charge of indecent, or obscene acts while on an aircraft and was sentenced to 48 days in prison, in addition to a lifetime ban from Southwest Airlines.
Antonio Sherrodd McGarity, 34, masturbated four times with his genitals out while on a Southwest Airlines flight from Washington to Arizona on April 2, according to a federal criminal complaint.
McGarity pleaded guilty last week to a charge of indecent, or obscene acts while on an aircraft, and was sentenced to 48 days in prison as well as one year of probation by U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah M. [ Masturbatrix. ]
The passenger sitting next to McGarity reported the incident to a flight attendant, who then contacted Phoenix Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations, according to the Department of Justice.
When the plane landed, McGarity was arrested. He has several previous state and local convictions for lewd conduct, according to the justice department.
McGarity allegedly waited until the plane had taken off before exposing himself, according to the complaint. The woman sitting next to the individual in seat 11E took pictures of the incident and complained to a flight attendant, and switched seats.
The female told the Phoenix Police Department that McGarity masturbated “on four separate occasions, using both his left and right hands,” according to court documents.
A spokesperson for Southwest Airlines previously told Fox News that crew members on the flight took action when they were informed of what the individual was doing.
“We immediately placed the passenger who exhibited the lewd behavior on our No-Fly List, resulting in a lifetime ban from traveling on Southwest Airlines,” the spokesperson said.
McGarity admitted to the FBI that he had reached an orgasm while on the flight, and said that the female sitting next to him was aware of his actions and didn't think she was uncomfortable with it, according to the court documents.
“MCGARITY advised he asked the female witness if she minded if he masturbates. According to MCGARITY, the female witness put her hands in the air and said, “it really doesn't matter”, the court document states. “He said he thought it was kind of kinky.”
Fox News' Stephanie Pagones contributed to this report.
Adam Sabes is a writer at FOX Business. You can reach him at Adam.Sabes@fox.com.
That’s how I ride the trolley. “Excuse me, ma’am, do you mind if I masturbate? How about your daughter, does she mind? I guess your baby doesn’t mind, even though he’s staring at me. You may have a gay baby there, ma’am.”
Lengthening my penis shortens the journey!
1. Only Fans structures fan payments to it in an odd way. I was forced to pay Only Fans $100.00 for a $60.00 subscription to Kay J. My remaining $40.00 was put into my Only Fans “wallet”. There, it can only be used to buy Only Fans content.
2. The United States Federal Trade Commission:
e-mail: opa@ftc.gov
Web site: ftc.gov
Web site: ReportFraud.ftc.gov
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 193
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 193, version 1.0
Date Written: May 28, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 193
Editorial Thunder presents...
Plus: Airplane antics.
And: How to complain to the United States Federal Trade Commission.
by Andrew Roller
I was on You Tube when You Tube’s staff deleted content by Danatar, and content by My_ Home. ( Two girls who were, at the time, preteens. ) I saw the girls’ content disappear. It was an awful experience. In each case, the deleted content was innocuous.
You Tube proved itself to be run by psychopaths. ( I realize “psychopaths” is a strong term. I’m not using it insultingly. I’m using it descriptively. )
I never expected Only Fans’ staff to behave like psychopaths. Yet now, as best I can tell, they have.
Here’s an e-mail that I wrote to Only Fans’ staff:
Dear Only Fans,
Subject: No access to ukaybb
On September 14, 2021, I paid you $100.00. I did this to subscribe to the following Only Fans creator: ukaybb. The creator is Kay J.
The amount of money that I paid to subscribe to ukaybb was $60.00.
I paid you $60.00 for a one year subscription to ukaybb.
Subsequently, I paid you $3.00 for a Direct Message video from: ukaybb.
At 11:40 p.m. on May 27, 2022, I was at ukaybb on Only Fans. I was enjoying Kay J’s content.
Suddenly, ukaybb is gone!
You are telling me that ukaybb is an expired subscription!
My subscription to ukaybb is not expired! It has many months left to run.
What is going on?!
I will report you to all of the relevant authorities if you do not restore my subscription to ukaybb.
I have the e-mail addresses of all of the relevant authorities. I am ready to write to them immediately if you do not restore my subscription to ukaybb.
Kay J’s content is utterly innocuous. If, for some reason, an Only Fans staffer removed it, that staffer needs to be disciplined.
I have had no indication from Kay J that I displeased her. Hence, you ( Only Fans management ) must be doing something wrong!
You owe me $63.00 if my access to ukaybb is not restored!
Frankly, if I don’t have access to ukaybb, I want my entire $100.00 back. I am ONLY interested in following ukaybb on Only Fans!
I publish a popular blog, with a global audience. I will be reporting on this matter.
Andrew L. Roller
That ends my e-mail to Only Fans.
At Only Fans, the software did not tell me that my e-mail was, in fact, sent. So, I sent my e-mail a second time. ( I later received a confirmation from Only Fans in my Apple e-mail app. )
If you follow Kay J on Only Fans, you may want to complain. There are two ways to do this:
1. Complain via your Only Fans “Home” page.
A. You’re on your “Home” page on Only Fans.
B. Look to the far right of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see a small blue box. Inside it is an icon. The icon is of a white question mark.
C. Tap on the white question mark.
D. You are taken to a new page. It’s titled, “Only Fans. Community Guidelines”.
E. Look to the far left of your iPad’s screen. You’ll see the following, in small blue letters:
“Take me to support”.
F. Tap on “Take me to support”. You are taken to a new page. The relevant title is, “All tickets”.
G. Look to the far left corner of your iPad’s screen, near the bottom. You’ll see the following, in small gray letters:
H. You are taken to a new page. The relevant title is, “CONTACT”.
I. A form is present. In the field titled, “Select subject”, choose “Profile Access”.
J. Your next task is to write your complaint. You’ll be entering it in the field titled: “Enter your message”. I recommend leaving Only Fans at this point. Go to your word processor app. Write your e-mail there. Then, copy and paste your e-mail into Only Fans.
K. Tap the blue button marked “SEND”. ( You’ll have to prove you’re a human, via the computerized “prove you’re a human” test. )
2. I found the following e-mail for Only Fans buried in their Terms of Service:
I e-mailed my complaint to Only Fans twice, using their e-mail address.
( Hence, I sent my complaint to them four times. Their Terms of Service gives them seven days to reply. )
Next, I went to:
https://www ( dot ) indexxx ( dot ) com/m/kay-j
Here, look to the right side of your iPad’s screen. Look for this box: Submitted Links > Social:
The following link is present:
only fans @ ukaybb
[ I altered the above, here, to prevent it from being an actual link. ]
If you click on the above link at Indexxx, you’ll go to Kay J’s page on the Only Fans web site. Except: Kay J’s page is no longer present! Instead, you’ll find:
this page is not available
The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.
Go back to OnlyFans ( dot ) com
You might argue: Andrew, Kay J kicked you out of her Only Fans web site.
My response: In that case, by going through Indexxx, I should be able to reach Kay J’s web site ( or “page” ) on Only Fans. I would reach it as someone who is not a subscriber. I would be invited to subscribe. ( Then, having been banned by Kay J, I would find that I couldn’t actually subscribe. )
Instead, Kay J’s Only Fans web site ( or “page” ) is utterly gone!
All of Kay J’s content on Only Fans was innocuous. The only thing that differentiated her Only Fans photos from, say, her photos on Instagram was that, on Only Fans, she was naked.
Kay J remains on Instagram. I’m not able to join Instagram. That’s because, years ago, for no stated reason, I got kicked out of Facebook. Facebook owns Instagram.
At one time, Kay J was on Twitter. However, I haven’t seen evidence, lately, that she’s still on Twitter.
The only “kayj” that I found on “myfreecams” was a “Male” from the year 2012.
I investigated Kay J on Patreon last fall. There is one video of her on Patreon. She receives a massage from a woman named Adel Morel.
Of the video, CL85 writes, at Indexxx,
“She's on www ( dot ) patreon ( dot ) com/massagevids (ASMR Massage), for example Japan Massage #2 where her tattoo is clearly visible too.”
The above is written in the “Comments” section on Indexxx. It was posted on May 20, 2022.
You can’t buy Kay’s massage video. You have to subscribe, by the month. ( To watch her one video. ) If you subscribe on, say, June 1, you buy one month of viewing. If you subscribe on, say, June 29, you buy one day of viewing! That’s how “the month” is structured on Patreon.
Some Patreon videos are cross-posted to You Tube. Kay J’s massage video is not cross-posted to You Tube.
Kay J was, via Only Fans, part of my daily life. On Only Fans, I could see when she last sent someone a Direct Message. It was almost never me. However, I enjoyed knowing she was around.
( In “Dubliners”, James Joyce comments on how young men enjoy a female’s presence, even if a given young man isn’t the subject of the female’s attention. )
Kay J posted regularly to her Only Fans web site. She posted something new about every other day. I always looked forward, with mounting eagerness, to her next post. I checked for new content from her often.
On Indexxx, you can read complaints. The complaints are by fans. They’re about how certain girls run their Only Fans web sites. I’ll paraphrase these complaints:
1. She hires assistants to answer her Direct Messages.
2. She spams me a number of times, every day, with requests to buy extra content from her, via a Direct Message.
Nobody on Indexxx has made complaints about Kay J.
Kay J ran an honest Only Fans web site. She posted the content herself. Kay J’s English remains limited. To the extent that someone answered her Direct Messages for her, it was because of her inability to read and write English.
Kay offered extra content. This was offered via Direct Messages. Given the purpose of Only Fans, Kay’s offers for extra content, via Direct Messages, were reasonable.
( In an advertisement that I saw, on Fox News, Only Fans described itself as “a side hustle”. Only Fans meant that it was “a side hustle” for its creators, such as Kay J. )
There may be a benefit to Kay J getting kicked out of Only Fans. It’s a benefit that’s unlikely to be realized, but it’s worth mentioning.
Only Fans is quite prudish. I want to experience Kay J’s actual life. Kay J’s actual life may include things that Only Fans won’t allow to be shown, or even mentioned!
I do not want to experience Kay J’s life AS CENSORED BY Only Fans! Only Fans, for instance, doesn’t permit Apple’s poop emoji to be used. It bans many ordinary English words.
If Kay J can move to a more permissive social media platform, I would prefer to see her there. I see a great deal in an ordinary Google search that Only Fans would never allow. For instance, this blog would not be allowed on Only Fans!
Kay J hoped to make money on Only Fans. Whether there is, in fact, a permissive platform that both creators and users can trust, to handle their financial payments, is unknown to me. On the other hand, I now have unresolved financial issues with Only Fans. Perhaps Only Fans isn’t as trustworthy as I thought.
I invested a considerable amount of time writing comments on Kay J’s Only Fans web site. Now, in addition to all of her work being lost, my work is lost too!
When I got kicked out of You Tube, I felt sad and lonely. Now that Kay J has been kicked out of Only Fans, I once again feel sad and lonely. So much for “social media” on the internet.
BUSINESS “News You Can Use”
by Andrew Roller
In the 1970s, “the news”, on T.V., lasted half an hour a day. Minus commercials, it lasted 22 minutes per day. It aired in the early evening. Walter Cronkite, who hosted “The CBS Evening News”, is the best known figure from that era.
Starting in 1980, “the news” changed. It ceased to be solely about serious topics. It became “news you can use”.
Sticking to that tradition, I offer, here, “news you can use”. ( Who exactly can use it, I’m not sure. But it’s fun to read! )
From the Fox Business [ News ] App:
The Southwest Airlines passenger who masturbated four times during a flight pled guilty to a charge of indecent, or obscene acts while on an aircraft and was sentenced to 48 days in prison, in addition to a lifetime ban from Southwest Airlines.
Antonio Sherrodd McGarity, 34, masturbated four times with his genitals out while on a Southwest Airlines flight from Washington to Arizona on April 2, according to a federal criminal complaint.
McGarity pleaded guilty last week to a charge of indecent, or obscene acts while on an aircraft, and was sentenced to 48 days in prison as well as one year of probation by U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah M. [ Masturbatrix. ]
The passenger sitting next to McGarity reported the incident to a flight attendant, who then contacted Phoenix Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations, according to the Department of Justice.
When the plane landed, McGarity was arrested. He has several previous state and local convictions for lewd conduct, according to the justice department.
McGarity allegedly waited until the plane had taken off before exposing himself, according to the complaint. The woman sitting next to the individual in seat 11E took pictures of the incident and complained to a flight attendant, and switched seats.
The female told the Phoenix Police Department that McGarity masturbated “on four separate occasions, using both his left and right hands,” according to court documents.
A spokesperson for Southwest Airlines previously told Fox News that crew members on the flight took action when they were informed of what the individual was doing.
“We immediately placed the passenger who exhibited the lewd behavior on our No-Fly List, resulting in a lifetime ban from traveling on Southwest Airlines,” the spokesperson said.
McGarity admitted to the FBI that he had reached an orgasm while on the flight, and said that the female sitting next to him was aware of his actions and didn't think she was uncomfortable with it, according to the court documents.
“MCGARITY advised he asked the female witness if she minded if he masturbates. According to MCGARITY, the female witness put her hands in the air and said, “it really doesn't matter”, the court document states. “He said he thought it was kind of kinky.”
Fox News' Stephanie Pagones contributed to this report.
Adam Sabes is a writer at FOX Business. You can reach him at Adam.Sabes@fox.com.
That’s how I ride the trolley. “Excuse me, ma’am, do you mind if I masturbate? How about your daughter, does she mind? I guess your baby doesn’t mind, even though he’s staring at me. You may have a gay baby there, ma’am.”
Lengthening my penis shortens the journey!
1. Only Fans structures fan payments to it in an odd way. I was forced to pay Only Fans $100.00 for a $60.00 subscription to Kay J. My remaining $40.00 was put into my Only Fans “wallet”. There, it can only be used to buy Only Fans content.
2. The United States Federal Trade Commission:
e-mail: opa@ftc.gov
Web site: ftc.gov
Web site: ReportFraud.ftc.gov
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 193
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 193, version 1.0
Date Written: May 28, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
The On Season
ET 192
Editorial Thunder presents...
The On Season
“In the midst of winter you can feel the inventions of spring.”
- Lawrence Durrell.
In 1976, my family was leaving the island of Guam. My mother took charge of our moving. She decided that our family would hold a rummage sale. Since we lived on top of a church ( which had once been a servicemen’s center ), the rummage sale would be held downstairs. It would be held on a Saturday, in the church parking lot.
I was told to display my 1,000 or so comic books in the parking lot. I did. Thankfully, few customers came by. To the extent that anyone bought my comics, nothing of significance was lost.
That didn’t satisfy Mom. She next declared that our family would go to a flea market. A week or so later, Mom, I, and my younger brother went to the flea market. I was, again, told to bring my 1,000 or so comic books. I did.
I was interested in the flea market. I hoped to meet other comic book collectors. Like any young person, I was eager to share what I had. I didn’t want to sell my comic books. I just wanted to show them to other interested people.
Also, I hoped to buy more. Guam was at the far end of the American comic book supply chain. As a result of my parents’ propensity to travel, I sometimes missed buying a particular issue of a comic book.
( Subscribing to a comic book title was no solution. A mailed comic book, by the comic book company, was folded in half. As a result, one got a comic book with a very heavy crease mark down the middle of it. This was impossible to repair. )
Mom took us to the flea market. Soon, a local man came along. He was interested in my comic books. I was thrilled. Then, I heard his proposal. He would buy those comics of mine that he wanted, for 10 cents each.
I had paid up to 60 cents per comic book. Ten cents per comic book would be quite a bargain for him. I was unsure what to do. I asked Mom for advice. After all, one should trust one’s mother, right?
Mom told me to sell my comics. Being an utter novice at such an experience, I told the man that he could buy my comics. He did. He bought all the good comics. He left me with a handful of junk comics. Nobody bought the junk comics.
We went home. I had $30.00. I had a bunch of junk comics. The valuable comic book collection that I had built, over six years, was gone.
$30.00 was nothing to me. I was, at the time, working two jobs. I cleaned my father’s church ( which we lived on top of ). I also mowed the church’s entire large lawn, and did other yard work. I recall standing in the church parking lot, alone. “I feel like shit!” I told myself. This remains a vivid memory, even today.
In subsequent years, my parents threw out all of my belongings that they could. My toy figurines from Japan. My Planet of the Apes magazines ( that I laboriously acquired, as back issues ). My Planet of the Apes paperbacks ( that were in mint condition ). My Planet of the Apes toys ( which were in mint condition ). My science fiction paperbacks. All of this material wasn’t from yesterday morning. It was from the now long ago 1970s. It was from a decade that I now greatly value, that is only accessible through mementos of that era.
My parents had some belongings. They subsequently put their belongings in a “trust”. That is a legal entity. I read the documentation that accompanies my parents’ trust. It includes everything. Every goddamn thing my parents ever owned, that still exists, is in their trust. If they have a box of toothpicks, it’s in their fucking trust. I won’t air dirty family laundry here. Suffice it to say, Mom has spent her final years, with Dad dead, supervising her trust. She definitely isn’t dumping it out at a flea market.
I have lived in San Diego for the past 20 years. I’ve lived steps from the San Diego Convention Center. Every summer, the San Diego Comic Convention ( Comic-Con ) is held at the San Diego Convention Center. It’s a huge affair, that attracts attendees from everywhere, including from foreign countries.
Every year, I’ve wanted to attend. However, I haven’t. I remain too depressed, about losing all of my comic book related material, thanks to fucking Mom and Dad.
This summer, Comic-Con will again be in San Diego. This year, I will, again, not attend. ( Tickets sell out in early November. ) Last year, I moved. My new room is even closer to the San Diego Convention Center than my old room. Since the convention is huge, it spills beyond the bounds of the convention center. It will surround the building that I now live in.
This year, Comic-Con will last from Thursday, July 21, until Sunday, July 24. Those are the official dates. However, the convention actually beings on Wednesday, July 20. That’s when vendors are allowed into the building.
Everyone thinks he’s special. As a result, ordinary comic fans now pass themselves off as vendors. An enormous number of non-vendors now crowd into the convention center on Wednesday. Even the local police are present, in force, on Wednesday. ( They always regard me as a trespasser, in the area where I live. )
One year, I was walking near the convention center, on a Monday morning. Suddenly, a young man arose from the bushes. He was dressed as a Viking. The poor guy was a Comic-Con attendee. Comic-Con remained three days away. Yet he was already at the convention center. He was already in his Viking costume. He had spent the night sleeping in the bushes. God knows what he, and his Viking costume, smelled like by the time that Comic-Con arrived.
A number of young people come to Comic-Con without knowing where they will stay. The result is that Comic-Con has them sleep outdoors, in a supervised area.
Attendees at Comic-Con used to look hopelessly nerdy. However, in the past decade, the crowd, getting larger, has become less nerdy. More girls attend. I have a vivid memory of a teenage girl with huge tits that stuck straight out. She was wearing a T-shirt. Another time, I saw a cute 12-year-old girl dressed as Darth Vader. Young married couples like to attend Comic-Con.
Prices for food, at the convention center, are expensive. ( So I understand. ) Ralphs Grocery Store, on the corner of First Avenue and G Street, does a brisk business selling individual drinks, chips, and sandwiches.
For a local, Comic-Con begins well before its official dates. Here’s an indication of its start, that I encountered. I wrote it as a diary entry:
May 20, 2022. I am at the corner of First Avenue and Market Street. A taxi goes by. It isn’t a standard vehicle. The taxi is like a golf cart, except that it’s longer. It’s a free taxi. It pays its way by carrying signage. Today, the signage reads, “Sandman. Only the dream is real.”
More such signage will soon appear. It will be on the buses and the trolley cars. It will plaster the tall buildings that surround the convention center. Hard core attendees show up in early July, sometimes even in June. I am extremely familiar with what local residents look like. I can spot a tourist, or a Comic-Con attendee, instantly. I can tell who is an ordinary tourist, and who is present for Comic-Con.
Sunday is touted as children’s, or preteens’ day, at Comic-Con. Local parents ( who bought tickets in advance ) bring their children. This is alright. Cartoons, and such, are shown on Sunday.
However, Thursday and Friday are Comic-Con’s biggest days. Playboy, for instance, was present on Thursday. I spoke to a Playboy Playmate on a Thursday, in 2011. I don’t recall if Playboy was still present on Friday. By the weekend, Playboy was gone. So were some other outdoor displays. ( Comic-Con, as mentioned above, spills beyond the bounds of the convention center. )
Saturday is the last full day of Comic-Con.
By 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, people are streaming away from the convention center. You’d think that the place had gotten the plague. Comic-Con is over.
If you decide to attend Comic-Con, I recommend the following:
1. Arrive on Monday. Make sure that you have someplace to stay.
2. Leave on the following Monday.
If you arrive later, or leave earlier, than the above days, you’re going to wind up in a crowd of people at the San Diego International Airport. The airport has one runway. You can imagine the chaos that is present there, during the time that most people arrive or leave.
At “ground zero”, crowds of people begin showing up at Comic-Con, on its first official day, as early as 5:30 in the morning. On one such morning, I was going on my usual morning walk. I was climbing the steps of a pedestrian bridge. I was doing so in a crowd of Comic-Con attendees. There was a girl in front of me. As she mounted each step, she farted. She farted right in my face. The crowd was so thick that I couldn’t escape. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. I recommend coming to Comic-Con, on Thursday, at 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning. You’ll get in the convention center quickly, without smelling farts on the way.
Comic-Con remains spring break for nerds.
Durrell quote: Lawrence Durrell. The Alexandria Quartet. Page 14. Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. New York, New York. United States of America. Copyright 2012. Original copyright date of the finalized version: 1957 - 1960.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 192
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 192, version 1.0
Date Written: May 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 192
Editorial Thunder presents...
The On Season
“In the midst of winter you can feel the inventions of spring.”
- Lawrence Durrell.
In 1976, my family was leaving the island of Guam. My mother took charge of our moving. She decided that our family would hold a rummage sale. Since we lived on top of a church ( which had once been a servicemen’s center ), the rummage sale would be held downstairs. It would be held on a Saturday, in the church parking lot.
I was told to display my 1,000 or so comic books in the parking lot. I did. Thankfully, few customers came by. To the extent that anyone bought my comics, nothing of significance was lost.
That didn’t satisfy Mom. She next declared that our family would go to a flea market. A week or so later, Mom, I, and my younger brother went to the flea market. I was, again, told to bring my 1,000 or so comic books. I did.
I was interested in the flea market. I hoped to meet other comic book collectors. Like any young person, I was eager to share what I had. I didn’t want to sell my comic books. I just wanted to show them to other interested people.
Also, I hoped to buy more. Guam was at the far end of the American comic book supply chain. As a result of my parents’ propensity to travel, I sometimes missed buying a particular issue of a comic book.
( Subscribing to a comic book title was no solution. A mailed comic book, by the comic book company, was folded in half. As a result, one got a comic book with a very heavy crease mark down the middle of it. This was impossible to repair. )
Mom took us to the flea market. Soon, a local man came along. He was interested in my comic books. I was thrilled. Then, I heard his proposal. He would buy those comics of mine that he wanted, for 10 cents each.
I had paid up to 60 cents per comic book. Ten cents per comic book would be quite a bargain for him. I was unsure what to do. I asked Mom for advice. After all, one should trust one’s mother, right?
Mom told me to sell my comics. Being an utter novice at such an experience, I told the man that he could buy my comics. He did. He bought all the good comics. He left me with a handful of junk comics. Nobody bought the junk comics.
We went home. I had $30.00. I had a bunch of junk comics. The valuable comic book collection that I had built, over six years, was gone.
$30.00 was nothing to me. I was, at the time, working two jobs. I cleaned my father’s church ( which we lived on top of ). I also mowed the church’s entire large lawn, and did other yard work. I recall standing in the church parking lot, alone. “I feel like shit!” I told myself. This remains a vivid memory, even today.
In subsequent years, my parents threw out all of my belongings that they could. My toy figurines from Japan. My Planet of the Apes magazines ( that I laboriously acquired, as back issues ). My Planet of the Apes paperbacks ( that were in mint condition ). My Planet of the Apes toys ( which were in mint condition ). My science fiction paperbacks. All of this material wasn’t from yesterday morning. It was from the now long ago 1970s. It was from a decade that I now greatly value, that is only accessible through mementos of that era.
My parents had some belongings. They subsequently put their belongings in a “trust”. That is a legal entity. I read the documentation that accompanies my parents’ trust. It includes everything. Every goddamn thing my parents ever owned, that still exists, is in their trust. If they have a box of toothpicks, it’s in their fucking trust. I won’t air dirty family laundry here. Suffice it to say, Mom has spent her final years, with Dad dead, supervising her trust. She definitely isn’t dumping it out at a flea market.
I have lived in San Diego for the past 20 years. I’ve lived steps from the San Diego Convention Center. Every summer, the San Diego Comic Convention ( Comic-Con ) is held at the San Diego Convention Center. It’s a huge affair, that attracts attendees from everywhere, including from foreign countries.
Every year, I’ve wanted to attend. However, I haven’t. I remain too depressed, about losing all of my comic book related material, thanks to fucking Mom and Dad.
This summer, Comic-Con will again be in San Diego. This year, I will, again, not attend. ( Tickets sell out in early November. ) Last year, I moved. My new room is even closer to the San Diego Convention Center than my old room. Since the convention is huge, it spills beyond the bounds of the convention center. It will surround the building that I now live in.
This year, Comic-Con will last from Thursday, July 21, until Sunday, July 24. Those are the official dates. However, the convention actually beings on Wednesday, July 20. That’s when vendors are allowed into the building.
Everyone thinks he’s special. As a result, ordinary comic fans now pass themselves off as vendors. An enormous number of non-vendors now crowd into the convention center on Wednesday. Even the local police are present, in force, on Wednesday. ( They always regard me as a trespasser, in the area where I live. )
One year, I was walking near the convention center, on a Monday morning. Suddenly, a young man arose from the bushes. He was dressed as a Viking. The poor guy was a Comic-Con attendee. Comic-Con remained three days away. Yet he was already at the convention center. He was already in his Viking costume. He had spent the night sleeping in the bushes. God knows what he, and his Viking costume, smelled like by the time that Comic-Con arrived.
A number of young people come to Comic-Con without knowing where they will stay. The result is that Comic-Con has them sleep outdoors, in a supervised area.
Attendees at Comic-Con used to look hopelessly nerdy. However, in the past decade, the crowd, getting larger, has become less nerdy. More girls attend. I have a vivid memory of a teenage girl with huge tits that stuck straight out. She was wearing a T-shirt. Another time, I saw a cute 12-year-old girl dressed as Darth Vader. Young married couples like to attend Comic-Con.
Prices for food, at the convention center, are expensive. ( So I understand. ) Ralphs Grocery Store, on the corner of First Avenue and G Street, does a brisk business selling individual drinks, chips, and sandwiches.
For a local, Comic-Con begins well before its official dates. Here’s an indication of its start, that I encountered. I wrote it as a diary entry:
May 20, 2022. I am at the corner of First Avenue and Market Street. A taxi goes by. It isn’t a standard vehicle. The taxi is like a golf cart, except that it’s longer. It’s a free taxi. It pays its way by carrying signage. Today, the signage reads, “Sandman. Only the dream is real.”
More such signage will soon appear. It will be on the buses and the trolley cars. It will plaster the tall buildings that surround the convention center. Hard core attendees show up in early July, sometimes even in June. I am extremely familiar with what local residents look like. I can spot a tourist, or a Comic-Con attendee, instantly. I can tell who is an ordinary tourist, and who is present for Comic-Con.
Sunday is touted as children’s, or preteens’ day, at Comic-Con. Local parents ( who bought tickets in advance ) bring their children. This is alright. Cartoons, and such, are shown on Sunday.
However, Thursday and Friday are Comic-Con’s biggest days. Playboy, for instance, was present on Thursday. I spoke to a Playboy Playmate on a Thursday, in 2011. I don’t recall if Playboy was still present on Friday. By the weekend, Playboy was gone. So were some other outdoor displays. ( Comic-Con, as mentioned above, spills beyond the bounds of the convention center. )
Saturday is the last full day of Comic-Con.
By 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, people are streaming away from the convention center. You’d think that the place had gotten the plague. Comic-Con is over.
If you decide to attend Comic-Con, I recommend the following:
1. Arrive on Monday. Make sure that you have someplace to stay.
2. Leave on the following Monday.
If you arrive later, or leave earlier, than the above days, you’re going to wind up in a crowd of people at the San Diego International Airport. The airport has one runway. You can imagine the chaos that is present there, during the time that most people arrive or leave.
At “ground zero”, crowds of people begin showing up at Comic-Con, on its first official day, as early as 5:30 in the morning. On one such morning, I was going on my usual morning walk. I was climbing the steps of a pedestrian bridge. I was doing so in a crowd of Comic-Con attendees. There was a girl in front of me. As she mounted each step, she farted. She farted right in my face. The crowd was so thick that I couldn’t escape. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. I recommend coming to Comic-Con, on Thursday, at 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning. You’ll get in the convention center quickly, without smelling farts on the way.
Comic-Con remains spring break for nerds.
Durrell quote: Lawrence Durrell. The Alexandria Quartet. Page 14. Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. New York, New York. United States of America. Copyright 2012. Original copyright date of the finalized version: 1957 - 1960.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 192
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 192, version 1.0
Date Written: May 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Solving Met Art Network Problems
ET 191
Editorial Thunder presents...
Solving Met Art Network Problems
Plus: Apple iPad Keyboard Problem.
And: Aristotle on women.
by Andrew Roller
Let’s say that you like a nude model. How do you know when new photos of her have been released? Go to indexxx ( dot ) com. Specifically, go to that model’s page on Indexxx.
I follow four models. I made a Home Screen icon for each of them. Three of the models are Ukrainian: Kay J, Mila Azul, and Li Moon. One of the models is Hungarian: Alisa I.
Mostly, these models are now older, and retired. However, porn sites are buying, and posting, photo galleries of them that were made by the late photographer Alex Lynn.
( Whether a model is retired or not may be disputable. Someone on Indexxx wrote that Alisa I. only wants to work for her own web site, on Only Fans. I haven’t seen much new from Kay J. ( Aside from her regular posts on Only Fans. ) Sadly, a year ago, Kay got a big tattoo on her back. That was an unwise move for a nude model. )
Today, l went to Indexxx. I went to the page for Mila Azul. A new photo gallery of her has been released. Actually, it’s an old photo gallery, that was photographed by Alex Lynn. The photo gallery is called, “Innocent Fun”. It’s at sexart ( dot ) com. Sex Art is a part of the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
I’m a member of the Met Art Network. ( Not the Me Tart Network! ) All of the photo galleries for Mila Azul should be at the Met Art Network. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Photo galleries featuring Mila, at eternaldesire ( dot ) com, are not at the Met Art Network.
In the past, I complained to the Met Art Network about this. They said that they’d fix the problem. However, they haven’t.
Today, I became confused. I thought that Mila’s photo galleries at sexart ( dot ) com weren’t on the Met Art Network. ( In fact, they are. ) Hence, I didn’t waste my time searching for Mila’s “Innocent Fun” at the Met Art Network. I went straight to Sex Art.
I arrived at Sex Art. I had to log in. I did so. There was, as usual, a long delay between the time that I completed my log in, and the time that Sex Art opened itself to me. Be prepared for this. You’ll waste your time if you repeatedly log in, hoping for a quick response.
Note: In the past, my password for the Met Art Network went bad. I didn’t forget my password. It simply went bad. I complained to the Met Art Network about this. I complained for months. Nothing solved my problem. Finally, I changed my password. I did this by following the steps at the Met Art Network log in page. I was given a new password. It worked.
Since then, I’ve had other password problems. I finally settled on a very complicated password that was given to me by the Met Art Network log in page. It has continued to work, so far.
If you have an older Apple iPad keyboard, your “caps lock” key doesn’t illuminate. Hence, you won’t know whether your “caps lock” key is in the “caps lock” mode, or not.
When I log in to the Met Art Network, I always first open a document in my Pages app. I call this document “!!!!check caps lock”. ( The exclamation points, in the document’s name, put it at the top left of my Pages icons. ) I type in my “!!!!check caps lock” document. I do this to find out whether my “caps lock” key is on or off. )
At Sex Art, I used their “Search” function. I entered “Mila Azul”. I was taken to her page at “Sex Art”. There, I searched for, and found, her photo gallery called “Innocent Fun”. I downloaded it. I downloaded it in “high zip”. This provides the highest quality photos.
A junk icon appeared in my “Downloads” folder on my iPad. ( Actually, in my iCloud Drive. ) Even though Sex Art had stepped through all the motions of downloading Mila’s photo gallery to me, nothing had actually downloaded.
I downloaded Mila’s photo gallery again. I downloaded it in “high zip”. I got the same result. Nothing actually downloaded.
Next, I downloaded Mila’s photo gallery in “medium zip”. It downloaded correctly. Of course, “medium zip” photos aren’t as good as “high zip” photos. So, I did the following, next:
I downloaded Mila’s photo gallery in “high zip”. This time, her photo gallery downloaded correctly. It downloaded in “high zip”.
This isn’t the first time that I’ve encountered this problem. My solution will apply any time that you find you’re unable to download any Met Art model’s photo gallery in “high zip”.
Summary: First ( when needed ) download the photo gallery in “medium zip”. It will download correctly. Next, download the photo gallery in “high zip”. It will download correctly.
The Met Art Network includes a dozen or so subordinate porn sites: Met Art, Sex Art, Eternal Desire, etc. The original name of the Met Art Network was Met-Art.
I recommend joining the Met Art Network, rather than accumulating memberships in their subordinate sites, over time.
The Met Art Network sells “extra” sites, that aren’t included in their Network. However, I’ve seen nothing at their “extra” sites that’s worthwhile.
This year, Met Art began selling “extra” content, that isn’t included in their Network. However, I haven’t seen any “extra” content that’s worthwhile.
Note to Met Art, and all other porn sites: if you create an arms race, where I have to keep buying more, the result will be that I won’t buy anything. I’ll quit your site altogether.
I type a lot on my Apple iPad’s keyboard. I’m not the best typist. Sometimes, my fingers don’t go where I want them to. This can result in two entire lines of type being erased! They’re erased abruptly. They’re the last two lines that I’ve typed.
The following key combinations will erase the last two lines that you’ve typed.
1. The right shift key and the left arrow key. ( Your finger presses both keys, by accident. )
Any key struck by your left hand. ( Such as, “f”. )
This occurs when you intend to type a capital “F”. You intend to do this by pressing the right shift key, and the “f” key.
2. The right shift key and the “up / down” arrow key. ( Your finger presses both keys, by accident. )
Any key struck by your left hand. ( Such as, “f”. )
This occurs when you intend to type a capital “F”. You intend to do this by pressing the right shift key, and the “f” key.
Previously, I reported the problem regarding ( 1. ) above. When you do ( 1. ), a cursor appears at the end of whatever you’ve typed. The cursor then moves backwards, over what you’ve typed. It moves rapidly, letter by letter. It highlights the letters. If you then try to, say, capitalize “f”, you’ll erase whatever the cursor has highlighted.
( 2. ), above, is far worse. When you do ( 2. ), a cursor appears at the end of whatever you’ve typed. It then moves backwards, immediately, across your entire ( last ) line of type. It highlights the entire line, in a fraction of a second. If you continue to do ( 2. ), the cursor keeps moving. It highlights the second to last line that you’ve typed. It does this in a fraction of a second.
The cursor doesn’t stop! It then highlights the third last line that you typed. It does this in a fraction of a second.
By now, you’ve likely attempted to, say, capitalize “f”. The result is that you erase the last two ( or three, or more ) lines that you typed.
A question: when have you ever wanted to immediately erase the last two lines that you typed? Never! ( 1. ), and ( 2. ), are idiotic “features” of Apple’s iPad keyboard.
In fact, this problem doesn’t reside in Apple’s keyboard. It resides in their Pages app. I tried another writing program, by another manufacturer. It had the same problem. Hence, this problem may be systemic to modern word processing apps.
One can laugh at typewriters. However, there is a benefit that a typewriter had. It was impossible to erase what you typed! Why have Apple, and other companies, implemented this stupid feature, of erasing prior letters, and whole lines of type? There are many ways to fix a word processed document. I don’t want, or need, the “speedy” methods embodied in ( 1. ) or ( 2. ).
The ideal, in typing, is to type without looking at the screen. Unfortunately, ( 1. ) and ( 2. ) make it possible for you to create a botched document, where you’ve inadvertently erased whole blocks of type, as you type from a handwritten original. I guess ( 1. ) and ( 2. ) were written for folks who type computer code. I guess they’re so lazy, typing their code ( as they eat Twinkies ), that they don’t want move their hands from their keyboard.
Apple should create a word processing app for writers. The app should omit ( 1. ) and ( 2. ).
Ancient Wisdom
“A woman is the fallow field waiting to be plowed.”
- Aristotle.
Source: Aristotle. Quoted by Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 9: Marriage in Pericles’s Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
( Note that, for the Ancient Greeks, a female was a woman at about age 10. )
1. I create a Home Screen icon with my Apple Safari browser. Look to the upper right corner of your browser. Tap on the icon of the box. It is a box that has an arrow sticking out of the top of it.
An informational box will appear. In it, tap on “Add to Home Screen”. The informational box changes. Tap on “Add”. That page will become an icon on your iPad’s Home Screen.
( Your browser will quit. You can relaunch it. You’ll be at the same page on the internet. )
Now, you get to scrounge through all of the pages of your Home Screen, trying to find your new Home Screen icon. Your icon may be a ghost. That means it’s beyond the end of your Home Screen’s pages. To access a ghost, group your visible Home Screen icons into bubbles. Your ghost icon will eventually become visible on a the last page of your Home Screen.
2. If you join the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, you’ll have access to eternaldesire ( dot ) com. Kay J’s photo galleries, at Eternal Desire, are on the Met Art Network. However, Mila Azul’s photo galleries, at Eternal Desire, are not on the Met Art Network.
As a member of the Met Art Network, you can access Eternal Desire directly. Simply go to Eternal Desire. Log in there with your Met Art Network password.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 191
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 191, version 1.0
Date Written: May 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 191
Editorial Thunder presents...
Solving Met Art Network Problems
Plus: Apple iPad Keyboard Problem.
And: Aristotle on women.
by Andrew Roller
Let’s say that you like a nude model. How do you know when new photos of her have been released? Go to indexxx ( dot ) com. Specifically, go to that model’s page on Indexxx.
I follow four models. I made a Home Screen icon for each of them. Three of the models are Ukrainian: Kay J, Mila Azul, and Li Moon. One of the models is Hungarian: Alisa I.
Mostly, these models are now older, and retired. However, porn sites are buying, and posting, photo galleries of them that were made by the late photographer Alex Lynn.
( Whether a model is retired or not may be disputable. Someone on Indexxx wrote that Alisa I. only wants to work for her own web site, on Only Fans. I haven’t seen much new from Kay J. ( Aside from her regular posts on Only Fans. ) Sadly, a year ago, Kay got a big tattoo on her back. That was an unwise move for a nude model. )
Today, l went to Indexxx. I went to the page for Mila Azul. A new photo gallery of her has been released. Actually, it’s an old photo gallery, that was photographed by Alex Lynn. The photo gallery is called, “Innocent Fun”. It’s at sexart ( dot ) com. Sex Art is a part of the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
I’m a member of the Met Art Network. ( Not the Me Tart Network! ) All of the photo galleries for Mila Azul should be at the Met Art Network. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Photo galleries featuring Mila, at eternaldesire ( dot ) com, are not at the Met Art Network.
In the past, I complained to the Met Art Network about this. They said that they’d fix the problem. However, they haven’t.
Today, I became confused. I thought that Mila’s photo galleries at sexart ( dot ) com weren’t on the Met Art Network. ( In fact, they are. ) Hence, I didn’t waste my time searching for Mila’s “Innocent Fun” at the Met Art Network. I went straight to Sex Art.
I arrived at Sex Art. I had to log in. I did so. There was, as usual, a long delay between the time that I completed my log in, and the time that Sex Art opened itself to me. Be prepared for this. You’ll waste your time if you repeatedly log in, hoping for a quick response.
Note: In the past, my password for the Met Art Network went bad. I didn’t forget my password. It simply went bad. I complained to the Met Art Network about this. I complained for months. Nothing solved my problem. Finally, I changed my password. I did this by following the steps at the Met Art Network log in page. I was given a new password. It worked.
Since then, I’ve had other password problems. I finally settled on a very complicated password that was given to me by the Met Art Network log in page. It has continued to work, so far.
If you have an older Apple iPad keyboard, your “caps lock” key doesn’t illuminate. Hence, you won’t know whether your “caps lock” key is in the “caps lock” mode, or not.
When I log in to the Met Art Network, I always first open a document in my Pages app. I call this document “!!!!check caps lock”. ( The exclamation points, in the document’s name, put it at the top left of my Pages icons. ) I type in my “!!!!check caps lock” document. I do this to find out whether my “caps lock” key is on or off. )
At Sex Art, I used their “Search” function. I entered “Mila Azul”. I was taken to her page at “Sex Art”. There, I searched for, and found, her photo gallery called “Innocent Fun”. I downloaded it. I downloaded it in “high zip”. This provides the highest quality photos.
A junk icon appeared in my “Downloads” folder on my iPad. ( Actually, in my iCloud Drive. ) Even though Sex Art had stepped through all the motions of downloading Mila’s photo gallery to me, nothing had actually downloaded.
I downloaded Mila’s photo gallery again. I downloaded it in “high zip”. I got the same result. Nothing actually downloaded.
Next, I downloaded Mila’s photo gallery in “medium zip”. It downloaded correctly. Of course, “medium zip” photos aren’t as good as “high zip” photos. So, I did the following, next:
I downloaded Mila’s photo gallery in “high zip”. This time, her photo gallery downloaded correctly. It downloaded in “high zip”.
This isn’t the first time that I’ve encountered this problem. My solution will apply any time that you find you’re unable to download any Met Art model’s photo gallery in “high zip”.
Summary: First ( when needed ) download the photo gallery in “medium zip”. It will download correctly. Next, download the photo gallery in “high zip”. It will download correctly.
The Met Art Network includes a dozen or so subordinate porn sites: Met Art, Sex Art, Eternal Desire, etc. The original name of the Met Art Network was Met-Art.
I recommend joining the Met Art Network, rather than accumulating memberships in their subordinate sites, over time.
The Met Art Network sells “extra” sites, that aren’t included in their Network. However, I’ve seen nothing at their “extra” sites that’s worthwhile.
This year, Met Art began selling “extra” content, that isn’t included in their Network. However, I haven’t seen any “extra” content that’s worthwhile.
Note to Met Art, and all other porn sites: if you create an arms race, where I have to keep buying more, the result will be that I won’t buy anything. I’ll quit your site altogether.
I type a lot on my Apple iPad’s keyboard. I’m not the best typist. Sometimes, my fingers don’t go where I want them to. This can result in two entire lines of type being erased! They’re erased abruptly. They’re the last two lines that I’ve typed.
The following key combinations will erase the last two lines that you’ve typed.
1. The right shift key and the left arrow key. ( Your finger presses both keys, by accident. )
Any key struck by your left hand. ( Such as, “f”. )
This occurs when you intend to type a capital “F”. You intend to do this by pressing the right shift key, and the “f” key.
2. The right shift key and the “up / down” arrow key. ( Your finger presses both keys, by accident. )
Any key struck by your left hand. ( Such as, “f”. )
This occurs when you intend to type a capital “F”. You intend to do this by pressing the right shift key, and the “f” key.
Previously, I reported the problem regarding ( 1. ) above. When you do ( 1. ), a cursor appears at the end of whatever you’ve typed. The cursor then moves backwards, over what you’ve typed. It moves rapidly, letter by letter. It highlights the letters. If you then try to, say, capitalize “f”, you’ll erase whatever the cursor has highlighted.
( 2. ), above, is far worse. When you do ( 2. ), a cursor appears at the end of whatever you’ve typed. It then moves backwards, immediately, across your entire ( last ) line of type. It highlights the entire line, in a fraction of a second. If you continue to do ( 2. ), the cursor keeps moving. It highlights the second to last line that you’ve typed. It does this in a fraction of a second.
The cursor doesn’t stop! It then highlights the third last line that you typed. It does this in a fraction of a second.
By now, you’ve likely attempted to, say, capitalize “f”. The result is that you erase the last two ( or three, or more ) lines that you typed.
A question: when have you ever wanted to immediately erase the last two lines that you typed? Never! ( 1. ), and ( 2. ), are idiotic “features” of Apple’s iPad keyboard.
In fact, this problem doesn’t reside in Apple’s keyboard. It resides in their Pages app. I tried another writing program, by another manufacturer. It had the same problem. Hence, this problem may be systemic to modern word processing apps.
One can laugh at typewriters. However, there is a benefit that a typewriter had. It was impossible to erase what you typed! Why have Apple, and other companies, implemented this stupid feature, of erasing prior letters, and whole lines of type? There are many ways to fix a word processed document. I don’t want, or need, the “speedy” methods embodied in ( 1. ) or ( 2. ).
The ideal, in typing, is to type without looking at the screen. Unfortunately, ( 1. ) and ( 2. ) make it possible for you to create a botched document, where you’ve inadvertently erased whole blocks of type, as you type from a handwritten original. I guess ( 1. ) and ( 2. ) were written for folks who type computer code. I guess they’re so lazy, typing their code ( as they eat Twinkies ), that they don’t want move their hands from their keyboard.
Apple should create a word processing app for writers. The app should omit ( 1. ) and ( 2. ).
Ancient Wisdom
“A woman is the fallow field waiting to be plowed.”
- Aristotle.
Source: Aristotle. Quoted by Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 9: Marriage in Pericles’s Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
( Note that, for the Ancient Greeks, a female was a woman at about age 10. )
1. I create a Home Screen icon with my Apple Safari browser. Look to the upper right corner of your browser. Tap on the icon of the box. It is a box that has an arrow sticking out of the top of it.
An informational box will appear. In it, tap on “Add to Home Screen”. The informational box changes. Tap on “Add”. That page will become an icon on your iPad’s Home Screen.
( Your browser will quit. You can relaunch it. You’ll be at the same page on the internet. )
Now, you get to scrounge through all of the pages of your Home Screen, trying to find your new Home Screen icon. Your icon may be a ghost. That means it’s beyond the end of your Home Screen’s pages. To access a ghost, group your visible Home Screen icons into bubbles. Your ghost icon will eventually become visible on a the last page of your Home Screen.
2. If you join the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, you’ll have access to eternaldesire ( dot ) com. Kay J’s photo galleries, at Eternal Desire, are on the Met Art Network. However, Mila Azul’s photo galleries, at Eternal Desire, are not on the Met Art Network.
As a member of the Met Art Network, you can access Eternal Desire directly. Simply go to Eternal Desire. Log in there with your Met Art Network password.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 191
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 191, version 1.0
Date Written: May 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 190
Editorial Thunder presents...
Demise of the Nation-State
Plus: Piers Morgan on social media.
DEMISE of the NATION-State
by Andrew Roller
The nation-state system is flawed. This has been demonstrated, most recently, by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Other nations were reluctant to intervene. That’s because other nations reserve the right to engage in similar attacks themselves.
There is an alternative. It’s playing out now. You probably aren’t just a citizen of a nation. You’re likely, as well, a “citizen” of a social media platform. Such platforms are notorious for having their own arbitrary rules. While we’re told that we have influence in our respective nation-states, when is the last time you had a meaningful say in a “law” that coerces your behavior? Probably, never.
In fact, as a “good” citizen, you aren’t supposed to feel that the “law” has “coerced” your behavior. You believe what the law requires. If you’re White, in 2022, racism is bad. If you’re White, in the 1830s South, in America, racism is good. In fact, it’s essential to maintaining order in society.
Today, being a “sexual predator” is bad. You believe this because you’re a “moral” person. You also believe that punishing “sexual predators” maintains order in society. Never mind that “sexual predator” is a new term, which bears little relation to human behavior throughout history.
Likewise, if you’re a good “citizen” of your social media platform, you don’t just follow your social media platform’s rules. You believe that they’re just, and necessary. You don’t need to decide what’s moral, or not, on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, and his censorship minions, decide that for you. You obey. You also keep your mouth shut, lest you be banned from Facebook.
Such is the state of “freedom” in America, and in the “freedom loving” West.
Near where I live, there is the remnant of a shopping mall. It was called “Horton Plaza”. It is now being rebuilt. It won’t be a shopping mall anymore. The plan, when demolition began, was to turn “Horton Plaza” into a place for “elite tech companies”. I guess someone figured that I’d quit publishing my blog and create the next Facebook. Or that some homeless bums on my porch would do so.
In fact, San Diego’s plan for “Horton Plaza”, from my perspective, is a disaster. A building across the street was rebuilt years ago. It has mostly sat empty since then. America will likely be in a deep economic recession soon.
There are no “elite tech companies” waiting to be born. Today, several large, near-monopolies dominate the internet. You know their names: Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple. ( Twitter is actually a small part of the internet. ) ( Facebook owns Instagram, and other companies. Google owns You Tube. )
Amazon, and Apple, don’t own social media platforms. Hence, we really just have two platforms: Facebook, and Google.
What if Facebook and Google’s international influence continues to expand? Facebook’s owner, Mark Zuckerberg, is notorious for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence elections in the United States. He isn’t the only billionaire engaged in this behavior.
What if the nation-state, as an entity ruling your life, gives way to the large internet platforms? Your citizenship in a country would matter less. Your “citizenship” in Facebook would matter more. Facebook spans countries, and continents. A nation-state is limited to a relatively small piece of land.
Your answer might be Joseph Stalin’s, regarding the Pope:
“The Pope. How many divisions has he?” ( Army divisions. )
Facebook doesn’t have any divisions. However, by using his money to influence elections, Zuckerberg might not need any divisions. The same is true of other billionaires.
Sun Tzu teaches the following:
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
- Sun Tzu. The Art of War.
An ideal situation for Zuckerberg, and for other billionaires, would be to supersede the state without anyone really noticing. The state would dwindle as you spent less time paying attention to it, and paying more attention to your “citizenship” on the internet. Ideally, you’d come to believe that your internet “citizenship” was the most moral, and just arrangement. That it was the best contributor to society’s order.
This would be especially true if your internet “citizenship” fulfilled your needs better than the state, and provided you with a greater sense of fulfillment.
Where do you buy your groceries? At a store, in “meat space”, or at Amazon ( dot ) com? The younger you are, the more likely it is that you don’t shop with old farts in a COVID-ridden grocery. ( Where you might get shot. ) You shop from the safety and comfort of your home, on Amazon.
Recently, I watched the 1975 film, “Rollerball”. I enjoyed watching “Rollerball”. I’d rather watch it than a current movie at a mall. I watched “Rollerball” on Apple T.V. The movie, “The Batman”, was recently released. I heard nothing about it until the day that it premiered on the internet.
Hence, even now, citizens are having their needs filled best by large companies on the internet. Citizens are deriving a significant sense of fulfillment from the internet.
( Indeed, in America, the term “citizen” is now derided as racist. Being a “citizen” of America isn’t what matters. Being present is sufficient. Or, to quote the title of a Peter Sellers movie, “Being There”. Assuming that one is deemed to be in compliance with a social media platform’s rules, one only need be present to participate. )
In 1975, I was walking through Waikiki, Hawaii. I was with my parents. We passed Waikiki’s large multiplex theatre. The film “Rollerball” was playing. My parents, as usual, were oblivious to the film’s posted advertisements. I took notice. Two years later I saw “Rollerball” in my home, on T.V.
At the time, I wasn’t overly impressed with “Rollerball”. It’s a quality science fiction film. However, I felt that it lacked an ending.
That is no longer my view. The ending of “Rollerball” is subtle. It may require a knowledge of history. Particularly, how Julius Caesar forever changed Rome. ( To say more would be to give too much away. )
“Rollerball” posits a future in which the nation-state is dead. Large corporations now control human behavior. In fact, early in the film, we learn of “the corporate wars”. They’re over. As in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, one Will controls all mankind. That Will determines your usefulness to it. That is, your usefulness to what now passes for ‘the state’. You are rewarded accordingly.
I give nothing away to say that “Rollerball” swiftly reveals its thesis: it’s the classic conflict of “Man vs. The State”.
In the 1960s, movies became more violent. “Rollerball” continues that tradition. It contains, for its era, scenes of shocking violence. The game of “Rollerball” consists of barely restrained carnage. Our hero, Jonathan E., is involved in the sport. James Caan plays Jonathan. For me, this is Caan’s most memorable performance.
Last year, I needed more “cloud” memory for my iPad. The only way that I could get it was by buying “Apple One”. “Apple One” includes Apple T.V.
On Apple T.V., one can rent or buy “Rollerball”. You can also watch it for free, with advertisements. I learned something important in this regard: scroll down!
I searched for, and found, “Rollerball” on Apple T.V. ( Use the “Search” function. ) Apple T.V. defaults to https://pluto.tv
Pluto T.V. has lots of advertisements. Nine minutes into “Rollerball”, you get hit with a bunch of ads.
Do this instead:
1. You’re in Apple T.V.
2. You’re at the page for “Rollerball”.
3. Scroll down.
4. You arrive at a section that has this title: “How to Watch”.
Under “How to Watch”, you’ll find an icon for Pluto T.V. Next to it is an icon for www.tubi.tv. ( No ending period. ) Tubi T.V. has less advertisements than Pluto T.V.
I haven’t thoroughly studied this matter. I watched all of “Rollerball” on Pluto T.V. I’m now re-watching “Rollerball” on Tubi T.V. It’s possible that Tubi T.V. “back loads” their ads. That is, they may be holding their ads for later on in your viewing of “Rollerball”. But, so far, I’ve been happier with Tubi T.V. than with Pluto T.V.
( If you don’t have Apple T.V., just go straight to www.tubi.tv )
In the 1970s, I bought the soundtrack to “Rollerball”. ( It was a vinyl record. ) I played the soundtrack to “Rollerball” many times in my room. I often played it while doing my homework. There aren’t any words in the soundtrack. It consists of stunningly lovely, and dramatically moving, classical music. Much of the music is by Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich.
Currently, having watched “Rollerball”, I’m listening to it on Tubi T.V. I listen to it mostly to enjoy the music. But the entire movie is worth listening to. If you’re a sports fan, there are a lot of segments in the movie of roaring crowds, and play-by-play announcements, as a murderous season in the game of Rollerball proceeds. Tension builds as the movie’s theme of Man vs. The State unfolds.
“Rollerball” was remade in 2002. I saw the remake in a large theater. I was the sole viewer. The movie was awful. The sports sequences were clownishly stupid. The movie’s thesis, of Man vs. The State, was lost, or utterly missing. Amazon.com writes this ( in Google ):
“WARNING: there are two different “Rollerball” movies, each with their own soundtrack. There is the 1975 version ( this one; the movie starred James Caan )...”
So, ignore the remake of “Rollerball”. It isn’t worth watching, even to laugh at.
“Rollerball” is available as a book. The author is William Harrison. I looked at the book in a bookstore, in the 1970s. I mistook it for a novel. I didn’t buy it.
In fact, “Rollerball”, the book, is a collection of short stories. The story dealing with Rollerball is “Roller Ball Murder”. I researched “Roller Ball Murder” on Amazon. The gist is this: Harrison wrote the screenplay for the 1975 movie, “Rollerball”. His screenplay of “Rollerball”, as depicted on film, is superior to “Roller Ball Murder”. Hence, to access “Rollerball”, watch the 1975 movie. Skip the short story. “Rollerball”, the book, isn’t available as an e-book. The paper copy is available, but it is now too expensive for me to buy.
“The Mutations of Rollerball: Essays” is a book by William Harrison. It is available as a reasonably priced e-book. ( Amazon Kindle. ) I downloaded a free sample of this. Harrison strikes me, in “Mutations of Rollerball”, as a fine author. He taught writing in Arkansas. He shares his views on being a modestly successful writer.
The 1975 film “Rollerball” provides a prescient view into where our secular global ecumenism is heading. The fact that such unity in thought and belief is now harnessed to the internet, which invades people’s most intimate realms, makes a “Rollerball” future more likely.
“On the social media platforms … you have this cancel culture mob running around who think that only their view about issues is acceptable. And anyone that differs from that view has to be shamed, abused, punished, cancelled. And now we’re seeing this manifesting itself in physical violence. And it’s a very sinister development.”
- Piers Morgan.
Source: Piers Morgan. Hannity. The Fox News Channel. May 5, 2022. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
1. A biography of “Rollerball’s” author, William Harrison:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Harrison_(author)
2. The book, “Rollerball”:
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Rollerball-William-Harrison/dp/0446768391/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2BFKDNPABWVR8&keywords=book%3A+rollerball&qid=1652897660&sprefix=book+rollerball%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-4
3. The book, “The Mutations of Rollerball: Essays”:
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Mutations-Rollerball-Essays-William-Harrison-ebook/dp/B079K1PYGZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=252YFHUBDUQZ8&keywords=book%3A+the+mutations+of+rollerball&qid=1652898414&sprefix=book+the+mutations+of+rollerball%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1
4. The 1975 film, “Rollerball”:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollerball_(1975_film)
5. The 2002 film, “Rollerball”:
( Hold your nose! )
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollerball_(2002_film)
6. Joseph Stalin on the Pope:
Link: https://wordhistories.net/2019/08/23/how-many-divisions-pope/
7. Sun Tzu:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=sun+tzu%3A+best+war+is+one+that+doesn%27t+need+to+be+fought&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
8. The film, “Being There”:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Being_There
9. A great source for free T.V. viewing is shoutfactorytv.com. ( No ending period. ) Often, I encounter few if any advertisements on Shout Factory.
At Shout Factory, I recommend “Space: 1999”, “The Prisoner” ( scroll down ), “Dark Star”, and “The Story Of O”. You may need to access “The Story Of O”, at Shout Factory, via google ( dot ) com.
At Shout Factory, make sure to tap their bullhorn icon. It’s located under the video that you want to watch. That will turn on the sound.
10. I recommend watching James Caan in the film, “The Rain People”.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rain_People
“The Rain People” was written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. George Lucas was an “aide” on the film. “The Rain People” includes a cute 11-year-old girl! ( Marya Zimmet, as Rosalie. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 190
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 190, version 1.0
Date Written: May 18, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 190
Editorial Thunder presents...
Demise of the Nation-State
Plus: Piers Morgan on social media.
DEMISE of the NATION-State
by Andrew Roller
The nation-state system is flawed. This has been demonstrated, most recently, by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Other nations were reluctant to intervene. That’s because other nations reserve the right to engage in similar attacks themselves.
There is an alternative. It’s playing out now. You probably aren’t just a citizen of a nation. You’re likely, as well, a “citizen” of a social media platform. Such platforms are notorious for having their own arbitrary rules. While we’re told that we have influence in our respective nation-states, when is the last time you had a meaningful say in a “law” that coerces your behavior? Probably, never.
In fact, as a “good” citizen, you aren’t supposed to feel that the “law” has “coerced” your behavior. You believe what the law requires. If you’re White, in 2022, racism is bad. If you’re White, in the 1830s South, in America, racism is good. In fact, it’s essential to maintaining order in society.
Today, being a “sexual predator” is bad. You believe this because you’re a “moral” person. You also believe that punishing “sexual predators” maintains order in society. Never mind that “sexual predator” is a new term, which bears little relation to human behavior throughout history.
Likewise, if you’re a good “citizen” of your social media platform, you don’t just follow your social media platform’s rules. You believe that they’re just, and necessary. You don’t need to decide what’s moral, or not, on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, and his censorship minions, decide that for you. You obey. You also keep your mouth shut, lest you be banned from Facebook.
Such is the state of “freedom” in America, and in the “freedom loving” West.
Near where I live, there is the remnant of a shopping mall. It was called “Horton Plaza”. It is now being rebuilt. It won’t be a shopping mall anymore. The plan, when demolition began, was to turn “Horton Plaza” into a place for “elite tech companies”. I guess someone figured that I’d quit publishing my blog and create the next Facebook. Or that some homeless bums on my porch would do so.
In fact, San Diego’s plan for “Horton Plaza”, from my perspective, is a disaster. A building across the street was rebuilt years ago. It has mostly sat empty since then. America will likely be in a deep economic recession soon.
There are no “elite tech companies” waiting to be born. Today, several large, near-monopolies dominate the internet. You know their names: Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple. ( Twitter is actually a small part of the internet. ) ( Facebook owns Instagram, and other companies. Google owns You Tube. )
Amazon, and Apple, don’t own social media platforms. Hence, we really just have two platforms: Facebook, and Google.
What if Facebook and Google’s international influence continues to expand? Facebook’s owner, Mark Zuckerberg, is notorious for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence elections in the United States. He isn’t the only billionaire engaged in this behavior.
What if the nation-state, as an entity ruling your life, gives way to the large internet platforms? Your citizenship in a country would matter less. Your “citizenship” in Facebook would matter more. Facebook spans countries, and continents. A nation-state is limited to a relatively small piece of land.
Your answer might be Joseph Stalin’s, regarding the Pope:
“The Pope. How many divisions has he?” ( Army divisions. )
Facebook doesn’t have any divisions. However, by using his money to influence elections, Zuckerberg might not need any divisions. The same is true of other billionaires.
Sun Tzu teaches the following:
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
- Sun Tzu. The Art of War.
An ideal situation for Zuckerberg, and for other billionaires, would be to supersede the state without anyone really noticing. The state would dwindle as you spent less time paying attention to it, and paying more attention to your “citizenship” on the internet. Ideally, you’d come to believe that your internet “citizenship” was the most moral, and just arrangement. That it was the best contributor to society’s order.
This would be especially true if your internet “citizenship” fulfilled your needs better than the state, and provided you with a greater sense of fulfillment.
Where do you buy your groceries? At a store, in “meat space”, or at Amazon ( dot ) com? The younger you are, the more likely it is that you don’t shop with old farts in a COVID-ridden grocery. ( Where you might get shot. ) You shop from the safety and comfort of your home, on Amazon.
Recently, I watched the 1975 film, “Rollerball”. I enjoyed watching “Rollerball”. I’d rather watch it than a current movie at a mall. I watched “Rollerball” on Apple T.V. The movie, “The Batman”, was recently released. I heard nothing about it until the day that it premiered on the internet.
Hence, even now, citizens are having their needs filled best by large companies on the internet. Citizens are deriving a significant sense of fulfillment from the internet.
( Indeed, in America, the term “citizen” is now derided as racist. Being a “citizen” of America isn’t what matters. Being present is sufficient. Or, to quote the title of a Peter Sellers movie, “Being There”. Assuming that one is deemed to be in compliance with a social media platform’s rules, one only need be present to participate. )
In 1975, I was walking through Waikiki, Hawaii. I was with my parents. We passed Waikiki’s large multiplex theatre. The film “Rollerball” was playing. My parents, as usual, were oblivious to the film’s posted advertisements. I took notice. Two years later I saw “Rollerball” in my home, on T.V.
At the time, I wasn’t overly impressed with “Rollerball”. It’s a quality science fiction film. However, I felt that it lacked an ending.
That is no longer my view. The ending of “Rollerball” is subtle. It may require a knowledge of history. Particularly, how Julius Caesar forever changed Rome. ( To say more would be to give too much away. )
“Rollerball” posits a future in which the nation-state is dead. Large corporations now control human behavior. In fact, early in the film, we learn of “the corporate wars”. They’re over. As in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, one Will controls all mankind. That Will determines your usefulness to it. That is, your usefulness to what now passes for ‘the state’. You are rewarded accordingly.
I give nothing away to say that “Rollerball” swiftly reveals its thesis: it’s the classic conflict of “Man vs. The State”.
In the 1960s, movies became more violent. “Rollerball” continues that tradition. It contains, for its era, scenes of shocking violence. The game of “Rollerball” consists of barely restrained carnage. Our hero, Jonathan E., is involved in the sport. James Caan plays Jonathan. For me, this is Caan’s most memorable performance.
Last year, I needed more “cloud” memory for my iPad. The only way that I could get it was by buying “Apple One”. “Apple One” includes Apple T.V.
On Apple T.V., one can rent or buy “Rollerball”. You can also watch it for free, with advertisements. I learned something important in this regard: scroll down!
I searched for, and found, “Rollerball” on Apple T.V. ( Use the “Search” function. ) Apple T.V. defaults to https://pluto.tv
Pluto T.V. has lots of advertisements. Nine minutes into “Rollerball”, you get hit with a bunch of ads.
Do this instead:
1. You’re in Apple T.V.
2. You’re at the page for “Rollerball”.
3. Scroll down.
4. You arrive at a section that has this title: “How to Watch”.
Under “How to Watch”, you’ll find an icon for Pluto T.V. Next to it is an icon for www.tubi.tv. ( No ending period. ) Tubi T.V. has less advertisements than Pluto T.V.
I haven’t thoroughly studied this matter. I watched all of “Rollerball” on Pluto T.V. I’m now re-watching “Rollerball” on Tubi T.V. It’s possible that Tubi T.V. “back loads” their ads. That is, they may be holding their ads for later on in your viewing of “Rollerball”. But, so far, I’ve been happier with Tubi T.V. than with Pluto T.V.
( If you don’t have Apple T.V., just go straight to www.tubi.tv )
In the 1970s, I bought the soundtrack to “Rollerball”. ( It was a vinyl record. ) I played the soundtrack to “Rollerball” many times in my room. I often played it while doing my homework. There aren’t any words in the soundtrack. It consists of stunningly lovely, and dramatically moving, classical music. Much of the music is by Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich.
Currently, having watched “Rollerball”, I’m listening to it on Tubi T.V. I listen to it mostly to enjoy the music. But the entire movie is worth listening to. If you’re a sports fan, there are a lot of segments in the movie of roaring crowds, and play-by-play announcements, as a murderous season in the game of Rollerball proceeds. Tension builds as the movie’s theme of Man vs. The State unfolds.
“Rollerball” was remade in 2002. I saw the remake in a large theater. I was the sole viewer. The movie was awful. The sports sequences were clownishly stupid. The movie’s thesis, of Man vs. The State, was lost, or utterly missing. Amazon.com writes this ( in Google ):
“WARNING: there are two different “Rollerball” movies, each with their own soundtrack. There is the 1975 version ( this one; the movie starred James Caan )...”
So, ignore the remake of “Rollerball”. It isn’t worth watching, even to laugh at.
“Rollerball” is available as a book. The author is William Harrison. I looked at the book in a bookstore, in the 1970s. I mistook it for a novel. I didn’t buy it.
In fact, “Rollerball”, the book, is a collection of short stories. The story dealing with Rollerball is “Roller Ball Murder”. I researched “Roller Ball Murder” on Amazon. The gist is this: Harrison wrote the screenplay for the 1975 movie, “Rollerball”. His screenplay of “Rollerball”, as depicted on film, is superior to “Roller Ball Murder”. Hence, to access “Rollerball”, watch the 1975 movie. Skip the short story. “Rollerball”, the book, isn’t available as an e-book. The paper copy is available, but it is now too expensive for me to buy.
“The Mutations of Rollerball: Essays” is a book by William Harrison. It is available as a reasonably priced e-book. ( Amazon Kindle. ) I downloaded a free sample of this. Harrison strikes me, in “Mutations of Rollerball”, as a fine author. He taught writing in Arkansas. He shares his views on being a modestly successful writer.
The 1975 film “Rollerball” provides a prescient view into where our secular global ecumenism is heading. The fact that such unity in thought and belief is now harnessed to the internet, which invades people’s most intimate realms, makes a “Rollerball” future more likely.
“On the social media platforms … you have this cancel culture mob running around who think that only their view about issues is acceptable. And anyone that differs from that view has to be shamed, abused, punished, cancelled. And now we’re seeing this manifesting itself in physical violence. And it’s a very sinister development.”
- Piers Morgan.
Source: Piers Morgan. Hannity. The Fox News Channel. May 5, 2022. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
1. A biography of “Rollerball’s” author, William Harrison:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Harrison_(author)
2. The book, “Rollerball”:
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Rollerball-William-Harrison/dp/0446768391/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2BFKDNPABWVR8&keywords=book%3A+rollerball&qid=1652897660&sprefix=book+rollerball%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-4
3. The book, “The Mutations of Rollerball: Essays”:
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Mutations-Rollerball-Essays-William-Harrison-ebook/dp/B079K1PYGZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=252YFHUBDUQZ8&keywords=book%3A+the+mutations+of+rollerball&qid=1652898414&sprefix=book+the+mutations+of+rollerball%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1
4. The 1975 film, “Rollerball”:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollerball_(1975_film)
5. The 2002 film, “Rollerball”:
( Hold your nose! )
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollerball_(2002_film)
6. Joseph Stalin on the Pope:
Link: https://wordhistories.net/2019/08/23/how-many-divisions-pope/
7. Sun Tzu:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=sun+tzu%3A+best+war+is+one+that+doesn%27t+need+to+be+fought&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
8. The film, “Being There”:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Being_There
9. A great source for free T.V. viewing is shoutfactorytv.com. ( No ending period. ) Often, I encounter few if any advertisements on Shout Factory.
At Shout Factory, I recommend “Space: 1999”, “The Prisoner” ( scroll down ), “Dark Star”, and “The Story Of O”. You may need to access “The Story Of O”, at Shout Factory, via google ( dot ) com.
At Shout Factory, make sure to tap their bullhorn icon. It’s located under the video that you want to watch. That will turn on the sound.
10. I recommend watching James Caan in the film, “The Rain People”.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rain_People
“The Rain People” was written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. George Lucas was an “aide” on the film. “The Rain People” includes a cute 11-year-old girl! ( Marya Zimmet, as Rosalie. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 190
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 190, version 1.0
Date Written: May 18, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Putin’s Chorus
ET 189
Editorial Thunder presents...
Putin’s Chorus
Plus: End of the Forever War.
And: The importance of censorship.
“ I knew I was out of luck The day the music died”
- Don McLean. American Pie.
by Andrew Roller
“They were going to shoot but, and my daughter asked me, uh, ‘Mom, if we will die, it will be quickly and together?’ And, uh, I looked at her, and say, ‘Yes, I think so.’”
- A Ukrainian mother recalls her daughter’s question, as they fled the attacking Russians.
Source: https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/conflicts
What is happening in Ukraine is a replay of the horrors of the Holocaust in World War II. The perpetrator of this insanity is Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
Does Putin have collaborators, here in America? “You betcha!” ( As Sarah Palin would say. ) Putin’s collaborators ( witting or not ), include Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, of Fox News. In the Republican Party, Putin’s collaborators include Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Josh Hawley of Missouri.
END of the FOREVER War
by Andrew Roller
If you google “end of the Cold War”, you get this date: December 26, 1991. It represents the date that hostilities ended between the United States and the Soviet Union ( known, modernly, as Russia ).
A date of 1991 is, as my co-workers in the federal government used to say, “Good enough for government work.” It may even have been accurate, prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
It is Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, that will bring about the actual end of the Cold War.
America’s response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine was to offer Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, an airplane ride out of his country. In America’s view, Zelenskyy was supposed to flee. Presumably, the U.S. would have dropped Zelenskyy off in London. Zelenskyy would have spent the next half century claiming to be the legitimate President of Ukraine. He would have lived out his years publishing broadsides, like me.
Meanwhile, Russia’s butcher of a president, Vladimir Putin, would have been invading Ukraine. Had Zelenskyy left Ukraine, the U.S. would have regarded Ukraine’s government as being in abstentia. There would have been no point in the U.S. helping a Ukraine that didn’t have a government. Perhaps the Ukrainians would have ejected the Russians anyway. But one does, in a war, need more than one’s bare hands and the odd shotgun.
As it happened, the U.S., and many other countries, wound up helping Ukraine. Ukraine continues to receive weapons from abroad. In my view, these weapons are critical to the Ukrainians’ success. Had Ukraine not received weapons from abroad, Putin might well be in control of Ukraine today. He would be slaughtering people in Ukraine. ( As he did in those parts of Ukraine that he stole in recent weeks. )
It’s fair to say that the lion’s share of lethal weaponry that Ukraine got came from America. On Fox News, a guest said, “An amateur thinks of winning a battle with tactics. A professional thinks of winning a battle with logistics.”
From the past until now, no one can do logistics like America. America was slow to act in regard to World War I. America was slow to act in regard to World War II. America was slow to act in regard to ejecting Russia from Ukraine. However, once America shouldered this burden, it delivered. As a Japanese soldier says at the end of the film, “Tora! Tora! Tora!”: “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant.” He was speaking of America in the wake of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.
From the perspective of realpolitik, Russia had a right to invade Ukraine. Russia, and America, were the sole victors of World War II. Ukraine is in Russia’s sphere of influence. Ukraine had been under Russia’s boot heel in the past. America was loath to interfere with Russia’s interests in the far east of Eastern Europe. That is, in Ukraine.
America’s President, Joke Bidet, amply explained this. He did so prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Of American interference, he often gasped, “That would be World War III!” In other words, it would risk igniting the final end to World War II. Such a war posed the risk of being fought with ( strategic ) nuclear weapons.
On the other hand, 30 years ago, on August 24, 1991, Ukraine became an independent country. This was agreed to by Russia. Ukraine did nothing to provoke Russia in the meantime. Indeed, it surrendered its nuclear weapons to Russia! Russia, in turn, gave Ukraine security guarantees. So did America, and the United Kingdom. This happened on December 5, 1994.
Ukraine’s victory is a colossal win for the West. Russia’s actions have cost it dearly. Russia didn’t just engage in an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. It terrorized Ukraine’s populace. It deliberately targeted civilians. Russia did this in territory that was fought over in World War II. Therefore, Russia’s realpolitik excuse, for its invasion of Ukraine, is dead. Russia can never again claim that it has a “right” to invade Ukraine, because it ( Russia ) was a co-victor in World War II.
Furthermore, Russia cannot now use a realpolitik excuse to invade other nations in Europe. Russia can, if the world allows it, still slaughter civilians in remote places. But it has lost its right to rearrange the borders of Europe, including the far east of Eastern Europe.
Therefore, the Cold War is finally over. Technically, America did not win the Cold War. Neither did Russia. The Cold War was won by Ukraine! It was won by a people who were subjected to an unprovoked attack, that they mistook for a bluff. It was won by a people whose country, Ukraine, was surrounded on three sides by Russia, on the day that Russia invaded!
Czechoslovakia was surrounded on three sides by Germany in World War II. Czechoslovakia was overrun by the Germans. Poland was surrounded on three sides by Germany in World War II. Poland was overrun by the Germans. Sadly, in World War II, Ukraine was overrun by the Germans. This was due, in part, to the fact that Russia had spent the prior decade starving millions of Ukrainians!
In 2022, Russia was unable to overrun Ukraine. By winning this conflict, Ukraine will have ended Russia’s hegemony in Europe. Russia will have to content itself with the enormous amount of land that it traditionally occupies. It will no longer have a “right” to invade neighboring countries.
Ukraine’s victory won’t just end the Cold War. It will end the century long conflict that began on July 28, 1914. World War I started on that faraway date. World War I never really ended. World War II, the Cold War, and the “post Cold War”, were merely chapters in the ongoing saga of World War I.
World War I began in Sarajevo, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It will end in Ukraine.
Who benefits from this? Not Putin. He’ll likely lose power in Russia. There usually isn’t a nice retirement home waiting, anywhere, for a former murderous dictator.
Russia won’t win. It will be a pariah state for some years to come. Having lost in Ukraine, it will now have to worry about the far east of its own country. China has lots of people. Russia has few people in its far east. I’m sure China would love to serve itself a slice of far eastern Russia. Can a post-Ukraine Russia stop them?
Ukraine’s a winner. The Ukrainians will be able to live in peace. ( With, one would assume, a large military expense, to prevent future Putins. )
Europe wins.
But the real winner is America. The real winners are people like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Rand Paul, and Josh Hawley. Never mind that these stooges did everything possible to hand the victory to Putin, and to Russia. Like rats feasting under a banquet table, they’ll benefit along with their fellow Americans.
The best way for America to lower its large military budget is to win wars. Losers don’t invade winners. As the sole victor of World War I, in 2022, America will be the world’s only superpower. Russia’s army has been decimated in Ukraine. China has yet to figure out how to conquer a small island off of its coast. ( Taiwan. )
Joke Bidet is a senile klutz. But, if he can win the long conflict that began with World War I, he is a legendary American president. The same is true if one limits his victory to just winning the Cold War.
Putin won’t be ‘ranging the earth’, like Satan in the book of Job. Let’s hope that Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Rand Paul, and Josh Hawley cease to range across our T.V. screens, with their “America Last” prescriptions. In any event, they won’t be Putin’s chorus anymore. Putin will be gone.
The road to recovery for Russia begins with the end of Putin. Let’s hope Putin knows that.
Hitler’s pistol is on the table, Putin. Point it where it belongs. Point it where Hitler, in the end, had the grace, or the cowardice, to. ( It goes where your lies came from. )
“This regime of censorship that has been imposed on essentially every major platform on the internet has become extremely important to numerous power centers: the U.S. security state, the Democratic Party, the U.S. government, all kinds of corporate, uh, centers in the United States. That any, uh, possibility that that weapon might be eroded or weakened as a result of what [ Elon ] Musk is vowing to do sends them into a kind of frenzy of panic because of how important it has become to them.”
- Glenn Greenwald, on Elon Musk’s wish “to bring a modicum of free speech back to one platform on the internet”. That is, to Twitter.
Source: Media Buzz. May 15, 2022. The Fox News Channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
1. My source for the lyrics to “America Pie”: genius ( dot ) com.
Genius ( dot ) com does a superb job of properly displaying song lyrics. ( Unlike some other song lyric sites. )
2. My source for the end of the Cold War in 1991:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=date+the+cold+war+ended&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
My description of the end of the Cold War in 1991 could be misleading. There was no formal end to the Cold War.
To say that “hostilities ended between the United States and the Soviet Union” is to describe a feeling. This emotion was present globally, or at least in the Northern Hemisphere. It was felt that the collapse of the Soviet Union represented the end of conflict between the West ( led by America ) and the East ( led by the Soviet Union ).
A 1970s comic book depicted the supposed end of the Cold War, in the ( then ) future. Two robots are in an urban ruin. They are the only “life” left on earth. The robots are fighting. One robot fights for the West. The other fights for the East. I don’t recall which robot won the fight. One robot does win, by killing the other. The winning robot, however, has been mortally wounded. It dies in turn. As it dies, it cries,
“There is no West! Only East… only East… only East…”
( Or vice versa. )
Thanks to Ukraine, the door to that sad future has been shut. There will be no final conflict between an American and a Russian robot.
3. My source for the film “Tora! Tora! Tora!”:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tora!_Tora!_Tora!
4. My source for Ukraine separating from Russia, in the 20th century:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=date+that+Ukraine+left+Russia+in+the+20th+century&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
5. My source for Ukraine surrendering its nuclear weapons to Russia, in return for security guarantees:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
6. My source for Russia starving Ukraine:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=russia+starves+ukraine+1930s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
7. My source for the start of World War I:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand
8. My source for Hitler’s death: There are rival theories about Hitler’s end. The traditional view is given by William L. Shirer in his book, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”, page 1592.
9. To say that something is “my” source is to say that it was the final reference that I checked. ( After first consulting Kat Timpf, who gave me Bret Baier’s phone number. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 189
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 189, version 1.0
Date Written: May 17, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 189
Editorial Thunder presents...
Putin’s Chorus
Plus: End of the Forever War.
And: The importance of censorship.
“ I knew I was out of luck The day the music died”
- Don McLean. American Pie.
by Andrew Roller
“They were going to shoot but, and my daughter asked me, uh, ‘Mom, if we will die, it will be quickly and together?’ And, uh, I looked at her, and say, ‘Yes, I think so.’”
- A Ukrainian mother recalls her daughter’s question, as they fled the attacking Russians.
Source: https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/conflicts
What is happening in Ukraine is a replay of the horrors of the Holocaust in World War II. The perpetrator of this insanity is Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
Does Putin have collaborators, here in America? “You betcha!” ( As Sarah Palin would say. ) Putin’s collaborators ( witting or not ), include Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, of Fox News. In the Republican Party, Putin’s collaborators include Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Josh Hawley of Missouri.
END of the FOREVER War
by Andrew Roller
If you google “end of the Cold War”, you get this date: December 26, 1991. It represents the date that hostilities ended between the United States and the Soviet Union ( known, modernly, as Russia ).
A date of 1991 is, as my co-workers in the federal government used to say, “Good enough for government work.” It may even have been accurate, prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
It is Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, that will bring about the actual end of the Cold War.
America’s response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine was to offer Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, an airplane ride out of his country. In America’s view, Zelenskyy was supposed to flee. Presumably, the U.S. would have dropped Zelenskyy off in London. Zelenskyy would have spent the next half century claiming to be the legitimate President of Ukraine. He would have lived out his years publishing broadsides, like me.
Meanwhile, Russia’s butcher of a president, Vladimir Putin, would have been invading Ukraine. Had Zelenskyy left Ukraine, the U.S. would have regarded Ukraine’s government as being in abstentia. There would have been no point in the U.S. helping a Ukraine that didn’t have a government. Perhaps the Ukrainians would have ejected the Russians anyway. But one does, in a war, need more than one’s bare hands and the odd shotgun.
As it happened, the U.S., and many other countries, wound up helping Ukraine. Ukraine continues to receive weapons from abroad. In my view, these weapons are critical to the Ukrainians’ success. Had Ukraine not received weapons from abroad, Putin might well be in control of Ukraine today. He would be slaughtering people in Ukraine. ( As he did in those parts of Ukraine that he stole in recent weeks. )
It’s fair to say that the lion’s share of lethal weaponry that Ukraine got came from America. On Fox News, a guest said, “An amateur thinks of winning a battle with tactics. A professional thinks of winning a battle with logistics.”
From the past until now, no one can do logistics like America. America was slow to act in regard to World War I. America was slow to act in regard to World War II. America was slow to act in regard to ejecting Russia from Ukraine. However, once America shouldered this burden, it delivered. As a Japanese soldier says at the end of the film, “Tora! Tora! Tora!”: “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant.” He was speaking of America in the wake of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.
From the perspective of realpolitik, Russia had a right to invade Ukraine. Russia, and America, were the sole victors of World War II. Ukraine is in Russia’s sphere of influence. Ukraine had been under Russia’s boot heel in the past. America was loath to interfere with Russia’s interests in the far east of Eastern Europe. That is, in Ukraine.
America’s President, Joke Bidet, amply explained this. He did so prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Of American interference, he often gasped, “That would be World War III!” In other words, it would risk igniting the final end to World War II. Such a war posed the risk of being fought with ( strategic ) nuclear weapons.
On the other hand, 30 years ago, on August 24, 1991, Ukraine became an independent country. This was agreed to by Russia. Ukraine did nothing to provoke Russia in the meantime. Indeed, it surrendered its nuclear weapons to Russia! Russia, in turn, gave Ukraine security guarantees. So did America, and the United Kingdom. This happened on December 5, 1994.
Ukraine’s victory is a colossal win for the West. Russia’s actions have cost it dearly. Russia didn’t just engage in an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. It terrorized Ukraine’s populace. It deliberately targeted civilians. Russia did this in territory that was fought over in World War II. Therefore, Russia’s realpolitik excuse, for its invasion of Ukraine, is dead. Russia can never again claim that it has a “right” to invade Ukraine, because it ( Russia ) was a co-victor in World War II.
Furthermore, Russia cannot now use a realpolitik excuse to invade other nations in Europe. Russia can, if the world allows it, still slaughter civilians in remote places. But it has lost its right to rearrange the borders of Europe, including the far east of Eastern Europe.
Therefore, the Cold War is finally over. Technically, America did not win the Cold War. Neither did Russia. The Cold War was won by Ukraine! It was won by a people who were subjected to an unprovoked attack, that they mistook for a bluff. It was won by a people whose country, Ukraine, was surrounded on three sides by Russia, on the day that Russia invaded!
Czechoslovakia was surrounded on three sides by Germany in World War II. Czechoslovakia was overrun by the Germans. Poland was surrounded on three sides by Germany in World War II. Poland was overrun by the Germans. Sadly, in World War II, Ukraine was overrun by the Germans. This was due, in part, to the fact that Russia had spent the prior decade starving millions of Ukrainians!
In 2022, Russia was unable to overrun Ukraine. By winning this conflict, Ukraine will have ended Russia’s hegemony in Europe. Russia will have to content itself with the enormous amount of land that it traditionally occupies. It will no longer have a “right” to invade neighboring countries.
Ukraine’s victory won’t just end the Cold War. It will end the century long conflict that began on July 28, 1914. World War I started on that faraway date. World War I never really ended. World War II, the Cold War, and the “post Cold War”, were merely chapters in the ongoing saga of World War I.
World War I began in Sarajevo, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It will end in Ukraine.
Who benefits from this? Not Putin. He’ll likely lose power in Russia. There usually isn’t a nice retirement home waiting, anywhere, for a former murderous dictator.
Russia won’t win. It will be a pariah state for some years to come. Having lost in Ukraine, it will now have to worry about the far east of its own country. China has lots of people. Russia has few people in its far east. I’m sure China would love to serve itself a slice of far eastern Russia. Can a post-Ukraine Russia stop them?
Ukraine’s a winner. The Ukrainians will be able to live in peace. ( With, one would assume, a large military expense, to prevent future Putins. )
Europe wins.
But the real winner is America. The real winners are people like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Rand Paul, and Josh Hawley. Never mind that these stooges did everything possible to hand the victory to Putin, and to Russia. Like rats feasting under a banquet table, they’ll benefit along with their fellow Americans.
The best way for America to lower its large military budget is to win wars. Losers don’t invade winners. As the sole victor of World War I, in 2022, America will be the world’s only superpower. Russia’s army has been decimated in Ukraine. China has yet to figure out how to conquer a small island off of its coast. ( Taiwan. )
Joke Bidet is a senile klutz. But, if he can win the long conflict that began with World War I, he is a legendary American president. The same is true if one limits his victory to just winning the Cold War.
Putin won’t be ‘ranging the earth’, like Satan in the book of Job. Let’s hope that Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Rand Paul, and Josh Hawley cease to range across our T.V. screens, with their “America Last” prescriptions. In any event, they won’t be Putin’s chorus anymore. Putin will be gone.
The road to recovery for Russia begins with the end of Putin. Let’s hope Putin knows that.
Hitler’s pistol is on the table, Putin. Point it where it belongs. Point it where Hitler, in the end, had the grace, or the cowardice, to. ( It goes where your lies came from. )
“This regime of censorship that has been imposed on essentially every major platform on the internet has become extremely important to numerous power centers: the U.S. security state, the Democratic Party, the U.S. government, all kinds of corporate, uh, centers in the United States. That any, uh, possibility that that weapon might be eroded or weakened as a result of what [ Elon ] Musk is vowing to do sends them into a kind of frenzy of panic because of how important it has become to them.”
- Glenn Greenwald, on Elon Musk’s wish “to bring a modicum of free speech back to one platform on the internet”. That is, to Twitter.
Source: Media Buzz. May 15, 2022. The Fox News Channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
1. My source for the lyrics to “America Pie”: genius ( dot ) com.
Genius ( dot ) com does a superb job of properly displaying song lyrics. ( Unlike some other song lyric sites. )
2. My source for the end of the Cold War in 1991:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=date+the+cold+war+ended&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
My description of the end of the Cold War in 1991 could be misleading. There was no formal end to the Cold War.
To say that “hostilities ended between the United States and the Soviet Union” is to describe a feeling. This emotion was present globally, or at least in the Northern Hemisphere. It was felt that the collapse of the Soviet Union represented the end of conflict between the West ( led by America ) and the East ( led by the Soviet Union ).
A 1970s comic book depicted the supposed end of the Cold War, in the ( then ) future. Two robots are in an urban ruin. They are the only “life” left on earth. The robots are fighting. One robot fights for the West. The other fights for the East. I don’t recall which robot won the fight. One robot does win, by killing the other. The winning robot, however, has been mortally wounded. It dies in turn. As it dies, it cries,
“There is no West! Only East… only East… only East…”
( Or vice versa. )
Thanks to Ukraine, the door to that sad future has been shut. There will be no final conflict between an American and a Russian robot.
3. My source for the film “Tora! Tora! Tora!”:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tora!_Tora!_Tora!
4. My source for Ukraine separating from Russia, in the 20th century:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=date+that+Ukraine+left+Russia+in+the+20th+century&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
5. My source for Ukraine surrendering its nuclear weapons to Russia, in return for security guarantees:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
6. My source for Russia starving Ukraine:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=russia+starves+ukraine+1930s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
7. My source for the start of World War I:
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand
8. My source for Hitler’s death: There are rival theories about Hitler’s end. The traditional view is given by William L. Shirer in his book, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”, page 1592.
9. To say that something is “my” source is to say that it was the final reference that I checked. ( After first consulting Kat Timpf, who gave me Bret Baier’s phone number. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 189
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 189, version 1.0
Date Written: May 17, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Election Reform is Needed!
ET 188
Editorial Thunder presents...
Election Reform is Needed!
by Andrew Roller
Recently, I voted. I voted in the California Primary Election. To do so, I first informed myself about the various candidates who are running for office. I did this by reading the “Official Voter Information Guide”. I read the “Candidate Statements” in this guide. Some candidates gave brief statements. Some candidates gave no statement at all.
Jeff Morgan writes, “California charges candidates $25.00 per word with a max of 250 words. That is a price tag of up to $6,250.00. [ That ] is a lot of money to those candidates ( like me ) that are self-funded. I suspect this is why some [ candidates ] don't submit a candidate statement, or limit it to a few words.”
“Skee” Saacke writes, “Are you aware that every word you put in the Voter Guide is $25.00 dollars. Consistent with my being fiscally conservative, I wrote 8 words, one of which was a website, that directs you to thousands of words.”
My thanks to these candidates. I thought that a qualified candidate was allotted free space in the “Official Voter Information Guide”.
As a result, the following election reforms are needed:
1. The “Official Voter Information Guide” should state the cost of a “Candidate Statement”. It should do so in a way that is readily seen in their pamphlet.
2. Every qualified candidate should be allotted a number of words that are free. Each candidate should get at least 250 words for free.
My understanding is that it is rather costly and cumbersome to become a candidate in a California election. I’ve heard that some candidates, perhaps not in this state, can be unfairly denied ballot access. Hence, if a candidate does, in fact, qualify to be on the ballot, the candidate should be entitled to make a statement, at some length, for free.
The alternative is obvious. A rich person, running for office, could fill the “Official Voter Information Guide” with his rhetoric. A frugal candidate is limited to so few words that the person can be mistaken for being unserious.
I’m not new to voting in California. I’ve voted in every important election here for the last four decades. Yet, I didn’t know that putting a “Candidate Statement” in the “Official Voter Information Guide” cost money.
I did know that California now holds a “jungle primary” election. Regarding this, Jeff Morgan writes,
“California is … a top-two primary state. ( I think Washington [ state ] is the only other [ such state ] ). This means no matter [ what ] party [ you’re in, as a candidate ], only the top two [ winning candidates in the primary ] advance.
“The result is that [ third ] party candidates have zero to little chance of making the ballot for the general election.
“[ A jungle primary election ] can take a Republican [ candidate ] right off the ballot [ for ] the general [ election ].
“In [ the year ] 2018, for Lieutenant Governor, two Democrats advanced. You can guess why these changes were put into place.”
The changes were put in place to keep Republicans, and third party candidates, off of the general election ballot.
So many politicians in California are Democrats that the Democratic Party largely controls how California elections are held.
Which raises this question: When California holds an election, is it upholding America’s democratic tradition? Or is it upholding the tradition of Democratic Party control in California?
Candidate David Hillberg ( not Hellberg! ) offered this advice:
“so why do you bother me with such trash? You voted or you said you voted, now be done with you.”
Hellberg hopes to represent us as California’s Lieutenant Governor. One wonders if Hellberg regards all published thoughts on our election as trash.
I edited some of the above comments, from the various candidates, for readability. Mostly, I edited Morgan’s comments regarding California’s jungle primary.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 188
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 188, version 1.0
Date Written: May 14, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 188
Editorial Thunder presents...
Election Reform is Needed!
by Andrew Roller
Recently, I voted. I voted in the California Primary Election. To do so, I first informed myself about the various candidates who are running for office. I did this by reading the “Official Voter Information Guide”. I read the “Candidate Statements” in this guide. Some candidates gave brief statements. Some candidates gave no statement at all.
Jeff Morgan writes, “California charges candidates $25.00 per word with a max of 250 words. That is a price tag of up to $6,250.00. [ That ] is a lot of money to those candidates ( like me ) that are self-funded. I suspect this is why some [ candidates ] don't submit a candidate statement, or limit it to a few words.”
“Skee” Saacke writes, “Are you aware that every word you put in the Voter Guide is $25.00 dollars. Consistent with my being fiscally conservative, I wrote 8 words, one of which was a website, that directs you to thousands of words.”
My thanks to these candidates. I thought that a qualified candidate was allotted free space in the “Official Voter Information Guide”.
As a result, the following election reforms are needed:
1. The “Official Voter Information Guide” should state the cost of a “Candidate Statement”. It should do so in a way that is readily seen in their pamphlet.
2. Every qualified candidate should be allotted a number of words that are free. Each candidate should get at least 250 words for free.
My understanding is that it is rather costly and cumbersome to become a candidate in a California election. I’ve heard that some candidates, perhaps not in this state, can be unfairly denied ballot access. Hence, if a candidate does, in fact, qualify to be on the ballot, the candidate should be entitled to make a statement, at some length, for free.
The alternative is obvious. A rich person, running for office, could fill the “Official Voter Information Guide” with his rhetoric. A frugal candidate is limited to so few words that the person can be mistaken for being unserious.
I’m not new to voting in California. I’ve voted in every important election here for the last four decades. Yet, I didn’t know that putting a “Candidate Statement” in the “Official Voter Information Guide” cost money.
I did know that California now holds a “jungle primary” election. Regarding this, Jeff Morgan writes,
“California is … a top-two primary state. ( I think Washington [ state ] is the only other [ such state ] ). This means no matter [ what ] party [ you’re in, as a candidate ], only the top two [ winning candidates in the primary ] advance.
“The result is that [ third ] party candidates have zero to little chance of making the ballot for the general election.
“[ A jungle primary election ] can take a Republican [ candidate ] right off the ballot [ for ] the general [ election ].
“In [ the year ] 2018, for Lieutenant Governor, two Democrats advanced. You can guess why these changes were put into place.”
The changes were put in place to keep Republicans, and third party candidates, off of the general election ballot.
So many politicians in California are Democrats that the Democratic Party largely controls how California elections are held.
Which raises this question: When California holds an election, is it upholding America’s democratic tradition? Or is it upholding the tradition of Democratic Party control in California?
Candidate David Hillberg ( not Hellberg! ) offered this advice:
“so why do you bother me with such trash? You voted or you said you voted, now be done with you.”
Hellberg hopes to represent us as California’s Lieutenant Governor. One wonders if Hellberg regards all published thoughts on our election as trash.
I edited some of the above comments, from the various candidates, for readability. Mostly, I edited Morgan’s comments regarding California’s jungle primary.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 188
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 188, version 1.0
Date Written: May 14, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Left Coast Voting
ET 187
Editorial Thunder presents...
Left Coast Voting
Plus: Betrothed at age 5.
by Andrew Roller
I pulled it out of my mailbox. My first impulse was to throw it in the trash. Was it the cumbersome ad circular that I get every week? No. It was, however, printed on newsprint. This magazine-sized pamphlet, consisting of 64 pages, is the “Official Voter Information Guide”.
I’ve been dealing with this pamphlet, in California, for 37 years. It can make for deeply unpleasant reading. Since the prior century, there has been a popular phrase among those who are running for office. Can you guess what it is? “Child molesters!” Mention it, promise to “protect” children ( who are, from puberty on, having sex ), and you’ve got a great shot at winning your race. So goes the theory. Generally, damning “child molesters” comes right behind damning “murderers”. Then chuck in “drug dealers” and “gang bangers”. That’s the formula for success.
Here’s a phrase to use in a winning speech: “Moms and dads”. I call parents “the fuckers”. Whatever else moms and dads do, one thing is certain: they’re fucking. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be moms and dads. Hence, promise to protect the ( busily fucking ) children of moms and dads, and you’re holy. So are they, and their fucking children.
Today, I hope to provide you with a voter guide. My purpose is not to advocate for a particular candidate. It’s simply to tell you who I voted for, to help you use your voter guide, instead of throwing it in the trash, along with your ballot.
Opening the voter guide, one comes to a section marked, “Candidate Statements”. If you’re running for office, please take this part of the voting process seriously. This is what I use to vote for you. I don’t have a T.V., so I won’t see your T.V. ads. I don’t listen to the radio. I don’t buy newspapers or magazines. The “Candidate Statements” section of the voter guide is how you can reach me. What you write here will determine whether I vote for you.
Once again, there was no candidate statement from California’s current governor, Gavin Nuisance. I figured he wasn’t running again for governor. So, I voted for someone else. After I marked my ballot, I saw Nuisance’s name on it. I sent money to Nuisance in the 1990s, when he was campaigning to legalize marijuana. ( Unlike Bill Clinton, I’ve never inhaled. ) Nuisance got my support in the 1990s. This time, he didn’t. My ballot was already marked.
When you write your candidate statement, try to fill up all of the space. For instance, Mariana B. Dawson is running to be California’s governor. Her statement consists of the following:
“F all politicians.”
What am I supposed to conclude from such a statement? Only one conclusion is possible. Mariana is not a serious candidate. She wanted to see her face in a pamphlet. Congratulations, Mariana. Now the whole state knows you’re an unserious boob.
I voted for Joel Ventresca for governor. He describes himself as a “Retired Airport Analyst”. He also describes himself as “incorruptible”, and a “Berniecrat-Democrat”. I view the term “incorruptible” warily. I’m not a “Berniecrat-Democrat”. I’m a libertarian who’s registered as a Republican.
Nonetheless, Ventresca is probably as honest as any decent person one meets. I’m willing to ‘cross the aisle’, politically, to vote for a worthwhile candidate.
Ventresca’s candidate statement filled the space allotted to him in the voter guide. One gets the impression that, had he been given more space, he would have filled it too. So, he has plans and ambitions. He knows what, as governor, he wants to do.
Here’s what caught my eye in Ventresca’s candidate statement: “Raise minimum wage to $18.50-an-hour.” This goes entirely against my libertarian principles. In a free market, each employer and employee should be able to bargain freely about the terms of their association. Unfortunately, as Grant Gilmore points out in his book, “The Death of Contract”, our complex society awards enormous power to established institutions. When have you bought, say, a new T.V., and bargained over the terms of sale? Never. If you want the T.V., you’re obliged to sign what is known as “a contract of adhesion”. It’s a “take it or leave it” sale. It’s the same with employment. If you want to get hired, you take the terms that the employer offers.
My situation is as follows. I’m regarded as over-educated. At the same time, I’m regarded as unskilled labor. As a result, I’ve been unemployed for decades. When I lived in Sacramento, California’s capital, I discovered the following: Employers want stupid, exploitable workers.
We are continually told that education is the key to advancement. That’s a lie. In a world where employers want stupid, exploitable workers, education is a hindrance. Sure, it’s not a hindrance if you have a highly specialized skill, that’s in demand. You can find work if you have a medical degree. However, I knew a bright guy who had a Phd. in physics. He’d been unemployed for years. He lived off of his wife, who had a medical degree.
Schools are warehouses for children. It’s to keep them from fucking while their parents are at work.
America’s workers need a minimum wage that is at least $18.50 an hour. Since Ventresca promised a concrete benefit that I regard as essential, he won my interest.
His candidate statement includes a description of his accomplishments. One always admires a “Mr. Smith Goes to Washinton” candidate. Send the bumpkin to the capitol, to “clean out the swamp”. However, one doesn’t want an ignoramus as governor of the state. Ventresca, according to his candidate statement, knows how the political system works. That’s important if you want the minimum wage raised. An ignoramus is unlikely to be effective in accomplishing his political goals.
Ventresca’s party affiliation is “Democratic”.
For Lieutenant Governor, I voted for William Cavett “Skee” Saacke. Like Ventresca, he is also a Democrat.
Saacke’s candidate statement consists of one sentence: “Husband, Father, Trial Attorney for 25 years”. ( Plus a web site address. )
By voting for Saacke, I threw away my principle, stated above. It was, “Fill the space allotted for your candidate statement.” Unfortunately, voting can be like that. I have to chose among the choices that are present. I voted for Saacke because he likely understands how our legal system works. He understands that the accused in this society have rights. He may even realize that, just because something has been deemed “illegal”, that doesn’t mean it is, in fact, morally wrong. Nor does it mean that the law is constitutional. He surely understands how our political system works.
Having voted for two Democrats, I proceeded to vote for a Republican. I voted for Rachel Hamm. She is running for Secretary of State of California. “When I am elected,” Hamm writes, “I will work closely with election officials from around the state to make California the Gold standard for free, fair, and honest elections”. Republicans are a beleaguered minority in California. It’s a good idea to put a Republican in charge of monitoring this state’s elections, which are run by the Democrats.
Next, I voted for another Democrat. Ron Gal ( perin ) is currently the City Controller of Los Angeles. That means that he watches the public’s money, and how tax dollars are spent. He looks like a nice guy. He’s “Los Angeles’ first LGBTQ citywide elected official”.
It’s important to have members of sexual minority groups in power. Justice Antonin Scalia had a fine legal mind. However, he was a married Catholic with many children, and even more grandchildren. What was his experience with regard to being a sexual minority? Zero. Hence, his legal views were, inevitably, shaped by his life; not by Galperin’s. Or mine.
There are two United States Senate terms on California’s ballot. A candidate can run for both terms, if he wishes. For Senator, I voted for Democrat Alex Padilla. He is the incumbent. He was appointed to the position. He lets me send him my newsletter, via his website. ( You can send Padilla your newsletter too, or otherwise share your views. ) Padilla has never done anything that’s offended me. I read his candidate statement. Nothing in it upset me. He seems like a nice guy, so I voted for him. He might not agree with me, but I imagine that he’d listen to my point of view.
With regard to candidates for United States Representative, 50th District, no one provided a candidate statement. I voted for Democrat Scott Peters. About two years ago, UCSD Hospital was demanding that I pay them money that they weren’t owed. I had no way to resolve this problem. Scott Peters solved it for me.
I was unhappy that Peters participated in a “no fly, no buy” protest against firearms at the U.S. Capitol. That was some years ago. One must remember, however, that Peters is a Democrat. He was acting on his party’s goal of ( further ) restricting the Second Amendment. Otherwise, Peters hasn’t done anything that’s offended me. So, I voted for him.
People complain when politicians don’t state their goals with clarity. But, as you can see, stating one’s goals with clarity may win some voters’ support, while losing the support of others. That’s why politicians rely on platitudes. I’m not accusing the candidates that I voted for, here, of doing that. But a politician naturally strives to please as many voters as possible. That’s their job.
It’s important for a politician to remember that minority rights matter too. I like candidates who, while serving majority interests, keep in mind that the minority isn’t garbage that belongs in a dumpster. Or in a prison.
The best place to read your voter guide is on the toilet. An expert in politics was asked, on C-SPAN, how he knew so much. He said that, whenever he visited the toilet, he read The Almanac of American Politics. In this way, over time, he became an expert!
I recommend voting for one candidate per toilet visit. Republicans damn by-mail voting. But most Republicans that I see, on T.V., have never been burdened with a California voter guide. Some guides I’ve used, in the past, ran to many pages. Often, I’ll get two different voter guides in the mail, on different topics. It’s impossible to stand at a wobbly cardboard voter booth, at a polling station, and responsibly vote. To vote properly, one needs about two hours. By-mail voting the is the best voting method for California.
It’s possible that you won’t be able to complete your ballot. As I understand it, this makes your ballot “incomplete”. That means that your vote won’t be counted. Unless, that is, the margin of victory, in any race, is close. Then your ballot will be counted! So, your ballot will be counted if they need it.
I often mail in an incomplete ballot. With regard to some races, I have no idea who to vote for. I don’t want to vote in ignorance. I often have trouble choosing among candidates who are running to be a judge. Judges are, supposedly, above politics. So, they don’t state their political views. ( Despite having them. ) A judge will usually say where he went to law school. So, do I vote for the guy who went to an average law school, because he understands the common man? Or is he just a “hang ‘em high” judge, who wants to lock up social minorities? What about the judge who went to an elite law school? Does he understand that the accused have rights? That not all laws are just? Or is he a “woke” judge ( Democrat or Republican ) who is pushing a radical agenda?
It’s better to vote an “incomplete” ballot than to not vote at all. As they say, “if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain”. That’s why I support lowering the voting age. “Children” should be able to vote as well as complain. Their interests are distinct, and deserve representation. I would lower the voting age to the age of “independent readers”, that is, age eight.
If voting is a right to be prized and exercised, everyone should be able to vote.
The Importance of Marriage
“We do know of very early ages for betrothal. For example, Demosthenes, the great fourth century orator, had a younger sister who was betrothed at the age of five.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 9: Marriage in Pericles’s Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 187
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 187, version 1.0
Date Written: May 11, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 187
Editorial Thunder presents...
Left Coast Voting
Plus: Betrothed at age 5.
by Andrew Roller
I pulled it out of my mailbox. My first impulse was to throw it in the trash. Was it the cumbersome ad circular that I get every week? No. It was, however, printed on newsprint. This magazine-sized pamphlet, consisting of 64 pages, is the “Official Voter Information Guide”.
I’ve been dealing with this pamphlet, in California, for 37 years. It can make for deeply unpleasant reading. Since the prior century, there has been a popular phrase among those who are running for office. Can you guess what it is? “Child molesters!” Mention it, promise to “protect” children ( who are, from puberty on, having sex ), and you’ve got a great shot at winning your race. So goes the theory. Generally, damning “child molesters” comes right behind damning “murderers”. Then chuck in “drug dealers” and “gang bangers”. That’s the formula for success.
Here’s a phrase to use in a winning speech: “Moms and dads”. I call parents “the fuckers”. Whatever else moms and dads do, one thing is certain: they’re fucking. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be moms and dads. Hence, promise to protect the ( busily fucking ) children of moms and dads, and you’re holy. So are they, and their fucking children.
Today, I hope to provide you with a voter guide. My purpose is not to advocate for a particular candidate. It’s simply to tell you who I voted for, to help you use your voter guide, instead of throwing it in the trash, along with your ballot.
Opening the voter guide, one comes to a section marked, “Candidate Statements”. If you’re running for office, please take this part of the voting process seriously. This is what I use to vote for you. I don’t have a T.V., so I won’t see your T.V. ads. I don’t listen to the radio. I don’t buy newspapers or magazines. The “Candidate Statements” section of the voter guide is how you can reach me. What you write here will determine whether I vote for you.
Once again, there was no candidate statement from California’s current governor, Gavin Nuisance. I figured he wasn’t running again for governor. So, I voted for someone else. After I marked my ballot, I saw Nuisance’s name on it. I sent money to Nuisance in the 1990s, when he was campaigning to legalize marijuana. ( Unlike Bill Clinton, I’ve never inhaled. ) Nuisance got my support in the 1990s. This time, he didn’t. My ballot was already marked.
When you write your candidate statement, try to fill up all of the space. For instance, Mariana B. Dawson is running to be California’s governor. Her statement consists of the following:
“F all politicians.”
What am I supposed to conclude from such a statement? Only one conclusion is possible. Mariana is not a serious candidate. She wanted to see her face in a pamphlet. Congratulations, Mariana. Now the whole state knows you’re an unserious boob.
I voted for Joel Ventresca for governor. He describes himself as a “Retired Airport Analyst”. He also describes himself as “incorruptible”, and a “Berniecrat-Democrat”. I view the term “incorruptible” warily. I’m not a “Berniecrat-Democrat”. I’m a libertarian who’s registered as a Republican.
Nonetheless, Ventresca is probably as honest as any decent person one meets. I’m willing to ‘cross the aisle’, politically, to vote for a worthwhile candidate.
Ventresca’s candidate statement filled the space allotted to him in the voter guide. One gets the impression that, had he been given more space, he would have filled it too. So, he has plans and ambitions. He knows what, as governor, he wants to do.
Here’s what caught my eye in Ventresca’s candidate statement: “Raise minimum wage to $18.50-an-hour.” This goes entirely against my libertarian principles. In a free market, each employer and employee should be able to bargain freely about the terms of their association. Unfortunately, as Grant Gilmore points out in his book, “The Death of Contract”, our complex society awards enormous power to established institutions. When have you bought, say, a new T.V., and bargained over the terms of sale? Never. If you want the T.V., you’re obliged to sign what is known as “a contract of adhesion”. It’s a “take it or leave it” sale. It’s the same with employment. If you want to get hired, you take the terms that the employer offers.
My situation is as follows. I’m regarded as over-educated. At the same time, I’m regarded as unskilled labor. As a result, I’ve been unemployed for decades. When I lived in Sacramento, California’s capital, I discovered the following: Employers want stupid, exploitable workers.
We are continually told that education is the key to advancement. That’s a lie. In a world where employers want stupid, exploitable workers, education is a hindrance. Sure, it’s not a hindrance if you have a highly specialized skill, that’s in demand. You can find work if you have a medical degree. However, I knew a bright guy who had a Phd. in physics. He’d been unemployed for years. He lived off of his wife, who had a medical degree.
Schools are warehouses for children. It’s to keep them from fucking while their parents are at work.
America’s workers need a minimum wage that is at least $18.50 an hour. Since Ventresca promised a concrete benefit that I regard as essential, he won my interest.
His candidate statement includes a description of his accomplishments. One always admires a “Mr. Smith Goes to Washinton” candidate. Send the bumpkin to the capitol, to “clean out the swamp”. However, one doesn’t want an ignoramus as governor of the state. Ventresca, according to his candidate statement, knows how the political system works. That’s important if you want the minimum wage raised. An ignoramus is unlikely to be effective in accomplishing his political goals.
Ventresca’s party affiliation is “Democratic”.
For Lieutenant Governor, I voted for William Cavett “Skee” Saacke. Like Ventresca, he is also a Democrat.
Saacke’s candidate statement consists of one sentence: “Husband, Father, Trial Attorney for 25 years”. ( Plus a web site address. )
By voting for Saacke, I threw away my principle, stated above. It was, “Fill the space allotted for your candidate statement.” Unfortunately, voting can be like that. I have to chose among the choices that are present. I voted for Saacke because he likely understands how our legal system works. He understands that the accused in this society have rights. He may even realize that, just because something has been deemed “illegal”, that doesn’t mean it is, in fact, morally wrong. Nor does it mean that the law is constitutional. He surely understands how our political system works.
Having voted for two Democrats, I proceeded to vote for a Republican. I voted for Rachel Hamm. She is running for Secretary of State of California. “When I am elected,” Hamm writes, “I will work closely with election officials from around the state to make California the Gold standard for free, fair, and honest elections”. Republicans are a beleaguered minority in California. It’s a good idea to put a Republican in charge of monitoring this state’s elections, which are run by the Democrats.
Next, I voted for another Democrat. Ron Gal ( perin ) is currently the City Controller of Los Angeles. That means that he watches the public’s money, and how tax dollars are spent. He looks like a nice guy. He’s “Los Angeles’ first LGBTQ citywide elected official”.
It’s important to have members of sexual minority groups in power. Justice Antonin Scalia had a fine legal mind. However, he was a married Catholic with many children, and even more grandchildren. What was his experience with regard to being a sexual minority? Zero. Hence, his legal views were, inevitably, shaped by his life; not by Galperin’s. Or mine.
There are two United States Senate terms on California’s ballot. A candidate can run for both terms, if he wishes. For Senator, I voted for Democrat Alex Padilla. He is the incumbent. He was appointed to the position. He lets me send him my newsletter, via his website. ( You can send Padilla your newsletter too, or otherwise share your views. ) Padilla has never done anything that’s offended me. I read his candidate statement. Nothing in it upset me. He seems like a nice guy, so I voted for him. He might not agree with me, but I imagine that he’d listen to my point of view.
With regard to candidates for United States Representative, 50th District, no one provided a candidate statement. I voted for Democrat Scott Peters. About two years ago, UCSD Hospital was demanding that I pay them money that they weren’t owed. I had no way to resolve this problem. Scott Peters solved it for me.
I was unhappy that Peters participated in a “no fly, no buy” protest against firearms at the U.S. Capitol. That was some years ago. One must remember, however, that Peters is a Democrat. He was acting on his party’s goal of ( further ) restricting the Second Amendment. Otherwise, Peters hasn’t done anything that’s offended me. So, I voted for him.
People complain when politicians don’t state their goals with clarity. But, as you can see, stating one’s goals with clarity may win some voters’ support, while losing the support of others. That’s why politicians rely on platitudes. I’m not accusing the candidates that I voted for, here, of doing that. But a politician naturally strives to please as many voters as possible. That’s their job.
It’s important for a politician to remember that minority rights matter too. I like candidates who, while serving majority interests, keep in mind that the minority isn’t garbage that belongs in a dumpster. Or in a prison.
The best place to read your voter guide is on the toilet. An expert in politics was asked, on C-SPAN, how he knew so much. He said that, whenever he visited the toilet, he read The Almanac of American Politics. In this way, over time, he became an expert!
I recommend voting for one candidate per toilet visit. Republicans damn by-mail voting. But most Republicans that I see, on T.V., have never been burdened with a California voter guide. Some guides I’ve used, in the past, ran to many pages. Often, I’ll get two different voter guides in the mail, on different topics. It’s impossible to stand at a wobbly cardboard voter booth, at a polling station, and responsibly vote. To vote properly, one needs about two hours. By-mail voting the is the best voting method for California.
It’s possible that you won’t be able to complete your ballot. As I understand it, this makes your ballot “incomplete”. That means that your vote won’t be counted. Unless, that is, the margin of victory, in any race, is close. Then your ballot will be counted! So, your ballot will be counted if they need it.
I often mail in an incomplete ballot. With regard to some races, I have no idea who to vote for. I don’t want to vote in ignorance. I often have trouble choosing among candidates who are running to be a judge. Judges are, supposedly, above politics. So, they don’t state their political views. ( Despite having them. ) A judge will usually say where he went to law school. So, do I vote for the guy who went to an average law school, because he understands the common man? Or is he just a “hang ‘em high” judge, who wants to lock up social minorities? What about the judge who went to an elite law school? Does he understand that the accused have rights? That not all laws are just? Or is he a “woke” judge ( Democrat or Republican ) who is pushing a radical agenda?
It’s better to vote an “incomplete” ballot than to not vote at all. As they say, “if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain”. That’s why I support lowering the voting age. “Children” should be able to vote as well as complain. Their interests are distinct, and deserve representation. I would lower the voting age to the age of “independent readers”, that is, age eight.
If voting is a right to be prized and exercised, everyone should be able to vote.
The Importance of Marriage
“We do know of very early ages for betrothal. For example, Demosthenes, the great fourth century orator, had a younger sister who was betrothed at the age of five.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 9: Marriage in Pericles’s Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 187
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 187, version 1.0
Date Written: May 11, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Kay J and the Riding Crop
ET 186
Editorial Thunder presents...
Kay J and the Riding Crop
Plus: Dating Kay J.
And: First menstruation and marriage.
by Andrew Roller
The other day, I whacked my hand against a kitchen cabinet door. It was an accident. The area of impact was extremely narrow. The underside of the door is what hit my hand. Not the flat part of the underside, but it’s sharp edge.
The blow hurt. The pain ebbed, but a bruise quickly spread. I was surprised by how far and wide the bruise spread.
Kay J is a nude model. Until recently, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. She was born there. Kay has been modeling since she was at least 20 years old, in 2016.
Much of Kay’s oeuvre is at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. You can get an overview of all of her extant work, that is publicly available, at indexxx ( dot ) com. Kay also has an Only Fans web site: ukaybb. ( No period. )
“Wet Dreams” is a video at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. Kay was 20 years old in this video, if not younger. She has two small bruises on her legs in “Wet Dreams”. The bruises are 10-14 days old. You can tell this by the color of the bruises. Kay also has three fresh bruises in “Wet Dreams”. These bruises are on her right ribcage, her right hip, and her left hip.
At Only Fans, one can find the occasional photo of Kay with a bruise. Often, the bruise is on her ass. Where the bruise is varies. Hence, each bruise is from a different impact, delivered by a different event.
Photos of Kay “at the castle” are scattered through her Only Fans web site. No castle is actually in evidence. However, Kay is posing on, and in front of, ancient stonework. In her “at the castle” photos, Kay has many bruises on her thighs. These are mostly on her outer thighs. A few bruises are on the outer curve of her right calf. Two bruises are on the inner curve of her right thigh.
Kay was struck, hard, with something. The color of the bruises is green. This means that they’re between five to ten days old. My guess is that Kay was struck by a riding crop. The area of impact was narrow. However, the bruises spread.
There is an ugly collection of bruises on Kay’s left thigh. They’re on the outer curve of her left thigh, near her knee. It is these that first caught my eye. I wish I could say that these bruises are erotic, but they’re not. There are too many of them to be erotic. They’re unsightly.
What happened to Kay? These bruises are surely from a BDSM session. My guess is that she was struck by a riding crop.
Probably, the bruises to Kay’s inner thigh were delivered first. She was likely facing whoever struck her. Perhaps she was bound, supine, with her thighs spread.
Later, it’s likely that Kay was bound in a prone position. Given where her bruises are, I don’t think she was lying flat. She was probably bound over a spanking bench.
Kay bears whip marks in the videos “Wet Dreams”, “Dreaming”, “My Channel”, and “I’m Eating You’re Watching”. These are all at the Metartnetwork. She also bears whip marks in the video “First Impression”. This is at playboyplus ( dot ) com.
Her whip marks in “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are from the same BDSM session. Those in “My Channel” are from a different BDSM session. In all three of these videos, Kay is ‘kid cute’.
By the time of “I’m Eating You’re Watching”, Kay is older. I date this video of her to the period after she had her baby. Kay spent her 21st year being pregnant. In “I’m Eating You’re Watching”, Kay is likely 22 years old.
The video “First Impression” carries this date by Playboy: January 27, 2020. Kay was 23 years old.
Kay turned 26 years old on March 21, 2022.
“First Impression” is the last photographic item in which Kay bears whip marks. After “First Impression”, I can find no whip marks on her. I only see bruises. It’s possible that Kay has ceased being whipped. Perhaps she’s just being hit, on occasion, by a riding crop.
Kay is the one who decides what to post on Only Fans. She also decides when to post. Hence, when she hasn’t posted for awhile, it may be because she’s recovering from a BDSM session. She may be waiting for her marks to heal. The same may be true when she posts an old photo to Only Fans. This sort of photo may be the rare re-post at her Only Fans site. Sometimes, it’s from a photo shoot that occurred years before. Or, it may be a “new” photo that is of herself at a younger age than she is now.
At her Only Fans web site, there are photos of her in a bondage dungeon. They come with a brief description. The description includes these emoticons: 😈 and 🤫. Hence, Kay likes to keep the BDSM side of her life secret. At the same time, she gives “sneak peeks” of it. Probably, some of her “sneak peeks” are accidental. “Wet Dreams” may be an example of this.
Kay treats her tattoo the same way. It’s secret, but she gives the occasional “sneak peek”.
There are lots of videos, on the internet, of women undergoing bondage ordeals. The difference with Kay is this: she’s so adorably lovely! I remain unable to combine her innocent look with the ordeals she’s undergone. Her ordeals were obviously voluntary. Kay bears evidence of BDSM sessions in various photographic items, over a number of years.
“A cutie in a torture chamber” is a familiar literary character. Kay brings her to vivid life!
There is a conventional way of dating Kay’s J’s photographic items. It’s to abide by the dates given at indexxx ( dot ) com. These dates are provided to Indexxx by the various porn sites that feature Kay. Freeones ( dot ) com states that Kay’s career as a nude model began in 2016.
However, by the time of “Sanora”, a photo gallery, Kay is old and fat. “Sanora” is dated, at Indexxx, to October 17, 2016. A user comment at Indexxx confirms this date. The actual “Sanora” photos, at the Metartnetwork, bear an earlier date: October 6, 2016.
Kay continued to model when she was pregnant. It’s possible that Kay is pregnant in “Sanora”. In “Sanora”, she isn’t visibly pregnant. However, she’s gained a lot of weight. Kay also looks much older than in her ‘kid cute’ photos.
This is why I challenge the date on which Kay’s career, as a nude model, is said to have begun. I think Kay was a nude model when she was 19; perhaps even when she was 18.
Using the conventional dates, Kay was a ‘kid cute’ model in her 20th year. She got pregnant in January of 2017. She delivered her baby in early October of 2017.
“Sanora” blows those conventional dates to Hell. Kay may have been pregnant by October of 2016! Yet, at pregnantkay ( dot ) com, there is a video of Kay in the fall. I’m speaking of the season of fall. She’s heavily pregnant.
If Kay had been pregnant by October of 2016, she’d have delivered her baby in the spring of 2017. Dead leaves don’t litter the ground in the spring. Hence, Kay must have gotten pregnant in January. In other words, in January of 2017.
Perhaps Kay was merely fat in “Sanora”. There are other examples of her being fat, in other photographic items. She was, apparently, not pregnant in these other photographic items.
Indexxx has a link to pregnant Kay in the fall. Look in the box, at Indexxx, titled “Submitted Links”. Scroll down in this box. Tap on this link:
http://pregnantkay ( dot ) com/fhg/gal4/
I continue to strive to construct a timeline of Kay’s life.
All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
The Glory of Greece
“There are many rituals and, uh, social institutions that mark the various transitions from birth through, into adulthood. In the case of girls, the transformations are rapid, and they are very clearly marked. For around the time of puberty, a girl is regarded as being ready to move from childhood to adulthood. Once puberty has occurred, she will soon start menstruating, and once that has occurred, she will soon be in a position to bear children. And so, particularly in Athens, where virginity is important, you want to get her married, quickly, after that, so that you can guarantee that when she does have her first child, it will be the child of a legitimate citizen marriage.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 8: Paideia - Education in Ancient Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
( Yep! The culture of our greatest philosophers was one that “groomed”, “molested”, and “raped” girls! Amazingly, this culture even knew what a woman was! )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 186
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 186, version 1.0
Date Written: May 11, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 186
Editorial Thunder presents...
Kay J and the Riding Crop
Plus: Dating Kay J.
And: First menstruation and marriage.
by Andrew Roller
The other day, I whacked my hand against a kitchen cabinet door. It was an accident. The area of impact was extremely narrow. The underside of the door is what hit my hand. Not the flat part of the underside, but it’s sharp edge.
The blow hurt. The pain ebbed, but a bruise quickly spread. I was surprised by how far and wide the bruise spread.
Kay J is a nude model. Until recently, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. She was born there. Kay has been modeling since she was at least 20 years old, in 2016.
Much of Kay’s oeuvre is at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. You can get an overview of all of her extant work, that is publicly available, at indexxx ( dot ) com. Kay also has an Only Fans web site: ukaybb. ( No period. )
“Wet Dreams” is a video at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. Kay was 20 years old in this video, if not younger. She has two small bruises on her legs in “Wet Dreams”. The bruises are 10-14 days old. You can tell this by the color of the bruises. Kay also has three fresh bruises in “Wet Dreams”. These bruises are on her right ribcage, her right hip, and her left hip.
At Only Fans, one can find the occasional photo of Kay with a bruise. Often, the bruise is on her ass. Where the bruise is varies. Hence, each bruise is from a different impact, delivered by a different event.
Photos of Kay “at the castle” are scattered through her Only Fans web site. No castle is actually in evidence. However, Kay is posing on, and in front of, ancient stonework. In her “at the castle” photos, Kay has many bruises on her thighs. These are mostly on her outer thighs. A few bruises are on the outer curve of her right calf. Two bruises are on the inner curve of her right thigh.
Kay was struck, hard, with something. The color of the bruises is green. This means that they’re between five to ten days old. My guess is that Kay was struck by a riding crop. The area of impact was narrow. However, the bruises spread.
There is an ugly collection of bruises on Kay’s left thigh. They’re on the outer curve of her left thigh, near her knee. It is these that first caught my eye. I wish I could say that these bruises are erotic, but they’re not. There are too many of them to be erotic. They’re unsightly.
What happened to Kay? These bruises are surely from a BDSM session. My guess is that she was struck by a riding crop.
Probably, the bruises to Kay’s inner thigh were delivered first. She was likely facing whoever struck her. Perhaps she was bound, supine, with her thighs spread.
Later, it’s likely that Kay was bound in a prone position. Given where her bruises are, I don’t think she was lying flat. She was probably bound over a spanking bench.
Kay bears whip marks in the videos “Wet Dreams”, “Dreaming”, “My Channel”, and “I’m Eating You’re Watching”. These are all at the Metartnetwork. She also bears whip marks in the video “First Impression”. This is at playboyplus ( dot ) com.
Her whip marks in “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are from the same BDSM session. Those in “My Channel” are from a different BDSM session. In all three of these videos, Kay is ‘kid cute’.
By the time of “I’m Eating You’re Watching”, Kay is older. I date this video of her to the period after she had her baby. Kay spent her 21st year being pregnant. In “I’m Eating You’re Watching”, Kay is likely 22 years old.
The video “First Impression” carries this date by Playboy: January 27, 2020. Kay was 23 years old.
Kay turned 26 years old on March 21, 2022.
“First Impression” is the last photographic item in which Kay bears whip marks. After “First Impression”, I can find no whip marks on her. I only see bruises. It’s possible that Kay has ceased being whipped. Perhaps she’s just being hit, on occasion, by a riding crop.
Kay is the one who decides what to post on Only Fans. She also decides when to post. Hence, when she hasn’t posted for awhile, it may be because she’s recovering from a BDSM session. She may be waiting for her marks to heal. The same may be true when she posts an old photo to Only Fans. This sort of photo may be the rare re-post at her Only Fans site. Sometimes, it’s from a photo shoot that occurred years before. Or, it may be a “new” photo that is of herself at a younger age than she is now.
At her Only Fans web site, there are photos of her in a bondage dungeon. They come with a brief description. The description includes these emoticons: 😈 and 🤫. Hence, Kay likes to keep the BDSM side of her life secret. At the same time, she gives “sneak peeks” of it. Probably, some of her “sneak peeks” are accidental. “Wet Dreams” may be an example of this.
Kay treats her tattoo the same way. It’s secret, but she gives the occasional “sneak peek”.
There are lots of videos, on the internet, of women undergoing bondage ordeals. The difference with Kay is this: she’s so adorably lovely! I remain unable to combine her innocent look with the ordeals she’s undergone. Her ordeals were obviously voluntary. Kay bears evidence of BDSM sessions in various photographic items, over a number of years.
“A cutie in a torture chamber” is a familiar literary character. Kay brings her to vivid life!
There is a conventional way of dating Kay’s J’s photographic items. It’s to abide by the dates given at indexxx ( dot ) com. These dates are provided to Indexxx by the various porn sites that feature Kay. Freeones ( dot ) com states that Kay’s career as a nude model began in 2016.
However, by the time of “Sanora”, a photo gallery, Kay is old and fat. “Sanora” is dated, at Indexxx, to October 17, 2016. A user comment at Indexxx confirms this date. The actual “Sanora” photos, at the Metartnetwork, bear an earlier date: October 6, 2016.
Kay continued to model when she was pregnant. It’s possible that Kay is pregnant in “Sanora”. In “Sanora”, she isn’t visibly pregnant. However, she’s gained a lot of weight. Kay also looks much older than in her ‘kid cute’ photos.
This is why I challenge the date on which Kay’s career, as a nude model, is said to have begun. I think Kay was a nude model when she was 19; perhaps even when she was 18.
Using the conventional dates, Kay was a ‘kid cute’ model in her 20th year. She got pregnant in January of 2017. She delivered her baby in early October of 2017.
“Sanora” blows those conventional dates to Hell. Kay may have been pregnant by October of 2016! Yet, at pregnantkay ( dot ) com, there is a video of Kay in the fall. I’m speaking of the season of fall. She’s heavily pregnant.
If Kay had been pregnant by October of 2016, she’d have delivered her baby in the spring of 2017. Dead leaves don’t litter the ground in the spring. Hence, Kay must have gotten pregnant in January. In other words, in January of 2017.
Perhaps Kay was merely fat in “Sanora”. There are other examples of her being fat, in other photographic items. She was, apparently, not pregnant in these other photographic items.
Indexxx has a link to pregnant Kay in the fall. Look in the box, at Indexxx, titled “Submitted Links”. Scroll down in this box. Tap on this link:
http://pregnantkay ( dot ) com/fhg/gal4/
I continue to strive to construct a timeline of Kay’s life.
All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
The Glory of Greece
“There are many rituals and, uh, social institutions that mark the various transitions from birth through, into adulthood. In the case of girls, the transformations are rapid, and they are very clearly marked. For around the time of puberty, a girl is regarded as being ready to move from childhood to adulthood. Once puberty has occurred, she will soon start menstruating, and once that has occurred, she will soon be in a position to bear children. And so, particularly in Athens, where virginity is important, you want to get her married, quickly, after that, so that you can guarantee that when she does have her first child, it will be the child of a legitimate citizen marriage.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 8: Paideia - Education in Ancient Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
( Yep! The culture of our greatest philosophers was one that “groomed”, “molested”, and “raped” girls! Amazingly, this culture even knew what a woman was! )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 186
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 186, version 1.0
Date Written: May 11, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Whipping Kay J
ET 185
Editorial Thunder presents...
Whipping Kay J
Plus: Writing to Tucker Carlson.
And: Preteen marriage.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is a nude model. Prior to the war, she lived in Kiev, Ukraine. I have written many articles about Kay. I’ve written about whip marks that appear on her, in videos whose only purpose is “soft core” porn; simple nudity. Whip marks are most visible on her in the videos “Wet Dreams”, and in “Dreaming”.
I continue to gain new insights into how Kay was whipped. Previously, I wrote that she was whipped by a six foot bullwhip. She was whipped while standing upright.
Kay was whipped from behind. ( Actually, the blows were delivered by someone standing to her left. ) Her arms were chained, or tied, above her head. Her bottom was whipped. Also, the backs of her thighs were whipped. The upper half of her back was whipped. However, her long hair kept the whip from marking her back. Her right side was whipped, near her right breast. Her right breast was whipped; perhaps while she was in this position.
Kay was, perhaps, then turned around. She was whipped by a four foot stock whip. She was whipped from the front. It was at this point that her breasts were whipped. ( Assuming, that is, that they hadn’t been whipped by the bullwhip. ) Kay’s breasts may have been whipped many times. A whip can redden skin without cutting it. However, if the same location is repeatedly struck by a whip, the skin will be cut. The inner curve of Kay’s right breast, near her nipple, was cut either twice, or three times. ( Two slash marks may have landed atop each other there. )
I add the stock whip to the above scenario for this reason: If Kay’s right breast was whipped while she faced away from the whipmaster, then he couldn’t be sure where he was hitting her. He came very close to cutting her nipple. Since this was an erotic whipping, Kay’s nipples were surely erect. A whip that cut the curve of her breast ( as it did ) might have sliced into her nipple. Her nipple would then have needed stitches. That, anyway, is my view of the matter, as an armchair observer.
Hence, I hope that Kay was at least turned around, to face the whipmaster, before he whipped her breasts. At least he could then see where the whip was striking her.
( However, I’ve learned this about Kay: If you suspect that it’s true, it’s true. Kay was probably whipped by some guy who only cared about whipping her. If she was harmed, so be it. )
Here’s my new discovery:
“Submissives need to keep still and remain in position. If they wriggle around or move too much and do so at the wrong time, they can easily be hurt by a stroke landing in the wrong spot. …Think of it as an exercise in self-discipline!”
- Lady Pandora.
Source: The Art of Corporal Punishment, by Lady Pandora. Page 80. AOD Publishing. Printed in the UK. ( The United Kingdom; England. ) Copyright 2019, 2020.
Kay wasn’t just chained and whipped. She held herself still as the whip continued to fall! This is shown by where the whip marks are on her body.
( Note: With just one exception, all of the whip marks on her, in “Wet Dreams”, are places where Kay was cut by the whip. In other words, these are places where the whip made her bleed. )
( The exception is the lower mark on the back of her thigh. It might not have bled. )
( Kay also has three circular red marks on her body. These are fresh bruises. One, on her hip, may be an infection from being cut there by the whip. )
( “Dreaming” was likely filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. Only the healing cuts, from the whip, are visible in “Dreaming”. )
You might disagree with me. You might argue that Kay didn’t hold herself still, while standing up. You might argue that Kay was forcibly bent over, and bound to, a ‘spanking bench’. However, here’s my answer to that: Kay has a number of whip marks on the uppermost part of her bottom. In fact, several times, the whip struck her tail bone. One is not supposed to strike the tail bone! It could cripple the person. ( So I understand. )
A person forcibly bent over a ‘spanking bench’ would bear horizontal slash marks on the uppermost part of her bottom. That’s because, to hit the person, if you’re standing to her left, you have to bring the whip down. ( Otherwise, the whip will pass over her back. ) Kay was struck by someone standing to her left. However, the marks on her ass are small dots. They’re the remnants of blows that came at her bottom from behind, rather than from above. Therefore, she was standing upright.
( Always keep in mind the lower part of her right ass cheek. I’m speaking of her ass cheek’s outer curve. There are clear marks there of the whip’s ‘cracker’, or ‘popper’, hitting her. Similar marks are visible on her right side, near her breast. It is these marks that show that Kay was whipped from behind, by someone standing to her left. )
I have said that Kay’s whipping, prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”, likely wasn’t her first. Lady Pandora writes:
“Obviously, if it really hurts then a submissive might jump up or twist around.”
Source: Ibid.
A whip really hurts. Getting struck by something hurts. Getting repeatedly struck hurts more. Getting struck by something that cuts you hurts even more. There are many places on Kay’s body, in “Wet Dreams”, where she bled.
Eden Bradley writes:
“The single-tail [ whip is ] a high pain toy.”
Source: The Darker Side of Pleasure, by Eden Bradley. Page 183. A Bantam Book. ( Random House. ) New York, New York. United States of America. Copyright 2007.
Dr. Pam Spurr writes:
“Whipping can run from very ‘vanilla’, with a bathrobe sash, to ‘hard-core’, using a thin leather whip that is guaranteed to sting and probably draw blood.”
Source: Naughty Tricks and Sexy Tips, by Dr. Pam Spurr. Page 134. Ulysses Press. Berkeley, California. United States of America. Copyright 2002.
Kay’s arms were bound above her head. ( That’s how the whip was able to strike the right side of her body. Her arm wasn’t there to block the blows. ) However, though Kay’s arms were bound above her, she could still move. Even if her legs were restrained, the center of her body would still have been able to move.
You might argue otherwise. You might argue that Kay’s arms, legs, and waist were bound. But consider this. There is a slash mark, which bled, on the inner curve of her right ass cheek. It’s near her anus. Kay wasn’t just standing up; she was sticking her ass out! The ‘slash mark’ is in fact two slash marks, that are close together. Hence, Kay stuck out her ass, was hit, and then stuck her ass out again! Probably, her ass was struck a number of times before the strokes began to draw blood. Since there are many marks on Kay’s ass that bled, she was struck many, many times on her bottom. She continued to willingly offer her ass even after it was bleeding in multiple places!
Yet, the whip marks on Kay are confined to her ass, her thighs, and her breasts. If Kay had been waggling about, the whip could not have targeted her so precisely. Kay held herself still for the whip. ( Doubtless, she wiggled about after each blow. However, she then ‘got in position’ again, for her beating. ) Kay offered her ass, even after it was bleeding.
Kay is a true bondage submissive.
Ukraine may be winning the war against Russia, but Tucker Carlson’s tune hasn’t changed. He continues to deliver monologues with one message: America should ignore Ukraine.
I continue to urge Tucker to change his ways. Below are my latest letters to Tucker. They cover a variety of topics. ( Note that I had the courtesy to avoid addressing Tucker as “Fucker”. )
1. Date: April 21, 2022
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your segment titled, “We can’t stay silent when recommendations are likely ‘harmful’: Florida surgeon general”.
I do not believe that any trans person, of whatever age, should take any gender altering drugs, or have any gender altering surgeries.
Thank you for your reporting on this particular issue.
2. Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: Thank you, Tucker Carlson.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your monologue, “Tucker: you are seeing a full-scale attack on free speech”.
So-called “child pornography” was outlawed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1982. However, it was not until 2002, twenty years later, that the U.S. Supreme Court bothered to provide a definition of “child pornography”. During the interim period, Americans were subjected to a government led reign of terror. This included putting people in prison.
Hence, today’s government could spend from now until 2042 jailing Americans, on ever more spurious grounds of disseminating “misinformation”.
Apparently, the Democrats think they’ll win every election forever. They’ll squeal like stuck pigs if a conservative Republican government gets to define what “misinformation” is.
Perhaps Josh Hawley will become president in 2024 and set precedents that will determine what “misinformation” is that last until 2042! ( Not my wish, but a possibility. )
3. Date: May 2, 2022
Subject: Tucker Carlson, moral failure.
Dear Tucker,
I watched your monologue, “Tucker: the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Ukraine”.
From your monologue, I conclude the following about your moral character:
Vladimir Putin, to Tucker Carlson: I am going to torture, rape, and kill your daughter. By the way, I have nuclear weapons.
Tucker Carlson: Okay, you can torture, rape, and kill my daughter.
If Idi Amin had nuclear weapons, he too would have been allowed by Tucker Carlson to torture, rape, and murder Tucker Carlson’s daughter.
Note: I was a U.S. nuclear missile launch officer. There is no such thing as “putting nuclear missiles on high alert”. All nuclear missiles are always on high alert. That’s because, in the event of a war, a nuclear missile that is sitting in its silo is at risk of being destroyed. It’s a “use ‘em or lose ‘em” scenario.
( Obviously, one must assess what is “incoming” prior to shooting your own missiles. You don’t launch all of your missiles because one missile is “incoming”. Such an assessment must be made swiftly. )
You probably heard the term “DEFCON”. This is akin to a “heads up”. It’s for the human missileer. ( Telling him not to, for instance, dawdle on the toilet. ) From a mechanical point of view, the missiles themselves are always on high alert.
4. Date: May 5, 2022
Subject: Guaranteed Acceptance!
Dear Tucker,
Relax, dude! Your inhumanity, regarding the loss of life in Ukraine, has earned you your place in Hell.
Upon your death from natural causes, Putin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Judas, Stalin, and my other guests will be welcoming you.
The Wisdom of the Ancients
“Many women were married at an early age. We hear of betrothals taking place even before the age of 12; and certainly we know of marriages occurring from the age of 12 onwards.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 8: Paideia - Education in Ancient Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
( It’s time to return to traditional values! )
1. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
2. The videos “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are available at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
3. Tucker Carlson blights the Fox News Channel every weeknight. The only purpose in listening to him is to make up for the fact that you missed hearing Joseph Goebbels.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 185
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 185, version 2.0
Date Written: May 8, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 185
Editorial Thunder presents...
Whipping Kay J
Plus: Writing to Tucker Carlson.
And: Preteen marriage.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is a nude model. Prior to the war, she lived in Kiev, Ukraine. I have written many articles about Kay. I’ve written about whip marks that appear on her, in videos whose only purpose is “soft core” porn; simple nudity. Whip marks are most visible on her in the videos “Wet Dreams”, and in “Dreaming”.
I continue to gain new insights into how Kay was whipped. Previously, I wrote that she was whipped by a six foot bullwhip. She was whipped while standing upright.
Kay was whipped from behind. ( Actually, the blows were delivered by someone standing to her left. ) Her arms were chained, or tied, above her head. Her bottom was whipped. Also, the backs of her thighs were whipped. The upper half of her back was whipped. However, her long hair kept the whip from marking her back. Her right side was whipped, near her right breast. Her right breast was whipped; perhaps while she was in this position.
Kay was, perhaps, then turned around. She was whipped by a four foot stock whip. She was whipped from the front. It was at this point that her breasts were whipped. ( Assuming, that is, that they hadn’t been whipped by the bullwhip. ) Kay’s breasts may have been whipped many times. A whip can redden skin without cutting it. However, if the same location is repeatedly struck by a whip, the skin will be cut. The inner curve of Kay’s right breast, near her nipple, was cut either twice, or three times. ( Two slash marks may have landed atop each other there. )
I add the stock whip to the above scenario for this reason: If Kay’s right breast was whipped while she faced away from the whipmaster, then he couldn’t be sure where he was hitting her. He came very close to cutting her nipple. Since this was an erotic whipping, Kay’s nipples were surely erect. A whip that cut the curve of her breast ( as it did ) might have sliced into her nipple. Her nipple would then have needed stitches. That, anyway, is my view of the matter, as an armchair observer.
Hence, I hope that Kay was at least turned around, to face the whipmaster, before he whipped her breasts. At least he could then see where the whip was striking her.
( However, I’ve learned this about Kay: If you suspect that it’s true, it’s true. Kay was probably whipped by some guy who only cared about whipping her. If she was harmed, so be it. )
Here’s my new discovery:
“Submissives need to keep still and remain in position. If they wriggle around or move too much and do so at the wrong time, they can easily be hurt by a stroke landing in the wrong spot. …Think of it as an exercise in self-discipline!”
- Lady Pandora.
Source: The Art of Corporal Punishment, by Lady Pandora. Page 80. AOD Publishing. Printed in the UK. ( The United Kingdom; England. ) Copyright 2019, 2020.
Kay wasn’t just chained and whipped. She held herself still as the whip continued to fall! This is shown by where the whip marks are on her body.
( Note: With just one exception, all of the whip marks on her, in “Wet Dreams”, are places where Kay was cut by the whip. In other words, these are places where the whip made her bleed. )
( The exception is the lower mark on the back of her thigh. It might not have bled. )
( Kay also has three circular red marks on her body. These are fresh bruises. One, on her hip, may be an infection from being cut there by the whip. )
( “Dreaming” was likely filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. Only the healing cuts, from the whip, are visible in “Dreaming”. )
You might disagree with me. You might argue that Kay didn’t hold herself still, while standing up. You might argue that Kay was forcibly bent over, and bound to, a ‘spanking bench’. However, here’s my answer to that: Kay has a number of whip marks on the uppermost part of her bottom. In fact, several times, the whip struck her tail bone. One is not supposed to strike the tail bone! It could cripple the person. ( So I understand. )
A person forcibly bent over a ‘spanking bench’ would bear horizontal slash marks on the uppermost part of her bottom. That’s because, to hit the person, if you’re standing to her left, you have to bring the whip down. ( Otherwise, the whip will pass over her back. ) Kay was struck by someone standing to her left. However, the marks on her ass are small dots. They’re the remnants of blows that came at her bottom from behind, rather than from above. Therefore, she was standing upright.
( Always keep in mind the lower part of her right ass cheek. I’m speaking of her ass cheek’s outer curve. There are clear marks there of the whip’s ‘cracker’, or ‘popper’, hitting her. Similar marks are visible on her right side, near her breast. It is these marks that show that Kay was whipped from behind, by someone standing to her left. )
I have said that Kay’s whipping, prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”, likely wasn’t her first. Lady Pandora writes:
“Obviously, if it really hurts then a submissive might jump up or twist around.”
Source: Ibid.
A whip really hurts. Getting struck by something hurts. Getting repeatedly struck hurts more. Getting struck by something that cuts you hurts even more. There are many places on Kay’s body, in “Wet Dreams”, where she bled.
Eden Bradley writes:
“The single-tail [ whip is ] a high pain toy.”
Source: The Darker Side of Pleasure, by Eden Bradley. Page 183. A Bantam Book. ( Random House. ) New York, New York. United States of America. Copyright 2007.
Dr. Pam Spurr writes:
“Whipping can run from very ‘vanilla’, with a bathrobe sash, to ‘hard-core’, using a thin leather whip that is guaranteed to sting and probably draw blood.”
Source: Naughty Tricks and Sexy Tips, by Dr. Pam Spurr. Page 134. Ulysses Press. Berkeley, California. United States of America. Copyright 2002.
Kay’s arms were bound above her head. ( That’s how the whip was able to strike the right side of her body. Her arm wasn’t there to block the blows. ) However, though Kay’s arms were bound above her, she could still move. Even if her legs were restrained, the center of her body would still have been able to move.
You might argue otherwise. You might argue that Kay’s arms, legs, and waist were bound. But consider this. There is a slash mark, which bled, on the inner curve of her right ass cheek. It’s near her anus. Kay wasn’t just standing up; she was sticking her ass out! The ‘slash mark’ is in fact two slash marks, that are close together. Hence, Kay stuck out her ass, was hit, and then stuck her ass out again! Probably, her ass was struck a number of times before the strokes began to draw blood. Since there are many marks on Kay’s ass that bled, she was struck many, many times on her bottom. She continued to willingly offer her ass even after it was bleeding in multiple places!
Yet, the whip marks on Kay are confined to her ass, her thighs, and her breasts. If Kay had been waggling about, the whip could not have targeted her so precisely. Kay held herself still for the whip. ( Doubtless, she wiggled about after each blow. However, she then ‘got in position’ again, for her beating. ) Kay offered her ass, even after it was bleeding.
Kay is a true bondage submissive.
Ukraine may be winning the war against Russia, but Tucker Carlson’s tune hasn’t changed. He continues to deliver monologues with one message: America should ignore Ukraine.
I continue to urge Tucker to change his ways. Below are my latest letters to Tucker. They cover a variety of topics. ( Note that I had the courtesy to avoid addressing Tucker as “Fucker”. )
1. Date: April 21, 2022
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your segment titled, “We can’t stay silent when recommendations are likely ‘harmful’: Florida surgeon general”.
I do not believe that any trans person, of whatever age, should take any gender altering drugs, or have any gender altering surgeries.
Thank you for your reporting on this particular issue.
2. Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: Thank you, Tucker Carlson.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your monologue, “Tucker: you are seeing a full-scale attack on free speech”.
So-called “child pornography” was outlawed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1982. However, it was not until 2002, twenty years later, that the U.S. Supreme Court bothered to provide a definition of “child pornography”. During the interim period, Americans were subjected to a government led reign of terror. This included putting people in prison.
Hence, today’s government could spend from now until 2042 jailing Americans, on ever more spurious grounds of disseminating “misinformation”.
Apparently, the Democrats think they’ll win every election forever. They’ll squeal like stuck pigs if a conservative Republican government gets to define what “misinformation” is.
Perhaps Josh Hawley will become president in 2024 and set precedents that will determine what “misinformation” is that last until 2042! ( Not my wish, but a possibility. )
3. Date: May 2, 2022
Subject: Tucker Carlson, moral failure.
Dear Tucker,
I watched your monologue, “Tucker: the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Ukraine”.
From your monologue, I conclude the following about your moral character:
Vladimir Putin, to Tucker Carlson: I am going to torture, rape, and kill your daughter. By the way, I have nuclear weapons.
Tucker Carlson: Okay, you can torture, rape, and kill my daughter.
If Idi Amin had nuclear weapons, he too would have been allowed by Tucker Carlson to torture, rape, and murder Tucker Carlson’s daughter.
Note: I was a U.S. nuclear missile launch officer. There is no such thing as “putting nuclear missiles on high alert”. All nuclear missiles are always on high alert. That’s because, in the event of a war, a nuclear missile that is sitting in its silo is at risk of being destroyed. It’s a “use ‘em or lose ‘em” scenario.
( Obviously, one must assess what is “incoming” prior to shooting your own missiles. You don’t launch all of your missiles because one missile is “incoming”. Such an assessment must be made swiftly. )
You probably heard the term “DEFCON”. This is akin to a “heads up”. It’s for the human missileer. ( Telling him not to, for instance, dawdle on the toilet. ) From a mechanical point of view, the missiles themselves are always on high alert.
4. Date: May 5, 2022
Subject: Guaranteed Acceptance!
Dear Tucker,
Relax, dude! Your inhumanity, regarding the loss of life in Ukraine, has earned you your place in Hell.
Upon your death from natural causes, Putin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Judas, Stalin, and my other guests will be welcoming you.
The Wisdom of the Ancients
“Many women were married at an early age. We hear of betrothals taking place even before the age of 12; and certainly we know of marriages occurring from the age of 12 onwards.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 8: Paideia - Education in Ancient Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
( It’s time to return to traditional values! )
1. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
2. The videos “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are available at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
3. Tucker Carlson blights the Fox News Channel every weeknight. The only purpose in listening to him is to make up for the fact that you missed hearing Joseph Goebbels.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 185
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 185, version 2.0
Date Written: May 8, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Reviewing Kay J
ET 184
Editorial Thunder presents...
Reviewing Kay J
Plus: Traditional Values
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is a nude model. Until the war, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. She’s since relocated to Poland; probably to Warsaw.
I joined Kay’s Only Fans web site on September 14, 2021. Joining wasn’t free. I paid $60.00 for a one year membership.
I’ve been a member of Kay’s Only Fans web site for eight months. It’s time for a review of my experience.
I write comments on Kay’s web site. All of my comments, however they’re worded, are the same: “You’re beautiful!” I wouldn’t write any other sort of comment. That would be rude.
On May 6, 2022 Kay posted three photos. They’re black and white photos of Kay’s only subject: herself. I don’t like black and white photos. Furthermore, Kay’s photos aren’t new. They’re photos that she originally posted to Only Fans on September 1, 2020.
Nonetheless, I tasked myself with writing comments for her photos. I wrote one funny comment. I wrote four literary comments. My literary comments quoted four passages from four different books.
To write the literary comments, I had to pay $31.64 to Amazon to buy the relevant books. ( I could remember, vaguely, the quotes that I wanted. However, I didn’t have access to the books. )
My comments, on Kay’s Only Fans web site, are “public”. That means that other people can read them. IF, that is, they pay money to Kay to subscribe to her web site.
The result was depressing. As has been the case for a number of months, Kay did not “like” my comments. She didn’t give me any “likes”. So far, two other people have posted comments in the same place. They both got “likes”.
When Kay started her Only Fans web site, I didn’t know that she existed. As soon as I found out that she existed, and had an Only Fans web site, I joined. This meant that I joined her Only Fans web site a year “late”.
Apparently, there are a number of guys who knew Kay existed, and joined her Only Fans web site, before me. They tend to get “likes”. I don’t. I can’t change the fact that I joined her Only Fans web site “late”. Kay can give me “likes”. But she doesn’t. In my opinion, that’s an awful way to run one’s web site. I’m not a member of her “in” group. I’m always a member of her “out” group, the guys she ignores.
If you’re thinking of joining Kay’s Only Fans web site, keep that in mind. You may forever be ignored, since you joined her web site “late”.
The price to join Kay’s Only Fans web site has increased since I joined. It now costs close to $100.00 per year.
The subscription price for Kay’s Only Fans web site is best viewed as an “entry fee”. Every one of her posts has this under it: “SEND TIP”. This is accompanied by an icon. The icon consists of a circle that contains a dollar sign.
Kay also sends her subscribers “Messages”. ( Direct messages. ) Her latest message says this:
These holes are for you🫶
Kay’s message consists of 8 photos. To view these photos, you have to pay her $15.00. Instructions accompanying her message say: “UNLOCK FOR $15”.
I did not buy Kay’s photos. Based on my understanding of her content, they’re photos of her asshole, her mouth, and her cunt. I have plenty of photos of her asshole, her mouth, and her cunt already. Kay’s videos, which she also sells as direct messages, can cost as much as $45.00. Kay rarely offers any preview photo of what her “Message” content consists of. You have to buy this material sight unseen.
Last September, I bought one “Message” video from Kay. It was a short video in which she showed off her ass, and her asshole. During the entire video, her breasts remained in a tight blouse. They’re entirely covered. So, you see her naked ass, but not her boobs. Seeing a girl’s ass, but not her boobs, is a bummer.
Why was Kay wearing the blouse? To hide the God-awful tattoo on her back. It’s on her upper back. The centerpiece of her tattoo is the triangle, with an eyeball, that is present on the back of the dollar bill. She got the tattoo on March 11, 2021. Since then, until very recently, she’s gone to great lengths to hide her tattoo. She’s confined her photos on Only Fans to close-ups of her ass, her cunt, and her boobs. ( Sometimes, she’s offered ‘sneak peeks’ of her tattoo. )
Since buying Kay’s $3.00 “Message” video, I haven’t bought any more of her “Message” content. I can’t stand the tattoo on her back. That’s why I haven’t bought her “Message” content. Also, she’s hiding her tattoo. That means that her “Message” content is likely just more close-ups of her ass, her cunt, and her boobs. I prefer Playboy-style ‘whole body’ videos.
( I have no objection to close-ups of a girl’s ass, cunt, or boobs. However, these should be ‘treats’ that are part of a ‘whole body’ video. )
Writing messages to Kay can also cost money. Only Fans tells Kay’s subscribers the following: “Messages with tips appear at the top of recipient inbox”. ( That is, at the top of Kay’s inbox. )
Last year, I moved. My living expenses now exceed my monthly income. I have no ready way to solve this issue. Hence, I can’t afford to pay Kay for a subscription, tip her for each of her posts, buy her “Message” content, and tip her when I send her a message.
Recently, Kay had ( yet another ) birthday. She made a special plea for tips. She posted a ‘fundraising goal’ of $80.00. She received a total of $100.00. Kay then increased her ‘fundraising goal’ to $130.00. ( But failed to achieve it. ) No sooner did she raise money from her fans, than she released, the next day, a “Message” video. The price of the “Message” video was $45.00. So, the poor fucks who had just given her money, for free, were now expected to shell out another $45.00! ( Based on my recollection. Kay sometimes deletes “Message” content, deletes written “Message” replies, and deletes ‘public’ posts from Only Fans. )
Four days before her birthday, Kay sold another “Message” video for $45.00. Hence, in the space of a week, a paying subscriber of Kay could have spent an extra $100.00 or so on her, buying her “Message” videos and tipping her for her birthday.
Do you want to join an ‘arms race’ where you’re forced to compete with other subscribers, showering Kay with cash? I can’t afford to.
I continue to regard Kay’s Only Fans site as worth joining. She has posted a number of photos and videos that are worth having. ( Make sure that you put your Only Fans video setting to “Original”. Otherwise, Kay’s videos will look grainy. )
When she was a teenager ( or perhaps 20 years old ), Kay was the loveliest female alive. She’s still quite attractive at age 26. However, keep this in mind:
1. She has a big tattoo on her back, that she has a history of hiding. The tattoo ruins her beauty. Also, Kay’s practice of hiding her tattoo limits the quality of her poses.
2. Kay has a son. She’s not a new flower in the garden, waiting for you to help her blossom.
3. Kay is experienced with BDSM. This can be seen in her metartnetwork ( dot ) com videos “Wet Dreams”, “Dreaming”, “My Channel”, and “I’m Eating You’re Watching”. Kay bears whip marks in these videos.
In various photos that Kay posted to Only Fans, she’s in “bandage😍”, as she says. Kay is tied up in some of these photos. In other photos, she’s manacled to a Saint Andrew’s Cross. In still other photos, she’s bound, bound and gagged, or submissively posed.
Hence, you’re not teaching her about bondage. She’s teaching you.
4. According to a comment at indexxx ( dot ) com, Kay has a de-facto husband. He’s the father of her son, who’s now about five years old. When Kay was living in Kyiv, Kay’s ‘husband’ was sometimes answering as her on Only Fans.
Hence, Kay is ‘married’, tattooed, has a son, and is thoroughly experienced in all aspects of sex, including BDSM. If your experience is mine, on Only Fans, she’ll ignore your ‘public’ comments. She’ll also ignore messages that you send her.
It’s a tragedy that You Tube became Hell. It’s because I got kicked out of You Tube, along with many of the preteen and teen girls on You Tube, that I wound up at Only Fans. Now, instead of getting likes from lovely preteen and teen You Tube girls, I get ignored by Kay J on Only Fans. Worse, I have to pay to be ignored by Kay J.
This society requires fundamental change. Until that happens, expect to continue to be abused by our society, but to be damned as an “abuser”.
Traditional Values
“The girl could now be given in marriage … the age of this, it’s probably somewhere around the age of 10 … The groom … was usually around 30 years of age.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 8: Paideia - Education in Ancient Athens. And Lecture 9: Marriage in Pericles’s Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
1. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
2. Kay J’s Only Fans web site is: ukaybb. ( No period. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 184
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 184, version 2.0
Date Written: May 7, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 184
Editorial Thunder presents...
Reviewing Kay J
Plus: Traditional Values
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is a nude model. Until the war, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. She’s since relocated to Poland; probably to Warsaw.
I joined Kay’s Only Fans web site on September 14, 2021. Joining wasn’t free. I paid $60.00 for a one year membership.
I’ve been a member of Kay’s Only Fans web site for eight months. It’s time for a review of my experience.
I write comments on Kay’s web site. All of my comments, however they’re worded, are the same: “You’re beautiful!” I wouldn’t write any other sort of comment. That would be rude.
On May 6, 2022 Kay posted three photos. They’re black and white photos of Kay’s only subject: herself. I don’t like black and white photos. Furthermore, Kay’s photos aren’t new. They’re photos that she originally posted to Only Fans on September 1, 2020.
Nonetheless, I tasked myself with writing comments for her photos. I wrote one funny comment. I wrote four literary comments. My literary comments quoted four passages from four different books.
To write the literary comments, I had to pay $31.64 to Amazon to buy the relevant books. ( I could remember, vaguely, the quotes that I wanted. However, I didn’t have access to the books. )
My comments, on Kay’s Only Fans web site, are “public”. That means that other people can read them. IF, that is, they pay money to Kay to subscribe to her web site.
The result was depressing. As has been the case for a number of months, Kay did not “like” my comments. She didn’t give me any “likes”. So far, two other people have posted comments in the same place. They both got “likes”.
When Kay started her Only Fans web site, I didn’t know that she existed. As soon as I found out that she existed, and had an Only Fans web site, I joined. This meant that I joined her Only Fans web site a year “late”.
Apparently, there are a number of guys who knew Kay existed, and joined her Only Fans web site, before me. They tend to get “likes”. I don’t. I can’t change the fact that I joined her Only Fans web site “late”. Kay can give me “likes”. But she doesn’t. In my opinion, that’s an awful way to run one’s web site. I’m not a member of her “in” group. I’m always a member of her “out” group, the guys she ignores.
If you’re thinking of joining Kay’s Only Fans web site, keep that in mind. You may forever be ignored, since you joined her web site “late”.
The price to join Kay’s Only Fans web site has increased since I joined. It now costs close to $100.00 per year.
The subscription price for Kay’s Only Fans web site is best viewed as an “entry fee”. Every one of her posts has this under it: “SEND TIP”. This is accompanied by an icon. The icon consists of a circle that contains a dollar sign.
Kay also sends her subscribers “Messages”. ( Direct messages. ) Her latest message says this:
These holes are for you🫶
Kay’s message consists of 8 photos. To view these photos, you have to pay her $15.00. Instructions accompanying her message say: “UNLOCK FOR $15”.
I did not buy Kay’s photos. Based on my understanding of her content, they’re photos of her asshole, her mouth, and her cunt. I have plenty of photos of her asshole, her mouth, and her cunt already. Kay’s videos, which she also sells as direct messages, can cost as much as $45.00. Kay rarely offers any preview photo of what her “Message” content consists of. You have to buy this material sight unseen.
Last September, I bought one “Message” video from Kay. It was a short video in which she showed off her ass, and her asshole. During the entire video, her breasts remained in a tight blouse. They’re entirely covered. So, you see her naked ass, but not her boobs. Seeing a girl’s ass, but not her boobs, is a bummer.
Why was Kay wearing the blouse? To hide the God-awful tattoo on her back. It’s on her upper back. The centerpiece of her tattoo is the triangle, with an eyeball, that is present on the back of the dollar bill. She got the tattoo on March 11, 2021. Since then, until very recently, she’s gone to great lengths to hide her tattoo. She’s confined her photos on Only Fans to close-ups of her ass, her cunt, and her boobs. ( Sometimes, she’s offered ‘sneak peeks’ of her tattoo. )
Since buying Kay’s $3.00 “Message” video, I haven’t bought any more of her “Message” content. I can’t stand the tattoo on her back. That’s why I haven’t bought her “Message” content. Also, she’s hiding her tattoo. That means that her “Message” content is likely just more close-ups of her ass, her cunt, and her boobs. I prefer Playboy-style ‘whole body’ videos.
( I have no objection to close-ups of a girl’s ass, cunt, or boobs. However, these should be ‘treats’ that are part of a ‘whole body’ video. )
Writing messages to Kay can also cost money. Only Fans tells Kay’s subscribers the following: “Messages with tips appear at the top of recipient inbox”. ( That is, at the top of Kay’s inbox. )
Last year, I moved. My living expenses now exceed my monthly income. I have no ready way to solve this issue. Hence, I can’t afford to pay Kay for a subscription, tip her for each of her posts, buy her “Message” content, and tip her when I send her a message.
Recently, Kay had ( yet another ) birthday. She made a special plea for tips. She posted a ‘fundraising goal’ of $80.00. She received a total of $100.00. Kay then increased her ‘fundraising goal’ to $130.00. ( But failed to achieve it. ) No sooner did she raise money from her fans, than she released, the next day, a “Message” video. The price of the “Message” video was $45.00. So, the poor fucks who had just given her money, for free, were now expected to shell out another $45.00! ( Based on my recollection. Kay sometimes deletes “Message” content, deletes written “Message” replies, and deletes ‘public’ posts from Only Fans. )
Four days before her birthday, Kay sold another “Message” video for $45.00. Hence, in the space of a week, a paying subscriber of Kay could have spent an extra $100.00 or so on her, buying her “Message” videos and tipping her for her birthday.
Do you want to join an ‘arms race’ where you’re forced to compete with other subscribers, showering Kay with cash? I can’t afford to.
I continue to regard Kay’s Only Fans site as worth joining. She has posted a number of photos and videos that are worth having. ( Make sure that you put your Only Fans video setting to “Original”. Otherwise, Kay’s videos will look grainy. )
When she was a teenager ( or perhaps 20 years old ), Kay was the loveliest female alive. She’s still quite attractive at age 26. However, keep this in mind:
1. She has a big tattoo on her back, that she has a history of hiding. The tattoo ruins her beauty. Also, Kay’s practice of hiding her tattoo limits the quality of her poses.
2. Kay has a son. She’s not a new flower in the garden, waiting for you to help her blossom.
3. Kay is experienced with BDSM. This can be seen in her metartnetwork ( dot ) com videos “Wet Dreams”, “Dreaming”, “My Channel”, and “I’m Eating You’re Watching”. Kay bears whip marks in these videos.
In various photos that Kay posted to Only Fans, she’s in “bandage😍”, as she says. Kay is tied up in some of these photos. In other photos, she’s manacled to a Saint Andrew’s Cross. In still other photos, she’s bound, bound and gagged, or submissively posed.
Hence, you’re not teaching her about bondage. She’s teaching you.
4. According to a comment at indexxx ( dot ) com, Kay has a de-facto husband. He’s the father of her son, who’s now about five years old. When Kay was living in Kyiv, Kay’s ‘husband’ was sometimes answering as her on Only Fans.
Hence, Kay is ‘married’, tattooed, has a son, and is thoroughly experienced in all aspects of sex, including BDSM. If your experience is mine, on Only Fans, she’ll ignore your ‘public’ comments. She’ll also ignore messages that you send her.
It’s a tragedy that You Tube became Hell. It’s because I got kicked out of You Tube, along with many of the preteen and teen girls on You Tube, that I wound up at Only Fans. Now, instead of getting likes from lovely preteen and teen You Tube girls, I get ignored by Kay J on Only Fans. Worse, I have to pay to be ignored by Kay J.
This society requires fundamental change. Until that happens, expect to continue to be abused by our society, but to be damned as an “abuser”.
Traditional Values
“The girl could now be given in marriage … the age of this, it’s probably somewhere around the age of 10 … The groom … was usually around 30 years of age.”
- Jeremy McInerney
Source: Jeremy McInerney. The Age of Pericles. Lecture 8: Paideia - Education in Ancient Athens. And Lecture 9: Marriage in Pericles’s Athens. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
1. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
2. Kay J’s Only Fans web site is: ukaybb. ( No period. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 184
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 184, version 2.0
Date Written: May 7, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Delicious Chips!
ET 183
Editorial Thunder presents...
Delicious Chips!
Plus: Ripped off by Apple!
And: Women: the final word.
On potato chips, porn, and masturbation.
by Andrew Roller
About two decades ago, I bought Kettle Brand potato chips. They were awful. They were burned, greasy, and not very crunchy.
Recently, at the grocery, I picked up a package of hot dogs. I wanted steak. Thanks to inflation, I’m now eating hot dogs. At least I haven’t resorted to eating my penis.
I noticed a sign under the hot dogs. It said that if I bought two packages of hot dogs, I could get a free bag of kettle potato chips. It didn’t say “Kettle Brand”. But, when you’re an old fart like me, you know, pretty well, how this world works.
At least with regard to grocery store freebies.
I decided to buy the two packages of hot dogs.
If you live alone, you know what that means. Downing the first package of hot dogs will be a good gastronomic experience. The second package of hot dogs is either toilsome to get down, or it winds up somewhere in the back of your refrigerator. You discover it two years from now.
( Fortunately, thanks to “bare shelves Biden”, it’s now nearly impossible for me to lose anything in my fridge. )
Armed with my two packs of hot dogs, I went in search of Kettle Brand potato chips. I found them. The bags of Kettle Brand potato chips were astonishingly big. There were a number of flavors.
Decades ago, I went to Tower Books. I did this regularly. I went to Tower Books in Sacramento. ( Called, by at least one cartoonist, “Sacratomato”. Or, given how holy the people there think they are, “Sacred Tomato”. )
I bought books at Tower Books. I’m a literate person. However, I was deeply concerned about the social fabric of Sacramento. There weren’t enough perverts. Making a sacrifice to improve the place, I bought lots of porn at Tower Books. Specifically, porn magazines.
I learned the following: the porn magazine that is in the shortest supply is the best one to buy. Tower sold various porn titles. There would always be one issue, of a title, that had very few copies left. Which title it was varied. However, the last copy or so would be battered and greasy. ( From being looked at by perverts. )
I would strive, mightily, to avoid buying the issue that was battered and greasy. However, after my thorough inspection, of all the available magazine titles, I was stuck with this answer: buy the battered, greasy magazine, Andrew. That’s the one that’s worth shooting off to.
So I did.
At the grocery, I noticed that one of the flavors of Kettle Brand potato chips was in short supply. There were just two bags left of this flavor. Fortunately, they weren’t battered and greasy. The flavor was:
Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut Sharing Size Truffle Oil and Sea Salt.
I bought a bag.
Wow! These potato chips are great! They’re very fresh. They’re big. I didn’t find broken pieces inside. ( I haven’t gotten down to the bottom of the bag, yet. Sometimes, I have to take a break to masturbate. )
I wasn’t sure that I liked the flavor. At first, the flavor was good. Then I didn’t like it. Now, I like it again. I’ll probably buy this same flavor again. I’ll definitely buy Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut potato chips again!
I have tried all the different brands of potato chips, over the years. Cape Cod. Hawaiian Brand Kettle Style Potato Chips Sweet Maui Onion. Lay’s. ( Lay’s, in their original flavor and form, are inedible. )
Kettle Brand potato chips are the best! I highly recommend them! They’re definitely better than resorting to eating my penis. ( Unless you’re a lovely girl! )
I learned a lot at Tower Books. However, porn then wasn’t as explicit as it is now. I knew, vaguely, what a girl has between her legs. However, there were still important mysteries of this region of the female body to resolve. It took me nearly 20 years, in the decades just past, to learn with exactitude what a girl has between her legs. I learned this by studying, closely, the following magazines:
1. Hawk.
2. Finally Legal.
3. Live Young Girls.
( All specialized in informing men about the anatomies of 18-year-old girls. )
Sadly, the above magazines no longer exist. I consider this a great tragedy. That’s why I plan to move to Florida, and run for governor.
As your governor, Floridians, I promise to return all aspects of gender studies to kindergarten through the third grade. Children should not be deprived of this knowledge, as I was.
My plan for your schools is simple. Subsidize porn! This will ensure that there’s always a fresh supply of photos of naked 18-year-olds to inform and inspire our children. Nobody should have to spend age 40 through age 60 trying to divine the mysteries of the cunt!
All things being equal, what porn sells best? What sort of image is most likely to attract the viewer?
A blue-eyed blonde, with big boobs.
That’s not my opinion. ( Though I do like blondes with big boobs. ) It’s the result of my porn magazine research. Often, the magazine issue that was in the shortest supply, at Tower Books, had a blonde with big boobs on the cover.
by Andrew Roller
In 2019, I bought an iPhone. Later in the year, I bought an iPad. I continue to use both.
At the time, I considered buying an Apple Pencil. It was the newest Apple Pencil. My understanding is that it was a “second generation” pencil.
I had no immediate need for an Apple Pencil. However, I figured I might resort to it sometime. I charged it, but never actually used it.
I didn’t want my Apple Pencil to get lost, broken, or dusty. So I put it away. I carefully wrapped it in two plastic bags. I always remembered where I could find it.
This week, I got out my Apple Pencil. I attached it to my iPad to charge it. My iPad recognized my Apple Pencil. However, the Pencil’s battery refused to charge. It was dead. It stayed dead.
I detached my Apple Pencil. I reattached it to my iPad. This time, my iPad failed to recognize my Pencil. It still refused to charge it.
My Apple Pencil is dead. That’s because its battery is dead. The Pencil’s battery is not removable. If I want an Apple Pencil, I’ll have to buy a new one.
The Apple Pencil comes with a one year warranty. However, I bought my ( unused ) Pencil two and a half years ago. So, my pencil is out of warranty. Apple won’t replace it.
But why didn’t Apple tell me, when I bought my Pencil, to keep it charged? That’s the problem: my Pencil’s battery died because I didn’t keep my Pencil charged.
I paid $129.00 for my Apple Pencil. That money is utterly lost. Nothing in Apple’s packaging for my Pencil, and nothing at their stores, warned me to keep my Pencil charged.
I just found out, this week, that I was supposed to keep my Apple Pencil charged. How did I learn this? By researching my dead Pencil on Google. I had to use Google to find out what my Apple Pencil needed!
Last year, I was forced to buy Apple One. ( Which includes Apple T.V. I didn’t want Apple One. However, it was the only way to get more online storage space for my iPad. )
Apple One includes Apple T.V. I tried watching Apple T.V. God knows how much money Apple is blowing on Apple T.V., but none of its offerings interest me. “Foundation”, in particular, was obnoxious. I loved reading the Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov, in the 1970s. Apple’s Foundation is woke garbage.
Apple: if you can spend billions on ( worthless ) Apple T.V., why couldn’t you include a note with my Apple Pencil? A note that tells me to keep my Pencil charged!
Here is information that I got about the Apple Pencil, via Google:
“[ Question: ] Is There a Battery in the Apple Pencil?
“[ Answer: ] Yes, there is a battery in the Apple Pencil. … The Apple Pencil has a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery. It's no different from [ the battery in ] your phone, or [ from your laptop’s battery ], but [ it’s ] much smaller.
“This is a bit different from the Apple Pencil's competitors, like the Microsoft Surface Pen. Many have a replaceable, disposable battery, such as a AAAA battery or a watch battery. These disposable batteries last longer than the Apple Pencil's built-in battery ( for several months up to a year ), but replacing them can be a hassle. It's not possible to replace the Apple Pencil's battery. The Pencil must be replaced if the battery fails.
“[ Question: ] How long does the Apple Pencil battery last?
“[ Answer: ] A fully charged Apple Pencil should last you about 12 hours. If your battery is dead, charging for about 15 seconds can get you around 30 minutes of use. While there's no official word on exactly how long an Apple Pencil lasts before it completely drains, you can probably get at least a few years out of it as long as you take care of the battery ( keep it charged and don't let it go unused for very long periods of time ).”
- lifewire ( dot ) com.
“As with any [ lithium-ion ] battery, the tiny battery within the Pencil is susceptible to permanent / irreversible damage through being left discharged for long periods. Even some “new” pencils can exhibit signs of failure out-of-the-box if they are “old stock”.
“As the Apple Pencil does not have an on / off switch, it is essential that you charge the Pencil regularly - whether used or not - so as to protect the battery from deep-discharge. Do not allow a pencil to remain in low-charge state for any period of time - as the internal battery will fail, rendering the Pencil useless. Setting aside an unused Pencil, for extended periods, is a recipe for premature death of the Pencil battery.
“If the Pencil battery has failed, the only remedy is to replace the Pencil. If the battery has failed within its one-year warranty period, you should look to having it replaced by your retailer or at an Apple Store. Apple will generally replace an in-warranty Pencil without quibble.
“Many reports seen here suggest that gentle warming of the Pencil ( such as placing the pencil over a hot water radiator ) prior to attempting charging can sometimes resurrect a Pencil battery. Whilst nobody should advocate external heating of any [ lithium-ion ] battery ( this being potentially very dangerous ), gentle external warning of a tiny battery is unlikely to lead to catastrophic failure.”
- LotusPilot. On discussions-cn-prz.apple.com
Note to lawyers: The above comment likely proves the following: Apple knows, or should know, that its pencil may wind up atop a hot water radiator. Apple has failed to warn its customers to not engage in this behavior. Hence, if an Apple Pencil explodes, due to external warming by a customer, sue!
Apple’s liability extends to all those who reasonably come into contact with an Apple Pencil, in the course of its ordinary use. ( i.e., if Mom buys the Pencil, and Son tries to revive it, by putting it on a radiator. )
I don’t have a radiator. So, I haven’t tried warming my Pencil using this method. Also, I prefer to avoid using objects in a way that might cause them to explode. My eyes are worth more than $129.00.
( I apply the same logic to objects that I won’t mention, that can be made to flame, with the application of a lighter, but which can cause lifetime harm. )
“You cannot store [ an ] Apple Pencil for any prolonged period of time and NOT keep it charged up to some level. If your Apple Pencil sat around unused or unopened and not kept charged up for more than a few weeks, … OR EVEN LONGER, then the battery in your Apple Pencil may have failed and is dead and you will have to purchase another brand new Apple Pencil or get, if still under warranty, a free replacement Apple Pencil from Apple.
“And it looks like some things about the Apple Pencil have NOT changed in the new version 2 model, either. FYI and something Apple will never, EVER divulge to [ its ] potential iPad Pro Apple Pencil customers / users unless the potential customer / user is smart enough to ask about, Due to the “always on and active / standby” nature of the Apple Pencil and, also, due to its very tiny rechargeable [ lithium-ion ] battery ( smaller than the eraser head on a REAL wooden pencil ), the Apple Pencil needs to be constantly charged up to some significant charge level ALL THE TIME, even when not using the Apple Pencil for prolonged periods of time.
“Apple / Apple Stores or Apple employees will never, ever, mention / divulge this long term issue / flaw of the Apple Pencil.
“The Apple Pencil needs to be kept charged to a minimum of 5-10% all the time. If the Apple Pencil battery is allowed to drain down to 0% and allowed to stay in that flat condition for more than a few weeks, … OR EVEN LONGER, that very tiny little [ lithium-ion ] battery is too small to keep at a 0% state for a [ long ] period of time and it will fail and the Apple Pencil will be dead and you may have to “pop” for another $99 / $129 Apple Pencil, once again!
“Apple only has a one-year warranty on any Apple accessory items.
“You need to keep your Apple Pencil charged all the time, even if it is only to 10%-15% charge. It must keep some charge level in that tiny Lithium-ion battery at all times!
“One last ditch thing you can try is to plug the Apple Pencil's Lightning connector into the iPad. Then, try a simple hard reset of your iPad by holding down both the Home and sleep / wake buttons simultaneously until your iPad goes to black and restarts with [ the ] Apple logo, then release the buttons.
“Try the new hard reset procedure for the [ year ] 2018 / 2020 iPad Pro / iPad Air 4 models without a Home button.
“1. Press and release the volume UP button.
“2. Then immediately press and release the volume DOWN button.
“3. Then, press and hold the Power button at the top. You will see the Slide to Power off button, but keep on holding down the Power button until you see the Apple logo, then let it go.
“Once you have performed all the steps, wait for a few seconds and your iPad Pro will boot up completely to the iPad Pro's Lock screen.
“See if the Apple Pencil starts charging then, when it reaches a sufficient charge, like over 15%, or so, or more, disconnect the Apple Pencil and reconnect it to see if it Bluetooth pairs.
“If it does pair, try using it.
“Someone else posted another possible idea / solution that you can try before completely giving up on your Apple Pencil.
“Try heating up your [Apple ] Pencil using a hair dryer on its highest setting for 5-15 minutes, or so. Do not get the hair dryer heat too close to the Pencil.
“Or try leaving it near an active home heating register, where you live, for 10-15 minutes, or so. See if this will revive the Apple Pencil battery, or not. If still no joy, your Apple Pencil is definitely dead.”
- MichelPM. On discussions-cn-prz.apple.com
I did not try the “hard reset” method of reviving my Apple Pencil. Here’s why:
I’m increasingly wary of turning my iPad, or my iPhone, off. Let’s consider my iPad. I turn it off. It then turns itself back on, without my permission. My iPad’s screen consists of a white apple ( the Apple logo ) on a black screen.
I wait for this black screen to disappear. It never does. The white Apple continues to glow on the black screen. This lasts for hours. Finally, my iPad’s battery drains.
Sometimes, once my iPad’s battery is dead, I can charge my iPad, and then get it to return to normal. Sometimes, I can’t. If I can’t, it’s game over. I have to take my iPad to the Apple Store at the mall. Apple has one answer to this problem. They erase my iPad. Then, they send me home. For the next two weeks, I wait for Apple’s iCloud to download my files into my iPad. This is a very slow process. For two weeks, lacking my iPad, I can’t masturbate!
Note: to get an appointment at the Apple Store takes one to two weeks. So, for at least three weeks, I’m sitting at home, holding my dick.
So far, I had to suffer through this ordeal once. It was my iPad that had to be erased. However, my iPhone has similar problems.
My advice: if you have an older iPhone or iPad, don’t turn it off. What if your device is having trouble? How will your device eventually get fixed? Apple will update the current iOS. ( The operating system for your device. ) Always download the new iOS. That will fix your device, for awhile.
What do I do if my device crashes? ( In the manner that I’ve stated, above. ) I try to turn my device on in the normal way. If that fails ( the black screen persists ), I do a “hard reset”. What if that doesn’t work? I do it again. And again, as needed.
Sometimes, a “hard reset” revives my device.
Apple has, apparently, been improving its software, in this regard. Recently, my iPad crashed. I couldn’t revive it. I gave up on my iPad. Later, I noticed that it was doing “hard resets” on its own! One of these “hard resets” revived my iPad!
( Either that, or the F.B.I., with its new snooping software, was eager to resume watching me masturbate! )
In conclusion:
Tim Cook! Don’t ask where I want to shove my dead Apple Pencil!
In the beginning, there was Adam.
Then God fucked up, and created Eve.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 183
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 183, version 2.0
Date Written: May 5, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 183
Editorial Thunder presents...
Delicious Chips!
Plus: Ripped off by Apple!
And: Women: the final word.
On potato chips, porn, and masturbation.
by Andrew Roller
About two decades ago, I bought Kettle Brand potato chips. They were awful. They were burned, greasy, and not very crunchy.
Recently, at the grocery, I picked up a package of hot dogs. I wanted steak. Thanks to inflation, I’m now eating hot dogs. At least I haven’t resorted to eating my penis.
I noticed a sign under the hot dogs. It said that if I bought two packages of hot dogs, I could get a free bag of kettle potato chips. It didn’t say “Kettle Brand”. But, when you’re an old fart like me, you know, pretty well, how this world works.
At least with regard to grocery store freebies.
I decided to buy the two packages of hot dogs.
If you live alone, you know what that means. Downing the first package of hot dogs will be a good gastronomic experience. The second package of hot dogs is either toilsome to get down, or it winds up somewhere in the back of your refrigerator. You discover it two years from now.
( Fortunately, thanks to “bare shelves Biden”, it’s now nearly impossible for me to lose anything in my fridge. )
Armed with my two packs of hot dogs, I went in search of Kettle Brand potato chips. I found them. The bags of Kettle Brand potato chips were astonishingly big. There were a number of flavors.
Decades ago, I went to Tower Books. I did this regularly. I went to Tower Books in Sacramento. ( Called, by at least one cartoonist, “Sacratomato”. Or, given how holy the people there think they are, “Sacred Tomato”. )
I bought books at Tower Books. I’m a literate person. However, I was deeply concerned about the social fabric of Sacramento. There weren’t enough perverts. Making a sacrifice to improve the place, I bought lots of porn at Tower Books. Specifically, porn magazines.
I learned the following: the porn magazine that is in the shortest supply is the best one to buy. Tower sold various porn titles. There would always be one issue, of a title, that had very few copies left. Which title it was varied. However, the last copy or so would be battered and greasy. ( From being looked at by perverts. )
I would strive, mightily, to avoid buying the issue that was battered and greasy. However, after my thorough inspection, of all the available magazine titles, I was stuck with this answer: buy the battered, greasy magazine, Andrew. That’s the one that’s worth shooting off to.
So I did.
At the grocery, I noticed that one of the flavors of Kettle Brand potato chips was in short supply. There were just two bags left of this flavor. Fortunately, they weren’t battered and greasy. The flavor was:
Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut Sharing Size Truffle Oil and Sea Salt.
I bought a bag.
Wow! These potato chips are great! They’re very fresh. They’re big. I didn’t find broken pieces inside. ( I haven’t gotten down to the bottom of the bag, yet. Sometimes, I have to take a break to masturbate. )
I wasn’t sure that I liked the flavor. At first, the flavor was good. Then I didn’t like it. Now, I like it again. I’ll probably buy this same flavor again. I’ll definitely buy Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut potato chips again!
I have tried all the different brands of potato chips, over the years. Cape Cod. Hawaiian Brand Kettle Style Potato Chips Sweet Maui Onion. Lay’s. ( Lay’s, in their original flavor and form, are inedible. )
Kettle Brand potato chips are the best! I highly recommend them! They’re definitely better than resorting to eating my penis. ( Unless you’re a lovely girl! )
I learned a lot at Tower Books. However, porn then wasn’t as explicit as it is now. I knew, vaguely, what a girl has between her legs. However, there were still important mysteries of this region of the female body to resolve. It took me nearly 20 years, in the decades just past, to learn with exactitude what a girl has between her legs. I learned this by studying, closely, the following magazines:
1. Hawk.
2. Finally Legal.
3. Live Young Girls.
( All specialized in informing men about the anatomies of 18-year-old girls. )
Sadly, the above magazines no longer exist. I consider this a great tragedy. That’s why I plan to move to Florida, and run for governor.
As your governor, Floridians, I promise to return all aspects of gender studies to kindergarten through the third grade. Children should not be deprived of this knowledge, as I was.
My plan for your schools is simple. Subsidize porn! This will ensure that there’s always a fresh supply of photos of naked 18-year-olds to inform and inspire our children. Nobody should have to spend age 40 through age 60 trying to divine the mysteries of the cunt!
All things being equal, what porn sells best? What sort of image is most likely to attract the viewer?
A blue-eyed blonde, with big boobs.
That’s not my opinion. ( Though I do like blondes with big boobs. ) It’s the result of my porn magazine research. Often, the magazine issue that was in the shortest supply, at Tower Books, had a blonde with big boobs on the cover.
by Andrew Roller
In 2019, I bought an iPhone. Later in the year, I bought an iPad. I continue to use both.
At the time, I considered buying an Apple Pencil. It was the newest Apple Pencil. My understanding is that it was a “second generation” pencil.
I had no immediate need for an Apple Pencil. However, I figured I might resort to it sometime. I charged it, but never actually used it.
I didn’t want my Apple Pencil to get lost, broken, or dusty. So I put it away. I carefully wrapped it in two plastic bags. I always remembered where I could find it.
This week, I got out my Apple Pencil. I attached it to my iPad to charge it. My iPad recognized my Apple Pencil. However, the Pencil’s battery refused to charge. It was dead. It stayed dead.
I detached my Apple Pencil. I reattached it to my iPad. This time, my iPad failed to recognize my Pencil. It still refused to charge it.
My Apple Pencil is dead. That’s because its battery is dead. The Pencil’s battery is not removable. If I want an Apple Pencil, I’ll have to buy a new one.
The Apple Pencil comes with a one year warranty. However, I bought my ( unused ) Pencil two and a half years ago. So, my pencil is out of warranty. Apple won’t replace it.
But why didn’t Apple tell me, when I bought my Pencil, to keep it charged? That’s the problem: my Pencil’s battery died because I didn’t keep my Pencil charged.
I paid $129.00 for my Apple Pencil. That money is utterly lost. Nothing in Apple’s packaging for my Pencil, and nothing at their stores, warned me to keep my Pencil charged.
I just found out, this week, that I was supposed to keep my Apple Pencil charged. How did I learn this? By researching my dead Pencil on Google. I had to use Google to find out what my Apple Pencil needed!
Last year, I was forced to buy Apple One. ( Which includes Apple T.V. I didn’t want Apple One. However, it was the only way to get more online storage space for my iPad. )
Apple One includes Apple T.V. I tried watching Apple T.V. God knows how much money Apple is blowing on Apple T.V., but none of its offerings interest me. “Foundation”, in particular, was obnoxious. I loved reading the Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov, in the 1970s. Apple’s Foundation is woke garbage.
Apple: if you can spend billions on ( worthless ) Apple T.V., why couldn’t you include a note with my Apple Pencil? A note that tells me to keep my Pencil charged!
Here is information that I got about the Apple Pencil, via Google:
“[ Question: ] Is There a Battery in the Apple Pencil?
“[ Answer: ] Yes, there is a battery in the Apple Pencil. … The Apple Pencil has a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery. It's no different from [ the battery in ] your phone, or [ from your laptop’s battery ], but [ it’s ] much smaller.
“This is a bit different from the Apple Pencil's competitors, like the Microsoft Surface Pen. Many have a replaceable, disposable battery, such as a AAAA battery or a watch battery. These disposable batteries last longer than the Apple Pencil's built-in battery ( for several months up to a year ), but replacing them can be a hassle. It's not possible to replace the Apple Pencil's battery. The Pencil must be replaced if the battery fails.
“[ Question: ] How long does the Apple Pencil battery last?
“[ Answer: ] A fully charged Apple Pencil should last you about 12 hours. If your battery is dead, charging for about 15 seconds can get you around 30 minutes of use. While there's no official word on exactly how long an Apple Pencil lasts before it completely drains, you can probably get at least a few years out of it as long as you take care of the battery ( keep it charged and don't let it go unused for very long periods of time ).”
- lifewire ( dot ) com.
“As with any [ lithium-ion ] battery, the tiny battery within the Pencil is susceptible to permanent / irreversible damage through being left discharged for long periods. Even some “new” pencils can exhibit signs of failure out-of-the-box if they are “old stock”.
“As the Apple Pencil does not have an on / off switch, it is essential that you charge the Pencil regularly - whether used or not - so as to protect the battery from deep-discharge. Do not allow a pencil to remain in low-charge state for any period of time - as the internal battery will fail, rendering the Pencil useless. Setting aside an unused Pencil, for extended periods, is a recipe for premature death of the Pencil battery.
“If the Pencil battery has failed, the only remedy is to replace the Pencil. If the battery has failed within its one-year warranty period, you should look to having it replaced by your retailer or at an Apple Store. Apple will generally replace an in-warranty Pencil without quibble.
“Many reports seen here suggest that gentle warming of the Pencil ( such as placing the pencil over a hot water radiator ) prior to attempting charging can sometimes resurrect a Pencil battery. Whilst nobody should advocate external heating of any [ lithium-ion ] battery ( this being potentially very dangerous ), gentle external warning of a tiny battery is unlikely to lead to catastrophic failure.”
- LotusPilot. On discussions-cn-prz.apple.com
Note to lawyers: The above comment likely proves the following: Apple knows, or should know, that its pencil may wind up atop a hot water radiator. Apple has failed to warn its customers to not engage in this behavior. Hence, if an Apple Pencil explodes, due to external warming by a customer, sue!
Apple’s liability extends to all those who reasonably come into contact with an Apple Pencil, in the course of its ordinary use. ( i.e., if Mom buys the Pencil, and Son tries to revive it, by putting it on a radiator. )
I don’t have a radiator. So, I haven’t tried warming my Pencil using this method. Also, I prefer to avoid using objects in a way that might cause them to explode. My eyes are worth more than $129.00.
( I apply the same logic to objects that I won’t mention, that can be made to flame, with the application of a lighter, but which can cause lifetime harm. )
“You cannot store [ an ] Apple Pencil for any prolonged period of time and NOT keep it charged up to some level. If your Apple Pencil sat around unused or unopened and not kept charged up for more than a few weeks, … OR EVEN LONGER, then the battery in your Apple Pencil may have failed and is dead and you will have to purchase another brand new Apple Pencil or get, if still under warranty, a free replacement Apple Pencil from Apple.
“And it looks like some things about the Apple Pencil have NOT changed in the new version 2 model, either. FYI and something Apple will never, EVER divulge to [ its ] potential iPad Pro Apple Pencil customers / users unless the potential customer / user is smart enough to ask about, Due to the “always on and active / standby” nature of the Apple Pencil and, also, due to its very tiny rechargeable [ lithium-ion ] battery ( smaller than the eraser head on a REAL wooden pencil ), the Apple Pencil needs to be constantly charged up to some significant charge level ALL THE TIME, even when not using the Apple Pencil for prolonged periods of time.
“Apple / Apple Stores or Apple employees will never, ever, mention / divulge this long term issue / flaw of the Apple Pencil.
“The Apple Pencil needs to be kept charged to a minimum of 5-10% all the time. If the Apple Pencil battery is allowed to drain down to 0% and allowed to stay in that flat condition for more than a few weeks, … OR EVEN LONGER, that very tiny little [ lithium-ion ] battery is too small to keep at a 0% state for a [ long ] period of time and it will fail and the Apple Pencil will be dead and you may have to “pop” for another $99 / $129 Apple Pencil, once again!
“Apple only has a one-year warranty on any Apple accessory items.
“You need to keep your Apple Pencil charged all the time, even if it is only to 10%-15% charge. It must keep some charge level in that tiny Lithium-ion battery at all times!
“One last ditch thing you can try is to plug the Apple Pencil's Lightning connector into the iPad. Then, try a simple hard reset of your iPad by holding down both the Home and sleep / wake buttons simultaneously until your iPad goes to black and restarts with [ the ] Apple logo, then release the buttons.
“Try the new hard reset procedure for the [ year ] 2018 / 2020 iPad Pro / iPad Air 4 models without a Home button.
“1. Press and release the volume UP button.
“2. Then immediately press and release the volume DOWN button.
“3. Then, press and hold the Power button at the top. You will see the Slide to Power off button, but keep on holding down the Power button until you see the Apple logo, then let it go.
“Once you have performed all the steps, wait for a few seconds and your iPad Pro will boot up completely to the iPad Pro's Lock screen.
“See if the Apple Pencil starts charging then, when it reaches a sufficient charge, like over 15%, or so, or more, disconnect the Apple Pencil and reconnect it to see if it Bluetooth pairs.
“If it does pair, try using it.
“Someone else posted another possible idea / solution that you can try before completely giving up on your Apple Pencil.
“Try heating up your [Apple ] Pencil using a hair dryer on its highest setting for 5-15 minutes, or so. Do not get the hair dryer heat too close to the Pencil.
“Or try leaving it near an active home heating register, where you live, for 10-15 minutes, or so. See if this will revive the Apple Pencil battery, or not. If still no joy, your Apple Pencil is definitely dead.”
- MichelPM. On discussions-cn-prz.apple.com
I did not try the “hard reset” method of reviving my Apple Pencil. Here’s why:
I’m increasingly wary of turning my iPad, or my iPhone, off. Let’s consider my iPad. I turn it off. It then turns itself back on, without my permission. My iPad’s screen consists of a white apple ( the Apple logo ) on a black screen.
I wait for this black screen to disappear. It never does. The white Apple continues to glow on the black screen. This lasts for hours. Finally, my iPad’s battery drains.
Sometimes, once my iPad’s battery is dead, I can charge my iPad, and then get it to return to normal. Sometimes, I can’t. If I can’t, it’s game over. I have to take my iPad to the Apple Store at the mall. Apple has one answer to this problem. They erase my iPad. Then, they send me home. For the next two weeks, I wait for Apple’s iCloud to download my files into my iPad. This is a very slow process. For two weeks, lacking my iPad, I can’t masturbate!
Note: to get an appointment at the Apple Store takes one to two weeks. So, for at least three weeks, I’m sitting at home, holding my dick.
So far, I had to suffer through this ordeal once. It was my iPad that had to be erased. However, my iPhone has similar problems.
My advice: if you have an older iPhone or iPad, don’t turn it off. What if your device is having trouble? How will your device eventually get fixed? Apple will update the current iOS. ( The operating system for your device. ) Always download the new iOS. That will fix your device, for awhile.
What do I do if my device crashes? ( In the manner that I’ve stated, above. ) I try to turn my device on in the normal way. If that fails ( the black screen persists ), I do a “hard reset”. What if that doesn’t work? I do it again. And again, as needed.
Sometimes, a “hard reset” revives my device.
Apple has, apparently, been improving its software, in this regard. Recently, my iPad crashed. I couldn’t revive it. I gave up on my iPad. Later, I noticed that it was doing “hard resets” on its own! One of these “hard resets” revived my iPad!
( Either that, or the F.B.I., with its new snooping software, was eager to resume watching me masturbate! )
In conclusion:
Tim Cook! Don’t ask where I want to shove my dead Apple Pencil!
In the beginning, there was Adam.
Then God fucked up, and created Eve.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 183
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 183, version 2.0
Date Written: May 5, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Dating Kay J
ET 182
Editorial Thunder presents...
Dating Kay J
Plus: The last word on Heaven.
by Andrew Roller
“what a cute angel …SANORA is a perfect gallery!”
- basy. In the “Comments” section of indexxx ( dot ) com. Date: October 17, 2016.
Kay J is a nude model. Until the war, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. The comment ( above ), from indexxx ( dot ) com, reliably dates one of Kay’s photographic items. The photographic item is called, “Sanora”.
“Sanora” is a photo gallery. It is credited to the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. Indexxx gives the following date for “Sanora”: October 17, 2016. This date is under an image from “Sanora”. The image is in the main part of Kay’s page at indexxx. The main part of Kay’s page at indexxx is separate from the “Comments” section.
Link to both: https://www.indexxx ( dot ) com/m/kay-j
Indexxx’s date for “Sanora” is not correct. I downloaded “Sanora” from the metartnetwork. The cover photo is dated October 11, 2016. The photos that make up the gallery are all dated October 6, 2016.
Furthermore, in “Sanora”, Kay is old and fat. She is not young and cute. At indexxx, the video “Wet Dreams”, starring Kay, is dated September 20, 2016. Kay is young and cute in “Wet Dreams”. So, in one month, Kay went from being young and cute to old and fat.
It gets worse. At indexxx, there is a photo gallery called “Rough Touch”. It stars Kay J. She is young and cute. This photo gallery is dated October 20, 2016. That’s three days after indexxx’s date for “Sanora”! So, in three days, Kay went from being old and fat to being young and cute.
I downloaded “Rough Touch” from the metartnetwork. The cover photo is dated October 16, 2016. The photos that make up the gallery are all dated June 2, 2017. June 2, 2017 is a ludicrous date. It is nearly a year after the date that the metartnetwork posted “Rough Touch” to its web site! ( The dates at indexxx, on its main page for Kay J, show when each of her photographic items was posted by the relevant porn site. )
Kay J’s career as a nude model began on May 1, 2016. This is when the metartnetwork posted “Presenting Kay J” to its web site. May 1, 2016 is the date listed for “Presenting Kay J” at indexxx. ( On the main part of Kay J’s page. )
NOTE: If you look at the cover photo for “Presenting Kay J”, it reads, “Kay”.
Let’s go to the “Comments” section on Kay J’s page, at indexxx. On May 1, 2016, sexo18 wrote the following: “sexy cute babe”. This is the first comment on Kay J. There aren’t any comments with an earlier date.
Yet, by October of the same year, after just one summer, Kay is old and fat! This is impossible.
Kay was born on March 21, 1996. This date is confirmed in various places, including on her Only Fans web site. Kay was added to freeones ( dot ) com on June 17, 2016. Kay turned 20 years old in March of 2016.
There are many photographic items of young, cute Kay J. These were all made by Alex Lynn. In “Sanora”, where Kay is old and fat, her photographer was Arkisi. Kay is old, but not fat, in the photo gallery “Nedsa”. “Nedsa” was photographed by Arkisi. At indexxx, “Nedsa” bears the date of November 21, 2016. ( The dates on the actual photo gallery, downloaded from the metartnetwork, are similar. )
Hence, Kay is both young and cute, and old and fat, and old but not fat, in the space of a few months.
Note: “Wet Dreams”, a video, bears the date of September 20, 2016. If you download the video from the metartnetwork, you do not get the date that the video was ( allegedly ) made. You get the date that you downloaded the video!
However, if you download a photo gallery from the metartnetwork, you get the date that the photo gallery was ( allegedly ) made.
Alex Lynn did not work for the metartnetwork. As best I can tell, he was an independent photographer. He was a Westerner based in Kyiv, Ukraine. ( His name is obviously not Ukrainian. This assumes, of course, that “Alex Lynn” is his real name. )
Alex Lynn had two separate web sites of his own. I’ve only found the name of one: alex-lynn ( dot ) com. This is listed under a number of empty white boxes at indexxx. In each of these white boxes the following is written: Sorry No Photo Available.
It isn’t just the photos that aren’t available. The photographic items themselves are gone! You can find some free samples for some of these lost photographic items on the internet. They’re scattered across various free sample web sites. One lost photo gallery has been published by the metartnetwork. The metartnetwork calls this gallery “Cocktail Dress”. It’s a tragedy that so many Kay J photo galleries are gone. These are some of Kay J’s finest galleries.
How do I know that Alex Lynn had two web sites? I found a complaint about Lynn’s web sites, somewhere on the internet. According to the complaint, Lynn was selling the same material on both of his web sites. He was changing the the names of his models, to get you to think that the same girl was somehow a different one. In other words, he was trying to ‘double his money’ by selling the same girls, twice. That was the complaint. I am unable to verify the complaint. However, I can say the following:
In the 1990s, an American publisher published the anonymous Victorian novel called “Arabella”. Then, a few years later, this same publisher republished “Arabella”. This time, the publisher changed the book’s title. It changed all the names of the characters in the novel. I was ready to buy the novel, at a bookstore, when I realized that I already owned it!
In my opinion, so-called “pornography”, including ( currently ) illegal “child pornography”, is as worthy an art form as any other art form. Admit it: looking at naked Kay J is way more fun than looking at the Mona Lisa. It is our puritanical society that denigrates “pornography”. As a result, certain sleazy people think that “porn”, being unworthy, is an ideal vehicle by which to scam porn’s admirers. Hence, the American publisher resold “Arabella” under a different title. And, allegedly, Alex Lynn resold the same girls, under different names, on two different web sites that had the same content.
Note: whatever his sins as a salesman, Alex Lynn was a brilliant photographer.
“Pornography” is as valuable as any other form of cultural expression. It is, for instance, as valuable as religious expression. Indeed, religions have sparked wars. This is true of ancient times, as well as of September 11, 2001. I know of no wars over pornography. The only time the word “war” is associated with “porn” is when there is a “war on porn”. That is, when a government is resorting to violence to repress sexual expression. Hence, it is our society that denigrates “pornography”. Pornography does not carry its own denigration. ( Just as the Ukrainians are not bombing themselves. )
I will give an example, from my own life, of how a society is to blame for how someone is viewed. I once lived in Sacramento. I lived there for about 20 years. There, I was constantly being accused, by one means or another, of being a child molester. I was never accused of being a thief.
Then, I moved to downtown San Diego. I’ve lived here for about 20 years. Here, I have never been accused of being a child molester. However, I am constantly being accused, by one means or another, of being a thief! So it is the society’s own paranoia that is determining who I am, not me.
One is never supposed to say, “It’s the fault of the society”. One is always supposed to blame oneself. However, Herodotus writes, “Custom is king”. Hence, how society views someone can be determinative. Or, as is the case in a legal proceeding: “The jury decides what the facts are”.
Let’s look at Kay’s photo gallery called “Phania”. At indexxx, this gallery bears the date of June 17, 2016. The downloaded gallery bears a single date for both the cover photo and the gallery itself. That date is September 21, 2016.
I have concluded that “Phania” is Kay’s earliest photographic item. Look at her face. Kay’s face is ( rather ) narrow. She doesn’t yet have adorably cute chubby cheeks. Hence, she’s young and skinny. In fact, the narrowness of her face makes her nose look more prominent. Kay is not overly cute in “Phania”.
There is a porn model called Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne. There are photos of her at naughtymag ( dot ) com and at 18eighteen ( dot ) com. They date, in real life, from ( about ) August of 2001. In these photos, Sloan is an attractive blonde. However, her face is narrow. It isn’t cute.
That doesn’t last. Sloan soon gains a bit of weight. This is evident in later photographic items, at various porn sites. Sloan’s face becomes rounder. Her body becomes ( a bit ) fuller. Suddenly, she looks fabulous. Sloan became one of the most popular porn stars of her era. ( She mostly did solo nude modeling. )
Kay J undergoes a similar transformation. Her face becomes rounder than in “Phania”. By the time of “Wet Dreams”, she is astoundingly lovely. Then, if one uses the dates of indexxx, she’s old and fat in less than a month. ( But young and cute three days later! )
I propose the following: Alex Lynn photographed Kay J prior to 2016. He may have photographed her in “Phania” when she was 18. That is, in 2014. He may have filmed her in “Wet Dreams” in 2014 or in 2015.
“Wet Dreams” is a video. It is meant to display Kay’s nude innocence. It has no other purpose. However, in “Wet Dreams”, Kay has whip marks on her body. She was, in her private life, a BDSM babe. In my opinion, there is a difference between a girl being a BDSM babe when she’s 18, and when she’s 20. It’s not a big difference. But it bears some significance.
In a comedy routine, Bill Maher damned someone for being romantically interested “in a teenager”. A teenager is 18. Someone who’s 20 is not a teenager. At age 61, I have never held hands with a female. Kay J, at age 18, was likely a BDSM babe. Yet, if I’m romantically interested in her, according to our society, I’m a sexual pervert. That makes no sense to me. It shows how far this society has strayed from ordinary, historical, human and pre-human behavior. Note that this is the first time, in history, that humans can wipe themselves off the face of the earth. Note, too, that we are currently in danger of doing just that. Doubtless, it will be because this society wound up with too many sexual perverts who, at age 61, had zero sexual or romantic experience.
BDSM, and being whipped, are considered “edge play”. They represent the extreme of sexual behavior. This is not my own judgement. ( How would I know? ) It’s what I’ve read.
I am trying to understand, exactly, what happened to Kay prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”. In a prior issue, I said that she was hit, erotically, with both a whip and a riding crop. I have now eliminated the riding crop from consideration. Here’s my latest theory.
Kay went to a bondage party. Probably, she went with her boyfriend. ( Whoever he was. ) Or, perhaps, she went with Alex Lynn. At the party, Kay probably saw several ladies get whipped. Whoever was doing the whipping was an expert. Kay had, likely, never met him before. He was probably introduced as some sort of expert whom she’d only get to meet once.
Hence, Kay decided to ‘take the plunge’. She decided to submit to him. Kay was chained ( or tied ) facing away from him. Her arms were secured above her head.
The whipmaster was to Kay’s left. He used a six foot bullwhip on her. He whipped her ass and her upper thighs. This is a very traditional way to whip someone.
The whipmaster then stopped using the bullwhip. Instead, he armed himself with a stock whip. This whip was likely only three or four feet long.
The whipmaster turned Kay around. She was now facing him. He, again, stood to her left. But he was closer to her. He whipped her right hip several times. This put vertical slash marks onto her hip. I guess he was ensuring that she was still willing to “play”. When she didn’t utter a “safe word” ( to stop him ), he proceeded to surprise her. He whipped her right breast several times. He struck her close to her right nipple.
I read about the skill that one can develop, with a whip. If you’re learning to strike with a whip, aim at a light switch. Obviously, the man who whipped Kay could hit a light switch. Hence, he was able to strike, three times, close to Kay’s nipple, without hitting it. Talk about edge play!
Kay’s breast was cut by the whip. In fact, it is possible to redden skin, without cutting it, by lashing it with a whip. Hence, Kay’s breasts may have been struck a number of times. It was the repeated blows of the whip that caused her right breast to eventually be cut.
Kay’s hip, and her bottom, were also cut by the whip. Her left thigh may have been cut.
There is a whip mark on her left thigh that didn’t bleed. Hence, Kay must have been whipped recently, at the time that “Wet Dreams” was filmed. ( Otherwise, this mark would have vanished.) How recently had Kay been whipped? I would say: within the prior hour. However, “Wet Dreams” was filmed on a porch. There is bright daylight beyond the porch, and a view of the sea. ( Or, perhaps, of a big river. ) Due to the lack of shadows outside, it appears to be noon.
The view beyond the porch doesn’t agree with my best conjecture of when Kay was whipped. Was she whipped at 11 a.m. at a BDSM party? Whatever the merits of BDSM, it seems, to me, to be a pursuit of the night. Perhaps Alex Lynn was the whipmaster. Perhaps he whipped Kay, and then filmed her. However, this doesn’t agree with my understanding of photography, and of Lynn’s work. Lynn surely worked with a team of people. In “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”, a female hair dresser is present. It is not plausible to assume that Lynn’s team hung around while Lynn had a highly intimate whipping “scene” with Kay. This is so since the purpose of “Wet Dreams” has nothing to do with Kay bearing whip marks. Furthermore, all of Lynn’s work is “soft core” nudity. It’s the equivalent of Playboy in the 1970s.
Now you know why I continue to write about Kay J. There are questions about her that I just can’t answer. Such questions don’t beset me when I look at other models. In the case of other models, what you see is what you get. Furthermore, other models don’t interest me as much as Kay J does.
Kay displays a host of emotions in her photographic items. By comparison, consider Alisa Amore. ( Called “Alisa I” at indexxx. ) Alisa is lovely. However, she usually displays the same sexually knowing expression. That’s not true with Kay J. She can be thrillingly submissive, naively confident, or irksomely proud. Other emotions also run through her. Alisa evokes the image of a capable older sister. Kay is the kid sister who daringly attempts more than she meant to.
Probably, Kay’s experience with BDSM didn’t begin with “Wet Dreams”. ( That is, just prior to “Wet Dreams” being filmed. ) Usually, one’s experience with BDSM starts with a spanking. The natural successor to that is a ( folded ) belt. One doesn’t get to whips and chains until one has experienced a great deal. And meeting someone who can handle a whip well isn’t an everyday thing.
Once, I was in the Emergency Room of UC Davis Hospital. ( In Sacramento. ) A 15-year-old girl had been caught having sex with her boyfriend. She had been caught at home, by her Dad. This being America, Dad brought daughter to the Emergency Room. Dad and daughter were gone by the time I arrived, but the nurses were still talking about the experience. The girl’s father had been running around the Emergency Room. He had been frantically asking the doctors and nurses, of his daughter, “Is she still a virgin?!” To which, one of the nurses said to the other, of the girl,
“She probably hasn’t been, for at least a year.” Note the words, “At least”. So, in the opinion of the nurses, the average American girl is not a virgin after age 13 or 14. Yet, according to Bill Maher, any “man” who is romantically attracted to a 13 year old girl is a sexual pervert. Indeed, Maher was, as best I could tell, damning a “man” who’d been romantically interested in a girl who was 19 years old!
America, and the West, are sick societies. They aren’t sick because of an excess of sex. They’re sick because they damn sex. America and the West hand out birth control in grade schools, discuss gender with kindergartners, and perform post birth “abortions”. At the same time, America and the West condemn any “man” who finds young females attractive.
I know what I’m supposed to believe. I’m speaking of the current moment. I’m only supposed to find women who are “my age” attractive. I’m not supposed to just physically limit myself to such women. I’m supposed to ardently believe that, somehow, only women who are grandmothers are sexually appealing!
If I “identify” as heterosexual, I’m supposed to be open to sexual relationships with men. But only old men! ( Ask any priest who’s gotten into trouble for relationships with younger priests. )
In other words, I’m supposed to be solely attracted to elderly women, and men! I can’t regard Lolita as beautiful. I’m supposed to fail to notice that she exists. This as she merrily gets fucked and erotically whipped.
I hope this article illuminates current problems in our contemporary society. Before we commit mass suicide with nuclear weapons.
DATING “Model Tests”.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J stars in the following video: Model Tests episode IV Kay J. At indexxx ( dot ) com, and at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, this video bears the following date: June 18, 2017. This date is ridiculous. “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” was clearly filmed on the same date that the photo gallery “Presenting Kay J” was made. That date is listed as May 1, 2016.
( May 1, 2016 is, in fact, the date that the metartnetwork posted “Presenting Kay J” to its web site. It is not the date that the photo gallery was shot. )
“Presenting Kay J” is Kay’s first appearance as a nude model. Therefore, her career began on May 1, 2016. But when was “Presenting Kay J” actually shot?
Here’s my real question: when was “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” filmed? Specifically, was “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” filmed before, or after, she was whipped in “Wet Dreams”? ( That is, just prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”? )
In “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”, Kay is wearing blue panties. They have white butterflies on them. Kay pulls down her panties. There is a close-up of her bottom. High on the right cheek of her bottom, toward its inner curve, is a red dot. This same dot appears in “Wet Dreams”. It also appears in a video filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. That video is called “Dreaming”.
Kay’s body bears whip marks in “Wet Dreams”, and in “Dreaming”. They are the same whip marks. ( By the time “Dreaming” was filmed, some of Kay’s whip marks had disappeared. )
I have seen Kay’s ass many times, including at her Only Fans web site. Her ass does not have any natural blemishes. Hence, the red dot, high on the right cheek of her bottom, is a whip mark! It is the sole whip mark that remains from “Wet Dreams” ( and from “Dreaming” ).
What can we conclude from this?
Kay was a BDSM babe prior to being a nude model. The standard view of her whipping would be that she wouldn’t have undergone such an experience if she hadn’t gone into porn. However, according to my analysis, Kay’s life as a BDSM babe preceded her life as a porn star. ( In fact, she’s a nude model. Kay hasn’t done porn, except for one recent Only Fans photo, where she has sperm on her face. )
The book “50 Shades of Grey” was published on April 17, 2012. ( The year the world was, supposedly, going to end, according to the Mayans. ) The movie “50 Shades of Grey” was released on February 13, 2015. Kay was, respectively, 16 years old when “50 Shades of Grey” was published, and 18 years old when the movie came out.
Today, a book or a film can enjoy a worldwide release. However, in years past, it took time for a book to migrate from America to Ukraine, where Kay lived. The same was true for a movie.
For Kay to view a movie, she had to be aware that it existed. Probably, she’s drawn to a movie if it is popular.
Hence, being a BDSM babe at, say, age 18 would not have been unusual in the teen years of this century. I say this to excuse Kay from potential criticism. ( Indeed, images of erotic whippings date back to Roman times. )
The order in which Kay’s videos were filmed is likely as follows:
1. “Wet Dreams”.
2. “Dreaming”. ( Filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. )
3. “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”. ( Filmed several days, to a week, after “Wet Dreams”. )
As you can see, the dates given by indexxx, and by the metartnetwork, do not reflect reality. To discover the true timeline for Kay’s photographic items requires a considerable amount of sleuthing.
But Kay J is worth it!
Kay has light bikini tan lines in “Wet Dreams”. ( Look, in particular, at her right hip. You’ll see the distinctive twin tan lines of her bikini panties. ) She has light bikini tan lines in “Dreaming” and in “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”.
You’ll recall that, according to my analysis, “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” was filmed on the same day that “Presenting Kay J” was shot. “Presenting Kay J” bears the date of May 1, 2016. Hence, “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” was filmed on, or prior to, May 1st! So too, according to my analysis, were “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.
Until 2022, Kay lived her entire life in Kyiv, Ukraine. According to my analysis, Alex Lynn’s photography studio was in Kyiv. In April, in Kyiv, the hottest it gets is 58 degrees. The coldest it gets is 41 degrees. This is not tanning weather. As a result, I’m forced to conclude that “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” wasn’t filmed on May 1, 2016. Nor was it filmed in April of 2016. It was probably filmed in the summer of 2015, or even in the summer of 2014! The same is true of “Wet Dreams” and of “Dreaming”.
Someone might argue: Lynn put Kay in a tanning booth. Okay, but there are photos of Kay where her teeth could have been whiter. If Lynn was going to trouble himself with a tanning booth, why didn’t he send Kay to a dentist? That would have taken no more than an hour.
I read this about 18-year-old girls: they’re flakey. They’ll agree to pose nude, and then fail to show up. In other words, in porn, the rule is this: if the girl says she’ll take off her clothes, photograph her right away! If you wait, she may fail to show. ( In which case, getting a blow job off her is out of the question. )
Hence, if he was wise, Alex Lynn photographed Kay, in the nude, at the first opportunity. He didn’t waste time putting her in a tanning booth, where she might have decided that posing was something Grandma would disfavor. He didn’t send her to a dentist, where she might fall in love with the dentist. He photographed her as she was. With her bikini tan lines. Hence, her tan lines are from the sun. And one can’t successfully lie in the sun in Kyiv in April.
There are four videos from what I call Kay’s “kid cute” era. Her fourth video is titled, “My Channel”. In it, Kay has the same distinctive bikini tan lines as in her other “kid cute” videos. She also has some evidence of whip marks. These may be different whip marks from those in her other “kid cute” videos.
I continue to try to construct a timeline of Kay’s life, her life as a BDSM babe, and her life as a nude model. Why she doesn’t jump in bed with me and tell me her whole life is beyond me.
Yes, it’s a grail. But it’s not a holy grail.
1. The years 1963 - 1980: Sex is love and liberation.
2. The years 1980 - 2022: Sex is filth and exploitation. Followed, in subsequent years, by: Sex is violence and oppression.
Note: Sex is, in fact, just sex. Aside from asexual reproduction ( by plants ), it is the only thing that permits life to exist. Life can exist without religion. It cannot exist without sex.
Contra John Lennon, you don’t need to imagine that there’s no Heaven. An imagination is needed to believe that Heaven exists.
1. The complaint against Alex Lynn:
I wish, here, to state the complaint against Alex Lynn with greater specificity. Lynn was not hosting a mirror site of alex-lynn ( dot ) com. He duplicated some, but not all, of his photo galleries on his two web sites. He changed the names of his models, depending on which site they were on.
Creating a mirror site of your web site is a legitimate practice. The mirror site is publicly stated to be a mirror site. What Lynn was doing was making a confusing mess. Customers were duped into believing that they needed to subscribe to both of Lynn’s web sites. In doing so, they wound up paying twice for the same material. That was the complaint that I read about Alex Lynn. It could be true, false, or partly true.
2. On Herodotus and custom:
“Herodotus famously states ( quoting Pindar ) that ‘Custom is king of all’ ( 3.38 ). With this, he indicates the central importance of nomos – custom, convention, law, the complex web of norms that we might call culture – in human life.”
- Google.
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=quote+by+herodotus%3A+custom+is+king&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
3. Average temperature, in April, in Kyiv, Ukraine:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=average+temperature+in+april+in+Kyiv%2C+Ukraine&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
4. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
5. Lyrics to “Imagine”, by John Lennon:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=lyrics+to+imagine&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 182
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 182, version 3.0
Date Written: May 2, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 182
Editorial Thunder presents...
Dating Kay J
Plus: The last word on Heaven.
by Andrew Roller
“what a cute angel …SANORA is a perfect gallery!”
- basy. In the “Comments” section of indexxx ( dot ) com. Date: October 17, 2016.
Kay J is a nude model. Until the war, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. The comment ( above ), from indexxx ( dot ) com, reliably dates one of Kay’s photographic items. The photographic item is called, “Sanora”.
“Sanora” is a photo gallery. It is credited to the metartnetwork ( dot ) com. Indexxx gives the following date for “Sanora”: October 17, 2016. This date is under an image from “Sanora”. The image is in the main part of Kay’s page at indexxx. The main part of Kay’s page at indexxx is separate from the “Comments” section.
Link to both: https://www.indexxx ( dot ) com/m/kay-j
Indexxx’s date for “Sanora” is not correct. I downloaded “Sanora” from the metartnetwork. The cover photo is dated October 11, 2016. The photos that make up the gallery are all dated October 6, 2016.
Furthermore, in “Sanora”, Kay is old and fat. She is not young and cute. At indexxx, the video “Wet Dreams”, starring Kay, is dated September 20, 2016. Kay is young and cute in “Wet Dreams”. So, in one month, Kay went from being young and cute to old and fat.
It gets worse. At indexxx, there is a photo gallery called “Rough Touch”. It stars Kay J. She is young and cute. This photo gallery is dated October 20, 2016. That’s three days after indexxx’s date for “Sanora”! So, in three days, Kay went from being old and fat to being young and cute.
I downloaded “Rough Touch” from the metartnetwork. The cover photo is dated October 16, 2016. The photos that make up the gallery are all dated June 2, 2017. June 2, 2017 is a ludicrous date. It is nearly a year after the date that the metartnetwork posted “Rough Touch” to its web site! ( The dates at indexxx, on its main page for Kay J, show when each of her photographic items was posted by the relevant porn site. )
Kay J’s career as a nude model began on May 1, 2016. This is when the metartnetwork posted “Presenting Kay J” to its web site. May 1, 2016 is the date listed for “Presenting Kay J” at indexxx. ( On the main part of Kay J’s page. )
NOTE: If you look at the cover photo for “Presenting Kay J”, it reads, “Kay”.
Let’s go to the “Comments” section on Kay J’s page, at indexxx. On May 1, 2016, sexo18 wrote the following: “sexy cute babe”. This is the first comment on Kay J. There aren’t any comments with an earlier date.
Yet, by October of the same year, after just one summer, Kay is old and fat! This is impossible.
Kay was born on March 21, 1996. This date is confirmed in various places, including on her Only Fans web site. Kay was added to freeones ( dot ) com on June 17, 2016. Kay turned 20 years old in March of 2016.
There are many photographic items of young, cute Kay J. These were all made by Alex Lynn. In “Sanora”, where Kay is old and fat, her photographer was Arkisi. Kay is old, but not fat, in the photo gallery “Nedsa”. “Nedsa” was photographed by Arkisi. At indexxx, “Nedsa” bears the date of November 21, 2016. ( The dates on the actual photo gallery, downloaded from the metartnetwork, are similar. )
Hence, Kay is both young and cute, and old and fat, and old but not fat, in the space of a few months.
Note: “Wet Dreams”, a video, bears the date of September 20, 2016. If you download the video from the metartnetwork, you do not get the date that the video was ( allegedly ) made. You get the date that you downloaded the video!
However, if you download a photo gallery from the metartnetwork, you get the date that the photo gallery was ( allegedly ) made.
Alex Lynn did not work for the metartnetwork. As best I can tell, he was an independent photographer. He was a Westerner based in Kyiv, Ukraine. ( His name is obviously not Ukrainian. This assumes, of course, that “Alex Lynn” is his real name. )
Alex Lynn had two separate web sites of his own. I’ve only found the name of one: alex-lynn ( dot ) com. This is listed under a number of empty white boxes at indexxx. In each of these white boxes the following is written: Sorry No Photo Available.
It isn’t just the photos that aren’t available. The photographic items themselves are gone! You can find some free samples for some of these lost photographic items on the internet. They’re scattered across various free sample web sites. One lost photo gallery has been published by the metartnetwork. The metartnetwork calls this gallery “Cocktail Dress”. It’s a tragedy that so many Kay J photo galleries are gone. These are some of Kay J’s finest galleries.
How do I know that Alex Lynn had two web sites? I found a complaint about Lynn’s web sites, somewhere on the internet. According to the complaint, Lynn was selling the same material on both of his web sites. He was changing the the names of his models, to get you to think that the same girl was somehow a different one. In other words, he was trying to ‘double his money’ by selling the same girls, twice. That was the complaint. I am unable to verify the complaint. However, I can say the following:
In the 1990s, an American publisher published the anonymous Victorian novel called “Arabella”. Then, a few years later, this same publisher republished “Arabella”. This time, the publisher changed the book’s title. It changed all the names of the characters in the novel. I was ready to buy the novel, at a bookstore, when I realized that I already owned it!
In my opinion, so-called “pornography”, including ( currently ) illegal “child pornography”, is as worthy an art form as any other art form. Admit it: looking at naked Kay J is way more fun than looking at the Mona Lisa. It is our puritanical society that denigrates “pornography”. As a result, certain sleazy people think that “porn”, being unworthy, is an ideal vehicle by which to scam porn’s admirers. Hence, the American publisher resold “Arabella” under a different title. And, allegedly, Alex Lynn resold the same girls, under different names, on two different web sites that had the same content.
Note: whatever his sins as a salesman, Alex Lynn was a brilliant photographer.
“Pornography” is as valuable as any other form of cultural expression. It is, for instance, as valuable as religious expression. Indeed, religions have sparked wars. This is true of ancient times, as well as of September 11, 2001. I know of no wars over pornography. The only time the word “war” is associated with “porn” is when there is a “war on porn”. That is, when a government is resorting to violence to repress sexual expression. Hence, it is our society that denigrates “pornography”. Pornography does not carry its own denigration. ( Just as the Ukrainians are not bombing themselves. )
I will give an example, from my own life, of how a society is to blame for how someone is viewed. I once lived in Sacramento. I lived there for about 20 years. There, I was constantly being accused, by one means or another, of being a child molester. I was never accused of being a thief.
Then, I moved to downtown San Diego. I’ve lived here for about 20 years. Here, I have never been accused of being a child molester. However, I am constantly being accused, by one means or another, of being a thief! So it is the society’s own paranoia that is determining who I am, not me.
One is never supposed to say, “It’s the fault of the society”. One is always supposed to blame oneself. However, Herodotus writes, “Custom is king”. Hence, how society views someone can be determinative. Or, as is the case in a legal proceeding: “The jury decides what the facts are”.
Let’s look at Kay’s photo gallery called “Phania”. At indexxx, this gallery bears the date of June 17, 2016. The downloaded gallery bears a single date for both the cover photo and the gallery itself. That date is September 21, 2016.
I have concluded that “Phania” is Kay’s earliest photographic item. Look at her face. Kay’s face is ( rather ) narrow. She doesn’t yet have adorably cute chubby cheeks. Hence, she’s young and skinny. In fact, the narrowness of her face makes her nose look more prominent. Kay is not overly cute in “Phania”.
There is a porn model called Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne. There are photos of her at naughtymag ( dot ) com and at 18eighteen ( dot ) com. They date, in real life, from ( about ) August of 2001. In these photos, Sloan is an attractive blonde. However, her face is narrow. It isn’t cute.
That doesn’t last. Sloan soon gains a bit of weight. This is evident in later photographic items, at various porn sites. Sloan’s face becomes rounder. Her body becomes ( a bit ) fuller. Suddenly, she looks fabulous. Sloan became one of the most popular porn stars of her era. ( She mostly did solo nude modeling. )
Kay J undergoes a similar transformation. Her face becomes rounder than in “Phania”. By the time of “Wet Dreams”, she is astoundingly lovely. Then, if one uses the dates of indexxx, she’s old and fat in less than a month. ( But young and cute three days later! )
I propose the following: Alex Lynn photographed Kay J prior to 2016. He may have photographed her in “Phania” when she was 18. That is, in 2014. He may have filmed her in “Wet Dreams” in 2014 or in 2015.
“Wet Dreams” is a video. It is meant to display Kay’s nude innocence. It has no other purpose. However, in “Wet Dreams”, Kay has whip marks on her body. She was, in her private life, a BDSM babe. In my opinion, there is a difference between a girl being a BDSM babe when she’s 18, and when she’s 20. It’s not a big difference. But it bears some significance.
In a comedy routine, Bill Maher damned someone for being romantically interested “in a teenager”. A teenager is 18. Someone who’s 20 is not a teenager. At age 61, I have never held hands with a female. Kay J, at age 18, was likely a BDSM babe. Yet, if I’m romantically interested in her, according to our society, I’m a sexual pervert. That makes no sense to me. It shows how far this society has strayed from ordinary, historical, human and pre-human behavior. Note that this is the first time, in history, that humans can wipe themselves off the face of the earth. Note, too, that we are currently in danger of doing just that. Doubtless, it will be because this society wound up with too many sexual perverts who, at age 61, had zero sexual or romantic experience.
BDSM, and being whipped, are considered “edge play”. They represent the extreme of sexual behavior. This is not my own judgement. ( How would I know? ) It’s what I’ve read.
I am trying to understand, exactly, what happened to Kay prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”. In a prior issue, I said that she was hit, erotically, with both a whip and a riding crop. I have now eliminated the riding crop from consideration. Here’s my latest theory.
Kay went to a bondage party. Probably, she went with her boyfriend. ( Whoever he was. ) Or, perhaps, she went with Alex Lynn. At the party, Kay probably saw several ladies get whipped. Whoever was doing the whipping was an expert. Kay had, likely, never met him before. He was probably introduced as some sort of expert whom she’d only get to meet once.
Hence, Kay decided to ‘take the plunge’. She decided to submit to him. Kay was chained ( or tied ) facing away from him. Her arms were secured above her head.
The whipmaster was to Kay’s left. He used a six foot bullwhip on her. He whipped her ass and her upper thighs. This is a very traditional way to whip someone.
The whipmaster then stopped using the bullwhip. Instead, he armed himself with a stock whip. This whip was likely only three or four feet long.
The whipmaster turned Kay around. She was now facing him. He, again, stood to her left. But he was closer to her. He whipped her right hip several times. This put vertical slash marks onto her hip. I guess he was ensuring that she was still willing to “play”. When she didn’t utter a “safe word” ( to stop him ), he proceeded to surprise her. He whipped her right breast several times. He struck her close to her right nipple.
I read about the skill that one can develop, with a whip. If you’re learning to strike with a whip, aim at a light switch. Obviously, the man who whipped Kay could hit a light switch. Hence, he was able to strike, three times, close to Kay’s nipple, without hitting it. Talk about edge play!
Kay’s breast was cut by the whip. In fact, it is possible to redden skin, without cutting it, by lashing it with a whip. Hence, Kay’s breasts may have been struck a number of times. It was the repeated blows of the whip that caused her right breast to eventually be cut.
Kay’s hip, and her bottom, were also cut by the whip. Her left thigh may have been cut.
There is a whip mark on her left thigh that didn’t bleed. Hence, Kay must have been whipped recently, at the time that “Wet Dreams” was filmed. ( Otherwise, this mark would have vanished.) How recently had Kay been whipped? I would say: within the prior hour. However, “Wet Dreams” was filmed on a porch. There is bright daylight beyond the porch, and a view of the sea. ( Or, perhaps, of a big river. ) Due to the lack of shadows outside, it appears to be noon.
The view beyond the porch doesn’t agree with my best conjecture of when Kay was whipped. Was she whipped at 11 a.m. at a BDSM party? Whatever the merits of BDSM, it seems, to me, to be a pursuit of the night. Perhaps Alex Lynn was the whipmaster. Perhaps he whipped Kay, and then filmed her. However, this doesn’t agree with my understanding of photography, and of Lynn’s work. Lynn surely worked with a team of people. In “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”, a female hair dresser is present. It is not plausible to assume that Lynn’s team hung around while Lynn had a highly intimate whipping “scene” with Kay. This is so since the purpose of “Wet Dreams” has nothing to do with Kay bearing whip marks. Furthermore, all of Lynn’s work is “soft core” nudity. It’s the equivalent of Playboy in the 1970s.
Now you know why I continue to write about Kay J. There are questions about her that I just can’t answer. Such questions don’t beset me when I look at other models. In the case of other models, what you see is what you get. Furthermore, other models don’t interest me as much as Kay J does.
Kay displays a host of emotions in her photographic items. By comparison, consider Alisa Amore. ( Called “Alisa I” at indexxx. ) Alisa is lovely. However, she usually displays the same sexually knowing expression. That’s not true with Kay J. She can be thrillingly submissive, naively confident, or irksomely proud. Other emotions also run through her. Alisa evokes the image of a capable older sister. Kay is the kid sister who daringly attempts more than she meant to.
Probably, Kay’s experience with BDSM didn’t begin with “Wet Dreams”. ( That is, just prior to “Wet Dreams” being filmed. ) Usually, one’s experience with BDSM starts with a spanking. The natural successor to that is a ( folded ) belt. One doesn’t get to whips and chains until one has experienced a great deal. And meeting someone who can handle a whip well isn’t an everyday thing.
Once, I was in the Emergency Room of UC Davis Hospital. ( In Sacramento. ) A 15-year-old girl had been caught having sex with her boyfriend. She had been caught at home, by her Dad. This being America, Dad brought daughter to the Emergency Room. Dad and daughter were gone by the time I arrived, but the nurses were still talking about the experience. The girl’s father had been running around the Emergency Room. He had been frantically asking the doctors and nurses, of his daughter, “Is she still a virgin?!” To which, one of the nurses said to the other, of the girl,
“She probably hasn’t been, for at least a year.” Note the words, “At least”. So, in the opinion of the nurses, the average American girl is not a virgin after age 13 or 14. Yet, according to Bill Maher, any “man” who is romantically attracted to a 13 year old girl is a sexual pervert. Indeed, Maher was, as best I could tell, damning a “man” who’d been romantically interested in a girl who was 19 years old!
America, and the West, are sick societies. They aren’t sick because of an excess of sex. They’re sick because they damn sex. America and the West hand out birth control in grade schools, discuss gender with kindergartners, and perform post birth “abortions”. At the same time, America and the West condemn any “man” who finds young females attractive.
I know what I’m supposed to believe. I’m speaking of the current moment. I’m only supposed to find women who are “my age” attractive. I’m not supposed to just physically limit myself to such women. I’m supposed to ardently believe that, somehow, only women who are grandmothers are sexually appealing!
If I “identify” as heterosexual, I’m supposed to be open to sexual relationships with men. But only old men! ( Ask any priest who’s gotten into trouble for relationships with younger priests. )
In other words, I’m supposed to be solely attracted to elderly women, and men! I can’t regard Lolita as beautiful. I’m supposed to fail to notice that she exists. This as she merrily gets fucked and erotically whipped.
I hope this article illuminates current problems in our contemporary society. Before we commit mass suicide with nuclear weapons.
DATING “Model Tests”.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J stars in the following video: Model Tests episode IV Kay J. At indexxx ( dot ) com, and at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, this video bears the following date: June 18, 2017. This date is ridiculous. “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” was clearly filmed on the same date that the photo gallery “Presenting Kay J” was made. That date is listed as May 1, 2016.
( May 1, 2016 is, in fact, the date that the metartnetwork posted “Presenting Kay J” to its web site. It is not the date that the photo gallery was shot. )
“Presenting Kay J” is Kay’s first appearance as a nude model. Therefore, her career began on May 1, 2016. But when was “Presenting Kay J” actually shot?
Here’s my real question: when was “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” filmed? Specifically, was “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” filmed before, or after, she was whipped in “Wet Dreams”? ( That is, just prior to the filming of “Wet Dreams”? )
In “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”, Kay is wearing blue panties. They have white butterflies on them. Kay pulls down her panties. There is a close-up of her bottom. High on the right cheek of her bottom, toward its inner curve, is a red dot. This same dot appears in “Wet Dreams”. It also appears in a video filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. That video is called “Dreaming”.
Kay’s body bears whip marks in “Wet Dreams”, and in “Dreaming”. They are the same whip marks. ( By the time “Dreaming” was filmed, some of Kay’s whip marks had disappeared. )
I have seen Kay’s ass many times, including at her Only Fans web site. Her ass does not have any natural blemishes. Hence, the red dot, high on the right cheek of her bottom, is a whip mark! It is the sole whip mark that remains from “Wet Dreams” ( and from “Dreaming” ).
What can we conclude from this?
Kay was a BDSM babe prior to being a nude model. The standard view of her whipping would be that she wouldn’t have undergone such an experience if she hadn’t gone into porn. However, according to my analysis, Kay’s life as a BDSM babe preceded her life as a porn star. ( In fact, she’s a nude model. Kay hasn’t done porn, except for one recent Only Fans photo, where she has sperm on her face. )
The book “50 Shades of Grey” was published on April 17, 2012. ( The year the world was, supposedly, going to end, according to the Mayans. ) The movie “50 Shades of Grey” was released on February 13, 2015. Kay was, respectively, 16 years old when “50 Shades of Grey” was published, and 18 years old when the movie came out.
Today, a book or a film can enjoy a worldwide release. However, in years past, it took time for a book to migrate from America to Ukraine, where Kay lived. The same was true for a movie.
For Kay to view a movie, she had to be aware that it existed. Probably, she’s drawn to a movie if it is popular.
Hence, being a BDSM babe at, say, age 18 would not have been unusual in the teen years of this century. I say this to excuse Kay from potential criticism. ( Indeed, images of erotic whippings date back to Roman times. )
The order in which Kay’s videos were filmed is likely as follows:
1. “Wet Dreams”.
2. “Dreaming”. ( Filmed a day after “Wet Dreams”. )
3. “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”. ( Filmed several days, to a week, after “Wet Dreams”. )
As you can see, the dates given by indexxx, and by the metartnetwork, do not reflect reality. To discover the true timeline for Kay’s photographic items requires a considerable amount of sleuthing.
But Kay J is worth it!
Kay has light bikini tan lines in “Wet Dreams”. ( Look, in particular, at her right hip. You’ll see the distinctive twin tan lines of her bikini panties. ) She has light bikini tan lines in “Dreaming” and in “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”.
You’ll recall that, according to my analysis, “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” was filmed on the same day that “Presenting Kay J” was shot. “Presenting Kay J” bears the date of May 1, 2016. Hence, “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” was filmed on, or prior to, May 1st! So too, according to my analysis, were “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.
Until 2022, Kay lived her entire life in Kyiv, Ukraine. According to my analysis, Alex Lynn’s photography studio was in Kyiv. In April, in Kyiv, the hottest it gets is 58 degrees. The coldest it gets is 41 degrees. This is not tanning weather. As a result, I’m forced to conclude that “Model Tests episode IV Kay J” wasn’t filmed on May 1, 2016. Nor was it filmed in April of 2016. It was probably filmed in the summer of 2015, or even in the summer of 2014! The same is true of “Wet Dreams” and of “Dreaming”.
Someone might argue: Lynn put Kay in a tanning booth. Okay, but there are photos of Kay where her teeth could have been whiter. If Lynn was going to trouble himself with a tanning booth, why didn’t he send Kay to a dentist? That would have taken no more than an hour.
I read this about 18-year-old girls: they’re flakey. They’ll agree to pose nude, and then fail to show up. In other words, in porn, the rule is this: if the girl says she’ll take off her clothes, photograph her right away! If you wait, she may fail to show. ( In which case, getting a blow job off her is out of the question. )
Hence, if he was wise, Alex Lynn photographed Kay, in the nude, at the first opportunity. He didn’t waste time putting her in a tanning booth, where she might have decided that posing was something Grandma would disfavor. He didn’t send her to a dentist, where she might fall in love with the dentist. He photographed her as she was. With her bikini tan lines. Hence, her tan lines are from the sun. And one can’t successfully lie in the sun in Kyiv in April.
There are four videos from what I call Kay’s “kid cute” era. Her fourth video is titled, “My Channel”. In it, Kay has the same distinctive bikini tan lines as in her other “kid cute” videos. She also has some evidence of whip marks. These may be different whip marks from those in her other “kid cute” videos.
I continue to try to construct a timeline of Kay’s life, her life as a BDSM babe, and her life as a nude model. Why she doesn’t jump in bed with me and tell me her whole life is beyond me.
Yes, it’s a grail. But it’s not a holy grail.
1. The years 1963 - 1980: Sex is love and liberation.
2. The years 1980 - 2022: Sex is filth and exploitation. Followed, in subsequent years, by: Sex is violence and oppression.
Note: Sex is, in fact, just sex. Aside from asexual reproduction ( by plants ), it is the only thing that permits life to exist. Life can exist without religion. It cannot exist without sex.
Contra John Lennon, you don’t need to imagine that there’s no Heaven. An imagination is needed to believe that Heaven exists.
1. The complaint against Alex Lynn:
I wish, here, to state the complaint against Alex Lynn with greater specificity. Lynn was not hosting a mirror site of alex-lynn ( dot ) com. He duplicated some, but not all, of his photo galleries on his two web sites. He changed the names of his models, depending on which site they were on.
Creating a mirror site of your web site is a legitimate practice. The mirror site is publicly stated to be a mirror site. What Lynn was doing was making a confusing mess. Customers were duped into believing that they needed to subscribe to both of Lynn’s web sites. In doing so, they wound up paying twice for the same material. That was the complaint that I read about Alex Lynn. It could be true, false, or partly true.
2. On Herodotus and custom:
“Herodotus famously states ( quoting Pindar ) that ‘Custom is king of all’ ( 3.38 ). With this, he indicates the central importance of nomos – custom, convention, law, the complex web of norms that we might call culture – in human life.”
- Google.
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=quote+by+herodotus%3A+custom+is+king&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
3. Average temperature, in April, in Kyiv, Ukraine:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=average+temperature+in+april+in+Kyiv%2C+Ukraine&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
4. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
5. Lyrics to “Imagine”, by John Lennon:
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=lyrics+to+imagine&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 182
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 182, version 3.0
Date Written: May 2, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Disciplining Kay J
ET 181
Editorial Thunder presents...
Disciplining Kay J
Plus: Wobbles on Kay J.
And: Web sites, defined.
by Andrew Roller
“ Well, hello😈Today, according to the plan, we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard🤫 ”.
- Kay J. Only Fans: ukaybb. October 2, 2020.
Kay J is a nude model. Until the war, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. Kay has posted a number of bondage photos to her Only Fans web site. ( All occur prior to when she was tattooed, on March 11, 2021. )
English is not Kay’s first language. Reading her quote, above, one would take her for a bondage dominant. The opposite is the case. Kay is a bondage submissive.
Mostly, Kay keeps her life as a bondage submissive secret. The same is true of her tattoo. ( Centered on her upper back. ) Kay doesn’t, however, hide her secrets entirely. She plays “peek a boo” with them. This keeps me, at least, endlessly curious about her. ( Maddeningly so. )
You may have seen Kay’s video, “Wet Dreams”. The metartnetwork posted this video to its web site on September 20, 2016. Freeones ( dot ) com added Kay to their list of models on June 17, 2016. However, indexxx ( dot ) com credits Kay’s first nude photographic item to May 1, 2016. ( A date provided by the metartnetwork. )
Kay turned 20 years old on March 21, 2016. However, by October of 2016, she looks markedly older than in her earlier photographic items. Kay’s photo gallery called “Sanora” was posted to the metartnetwork on October 17, 2016. It is validated by a remark, posted on the same day, in the ( user ) “Comments” section of indexxx ( dot ) com.
( The first user comment, regarding Kay J, was posted to indexxx ( dot ) com on May 1, 2016. )
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay has a light suntan. As a result, she bears distinctive bikini lines. Kyiv is a four season climate. Hence, “Wet Dreams” was filmed in the summer of 2016. In other words, it likely was not filmed on the date that it was posted to the metartnetwork: September 20, 2016.
Did Kay pose nude, professionally, when she was 19 or 18 years old? In other words, could “Wet Dreams” have been filmed not in the summer of 2016, but in the summer of 2015? I guess not. However, it is possible that Alex Lynn, her photographer at the time, initially posted photographic items of Kay to his own web site. Alex Lynn’s web site was called alex-lynn ( dot ) com.
Sadly, alex-lynn ( dot ) com no longer exists. If you go to indexxx ( dot ) com, you’ll see many photographic items, starring Kay J, credited to alex-lynn ( dot ) com. Except for free samples, all of those photographic items are gone. “Cocktail Dress”, a photo gallery likely created in 2018, by Alex Lynn, was posted to the metartnetwork years later. It was posted to the metartnetwork on October 14, 2021. A newbie would think that October of 2021 was when “Cocktail Dress” was made. That is not true. Hence, the date listed at indexxx ( dot ) com is the posting date, by a given porn site. It is not the date that the photographic item was made.
Which returns us to “Wet Dreams”. It was filmed on one of the following summers: 2016, 2015, or 2014. Given how much older Kay looks by October of 2016, in “Sanora”, it is possible that “Wet Dreams” was filmed in 2015. But why would Alex Lynn keep “Wet Dreams” hidden for a year? Or, anyway, why wouldn’t he post information about it to indexxx ( dot ) com?
This raises more questions:
1. When was indexxx ( dot ) com created?
2. When was freeones ( dot ) com created?
Alex Lynn couldn’t post information about “Wet Dreams” to indexxx ( dot ) com, or to freeones ( dot ) com, if they didn’t exist. Nor could he do so if the web sites were new, and he had yet to hear of them. ( Many people, probably, still don’t know that my web site exists, even though it’s been around for nearly three years. )
The point of “Wet Dreams” is simple. It’s to exhibit Kay’s lovely nude innocence. However, she showed up for the filming with whip marks on her body. I have discussed these at length in prior issues of ARSE. Today, I am going to focus on one area of her whipped self in “Wet Dreams”: her right breast.
In prior issues of ARSE, I contended that Kay was whipped standing up. Her arms were chained ( or tied ) above her head. A whip’s “cracker”, or “popper” marked the right side of her torso. You can clearly see the “cracker’s” imprint on her ribs, a bit below her right breast.
A red mark is also on the front of her rib cage. It’s on the lower-right section of her rib cage. What, exactly, produced this mark is unclear. Perhaps a riding crop made this mark.
That’s the thesis of today’s article. Kay’s right breast may have been struck not by a whip, but by a riding crop.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay has significant cuts on her body. ( All have begun to heal; her slashed right hip has a light infection. ) These aren’t bruises. They’re thin cuts. These were made by a whip. The two thin cuts on her right breast could also have been made by a whip.
However, consider this: Kay was whipped by an expert. He, or she, knew exactly where to strike her. He also knew what parts of her to avoid. At the same time, he was able to “push” her, striking her harder than she’d expected, and more daringly.
But would he have whipped her breast? The two cuts on her breast are on its inner curve, and very near to her nipple. Kay’s nipples were surely erect. ( This was a BDSM whipping. ) Had the whip struck her erect nipple, it might have cut into her nipple. In this viewer’s opinion, Kay’s nipple might have needed stitches.
That assumes, of course, that the whip only struck her breast twice. I’ve watched whipping videos. A whip can cut skin immediately. This is especially so in an area like the hip, where there is just a thin layer of skin, over bone. ( On a girl who’s shapely and slim. )
Often, a body part needs to be struck multiple times before cuts occur. In that case, the whip marks on Kay’s body do not represent all the blows that she received. She was likely ‘beaten hard’ ( to paraphrase her ) and what we see are just a handful of the total strokes she received.
I’ve said that Kay’s breast has two whip marks on it. In fact, it may have three. The inner mark may be a place where her breast was struck twice, in the same spot. The outer mark is from a single blow. ( “Inner” refers to that part of her breast that is closest to her nipple. )
Again, Kay’s breast may have been hit multiple times, but was only cut one to three times.
( There is evidence elsewhere on her body of her being hit more than once in the same spot. Specifically, on her right hip, and on her right ass cheek. )
Examine the cuts on Kay’s breast closely. Each cut is thicker at the base ( toward her feet ) than at the top ( toward her head ). A whip would make a mark exactly like this. Except: there is no evidence of a “cracker” striking her breast. Also, there is no evidence of a “cracker” striking above her breast.
Not every whip has a “cracker”. However, the whip that struck her torso, on her right side, had a “cracker”! So did the whip that struck the right cheek of her ass. ( Its marks are visible on the undercurve of her right ass cheek, near her right hip. )
If Kay’s breast was whipped, she was whipped from behind. ( Actually, the whipmaster stood to her left. ) If Kay’s breast was hit with a riding crop, she would have been facing the whipmaster. Probably, he was taller than her. If he struck her breast with a riding crop, he would have whacked her in a downward direction. Hence, the upper part of the cone of her breast would have been struck first. That would have put the thickest part of the cut at the top ( toward her head ). The thinnest part of the cut would have been at the bottom ( toward her feet ).
In fact, as stated, the cuts on Kay’s breast are thickest at the bottom ( toward her feet ). Additionally, the cuts run from the outthrust point of her breast to its undercurve. That is, they run from the center of her breast down. The upper curve of her breast is unwounded.
It was impossible for someone to face Kay J and whack her breasts with a riding crop, and leave the cuts that she has. Unless:
1. Kay was suspended upside down.
2. Kay was lying supine. The whipmaster may have been kneeling over her face. Her head may have been tilted toward him. She may have been blow jobbing him as he whacked her breasts with a riding crop.
In other words, Kay’s head may have been pillowed. But the pillow would have been ( mostly ) under her neck. This would have allowed her head to tilt backward, face up. In such a position, she could have given oral depth to her whipmaster’s dick. At the same time, her torso would have been lifted, making her breasts more prominent. Her breasts would also have been more vulnerable. The whipmaster, as Kay blow jobbed him, hit her right breast with a riding crop.
“When cropping breasts, try moving the crop in circles around the nipple, or alternate light, rapid taps above and below the nipple, until your partner gets nicely warmed up. You can strike directly over the nipple, but take care and experiment slowly at first; some people enjoy this, some people don't.
“Cropping the breasts is a great way to get the endorphins flowing. You can switch back and forth between using the crop and using other techniques to stimulate the breasts, such as a Wartenberg wheel. You can also use the crop to get the blood flowing through the breasts and nipples prior to clamping them.”
- http://symtoys.com/ideas_cropping01.html
Reading the above, a light dawned in my head. Consider these two scenarios:
1. Kay’s breast was whipped. The whip sliced into her right breast. Had it struck her erect nipple, her nipple might have needed stitches. Hence, the whipmaster engaged in a risky move that might have gotten him into trouble, and upset Kay.
2. Kay’s breast was hit with a riding crop. She was blow jobbing the whipmaster as he hit her breast with a crop. Likely, he struck her breasts, at first, with the crop’s keeper. ( Which can’t cut the skin. ) Later, he hit her with the crop’s shaft. He hit her enough times with the shaft, and hard enough, that he cut her breast. Perhaps he even yanked her breast high, by her nipple, and then struck her breast with the crop.
You would think that such a cropping would leave bruises. There is a bruise on the back of her right thigh, and on the front of her left shin. Otherwise, despite the many punishment marks on her body, she is unbruised.
It is possible that the whipmaster, while getting blow jobbed by Kay, yanked her breast high by her nipple, and whipped it. In that case, he would have used a short whip. The whip cut her breast, but her nipple was not in danger. That’s because the whipmaster’s hand was covering Kay’s nipple, as he yanked her breast high. Also, the whipmaster’s body would have been over Kay’s face. In such a situation, there would have been no danger to her eyes. ( Unless he pooped in them. )
Kay has several vertical slash marks on her right hip. These are bunched so close together that they can be misinterpreted as a single slash mark. They are thicker at the top ( toward her head ) than at the bottom ( toward her feet ). These slash marks may have been from a riding crop. It’s possible that Kay’s whipmaster delivered them during the time that she was blow jobbing him, and he was hitting her breast with the crop. Hence, he hit her right breast, then he hit her right hip. Perhaps he alternated between her breast and her hip, urging her to blow job him with more passion. ( She was probably already doing this, but a submissive likes to be urged. )
If Kay’s breast was hit by a riding crop, it must have been struck quite hard. ( “I will beat you hard.” ) I haven’t found a video of breasts being hit with a riding crop. Hence, I don’t know what force is needed for a riding crop to cut a breast.
On the other hand, a whip can cut flesh, and not leave bruises. This modifies my thesis: Kay’s breast may have been hit by a whip. But it wasn’t the long whip that struck her in so many places. It was a short whip. It was a whip that didn’t have a “cracker”. Probably, her head was under the whipmaster’s body as he whipped her breast.
At what point, as Kay was being disciplined, was her breast cut? It was likely cut at the end of the “session”. Kay has often referred to her ass as “fat”. In fact, her ass is not fat, except when she herself is fat ( all over ). Kay, perhaps disliking her ass ( in 2016 ), was more than willing to have her ass whipped. Perhaps that would teach it a lesson. Her thighs are lovely, but are always slightly on the thick side. So, she didn’t object to having her thighs whipped.
Kay’s breasts are another matter. They’re perfectly sized, in 2016, for an innocent young girl. However, they aren’t big porn star boobs. Hence, Kay probably didn’t want her breasts struck. She valued what bosoms she had, and wished she had bigger ones. So, her whipmaster “pushed” her. He’d always planned to whack her breasts. He just didn’t tell her that. Kay was likely too erotically high to object when her breast was struck. It was cut two ( or three ) times. By contrast, her ass was struck ( and cut ) many times.
When you watch “Wet Dreams”, keep this in mind: Kay has sperm in her. It is very likely that her whipping included sex, and probably not just oral sex. Kay may have blow jobbed her whipmaster. But he probably climaxed in her womb.
Who whipped Kay? The snap answer is to “blame” Alex Lynn. The next obvious target is whoever Kay’s boyfriend was at the time. I have read about Kyiv, Ukraine. Like any big city, it has a number of nightclubs. According to Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, Ukraine ( before the war ) was “the poorest country in Europe”. According to a Kyivan woman, Kyiv’s nightclubs are where you can meet tarts. You meet the girl, you dance with her, and then you go off into the night for whatever mutual passions you choose.
I have no evidence that Kay was a tart. However, being a tart in a nightclub would be a great place to meet a stranger who’s an expert with a whip. Slavic countries, apparently, have an affinity for whipping females that dates back centuries. I have cited an example or two of this in prior issues of ARSE. Likely, you’ve seen “Russian spank” videos on the internet. They often involve rather brutal whackings of females.
BDSM doesn’t occur solely between lovers who know each other well. I have read, in more than one place, of females describing their BDSM experiences. Such females want to be whipped by a stranger. They don’t want to know him. They just want to submit to him. The BDSM experience is the totality of the relationship. It is highly possible that Kay was whipped by a stranger that she met at a nightclub. Alternatively, she may have gone to a bondage party with her boyfriend, or with Alex Lynn. A whipmaster may have demonstrated his technique on one or more ladies. Then, Kay submitted to him. In such a case, there is less of a probability that Kay and the whipmaster had sex. In such a case, there is a greater possibility that Kay was suspended upside down. In that position ( feet up ), her breast was struck by a riding crop. Her right hip was also struck by a riding crop.
Probably, you’ve seen bondage material on the internet. I often don’t find the females who are in these to be very appealing. Even if the woman is pretty, a “so what” factor soon cuts in. ( At kink ( dot ) com, a scene usually devolves, swiftly, into absurdity. )
Too often, a woman in a BDSM scene is too old. Her body isn’t very attractive. Now, it’s plastered with red marks. The best I can say of such a photo is this: at least it’s not a man! ( Research BDSM, and you’re soon at a gay site; involuntarily. )
Kay J is an entirely different matter. She’s ( presumably ) 20 years old in “Wet Dreams”. She looks super young! She even acts young, spending time masturbating. Her babydoll face is the picture of innocence. Kay’s body is the epitome of young girl perfection. She has lovely, satiny skin. She has no significant moles or other imperfections. Her sole “imperfections” are those the whipmaster inflicted on her.
And: Kay submitted voluntarily to her ordeal. Likely, in her coquettish way, she sought it out.
It’s one thing to see Kay in bondage poses. ( Which appear, subtly and less so, throughout her career. ) It’s another thing to see evidence that she underwent an actual bondage ordeal. “Wet Dreams”, and “Dreaming” ( likely filmed a day later ) provide that evidence. Kay J is a true bondage submissive. When her life as such began, and how often she’s been one, remain a mystery.
Date: April 26, 2022
“Hi, I know you from Kay J's Only Fans page and your splendid comments on her posts, you really add to my enjoyment of her page and add an extra electricity to the delicious photos she posts. I'm a big fan of hers and would love to discuss more, should you be inclined. I bet you two have the best conversations! More power to you. Best wishes, Wobbles”.
My reply:
Date: April 26, 2022
Subject: Awesome Kay J!
Dear Wobbles,
Thank you for your very nice letter!
I am on the same level with regard to Kay J as any other fan.
I write to her, via a direct message, whenever I feel that it’s appropriate. However, I rarely hear back from her.
Kay J has had a greater psychological impact on me than any other female. She is stunningly lovely. Also, I am unable to determine her true personality. She remains an unplumbed mystery.
I get ideas for my public comments, on Kay J’s Only Fans page, by staring for a long time at every photo that she posts. I try to come up with different fantasy ideas about her situation in each of her photos.
I do my best to notice everything. What does the floor look like? What does the wall behind her look like? What is reflecting off of her Catwoman mask? ( A dryer, and unfolded laundry, as best I can tell. )
I was desperate to create a timeline of Kay J’s photographic items that are at the metartnetwork.com. I wanted to know exactly which photographic item came first, which came next, etc. ( In real life. )
For instance, in “Wet Dreams” and in “Dreaming”, Kay has whip marks on her body. The whip marks are identical in both of her videos. ( Some whip marks have faded from her by the time that “Dreaming” was filmed. )
The metartnetwork says that “Wet Dreams” was filmed in September. They say that “Dreaming” was filmed in December. That’s impossible! “Dreaming”, as best I can tell, was filmed one day after “Wet Dreams”.
It is in this way that I began examining, very closely, every one of Kay’s photographic items. I did this at the metartnetwork. I then transferred my skill, unconsciously, to her Only Fans photos. I just naturally do it, now. I thoroughly study each of her photos.
Kay is, to quote watch4beauty.com ( which I am not a member of ), an “unusual girl”. She is thrillingly submissive. Yet she has a mind of her own. I am unable to understand her.
With most females, I suppose, I can readily determine the female’s personality. Or perhaps I don’t care. But Kay J, for me, is an endlessly compelling mystery. And so succulently lovely!
I won’t ask you to render a judgement on her tattoo. But it breaks my heart that she got it. Hopefully, she won’t undertake other permanent changes to her perfection.
Perfection needs no improvement!
Twitter = Adult Dinner Conversation. 🥸👨🦰🧔♀️🙎🏾👮🤥🧔♂️ 😵💫 👩🦱🧕🧓🏽👵🤢
TikTok = The Kids’ Table! 🥳😺😊🧸🎉😜🤡🙄💩😚🤠🪅😃
( Which you prefer determines whether you’re a clueless fuddy-duddy or a fun person. )
1. “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are both available at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
2. Kay’s bosoms are quite big now. Probably, she got a boob job. It’s a superb boob job. Kay’s breasts still fit neatly within the overall structure of her body.
3. This note further explores Kay lying supine, and blow jobbing her whipmaster. He hits her right breast as she blow jobs him. He also hits her right hip. He uses a riding crop.
Let’s assume that the whipmaster was yanking Kay’s breast high by her nipple. Since he’s kneeling over her face, he’s leaning forward. In order to easily strike her right hip, he has to hold the riding crop in his right hand. He subsequently hits her right breast.
How does he hit her right breast? He hits its underside. This is easy for him, since he’s leaning forward. Such a blow could be delivered quite hard. This is accomplished still more easily if he is not only yanking Kay’s breast up, but toward her face. Such blows would leave exactly the sort of marks that Kay bears in “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.
The deepest cuts on Kay are on her breast. The next deepest are on her right hip. These cuts are vertical, or nearly so. ( They follow the contour of her body to some extent. ) It is possible that the whipmaster passed his riding crop between his hands. However, that’s unlikely. He probably used his dominant hand throughout the BDSM “session”. His dominant hand was likely his right hand.
Hence, Kay’s breast and right hip were struck by her whipmaster’s right hand. This was surely done at the height of her, and his, mutual passion. This is when the players are the least inhibited, and when cuts are likely to be deepest.
4. “Her ordeal … consisted of more than 250 strokes with a variety of implements.”
- Gardens of the Night. By Felicia Plessey. ( In the book’s interior, the author is listed as “Anonymous”.) Blue Moon Books. New York, New York, United States of America. 1992. Page 180. ( A Conversation with Lynn Paula Russell. )
Kay J was probably struck by a variety of items. A hand, a paddle, a whip, and a riding crop. She may even have been hit by a cane.
( I can’t find any clear “two track” marks that a cane ( apparently ) leaves. Nor do I see little “X” marks from a birch rod’s buds. )
I do my utmost to stick to facts, when reconstructing Kay’s bondage ordeals. I only describe what I see, based on my research. Always, my rule is this: keep it simple. I would rather fail to describe all that happened to Kay, than build BDSM castles on sand.
5. In my article ( above ) I stated that Kay has only two bruises. They are on her legs. I defined these marks as bruises because they’re light brown.
However, it turns out that fresh bruises are red. In my article, I identified the red spot on Kay’s right hip as being a light infection. In fact, it’s probably a bruise. The same is likely true for several other roundish, red marks on her.
Hence, Kay’s cuts and red bruises are fresh. The light brown bruises on her legs are probably from a prior BDSM session.
As best I can tell, Kay was a “wild child”; at least in regard to BDSM. There is other photographic evidence, in her professional work, of BDSM ordeals. That is, real life ordeals, which she did her best to keep hidden. ( See prior issues of ARSE. ) “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” dish on what otherwise might pass unnoticed before us.
For the changes to a bruise’s color over time, see “Medical News Today”.
Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322742?c=672351104770
Summary of bruises:
A. Red = immediately after impact.
B. Blue, purple, or black = 1 to 2 days after impact.
C. Yellow or green = 5 to 10 days after impact.
D. Yellowish-brown or light brown = 10 to 14 days after impact.
A bruise can result from one or more impacts.
6. If one travels, one can get a tan in a place other than Ukraine. I have examined Kay’s photographic items closely to see how much she’s travelled. I’m speaking of her travelling for modeling shoots. There is no evidence that she travelled outside of Ukraine when she was 20 years old. Hence, her tan lines are from Ukraine’s summer weather.
7. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
“I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
- Isaac Newton.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 181
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 181, version 5.0
Date Written: April 28, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 181
Editorial Thunder presents...
Disciplining Kay J
Plus: Wobbles on Kay J.
And: Web sites, defined.
by Andrew Roller
“ Well, hello😈Today, according to the plan, we have dominance, we will play with you a game where I will beat you hard🤫 ”.
- Kay J. Only Fans: ukaybb. October 2, 2020.
Kay J is a nude model. Until the war, she lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. Kay has posted a number of bondage photos to her Only Fans web site. ( All occur prior to when she was tattooed, on March 11, 2021. )
English is not Kay’s first language. Reading her quote, above, one would take her for a bondage dominant. The opposite is the case. Kay is a bondage submissive.
Mostly, Kay keeps her life as a bondage submissive secret. The same is true of her tattoo. ( Centered on her upper back. ) Kay doesn’t, however, hide her secrets entirely. She plays “peek a boo” with them. This keeps me, at least, endlessly curious about her. ( Maddeningly so. )
You may have seen Kay’s video, “Wet Dreams”. The metartnetwork posted this video to its web site on September 20, 2016. Freeones ( dot ) com added Kay to their list of models on June 17, 2016. However, indexxx ( dot ) com credits Kay’s first nude photographic item to May 1, 2016. ( A date provided by the metartnetwork. )
Kay turned 20 years old on March 21, 2016. However, by October of 2016, she looks markedly older than in her earlier photographic items. Kay’s photo gallery called “Sanora” was posted to the metartnetwork on October 17, 2016. It is validated by a remark, posted on the same day, in the ( user ) “Comments” section of indexxx ( dot ) com.
( The first user comment, regarding Kay J, was posted to indexxx ( dot ) com on May 1, 2016. )
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay has a light suntan. As a result, she bears distinctive bikini lines. Kyiv is a four season climate. Hence, “Wet Dreams” was filmed in the summer of 2016. In other words, it likely was not filmed on the date that it was posted to the metartnetwork: September 20, 2016.
Did Kay pose nude, professionally, when she was 19 or 18 years old? In other words, could “Wet Dreams” have been filmed not in the summer of 2016, but in the summer of 2015? I guess not. However, it is possible that Alex Lynn, her photographer at the time, initially posted photographic items of Kay to his own web site. Alex Lynn’s web site was called alex-lynn ( dot ) com.
Sadly, alex-lynn ( dot ) com no longer exists. If you go to indexxx ( dot ) com, you’ll see many photographic items, starring Kay J, credited to alex-lynn ( dot ) com. Except for free samples, all of those photographic items are gone. “Cocktail Dress”, a photo gallery likely created in 2018, by Alex Lynn, was posted to the metartnetwork years later. It was posted to the metartnetwork on October 14, 2021. A newbie would think that October of 2021 was when “Cocktail Dress” was made. That is not true. Hence, the date listed at indexxx ( dot ) com is the posting date, by a given porn site. It is not the date that the photographic item was made.
Which returns us to “Wet Dreams”. It was filmed on one of the following summers: 2016, 2015, or 2014. Given how much older Kay looks by October of 2016, in “Sanora”, it is possible that “Wet Dreams” was filmed in 2015. But why would Alex Lynn keep “Wet Dreams” hidden for a year? Or, anyway, why wouldn’t he post information about it to indexxx ( dot ) com?
This raises more questions:
1. When was indexxx ( dot ) com created?
2. When was freeones ( dot ) com created?
Alex Lynn couldn’t post information about “Wet Dreams” to indexxx ( dot ) com, or to freeones ( dot ) com, if they didn’t exist. Nor could he do so if the web sites were new, and he had yet to hear of them. ( Many people, probably, still don’t know that my web site exists, even though it’s been around for nearly three years. )
The point of “Wet Dreams” is simple. It’s to exhibit Kay’s lovely nude innocence. However, she showed up for the filming with whip marks on her body. I have discussed these at length in prior issues of ARSE. Today, I am going to focus on one area of her whipped self in “Wet Dreams”: her right breast.
In prior issues of ARSE, I contended that Kay was whipped standing up. Her arms were chained ( or tied ) above her head. A whip’s “cracker”, or “popper” marked the right side of her torso. You can clearly see the “cracker’s” imprint on her ribs, a bit below her right breast.
A red mark is also on the front of her rib cage. It’s on the lower-right section of her rib cage. What, exactly, produced this mark is unclear. Perhaps a riding crop made this mark.
That’s the thesis of today’s article. Kay’s right breast may have been struck not by a whip, but by a riding crop.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay has significant cuts on her body. ( All have begun to heal; her slashed right hip has a light infection. ) These aren’t bruises. They’re thin cuts. These were made by a whip. The two thin cuts on her right breast could also have been made by a whip.
However, consider this: Kay was whipped by an expert. He, or she, knew exactly where to strike her. He also knew what parts of her to avoid. At the same time, he was able to “push” her, striking her harder than she’d expected, and more daringly.
But would he have whipped her breast? The two cuts on her breast are on its inner curve, and very near to her nipple. Kay’s nipples were surely erect. ( This was a BDSM whipping. ) Had the whip struck her erect nipple, it might have cut into her nipple. In this viewer’s opinion, Kay’s nipple might have needed stitches.
That assumes, of course, that the whip only struck her breast twice. I’ve watched whipping videos. A whip can cut skin immediately. This is especially so in an area like the hip, where there is just a thin layer of skin, over bone. ( On a girl who’s shapely and slim. )
Often, a body part needs to be struck multiple times before cuts occur. In that case, the whip marks on Kay’s body do not represent all the blows that she received. She was likely ‘beaten hard’ ( to paraphrase her ) and what we see are just a handful of the total strokes she received.
I’ve said that Kay’s breast has two whip marks on it. In fact, it may have three. The inner mark may be a place where her breast was struck twice, in the same spot. The outer mark is from a single blow. ( “Inner” refers to that part of her breast that is closest to her nipple. )
Again, Kay’s breast may have been hit multiple times, but was only cut one to three times.
( There is evidence elsewhere on her body of her being hit more than once in the same spot. Specifically, on her right hip, and on her right ass cheek. )
Examine the cuts on Kay’s breast closely. Each cut is thicker at the base ( toward her feet ) than at the top ( toward her head ). A whip would make a mark exactly like this. Except: there is no evidence of a “cracker” striking her breast. Also, there is no evidence of a “cracker” striking above her breast.
Not every whip has a “cracker”. However, the whip that struck her torso, on her right side, had a “cracker”! So did the whip that struck the right cheek of her ass. ( Its marks are visible on the undercurve of her right ass cheek, near her right hip. )
If Kay’s breast was whipped, she was whipped from behind. ( Actually, the whipmaster stood to her left. ) If Kay’s breast was hit with a riding crop, she would have been facing the whipmaster. Probably, he was taller than her. If he struck her breast with a riding crop, he would have whacked her in a downward direction. Hence, the upper part of the cone of her breast would have been struck first. That would have put the thickest part of the cut at the top ( toward her head ). The thinnest part of the cut would have been at the bottom ( toward her feet ).
In fact, as stated, the cuts on Kay’s breast are thickest at the bottom ( toward her feet ). Additionally, the cuts run from the outthrust point of her breast to its undercurve. That is, they run from the center of her breast down. The upper curve of her breast is unwounded.
It was impossible for someone to face Kay J and whack her breasts with a riding crop, and leave the cuts that she has. Unless:
1. Kay was suspended upside down.
2. Kay was lying supine. The whipmaster may have been kneeling over her face. Her head may have been tilted toward him. She may have been blow jobbing him as he whacked her breasts with a riding crop.
In other words, Kay’s head may have been pillowed. But the pillow would have been ( mostly ) under her neck. This would have allowed her head to tilt backward, face up. In such a position, she could have given oral depth to her whipmaster’s dick. At the same time, her torso would have been lifted, making her breasts more prominent. Her breasts would also have been more vulnerable. The whipmaster, as Kay blow jobbed him, hit her right breast with a riding crop.
“When cropping breasts, try moving the crop in circles around the nipple, or alternate light, rapid taps above and below the nipple, until your partner gets nicely warmed up. You can strike directly over the nipple, but take care and experiment slowly at first; some people enjoy this, some people don't.
“Cropping the breasts is a great way to get the endorphins flowing. You can switch back and forth between using the crop and using other techniques to stimulate the breasts, such as a Wartenberg wheel. You can also use the crop to get the blood flowing through the breasts and nipples prior to clamping them.”
- http://symtoys.com/ideas_cropping01.html
Reading the above, a light dawned in my head. Consider these two scenarios:
1. Kay’s breast was whipped. The whip sliced into her right breast. Had it struck her erect nipple, her nipple might have needed stitches. Hence, the whipmaster engaged in a risky move that might have gotten him into trouble, and upset Kay.
2. Kay’s breast was hit with a riding crop. She was blow jobbing the whipmaster as he hit her breast with a crop. Likely, he struck her breasts, at first, with the crop’s keeper. ( Which can’t cut the skin. ) Later, he hit her with the crop’s shaft. He hit her enough times with the shaft, and hard enough, that he cut her breast. Perhaps he even yanked her breast high, by her nipple, and then struck her breast with the crop.
You would think that such a cropping would leave bruises. There is a bruise on the back of her right thigh, and on the front of her left shin. Otherwise, despite the many punishment marks on her body, she is unbruised.
It is possible that the whipmaster, while getting blow jobbed by Kay, yanked her breast high by her nipple, and whipped it. In that case, he would have used a short whip. The whip cut her breast, but her nipple was not in danger. That’s because the whipmaster’s hand was covering Kay’s nipple, as he yanked her breast high. Also, the whipmaster’s body would have been over Kay’s face. In such a situation, there would have been no danger to her eyes. ( Unless he pooped in them. )
Kay has several vertical slash marks on her right hip. These are bunched so close together that they can be misinterpreted as a single slash mark. They are thicker at the top ( toward her head ) than at the bottom ( toward her feet ). These slash marks may have been from a riding crop. It’s possible that Kay’s whipmaster delivered them during the time that she was blow jobbing him, and he was hitting her breast with the crop. Hence, he hit her right breast, then he hit her right hip. Perhaps he alternated between her breast and her hip, urging her to blow job him with more passion. ( She was probably already doing this, but a submissive likes to be urged. )
If Kay’s breast was hit by a riding crop, it must have been struck quite hard. ( “I will beat you hard.” ) I haven’t found a video of breasts being hit with a riding crop. Hence, I don’t know what force is needed for a riding crop to cut a breast.
On the other hand, a whip can cut flesh, and not leave bruises. This modifies my thesis: Kay’s breast may have been hit by a whip. But it wasn’t the long whip that struck her in so many places. It was a short whip. It was a whip that didn’t have a “cracker”. Probably, her head was under the whipmaster’s body as he whipped her breast.
At what point, as Kay was being disciplined, was her breast cut? It was likely cut at the end of the “session”. Kay has often referred to her ass as “fat”. In fact, her ass is not fat, except when she herself is fat ( all over ). Kay, perhaps disliking her ass ( in 2016 ), was more than willing to have her ass whipped. Perhaps that would teach it a lesson. Her thighs are lovely, but are always slightly on the thick side. So, she didn’t object to having her thighs whipped.
Kay’s breasts are another matter. They’re perfectly sized, in 2016, for an innocent young girl. However, they aren’t big porn star boobs. Hence, Kay probably didn’t want her breasts struck. She valued what bosoms she had, and wished she had bigger ones. So, her whipmaster “pushed” her. He’d always planned to whack her breasts. He just didn’t tell her that. Kay was likely too erotically high to object when her breast was struck. It was cut two ( or three ) times. By contrast, her ass was struck ( and cut ) many times.
When you watch “Wet Dreams”, keep this in mind: Kay has sperm in her. It is very likely that her whipping included sex, and probably not just oral sex. Kay may have blow jobbed her whipmaster. But he probably climaxed in her womb.
Who whipped Kay? The snap answer is to “blame” Alex Lynn. The next obvious target is whoever Kay’s boyfriend was at the time. I have read about Kyiv, Ukraine. Like any big city, it has a number of nightclubs. According to Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, Ukraine ( before the war ) was “the poorest country in Europe”. According to a Kyivan woman, Kyiv’s nightclubs are where you can meet tarts. You meet the girl, you dance with her, and then you go off into the night for whatever mutual passions you choose.
I have no evidence that Kay was a tart. However, being a tart in a nightclub would be a great place to meet a stranger who’s an expert with a whip. Slavic countries, apparently, have an affinity for whipping females that dates back centuries. I have cited an example or two of this in prior issues of ARSE. Likely, you’ve seen “Russian spank” videos on the internet. They often involve rather brutal whackings of females.
BDSM doesn’t occur solely between lovers who know each other well. I have read, in more than one place, of females describing their BDSM experiences. Such females want to be whipped by a stranger. They don’t want to know him. They just want to submit to him. The BDSM experience is the totality of the relationship. It is highly possible that Kay was whipped by a stranger that she met at a nightclub. Alternatively, she may have gone to a bondage party with her boyfriend, or with Alex Lynn. A whipmaster may have demonstrated his technique on one or more ladies. Then, Kay submitted to him. In such a case, there is less of a probability that Kay and the whipmaster had sex. In such a case, there is a greater possibility that Kay was suspended upside down. In that position ( feet up ), her breast was struck by a riding crop. Her right hip was also struck by a riding crop.
Probably, you’ve seen bondage material on the internet. I often don’t find the females who are in these to be very appealing. Even if the woman is pretty, a “so what” factor soon cuts in. ( At kink ( dot ) com, a scene usually devolves, swiftly, into absurdity. )
Too often, a woman in a BDSM scene is too old. Her body isn’t very attractive. Now, it’s plastered with red marks. The best I can say of such a photo is this: at least it’s not a man! ( Research BDSM, and you’re soon at a gay site; involuntarily. )
Kay J is an entirely different matter. She’s ( presumably ) 20 years old in “Wet Dreams”. She looks super young! She even acts young, spending time masturbating. Her babydoll face is the picture of innocence. Kay’s body is the epitome of young girl perfection. She has lovely, satiny skin. She has no significant moles or other imperfections. Her sole “imperfections” are those the whipmaster inflicted on her.
And: Kay submitted voluntarily to her ordeal. Likely, in her coquettish way, she sought it out.
It’s one thing to see Kay in bondage poses. ( Which appear, subtly and less so, throughout her career. ) It’s another thing to see evidence that she underwent an actual bondage ordeal. “Wet Dreams”, and “Dreaming” ( likely filmed a day later ) provide that evidence. Kay J is a true bondage submissive. When her life as such began, and how often she’s been one, remain a mystery.
Date: April 26, 2022
“Hi, I know you from Kay J's Only Fans page and your splendid comments on her posts, you really add to my enjoyment of her page and add an extra electricity to the delicious photos she posts. I'm a big fan of hers and would love to discuss more, should you be inclined. I bet you two have the best conversations! More power to you. Best wishes, Wobbles”.
My reply:
Date: April 26, 2022
Subject: Awesome Kay J!
Dear Wobbles,
Thank you for your very nice letter!
I am on the same level with regard to Kay J as any other fan.
I write to her, via a direct message, whenever I feel that it’s appropriate. However, I rarely hear back from her.
Kay J has had a greater psychological impact on me than any other female. She is stunningly lovely. Also, I am unable to determine her true personality. She remains an unplumbed mystery.
I get ideas for my public comments, on Kay J’s Only Fans page, by staring for a long time at every photo that she posts. I try to come up with different fantasy ideas about her situation in each of her photos.
I do my best to notice everything. What does the floor look like? What does the wall behind her look like? What is reflecting off of her Catwoman mask? ( A dryer, and unfolded laundry, as best I can tell. )
I was desperate to create a timeline of Kay J’s photographic items that are at the metartnetwork.com. I wanted to know exactly which photographic item came first, which came next, etc. ( In real life. )
For instance, in “Wet Dreams” and in “Dreaming”, Kay has whip marks on her body. The whip marks are identical in both of her videos. ( Some whip marks have faded from her by the time that “Dreaming” was filmed. )
The metartnetwork says that “Wet Dreams” was filmed in September. They say that “Dreaming” was filmed in December. That’s impossible! “Dreaming”, as best I can tell, was filmed one day after “Wet Dreams”.
It is in this way that I began examining, very closely, every one of Kay’s photographic items. I did this at the metartnetwork. I then transferred my skill, unconsciously, to her Only Fans photos. I just naturally do it, now. I thoroughly study each of her photos.
Kay is, to quote watch4beauty.com ( which I am not a member of ), an “unusual girl”. She is thrillingly submissive. Yet she has a mind of her own. I am unable to understand her.
With most females, I suppose, I can readily determine the female’s personality. Or perhaps I don’t care. But Kay J, for me, is an endlessly compelling mystery. And so succulently lovely!
I won’t ask you to render a judgement on her tattoo. But it breaks my heart that she got it. Hopefully, she won’t undertake other permanent changes to her perfection.
Perfection needs no improvement!
Twitter = Adult Dinner Conversation. 🥸👨🦰🧔♀️🙎🏾👮🤥🧔♂️ 😵💫 👩🦱🧕🧓🏽👵🤢
TikTok = The Kids’ Table! 🥳😺😊🧸🎉😜🤡🙄💩😚🤠🪅😃
( Which you prefer determines whether you’re a clueless fuddy-duddy or a fun person. )
1. “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” are both available at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
2. Kay’s bosoms are quite big now. Probably, she got a boob job. It’s a superb boob job. Kay’s breasts still fit neatly within the overall structure of her body.
3. This note further explores Kay lying supine, and blow jobbing her whipmaster. He hits her right breast as she blow jobs him. He also hits her right hip. He uses a riding crop.
Let’s assume that the whipmaster was yanking Kay’s breast high by her nipple. Since he’s kneeling over her face, he’s leaning forward. In order to easily strike her right hip, he has to hold the riding crop in his right hand. He subsequently hits her right breast.
How does he hit her right breast? He hits its underside. This is easy for him, since he’s leaning forward. Such a blow could be delivered quite hard. This is accomplished still more easily if he is not only yanking Kay’s breast up, but toward her face. Such blows would leave exactly the sort of marks that Kay bears in “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming”.
The deepest cuts on Kay are on her breast. The next deepest are on her right hip. These cuts are vertical, or nearly so. ( They follow the contour of her body to some extent. ) It is possible that the whipmaster passed his riding crop between his hands. However, that’s unlikely. He probably used his dominant hand throughout the BDSM “session”. His dominant hand was likely his right hand.
Hence, Kay’s breast and right hip were struck by her whipmaster’s right hand. This was surely done at the height of her, and his, mutual passion. This is when the players are the least inhibited, and when cuts are likely to be deepest.
4. “Her ordeal … consisted of more than 250 strokes with a variety of implements.”
- Gardens of the Night. By Felicia Plessey. ( In the book’s interior, the author is listed as “Anonymous”.) Blue Moon Books. New York, New York, United States of America. 1992. Page 180. ( A Conversation with Lynn Paula Russell. )
Kay J was probably struck by a variety of items. A hand, a paddle, a whip, and a riding crop. She may even have been hit by a cane.
( I can’t find any clear “two track” marks that a cane ( apparently ) leaves. Nor do I see little “X” marks from a birch rod’s buds. )
I do my utmost to stick to facts, when reconstructing Kay’s bondage ordeals. I only describe what I see, based on my research. Always, my rule is this: keep it simple. I would rather fail to describe all that happened to Kay, than build BDSM castles on sand.
5. In my article ( above ) I stated that Kay has only two bruises. They are on her legs. I defined these marks as bruises because they’re light brown.
However, it turns out that fresh bruises are red. In my article, I identified the red spot on Kay’s right hip as being a light infection. In fact, it’s probably a bruise. The same is likely true for several other roundish, red marks on her.
Hence, Kay’s cuts and red bruises are fresh. The light brown bruises on her legs are probably from a prior BDSM session.
As best I can tell, Kay was a “wild child”; at least in regard to BDSM. There is other photographic evidence, in her professional work, of BDSM ordeals. That is, real life ordeals, which she did her best to keep hidden. ( See prior issues of ARSE. ) “Wet Dreams” and “Dreaming” dish on what otherwise might pass unnoticed before us.
For the changes to a bruise’s color over time, see “Medical News Today”.
Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322742?c=672351104770
Summary of bruises:
A. Red = immediately after impact.
B. Blue, purple, or black = 1 to 2 days after impact.
C. Yellow or green = 5 to 10 days after impact.
D. Yellowish-brown or light brown = 10 to 14 days after impact.
A bruise can result from one or more impacts.
6. If one travels, one can get a tan in a place other than Ukraine. I have examined Kay’s photographic items closely to see how much she’s travelled. I’m speaking of her travelling for modeling shoots. There is no evidence that she travelled outside of Ukraine when she was 20 years old. Hence, her tan lines are from Ukraine’s summer weather.
7. All of my statements about Kay J, unless they can be readily verified on the internet, are conjecture.
“I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
- Isaac Newton.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 181
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 181, version 5.0
Date Written: April 28, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Going 3-D
ET 180
Editorial Thunder presents...
Going 3-D
by Andrew Roller
In a previous issue of ARSE, I discussed my need for 3-D glasses. I need them to view a video that Kay J posted on her Only Fans web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay released this video on April 24, 2022.
I watch Kay’s videos on my Apple iPad. I wear glasses. Any 3-D glasses that I buy need to fit over the glasses that I’m already wearing.
I bought the following 3-D glasses at amazon ( dot ) com. The glasses haven’t arrived; I just ordered them. They are:
Solarson 3D Clip-on Glasses, Red Blue/Cyan Anaglyph 3D Glasses for All 3D Movies Games TV Light Weight Simple Design
The link for these glasses is:
https://www ( dot ) amazon ( dot ) com/Solarson-Glasses-Movies-Weight-Simple/dp/B07X8M5RW1/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1DZGIM5Y78U34&keywords=3-d%2Bclip-on%2Bglasses&qid=1650885607&sprefix=3-d%2Bclip-on%2Bglasses%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-3&th=1
I had to insert “( dot )”, in two places, to get this link to appear.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 180
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 180, version 2.0
Date Written: April 25, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 180
Editorial Thunder presents...
Going 3-D
by Andrew Roller
In a previous issue of ARSE, I discussed my need for 3-D glasses. I need them to view a video that Kay J posted on her Only Fans web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay released this video on April 24, 2022.
I watch Kay’s videos on my Apple iPad. I wear glasses. Any 3-D glasses that I buy need to fit over the glasses that I’m already wearing.
I bought the following 3-D glasses at amazon ( dot ) com. The glasses haven’t arrived; I just ordered them. They are:
Solarson 3D Clip-on Glasses, Red Blue/Cyan Anaglyph 3D Glasses for All 3D Movies Games TV Light Weight Simple Design
The link for these glasses is:
https://www ( dot ) amazon ( dot ) com/Solarson-Glasses-Movies-Weight-Simple/dp/B07X8M5RW1/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1DZGIM5Y78U34&keywords=3-d%2Bclip-on%2Bglasses&qid=1650885607&sprefix=3-d%2Bclip-on%2Bglasses%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-3&th=1
I had to insert “( dot )”, in two places, to get this link to appear.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 180
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 180, version 2.0
Date Written: April 25, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Helping Ukraine. ( Or not. )
ET 179
Editorial Thunder presents...
Helping Ukraine. ( Or not. )
Helping Ukraine. ( Or not. )
by Andrew Roller
You’ve probably heard of the Fox News Channel. It has three prime time hosts. Two of those hosts are against helping Ukraine. They are Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham.
Mark Levin hosts a weekend show on Fox News. It is called, “Life, Liberty & Levin”. The following is my response to Levin’s monologue, “‘America First’, what does it mean?”
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/life-liberty-levin
The thesis of Levin’s monologue is as follows: America must help Ukraine.
Date: April 24, 2022
Subject: Thank you, Mark Levin!
Dear Mark Levin,
Thank you for your monologue, “‘America First’, what does it mean?”
One of America’s first acts, as a country, was to fight the Barbary Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is a long way from the ( then ) 13 American colonies huddling along the Atlantic coast.
America is a missionary nation that stands for universal principles. It has always been such. That’s why America, today, is global power, not a backwater country.
Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are welcome to skip work tomorrow. Instead of talking on the T.V., I hope they’ll air your monologue.
In terms of subject matter, Carlson and Ingraham no longer have news shows. To fill time on air, they dwell on worthless trivialities. They do this every night.
It would have distressed me to watch Carlson and Ingraham during World War II. I guess, in that era, Carlson and Ingraham would have filled their air time with the results of horse races and dog shows.
1. I define “prime time” as being the hours between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.
2. The nation of Austria is against allowing Ukraine to join the European Union. It was Austria ( not Germany ) that bestowed Adolf Hitler upon the world.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 179
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 179, version 1.0
Date Written: April 25, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 179
Editorial Thunder presents...
Helping Ukraine. ( Or not. )
Helping Ukraine. ( Or not. )
by Andrew Roller
You’ve probably heard of the Fox News Channel. It has three prime time hosts. Two of those hosts are against helping Ukraine. They are Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham.
Mark Levin hosts a weekend show on Fox News. It is called, “Life, Liberty & Levin”. The following is my response to Levin’s monologue, “‘America First’, what does it mean?”
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/life-liberty-levin
The thesis of Levin’s monologue is as follows: America must help Ukraine.
Date: April 24, 2022
Subject: Thank you, Mark Levin!
Dear Mark Levin,
Thank you for your monologue, “‘America First’, what does it mean?”
One of America’s first acts, as a country, was to fight the Barbary Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is a long way from the ( then ) 13 American colonies huddling along the Atlantic coast.
America is a missionary nation that stands for universal principles. It has always been such. That’s why America, today, is global power, not a backwater country.
Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are welcome to skip work tomorrow. Instead of talking on the T.V., I hope they’ll air your monologue.
In terms of subject matter, Carlson and Ingraham no longer have news shows. To fill time on air, they dwell on worthless trivialities. They do this every night.
It would have distressed me to watch Carlson and Ingraham during World War II. I guess, in that era, Carlson and Ingraham would have filled their air time with the results of horse races and dog shows.
1. I define “prime time” as being the hours between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.
2. The nation of Austria is against allowing Ukraine to join the European Union. It was Austria ( not Germany ) that bestowed Adolf Hitler upon the world.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 179
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 179, version 1.0
Date Written: April 25, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Only Fans Problems
ET 178
Editorial Thunder presents...
Only Fans Problems
Plus: Ode to a f—k up.
And: How a tattoo gun works.
by Andrew Roller
There are two rules in computing:
1. If something is working, don’t mess with it. You’re liable to screw it up.
2. An online business will give you the minimum that it can get away with.
I am an average internet user. I tried learning to code, but didn’t get far. I’ve learned that “leave well enough alone” is a wise maxim to follow.
Eight months ago, I joined Kay J’s Only Fans web site. Only Fans has software that works. However, it is not on the level of, say, You Tube. ( A company that ruined itself with its psychotic censorship practices. ) Here are some problems with Only Fans’ software:
1. You cannot visit the “channels” of different girls on Only Fans. You can only bring their content to you. As a result, if you subscribe to two Only Fans “channels”, they both get dumped into your “channel”. The photos get intermingled. The more girls that you subscribe to on Only Fans, the worse this problem gets.
( That’s why I call Kay J’s Only Fans “channel” a “web site”. Hers is the only “channel”, on Only Fans, that I subscribe to. )
2. Scroll down in Kay J’s Only Fans web site. If you scroll up from the bottom, Only Fans will skip some of Kay’s photos. This happens when Only Fans’ software decides to “load more content”.
( By “the bottom”, I mean from the starting date of her Only Fans web site: August 18, 2020.
3. If you switch away from your Safari browser, you lose your place among Kay J’s photos. You won’t be disconnected from Kay’s web site. However, when you switch back to your Safari browser, you will have to scroll down again, in Kay’s photos, to where you last were.
And where were you? Well, you were looking at a photo of Kay J. Among a long scroll of photos of Kay J! Good luck finding your place!
I want a screenshot of each of Kay’s photos. It is difficult for me to check my work ( in, say, my “Photos” app ) if I lose my place in Kay’s photos every time that I switch away from my Safari browser.
4. Make sure that you “pop open” each of Kay’s photos! A photo that isn’t “popped open” is partly cut off.
5. It is no longer possible to “pop open” videos. A video that isn’t “popped open” does not have part of itself cut off.
6. A photo has no “Settings” adjustment. Just screenshot what Only Fans provides. HOWEVER, a video does have a “Settings” adjustment. I made a screen recording of each of Kay’s videos. In a previous issue of ARSE, I said the following:
“Kay J takes nice photos. However, her videos are grainy.” ( Paraphrased. )
It turns out that this is not Kay’s fault. Today, I was horrified to learn that I’d been screen recording Kay’s videos, for months, in the “Setting” of 240p. Only Fans has three settings:
Look to the bottom of a video in Only Fans. Look near the bottom right corner. The icon that resembles a wheel is the “Settings” icon. Tap on it. The icon can be fiddly. Its accompanying informational box often appears, and then immediately disappears. ( As if Only Fans doesn’t want you to find it. ) Change “Settings” from 240p ( or from 720p ) to “Original”.
Once you’ve changed “Settings” to “Original”, it will stay on “Original”. You don’t have to change it prior to viewing each video.
Today, Kay J released her first 3-D video. I complained. I thought she had improperly uploaded her video. Fortunately, another fan of Kay J posted a public comment. In it, he mentioned that her video was in 3-D.
I went to Amazon. As too often happens at Amazon, there were a lot of choices, and none that I felt ready to buy. Every pair of 3-D glasses that was offered had one or more negative comments associated with it. I am able to weigh the validity of comments. However, none of the glasses met my standards.
In the case of a number of choices at Amazon, the seller wanted to sell me, say, 50 pairs of 3-D glasses. I only need one good pair of 3-D glasses. I need them to view Kay J’s video on my iPad. I wear glasses, so any 3-D glasses need to fit over the glasses I’m wearing.
Getting 3-D glasses that work, and adjusting “Settings” at Only Fans, won’t solve the biggest problem I have. I absolutely hate Kay J’s tattoo. It’s large, and on her upper back. Tonight, I looked ( again ) at every one of her photographic items on Only Fans. She is a gorgeous babe. However, getting tattooed was a mistake. A big one. ( Like her tattoo. )
ODE to a F—K UP
by Andrew Roller
Kay J was tattooed a year ago. Her tattoo is big. It’s on her upper back. Kay proceeded to waste a year hiding her tattoo. She did this on her Only Fans web site. How did Kay hide her tattoo? She did so by releasing close-ups of her boobs, pussy, and ass. Endlessly! I prefer “whole body” photos and videos.
Now Kay is, at last, starting to again release “whole body” photos and videos. Unfortunately, the viewer, in these photos and videos, sees her tattoo.
Kay should take a lesson from Coca-Cola, and from Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Coca-Cola had a highly successful product. It was called Coca-Cola. Then, Coca-Cola announced that it was getting rid of Coca-Cola. It released “New Coke”. Customers did not like “New Coke”. Coca-Cola was forced to get rid of “New Coke”.
Kentucky Friend Chicken had a successful product. It was called Kentucky Fried Chicken. Then, Kentucky Fried Chicken announced that it was getting rid of Kentucky Fried Chicken. It released “Extra Crispy” Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Colonel Sanders had invented Kentucky Fried Chicken. He had sold all the rights to it, but he remained an employee of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Colonel Sanders demanded that Kentucky Fried Chicken not get rid of Kentucky Fried Chicken. ( Known today as “the original recipe”. )
There is a small Kentucky Fried Chicken at a ( large ) U.S. Naval Base that is near me. They only sell one type of Kentucky Fried Chicken. They sell “the original recipe”.
If you’re a highly successful nude model ( like Kay J ), please understand that you are the owner of more than yourself. You are the owner of something that is globally loved. ( Like Cola-Cola. ) Kay took no poll, of her fans, on whether she should get tattooed. A video that Kay released, prior to being tattooed, enables me to conclude the following: she intended to be tattooed. She did not get drunk and make a spur-of-the moment decision.
The one sort of person that should not “change the product” is a nude model! ( Especially a female one. ) Ann Rice is an author. If she gets a big tattoo on her upper back, no one will know. Have you ever seen Ann Rice’s upper back? I haven’t. ( Nor do I want to. ) So, an author can “change the product”, with regard to getting a tattoo. A nude model can’t.
On April 5, 2022, I wrote the following to Kay J:
“Sometimes, a person climbs a mountain. The person can’t live on the top of the mountain. So, the person takes a photo of himself. With his photo, he can say, ‘Look! I climbed a mountain!’
“You got a tattoo. You endured the experience of getting a tattoo. You have the photos to prove that you got the tattoo.
“Now, it’s time for you to get rid of the tattoo. ( Laser surgery can get rid of it. This may take time. It may be expensive. )”
Kay J replied:
“ This is my body and I love my tattoo. I'm not going to remove it👌🏼”
( I added the quote marks. )
Females do not understand males. A male is not solely in love with, or infatuated by, a female. He is also looking for a reason to fall out of love with her. To stop being infatuated with her. In Kay’s case, her tattoo goes a long way toward giving me a reason to dump her. I haven’t dumped her yet. I still regard her as being incredibly lovely.
However, someday a new Kay J will appear in my life. I used to be infatuated with the model “Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne”. A photo of Sloan is the wallpaper ( background ) on my iPad, and on my iPhone. However, I am no longer scouring the internet for photos of Sloan. I’m no longer joining expensive porn sites to obtain her photos. I moved on to Kay J.
Sadly, my interest in Kay J will likely wane, when I find someone new. I haven’t, yet. But that day is coming, thanks to the ugly tattoo on her otherwise beautiful self.
by Andrew Roller
The Washington Post ( washingtonpost ( dot ) com ) writes:
“The ink is actually held between the needles. After those needles puncture your skin ( just the upper layer, if your tattoo artist knows their stuff-- going beneath the fat will cause your tattoo to blur ), the ink held between the needles is drawn down.
From Nerdist:
“Once there are hundreds of tiny holes leading down to your dermis - the layer of skin between the epidermis ( outer layer ) and subcutaneous tissues - the ink between the needles is drawn into them by capillary action. In short, the surface tension and forces holding the ink together encourages the ink to seep into the holes left by the needles.”
From The Washington Post:
“The [ tattoo gun ] actually has many-pointed needles - and they're not the same ones you see in the doctor's office.”
From Vox ( vox ( dot ) com ):
“When the needles break the skin, they drive ink into the dermis ( the layer of skin just below the surface ). Ultimately, that ink is permanent because of a quirk of the human immune system: The body responds to the wound with white blood cells that attempt to engulf and remove intruders, but ink pigment particles are simply too big to be eaten.”
Often, we hear the following: listen to your body. Your body does not want to be tattooed. That’s why it hurts. That’s why white blood cells attempt to destroy the globules of ink. That’s why your body itches for days after being tattooed, and why you might feel sick. It’s why your body may have a bad reaction to your tattoo, years later.
It is one thing to engage in activities that have an emotional high associated with them, and perhaps some risk of injury. You can get injured doing most anything, including walking or running. That’s part of life. Doing something that permanently alters your body should be avoided. If God wanted people to have odd, garish designs on them, He would have made us that way.
It is interesting to see what part of oneself a person tattoos. Would Kay J tattoo her boobs? I hope not! Her ass? Sure; if, in photos, she wants to appear to have a giant, hairy mole on her ass. ( A popular porn star actually did tattoo her ass, decades ago. As far as I know, her tattoo ended her career. ) Apparently, Kay J figured that her upper back wasn’t very important. Here’s the effect that her tattoo had on me: I now prize a female’s bare upper back. Provided, of course, that it isn’t tattooed.
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
- Rhett Butler ( Clark Gable ) to Scarlett O’Hara ( Vivien Leigh ). From the film, “Gone with the Wind”.
Roger Dawson points out that the worst emotional reaction to someone isn’t “I hate you”, but “I don’t give a damn”.
1. In some prior issues of ARSE, I listed an alternate number for Kay J’s Only Fans web site. I listed this alternate number in the indicia ( below ). It turns out that this “alternate number” for Kay J’s Only Fans web site was, in fact, my own number. ( For my Only Fans web site. ) As was printed in the 1970s: “Newsweek regrets the error.”
2. Roger Dawson’s most famous product is “The Secrets of Power Negotiating”.
3. I continue to highly recommend Kay J’s Only Fans web site.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 178
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 178, version 2.0
Date Written: April 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 178
Editorial Thunder presents...
Only Fans Problems
Plus: Ode to a f—k up.
And: How a tattoo gun works.
by Andrew Roller
There are two rules in computing:
1. If something is working, don’t mess with it. You’re liable to screw it up.
2. An online business will give you the minimum that it can get away with.
I am an average internet user. I tried learning to code, but didn’t get far. I’ve learned that “leave well enough alone” is a wise maxim to follow.
Eight months ago, I joined Kay J’s Only Fans web site. Only Fans has software that works. However, it is not on the level of, say, You Tube. ( A company that ruined itself with its psychotic censorship practices. ) Here are some problems with Only Fans’ software:
1. You cannot visit the “channels” of different girls on Only Fans. You can only bring their content to you. As a result, if you subscribe to two Only Fans “channels”, they both get dumped into your “channel”. The photos get intermingled. The more girls that you subscribe to on Only Fans, the worse this problem gets.
( That’s why I call Kay J’s Only Fans “channel” a “web site”. Hers is the only “channel”, on Only Fans, that I subscribe to. )
2. Scroll down in Kay J’s Only Fans web site. If you scroll up from the bottom, Only Fans will skip some of Kay’s photos. This happens when Only Fans’ software decides to “load more content”.
( By “the bottom”, I mean from the starting date of her Only Fans web site: August 18, 2020.
3. If you switch away from your Safari browser, you lose your place among Kay J’s photos. You won’t be disconnected from Kay’s web site. However, when you switch back to your Safari browser, you will have to scroll down again, in Kay’s photos, to where you last were.
And where were you? Well, you were looking at a photo of Kay J. Among a long scroll of photos of Kay J! Good luck finding your place!
I want a screenshot of each of Kay’s photos. It is difficult for me to check my work ( in, say, my “Photos” app ) if I lose my place in Kay’s photos every time that I switch away from my Safari browser.
4. Make sure that you “pop open” each of Kay’s photos! A photo that isn’t “popped open” is partly cut off.
5. It is no longer possible to “pop open” videos. A video that isn’t “popped open” does not have part of itself cut off.
6. A photo has no “Settings” adjustment. Just screenshot what Only Fans provides. HOWEVER, a video does have a “Settings” adjustment. I made a screen recording of each of Kay’s videos. In a previous issue of ARSE, I said the following:
“Kay J takes nice photos. However, her videos are grainy.” ( Paraphrased. )
It turns out that this is not Kay’s fault. Today, I was horrified to learn that I’d been screen recording Kay’s videos, for months, in the “Setting” of 240p. Only Fans has three settings:
Look to the bottom of a video in Only Fans. Look near the bottom right corner. The icon that resembles a wheel is the “Settings” icon. Tap on it. The icon can be fiddly. Its accompanying informational box often appears, and then immediately disappears. ( As if Only Fans doesn’t want you to find it. ) Change “Settings” from 240p ( or from 720p ) to “Original”.
Once you’ve changed “Settings” to “Original”, it will stay on “Original”. You don’t have to change it prior to viewing each video.
Today, Kay J released her first 3-D video. I complained. I thought she had improperly uploaded her video. Fortunately, another fan of Kay J posted a public comment. In it, he mentioned that her video was in 3-D.
I went to Amazon. As too often happens at Amazon, there were a lot of choices, and none that I felt ready to buy. Every pair of 3-D glasses that was offered had one or more negative comments associated with it. I am able to weigh the validity of comments. However, none of the glasses met my standards.
In the case of a number of choices at Amazon, the seller wanted to sell me, say, 50 pairs of 3-D glasses. I only need one good pair of 3-D glasses. I need them to view Kay J’s video on my iPad. I wear glasses, so any 3-D glasses need to fit over the glasses I’m wearing.
Getting 3-D glasses that work, and adjusting “Settings” at Only Fans, won’t solve the biggest problem I have. I absolutely hate Kay J’s tattoo. It’s large, and on her upper back. Tonight, I looked ( again ) at every one of her photographic items on Only Fans. She is a gorgeous babe. However, getting tattooed was a mistake. A big one. ( Like her tattoo. )
ODE to a F—K UP
by Andrew Roller
Kay J was tattooed a year ago. Her tattoo is big. It’s on her upper back. Kay proceeded to waste a year hiding her tattoo. She did this on her Only Fans web site. How did Kay hide her tattoo? She did so by releasing close-ups of her boobs, pussy, and ass. Endlessly! I prefer “whole body” photos and videos.
Now Kay is, at last, starting to again release “whole body” photos and videos. Unfortunately, the viewer, in these photos and videos, sees her tattoo.
Kay should take a lesson from Coca-Cola, and from Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Coca-Cola had a highly successful product. It was called Coca-Cola. Then, Coca-Cola announced that it was getting rid of Coca-Cola. It released “New Coke”. Customers did not like “New Coke”. Coca-Cola was forced to get rid of “New Coke”.
Kentucky Friend Chicken had a successful product. It was called Kentucky Fried Chicken. Then, Kentucky Fried Chicken announced that it was getting rid of Kentucky Fried Chicken. It released “Extra Crispy” Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Colonel Sanders had invented Kentucky Fried Chicken. He had sold all the rights to it, but he remained an employee of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Colonel Sanders demanded that Kentucky Fried Chicken not get rid of Kentucky Fried Chicken. ( Known today as “the original recipe”. )
There is a small Kentucky Fried Chicken at a ( large ) U.S. Naval Base that is near me. They only sell one type of Kentucky Fried Chicken. They sell “the original recipe”.
If you’re a highly successful nude model ( like Kay J ), please understand that you are the owner of more than yourself. You are the owner of something that is globally loved. ( Like Cola-Cola. ) Kay took no poll, of her fans, on whether she should get tattooed. A video that Kay released, prior to being tattooed, enables me to conclude the following: she intended to be tattooed. She did not get drunk and make a spur-of-the moment decision.
The one sort of person that should not “change the product” is a nude model! ( Especially a female one. ) Ann Rice is an author. If she gets a big tattoo on her upper back, no one will know. Have you ever seen Ann Rice’s upper back? I haven’t. ( Nor do I want to. ) So, an author can “change the product”, with regard to getting a tattoo. A nude model can’t.
On April 5, 2022, I wrote the following to Kay J:
“Sometimes, a person climbs a mountain. The person can’t live on the top of the mountain. So, the person takes a photo of himself. With his photo, he can say, ‘Look! I climbed a mountain!’
“You got a tattoo. You endured the experience of getting a tattoo. You have the photos to prove that you got the tattoo.
“Now, it’s time for you to get rid of the tattoo. ( Laser surgery can get rid of it. This may take time. It may be expensive. )”
Kay J replied:
“ This is my body and I love my tattoo. I'm not going to remove it👌🏼”
( I added the quote marks. )
Females do not understand males. A male is not solely in love with, or infatuated by, a female. He is also looking for a reason to fall out of love with her. To stop being infatuated with her. In Kay’s case, her tattoo goes a long way toward giving me a reason to dump her. I haven’t dumped her yet. I still regard her as being incredibly lovely.
However, someday a new Kay J will appear in my life. I used to be infatuated with the model “Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne”. A photo of Sloan is the wallpaper ( background ) on my iPad, and on my iPhone. However, I am no longer scouring the internet for photos of Sloan. I’m no longer joining expensive porn sites to obtain her photos. I moved on to Kay J.
Sadly, my interest in Kay J will likely wane, when I find someone new. I haven’t, yet. But that day is coming, thanks to the ugly tattoo on her otherwise beautiful self.
by Andrew Roller
The Washington Post ( washingtonpost ( dot ) com ) writes:
“The ink is actually held between the needles. After those needles puncture your skin ( just the upper layer, if your tattoo artist knows their stuff-- going beneath the fat will cause your tattoo to blur ), the ink held between the needles is drawn down.
From Nerdist:
“Once there are hundreds of tiny holes leading down to your dermis - the layer of skin between the epidermis ( outer layer ) and subcutaneous tissues - the ink between the needles is drawn into them by capillary action. In short, the surface tension and forces holding the ink together encourages the ink to seep into the holes left by the needles.”
From The Washington Post:
“The [ tattoo gun ] actually has many-pointed needles - and they're not the same ones you see in the doctor's office.”
From Vox ( vox ( dot ) com ):
“When the needles break the skin, they drive ink into the dermis ( the layer of skin just below the surface ). Ultimately, that ink is permanent because of a quirk of the human immune system: The body responds to the wound with white blood cells that attempt to engulf and remove intruders, but ink pigment particles are simply too big to be eaten.”
Often, we hear the following: listen to your body. Your body does not want to be tattooed. That’s why it hurts. That’s why white blood cells attempt to destroy the globules of ink. That’s why your body itches for days after being tattooed, and why you might feel sick. It’s why your body may have a bad reaction to your tattoo, years later.
It is one thing to engage in activities that have an emotional high associated with them, and perhaps some risk of injury. You can get injured doing most anything, including walking or running. That’s part of life. Doing something that permanently alters your body should be avoided. If God wanted people to have odd, garish designs on them, He would have made us that way.
It is interesting to see what part of oneself a person tattoos. Would Kay J tattoo her boobs? I hope not! Her ass? Sure; if, in photos, she wants to appear to have a giant, hairy mole on her ass. ( A popular porn star actually did tattoo her ass, decades ago. As far as I know, her tattoo ended her career. ) Apparently, Kay J figured that her upper back wasn’t very important. Here’s the effect that her tattoo had on me: I now prize a female’s bare upper back. Provided, of course, that it isn’t tattooed.
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
- Rhett Butler ( Clark Gable ) to Scarlett O’Hara ( Vivien Leigh ). From the film, “Gone with the Wind”.
Roger Dawson points out that the worst emotional reaction to someone isn’t “I hate you”, but “I don’t give a damn”.
1. In some prior issues of ARSE, I listed an alternate number for Kay J’s Only Fans web site. I listed this alternate number in the indicia ( below ). It turns out that this “alternate number” for Kay J’s Only Fans web site was, in fact, my own number. ( For my Only Fans web site. ) As was printed in the 1970s: “Newsweek regrets the error.”
2. Roger Dawson’s most famous product is “The Secrets of Power Negotiating”.
3. I continue to highly recommend Kay J’s Only Fans web site.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 178
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 178, version 2.0
Date Written: April 24, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Germany Lies as Ukrainians Die
ET 177
Editorial Thunder presents...
Germany Lies as Ukrainians Die
by Andrew Roller
Recently, Germany said that it couldn’t send any more weapons to Ukraine. The reason? Germany claimed that it was all out of weapons.
Now, the truth has come out. Here it is:
“German chancellor against sending Ukraine weapons due to risk of nuclear war”.
The above is a quote from the Fox News channel.
You’ll recall, of course, another German chancellor. His name was Adolf Hitler. Hitler had plenty of weapons for Ukraine; provided that they were being used to kill Ukrainians!
Given Germany’s history in Ukraine, my opinion is this: Germany owes Ukraine every last weapon it has.
If Germany, as a result, gets blown up in a nuclear war ( launched by Russia ), that won’t be too much worse than what Germany did to Ukraine in World War II. It’s time for Germany to make real amends to Ukraine for its past conduct.
The accompanying video at Fox News is:
“German chancellor against sending Ukraine weapons due to risk of nuclear war”.
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/the-story
T.V. show: the story with Martha MacCallum.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 177
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 177, version 1.0
Date Written: April 23, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 177
Editorial Thunder presents...
Germany Lies as Ukrainians Die
by Andrew Roller
Recently, Germany said that it couldn’t send any more weapons to Ukraine. The reason? Germany claimed that it was all out of weapons.
Now, the truth has come out. Here it is:
“German chancellor against sending Ukraine weapons due to risk of nuclear war”.
The above is a quote from the Fox News channel.
You’ll recall, of course, another German chancellor. His name was Adolf Hitler. Hitler had plenty of weapons for Ukraine; provided that they were being used to kill Ukrainians!
Given Germany’s history in Ukraine, my opinion is this: Germany owes Ukraine every last weapon it has.
If Germany, as a result, gets blown up in a nuclear war ( launched by Russia ), that won’t be too much worse than what Germany did to Ukraine in World War II. It’s time for Germany to make real amends to Ukraine for its past conduct.
The accompanying video at Fox News is:
“German chancellor against sending Ukraine weapons due to risk of nuclear war”.
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/the-story
T.V. show: the story with Martha MacCallum.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 177
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 177, version 1.0
Date Written: April 23, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
The Lolita Alliance
ET 176
Editorial Thunder presents...
The Lolita Alliance
Plus: Turley on Twitter.
The LOLITA Alliance
by Andrew Roller
Some years ago, an organization was born. It was called The Log Cabin Society. It was pro gay. Gays were, by then, welcome in America’s Democratic Party. They were not yet welcome in America’s Republican Party. ( The Republicans, in my lifetime, have always been last in line to embrace social change. )
Today, a new organization is needed. I am a registered Republican. Thanks to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, and other ( new ) moral screwballs, the Republican party is careening down a dangerous path. It is a sex phobic path. The Republican party needs someone to save it from this.
To this end, I am proposing The Lolita Alliance. It is open to anyone who is against pedophobia. It is meant to halt the Republican party’s slide into sex phobia.
The principles of The Lolita Alliance are these:
1. Free love.
2. Youth liberation.
You don’t need to contact me to join The Lolita Alliance. Nor are there any dues. I ask only that, if you wish to, you act, politically, on behalf of The Lolita Alliance. Examples of this are as follows:
1. Post “The Lolita Alliance” wherever you can.
2. Post information about “The Lolita Alliance”.
3. Write to the media, and to your political representatives.
4. Spread the good news about The Lolita Alliance at venues like Republican Party conventions.
Republicans have spent recent months trying to claim that the Democratic Party is a bunch of pedophiles. We can answer this by assuring America that there are “pedophiles” in the Republican Party; namely, The Lolita Alliance!
I look forward to your activism on this issue.
The L🍒lita Alliance! 🧸
“Twitter [ is ] a communications company against free speech. … People come to [ Twitter ] to express their viewpoint and when they get there, Twitter says, ‘We’re gonna manage your viewpoint and we’re gonna censor people that we disagree with.’”
- George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley. ( Not Turdley! ).
Source: George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley. T.V. show: Your World Cavuto. April 19, 2022. The Fox News Channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
Video: “Is Twitter’s board of director’s [ sic ] advancing their own political agenda?”
Modernly, The Log Cabin Society is known as “Log Cabin Republicans”. For more:
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 176
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 176, version 1.0
Date Written: April 21, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 176
Editorial Thunder presents...
The Lolita Alliance
Plus: Turley on Twitter.
The LOLITA Alliance
by Andrew Roller
Some years ago, an organization was born. It was called The Log Cabin Society. It was pro gay. Gays were, by then, welcome in America’s Democratic Party. They were not yet welcome in America’s Republican Party. ( The Republicans, in my lifetime, have always been last in line to embrace social change. )
Today, a new organization is needed. I am a registered Republican. Thanks to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, and other ( new ) moral screwballs, the Republican party is careening down a dangerous path. It is a sex phobic path. The Republican party needs someone to save it from this.
To this end, I am proposing The Lolita Alliance. It is open to anyone who is against pedophobia. It is meant to halt the Republican party’s slide into sex phobia.
The principles of The Lolita Alliance are these:
1. Free love.
2. Youth liberation.
You don’t need to contact me to join The Lolita Alliance. Nor are there any dues. I ask only that, if you wish to, you act, politically, on behalf of The Lolita Alliance. Examples of this are as follows:
1. Post “The Lolita Alliance” wherever you can.
2. Post information about “The Lolita Alliance”.
3. Write to the media, and to your political representatives.
4. Spread the good news about The Lolita Alliance at venues like Republican Party conventions.
Republicans have spent recent months trying to claim that the Democratic Party is a bunch of pedophiles. We can answer this by assuring America that there are “pedophiles” in the Republican Party; namely, The Lolita Alliance!
I look forward to your activism on this issue.
The L🍒lita Alliance! 🧸
“Twitter [ is ] a communications company against free speech. … People come to [ Twitter ] to express their viewpoint and when they get there, Twitter says, ‘We’re gonna manage your viewpoint and we’re gonna censor people that we disagree with.’”
- George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley. ( Not Turdley! ).
Source: George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley. T.V. show: Your World Cavuto. April 19, 2022. The Fox News Channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
Video: “Is Twitter’s board of director’s [ sic ] advancing their own political agenda?”
Modernly, The Log Cabin Society is known as “Log Cabin Republicans”. For more:
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 176
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 176, version 1.0
Date Written: April 21, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Hitler Lives
BO 26
Book Observations presents...
Hitler Lives
Plus: Socializing in a hostile world.
by Andrew Roller
“The former Vienna vagabond and ex-corporal was now head of state, Minister of War, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Commander in Chief of the Army.”
- William L. Shirer.
Source: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany. By William L. Shirer. Page 1220. Originally published in 1961.
RosettaBooks, LLC. New York, New York, United States of America. Published in 2011. Amazon Kindle.
“The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” is legendary. It’s the sort of book that I buy. I tell myself that I’m going to read it. Then, it sits on a shelf for decades unread.
My original copy is far from where I live now. It’s marooned in an unidentified box in a storage locker. When I’ll lay hands on it again, if ever, is unknown. I listened to “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” this year on Amazon Audible. My auditory journey took several months.
For convenience, I’ll call this book “Reich”. It suffers from the same fate as John Toland’s biography of Adolf Hitler. Considerable time is spent on Hitler’s early life, and on his rise to power. In the case of “Reich”, considerable time is spent on Hitler’s pre-war dictatorship of Germany. Then, like Toland, Shirer zips through World War II.
Adolf Hitler was dictator of Germany from 1933 until his death in 1945. During this time, his official title was “Chancellor of the German Reich”. Hitler called himself “Fuhrer”. The word, in English, means “Leader”. He was known as “Fuhrer” to many.
World War II lasted from 1939 until 1945.
Hitler’s early life, and rise to power, is amazing, and moving. However, my main interest in this era is in World War II. So, once again, I felt disappointed. The blow by blow account of World War II’s battles that I had hoped for is absent from Shirer’s book. ( Toland spends more time than Shirer on World War II’s battles. )
There’s another problem with any book on Hitler, and it’s a wrenching one. Hitler’s Third Reich was insanely brutal. Innocent women who were giving birth had their babies taken immediately from them. The babies were killed at once. Why? Because the women, who were Jews, were prisoners of the Nazis.
Babies born in railway cars that were transporting captured Jews were thrown out of the cars’ windows upon birth. They were thrown into a frigid wasteland. The railway cars were in Nazi trains. The trains were headed to death camps.
“Reich” does not dwell on the Holocaust. ( Hitler’s slaughter of eleven million people. ) However, it is a tribute to Shirer that, of all the Holocaust accounts that I’ve encountered over the years, his is the most moving.
My father was a minister. He and my mother were very strict about what sort of American culture I could encounter. I was forbidden, for instance, to accompany my friend to see the 1971 James Bond film, “Diamonds are Forever”. The poster, and paperback, for the film featured two bikini-clad babes. These were anathema to my parents. Of the film, Mom said, with fury, to Dad, “Fast cars and fast women!” As a result, at age 61, I have never held hands with a female. Nor am I gay. But I am “protected”. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
What culture could I encounter? The Holocaust! Our family was Lutheran. Nonetheless, off I went to the theater, to watch the 1975 film, “The Hiding Place”. I was taken by my parents. Then, I was taken by my school. Then, I was taken by my father’s church. I had no choice about viewing this movie. Sitting through it, I hoped, vainly, to see bikini-clad babes. Instead, I watched endless scenes of dreary middle-aged women, in rags, in a Nazi death camp. ( Somewhere in a barren, wintry locale. ) So, while I had respect for the Holocaust, my general view of it, for half a century, has been,
“Don’t ask me about the goddamn Holocaust.”
I credit Shirer with reawakening me to the Holocaust’s horror. I knew it was bad. But Shirer was able to portray its hellishness in a way I hadn’t understood.
Always remember that the Holocaust is about ordinary, innocent people, living pedestrian lives, until Hitler’s Reich grabbed them. Everything that they knew was taken from them, including their lives. Humiliation was a significant part of this pogrom.
What made the Holocaust still more wrenching, in “Reich”, was this: it is happening now! At what point does the world recognize Vladimir Putin’s industrial-level slaughter of Ukrainians as a Holocaust? Keep in mind that Kyiv, Ukraine, has traditionally been known as ‘a Jewish city’. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is Jewish.
Vladimir Putin is the dictator of Russia. According to news reports, his standing is now high among Russia’s citizens. Hitler was popular among Germans. Hence, I have titled this article, “Hitler lives”. Ukraine is not a “regional conflict”, to quote Putin’s best propagandist, American Tucker Carlson. ( Of Fox News. ) Putin hasn’t just invaded Ukraine. He has threatened the nations of Finland and Sweden with nuclear war. Putin longs to grab every country in which there are, by historic tradition, Russians. He wants to make these countries part of Russia. Hitler had the same aim. He regarded every country that, historically, was populated by Germans as belonging to Germany.
“Reich” is primarily a history of diplomacy. Shirer skimps on World War II but, by God, no diplomatic maneuver goes unmentioned! If a diplomat sneezes, Shirer spends ten pages on it. ( Assuming that it’s a diplomatic maneuver. ) I find diplomacy boring. However, if you’re a student of the subject, and enjoy it, here’s your bible.
Shirer’s style is satirical:
“Nevertheless it struck the fat Field Marshal as being of the ‘greatest importance.’” ( Page 807. )
At first, I found Shirer’s style unnerving. This is not the prose of a historian. It’s table conversation by a wise guy. It’s dialogue out of a 1930s ( or 1940s ) Hollywood movie. However, I soon warmed to Shirer’s cocky descriptions. They do not detract in any way from the depth, and accuracy, of Shirer’s work. He was a journalist, not a historian. However, “Reich” stands shoulder-to-shoulder with any historian’s work.
Should you read this book? I recommend listening to it on Audible. It is narrated by Grover Gardner. His flawless, and compelling, narration is what caused me to buy this audio book. I have no idea what the real Shirer sounded like. However, listening to Gardner perform “Reich”, I was sure I was listening to Shirer.
You may get bogged down in “Reich”. If so, I recommend skipping to the section on World War II. You’ll get a brisk account of the war, and Hitler’s involvement in it.
One must hope that the world moves, en masse, to stop Putin. The 20th century was blighted by Hitler. We must stop Putin from further blighting our 21st century.
“The Shim Sham [ Club ] served up good food and authentic jazz. It was also a space where interracial couples could find some respite in what was otherwise a hostile world.”
- Paul Deslandes.
Source: Paul Deslandes. Notorious London: A City Tour. Lecture 3: Getting Blitzed at London’s Cafe de Paris. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
Such a place as the Shim Sham Club is needed today, for intergenerational couples. ( Conventionally known as perverted freaks targeting children, or pedophiles molesting little kids. )
1. Source for Hitler’s political title:
2. Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography. By John Toland. ( Not John Toyland! ) Published in 1976. Amazon Kindle.
3. Source for the number of deaths in the Holocaust ( Jew and non-Jew ):
4. I have read varying accounts of Hitler’s death. Shirer’s is the traditional view. It may not be correct. The accounts of Hitler’s death vary only in minor particulars.
5. Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, previously called Russia’s attack on Ukraine “a border dispute”.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. BO, Book Observations, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 26
Arcana: This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 26, version 1.0
Date Written: April 19, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
BO 26
Book Observations presents...
Hitler Lives
Plus: Socializing in a hostile world.
by Andrew Roller
“The former Vienna vagabond and ex-corporal was now head of state, Minister of War, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Commander in Chief of the Army.”
- William L. Shirer.
Source: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany. By William L. Shirer. Page 1220. Originally published in 1961.
RosettaBooks, LLC. New York, New York, United States of America. Published in 2011. Amazon Kindle.
“The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” is legendary. It’s the sort of book that I buy. I tell myself that I’m going to read it. Then, it sits on a shelf for decades unread.
My original copy is far from where I live now. It’s marooned in an unidentified box in a storage locker. When I’ll lay hands on it again, if ever, is unknown. I listened to “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” this year on Amazon Audible. My auditory journey took several months.
For convenience, I’ll call this book “Reich”. It suffers from the same fate as John Toland’s biography of Adolf Hitler. Considerable time is spent on Hitler’s early life, and on his rise to power. In the case of “Reich”, considerable time is spent on Hitler’s pre-war dictatorship of Germany. Then, like Toland, Shirer zips through World War II.
Adolf Hitler was dictator of Germany from 1933 until his death in 1945. During this time, his official title was “Chancellor of the German Reich”. Hitler called himself “Fuhrer”. The word, in English, means “Leader”. He was known as “Fuhrer” to many.
World War II lasted from 1939 until 1945.
Hitler’s early life, and rise to power, is amazing, and moving. However, my main interest in this era is in World War II. So, once again, I felt disappointed. The blow by blow account of World War II’s battles that I had hoped for is absent from Shirer’s book. ( Toland spends more time than Shirer on World War II’s battles. )
There’s another problem with any book on Hitler, and it’s a wrenching one. Hitler’s Third Reich was insanely brutal. Innocent women who were giving birth had their babies taken immediately from them. The babies were killed at once. Why? Because the women, who were Jews, were prisoners of the Nazis.
Babies born in railway cars that were transporting captured Jews were thrown out of the cars’ windows upon birth. They were thrown into a frigid wasteland. The railway cars were in Nazi trains. The trains were headed to death camps.
“Reich” does not dwell on the Holocaust. ( Hitler’s slaughter of eleven million people. ) However, it is a tribute to Shirer that, of all the Holocaust accounts that I’ve encountered over the years, his is the most moving.
My father was a minister. He and my mother were very strict about what sort of American culture I could encounter. I was forbidden, for instance, to accompany my friend to see the 1971 James Bond film, “Diamonds are Forever”. The poster, and paperback, for the film featured two bikini-clad babes. These were anathema to my parents. Of the film, Mom said, with fury, to Dad, “Fast cars and fast women!” As a result, at age 61, I have never held hands with a female. Nor am I gay. But I am “protected”. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
What culture could I encounter? The Holocaust! Our family was Lutheran. Nonetheless, off I went to the theater, to watch the 1975 film, “The Hiding Place”. I was taken by my parents. Then, I was taken by my school. Then, I was taken by my father’s church. I had no choice about viewing this movie. Sitting through it, I hoped, vainly, to see bikini-clad babes. Instead, I watched endless scenes of dreary middle-aged women, in rags, in a Nazi death camp. ( Somewhere in a barren, wintry locale. ) So, while I had respect for the Holocaust, my general view of it, for half a century, has been,
“Don’t ask me about the goddamn Holocaust.”
I credit Shirer with reawakening me to the Holocaust’s horror. I knew it was bad. But Shirer was able to portray its hellishness in a way I hadn’t understood.
Always remember that the Holocaust is about ordinary, innocent people, living pedestrian lives, until Hitler’s Reich grabbed them. Everything that they knew was taken from them, including their lives. Humiliation was a significant part of this pogrom.
What made the Holocaust still more wrenching, in “Reich”, was this: it is happening now! At what point does the world recognize Vladimir Putin’s industrial-level slaughter of Ukrainians as a Holocaust? Keep in mind that Kyiv, Ukraine, has traditionally been known as ‘a Jewish city’. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is Jewish.
Vladimir Putin is the dictator of Russia. According to news reports, his standing is now high among Russia’s citizens. Hitler was popular among Germans. Hence, I have titled this article, “Hitler lives”. Ukraine is not a “regional conflict”, to quote Putin’s best propagandist, American Tucker Carlson. ( Of Fox News. ) Putin hasn’t just invaded Ukraine. He has threatened the nations of Finland and Sweden with nuclear war. Putin longs to grab every country in which there are, by historic tradition, Russians. He wants to make these countries part of Russia. Hitler had the same aim. He regarded every country that, historically, was populated by Germans as belonging to Germany.
“Reich” is primarily a history of diplomacy. Shirer skimps on World War II but, by God, no diplomatic maneuver goes unmentioned! If a diplomat sneezes, Shirer spends ten pages on it. ( Assuming that it’s a diplomatic maneuver. ) I find diplomacy boring. However, if you’re a student of the subject, and enjoy it, here’s your bible.
Shirer’s style is satirical:
“Nevertheless it struck the fat Field Marshal as being of the ‘greatest importance.’” ( Page 807. )
At first, I found Shirer’s style unnerving. This is not the prose of a historian. It’s table conversation by a wise guy. It’s dialogue out of a 1930s ( or 1940s ) Hollywood movie. However, I soon warmed to Shirer’s cocky descriptions. They do not detract in any way from the depth, and accuracy, of Shirer’s work. He was a journalist, not a historian. However, “Reich” stands shoulder-to-shoulder with any historian’s work.
Should you read this book? I recommend listening to it on Audible. It is narrated by Grover Gardner. His flawless, and compelling, narration is what caused me to buy this audio book. I have no idea what the real Shirer sounded like. However, listening to Gardner perform “Reich”, I was sure I was listening to Shirer.
You may get bogged down in “Reich”. If so, I recommend skipping to the section on World War II. You’ll get a brisk account of the war, and Hitler’s involvement in it.
One must hope that the world moves, en masse, to stop Putin. The 20th century was blighted by Hitler. We must stop Putin from further blighting our 21st century.
“The Shim Sham [ Club ] served up good food and authentic jazz. It was also a space where interracial couples could find some respite in what was otherwise a hostile world.”
- Paul Deslandes.
Source: Paul Deslandes. Notorious London: A City Tour. Lecture 3: Getting Blitzed at London’s Cafe de Paris. The Great Courses. Amazon Audible.
Such a place as the Shim Sham Club is needed today, for intergenerational couples. ( Conventionally known as perverted freaks targeting children, or pedophiles molesting little kids. )
1. Source for Hitler’s political title:
2. Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography. By John Toland. ( Not John Toyland! ) Published in 1976. Amazon Kindle.
3. Source for the number of deaths in the Holocaust ( Jew and non-Jew ):
4. I have read varying accounts of Hitler’s death. Shirer’s is the traditional view. It may not be correct. The accounts of Hitler’s death vary only in minor particulars.
5. Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, previously called Russia’s attack on Ukraine “a border dispute”.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. BO, Book Observations, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 26
Arcana: This is BO, Book Observations, issue number 26, version 1.0
Date Written: April 19, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Apple Censors Books
ET 175
Editorial Thunder presents...
Apple Censors Books
Plus: Laura Ingraham on what constitutes America.
And: Tucker Carlson on child pornography.
by Andrew Roller
I own an Apple iPad. I have two e-book apps on it. One is “Kindle”, by Amazon. The other is “Books”, by Apple.
It used to be very easy for me to import free e-books into my “Kindle” app. Then, Apple altered its software. For a time, it was impossible for me to import free e-books into my “Kindle” app. Then, Apple altered its software again. It is now cumbersome to import free e-books into my “Kindle” app, but it can ( mostly ) be done.
It is very easy to import a free e-book into Apple’s “Books” app.
Some time ago, I bought two porn magazines. I bought them from the following web site:
The magazines are called “Tight”. Using my Safari browser, I downloaded the two issues of “Tight”. I have copies of “Tight” in various places on my iPad. However, I have learned how to keep multiple apps open on my iPad. That way, instead of having to resort to my “Files” app when I want to look at porn, I can look at porn in “Files”, plus in a number of other apps. I keep these apps open on my iPad.
I gave Apple’s “Books” app the following task: Keep “Tight” open. Yes, my “Books” app has more than two issues of “Tight” in it. I’ve bought various e-books from Apple, over the years.
In addition to “Tight”, I had several porn photos in my “Books” app. All of those photos have disappeared. Now, my two issues of “Tight” have disappeared from my “Books” app.
I didn’t pay attention to the missing porn photos. Their insertion into Apple’s “Books” app had been botched, for some reason. I had better copies of my porn photos elsewhere on my iPad.
However, my two issues of “Tight”, in my “Books” app, had inserted perfectly. That’s why I used “Books” to look at them.
I had noticed, in recent weeks, that my two issues of “Tight” had been getting difficult to find in “Books”. I always had to go looking for them, even though I only used “Books” to display them! I usually rummaged about in “Books” for awhile, and then found my issues of “Tight”. I always opened both issues to keep them present.
Today, my two issues of “Tight” are totally gone! I searched “Books” very thoroughly for them. I did not find them anywhere in “Books”. I also did not find my handful of porn photos.
I have not done anything with “Books”, or with my iPad, that might cause my issues of “Tight” ( or my photos ) to disappear. No user error is involved in this problem.
It is horrific that Apple is censoring “Books”. Apple is supposed to be the company where the user decides how to use his Apple equipment. My issues of “Tight”, and my porn photos, were legal. In fact, most people, looking at them, would likely find them boring. They’re the most vanilla sort of porn. They amount to little more than attractive nudes.
Nowhere does Apple publish restrictions on how “Books” can be used. Apple sells all sorts of ‘kink sex’ books. Since Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, is gay, I’m sure there’s plenty of gay material to be had from Apple. There’s likely also sexual material, now regarded as ‘woke’, that was once criminalized as miscegenation.
Examining “Books”, I’ve reached this conclusion: Apple is only allowing books that it sells to be in “Books”. Everything is geared toward selling me more Apple books. Other material has been excluded.
( Material that I imported from Apple’s late iTunes U app is still in “Books”. So are books from gutenberg ( dot ) org. )
If you have non-Apple material in “Books”, make sure that you store copies elsewhere.
I do not plan to buy any more books from Apple ( e-books or audio books ). Apple has disgraced itself by secretly censoring my “Books” app.
Furthermore, I don’t trust “Books”. How do I know that any non-Apple material that I imported into “Books” will remain? How do I know that “Books” will continue to hold the books that I bought from Apple?
by Andrew Roller
Amazon’s Audible app sells audio books. Recently, I reported that Audible had done something new and exciting. It had changed the status of some of its old audio books. These books are known as “The Great Courses”. Audible had ceased to sell these books. Instead, it had changed their status to “Included”. That meant that Audible’s subscribers could listen to them for free.
To hear them, you still had to pay for a subscription to Audible.
No time limit was placed on these “Included” books.
Audible continued to sell books under “The Great Courses” label. Presumably, they were dumping out, as “Included”, books that no longer sold well.
I was thrilled when “Great Courses” books became “Included”. I like “The Great Courses”. I recall when “The Great Courses” was an independent company. It sold audio books in the form of cassette tapes. It also rented them. I ate a number of meals at a Mongolian barbecue restaurant, in the 1980s, listening to rented tapes of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, The Gulag Archipelago.
Now, Audible has placed a time limit on its “Included” books. I’m speaking of the ones labelled “The Great Courses”.
As an Audible subscriber, I have until May 1st to listen to these books. The same is true for Audible’s other subscribers. May 1st is soon.
It’s a disgrace for Audible to change the status of these old books back to one requiring that I buy them. If Audible was going to do this, it should have told me that at the start. It should have told me that when it changed their status to free. I spent considerable time acquiring these books, and adding them to my Audible library. Furthermore, I bought other Audible books, instead of these.
Audible is engaging in “bait and switch”. It lied, telling me that these “Great Courses” books were free. I then spent money buying other Audible books. Now, soon, if I want to listen to these “Great Courses” books, I’ll have to give more money to Audible!
How much money does Jeff Bozo, Amazon’s founder, need? He’s the second richest man in the world! He’s the second richest man in the history of humanity!
Big Tech firms, like Amazon, have claimed that they aren’t solely interested in enriching themselves. ( Which they’ve done better than any class of company in history. ) Big Tech claims that its true mission is to improve humanity. Well, Mr. Bozo, how am I supposed to educate myself? How am I supposed to do that if you hide “Included” audio books behind a pay wall?
Here’s a common complaint from Big Tech: Americans are stupid. Hence, Big Tech has to hire workers from foreign countries. Jeff Bozo’s “bait and switch” tactic, with regard to “The Great Courses”, does not help anyone. It just fattens his wallet.
The “mask mandates” were a theatrical exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to require citizens to show their continuing obedience to a government that had failed them.
( Since cloth masks don’t work. No mask works unless it is properly worn. A properly worn cloth mask fogs a person’s glasses, rendering him blind. )
America consists of moms, dads, sexless children, and “perverted freaks”.
( The term “perverted freaks” was recently deployed by Laura Ingrate, on the Faux News Channel. )
“The point of censorship is never to shield the weak. …The point of censorship, always and everywhere, is to protect entrenched power. That’s why it’s the powerful who impose censorship for their own benefit. And that’s exactly why illegitimate regimes fight so hard to control information through censorship. That’s their main concern. Why are they so focused on that? That’s why.”
- Tucker Carlson
Source: Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson Tonight. The Fox News Channel. April 12, 2022. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
( Women hate having to compete with girls for men’s attention. Hence, girls are declared illegal. )
1. The best source of free e-books is:
Link: https://www.gutenberg.org/
2. Apple’s late iTunes U app was able to turn a university lecture into a “book”. The “book” consisted of a transcript of the lecture. It was stored in Apple’s “Books” app.
3. I put my two issues of “Tight” into a special “Collection” in “Books”. The collection was created by me. It was called “Sex”. It held various books, sold to me by Apple, plus my issues of “Tight”. My issues of “Tight” are now missing from it.
I did not include this information in my article, above. The reason that I didn’t include it is because I had forgotten that I put “Tight” into my “Sex” collection. As a consequence, I searched for “Tight” in “Books” without resorting to my “Sex” collection. I did this every day. Often, I searched for “Tight” using the “Search” function in “Books”.
Putting a book into a collection does not remove it from the other parts of “Books”.
Today, nothing brings up “Tight” in “Books”. The issues are utterly gone.
4. I successfully reinserted my issues of “Tight” into books. I also added them to my “Sex” collection in books.
I made further copies of “Tight” on my iPad. If Apple is trying to keep me from looking at lovely young girls, who are naked, and who look innocent, Apple has failed.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 175
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 175, version 1.0
Date Written: April 18, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 175
Editorial Thunder presents...
Apple Censors Books
Plus: Laura Ingraham on what constitutes America.
And: Tucker Carlson on child pornography.
by Andrew Roller
I own an Apple iPad. I have two e-book apps on it. One is “Kindle”, by Amazon. The other is “Books”, by Apple.
It used to be very easy for me to import free e-books into my “Kindle” app. Then, Apple altered its software. For a time, it was impossible for me to import free e-books into my “Kindle” app. Then, Apple altered its software again. It is now cumbersome to import free e-books into my “Kindle” app, but it can ( mostly ) be done.
It is very easy to import a free e-book into Apple’s “Books” app.
Some time ago, I bought two porn magazines. I bought them from the following web site:
The magazines are called “Tight”. Using my Safari browser, I downloaded the two issues of “Tight”. I have copies of “Tight” in various places on my iPad. However, I have learned how to keep multiple apps open on my iPad. That way, instead of having to resort to my “Files” app when I want to look at porn, I can look at porn in “Files”, plus in a number of other apps. I keep these apps open on my iPad.
I gave Apple’s “Books” app the following task: Keep “Tight” open. Yes, my “Books” app has more than two issues of “Tight” in it. I’ve bought various e-books from Apple, over the years.
In addition to “Tight”, I had several porn photos in my “Books” app. All of those photos have disappeared. Now, my two issues of “Tight” have disappeared from my “Books” app.
I didn’t pay attention to the missing porn photos. Their insertion into Apple’s “Books” app had been botched, for some reason. I had better copies of my porn photos elsewhere on my iPad.
However, my two issues of “Tight”, in my “Books” app, had inserted perfectly. That’s why I used “Books” to look at them.
I had noticed, in recent weeks, that my two issues of “Tight” had been getting difficult to find in “Books”. I always had to go looking for them, even though I only used “Books” to display them! I usually rummaged about in “Books” for awhile, and then found my issues of “Tight”. I always opened both issues to keep them present.
Today, my two issues of “Tight” are totally gone! I searched “Books” very thoroughly for them. I did not find them anywhere in “Books”. I also did not find my handful of porn photos.
I have not done anything with “Books”, or with my iPad, that might cause my issues of “Tight” ( or my photos ) to disappear. No user error is involved in this problem.
It is horrific that Apple is censoring “Books”. Apple is supposed to be the company where the user decides how to use his Apple equipment. My issues of “Tight”, and my porn photos, were legal. In fact, most people, looking at them, would likely find them boring. They’re the most vanilla sort of porn. They amount to little more than attractive nudes.
Nowhere does Apple publish restrictions on how “Books” can be used. Apple sells all sorts of ‘kink sex’ books. Since Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, is gay, I’m sure there’s plenty of gay material to be had from Apple. There’s likely also sexual material, now regarded as ‘woke’, that was once criminalized as miscegenation.
Examining “Books”, I’ve reached this conclusion: Apple is only allowing books that it sells to be in “Books”. Everything is geared toward selling me more Apple books. Other material has been excluded.
( Material that I imported from Apple’s late iTunes U app is still in “Books”. So are books from gutenberg ( dot ) org. )
If you have non-Apple material in “Books”, make sure that you store copies elsewhere.
I do not plan to buy any more books from Apple ( e-books or audio books ). Apple has disgraced itself by secretly censoring my “Books” app.
Furthermore, I don’t trust “Books”. How do I know that any non-Apple material that I imported into “Books” will remain? How do I know that “Books” will continue to hold the books that I bought from Apple?
by Andrew Roller
Amazon’s Audible app sells audio books. Recently, I reported that Audible had done something new and exciting. It had changed the status of some of its old audio books. These books are known as “The Great Courses”. Audible had ceased to sell these books. Instead, it had changed their status to “Included”. That meant that Audible’s subscribers could listen to them for free.
To hear them, you still had to pay for a subscription to Audible.
No time limit was placed on these “Included” books.
Audible continued to sell books under “The Great Courses” label. Presumably, they were dumping out, as “Included”, books that no longer sold well.
I was thrilled when “Great Courses” books became “Included”. I like “The Great Courses”. I recall when “The Great Courses” was an independent company. It sold audio books in the form of cassette tapes. It also rented them. I ate a number of meals at a Mongolian barbecue restaurant, in the 1980s, listening to rented tapes of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, The Gulag Archipelago.
Now, Audible has placed a time limit on its “Included” books. I’m speaking of the ones labelled “The Great Courses”.
As an Audible subscriber, I have until May 1st to listen to these books. The same is true for Audible’s other subscribers. May 1st is soon.
It’s a disgrace for Audible to change the status of these old books back to one requiring that I buy them. If Audible was going to do this, it should have told me that at the start. It should have told me that when it changed their status to free. I spent considerable time acquiring these books, and adding them to my Audible library. Furthermore, I bought other Audible books, instead of these.
Audible is engaging in “bait and switch”. It lied, telling me that these “Great Courses” books were free. I then spent money buying other Audible books. Now, soon, if I want to listen to these “Great Courses” books, I’ll have to give more money to Audible!
How much money does Jeff Bozo, Amazon’s founder, need? He’s the second richest man in the world! He’s the second richest man in the history of humanity!
Big Tech firms, like Amazon, have claimed that they aren’t solely interested in enriching themselves. ( Which they’ve done better than any class of company in history. ) Big Tech claims that its true mission is to improve humanity. Well, Mr. Bozo, how am I supposed to educate myself? How am I supposed to do that if you hide “Included” audio books behind a pay wall?
Here’s a common complaint from Big Tech: Americans are stupid. Hence, Big Tech has to hire workers from foreign countries. Jeff Bozo’s “bait and switch” tactic, with regard to “The Great Courses”, does not help anyone. It just fattens his wallet.
The “mask mandates” were a theatrical exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to require citizens to show their continuing obedience to a government that had failed them.
( Since cloth masks don’t work. No mask works unless it is properly worn. A properly worn cloth mask fogs a person’s glasses, rendering him blind. )
America consists of moms, dads, sexless children, and “perverted freaks”.
( The term “perverted freaks” was recently deployed by Laura Ingrate, on the Faux News Channel. )
“The point of censorship is never to shield the weak. …The point of censorship, always and everywhere, is to protect entrenched power. That’s why it’s the powerful who impose censorship for their own benefit. And that’s exactly why illegitimate regimes fight so hard to control information through censorship. That’s their main concern. Why are they so focused on that? That’s why.”
- Tucker Carlson
Source: Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson Tonight. The Fox News Channel. April 12, 2022. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
( Women hate having to compete with girls for men’s attention. Hence, girls are declared illegal. )
1. The best source of free e-books is:
Link: https://www.gutenberg.org/
2. Apple’s late iTunes U app was able to turn a university lecture into a “book”. The “book” consisted of a transcript of the lecture. It was stored in Apple’s “Books” app.
3. I put my two issues of “Tight” into a special “Collection” in “Books”. The collection was created by me. It was called “Sex”. It held various books, sold to me by Apple, plus my issues of “Tight”. My issues of “Tight” are now missing from it.
I did not include this information in my article, above. The reason that I didn’t include it is because I had forgotten that I put “Tight” into my “Sex” collection. As a consequence, I searched for “Tight” in “Books” without resorting to my “Sex” collection. I did this every day. Often, I searched for “Tight” using the “Search” function in “Books”.
Putting a book into a collection does not remove it from the other parts of “Books”.
Today, nothing brings up “Tight” in “Books”. The issues are utterly gone.
4. I successfully reinserted my issues of “Tight” into books. I also added them to my “Sex” collection in books.
I made further copies of “Tight” on my iPad. If Apple is trying to keep me from looking at lovely young girls, who are naked, and who look innocent, Apple has failed.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 175
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 175, version 1.0
Date Written: April 18, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Kay J’s Horoscope
ET 174
Editorial Thunder presents...
Kay J’s Horoscope
Plus: Kay J chair mystery solved.
And: Putin’s prototype.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is the stage name for the nude model Jessica Tolyda. She was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, on March 21, 1996.
Astronomer Carl Sagan claimed that astrology is fake. I agree. However, it’s uncanny how Kay J’s personality matches her horoscope.
March 21 inaugurates the zodiac period known as Aries the Ram. Star Sign Style says the following about Aries:
“Aries is represented by the charging, hot-headed Ram but another side to the Aries character is the gentle, sacrificial Spring lamb. This sign is all about new beginnings, which is when we see those bouncing little lamb’s in the meadow! You’ll sometimes notice this more settled, quiet side to Aries, although they do prefer an exciting challenge to frontier!”
Presumably, the word “frontier” should be replaced with the word “face”.
As in: “You’ll sometimes notice this more settled, quiet side to Aries, although they do prefer an exciting challenge to face!”
Source: https://starsignstyle.com/aries-the-ram/
You’ve likely seen Kay J’s video, “Wet Dreams”. It was filmed in 2016. “Wet Dreams” is at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay J is wonderfully lovely and young. She looks artless. She also has whip marks on her body. Her whip marks are unrelated to the video; she showed up at her photo shoot with them.
Hence, to quote Star Sign Style, Kay is the “gentle, sacrificial Spring lamb”.
On September 9, 2020, Kay J posted the following to her Only Fans web site ( with a photo ):
“At some moments you want to be not only sexy, but also unrealistically beautiful and defenseless 🌊”
Her sentiment fits with that of Aries:
“Aries … prefers an exciting challenge to face!”
On Indexxx ( dot ) com, Mino$ posted a comment about Kay J on September 19, 2017. Mino$ wrote:
“She’s like Lolita!”
Kay is! So the artless, sacrificial lamb, who gets whipped, and who looks like Lolita, likes to face exciting challenges!
As best I can tell, that was, and is, Kay J! She’s a true female Aries.
KAY J Chair Mystery SOLVED
In past issues of ARSE, I’ve attempted to create a timeline of nude model Kay J’s “kid cute” era. This era lasts from about May 1, 2016, to about January of 2017.
( Source: Indexxx ( dot ) com, plus my internet research. )
In other words, Kay’s “kid cute” era begins when she starts modeling for photographer Alex Lynn. It ends when, or soon after, she becomes pregnant with her son Mark.
I blew loads of sperm ( and hours of writing ) talking about a chair. Specifically, a Bean Bag Chair. A 1970s style Bean Bag Chair. The “Bean Bag” part of the chair rests in a basket-like frame. The frame is made of bamboo.
The Bean Bag Chair shows up in several of Kay J’s photographic items. In some of these, the bamboo frame is unpainted. In other photographic items, the Bean Bag Chair is painted white.
I am very familiar with 1970s style Bean Bag Chairs. You can’t unpaint a Bean Bag Chair. Once it’s painted, that’s it. It’s like getting a tattoo.
An idea struck me. Why not use the Bean Bag Chair to date Kay J’s photographic items? She’s obviously younger in photographic items where the Bean Bag Chair is unpainted. She’s obviously older in photographic items where the Bean Bag Chair is painted white.
Brilliant, eh? I’m surprised that I haven’t been hired by the CIA, or at least by the FBI.
Except, there’s a problem. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you the answer to the “Kay J Chair Mystery” in “Arcana”, below.
Here’s where I found my answer: erosberry ( dot ) com. Photo gallery: “Nastia And Kay J Your Embrace By Alex Lynn”.
PUTIN’s Prototype
“Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. … So now this bloodthirsty guttersnipe must launch his mechanized armies upon new fields of slaughter, pillage and devastation.”
- Sir Winston Spencer Churchill.
- Source: Sir Winston Spencer Churchill. Radio broadcast on the German invasion of Russia. June 22, 1941.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 620.
1. I correct Star Sign Style:
A. “Spring” should not be capitalized.
B. “lamb’s” should not have an apostrophe in it. The word is plural, not possessive.
2. Kay J has, apparently, undergone other BDSM journeys. I discuss these elsewhere on ARSE. My discussions are conjectures, based on publicly available material on the internet.
3. Alex Lynn owned two Bean Bag Chairs. One is unpainted. The other chair is painted white.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 174
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 174, version 1.0
Date Written: April 17, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 174
Editorial Thunder presents...
Kay J’s Horoscope
Plus: Kay J chair mystery solved.
And: Putin’s prototype.
by Andrew Roller
Kay J is the stage name for the nude model Jessica Tolyda. She was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, on March 21, 1996.
Astronomer Carl Sagan claimed that astrology is fake. I agree. However, it’s uncanny how Kay J’s personality matches her horoscope.
March 21 inaugurates the zodiac period known as Aries the Ram. Star Sign Style says the following about Aries:
“Aries is represented by the charging, hot-headed Ram but another side to the Aries character is the gentle, sacrificial Spring lamb. This sign is all about new beginnings, which is when we see those bouncing little lamb’s in the meadow! You’ll sometimes notice this more settled, quiet side to Aries, although they do prefer an exciting challenge to frontier!”
Presumably, the word “frontier” should be replaced with the word “face”.
As in: “You’ll sometimes notice this more settled, quiet side to Aries, although they do prefer an exciting challenge to face!”
Source: https://starsignstyle.com/aries-the-ram/
You’ve likely seen Kay J’s video, “Wet Dreams”. It was filmed in 2016. “Wet Dreams” is at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
In “Wet Dreams”, Kay J is wonderfully lovely and young. She looks artless. She also has whip marks on her body. Her whip marks are unrelated to the video; she showed up at her photo shoot with them.
Hence, to quote Star Sign Style, Kay is the “gentle, sacrificial Spring lamb”.
On September 9, 2020, Kay J posted the following to her Only Fans web site ( with a photo ):
“At some moments you want to be not only sexy, but also unrealistically beautiful and defenseless 🌊”
Her sentiment fits with that of Aries:
“Aries … prefers an exciting challenge to face!”
On Indexxx ( dot ) com, Mino$ posted a comment about Kay J on September 19, 2017. Mino$ wrote:
“She’s like Lolita!”
Kay is! So the artless, sacrificial lamb, who gets whipped, and who looks like Lolita, likes to face exciting challenges!
As best I can tell, that was, and is, Kay J! She’s a true female Aries.
KAY J Chair Mystery SOLVED
In past issues of ARSE, I’ve attempted to create a timeline of nude model Kay J’s “kid cute” era. This era lasts from about May 1, 2016, to about January of 2017.
( Source: Indexxx ( dot ) com, plus my internet research. )
In other words, Kay’s “kid cute” era begins when she starts modeling for photographer Alex Lynn. It ends when, or soon after, she becomes pregnant with her son Mark.
I blew loads of sperm ( and hours of writing ) talking about a chair. Specifically, a Bean Bag Chair. A 1970s style Bean Bag Chair. The “Bean Bag” part of the chair rests in a basket-like frame. The frame is made of bamboo.
The Bean Bag Chair shows up in several of Kay J’s photographic items. In some of these, the bamboo frame is unpainted. In other photographic items, the Bean Bag Chair is painted white.
I am very familiar with 1970s style Bean Bag Chairs. You can’t unpaint a Bean Bag Chair. Once it’s painted, that’s it. It’s like getting a tattoo.
An idea struck me. Why not use the Bean Bag Chair to date Kay J’s photographic items? She’s obviously younger in photographic items where the Bean Bag Chair is unpainted. She’s obviously older in photographic items where the Bean Bag Chair is painted white.
Brilliant, eh? I’m surprised that I haven’t been hired by the CIA, or at least by the FBI.
Except, there’s a problem. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you the answer to the “Kay J Chair Mystery” in “Arcana”, below.
Here’s where I found my answer: erosberry ( dot ) com. Photo gallery: “Nastia And Kay J Your Embrace By Alex Lynn”.
PUTIN’s Prototype
“Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. … So now this bloodthirsty guttersnipe must launch his mechanized armies upon new fields of slaughter, pillage and devastation.”
- Sir Winston Spencer Churchill.
- Source: Sir Winston Spencer Churchill. Radio broadcast on the German invasion of Russia. June 22, 1941.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 620.
1. I correct Star Sign Style:
A. “Spring” should not be capitalized.
B. “lamb’s” should not have an apostrophe in it. The word is plural, not possessive.
2. Kay J has, apparently, undergone other BDSM journeys. I discuss these elsewhere on ARSE. My discussions are conjectures, based on publicly available material on the internet.
3. Alex Lynn owned two Bean Bag Chairs. One is unpainted. The other chair is painted white.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 174
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 174, version 1.0
Date Written: April 17, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Best and Worst Porn Sites
ET 173
Editorial Thunder presents...
Best and Worst Porn Sites
Plus: Eula Biss on the luxury of fear.
And: Allan Bloom on tyranny.
BEST and WORST Porn Sites
In my experience.
by Andrew Roller
Politicians inveigh against it. Yet everyone is biologically disposed to want it. I’m speaking of porn. The only person who doesn’t want porn is someone who’s busily screwing.
In 2019, my dumb phone broke. I bought a new phone. It was, of course, a smart phone. Dumb phones, like poorly made stereos, no longer exist.
By chance, I got an Apple iphone. I would have accepted any phone; I just needed a phone. It wasn’t long before I was shocked to find that naked people were on my phone!
I fell in love with my phone.
So, rejoining the internet in 2019, after an absence of two decades, I knew nothing about porn on the internet. I was determined to find out more.
In the 20th century, the gold standard of porn was Playboy. I’m speaking of the magazine. The high point of Playboy was the 1970s. It featured naked young females. They were, as the magazine once stated, “tenderly legal”. ( Playboy was making a joke about money, which is “legal tender”. )
Playboy sold more than just photos of naked girls. ( One girl per issue. ) It sold a hedonistic lifestyle which, much as it is damned, most guys, apparently, never get to enjoy. Playboy also assured you that, if you bought their magazine, you were a member of an exclusive club. Playboy took care of its customers. I got a $9.00 refund from Playboy in about 2008, as Playboy began its transition to the dumpster that it is today.
In 2022, the best way to search for porn is to go to xvideos ( dot ) com. It’s free. There are a number of web sites on the internet that offer porn videos that are free. However, at Xvideos, you can actually download the videos. The image quality of the videos is rather grainy. However, I lived much of my life in the old T.V. era, so I’m used to looking at grainy videos.
The videos at Xvideos are mostly free samples. If you want sharp videos, you’ll need to join the web site that uploaded the free samples to Xvideos.
At Xvideos, you may find a porn star that you like. If so, try to discover her ( stage ) name. Enter her name at Xvideos. That will likely bring up more of her videos.
You can also go here: freeones ( dot ) com. It’s free. This web site offers photos of porn stars, plus some videos. Hence, here, you would enter, for instance, Kay J. ( Who is called “Kay Jay” at Free Ones. )
You can also use Google to search for a porn star. Enter the porn star’s name, plus the word “naked”. As in: Kay J naked.
In 2019, I was pursuing photos of a porn star named: Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne.
The peak of Sloan’s era had been about 2002. Hence, much of her free material was on web sites that had been around for a long time. Some of her photos were easily accessed. However, some of her photos were on web sites that were infected with viruses. Remember this rule:
The farther you go down a list of Googled web sites, the more likely you are to run into web sites that are infected with viruses. In other words, be cautious about searching beyond the top search results.
At some point, you’ll want to join a ‘pay for it’ porn site. Probably, you’ll want to join because you want more photos, and videos, of a particular porn star. If no porn star interests you, don’t join a ‘pay for it’ porn site. It isn’t worth the trouble.
You’ll likely wind up at a web site that reviews ‘pay for it’ porn sites. These review sites are credible. However, most, if not all, get a ‘cut’ from a porn site if you join it via the review site. Hence, you go to Porn Dud dot com. Porn Dud recommends the Pussy Juice web site. You join the Pussy Juice web site through Porn Dud. As a result, Porn Dud gets a referral free from the Pussy Juice web site. In theory, you get a lower membership price from the Pussy Juice web site.
I have never joined a porn site through a review site. I’ve always wanted a “clean join”. That is, I wanted to join the porn site directly, not via some gimmicky offer.
The first porn site that I joined was naughtymag ( dot ) com. Kay J has a superb video there, plus several other photographic items. Unfortunately, otherwise, nearly all the girls at Naughty Mag are skanks. I’m not making a judgement on their morality. I’m saying that the girls aren’t worth looking at. Sloan is at Naughty Mag. Unfortunately, these are the worst photos of her that you’ll find.
I was a member of Naughty Mag for a number of years. Then, it was time to renew my credit card. I worked directly with Naughty Mag on this problem. I wound up getting charged for a part of Naughty Mag that I have no interest in. It was a section featuring naked grandmothers. As a result, I was getting charged my regular monthly fee for being a member of Naughty Mag. Then, I was getting charged an even larger monthly amount for the privilege of looking at naked grandmothers. I worked still more with Naughty Mag on this problem. In the end, Naughty Mag blocked my credit card. I ceased to get charged for the privilege of looking at naked grandmothers. However, I also ceased to get charged for Naughty Mag, which meant that my membership in Naughty Mag, and the low monthly fee that I was paying, was at an end. I did not attempt to rejoin Naughty Mag at a higher fee.
It was on Naughty Mag that I discovered Kay J. This happened in 2019. I was so dumb back then that I had no idea that Kay J might exist elsewhere on the internet.
In 2019, I also joined this web site: Digital Desire. I did so because I was still hotly pursuing photos of Sloan. ( An awful name; I knew her as “Ivy”, “Ivey”, and as “Lilly Anne”. )
Digital Desire produced. It was once owned by the photographer J. Stephen Hicks. He was a brilliant photographer of naked girls, including Sloan. Unfortunately, Hicks has since died. Digital Desire has since been sold to the “Adult Prime Network”. Everything still works fine, and the extant photos by Hicks that were present when I joined Digital Desire are still there.
( You’ll find free photos of porn stars “Cherry and Charlie”, covered in oil, on the internet. These are credited to Digital Desire. However, Digital Desire does not have these photos. )
( There is a gallery of photos at Digital Desire of porn stars “Jassie and Morgan”. It’s an outstanding gallery. However, it is missing one photo of these girls that I have in a magazine. )
I recommend Digital Desire. The “Adult Prime Network” lumps Digital Desire in with a bunch of other web sites. So far, I’ve found little of interest at other web sites in the “Adult Prime Network”. Some of the web sites in the “Adult Prime Network” are just free sample sites; you’ll need to pay extra to join them if you want more.
Every web site that I joined had pre-checked offers. If you join a web site, make sure that you uncheck the pre-checked offers!
Next, I’ll discuss the internet version of Playboy. There are a number of web sites offered by Playboy. The only one worth joining is “Playboy Plus”. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to join Playboy Plus. That is my “lived experience”, as the liberals say.
Playboy, as a gold standard, is long dead. Today’s “Playboy Plus” is a blatant ripoff.
Historically, Playboy Plus sold lifetime memberships. It then cancelled all of its lifetime memberships. The ( now former ) Playboy Plus members complained. Playboy Plus claimed that its biller had sold the lifetime memberships, not Playboy Plus itself.
I joined Playboy Plus in 2019. I made sure that I joined it correctly. I was told that I would receive “all that Playboy Plus has to offer”. As soon as I entered Playboy Plus, as a paid member, I was told that I needed to upgrade. The fee to upgrade was high.
I wanted photos of Playboy Playmate Tiffany Taylor. Only one gallery of photos of Tiffany Taylor was offered. The link was to photos of her as an old lady. ( Ugh! ) The link was broken.
The result? I was told that I had to pay a lot more. What little that Playboy Plus had provided to me didn’t work.
I got a refund from the biller for Playboy Plus.
A month later, I joined Playboy Plus again. I had to use a different e-mail to do so. This time, I got hit with another demand that I upgrade. I was told that I had joined ‘standard’ Playboy Plus. If I wanted “all that Playboy Plus” had to offer, I had to join the V.I.P. version of Playboy Plus. I was only told this AFTER I joined Playboy Plus!
I tried to join V.I.P. Playboy Plus on the Playboy Plus web site. That didn’t work. I called the biller, and a clerk signed me up. However, unknown to him, he only signed me up to V.I.P. Playboy Plus for one month. I, too, was unaware that I was joining the V.I.P. level for one month. Hence, a month later, I ceased to be a member at the V.I.P. level. I have continued as a ‘standard’ Playboy Plus member since then.
In September of 2019, Playboy Plus ( once again ) ceased to allow members ( at any level ) to view the Playboy centerfold. That’s right: the centerfold! ( The very reason Playboy, the magazine, existed! ) You can view various photos of a given Playboy Playmate. However, you can’t see her centerfold. As of this writing ( April 2022 ), it’s still impossible to view a Playboy Playmate’s centerfold at Playboy Plus.
In September of 2019, Playboy Plus ( once again ) made it impossible to download photos of Playboy Playmates at Playboy Plus. You have to individually screenshot each image that appears on your screen. This is very laborious. It’s especially so if you’re masturbating.
Playboy Plus has now added the name of each model to the bottom of each of her photos. Her name isn’t under her photo. It is pasted along the bottom part of her photo. Her name covers part of her photo. This mars her photo.
If you download the model’s photo gallery, her name is omitted. ( Which is good. ) However, you can’t download photos of Playboy Playmates. You can only screenshot them. As a result, every photo on Playboy Plus, of every Playboy Playmate, is marred by her name.
A photo gallery of a Playmate at Playboy Plus doesn’t include her photos that were in Playboy magazine. You get the leftover photos. If you want the actual photos that were in Playboy magazine, you need to join another web site. It’s called: iPlayboy.
iPlayboy only goes from the years 1953 to 2020. In 2020, Playboy magazine ceased publication. I got free access to iPlayboy for a week, during 2020.
( It was a COVID-19 offer. The offer was supposed to last for two weeks, but only lasted for one week. )
While I had free access to iPlayboy, I made screenshots of Playmates that I recalled. I did this with great ambition. However, when I was done, I felt that I just had a bunch of old magazine photos. That’s because, at iPlayboy, you’re literally looking at old magazines. iPlayboy consists of old magazines that Playboy photographed. Some of the magazines have visible damage.
There is an enormous amount of published Playboy photos, and videos, that are not on Playboy Plus! I have lots more photos of Tiffany Taylor than are on Playboy Plus. These are in paper Playboy magazines, such as Playboy’s “Newsstand Special” issues. I have Playboy videos that are not on Playboy Plus. These are VHS tapes. I recall watching Playboy videos, on the Playboy cable channel, that are not on Playboy Plus.
My access within Playboy Plus varies. Sometimes, I can see “Playboy Girls”. Sometimes, “Playboy Girls” are confined to its V.I.P. level.
( Playboy Plus handles its material in a way that is somewhat erratic. )
The V.I.P. level of Playboy Plus allegedly comes with a special phone number. It gives you a ‘hotline’ to Playboy Plus. However, the clerk at Playboy Plus told me that there is no such ‘hotline’. I never had access to a ‘hotline’ while I was a V.I.P. member of Playboy Plus.
The ‘girl with girl’ photo galleries at Playboy Plus are confined to the V.I.P. level. They are not worth the money. Playboy’s contemporary photographers must all be gay. For instance, in one photo gallery, the sun is setting. The photographer ignores the naked girls in the gallery. He adjusts his camera lens to capture the sunset! The result is a series of ever darker photos, in which the girls dissolve into the night. The sunset itself, by any photographic standard, is worthless.
Kay J is at Playboy Plus. The photos of her feature her before she was tattooed. Unfortunately, Playboy’s several photo galleries of Kay J have few photos in them. You get about a dozen photos per gallery.
Modernly, Playboy Playmates are skanks. You would not date these women. Furthermore, every goddamn modern “Playmate” is tattooed! I guess Playboy’s casting director is a Tattooed Lady, who moonlights at the circus.
I have seen membership offers for Playboy Plus since 2019. Their most recent offer appears to divert a joining member to the web site called “Playboy T.V.”. In other words, you think you’re joining Playboy Plus, but you wind up joining Playboy T.V.
Playboy T.V. is a “couples” web site. The assumption is that you’re married to some ( boring ) bitch and that you and she want a briefly naughty experience, at Playboy T.V., watching two boring adults have romantic sex.
Playboy T.V. is “woke”. You’ll never see an “older” man with a “too” young girl there. ( I’m speaking of a fictional portrayal, not one that is currently illegal. ) However, you’re sure to see sex that was once punished as the crime of miscegenation. Also, expect to see lots of ( apparently ) gay men on Playboy T.V.
Avoid Playboy T.V. like the plague. That’s my recommendation.
For a time, Playboy Plus moved all of its Playmate videos to Playboy T.V. In other words, videos of Tiffany Taylor, that I’d watched on Playboy Plus, were now confined to Playboy T.V. A Playboy Plus member has no access to Playboy T.V.!
Recently, on Playboy Plus, I searched for the 1973 Playmate Miki Garcia. All of her photos were gone. I complained to Playboy Plus about this.
If you want to look at Playboy centerfolds, buy this Kindle book at Amazon ( dot ) com:
Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds.
However, the book only features Playmates through 2007.
I have been a ‘standard’ member of Playboy Plus since August of 2019. The site works fine, within its imposed limitations. Consider the following points, before joining:
1. You will probably get fucked. Don’t join Playboy Plus while you’re masturbating. Be prepared for a lengthy membership process. You’ll likely join, find that you’ve gotten screwed, and set out on a long odyssey to attempt to get what you ( actually ) want.
2. Do you want to view old Playboy Playmate photos from the prior century? If your answer is “no”, don’t join Playboy Plus. Playboy, as a worthwhile company, died some decades ago. Nothing that Playboy makes today is worth having.
3. Are you desperate for the handful of photos of Kay J that are at Playboy Plus? If not, don’t join Playboy Plus.
It is doubtful that Playboy can ever restore its reputation. If I had the money, I wouldn’t buy Playboy ( the company ). It has screwed its customers. Its modern “Playmates” are shit.
Playboy could climb a ( long ) road to recovery if it did the following:
1. Combine all the Playboy web sites into a single web site. Call the web site “Playboy”. Add that it is “Under New Management”.
2. Put everything that Playboy ever published on the “Playboy” web site. Offer a reasonable price for this. Don’t have any pre-checked offers. Provide a video where a ( beautiful ) Playmate shows a person exactly how to join.
Modernly, the internet has two web sites that are worth your consideration. They are what Playboy once was. They are:
1. Met-Art, now best joined via the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
2. Femjoy ( dot ) com.
I have never been a member of Femjoy. Its star, from my perspective, is “Alisa”, known at indexxx ( dot ) com as “Alisa I”. I have seen Femjoy products, featuring Alisa, at various free porn sites. They’re great!
Unfortunately, Femjoy may have a lot of boring material. For instance, I watched a Femjoy video where three adult ladies, who are naked, dance around in a field. The video was worthless.
I’ve been a member of Met-Art for a year. I joined it to get photos, and videos, of Kay J. There is a lot of Kay J material at Met-Art. It’s great!
Alisa I is known as “Alisa Amore” at Met-Art. Unfortunately, the photos of Alisa at Met-Art are, generally, not as interesting as the photos of her at Femjoy. ( There are no videos of Alisa at Met-Art. )
There is a lot of porn on the internet. However, a lot of it isn’t worth looking at. If you consider the ancient Playboy to be the gold standard of porn, then you have two choices today:
1. Met-Art.
2. Femjoy.
Every other porn site on the internet is either an also-ran, a niche site ( focusing on kink, for instance ), or a ripoff. Sadly, the once great Playboy is now the worst site on the internet.
“Wealthier countries have the luxury of entertaining fears the rest of the world cannot afford.”
- Eula Biss.
Source: Eula Biss. ( Not Eula Piss! ) On Immunity: An Inoculation. Published in 2014.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 880.
“The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities.”
- Allan Bloom
Source: Allan Bloom. The Closing of the American Mind. Published in 1987.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 826.
1. You might be confused by Digital Desire’s home page. To access Digital Desire, as a paid member, tap on an arrow. The arrow is near the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen. It is to the right of the words, “Join Today”.
2. The Amazon Kindle book, “Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds”, has just centerfolds. You do not get the whole pictorial from Playboy magazine. You only get the gatefold.
3. If you have downloaded Playboy material on your iPad, you may find two folders within a download. One folder is labelled, “Premium”. The second folder is labelled, “Standard”. ( The “Standard” folder holds nothing worthwhile. ) This use of the word “Standard” is different from my use of the word “standard” in this article.
4. Kay J to me on April 5, 2022:
“This is my body and I love my tattoo. I'm not going to remove it👌🏼”
( I added the quote marks. )
I would have liked to reply: It’s your body and your tattoo is marring your beauty.
But, being a gentleman, I didn’t.
Kay J looks especially great at this moment. Russia’s war on Ukraine caused her to relocate. As a result, she, apparently, ate less. Call it “the Putin diet”. ( It works! ) Kay’s figure is once more amazing. ( Sadly, she remains tattooed. )
Kay J looks quite nice in all of her photos on Only Fans. She looks especially great now.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 173
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 173, version 6.0
Date Written: April 13, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 173
Editorial Thunder presents...
Best and Worst Porn Sites
Plus: Eula Biss on the luxury of fear.
And: Allan Bloom on tyranny.
BEST and WORST Porn Sites
In my experience.
by Andrew Roller
Politicians inveigh against it. Yet everyone is biologically disposed to want it. I’m speaking of porn. The only person who doesn’t want porn is someone who’s busily screwing.
In 2019, my dumb phone broke. I bought a new phone. It was, of course, a smart phone. Dumb phones, like poorly made stereos, no longer exist.
By chance, I got an Apple iphone. I would have accepted any phone; I just needed a phone. It wasn’t long before I was shocked to find that naked people were on my phone!
I fell in love with my phone.
So, rejoining the internet in 2019, after an absence of two decades, I knew nothing about porn on the internet. I was determined to find out more.
In the 20th century, the gold standard of porn was Playboy. I’m speaking of the magazine. The high point of Playboy was the 1970s. It featured naked young females. They were, as the magazine once stated, “tenderly legal”. ( Playboy was making a joke about money, which is “legal tender”. )
Playboy sold more than just photos of naked girls. ( One girl per issue. ) It sold a hedonistic lifestyle which, much as it is damned, most guys, apparently, never get to enjoy. Playboy also assured you that, if you bought their magazine, you were a member of an exclusive club. Playboy took care of its customers. I got a $9.00 refund from Playboy in about 2008, as Playboy began its transition to the dumpster that it is today.
In 2022, the best way to search for porn is to go to xvideos ( dot ) com. It’s free. There are a number of web sites on the internet that offer porn videos that are free. However, at Xvideos, you can actually download the videos. The image quality of the videos is rather grainy. However, I lived much of my life in the old T.V. era, so I’m used to looking at grainy videos.
The videos at Xvideos are mostly free samples. If you want sharp videos, you’ll need to join the web site that uploaded the free samples to Xvideos.
At Xvideos, you may find a porn star that you like. If so, try to discover her ( stage ) name. Enter her name at Xvideos. That will likely bring up more of her videos.
You can also go here: freeones ( dot ) com. It’s free. This web site offers photos of porn stars, plus some videos. Hence, here, you would enter, for instance, Kay J. ( Who is called “Kay Jay” at Free Ones. )
You can also use Google to search for a porn star. Enter the porn star’s name, plus the word “naked”. As in: Kay J naked.
In 2019, I was pursuing photos of a porn star named: Sloan aka Ivey aka Lilly Anne.
The peak of Sloan’s era had been about 2002. Hence, much of her free material was on web sites that had been around for a long time. Some of her photos were easily accessed. However, some of her photos were on web sites that were infected with viruses. Remember this rule:
The farther you go down a list of Googled web sites, the more likely you are to run into web sites that are infected with viruses. In other words, be cautious about searching beyond the top search results.
At some point, you’ll want to join a ‘pay for it’ porn site. Probably, you’ll want to join because you want more photos, and videos, of a particular porn star. If no porn star interests you, don’t join a ‘pay for it’ porn site. It isn’t worth the trouble.
You’ll likely wind up at a web site that reviews ‘pay for it’ porn sites. These review sites are credible. However, most, if not all, get a ‘cut’ from a porn site if you join it via the review site. Hence, you go to Porn Dud dot com. Porn Dud recommends the Pussy Juice web site. You join the Pussy Juice web site through Porn Dud. As a result, Porn Dud gets a referral free from the Pussy Juice web site. In theory, you get a lower membership price from the Pussy Juice web site.
I have never joined a porn site through a review site. I’ve always wanted a “clean join”. That is, I wanted to join the porn site directly, not via some gimmicky offer.
The first porn site that I joined was naughtymag ( dot ) com. Kay J has a superb video there, plus several other photographic items. Unfortunately, otherwise, nearly all the girls at Naughty Mag are skanks. I’m not making a judgement on their morality. I’m saying that the girls aren’t worth looking at. Sloan is at Naughty Mag. Unfortunately, these are the worst photos of her that you’ll find.
I was a member of Naughty Mag for a number of years. Then, it was time to renew my credit card. I worked directly with Naughty Mag on this problem. I wound up getting charged for a part of Naughty Mag that I have no interest in. It was a section featuring naked grandmothers. As a result, I was getting charged my regular monthly fee for being a member of Naughty Mag. Then, I was getting charged an even larger monthly amount for the privilege of looking at naked grandmothers. I worked still more with Naughty Mag on this problem. In the end, Naughty Mag blocked my credit card. I ceased to get charged for the privilege of looking at naked grandmothers. However, I also ceased to get charged for Naughty Mag, which meant that my membership in Naughty Mag, and the low monthly fee that I was paying, was at an end. I did not attempt to rejoin Naughty Mag at a higher fee.
It was on Naughty Mag that I discovered Kay J. This happened in 2019. I was so dumb back then that I had no idea that Kay J might exist elsewhere on the internet.
In 2019, I also joined this web site: Digital Desire. I did so because I was still hotly pursuing photos of Sloan. ( An awful name; I knew her as “Ivy”, “Ivey”, and as “Lilly Anne”. )
Digital Desire produced. It was once owned by the photographer J. Stephen Hicks. He was a brilliant photographer of naked girls, including Sloan. Unfortunately, Hicks has since died. Digital Desire has since been sold to the “Adult Prime Network”. Everything still works fine, and the extant photos by Hicks that were present when I joined Digital Desire are still there.
( You’ll find free photos of porn stars “Cherry and Charlie”, covered in oil, on the internet. These are credited to Digital Desire. However, Digital Desire does not have these photos. )
( There is a gallery of photos at Digital Desire of porn stars “Jassie and Morgan”. It’s an outstanding gallery. However, it is missing one photo of these girls that I have in a magazine. )
I recommend Digital Desire. The “Adult Prime Network” lumps Digital Desire in with a bunch of other web sites. So far, I’ve found little of interest at other web sites in the “Adult Prime Network”. Some of the web sites in the “Adult Prime Network” are just free sample sites; you’ll need to pay extra to join them if you want more.
Every web site that I joined had pre-checked offers. If you join a web site, make sure that you uncheck the pre-checked offers!
Next, I’ll discuss the internet version of Playboy. There are a number of web sites offered by Playboy. The only one worth joining is “Playboy Plus”. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to join Playboy Plus. That is my “lived experience”, as the liberals say.
Playboy, as a gold standard, is long dead. Today’s “Playboy Plus” is a blatant ripoff.
Historically, Playboy Plus sold lifetime memberships. It then cancelled all of its lifetime memberships. The ( now former ) Playboy Plus members complained. Playboy Plus claimed that its biller had sold the lifetime memberships, not Playboy Plus itself.
I joined Playboy Plus in 2019. I made sure that I joined it correctly. I was told that I would receive “all that Playboy Plus has to offer”. As soon as I entered Playboy Plus, as a paid member, I was told that I needed to upgrade. The fee to upgrade was high.
I wanted photos of Playboy Playmate Tiffany Taylor. Only one gallery of photos of Tiffany Taylor was offered. The link was to photos of her as an old lady. ( Ugh! ) The link was broken.
The result? I was told that I had to pay a lot more. What little that Playboy Plus had provided to me didn’t work.
I got a refund from the biller for Playboy Plus.
A month later, I joined Playboy Plus again. I had to use a different e-mail to do so. This time, I got hit with another demand that I upgrade. I was told that I had joined ‘standard’ Playboy Plus. If I wanted “all that Playboy Plus” had to offer, I had to join the V.I.P. version of Playboy Plus. I was only told this AFTER I joined Playboy Plus!
I tried to join V.I.P. Playboy Plus on the Playboy Plus web site. That didn’t work. I called the biller, and a clerk signed me up. However, unknown to him, he only signed me up to V.I.P. Playboy Plus for one month. I, too, was unaware that I was joining the V.I.P. level for one month. Hence, a month later, I ceased to be a member at the V.I.P. level. I have continued as a ‘standard’ Playboy Plus member since then.
In September of 2019, Playboy Plus ( once again ) ceased to allow members ( at any level ) to view the Playboy centerfold. That’s right: the centerfold! ( The very reason Playboy, the magazine, existed! ) You can view various photos of a given Playboy Playmate. However, you can’t see her centerfold. As of this writing ( April 2022 ), it’s still impossible to view a Playboy Playmate’s centerfold at Playboy Plus.
In September of 2019, Playboy Plus ( once again ) made it impossible to download photos of Playboy Playmates at Playboy Plus. You have to individually screenshot each image that appears on your screen. This is very laborious. It’s especially so if you’re masturbating.
Playboy Plus has now added the name of each model to the bottom of each of her photos. Her name isn’t under her photo. It is pasted along the bottom part of her photo. Her name covers part of her photo. This mars her photo.
If you download the model’s photo gallery, her name is omitted. ( Which is good. ) However, you can’t download photos of Playboy Playmates. You can only screenshot them. As a result, every photo on Playboy Plus, of every Playboy Playmate, is marred by her name.
A photo gallery of a Playmate at Playboy Plus doesn’t include her photos that were in Playboy magazine. You get the leftover photos. If you want the actual photos that were in Playboy magazine, you need to join another web site. It’s called: iPlayboy.
iPlayboy only goes from the years 1953 to 2020. In 2020, Playboy magazine ceased publication. I got free access to iPlayboy for a week, during 2020.
( It was a COVID-19 offer. The offer was supposed to last for two weeks, but only lasted for one week. )
While I had free access to iPlayboy, I made screenshots of Playmates that I recalled. I did this with great ambition. However, when I was done, I felt that I just had a bunch of old magazine photos. That’s because, at iPlayboy, you’re literally looking at old magazines. iPlayboy consists of old magazines that Playboy photographed. Some of the magazines have visible damage.
There is an enormous amount of published Playboy photos, and videos, that are not on Playboy Plus! I have lots more photos of Tiffany Taylor than are on Playboy Plus. These are in paper Playboy magazines, such as Playboy’s “Newsstand Special” issues. I have Playboy videos that are not on Playboy Plus. These are VHS tapes. I recall watching Playboy videos, on the Playboy cable channel, that are not on Playboy Plus.
My access within Playboy Plus varies. Sometimes, I can see “Playboy Girls”. Sometimes, “Playboy Girls” are confined to its V.I.P. level.
( Playboy Plus handles its material in a way that is somewhat erratic. )
The V.I.P. level of Playboy Plus allegedly comes with a special phone number. It gives you a ‘hotline’ to Playboy Plus. However, the clerk at Playboy Plus told me that there is no such ‘hotline’. I never had access to a ‘hotline’ while I was a V.I.P. member of Playboy Plus.
The ‘girl with girl’ photo galleries at Playboy Plus are confined to the V.I.P. level. They are not worth the money. Playboy’s contemporary photographers must all be gay. For instance, in one photo gallery, the sun is setting. The photographer ignores the naked girls in the gallery. He adjusts his camera lens to capture the sunset! The result is a series of ever darker photos, in which the girls dissolve into the night. The sunset itself, by any photographic standard, is worthless.
Kay J is at Playboy Plus. The photos of her feature her before she was tattooed. Unfortunately, Playboy’s several photo galleries of Kay J have few photos in them. You get about a dozen photos per gallery.
Modernly, Playboy Playmates are skanks. You would not date these women. Furthermore, every goddamn modern “Playmate” is tattooed! I guess Playboy’s casting director is a Tattooed Lady, who moonlights at the circus.
I have seen membership offers for Playboy Plus since 2019. Their most recent offer appears to divert a joining member to the web site called “Playboy T.V.”. In other words, you think you’re joining Playboy Plus, but you wind up joining Playboy T.V.
Playboy T.V. is a “couples” web site. The assumption is that you’re married to some ( boring ) bitch and that you and she want a briefly naughty experience, at Playboy T.V., watching two boring adults have romantic sex.
Playboy T.V. is “woke”. You’ll never see an “older” man with a “too” young girl there. ( I’m speaking of a fictional portrayal, not one that is currently illegal. ) However, you’re sure to see sex that was once punished as the crime of miscegenation. Also, expect to see lots of ( apparently ) gay men on Playboy T.V.
Avoid Playboy T.V. like the plague. That’s my recommendation.
For a time, Playboy Plus moved all of its Playmate videos to Playboy T.V. In other words, videos of Tiffany Taylor, that I’d watched on Playboy Plus, were now confined to Playboy T.V. A Playboy Plus member has no access to Playboy T.V.!
Recently, on Playboy Plus, I searched for the 1973 Playmate Miki Garcia. All of her photos were gone. I complained to Playboy Plus about this.
If you want to look at Playboy centerfolds, buy this Kindle book at Amazon ( dot ) com:
Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds.
However, the book only features Playmates through 2007.
I have been a ‘standard’ member of Playboy Plus since August of 2019. The site works fine, within its imposed limitations. Consider the following points, before joining:
1. You will probably get fucked. Don’t join Playboy Plus while you’re masturbating. Be prepared for a lengthy membership process. You’ll likely join, find that you’ve gotten screwed, and set out on a long odyssey to attempt to get what you ( actually ) want.
2. Do you want to view old Playboy Playmate photos from the prior century? If your answer is “no”, don’t join Playboy Plus. Playboy, as a worthwhile company, died some decades ago. Nothing that Playboy makes today is worth having.
3. Are you desperate for the handful of photos of Kay J that are at Playboy Plus? If not, don’t join Playboy Plus.
It is doubtful that Playboy can ever restore its reputation. If I had the money, I wouldn’t buy Playboy ( the company ). It has screwed its customers. Its modern “Playmates” are shit.
Playboy could climb a ( long ) road to recovery if it did the following:
1. Combine all the Playboy web sites into a single web site. Call the web site “Playboy”. Add that it is “Under New Management”.
2. Put everything that Playboy ever published on the “Playboy” web site. Offer a reasonable price for this. Don’t have any pre-checked offers. Provide a video where a ( beautiful ) Playmate shows a person exactly how to join.
Modernly, the internet has two web sites that are worth your consideration. They are what Playboy once was. They are:
1. Met-Art, now best joined via the metartnetwork ( dot ) com.
2. Femjoy ( dot ) com.
I have never been a member of Femjoy. Its star, from my perspective, is “Alisa”, known at indexxx ( dot ) com as “Alisa I”. I have seen Femjoy products, featuring Alisa, at various free porn sites. They’re great!
Unfortunately, Femjoy may have a lot of boring material. For instance, I watched a Femjoy video where three adult ladies, who are naked, dance around in a field. The video was worthless.
I’ve been a member of Met-Art for a year. I joined it to get photos, and videos, of Kay J. There is a lot of Kay J material at Met-Art. It’s great!
Alisa I is known as “Alisa Amore” at Met-Art. Unfortunately, the photos of Alisa at Met-Art are, generally, not as interesting as the photos of her at Femjoy. ( There are no videos of Alisa at Met-Art. )
There is a lot of porn on the internet. However, a lot of it isn’t worth looking at. If you consider the ancient Playboy to be the gold standard of porn, then you have two choices today:
1. Met-Art.
2. Femjoy.
Every other porn site on the internet is either an also-ran, a niche site ( focusing on kink, for instance ), or a ripoff. Sadly, the once great Playboy is now the worst site on the internet.
“Wealthier countries have the luxury of entertaining fears the rest of the world cannot afford.”
- Eula Biss.
Source: Eula Biss. ( Not Eula Piss! ) On Immunity: An Inoculation. Published in 2014.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 880.
“The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities.”
- Allan Bloom
Source: Allan Bloom. The Closing of the American Mind. Published in 1987.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 826.
1. You might be confused by Digital Desire’s home page. To access Digital Desire, as a paid member, tap on an arrow. The arrow is near the upper right corner of your iPad’s screen. It is to the right of the words, “Join Today”.
2. The Amazon Kindle book, “Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds”, has just centerfolds. You do not get the whole pictorial from Playboy magazine. You only get the gatefold.
3. If you have downloaded Playboy material on your iPad, you may find two folders within a download. One folder is labelled, “Premium”. The second folder is labelled, “Standard”. ( The “Standard” folder holds nothing worthwhile. ) This use of the word “Standard” is different from my use of the word “standard” in this article.
4. Kay J to me on April 5, 2022:
“This is my body and I love my tattoo. I'm not going to remove it👌🏼”
( I added the quote marks. )
I would have liked to reply: It’s your body and your tattoo is marring your beauty.
But, being a gentleman, I didn’t.
Kay J looks especially great at this moment. Russia’s war on Ukraine caused her to relocate. As a result, she, apparently, ate less. Call it “the Putin diet”. ( It works! ) Kay’s figure is once more amazing. ( Sadly, she remains tattooed. )
Kay J looks quite nice in all of her photos on Only Fans. She looks especially great now.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 173
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 173, version 6.0
Date Written: April 13, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
A Letter to Apple
ET 172
Editorial Thunder presents...
A Letter to Apple
by Andrew Roller
I have written, many times, about You Tube’s abuse of its customers. Many of us who were once on You Tube have been kicked off. You Tube claims to have rules. However, You Tube doesn’t follow its rules. Its employees are free to persecute any user, for any reason. Those persecuted include preteen and young teenage girls.
So why is Apple favoring You Tube? I complained to Apple about this:
Dear Apple,
I have noticed something. At your Apple “App Store”, at the top of your main page, you always featured the most popular apps. You featured them in a box. The box was called, “Now Trending”. YouTube was always in this box.
Then, YouTube began to slip in popularity.
Recently, you stopped showing the “Now Trending” box. You replaced it with a box that you call, “Our Favorites”. Of course, “Our Favorites” can be whatever you want it to be.
What have you put at the top of “Our Favorites”? YouTube! This despite YouTube’s fall in popularity.
Today, the “Now Trending” box is back. However, you have demoted it to a lesser part of your main page. Is YouTube in the “Now Trending” box? No! TikTok is, but not YouTube.
Modernly, TikTok has replaced YouTube in popularity.
YouTube is owned by Google. It is not owned by Apple. So why are you, Apple, giving unearned publicity to YouTube?
America’s government is already concerned about collusion between Big Tech companies. Apple and Google are the epitome of Big Tech.
I could understand your favoring YouTube if you owned YouTube. But you don’t. Please stop favoring YouTube! You are making yourself ( and Google ) targets for anti-trust legislation. YouTube does not need unearned publicity from you.
I would detail the reasons why YouTube’s popularity has fallen. However, when I did so with regard to Facebook, you didn’t publish my review.
1. The main page of Apple’s “App Store” is called, “Today”.
2. I refer to “YouTube” as “You Tube”. You Tube’s legal department does the same. ( All of You Tube’s customers got a notice from their legal department, for some reason, several years ago. )
In my letter to Apple, I referred to You Tube as “YouTube” to avoid confusion among Apple’s employees. ( Since I refer, in my letter, to Apple as “You”. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 172
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 172, version 1.0
Date Written: April 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 172
Editorial Thunder presents...
A Letter to Apple
by Andrew Roller
I have written, many times, about You Tube’s abuse of its customers. Many of us who were once on You Tube have been kicked off. You Tube claims to have rules. However, You Tube doesn’t follow its rules. Its employees are free to persecute any user, for any reason. Those persecuted include preteen and young teenage girls.
So why is Apple favoring You Tube? I complained to Apple about this:
Dear Apple,
I have noticed something. At your Apple “App Store”, at the top of your main page, you always featured the most popular apps. You featured them in a box. The box was called, “Now Trending”. YouTube was always in this box.
Then, YouTube began to slip in popularity.
Recently, you stopped showing the “Now Trending” box. You replaced it with a box that you call, “Our Favorites”. Of course, “Our Favorites” can be whatever you want it to be.
What have you put at the top of “Our Favorites”? YouTube! This despite YouTube’s fall in popularity.
Today, the “Now Trending” box is back. However, you have demoted it to a lesser part of your main page. Is YouTube in the “Now Trending” box? No! TikTok is, but not YouTube.
Modernly, TikTok has replaced YouTube in popularity.
YouTube is owned by Google. It is not owned by Apple. So why are you, Apple, giving unearned publicity to YouTube?
America’s government is already concerned about collusion between Big Tech companies. Apple and Google are the epitome of Big Tech.
I could understand your favoring YouTube if you owned YouTube. But you don’t. Please stop favoring YouTube! You are making yourself ( and Google ) targets for anti-trust legislation. YouTube does not need unearned publicity from you.
I would detail the reasons why YouTube’s popularity has fallen. However, when I did so with regard to Facebook, you didn’t publish my review.
1. The main page of Apple’s “App Store” is called, “Today”.
2. I refer to “YouTube” as “You Tube”. You Tube’s legal department does the same. ( All of You Tube’s customers got a notice from their legal department, for some reason, several years ago. )
In my letter to Apple, I referred to You Tube as “YouTube” to avoid confusion among Apple’s employees. ( Since I refer, in my letter, to Apple as “You”. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 172
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 172, version 1.0
Date Written: April 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
BANNED by Chat Poo
ET 171
Editorial Thunder presents...
BANNED by Chat Poo
Plus: Misinformation defined.
BANNED by Chat Poo
by Andrew Roller
Some months ago, I stumbled upon the following web site:
chat ( dot ) poo ( dot ) com
Chat Poo has a handful of users. Often, they’re the same people, every day. The users post inanities. To call Chat Poo a “chat” app is a misnomer. Monkeys in a zoo have more intelligent conversations.
The users of Chat Poo also post photos. I’ve seen all manner of photos on Chat Poo. ( None, so far as I know, were illegal under American law. )
I decided to post to Chat Poo. When I posted a new issue of my blog to WordPress, I posted information, about that particular issue, to Chat Poo. I felt I was making a positive contribution to Chat Poo. I was elevating the monkeys’ twaddle.
I would have been thrilled to post my entire issue to Chat Poo. However, Chat Poo severely limits the length of typewritten material.
When I posted, I sometimes waited to see if anyone responded to me. Nope. The monkeys’ inanities continued. I had nothing to add to that.
I posted information about any new issue only once. That’s it! Sometimes, Chat Poo assigned awful colors to my post. I lived with the unreadable colors. Sometimes, almost no one was on Chat Poo. A post on Chat Poo only lasts a short time. However, I lived with the fact that my information would likely go unread.
I never posted to Chat Poo unless I had a new issue. I never spammed them.
My blog is free.
America’s Republican party has now gone “woke”. It’s a Republican form of “woke”. Republicans are telling the world that America’s children are threatened by “perverts”. In other words, by anyone whose sexual orientation appears to be non-compliant with characters in 1950s T.V. shows.
Recent issues of my blog have offered counter-arguments to the Republicans’ hate.
I posted information about my new issues to Chat Poo, as usual.
Now, suddenly, I’m banned from Chat Poo!
Below, I’ve written what I found when I went to Chat Poo. I went to Chat Poo at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 9.
Chat Poo told me the following:
“You only use our chat to spam your blog. If you were to chat, we wouldn’t mind you sharing it.”
Chat Poo lists an expiration date for their ban. It’s a month in the future. However, the purported expiration of their ban is useless to me. That’s because the only use I found for Chat Poo was to post information about my blog.
Chat Poo never provided any “Terms of Service”, or “Community Standards”.
From what I saw on Chat Poo, it was an environment of ‘anything goes’. I was proud of Chat Poo for letting people have someplace to prove they were morons. Even monkeys deserve a place to fart.
There is no way for me to contact Chat Poo’s administrators. Also, there is no way to appeal Chat Poo’s ban.
I undertook due diligence to make sure that I was, in fact, banned from Chat Poo. I visited their web site a number of times. ( Doing so, in fact, in their app. )
Then, I found the web site’s address ( in my blog’s analytics ) and visited Chat Poo with my browser. I got the same message: I’m banned.
If Chat Poo was banning me because they think I “spammed” them, I’d credit them with being honest. However, I’ve been on America’s highly censorious internet long enough to know how it actually operates. If you’re a “pedophile” ( so-called ), you get the boot. Your speech isn’t allowed.
Of course, if you hate “pedophiles”, you can rant all over the internet, and on every one of the big social media platforms. Rant enough, and Fox News will put you on their T.V. shows.
In other words, if you speak as Hitler would have ( had he been a bigot toward “pedophiles”, instead of toward Jews ), you are welcomed into every social media platform. If you try to contest such hate, you’re silenced.
I knew the big social media platforms were utterly bigoted. I did not expect a shit-can web site, like Chat Poo, to be bigoted too.
My blog got just a handful of visits from Chat Poo, during the entire time that I used it. Hardly anyone uses Chat Poo. Those who do are the same people, every day. Chat Poo’s users are dunces.
Imagine a bathroom wall that only retards write on. That’s Chat Poo.
“‘Misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ [ is ] just code for ‘we don’t like what’s being said, or being held accountable, and therefore we would like censorship, uh, for any outlet or media that doesn’t agree with our mistakes, or our narrative.”
- Katie Pavlich.
Source: Katie Pavlich. “The Five”, The Fox News Channel. April 8, 2022. ( Via foxnews ( dot ) com. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 171
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 171, version 3.0
Date Written: April 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 171
Editorial Thunder presents...
BANNED by Chat Poo
Plus: Misinformation defined.
BANNED by Chat Poo
by Andrew Roller
Some months ago, I stumbled upon the following web site:
chat ( dot ) poo ( dot ) com
Chat Poo has a handful of users. Often, they’re the same people, every day. The users post inanities. To call Chat Poo a “chat” app is a misnomer. Monkeys in a zoo have more intelligent conversations.
The users of Chat Poo also post photos. I’ve seen all manner of photos on Chat Poo. ( None, so far as I know, were illegal under American law. )
I decided to post to Chat Poo. When I posted a new issue of my blog to WordPress, I posted information, about that particular issue, to Chat Poo. I felt I was making a positive contribution to Chat Poo. I was elevating the monkeys’ twaddle.
I would have been thrilled to post my entire issue to Chat Poo. However, Chat Poo severely limits the length of typewritten material.
When I posted, I sometimes waited to see if anyone responded to me. Nope. The monkeys’ inanities continued. I had nothing to add to that.
I posted information about any new issue only once. That’s it! Sometimes, Chat Poo assigned awful colors to my post. I lived with the unreadable colors. Sometimes, almost no one was on Chat Poo. A post on Chat Poo only lasts a short time. However, I lived with the fact that my information would likely go unread.
I never posted to Chat Poo unless I had a new issue. I never spammed them.
My blog is free.
America’s Republican party has now gone “woke”. It’s a Republican form of “woke”. Republicans are telling the world that America’s children are threatened by “perverts”. In other words, by anyone whose sexual orientation appears to be non-compliant with characters in 1950s T.V. shows.
Recent issues of my blog have offered counter-arguments to the Republicans’ hate.
I posted information about my new issues to Chat Poo, as usual.
Now, suddenly, I’m banned from Chat Poo!
Below, I’ve written what I found when I went to Chat Poo. I went to Chat Poo at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 9.
Chat Poo told me the following:
“You only use our chat to spam your blog. If you were to chat, we wouldn’t mind you sharing it.”
Chat Poo lists an expiration date for their ban. It’s a month in the future. However, the purported expiration of their ban is useless to me. That’s because the only use I found for Chat Poo was to post information about my blog.
Chat Poo never provided any “Terms of Service”, or “Community Standards”.
From what I saw on Chat Poo, it was an environment of ‘anything goes’. I was proud of Chat Poo for letting people have someplace to prove they were morons. Even monkeys deserve a place to fart.
There is no way for me to contact Chat Poo’s administrators. Also, there is no way to appeal Chat Poo’s ban.
I undertook due diligence to make sure that I was, in fact, banned from Chat Poo. I visited their web site a number of times. ( Doing so, in fact, in their app. )
Then, I found the web site’s address ( in my blog’s analytics ) and visited Chat Poo with my browser. I got the same message: I’m banned.
If Chat Poo was banning me because they think I “spammed” them, I’d credit them with being honest. However, I’ve been on America’s highly censorious internet long enough to know how it actually operates. If you’re a “pedophile” ( so-called ), you get the boot. Your speech isn’t allowed.
Of course, if you hate “pedophiles”, you can rant all over the internet, and on every one of the big social media platforms. Rant enough, and Fox News will put you on their T.V. shows.
In other words, if you speak as Hitler would have ( had he been a bigot toward “pedophiles”, instead of toward Jews ), you are welcomed into every social media platform. If you try to contest such hate, you’re silenced.
I knew the big social media platforms were utterly bigoted. I did not expect a shit-can web site, like Chat Poo, to be bigoted too.
My blog got just a handful of visits from Chat Poo, during the entire time that I used it. Hardly anyone uses Chat Poo. Those who do are the same people, every day. Chat Poo’s users are dunces.
Imagine a bathroom wall that only retards write on. That’s Chat Poo.
“‘Misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ [ is ] just code for ‘we don’t like what’s being said, or being held accountable, and therefore we would like censorship, uh, for any outlet or media that doesn’t agree with our mistakes, or our narrative.”
- Katie Pavlich.
Source: Katie Pavlich. “The Five”, The Fox News Channel. April 8, 2022. ( Via foxnews ( dot ) com. )
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 171
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 171, version 3.0
Date Written: April 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Nukes for All!
ET 170
Editorial Thunder presents...
Nukes for All!
Plus: Republicans’ “Sex With Children!” agenda.
And: The necessity of power.
by Andrew Roller
“Loose nukes.” Does that phrase ring a bell? It’s from the 1990s. In 1991, the Soviet Union, now known as Russia, ceased to exist. The Soviet Union had nuclear weapons. Russia still has nuclear weapons. However, the Soviet Union embodied more land than Russia does today. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.
( Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, is the center of Ukrainian’s existence. Historically, Kyiv predates Moscow. Moscow only became important because the Mongol invaders found it useful to elevate Moscow’s importance. )
The Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons were distributed throughout the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union ceased to exist, Russia, the Soviet Union’s successor, allowed some regions of itself to cease to be a part of it.
( Or, to put it another way, formerly imprisoned parts of the Soviet Union could, once again, be free. )
One region that left Russia was Ukraine. Hence, Ukraine had ( Soviet ) nuclear weapons.
The term “loose nukes” was applied by America to nuclear weapons that were no longer in Russia. That is, they were no longer in the new Russia, which no longer included Ukraine.
America decided that such “loose nukes” must be returned by Ukraine to Russia. ( The same was true for other former regions of the Soviet Union. )
America got its way. In 1994, Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons. The weapons were given by Ukraine to Russia. At this point, Ukraine was an independent country, with Russia’s approval. This had happened in 1991.
What did Ukraine get for giving up its nuclear weapons? It got a promise. America, Britain, and Russia gave Ukraine security guarantees. All three nations promised Ukraine that they would make sure that Russia never invaded Ukraine.
Additionally, Ukraine became a NATO partner. Ukrainian soldiers fought alongside America’s soldiers in various American-led wars.
In 2014, Russia invaded Crimea, which is part of Ukraine. America did nothing to stop this. So much for America’s promise.
( Consider, for a moment, the money in your pocket. The American dollar is just a piece of paper, printed with ink. It is backed by ‘the full faith and credit of the United States Government’. In other words, the money in your packet is backed by a promise. A promise by America. What is that promise, in fact, worth? Ask Ukraine. )
In 2021, it became obvious that Vladimir Putin was planning to invade Ukraine. He was amassing a vast army on three of Ukraine’s four borders. ( Eastern Ukraine, Northern Ukraine, and in the Black Sea, to Ukraine’s south. )
Putin was a proven aggressor. He’d seized part of Georgia. He’d turned Chechnya into a wasteland. He’d turned Syria into a wasteland. And, in addition to stealing Crimea from Ukraine, he’d stolen the Donbas region of Ukraine.
What was America’s response? Did America honor its promise to Ukraine? No. Here’s what happened:
America did little to arm Ukraine. America’s reason: If we arm Ukraine, that will provoke Putin to attack Ukraine.
In February of 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Did America honor its promise to Ukraine after this? No. America only sent “defensive weapons” to Ukraine. ( Items like machine guns, to fight against Russia’s jet fighters. )
America’s reason: If we arm Ukraine with “offensive weapons” ( jet fighters ), Putin might launch nuclear weapons.
So, on three occasions, America proved to be Judas with regard to Ukraine:
1. In 2014, America let Russia steal the Crimea, and the Donbas region.
2. In 2021, America failed to provide weapons to Ukraine that would prevent Russia from invading Ukraine.
3. In 2022, America failed to provide weapons to Ukraine that would allow Ukraine to drive Russia out of Ukraine.
“Three strikes, and you’re out!” as Americans love to say.
America continues to be a poor partner to Ukraine. Ukraine was America’s loyal partner, but America has not repaid Ukraine’s debt. Perhaps America hopes to do better in the future. However, sending weapons to corpses won’t help. Let’s pray that Ukraine isn’t soon just a land of the dead.
What lessons will other nations draw from Ukraine’s experience?
( Note how I posed that question without saying, “What’s the takeaway?” That means I’m smarter than people on T.V. In fact, I’m brilliant. I end each of my sentences, that are statements, with a period. ( Not with a question mark. ) )
You know what other nations will conclude:
1. Don’t trust America.
The only reason America is providing help to Ukraine is because Ukraine, as an issue, polls well in America. If Ukraine polled poorly, America would not be sending aid to Ukraine.
2. Never give up your nuclear weapons.
3. If you don’t have nuclear weapons, get them!
As stated in a previous issue of ARSE, I can speak with authority on nuclear weapons. Specifically, I can speak about nuclear missiles.
From the moment the American president orders nuclear missiles to be launched, the system is designed to do one thing: launch the missiles. It’s like springing a mouse trap. When the mouse enters the trap, the trap doesn’t consider the morality of the matter. It snaps shut on the mouse.
As a missileer, I carried a gun. The purpose of my gun was not to protect my missiles. Those were located a considerable distance from my Launch Control Capsule. Additionally, I didn’t have a gun to protect my Launch Control Capsule. It was a very thick steel “egg” that was buried underground. I had security teams to protect my Launch Control Capsule, and my missiles.
So why did I have a gun? I had a gun to shoot my co-worker. That’s right, I was licensed to kill the guy I shared a toilet with.
Why would I kill my co-worker? Well, let’s say he and I were ordered to launch our missiles. Suddenly, in the words of President Donald Trump, my co-worker becomes concerned about killing “innocent babies”. Innocent babies would be killed in the places where our missiles hit. ( Think of Hiroshima, on steroids. ) If my co-worker refused to obey the president’s order, my job was to kill him. He too had a gun. His job was to kill me if I disobeyed the president’s order. Like guards at a Nazi concentration camp, our job was to “just follow orders”.
That’s the American way of launching a nuclear war. What about the Russian way of launching a nuclear war? Consider Chernobyl. Russia built nuclear reactors there, but Russia did not build a containment facility for the nuclear reactors. Russia assumed that they would always operate the nuclear reactors correctly, and that the equipment would always function correctly.
What happened? There was an accident. Since there wasn’t any containment facility, the meltdown of the reactors spewed radiation around the world.
In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia “conquered” Chernobyl. How did Russia handle Chernobyl? They made a big mess. They even threw away Ukraine’s records on Chernobyl, that were helping Ukraine keep Chernobyl from becoming a radioactive mess again.
Hence, Russia is reckless. This answers the question that I posed with regard to Russia’s nuclear weapons. If America’s nuclear weapons are like a mousetrap, Russia’s really are!
Other countries also have nuclear weapons. ( Pakistan, India, and others. ) One has to assume that their nuclear weapons are also like a mousetrap. I’m not qualified to speak on whether such countries are reckless.
Remember: Any nuclear accident spews nuclear radiation around the world. Certain Fox News hosts might keep this in mind when they blithely assume that other parts of the world are irrelevant to America.
Let’s consider one final point: Every country now needs nuclear weapons. A promise from America ( or from Britain ) is worthless. A machine gun is useless against a fighter jet. Worse, if you don’t poll well, as a country, with America’s voters, your plight will be ignored.
The result? Earth is going to be full of nuclear mousetraps. Compare that to the leftist obsession with “climate change”. Or, compare it with the right-wing obsession with schools’ gender curricula. Both so-called “issues” pale in the afterglow of nuclear explosions. If there are humans in the future, they’ll wonder how America’s political elites managed to drive themselves into an intellectual ditch.
REPUBLICANS’ “Sex With Children!” AGENDA
I have always considered Fox News to be center-right. Perhaps it once was. Now, it’s a rank propaganda mill for the Republican party. A number of Fox News hosts have jumped on Josh Hawley’s “sex with children” agenda. ( Hawley is the junior U.S. senator from Missouri. )
MSNBC may be, in the words of Fox’s Sean Hannity, MSDNC. ( An arm of the Democratic National Committee. ) However, FNC ( Fox News ) is now RFNC. ( An arm of the Republican National Committee. )
Josh Hawley is the new leader of the Republican Party, thanks to enormous help from Fox News. Let’s consider the implications of this:
1. I no longer trust Fox News. I’m looking for a source of news that delivers the news, as I knew it to be in the 1970s, from CBS, NBC, ABC, and the Mutual Broadcasting System.
2. Although I’m a registered Republican, I doubt I’ll be voting Republican much anymore.
3. “Sex with Children”, or, rather, the “threat” of it, is the Republican Party’s new ( and sole ) agenda. “Sex with Children” goes beyond a hatred of so-called “pedophiles”. It includes gagging teachers on the subject of gender studies. That objective embraces demonizing the LGBT+ community. ( The presence of some gays on Fox News is more than offset by the hateful rhetoric on Fox News. )
4. The Republican party will win big in November’s midterm elections. They will take power in the U.S. Senate and in the U.S. House in January.
If there’s still a war in Ukraine, the Republicans won’t be able to do much about it. That’s because every method of ending the war will have failed.
Inflation will take years to conquer.
Inflation will cause a recession. A recession must, mostly, be endured. The Republicans won’t be able to do much to end it.
Nobody is ever going to deport the millions of illegal aliens that have crossed into America during the Biden Administration. The Republicans will, at most, only be able to eject some so-called “sex offenders”. ( “Pedophiles”. )
Will there be anything that the Republicans can do? Oh, yes! Just ask Josh Hawley, or Fox News:
1. “Strengthen” laws against so-called “child pornography”.
2. “Strengthen” laws against so-called “pedophiles”.
There will be little else that the Republicans can do. The Biden Administration will continue to control most aspects of, say, drilling for oil in America. ( The Biden Administration is against drilling for oil in America. )
So, once again, so-called “pedophiles” get kicked in the butt. Anytime America has needed a scapegoat, for the past half century, the answer is: punish “pedophiles”. That’s why Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson felt obliged to “go soft” on a handful of people who viewed so-called “child pornography”.
Let’s hope that viewing a Republican isn’t, one day, punished with the same severity as viewing “child pornography”. As Paul Begala said, “Stroke of the pen, law of the land.” A guillotine does not spare any head that is in it. It’s like a mousetrap.
The Necessity of Power
“Ideas, unconnected to an engine of power, ultimately aren’t going to triumph.”
- Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman.
Source: C-SPAN. Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman, a columnist for The New York Times. Friedman interviewed author Robert Kagan. Date: 18 October 2016.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?195160-1/dangerous-nation
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 170
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 170, version 2.0
Date Written: April 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 170
Editorial Thunder presents...
Nukes for All!
Plus: Republicans’ “Sex With Children!” agenda.
And: The necessity of power.
by Andrew Roller
“Loose nukes.” Does that phrase ring a bell? It’s from the 1990s. In 1991, the Soviet Union, now known as Russia, ceased to exist. The Soviet Union had nuclear weapons. Russia still has nuclear weapons. However, the Soviet Union embodied more land than Russia does today. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.
( Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, is the center of Ukrainian’s existence. Historically, Kyiv predates Moscow. Moscow only became important because the Mongol invaders found it useful to elevate Moscow’s importance. )
The Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons were distributed throughout the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union ceased to exist, Russia, the Soviet Union’s successor, allowed some regions of itself to cease to be a part of it.
( Or, to put it another way, formerly imprisoned parts of the Soviet Union could, once again, be free. )
One region that left Russia was Ukraine. Hence, Ukraine had ( Soviet ) nuclear weapons.
The term “loose nukes” was applied by America to nuclear weapons that were no longer in Russia. That is, they were no longer in the new Russia, which no longer included Ukraine.
America decided that such “loose nukes” must be returned by Ukraine to Russia. ( The same was true for other former regions of the Soviet Union. )
America got its way. In 1994, Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons. The weapons were given by Ukraine to Russia. At this point, Ukraine was an independent country, with Russia’s approval. This had happened in 1991.
What did Ukraine get for giving up its nuclear weapons? It got a promise. America, Britain, and Russia gave Ukraine security guarantees. All three nations promised Ukraine that they would make sure that Russia never invaded Ukraine.
Additionally, Ukraine became a NATO partner. Ukrainian soldiers fought alongside America’s soldiers in various American-led wars.
In 2014, Russia invaded Crimea, which is part of Ukraine. America did nothing to stop this. So much for America’s promise.
( Consider, for a moment, the money in your pocket. The American dollar is just a piece of paper, printed with ink. It is backed by ‘the full faith and credit of the United States Government’. In other words, the money in your packet is backed by a promise. A promise by America. What is that promise, in fact, worth? Ask Ukraine. )
In 2021, it became obvious that Vladimir Putin was planning to invade Ukraine. He was amassing a vast army on three of Ukraine’s four borders. ( Eastern Ukraine, Northern Ukraine, and in the Black Sea, to Ukraine’s south. )
Putin was a proven aggressor. He’d seized part of Georgia. He’d turned Chechnya into a wasteland. He’d turned Syria into a wasteland. And, in addition to stealing Crimea from Ukraine, he’d stolen the Donbas region of Ukraine.
What was America’s response? Did America honor its promise to Ukraine? No. Here’s what happened:
America did little to arm Ukraine. America’s reason: If we arm Ukraine, that will provoke Putin to attack Ukraine.
In February of 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Did America honor its promise to Ukraine after this? No. America only sent “defensive weapons” to Ukraine. ( Items like machine guns, to fight against Russia’s jet fighters. )
America’s reason: If we arm Ukraine with “offensive weapons” ( jet fighters ), Putin might launch nuclear weapons.
So, on three occasions, America proved to be Judas with regard to Ukraine:
1. In 2014, America let Russia steal the Crimea, and the Donbas region.
2. In 2021, America failed to provide weapons to Ukraine that would prevent Russia from invading Ukraine.
3. In 2022, America failed to provide weapons to Ukraine that would allow Ukraine to drive Russia out of Ukraine.
“Three strikes, and you’re out!” as Americans love to say.
America continues to be a poor partner to Ukraine. Ukraine was America’s loyal partner, but America has not repaid Ukraine’s debt. Perhaps America hopes to do better in the future. However, sending weapons to corpses won’t help. Let’s pray that Ukraine isn’t soon just a land of the dead.
What lessons will other nations draw from Ukraine’s experience?
( Note how I posed that question without saying, “What’s the takeaway?” That means I’m smarter than people on T.V. In fact, I’m brilliant. I end each of my sentences, that are statements, with a period. ( Not with a question mark. ) )
You know what other nations will conclude:
1. Don’t trust America.
The only reason America is providing help to Ukraine is because Ukraine, as an issue, polls well in America. If Ukraine polled poorly, America would not be sending aid to Ukraine.
2. Never give up your nuclear weapons.
3. If you don’t have nuclear weapons, get them!
As stated in a previous issue of ARSE, I can speak with authority on nuclear weapons. Specifically, I can speak about nuclear missiles.
From the moment the American president orders nuclear missiles to be launched, the system is designed to do one thing: launch the missiles. It’s like springing a mouse trap. When the mouse enters the trap, the trap doesn’t consider the morality of the matter. It snaps shut on the mouse.
As a missileer, I carried a gun. The purpose of my gun was not to protect my missiles. Those were located a considerable distance from my Launch Control Capsule. Additionally, I didn’t have a gun to protect my Launch Control Capsule. It was a very thick steel “egg” that was buried underground. I had security teams to protect my Launch Control Capsule, and my missiles.
So why did I have a gun? I had a gun to shoot my co-worker. That’s right, I was licensed to kill the guy I shared a toilet with.
Why would I kill my co-worker? Well, let’s say he and I were ordered to launch our missiles. Suddenly, in the words of President Donald Trump, my co-worker becomes concerned about killing “innocent babies”. Innocent babies would be killed in the places where our missiles hit. ( Think of Hiroshima, on steroids. ) If my co-worker refused to obey the president’s order, my job was to kill him. He too had a gun. His job was to kill me if I disobeyed the president’s order. Like guards at a Nazi concentration camp, our job was to “just follow orders”.
That’s the American way of launching a nuclear war. What about the Russian way of launching a nuclear war? Consider Chernobyl. Russia built nuclear reactors there, but Russia did not build a containment facility for the nuclear reactors. Russia assumed that they would always operate the nuclear reactors correctly, and that the equipment would always function correctly.
What happened? There was an accident. Since there wasn’t any containment facility, the meltdown of the reactors spewed radiation around the world.
In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia “conquered” Chernobyl. How did Russia handle Chernobyl? They made a big mess. They even threw away Ukraine’s records on Chernobyl, that were helping Ukraine keep Chernobyl from becoming a radioactive mess again.
Hence, Russia is reckless. This answers the question that I posed with regard to Russia’s nuclear weapons. If America’s nuclear weapons are like a mousetrap, Russia’s really are!
Other countries also have nuclear weapons. ( Pakistan, India, and others. ) One has to assume that their nuclear weapons are also like a mousetrap. I’m not qualified to speak on whether such countries are reckless.
Remember: Any nuclear accident spews nuclear radiation around the world. Certain Fox News hosts might keep this in mind when they blithely assume that other parts of the world are irrelevant to America.
Let’s consider one final point: Every country now needs nuclear weapons. A promise from America ( or from Britain ) is worthless. A machine gun is useless against a fighter jet. Worse, if you don’t poll well, as a country, with America’s voters, your plight will be ignored.
The result? Earth is going to be full of nuclear mousetraps. Compare that to the leftist obsession with “climate change”. Or, compare it with the right-wing obsession with schools’ gender curricula. Both so-called “issues” pale in the afterglow of nuclear explosions. If there are humans in the future, they’ll wonder how America’s political elites managed to drive themselves into an intellectual ditch.
REPUBLICANS’ “Sex With Children!” AGENDA
I have always considered Fox News to be center-right. Perhaps it once was. Now, it’s a rank propaganda mill for the Republican party. A number of Fox News hosts have jumped on Josh Hawley’s “sex with children” agenda. ( Hawley is the junior U.S. senator from Missouri. )
MSNBC may be, in the words of Fox’s Sean Hannity, MSDNC. ( An arm of the Democratic National Committee. ) However, FNC ( Fox News ) is now RFNC. ( An arm of the Republican National Committee. )
Josh Hawley is the new leader of the Republican Party, thanks to enormous help from Fox News. Let’s consider the implications of this:
1. I no longer trust Fox News. I’m looking for a source of news that delivers the news, as I knew it to be in the 1970s, from CBS, NBC, ABC, and the Mutual Broadcasting System.
2. Although I’m a registered Republican, I doubt I’ll be voting Republican much anymore.
3. “Sex with Children”, or, rather, the “threat” of it, is the Republican Party’s new ( and sole ) agenda. “Sex with Children” goes beyond a hatred of so-called “pedophiles”. It includes gagging teachers on the subject of gender studies. That objective embraces demonizing the LGBT+ community. ( The presence of some gays on Fox News is more than offset by the hateful rhetoric on Fox News. )
4. The Republican party will win big in November’s midterm elections. They will take power in the U.S. Senate and in the U.S. House in January.
If there’s still a war in Ukraine, the Republicans won’t be able to do much about it. That’s because every method of ending the war will have failed.
Inflation will take years to conquer.
Inflation will cause a recession. A recession must, mostly, be endured. The Republicans won’t be able to do much to end it.
Nobody is ever going to deport the millions of illegal aliens that have crossed into America during the Biden Administration. The Republicans will, at most, only be able to eject some so-called “sex offenders”. ( “Pedophiles”. )
Will there be anything that the Republicans can do? Oh, yes! Just ask Josh Hawley, or Fox News:
1. “Strengthen” laws against so-called “child pornography”.
2. “Strengthen” laws against so-called “pedophiles”.
There will be little else that the Republicans can do. The Biden Administration will continue to control most aspects of, say, drilling for oil in America. ( The Biden Administration is against drilling for oil in America. )
So, once again, so-called “pedophiles” get kicked in the butt. Anytime America has needed a scapegoat, for the past half century, the answer is: punish “pedophiles”. That’s why Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson felt obliged to “go soft” on a handful of people who viewed so-called “child pornography”.
Let’s hope that viewing a Republican isn’t, one day, punished with the same severity as viewing “child pornography”. As Paul Begala said, “Stroke of the pen, law of the land.” A guillotine does not spare any head that is in it. It’s like a mousetrap.
The Necessity of Power
“Ideas, unconnected to an engine of power, ultimately aren’t going to triumph.”
- Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman.
Source: C-SPAN. Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman, a columnist for The New York Times. Friedman interviewed author Robert Kagan. Date: 18 October 2016.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?195160-1/dangerous-nation
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 170
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 170, version 2.0
Date Written: April 9, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Ingraham Lies, Calls for Censorship
ET 169
Editorial Thunder presents...
Ingraham Lies, Calls for Censorship
Plus: Legal slavery in America.
And: Pindar to Ingraham.
by Andrew Roller
The Ingraham Angle is a weeknight, prime-time program on Fox News. It is hosted by Laura Ingraham. ( Whom I shall call “Laura Ingrate”. ) Ingrate opened her show on Thursday with a segment called, “Doom and Groom”. ( Part Two. ) Ingrate said,
“Sexual and gender activists are swarming our schools. Desperate parents have begun to fight back by showing how their young school age children are being targeted and even groomed by radical extremists hired by equally radical school boards.”
As Ingrate speaks, a video plays. It’s in the upper right section of your screen.
In the video, you see angry parents. They’re at a school board meeting. But look at the location and date! These are shown in the video. The location and date are:
“Loudoun County, VA
“June 22”.
The parents aren’t angry because “children are being targeted and even groomed by radical extremists”. They’re angry because a 14-year-old girl was “raped” in her school bathroom, in Loudoun County.
You might wonder why I put the word “raped” in quotation marks. The girl was “raped” by her boyfriend! The girl, as her parents knew, had been in an ongoing sexual relationship with her boyfriend!
Hence, last summer’s “rape” scandal in Loudoun County was mostly fiction. I’ll leave the particulars of sexual consent, between lovers, out of this essay. The point is this: Laura Ingrate is lying! She had no video of parents who were angry because “children are being targeted and even groomed by radical extremists”. So, Ingrate resorted to airing a video that has nothing to do with her allegation.
It gets worse. Later in her monologue, Ingrate airs a video of Nicole Ellis. Ellis is the assistant principle at Edmunds Middle School. Edmunds, who is “non-binary”, says that students find it helpful to speak to her about their perceptions of gender. Ingrate pounces on the word “relationships” in Ellis’ statement. Without explicitly saying so, Ingrate accuses Ellis of being a pedophile.
I have no objection to Ellis being a “pedophile”. It’s likely, however, that Ingrate is simply lying again.
And then it gets worse. I’ve never been on Twitter. I’ve never been on Twitter because Twitter censors its users. It censors its users’ legal speech.
Many times, on her show, Ingrate has spoken out against censorship. Either she has, or her comrade, Raymond Arroyo, has. ( On Ingrate’s show, with Ingrate in agreement. ) Thursday, Ingrate called for Twitter to censor its users’ legal speech! Specifically, Ingrate wants Twitter to censor “minor attracted persons”, or “pedophiles”.
Ingrate wasn’t demanding that Twitter censor so-called “child pornography”. ( Which ought to be legal, but, currently, isn’t. )
Ingrate wasn’t calling for Twitter to censor pornography. ( Which a number of social media sites disallow, but which is available on other web sites. )
Ingrate demanded that Twitter censor legal speech by “minor attracted persons”.
Recently, billionaire Elon Musk bought part of Twitter. Musk wants Twitter to censor its users less. Ingrate has twisted this, somehow, in her deranged mind, to mean that Musk wants to censor more! She urged Musk to ban speech by “minor attracted persons”.
Ingrate, of course, is able to shoot off her big mouth, every night, on Fox News:
“There’s a lot more that Musk can do with his role at Twitter, and it involves our kids. And the perverted freaks, by the way, who wanna exploit them. Now right at this moment, Twitter is helping them advertise their fetishes and solicit children into sexual degeneracy. They’ve been rebranded as something called minor attracted persons, hashtag, map. It sounds much more harmless than pedophile…
“They have their own acronyms, and they often use coded language to advertise their desires. These images, and requests, are too sickening and too graphic to recount and even show here. I don’t wanna give them any promotion. But I will say this: kids get drawn in. Some get exploited by the men and women who call themselves maps on Twitter. And others are drawn into the sex trade as young as 11 and 12. So why is Twitter allowing this?
…They let these freaks slip through to destroy lives and innocence? Perhaps they fall back on the laughable defenses of the adults who feel the need to publicly tout their sexual attraction to children. Because the maps say these feelings are just feelings, they’re not criminal. They say they were born this way, feeling this way, meaning sexually attracted to children. Well this is absurd, on its face. Twitter is the initial meet up place for many of them. It’s also a platform used to normalize this. It’s no more weird, they argue, than guys having a thing for, I dunno, ladies’ feet. Elon, do the right thing.”
Ingrate’s monologue ends at this point.
Let’s look at what Ingrate says, above.
1. Ingrate is asking Twitter to censor legal speech!
2. Ingrate makes references to “images” and “requests”, but provides not a shred of proof!
If there are illegal images and requests on Twitter, these will likely be prosecuted by any number of policing outfits:
A. The local police.
B. Local sheriffs.
C. County police.
D. State police agencies.
E. Federal police agencies.
F. International police agencies.
G. Non-governmental agencies.
H. Civilian busybodies.
I. Twitter’s in-house censors.
3. Prostitution is, unfortunately, illegal in America, and elsewhere. So is anything on the internet that can be defined as furthering prostitution. ( Such as the outlawed “back pages dot com”. ) Hence, Ingrate’s allegations about a “sex trade” on Twitter, involving people who are 11 and 12 years old, are ridiculous. Any such activity won’t last long. This is especially so since activity on the internet leaves digital trails.
Ingrate has often touted her status as a “single mom”. ( Since she has three children, without being married. ) Ingrate touts her status as a woman. Yet she wants to silence “minor attracted persons”! Why should Ingrate’s speech be privileged?
Ingrate has a nightly, global broadcast on Fox News. Yet she doesn’t want a handful of typed words on Twitter, which nobody probably reads, to exist! She doesn’t want those words to exist because they were written by a “minor attracted person”.
Laura “Ingrate” is aptly named. She inherited America’s freedom of speech as her birthright. Does she honor and respect her inheritance? No! She’s ungrateful. Worse, like Adolf Hitler, she wants to endlessly talk, but ban those whose views she dislikes.
Ingrate is a bigot, and, worse, Un-American. Why Fox News pays her to spew unpatriotic bigotry is beyond me.
Children are not their parents’ slaves. They are independent people.
“I will not steep my speech in lies.”
- Pindar.
Source. Pindar. Olympian Odes, IV, line 27.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 63.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 169
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 169, version 2.0
Date Written: April 8, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
“Everywhere is Freaks and hairies Dykes and fairies”
- Alvin Lee.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 169
Editorial Thunder presents...
Ingraham Lies, Calls for Censorship
Plus: Legal slavery in America.
And: Pindar to Ingraham.
by Andrew Roller
The Ingraham Angle is a weeknight, prime-time program on Fox News. It is hosted by Laura Ingraham. ( Whom I shall call “Laura Ingrate”. ) Ingrate opened her show on Thursday with a segment called, “Doom and Groom”. ( Part Two. ) Ingrate said,
“Sexual and gender activists are swarming our schools. Desperate parents have begun to fight back by showing how their young school age children are being targeted and even groomed by radical extremists hired by equally radical school boards.”
As Ingrate speaks, a video plays. It’s in the upper right section of your screen.
In the video, you see angry parents. They’re at a school board meeting. But look at the location and date! These are shown in the video. The location and date are:
“Loudoun County, VA
“June 22”.
The parents aren’t angry because “children are being targeted and even groomed by radical extremists”. They’re angry because a 14-year-old girl was “raped” in her school bathroom, in Loudoun County.
You might wonder why I put the word “raped” in quotation marks. The girl was “raped” by her boyfriend! The girl, as her parents knew, had been in an ongoing sexual relationship with her boyfriend!
Hence, last summer’s “rape” scandal in Loudoun County was mostly fiction. I’ll leave the particulars of sexual consent, between lovers, out of this essay. The point is this: Laura Ingrate is lying! She had no video of parents who were angry because “children are being targeted and even groomed by radical extremists”. So, Ingrate resorted to airing a video that has nothing to do with her allegation.
It gets worse. Later in her monologue, Ingrate airs a video of Nicole Ellis. Ellis is the assistant principle at Edmunds Middle School. Edmunds, who is “non-binary”, says that students find it helpful to speak to her about their perceptions of gender. Ingrate pounces on the word “relationships” in Ellis’ statement. Without explicitly saying so, Ingrate accuses Ellis of being a pedophile.
I have no objection to Ellis being a “pedophile”. It’s likely, however, that Ingrate is simply lying again.
And then it gets worse. I’ve never been on Twitter. I’ve never been on Twitter because Twitter censors its users. It censors its users’ legal speech.
Many times, on her show, Ingrate has spoken out against censorship. Either she has, or her comrade, Raymond Arroyo, has. ( On Ingrate’s show, with Ingrate in agreement. ) Thursday, Ingrate called for Twitter to censor its users’ legal speech! Specifically, Ingrate wants Twitter to censor “minor attracted persons”, or “pedophiles”.
Ingrate wasn’t demanding that Twitter censor so-called “child pornography”. ( Which ought to be legal, but, currently, isn’t. )
Ingrate wasn’t calling for Twitter to censor pornography. ( Which a number of social media sites disallow, but which is available on other web sites. )
Ingrate demanded that Twitter censor legal speech by “minor attracted persons”.
Recently, billionaire Elon Musk bought part of Twitter. Musk wants Twitter to censor its users less. Ingrate has twisted this, somehow, in her deranged mind, to mean that Musk wants to censor more! She urged Musk to ban speech by “minor attracted persons”.
Ingrate, of course, is able to shoot off her big mouth, every night, on Fox News:
“There’s a lot more that Musk can do with his role at Twitter, and it involves our kids. And the perverted freaks, by the way, who wanna exploit them. Now right at this moment, Twitter is helping them advertise their fetishes and solicit children into sexual degeneracy. They’ve been rebranded as something called minor attracted persons, hashtag, map. It sounds much more harmless than pedophile…
“They have their own acronyms, and they often use coded language to advertise their desires. These images, and requests, are too sickening and too graphic to recount and even show here. I don’t wanna give them any promotion. But I will say this: kids get drawn in. Some get exploited by the men and women who call themselves maps on Twitter. And others are drawn into the sex trade as young as 11 and 12. So why is Twitter allowing this?
…They let these freaks slip through to destroy lives and innocence? Perhaps they fall back on the laughable defenses of the adults who feel the need to publicly tout their sexual attraction to children. Because the maps say these feelings are just feelings, they’re not criminal. They say they were born this way, feeling this way, meaning sexually attracted to children. Well this is absurd, on its face. Twitter is the initial meet up place for many of them. It’s also a platform used to normalize this. It’s no more weird, they argue, than guys having a thing for, I dunno, ladies’ feet. Elon, do the right thing.”
Ingrate’s monologue ends at this point.
Let’s look at what Ingrate says, above.
1. Ingrate is asking Twitter to censor legal speech!
2. Ingrate makes references to “images” and “requests”, but provides not a shred of proof!
If there are illegal images and requests on Twitter, these will likely be prosecuted by any number of policing outfits:
A. The local police.
B. Local sheriffs.
C. County police.
D. State police agencies.
E. Federal police agencies.
F. International police agencies.
G. Non-governmental agencies.
H. Civilian busybodies.
I. Twitter’s in-house censors.
3. Prostitution is, unfortunately, illegal in America, and elsewhere. So is anything on the internet that can be defined as furthering prostitution. ( Such as the outlawed “back pages dot com”. ) Hence, Ingrate’s allegations about a “sex trade” on Twitter, involving people who are 11 and 12 years old, are ridiculous. Any such activity won’t last long. This is especially so since activity on the internet leaves digital trails.
Ingrate has often touted her status as a “single mom”. ( Since she has three children, without being married. ) Ingrate touts her status as a woman. Yet she wants to silence “minor attracted persons”! Why should Ingrate’s speech be privileged?
Ingrate has a nightly, global broadcast on Fox News. Yet she doesn’t want a handful of typed words on Twitter, which nobody probably reads, to exist! She doesn’t want those words to exist because they were written by a “minor attracted person”.
Laura “Ingrate” is aptly named. She inherited America’s freedom of speech as her birthright. Does she honor and respect her inheritance? No! She’s ungrateful. Worse, like Adolf Hitler, she wants to endlessly talk, but ban those whose views she dislikes.
Ingrate is a bigot, and, worse, Un-American. Why Fox News pays her to spew unpatriotic bigotry is beyond me.
Children are not their parents’ slaves. They are independent people.
“I will not steep my speech in lies.”
- Pindar.
Source. Pindar. Olympian Odes, IV, line 27.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 63.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 169
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 169, version 2.0
Date Written: April 8, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
“Everywhere is Freaks and hairies Dykes and fairies”
- Alvin Lee.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Tucker’s Disgrace
ET 168
Editorial Thunder presents...
Tucker’s Disgrace
Plus: Legalized bigotry.
And: Definition of a man-hating prosecutor.
“Russians committed genocide during what's been deemed the Bucha massacre, as shocking images have surfaced of civilians with their hands tied behind their backs shot and killed at close range and bodies of women and children showing signs of rape and torture”.
- The Fox News app. April 3, 2022. 7:43 a.m.
Headline: “MI6 chief says 'summary executions' seen in Bucha, Ukraine, were part of Putin's invasion plan”.
TUCKER’s Disgrace
Tucker Carlson ignores genocide while promoting censorship.
by Andrew Roller
Tucker Carlson Tonight is a weeknight, prime-time program on the Fox News Channel. It is hosted by Tucker Carlson. My thesis: Tucker continues to disgrace himself. My letters, below, hope to prove this. They were e-mailed to Tucker Carlson.
My first letter:
Date: April 5, 2022
Subject: Here’s tonight’s monologue!
Dear Tucker,
You can go back to doing drugs! I will shoulder the burden of writing your monologue for you.
Or, at least, I’ll write your monologue for tonight’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Here’s the crucial line:
“How do we establish guarantee of recognition of borders and integrity of states and countries.”
Wow! I’ll bet you like that line! Guess who said it?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Do I have to write the rest of your monologue? I hope not!
Here’s an outline for you:
1. Speak on the importance of national borders. ( Your favorite topic! )
2. Praise Zelenskyy.
3. Honor Ukraine.
4. Condemn Russia.
5. Declare Vladimir Putin to be “a rabid dog, that must be put down”.
( Doubtless, you’ll choose softer language. )
6. Burn your Russian flag.
C’mon, Tucker! Zelenskyy just called for protecting borders!
Surely you like him now?
Or are you unalterably biased against Ukraine?
The quote, above, is from an article in the Fox News app.
The article’s headline is: “Zelenskyy calls for global conference to ‘reform the world security system’”.
My second letter:
Date: April 5, 2022
Subject: Kennedy Schools Tucker.
Dear Tucker,
Here is Senator John Kennedy on Ukraine:
“I don’t want America to be the world’s policeman. However, I don’t want Russia and China to be the world’s policemen either.”
Kennedy believes in having the United States help Ukraine.
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/america-reports
T.V. show: America Reports.
Video title: “Biden knows sanctions on Russia can be tougher: Sen. Kennedy”.
My third letter:
Date: April 6, 2022
Subject: Ignore Ukraine, promote censorship.
Dear Tucker,
You have summed yourself up quite neatly.
Sunday, it was revealed that hundreds of Ukrainian civilians were murdered by Russian soldiers. The Russian soldiers murdered these civilians upon occupying cities in Ukraine that lie just outside of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. The dead civilians’ bodies were left lying in the street.
Ukrainians sheltering in basements were slaughtered by Russian soldiers.
Ukrainian women and girls were forcibly raped by Russian soldiers, and tortured, and killed.
A group of Ukrainian women and girls were murdered by Russian soldiers, and then run over by a tank.
Russian soldiers, upon killing some Ukrainians, tried to burn the corpses, to hide their evil handiwork.
Russia’s military imported crematoria to Ukraine, to cremate dead Ukrainians, to hide their evil handiwork.
Your first program after this genocide aired on Monday night. How did you open your show? With a celebration! That’s what you called it: a celebration! You gave spurious reasons for why you were calling your show a celebration.
On Tuesday night you stated that you made no mention of Ukraine on Monday night. ( Which is true. ) You were defending yourself against ( apparent ) satires of your show.
You made no mention of Ukraine on Wednesday night.
What did you air on Wednesday night? You ran two segments on so-called “child pornography”. ( A form of artistic expression wrongly banned by the U.S. Supreme Court, for reasons that are patently ridiculous. )
In your first segment on “child pornography”, you put on a fat pig. The woman damned “child pornography”. Who is this woman? A person who used her former occupation, as a prosecutor, to advance her feminist, man-hating agenda. Going to a gym would have been a useful activity for her. Eating less would have been even more useful. Instead, she put men in prison, for as long as possible. She put men in prison who simply looked at photos of girls.
( Mary, the mother of Jesus, was likely 12 years old when Joseph married her. The same is true of each of the wives that Abraham married. Such relationships have been common throughout history. )
Tucker, you are a moral assh—e. That’s all you are. You’re such an assh—e that you don’t give a damn about the real suffering of women and girls, even in a locale as close as Eastern Europe!
You might think I’m insulting you. I’m not. I’m describing exactly who you are. Frankly, I also think you’re a soulless psychopath. You’re a slick talker. However, your nightly rants hide your obsessive narcissism that you palm off as “America First!” I have lost all respect for you. I only respect your ability to dupe those who still take you seriously.
Tucker Carlson Tonight, and its iterations, are a blight on America.
So, for that matter, is The Ingraham Angle.
I have seen many prime-time hosts come and go at Fox News. Moral prude Bill O’Reilly was fired for immorality! ( Sexual harassment. ) Hopefully you and Ingraham ( who’s unmarried, but has three children ) will hit the road soon. Perhaps you can chat up customers at a Starbucks, as a barista, for tips. ( If Starbucks would be willing to be blighted by you. ) Better yet, perhaps you’ll board a UFO and fly off to your anus. ( I mean, Uranus! )
Andrew Roller
When Tucker was finished talking to the fat pig, he proceeded to interview a “journalist”. The journalist’s intent was to damn “child pornography”. However, the journalist’s actual statements were loopy. Person A was somehow connected to Person B, who was connected to somebody else, and somehow children were being sexually “groomed”.
Perhaps you don’t approve of “child pornography”. You may find yourself, after reading the above, positively disposed toward Tucker.
Consider this:
The purpose of Tucker’s segments on “child pornography” were meant to damn U.S. Senator Mitt Romney! Why was Tucker damning Romney? Because Romney voted to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If she’s confirmed, Jackson will be the first Black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Take a look at this web site: https://www.foxnews.com/shows
What do you see? The top four shows on Fox News are hosted by the following:
1. A White man. ( Bret Baier. )
2. A White man. ( Jesse Watters. )
3. A White man. ( Tucker Carlson. )
4. A White man. ( Hannity. )
Or, look at the top ten shows. The top ten shows on Fox News are hosted by the following:
1. A White person.
2. A White person.
3. A White person.
4. A White person.
5. A White person. ( Laura Ingraham. )
6. A White person. ( Greg Gutfeld. )
7. A White person. ( Shannon Bream. )
8. Two White people. ( Fox does not give their names. )
9. Three White people. ( Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade. )
10. Two White people. ( Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino. )
Perhaps Tucker is speaking for all of Fox News when he damns Romney for voting to put a Black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court. God forbid that we should have more Black influencers in America, especially at Faux News!
Too often, “Tough on Crime” means “Tolerant of Legalized Bigotry”.
( Just ask any “pedophile”. )
- H. ( Henry ) Rider Haggard.
Source: H. ( Henry ) Rider Haggard. From “She”, a novel published in 1887.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 564.
1. I do not have a television or cable T.V. I access Tucker Carlson Tonight via videos at the Fox News web site.
2. MI6 chief: Richard Moore. ( Not to be confused with Roger Moore, who played James Bond! )
3. Tucker’s drug use: Detailed by Tucker in his book, “The Long Slide”. ( You’re still sliding, Tucker! )
4. The quote by Senator John Kennedy is paraphrased. It is nearly a direct quote. ( I didn’t realize, at the time, that I’d be publishing what Kennedy said on my blog. )
5. Here’s Wikipedia’s list of “child” brides:
NOTE: Only child brides who are “females of historical significance” are listed. This is not a list of all child brides, ever. Most females in history, of whatever age, were not historically significant.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_child_brides
6. The “fat pig” is former federal prosecutor Francey Hakes. ( Not Francey Hates! )
On the fat pig’s statements: I ( Andrew Roller ) can’t defend every form of so-called “child pornography” that Hakes trots out. However, the vast bulk of so-called “child pornography” consists of photographs of ordinary human activity, that has taken place since the dawn of time. ( And which other animals, besides humans, also routinely engage in. ) Contemporary modernity, with its anti-human agendas, is what damns such activity.
7. The “journalist” is Pedro Gonzalez. ( Not Pedro Gonzo Lezzie! ) What “publication” he’s a journalist for is not stated, either in print at Fox News, or by Tucker.
I haven’t troubled myself with writing out the Fox News links to the segments where Tucker interviews the fat pig, and the “journalist”. Videos from Fox’s weekday shows only remain on their web site for about 24 hours.
On Wednesday, Tucker also ran a segment on a Chicago alderman. The alderman is running for mayor of Chicago. Additionally, Tucker ran a segment on UFOs. I guess some guy running for mayor, and UFOs, are more important than raped, tortured, and murdered Ukrainian women and girls.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 168
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 168, version 4.0
Date Written: April 7, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 168
Editorial Thunder presents...
Tucker’s Disgrace
Plus: Legalized bigotry.
And: Definition of a man-hating prosecutor.
“Russians committed genocide during what's been deemed the Bucha massacre, as shocking images have surfaced of civilians with their hands tied behind their backs shot and killed at close range and bodies of women and children showing signs of rape and torture”.
- The Fox News app. April 3, 2022. 7:43 a.m.
Headline: “MI6 chief says 'summary executions' seen in Bucha, Ukraine, were part of Putin's invasion plan”.
TUCKER’s Disgrace
Tucker Carlson ignores genocide while promoting censorship.
by Andrew Roller
Tucker Carlson Tonight is a weeknight, prime-time program on the Fox News Channel. It is hosted by Tucker Carlson. My thesis: Tucker continues to disgrace himself. My letters, below, hope to prove this. They were e-mailed to Tucker Carlson.
My first letter:
Date: April 5, 2022
Subject: Here’s tonight’s monologue!
Dear Tucker,
You can go back to doing drugs! I will shoulder the burden of writing your monologue for you.
Or, at least, I’ll write your monologue for tonight’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Here’s the crucial line:
“How do we establish guarantee of recognition of borders and integrity of states and countries.”
Wow! I’ll bet you like that line! Guess who said it?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Do I have to write the rest of your monologue? I hope not!
Here’s an outline for you:
1. Speak on the importance of national borders. ( Your favorite topic! )
2. Praise Zelenskyy.
3. Honor Ukraine.
4. Condemn Russia.
5. Declare Vladimir Putin to be “a rabid dog, that must be put down”.
( Doubtless, you’ll choose softer language. )
6. Burn your Russian flag.
C’mon, Tucker! Zelenskyy just called for protecting borders!
Surely you like him now?
Or are you unalterably biased against Ukraine?
The quote, above, is from an article in the Fox News app.
The article’s headline is: “Zelenskyy calls for global conference to ‘reform the world security system’”.
My second letter:
Date: April 5, 2022
Subject: Kennedy Schools Tucker.
Dear Tucker,
Here is Senator John Kennedy on Ukraine:
“I don’t want America to be the world’s policeman. However, I don’t want Russia and China to be the world’s policemen either.”
Kennedy believes in having the United States help Ukraine.
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/america-reports
T.V. show: America Reports.
Video title: “Biden knows sanctions on Russia can be tougher: Sen. Kennedy”.
My third letter:
Date: April 6, 2022
Subject: Ignore Ukraine, promote censorship.
Dear Tucker,
You have summed yourself up quite neatly.
Sunday, it was revealed that hundreds of Ukrainian civilians were murdered by Russian soldiers. The Russian soldiers murdered these civilians upon occupying cities in Ukraine that lie just outside of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. The dead civilians’ bodies were left lying in the street.
Ukrainians sheltering in basements were slaughtered by Russian soldiers.
Ukrainian women and girls were forcibly raped by Russian soldiers, and tortured, and killed.
A group of Ukrainian women and girls were murdered by Russian soldiers, and then run over by a tank.
Russian soldiers, upon killing some Ukrainians, tried to burn the corpses, to hide their evil handiwork.
Russia’s military imported crematoria to Ukraine, to cremate dead Ukrainians, to hide their evil handiwork.
Your first program after this genocide aired on Monday night. How did you open your show? With a celebration! That’s what you called it: a celebration! You gave spurious reasons for why you were calling your show a celebration.
On Tuesday night you stated that you made no mention of Ukraine on Monday night. ( Which is true. ) You were defending yourself against ( apparent ) satires of your show.
You made no mention of Ukraine on Wednesday night.
What did you air on Wednesday night? You ran two segments on so-called “child pornography”. ( A form of artistic expression wrongly banned by the U.S. Supreme Court, for reasons that are patently ridiculous. )
In your first segment on “child pornography”, you put on a fat pig. The woman damned “child pornography”. Who is this woman? A person who used her former occupation, as a prosecutor, to advance her feminist, man-hating agenda. Going to a gym would have been a useful activity for her. Eating less would have been even more useful. Instead, she put men in prison, for as long as possible. She put men in prison who simply looked at photos of girls.
( Mary, the mother of Jesus, was likely 12 years old when Joseph married her. The same is true of each of the wives that Abraham married. Such relationships have been common throughout history. )
Tucker, you are a moral assh—e. That’s all you are. You’re such an assh—e that you don’t give a damn about the real suffering of women and girls, even in a locale as close as Eastern Europe!
You might think I’m insulting you. I’m not. I’m describing exactly who you are. Frankly, I also think you’re a soulless psychopath. You’re a slick talker. However, your nightly rants hide your obsessive narcissism that you palm off as “America First!” I have lost all respect for you. I only respect your ability to dupe those who still take you seriously.
Tucker Carlson Tonight, and its iterations, are a blight on America.
So, for that matter, is The Ingraham Angle.
I have seen many prime-time hosts come and go at Fox News. Moral prude Bill O’Reilly was fired for immorality! ( Sexual harassment. ) Hopefully you and Ingraham ( who’s unmarried, but has three children ) will hit the road soon. Perhaps you can chat up customers at a Starbucks, as a barista, for tips. ( If Starbucks would be willing to be blighted by you. ) Better yet, perhaps you’ll board a UFO and fly off to your anus. ( I mean, Uranus! )
Andrew Roller
When Tucker was finished talking to the fat pig, he proceeded to interview a “journalist”. The journalist’s intent was to damn “child pornography”. However, the journalist’s actual statements were loopy. Person A was somehow connected to Person B, who was connected to somebody else, and somehow children were being sexually “groomed”.
Perhaps you don’t approve of “child pornography”. You may find yourself, after reading the above, positively disposed toward Tucker.
Consider this:
The purpose of Tucker’s segments on “child pornography” were meant to damn U.S. Senator Mitt Romney! Why was Tucker damning Romney? Because Romney voted to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If she’s confirmed, Jackson will be the first Black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Take a look at this web site: https://www.foxnews.com/shows
What do you see? The top four shows on Fox News are hosted by the following:
1. A White man. ( Bret Baier. )
2. A White man. ( Jesse Watters. )
3. A White man. ( Tucker Carlson. )
4. A White man. ( Hannity. )
Or, look at the top ten shows. The top ten shows on Fox News are hosted by the following:
1. A White person.
2. A White person.
3. A White person.
4. A White person.
5. A White person. ( Laura Ingraham. )
6. A White person. ( Greg Gutfeld. )
7. A White person. ( Shannon Bream. )
8. Two White people. ( Fox does not give their names. )
9. Three White people. ( Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade. )
10. Two White people. ( Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino. )
Perhaps Tucker is speaking for all of Fox News when he damns Romney for voting to put a Black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court. God forbid that we should have more Black influencers in America, especially at Faux News!
Too often, “Tough on Crime” means “Tolerant of Legalized Bigotry”.
( Just ask any “pedophile”. )
- H. ( Henry ) Rider Haggard.
Source: H. ( Henry ) Rider Haggard. From “She”, a novel published in 1887.
Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 564.
1. I do not have a television or cable T.V. I access Tucker Carlson Tonight via videos at the Fox News web site.
2. MI6 chief: Richard Moore. ( Not to be confused with Roger Moore, who played James Bond! )
3. Tucker’s drug use: Detailed by Tucker in his book, “The Long Slide”. ( You’re still sliding, Tucker! )
4. The quote by Senator John Kennedy is paraphrased. It is nearly a direct quote. ( I didn’t realize, at the time, that I’d be publishing what Kennedy said on my blog. )
5. Here’s Wikipedia’s list of “child” brides:
NOTE: Only child brides who are “females of historical significance” are listed. This is not a list of all child brides, ever. Most females in history, of whatever age, were not historically significant.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_child_brides
6. The “fat pig” is former federal prosecutor Francey Hakes. ( Not Francey Hates! )
On the fat pig’s statements: I ( Andrew Roller ) can’t defend every form of so-called “child pornography” that Hakes trots out. However, the vast bulk of so-called “child pornography” consists of photographs of ordinary human activity, that has taken place since the dawn of time. ( And which other animals, besides humans, also routinely engage in. ) Contemporary modernity, with its anti-human agendas, is what damns such activity.
7. The “journalist” is Pedro Gonzalez. ( Not Pedro Gonzo Lezzie! ) What “publication” he’s a journalist for is not stated, either in print at Fox News, or by Tucker.
I haven’t troubled myself with writing out the Fox News links to the segments where Tucker interviews the fat pig, and the “journalist”. Videos from Fox’s weekday shows only remain on their web site for about 24 hours.
On Wednesday, Tucker also ran a segment on a Chicago alderman. The alderman is running for mayor of Chicago. Additionally, Tucker ran a segment on UFOs. I guess some guy running for mayor, and UFOs, are more important than raped, tortured, and murdered Ukrainian women and girls.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 168
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 168, version 4.0
Date Written: April 7, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Ingrate’s “Sex With Children!” Fetish
ET 167
Editorial Thunder presents...
Ingrate’s “Sex With Children!” Fetish
Plus: Big Tech equals Big Brother.
And: About men and little girls!
by Andrew Roller
“Laura Ingrate” is Laura Ingraham of the Fox News Channel. Her prime-time, weekday show is “The Ingraham Angle”. I have, unfortunately, felt obliged to again e-mail her. She is beginning to be a crabby old lady. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll trouble myself to watch her.
Date: April 3, 2022.
Subject: More “Sex with Children!” means more ratings for Laura Ingrate.
Dear Laura Ingrate,
Here’s what you said, recently, on the Ingrate Angle:
‘Children are innocent. The innocence of children must be protected.’
Did you say this with regard to Ukraine? No. You said it with regard to a law that recently passed in Florida. The law forbids a student to discuss questions of gender with his or her teacher. The law, in effect, gags teachers.
As I understand it, you are not a resident of, or a voter in, Florida. The Disney company is a resident in Florida. It is Florida’s largest employer. Disney objects to gagging Florida’s teachers.
You spent all last week, on your show, railing against Disney.
Meanwhile, children are being maimed and murdered in Ukraine.
What is your record on Ukraine?
1. You objected to sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
2. You objected to sending humanitarian aid to countries that are assisting Ukrainian refugees.
3. You objected to sending military aid to Ukraine, so that Ukraine could protect the innocence of its children.
4. You scoffed at people, outside of Ukraine, who attempted to help Ukrainians.
What is the result?
Today, it was revealed that Russian troops have shot children in cities that they occupied. These cities lie just outside of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv.
Furthermore, Russian troops forcibly raped children. The Russian troops forcibly raped women.
Laura, you do not believe in protecting children’s innocence.
What do you believe in? You believe that any story that can be reduced to the headline, “Sex with Children!” will attract viewers to your show. You could care less about the law in Florida. What you care about is that you can gaslight the law to claim that children are being “groomed” for sex by “pedophile” teachers.
I’m waiting for your weeklong reports on “sexually exploited” Ukrainian refugees. You will look somber as, secretly, you thrill to having another week of episodes focusing on “Sex with Children!”
The same will be true on whatever reporting you do on the forcible rape of children and women in the cities outside of Kyiv.
None of the rapes needed to happen. It is people like yourself, and Tucker Carlson, who acted as strenuously as you could to ensure that Russia would grab all of Ukraine. Your only wish is that you could have been more successful. Then, instead of children being forcibly raped in some cities in Ukraine, children would have been forcibly raped throughout Ukraine!
Imagine! Had children been forcibly raped throughout Ukraine, you could have run segments on “Sex with Children!” on the Ingrate Angle for years to come!
Sorry for your misfortune. Maybe Russia will have better luck invading another country, and forcibly raping all of its children. Perhaps Russia should try invading the locales where you and Tucker Carlson live.
Andrew Roller
“Big Tech is, is acting as this dictatorship, telling the, telling us what we’re allowed to say, what we’re not allowed to say. …If they don’t like what you’re saying, if you’re shining a light on the truth, then you’re gonna be shut down or silenced.”
- Tulsi Gabbard.
Source: Tulsi Gabbard, former U.S. Congresswoman, and United States Army Reserve officer. Tucker Carlson Tonight. The Fox News channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com. March 28, 2022. Transcribed verbatim.
Mark Fuckerberg’s Instagram is “shadowbanning” Gabbard, according to Gabbard.
Mark Fuckerberg would have done a great job for Adolf Hitler, silencing reports of Hitler’s death camps.
The Free Dictionary writes: Big Brother: An omnipresent, seemingly benevolent figure representing the oppressive control over individual lives exerted by an authoritarian government.
ABOUT MEN and little girls!
1. “Marriage is between ANY two humans who love each other.” ( Emphasis added. )
- The nation of Ireland.
2. “Marriage is between ANY two humans who love each other.” ( Emphasis added. )
- United States President Barack Hussein Obama.
3. “Blessedly so.”
- Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman.
Source for all quotes ( above ): C-SPAN. Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times. Friedman spoke on his book, “Thank You For Being Late”. Date: September 2, 2017.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?432540-15/thank-late
1. Laura Ingrate: ‘Children are innocent. The innocence of children must be protected.’
I recall the above as a direct quote. However, I was unable to locate this exact quote. Ingrate’s most recent statement to this effect occurred on March 31, 2022, on The Ingrate Angle. Laura said it at the end of a segment with Chris Rufo, a pedophobe at the Manhattan Institute.
( Apple’s spell checker flags “pedophobe” as a mispelling. However, it doesn’t flag “homophobe” as a mispelling, since Tim Cook, of Apple, likes getting it up the ass from men! )
2. I sent my letter to Laura when I sent her this issue of ARSE. I did so to avoid sending her an excessive amount of e-mail.
( I have, on occasion, sent too many e-mails to Fox News. I appreciate their indulgence in this matter. )
3. A lot of Jewish people live in Kyiv, Ukraine. I shudder at the implications that can be drawn from this. So far, I’ve avoided calling Laura Ingrate and Tucker Carlson “little Hitlers”.
Source for Jews living in Kyiv: An interview with Tom Friedman on C-SPAN. A Jewish person, calling Friedman from Kyiv, said, ‘A lot of us Jews like you live in Kyiv’.
The above is a direct quote, or nearly so. For the exact wording, see below:
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?185389-1/depth-thomas-friedman
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 167
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 167, version 3.0
Date Written: April 3, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 167
Editorial Thunder presents...
Ingrate’s “Sex With Children!” Fetish
Plus: Big Tech equals Big Brother.
And: About men and little girls!
by Andrew Roller
“Laura Ingrate” is Laura Ingraham of the Fox News Channel. Her prime-time, weekday show is “The Ingraham Angle”. I have, unfortunately, felt obliged to again e-mail her. She is beginning to be a crabby old lady. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll trouble myself to watch her.
Date: April 3, 2022.
Subject: More “Sex with Children!” means more ratings for Laura Ingrate.
Dear Laura Ingrate,
Here’s what you said, recently, on the Ingrate Angle:
‘Children are innocent. The innocence of children must be protected.’
Did you say this with regard to Ukraine? No. You said it with regard to a law that recently passed in Florida. The law forbids a student to discuss questions of gender with his or her teacher. The law, in effect, gags teachers.
As I understand it, you are not a resident of, or a voter in, Florida. The Disney company is a resident in Florida. It is Florida’s largest employer. Disney objects to gagging Florida’s teachers.
You spent all last week, on your show, railing against Disney.
Meanwhile, children are being maimed and murdered in Ukraine.
What is your record on Ukraine?
1. You objected to sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
2. You objected to sending humanitarian aid to countries that are assisting Ukrainian refugees.
3. You objected to sending military aid to Ukraine, so that Ukraine could protect the innocence of its children.
4. You scoffed at people, outside of Ukraine, who attempted to help Ukrainians.
What is the result?
Today, it was revealed that Russian troops have shot children in cities that they occupied. These cities lie just outside of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv.
Furthermore, Russian troops forcibly raped children. The Russian troops forcibly raped women.
Laura, you do not believe in protecting children’s innocence.
What do you believe in? You believe that any story that can be reduced to the headline, “Sex with Children!” will attract viewers to your show. You could care less about the law in Florida. What you care about is that you can gaslight the law to claim that children are being “groomed” for sex by “pedophile” teachers.
I’m waiting for your weeklong reports on “sexually exploited” Ukrainian refugees. You will look somber as, secretly, you thrill to having another week of episodes focusing on “Sex with Children!”
The same will be true on whatever reporting you do on the forcible rape of children and women in the cities outside of Kyiv.
None of the rapes needed to happen. It is people like yourself, and Tucker Carlson, who acted as strenuously as you could to ensure that Russia would grab all of Ukraine. Your only wish is that you could have been more successful. Then, instead of children being forcibly raped in some cities in Ukraine, children would have been forcibly raped throughout Ukraine!
Imagine! Had children been forcibly raped throughout Ukraine, you could have run segments on “Sex with Children!” on the Ingrate Angle for years to come!
Sorry for your misfortune. Maybe Russia will have better luck invading another country, and forcibly raping all of its children. Perhaps Russia should try invading the locales where you and Tucker Carlson live.
Andrew Roller
“Big Tech is, is acting as this dictatorship, telling the, telling us what we’re allowed to say, what we’re not allowed to say. …If they don’t like what you’re saying, if you’re shining a light on the truth, then you’re gonna be shut down or silenced.”
- Tulsi Gabbard.
Source: Tulsi Gabbard, former U.S. Congresswoman, and United States Army Reserve officer. Tucker Carlson Tonight. The Fox News channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com. March 28, 2022. Transcribed verbatim.
Mark Fuckerberg’s Instagram is “shadowbanning” Gabbard, according to Gabbard.
Mark Fuckerberg would have done a great job for Adolf Hitler, silencing reports of Hitler’s death camps.
The Free Dictionary writes: Big Brother: An omnipresent, seemingly benevolent figure representing the oppressive control over individual lives exerted by an authoritarian government.
ABOUT MEN and little girls!
1. “Marriage is between ANY two humans who love each other.” ( Emphasis added. )
- The nation of Ireland.
2. “Marriage is between ANY two humans who love each other.” ( Emphasis added. )
- United States President Barack Hussein Obama.
3. “Blessedly so.”
- Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman.
Source for all quotes ( above ): C-SPAN. Thomas L. ( Tom ) Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times. Friedman spoke on his book, “Thank You For Being Late”. Date: September 2, 2017.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?432540-15/thank-late
1. Laura Ingrate: ‘Children are innocent. The innocence of children must be protected.’
I recall the above as a direct quote. However, I was unable to locate this exact quote. Ingrate’s most recent statement to this effect occurred on March 31, 2022, on The Ingrate Angle. Laura said it at the end of a segment with Chris Rufo, a pedophobe at the Manhattan Institute.
( Apple’s spell checker flags “pedophobe” as a mispelling. However, it doesn’t flag “homophobe” as a mispelling, since Tim Cook, of Apple, likes getting it up the ass from men! )
2. I sent my letter to Laura when I sent her this issue of ARSE. I did so to avoid sending her an excessive amount of e-mail.
( I have, on occasion, sent too many e-mails to Fox News. I appreciate their indulgence in this matter. )
3. A lot of Jewish people live in Kyiv, Ukraine. I shudder at the implications that can be drawn from this. So far, I’ve avoided calling Laura Ingrate and Tucker Carlson “little Hitlers”.
Source for Jews living in Kyiv: An interview with Tom Friedman on C-SPAN. A Jewish person, calling Friedman from Kyiv, said, ‘A lot of us Jews like you live in Kyiv’.
The above is a direct quote, or nearly so. For the exact wording, see below:
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?185389-1/depth-thomas-friedman
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Kay’s Only Fans web site is also known by this number: u136530150. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 167
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 167, version 3.0
Date Written: April 3, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
America’s Judas
ET 166
Editorial Thunder presents...
America’s Judas
Plus: Shakespeare’s warning about Tucker Carlson Tonight.
And: Victor Davis Hanson on abject amorality.
1. Uber … you open the app, you just wanna get down the block to a PARTY, they say “donate to Ukraine”, um, I think they’re offering free rides to Kyiv at this point, um, places like, uh, another app, Market Fresh, you wanna buy flowers, they say, “Round up! And donate to Ukraine!” but, just as you said at the intro of this segment, it costs them nothing. … And that’s the point of virtue signaling”.
- Eddie Scarry, speaking to Tucker Carlson. ( Emphasis added. )
Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight. March 29, 2022. The Fox News channel. Via foxnews.com.
Video: “Columnist blasts the left for extracting political clout from Ukraine-Russia war”.
Eddie Scarry ( appropriately named ) works for The Federalist. Tucker Carlson heartily agreed with Scarry’s remarks.
2. “They’re telling me to be mad about Putin.”
- Tucker Carlson.
Source: Ibid.
3. “Maybe you’re not an independent person. Maybe you’re like a puppet.”
- Tucker Carlson, condemning those who seek to help Ukraine.
Source: Ibid.
( Yes, Tucker, you are a puppet. For Putin! )
Tucker Carlson shills for Russia’s murderous dictator.
by Andrew Roller
I’m hardly the first American to call Tucker Carlson, of the Fox News channel, a traitor. Various Republican senators, and media personalities, have called Carlson a traitor. Mark Levin, of Fox News, has referred to “the Putin wing of the Republican party”. That’s a thinly veiled damning of Carlson. It’s also a damning of Laura Ingrate, who has a show on Fox News.
I thought Ingrate had plumbed the depths of amorality. Hers is an amorality verging on immorality. Ingrate has made a name for herself “protecting” children. That devolves into the following:
Ingrate is obsessed with oppressing children’s sexuality. Note to ingrate: if you’re successful, you’ll get more people like me.
Meanwhile, Ingrate cares nothing for the fact that children in Ukraine are being murdered and maimed. She glorifies the Mardi Gras bacchanal on her show. She issues odes to consumer excess. Yet she claims that “we don’t have the money” to help Ukraine. Ingrate, as reported in a previous issue of ARSE, didn’t want to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine! Nor did she want to send such aid to Ukraine’s neighbors, who are being flooded with Ukrainian refugees.
Carlson has now fallen deeper into amorality than Ingrate. Like Ingrate, Carlson’s amorality verges on immorality. Carlson is obsessed with oppressing children’s sexuality. Yet Carlson, on every episode of his show, pitches for Putin. I know of no better propagandist for Putin, anywhere on Earth, than Carlson. As a putative American, he delivers Putin’s murderous message far better than Putin’s “diplomats”. ( Who are best described as Putin’s henchmen in murdering children. )
I have been e-mailing Carlson, via the foxnews.com web site, since before Russia invaded Ukraine. Some of my e-mails are below.
I lightly edited some of my e-mails, for readability.
I backdated several e-mails by one day. I did this because I wrote to Carlson about his show the following day. I backdated the e-mails for consistency in this article.
The comments in brackets [ ] were written by me today, for this article.
Unless otherwise stated, all references are to Tucker Carlson Tonight. The date of my e-mail is the date of the episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
1. Date: February 19, 2022.
Subject: Tucker causes Russia to invade Ukraine.
Dear Tucker,
Trey Yingst tells me that, per your monologue, he and the Ukrainians used poison gas on the Russians.
Hence, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the fault of Fox News. And, since you’re the face of Fox News, Russia’s invasion is your fault!
[ Tucker had claimed that Ukraine might use poison gas on Russia, causing Russia to invade Ukraine. The purpose of provoking such an invasion would be for Ukraine to gain assistance from the West. ]
2. Date: February 20, 2022.
Subject: Tucker’s Long Slide.
Dear Tucker,
According to Fox News Sunday, Putin doesn’t just want Ukraine. He wants the Baltic states, and part of Poland.
I’m eager to hear you stand against Russian aggression in your next monologue.
( Assuming that you’re not resuming your long slide, as a drug addict. )
A. The panel, on Fox News Sunday.
B. The Long Slide, a book by Tucker Carlson.
3. Date: February 21, 2022.
Subject: Excellent Canada monologue!
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your excellent monologue on Canada’s tyranny, and the threat of it coming to America.
4. Date: February 21, 2022.
Subject: Diversity at Fox News.
Dear Tucker,
Women: Now have full equality, and are now on Fox News.
Blacks: Now have full equality, and are now on Fox News.
Gays: Now have full equality, and are now on Fox News.
“Child Molesters”: When given full equality, we will be on Fox News!
5. Date: February 21, 2022.
Subject: Stop exploiting Tubbs!
Dear Tucker,
You are exploiting Hannah Tubbs’ private conversation with his father, for ratings.
Tubbs was not “bragging” or, as Dana Perino claimed on her show, “boasting”. He was discussing his legal situation.
You are ignoring the prospect of dead Ukrainian children to castigate someone who, at the time of his legal difficulties, was a child, according your definition of a child.
Do you, and Fox News, have no decency?
[ Hannah Tubbs is a male who currently identifies as a female. He allegedly interacted with a female in a women’s bathroom in a Denny’s restaurant in Los Angles. The alleged incident happened eight years ago, when Tubbs was a 17 year old boy. His “victim” was a 10 year old girl.
Tubbs was subsequently convicted of “child molesting”. He is currently serving time in a juvenile prison.
According to a statement read on Fox News, the girl’s interaction with Tubbs went on for some time.
Have you ever been in a fast food restaurant like Denny’s? The interior of a bathroom in such a place echoes, loudly. It is possible for customers who aren’t in the bathroom to hear what is going on in the bathroom.
Hence, whatever happened in the bathroom in Denny’s was likely consensual. The “victim” likely changed her story after the fact.
Doubt me? Walk into a women’s bathroom in a Denny’s and attempt to molest a 10-year-old girl. See how long it takes for your activity to be heard by everyone. ]
6. Date: February 23, 2022.
Subject: MacGregor proves Tucker WRONG!
Dear Tucker,
You went on tonight for 19 minutes, in your usual Commie-loving, peacenik way. ( I guess drug abuse does have long term effects. )
Then, you put on your favorite anti-war soldier, Colonel MacGregor.
Except: MacGregor proved you WRONG! When he did, you shut him up right away!
What did MacGregor say?
“There’s nothing between Ukraine and Germany except the Polish army.”
The Polish army cannot hold back an onslaught by Russia. Germany, MacGregor added, has no army.
That means there’s nothing between Russia and France.
How did France perform in the prior two wars? It lost. There would be no France today, except for America.
That means there’s nothing between Russia and the Atlantic Ocean.
Can England stop a Russian onslaught? A Russian onslaught that’s reached the Atlantic Ocean? Of course not.
What does that mean? There’s nothing between Russia and America except America.
What does that mean? There’s nothing between Russia and your front door except America.
By badmouthing America’s defense policy, you’re putting yourself, and your family, in danger.
That’s not me being hysterical. That’s me being right, and you being wrong!
Stand up for the safety of Ukraine’s children, and quit worrying about Jeffrey Epstein’s 20 year old affairs, or what a child may have done with another child in a bathroom, in a Denny’s, eight years ago. ( The Hannah Tubbs case. )
[ France actually lost the last three wars: The Franco-Prussian War, World War I, and World War II. ]
7. Date: February 25, 2022.
Subject: John Kerry on the Holocaust.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your excellent monologue!
My response:
A. John Kerry, in 1941, upon being informed of the Holocaust:
“I hope Adolf Hitler will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do with the climate.”
B. John Kerry, off the record:
“People fart. Farting emits gas. Gas produces unwanted climate change. By killing millions of people, Adolf Hitler is our climate savior! Heil Hitler!”
[ John Kerry, uncaring that Putin had invaded Ukraine, stated that he hoped Putin would “stay on track with respect to what we need to do with the climate.”
After all, dead Ukrainian children can’t pollute the air, by breathing it. ]
8. Date: February 28, 2022.
Subject: Tucker Carlson, lying by omission!
Dear Tucker,
I have watched you since you were on CNN’s “Crossfire”.
I have watched Tucker Carlson Tonight from your first episode.
Now that I no longer have a television, or cable T.V., I watch you every night. I watch all of your videos at foxnews.com.
Tucker, you’ve indicated that you are not willing to blow up the world over Ukraine.
Are you willing to blow up the world over Estonia? Estonia is a NATO member.
My guess is that you’re not willing to blow up the world over Estonia.
What about Poland?
What about Germany?
What about France?
Night after night, you give your usual monologue. It amounts to this: F—k the world.
Tell me, Tucker: When would President Tucker Carlson go to war, with nuclear weapons? Would you wait until a foreign aggressor arrived on Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C.?
Tucker, you are lying by omission.
You owe it to your audience to say when, in fact, you would launch World War III.
NOTE: If Roosevelt had waited for Hitler’s armies to arrive in America, America would have lost World War II.
9. Date: March 3, 2022.
Dear Tucker,
You were right, and I was wrong.
In your recent monologues, you have posed the following question:
Why should Americans care about Ukraine?
Your answer: We shouldn’t.
You opposed sending any weapons to Ukraine.
The result?
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine is on fire. It is on fire because Russia’s soldiers shelled it.
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has six nuclear blocks. Chernobyl only had one nuclear block.
Tucker, I had no idea that you wanted grandchildren who were mutants!
I sincerely apologize for not being an “America First!” person like you.
We should all want our children to have three eyes, one arm, and no genitals.
[ Tucker, plumbing depravity’s depths, said in a subsequent episode of his show that Ukraine was lying. Ukraine was lying about Russia shelling their nuclear power plant. Ukraine, according to Tucker, had shelled their own nuclear power plant.
Mark Levin, of Fox News, contradicted this. Levin contradicted it on his show, “Life, Liberty, and Levin”. ]
10. March 7, 2022.
Subject: America is more than Arkansas.
Dear Tucker,
I did not know that your intellect was on the same level as that of a young, uneducated wrestler in Arkansas.
Per the wrestler ( and you ): By the time that an invader gets to Arkansas, America will have lost any war.
Pearl Harbor is not in Arkansas. On September 7, 1941 ( According to George H.W. Bush, who should have known, but who didn’t ), Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Tucker, did Americans in Arkansas say, “Who cares? Pearl Harbor isn’t in Arkansas.”
No, Tucker. They didn’t. America joined World War II. America won.
You, Laura Ingrate, and Joke Bidet would have us throw away our patrimony. You would have us retreat from the world until there’s nothing left but Arkansas.
You, Tucker, don’t live in Arkansas. That means that your friend, the ignorant wrestler, won’t care if you’re killed, and if ( as in the hypothetical posed to Michael Dukakis ), your wife is raped.
To survive, America must have a strong network of global alliances. The “superpower” with such a network of alliances wins. The “superpower” without such a network of alliances loses.
You still have not answered the fundamental question: Where do you, Tucker Carlson, draw the line against Russian aggression?
Following your logic, America could easily cede Arkansas to Russia, or to any other invader. After all, Arkansas isn’t terribly important. Arkansas’ most famous contribution to America is Bill ( Lolita Express ) Clinton, and Hillary ( take your pick of corrupt acts ) Clinton.
I can easily see a future episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight telling us why America shouldn’t do anything to defend Arkansas.
Laura Ingrate, based on her rhetorical record, would deny humanitarian aid to an Arkansas that was being invaded!
Mark Levin is right. You, and Laura Ingrate, are members of the Pukin’ wing of the Republican party. The fact that you found a dumb wrestler to mouth your inanities doesn’t change that.
America can lay claim to heroes like George Patton and John Wayne. ( Wayne portraying heroes on film. )
Sadly, America is also saddled with cowardly nincompoops like yourself, your ignorant wrestler friend, and the atrociously uncaring Laura Ingrate.
Start using your intellect to save children who are being murdered and maimed in Ukraine. If you’re too uncaring, or unmanly, to do that, at least have the courtesy to shut up!
P.S. You’re more than happy to fan the flames of any moral panic against so-called “child molesters”.
[ I never learned the Arkansas wrestler’s name. Whatever his skill in fighting, I disagree with his “America First!” rejection of helping Ukraine. He only wants to defend Arkansas. America consists, thank God, of more than Arkansas. ]
11. March 8, 2022.
Subject: Tucker would have bought oil from Hitler.
Dear Tucker,
Today, you made your position clearer.
You don’t want the war in Ukraine “prolonged”.
That means that you want Russia to overrun Ukraine.
You indicated, with your poll, that you don’t want America to defend Europe.
So, let’s look at the world that Tucker Carlson would give us:
A. Russia owns Russia.
B. Russia owns Europe.
C. Meanwhile, based on your policies ( above ), China would own China, plus much of South East Asia. China would also own the Western Pacific.
Hence, America would be an island, surrounded by enemies.
( China is increasingly influencing Africa and South America. )
America, alone in the world, is lost! It cannot survive!
Tucker, I thought you were being paid by Fox News.
I hope you’re not on Pukin’s payroll! Or Xi’s.
( To say the above is, at this point, a cliche. However, it’s the only logical conclusion! )
On buying oil from Russia:
Pukin’ is murdering Ukrainians. Yet you want Americans to buy Russian oil!
Sadly, Tucker, your position means the following: You would have happily bought oil from Hitler, as Hitler murdered the Jews.
Source: Tucker’s Monologue.
12. March 9, 2022.
Subject: Free radiation for Tucker.
Hi, Tucker!
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in Ukraine, is no longer being cooled. If electrical power isn’t restored to Chernobyl, it will soon be dumping nuclear radiation on your children.
Do you care about Ukraine now?
Meanwhile, your pal, Vladimir Pukin’ just bombed a maternity hospital and a children’s hospital in Ukraine.
Do you care? No. You want Pukin’ to have all of Ukraine, as soon as possible!
13. March 9, 2022.
Subject: Enough from the moron!
Dear Tucker,
Thanks to you, we’ve heard, twice, from an illiterate moron in Arkansas.
Here’s your guest for tomorrow night: Senator Tom Cotton, of Arkansas.
( I just heard him on America Reports, on the Fox News channel. Via foxnews.com )
I doubt that you’ll put Tom Cotton on your broadcast. Why?
Because you’re an unpatriotic coward.
Tucker, winners don’t quit. And quitters don’t win.
Shirking cowards, like you, just lose.
[ The “moron” is the Arkansas wrestler. ]
14. Date: March 9, 2022.
Subject: Bio weapons labs in Ukraine.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your monologue. It was about the bio weapons labs in Ukraine.
[ Mark Levin contradicted Tucker on “Life, Liberty, and Levin”. Levin said that the Ukrainian “bio weapons labs” are just old Soviet research facilities. ]
15. March 10, 2022.
Subject: “Adults” for Tucker.
Dear Tucker,
Here are two “adults” you can put on your show, to speak about Russia’s attack on Ukraine:
A. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
B. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas.
( I just saw Newt Gingrich on the Fox Business channel. Via foxbusiness.com )
Are you man enough to put on Gingrich and Cotton?
( Probably not… )
[ Tucker never put on Gingrich or Cotton, since they’re pro-Ukraine. Only Putin’s propaganda is allowed on Tucker Carlson Tonight. ]
In Tucker’s universe, “adults” say intelligent things, and “children” say dumb things. That’s why Joke Bidet, our oldest president, is our smartest president!
And check out those geniuses in the graveyard! ]
16. March 11, 2022.
Subject: Blame the Internet!
Dear Tucker,
James Poulos really opened my eyes! And in 2:29 minutes!
Yes, America is a divided nation. And it’s all the fault the internet!
Now I know why America had a revolution, and a war between the states. It was because of the internet!
Now I know why America was divided over the idea of joining World War II. It was because of the internet!
I look forward to further “brilliant” hucksters on your show.
Tucker Carlson Today remains a far cry from a quality program like Charlie Rose. ( Or CBS News Nightwatch, hosted by Charlie Rose in the 1980s. )
( When you, presumably, were still doing drugs. )
[ Charlie Rose interviewed everyone. Carlson only interviews people whom he agrees with. The difference is that between a news program, and a ( right wing ) religious revival. ]
17. March 11, 2022.
Subject: Proxies for America.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your excellent reporting on America’s overseas bio weapons labs.
The following conclusions can be reached:
A. America is a moral country because it doesn’t extract its own oil. Instead, America buys oil from murderous regimes like Russia ( until recently ), and from Iran and Venezuela.
B. America is a moral country because it doesn’t make bio weapons in America. It makes them in Ukraine, Georgia, and China.
Other countries are, in effect, “drug mules” for what we won’t do ourselves, but demand to have accomplished.
[ I favor Carlson’s interpretation of how the Soviet era research facilities were being used, in our modern era.
Which doesn’t excuse Carlson’s ghastly propaganda for Putin. ]
18. Date: March 11, 2022.
Subject: Endless “buffer states”.
Dear Tucker,
Your guest, Joe Kent, said the following: “Ukraine has always been a buffer state”. His conclusion ( and yours ) was that America should not do anything to defend Ukraine from Russia.
Tucker, the Baltic states have always been buffer states. Poland has always been a buffer state. Modernly, all of Eastern Europe, and East Germany, have been buffer states!
Hence, following your logic, all of the above countries should be ceded to Russia.
That puts Russia on ( the former ) West Germany’s border. What does that then make ( the former ) West Germany? It makes West Germany a buffer state!
Should we then cede all of Germany to Russia? That makes France a buffer state! Should we then cede France to Russia?
Your “adult” conversation is nothing but idiocy. It belongs in a mental asylum.
Why is a congressional candidate on your show? Let’s hear from Senator Tom Cotton ( of Arkansas ). Let’s hear from Speaker Newt Gingrich. Let’s hear from ambassador Nikki Haley!
Sadly, with regard to Ukraine, you only feature guests who agree with your cowardly lunacy.
19. March 13, 2022.
Subject: Laura’s grade.
Dear Laura,
Here is your grade, based on the following test:
“Ukraine, and the defense of democracy, is the moral test of our time.”
- Howard Kurtz.
Source: Howard Kurtz, Media Buzz. The Fox News channel. Via foxnews.com. March 13, 2022.
MORALITY of Fox News hosts GRADED:
Laura Ingrate: F -
Tucker Carlson: F
Mark Levin: A+
[ Laura Ingrate is Laura Ingraham. I sent a copy of this letter to Carlson. On March 29, 2022, I downgraded Carlson’s grade. It is now F-. ]
20. March 16, 2022.
Subject: Tucker’s Disgrace.
Dear Tucker,
Your show continues to be a disgrace.
Every episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight is tailor-made to surrender Ukraine to Vladimir Pukin’.
Pukin’ has already crushed Chechnya, and Syria. Pukin’ stole part of Georgia. Pukin’ stole the Crimea from Ukraine. Pukin’ has now stolen the nation of Belarus, and the Donbas region of Ukraine. Pukin’ is now stealing yet more of Ukraine.
If Pukin’ proves successful in stealing Ukraine, he will steal the Trans-Dnistria region, and Moldova.
If Pukin’ is successful in those places, he’ll steal the Baltic states, and Poland.
If Pukin’ is successful in stealing the Baltic states and Poland, he’ll steal all of Eastern Europe.
Pukin’ wants to restore the old Soviet Union. The old Soviet Union wasn’t about a Russian empire. Its purpose was to spread Communism throughout the world.
None of the areas mentioned above want to be under Pukin’s jackboot. Pukin’ is a psychopathic killer.
Would you send your family to live with a psychopathic killer? No. ( If your answer is “yes”, you’re insane. )
You have argued that Ukraine should be neutral. That is, what’s left of Ukraine should be neutral, after Pukin’ has stolen the rest.
Were you neutral when you were in Iraq? No. You picked up a gun, and defended yourself.
If you’d been neutral in Iraq, you’d likely be dead.
The Ukrainians don’t want to be dead. They don’t want to live under Pukin’s malevolent rule. Many Russians would also like to be rid of Pukin’.
I fail to understand what the point is of your Pukin’ loving propaganda.
A world ruled by Pukin’ is a world without America. America would exist as a landmass, but it would be ruled by Pukin’. That includes “the middle of nowhere”, where you now live.
Perhaps your show belongs “in the middle of nowhere”. It is little more than Russian propaganda, massaged to please American morons.
Reference: The Long Slide, a book by Tucker Carlson.
[ Some years ago, protestors made a ruckus outside of Carlson’s house. The result? Carlson moved house. In The Long Slide, he claims that he now lives “in the middle of nowhere”.
But if people’s homes are being blown up in Ukraine, who gives a F—k? Right, Tucker? ]
21. March 20, 2022.
Subject: No help from Tucker!
Dear Tucker,
Recently, one of your propagandistic, pro-Pukin’ monologues stated the following:
Civilians are being killed by war in Ukraine. However, we shouldn’t do anything about this. Why?
A. Civilians are being killed by war in many countries throughout the world.
B. Civilians have been killed by war throughout history.
So, let’s take a look at the job performance of a hypothetical Sheriff Tucker.
Someone comes to Sheriff Tucker. They tell Sheriff Tucker that a crime is being committed. Here’s Sheriff Tucker’s answer:
A. Crimes are happening throughout the world.
B. Crimes have happened to people throughout history.
As a result, Sheriff Tucker does nothing.
Tucker, please never run for Sheriff!
Before you reply that America isn’t the world’s Sheriff, read the Bible. Specifically, read the parable of the Good Samaritan.
( I think you would have walked on by, ignoring the victim in the ditch. )
( Based on her rhetorical record, Laura Ingrate would have sailed by in her limousine, and thrown trash on the victim! )
22. March 29, 2022.
Subject: Weirdo Tucker flames again!
Dear Tucker,
My opinion of you continues to plummet.
Children in Ukraine are being murdered and maimed by Vladimir Putin. Yet you ran a segment criticizing those, in America, who are trying to help these children, by raising money for Ukraine!
Video: “Columnist blasts the left for extracting political clout from Ukraine-Russia war”.
You heartily agreed with the columnist’s horrific point of view.
Meanwhile, you spent 20 minutes criticizing teachers who interact with their students about human biological issues!
You, like Laura Ingrate, are obsessed with children’s sexuality.
Yet, you obviously care nothing about children who are being murdered and maimed.
I am forced to conclude that you’re downright weird, or a psychopath.
Perhaps those are the requirements for becoming a prime time host on the Fox News Channel!
Source: Two separate videos.
23. Date: March 30, 2022.
Subject: Moral Conversion Therapy for Tucker Carlson.
Dear Tucker,
With regard to Ukraine, you are a moral degenerate.
Fortunately, you can be saved!
Moral Conversion Therapy is now available for Tucker Carlson. It is here:
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/the-story
T.V. show: the story with Martha MacCallum
Video: “Gen. Jack Keane: This is why the US isn’t all in on helping Zelenskyy win”.
Tucker, watch this video over and over.
WARNING: If you watch this video enough, you will become a moral person!
Good luck, Tucker! Satan assures me that some people are irredeemable.
If you remain damned, you won’t be lonely. Hitler ( a talker, like you ) wants company in Hell.
24. March 30, 2022.
Subject: Tucker is Putin’s Baghdad Bob.
Dear Fox News,
Ukraine may defeat Russia. If Ukraine does, this will be a huge benefit to the West. A well-armed Ukraine will serve as a bulwark against Russian aggression.
Specifically, a well-armed Ukraine will serve as a bulwark against aggression by Russia’s mad, murderous leader, Vladimir Putin.
Yet your resident traitor, Tucker Carlson, continues to use his “show” as a platform for Putin-loving propaganda.
Tucker Carlson is Putin’s Baghdad Bob. He allows no opinions on his show except those which serve Putin’s murderous ways.
Tucker Carlson does not belong on Fox News. Let him fly his flag on Russia Today.
Only an idiot would think that Putin likes having a Russian flag that is red, white, and blue. ( Its current colors. ) Putin won’t be happy until the Communist flag flies again over Russia. ( And over as much of the rest of the world as he can steal. )
Therefore, by serving Putin’s purposes, Tucker Carlson is serving the global expansion of Communism. It is ridiculous for Fox News to be paying Tucker Carlson. Let Putin do it!
I doubt you’ll take my advice ( above ). Therefore, I have a final suggestion. Please change the theme song for Tucker Carlson Tonight. Change it to “Back in the U.S.S.R”.
Andrew Roller
1. “Beware the ides of March.”
Source: Soothsayer. Act 1, Scene 2, of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
( Apt words regarding Tucker Carlson Tonight in March of 2022. )
2. “The abject amorality [ is ] talking about something, and not doing something about it, when you [ have ] the power.”
- Victor Davis Hanson.
Source: C-SPAN. Victor Davis Hanson. Bookshop Lecture: An Autumn of War. August 26, 2002.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?172403-1/an-autumn-war
1. “Life, Liberty, and Levin” is a T.V. show. It airs on the Fox News Channel.
2. Laura Ingraham pollutes the Fox News Channel with her anti-Ukraine “show”. It’s called The Ingraham Angle.
Laura Ingrate: “I have a T.V. show.”
Yes, Laura. But you have no soul.
Source: A recent episode of The Ingrate Angle.
3. I use quote marks instead of italics. In the 1990s, the internet had trouble displaying italics. I use quote marks selectively. I omit them where possible. I include them where it appears that they’re necessary.
4. Modernly, the parable of the Good Samaritan would be called the parable of the Good Child Molester. Why?
“Although Samaritans and Jews despised each other, the Samaritan helps the injured man.”
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Good_Samaritan.
The radicalism of Jesus Christ is lost on modern audiences.
5. I once regarded Tucker Carlson as a smart, credible source. He remains highly intelligent. Then again, Adolf Hitler was highly intelligent, in his areas of specialization: political organization, speechmaking, and the conquest of Europe. Hitler was also hopelessly insane.
I pray that, in criticizing Carlson, I’m criticizing someone who remains of sound mind.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
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This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 166
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 166, version 4.0
Date Written: March 31, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
“Because he’s a Klingon!”
- Bill O’Reilly, diagnosing LeVar Burton of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Source: The O’Reilly Factor. The Fox News Channel.
Hopefully, my diagnosis of Tucker Carlson is not so erroneous.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 166
Editorial Thunder presents...
America’s Judas
Plus: Shakespeare’s warning about Tucker Carlson Tonight.
And: Victor Davis Hanson on abject amorality.
1. Uber … you open the app, you just wanna get down the block to a PARTY, they say “donate to Ukraine”, um, I think they’re offering free rides to Kyiv at this point, um, places like, uh, another app, Market Fresh, you wanna buy flowers, they say, “Round up! And donate to Ukraine!” but, just as you said at the intro of this segment, it costs them nothing. … And that’s the point of virtue signaling”.
- Eddie Scarry, speaking to Tucker Carlson. ( Emphasis added. )
Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight. March 29, 2022. The Fox News channel. Via foxnews.com.
Video: “Columnist blasts the left for extracting political clout from Ukraine-Russia war”.
Eddie Scarry ( appropriately named ) works for The Federalist. Tucker Carlson heartily agreed with Scarry’s remarks.
2. “They’re telling me to be mad about Putin.”
- Tucker Carlson.
Source: Ibid.
3. “Maybe you’re not an independent person. Maybe you’re like a puppet.”
- Tucker Carlson, condemning those who seek to help Ukraine.
Source: Ibid.
( Yes, Tucker, you are a puppet. For Putin! )
Tucker Carlson shills for Russia’s murderous dictator.
by Andrew Roller
I’m hardly the first American to call Tucker Carlson, of the Fox News channel, a traitor. Various Republican senators, and media personalities, have called Carlson a traitor. Mark Levin, of Fox News, has referred to “the Putin wing of the Republican party”. That’s a thinly veiled damning of Carlson. It’s also a damning of Laura Ingrate, who has a show on Fox News.
I thought Ingrate had plumbed the depths of amorality. Hers is an amorality verging on immorality. Ingrate has made a name for herself “protecting” children. That devolves into the following:
Ingrate is obsessed with oppressing children’s sexuality. Note to ingrate: if you’re successful, you’ll get more people like me.
Meanwhile, Ingrate cares nothing for the fact that children in Ukraine are being murdered and maimed. She glorifies the Mardi Gras bacchanal on her show. She issues odes to consumer excess. Yet she claims that “we don’t have the money” to help Ukraine. Ingrate, as reported in a previous issue of ARSE, didn’t want to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine! Nor did she want to send such aid to Ukraine’s neighbors, who are being flooded with Ukrainian refugees.
Carlson has now fallen deeper into amorality than Ingrate. Like Ingrate, Carlson’s amorality verges on immorality. Carlson is obsessed with oppressing children’s sexuality. Yet Carlson, on every episode of his show, pitches for Putin. I know of no better propagandist for Putin, anywhere on Earth, than Carlson. As a putative American, he delivers Putin’s murderous message far better than Putin’s “diplomats”. ( Who are best described as Putin’s henchmen in murdering children. )
I have been e-mailing Carlson, via the foxnews.com web site, since before Russia invaded Ukraine. Some of my e-mails are below.
I lightly edited some of my e-mails, for readability.
I backdated several e-mails by one day. I did this because I wrote to Carlson about his show the following day. I backdated the e-mails for consistency in this article.
The comments in brackets [ ] were written by me today, for this article.
Unless otherwise stated, all references are to Tucker Carlson Tonight. The date of my e-mail is the date of the episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
1. Date: February 19, 2022.
Subject: Tucker causes Russia to invade Ukraine.
Dear Tucker,
Trey Yingst tells me that, per your monologue, he and the Ukrainians used poison gas on the Russians.
Hence, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the fault of Fox News. And, since you’re the face of Fox News, Russia’s invasion is your fault!
[ Tucker had claimed that Ukraine might use poison gas on Russia, causing Russia to invade Ukraine. The purpose of provoking such an invasion would be for Ukraine to gain assistance from the West. ]
2. Date: February 20, 2022.
Subject: Tucker’s Long Slide.
Dear Tucker,
According to Fox News Sunday, Putin doesn’t just want Ukraine. He wants the Baltic states, and part of Poland.
I’m eager to hear you stand against Russian aggression in your next monologue.
( Assuming that you’re not resuming your long slide, as a drug addict. )
A. The panel, on Fox News Sunday.
B. The Long Slide, a book by Tucker Carlson.
3. Date: February 21, 2022.
Subject: Excellent Canada monologue!
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your excellent monologue on Canada’s tyranny, and the threat of it coming to America.
4. Date: February 21, 2022.
Subject: Diversity at Fox News.
Dear Tucker,
Women: Now have full equality, and are now on Fox News.
Blacks: Now have full equality, and are now on Fox News.
Gays: Now have full equality, and are now on Fox News.
“Child Molesters”: When given full equality, we will be on Fox News!
5. Date: February 21, 2022.
Subject: Stop exploiting Tubbs!
Dear Tucker,
You are exploiting Hannah Tubbs’ private conversation with his father, for ratings.
Tubbs was not “bragging” or, as Dana Perino claimed on her show, “boasting”. He was discussing his legal situation.
You are ignoring the prospect of dead Ukrainian children to castigate someone who, at the time of his legal difficulties, was a child, according your definition of a child.
Do you, and Fox News, have no decency?
[ Hannah Tubbs is a male who currently identifies as a female. He allegedly interacted with a female in a women’s bathroom in a Denny’s restaurant in Los Angles. The alleged incident happened eight years ago, when Tubbs was a 17 year old boy. His “victim” was a 10 year old girl.
Tubbs was subsequently convicted of “child molesting”. He is currently serving time in a juvenile prison.
According to a statement read on Fox News, the girl’s interaction with Tubbs went on for some time.
Have you ever been in a fast food restaurant like Denny’s? The interior of a bathroom in such a place echoes, loudly. It is possible for customers who aren’t in the bathroom to hear what is going on in the bathroom.
Hence, whatever happened in the bathroom in Denny’s was likely consensual. The “victim” likely changed her story after the fact.
Doubt me? Walk into a women’s bathroom in a Denny’s and attempt to molest a 10-year-old girl. See how long it takes for your activity to be heard by everyone. ]
6. Date: February 23, 2022.
Subject: MacGregor proves Tucker WRONG!
Dear Tucker,
You went on tonight for 19 minutes, in your usual Commie-loving, peacenik way. ( I guess drug abuse does have long term effects. )
Then, you put on your favorite anti-war soldier, Colonel MacGregor.
Except: MacGregor proved you WRONG! When he did, you shut him up right away!
What did MacGregor say?
“There’s nothing between Ukraine and Germany except the Polish army.”
The Polish army cannot hold back an onslaught by Russia. Germany, MacGregor added, has no army.
That means there’s nothing between Russia and France.
How did France perform in the prior two wars? It lost. There would be no France today, except for America.
That means there’s nothing between Russia and the Atlantic Ocean.
Can England stop a Russian onslaught? A Russian onslaught that’s reached the Atlantic Ocean? Of course not.
What does that mean? There’s nothing between Russia and America except America.
What does that mean? There’s nothing between Russia and your front door except America.
By badmouthing America’s defense policy, you’re putting yourself, and your family, in danger.
That’s not me being hysterical. That’s me being right, and you being wrong!
Stand up for the safety of Ukraine’s children, and quit worrying about Jeffrey Epstein’s 20 year old affairs, or what a child may have done with another child in a bathroom, in a Denny’s, eight years ago. ( The Hannah Tubbs case. )
[ France actually lost the last three wars: The Franco-Prussian War, World War I, and World War II. ]
7. Date: February 25, 2022.
Subject: John Kerry on the Holocaust.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your excellent monologue!
My response:
A. John Kerry, in 1941, upon being informed of the Holocaust:
“I hope Adolf Hitler will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do with the climate.”
B. John Kerry, off the record:
“People fart. Farting emits gas. Gas produces unwanted climate change. By killing millions of people, Adolf Hitler is our climate savior! Heil Hitler!”
[ John Kerry, uncaring that Putin had invaded Ukraine, stated that he hoped Putin would “stay on track with respect to what we need to do with the climate.”
After all, dead Ukrainian children can’t pollute the air, by breathing it. ]
8. Date: February 28, 2022.
Subject: Tucker Carlson, lying by omission!
Dear Tucker,
I have watched you since you were on CNN’s “Crossfire”.
I have watched Tucker Carlson Tonight from your first episode.
Now that I no longer have a television, or cable T.V., I watch you every night. I watch all of your videos at foxnews.com.
Tucker, you’ve indicated that you are not willing to blow up the world over Ukraine.
Are you willing to blow up the world over Estonia? Estonia is a NATO member.
My guess is that you’re not willing to blow up the world over Estonia.
What about Poland?
What about Germany?
What about France?
Night after night, you give your usual monologue. It amounts to this: F—k the world.
Tell me, Tucker: When would President Tucker Carlson go to war, with nuclear weapons? Would you wait until a foreign aggressor arrived on Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C.?
Tucker, you are lying by omission.
You owe it to your audience to say when, in fact, you would launch World War III.
NOTE: If Roosevelt had waited for Hitler’s armies to arrive in America, America would have lost World War II.
9. Date: March 3, 2022.
Dear Tucker,
You were right, and I was wrong.
In your recent monologues, you have posed the following question:
Why should Americans care about Ukraine?
Your answer: We shouldn’t.
You opposed sending any weapons to Ukraine.
The result?
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine is on fire. It is on fire because Russia’s soldiers shelled it.
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has six nuclear blocks. Chernobyl only had one nuclear block.
Tucker, I had no idea that you wanted grandchildren who were mutants!
I sincerely apologize for not being an “America First!” person like you.
We should all want our children to have three eyes, one arm, and no genitals.
[ Tucker, plumbing depravity’s depths, said in a subsequent episode of his show that Ukraine was lying. Ukraine was lying about Russia shelling their nuclear power plant. Ukraine, according to Tucker, had shelled their own nuclear power plant.
Mark Levin, of Fox News, contradicted this. Levin contradicted it on his show, “Life, Liberty, and Levin”. ]
10. March 7, 2022.
Subject: America is more than Arkansas.
Dear Tucker,
I did not know that your intellect was on the same level as that of a young, uneducated wrestler in Arkansas.
Per the wrestler ( and you ): By the time that an invader gets to Arkansas, America will have lost any war.
Pearl Harbor is not in Arkansas. On September 7, 1941 ( According to George H.W. Bush, who should have known, but who didn’t ), Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Tucker, did Americans in Arkansas say, “Who cares? Pearl Harbor isn’t in Arkansas.”
No, Tucker. They didn’t. America joined World War II. America won.
You, Laura Ingrate, and Joke Bidet would have us throw away our patrimony. You would have us retreat from the world until there’s nothing left but Arkansas.
You, Tucker, don’t live in Arkansas. That means that your friend, the ignorant wrestler, won’t care if you’re killed, and if ( as in the hypothetical posed to Michael Dukakis ), your wife is raped.
To survive, America must have a strong network of global alliances. The “superpower” with such a network of alliances wins. The “superpower” without such a network of alliances loses.
You still have not answered the fundamental question: Where do you, Tucker Carlson, draw the line against Russian aggression?
Following your logic, America could easily cede Arkansas to Russia, or to any other invader. After all, Arkansas isn’t terribly important. Arkansas’ most famous contribution to America is Bill ( Lolita Express ) Clinton, and Hillary ( take your pick of corrupt acts ) Clinton.
I can easily see a future episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight telling us why America shouldn’t do anything to defend Arkansas.
Laura Ingrate, based on her rhetorical record, would deny humanitarian aid to an Arkansas that was being invaded!
Mark Levin is right. You, and Laura Ingrate, are members of the Pukin’ wing of the Republican party. The fact that you found a dumb wrestler to mouth your inanities doesn’t change that.
America can lay claim to heroes like George Patton and John Wayne. ( Wayne portraying heroes on film. )
Sadly, America is also saddled with cowardly nincompoops like yourself, your ignorant wrestler friend, and the atrociously uncaring Laura Ingrate.
Start using your intellect to save children who are being murdered and maimed in Ukraine. If you’re too uncaring, or unmanly, to do that, at least have the courtesy to shut up!
P.S. You’re more than happy to fan the flames of any moral panic against so-called “child molesters”.
[ I never learned the Arkansas wrestler’s name. Whatever his skill in fighting, I disagree with his “America First!” rejection of helping Ukraine. He only wants to defend Arkansas. America consists, thank God, of more than Arkansas. ]
11. March 8, 2022.
Subject: Tucker would have bought oil from Hitler.
Dear Tucker,
Today, you made your position clearer.
You don’t want the war in Ukraine “prolonged”.
That means that you want Russia to overrun Ukraine.
You indicated, with your poll, that you don’t want America to defend Europe.
So, let’s look at the world that Tucker Carlson would give us:
A. Russia owns Russia.
B. Russia owns Europe.
C. Meanwhile, based on your policies ( above ), China would own China, plus much of South East Asia. China would also own the Western Pacific.
Hence, America would be an island, surrounded by enemies.
( China is increasingly influencing Africa and South America. )
America, alone in the world, is lost! It cannot survive!
Tucker, I thought you were being paid by Fox News.
I hope you’re not on Pukin’s payroll! Or Xi’s.
( To say the above is, at this point, a cliche. However, it’s the only logical conclusion! )
On buying oil from Russia:
Pukin’ is murdering Ukrainians. Yet you want Americans to buy Russian oil!
Sadly, Tucker, your position means the following: You would have happily bought oil from Hitler, as Hitler murdered the Jews.
Source: Tucker’s Monologue.
12. March 9, 2022.
Subject: Free radiation for Tucker.
Hi, Tucker!
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in Ukraine, is no longer being cooled. If electrical power isn’t restored to Chernobyl, it will soon be dumping nuclear radiation on your children.
Do you care about Ukraine now?
Meanwhile, your pal, Vladimir Pukin’ just bombed a maternity hospital and a children’s hospital in Ukraine.
Do you care? No. You want Pukin’ to have all of Ukraine, as soon as possible!
13. March 9, 2022.
Subject: Enough from the moron!
Dear Tucker,
Thanks to you, we’ve heard, twice, from an illiterate moron in Arkansas.
Here’s your guest for tomorrow night: Senator Tom Cotton, of Arkansas.
( I just heard him on America Reports, on the Fox News channel. Via foxnews.com )
I doubt that you’ll put Tom Cotton on your broadcast. Why?
Because you’re an unpatriotic coward.
Tucker, winners don’t quit. And quitters don’t win.
Shirking cowards, like you, just lose.
[ The “moron” is the Arkansas wrestler. ]
14. Date: March 9, 2022.
Subject: Bio weapons labs in Ukraine.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your monologue. It was about the bio weapons labs in Ukraine.
[ Mark Levin contradicted Tucker on “Life, Liberty, and Levin”. Levin said that the Ukrainian “bio weapons labs” are just old Soviet research facilities. ]
15. March 10, 2022.
Subject: “Adults” for Tucker.
Dear Tucker,
Here are two “adults” you can put on your show, to speak about Russia’s attack on Ukraine:
A. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
B. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas.
( I just saw Newt Gingrich on the Fox Business channel. Via foxbusiness.com )
Are you man enough to put on Gingrich and Cotton?
( Probably not… )
[ Tucker never put on Gingrich or Cotton, since they’re pro-Ukraine. Only Putin’s propaganda is allowed on Tucker Carlson Tonight. ]
In Tucker’s universe, “adults” say intelligent things, and “children” say dumb things. That’s why Joke Bidet, our oldest president, is our smartest president!
And check out those geniuses in the graveyard! ]
16. March 11, 2022.
Subject: Blame the Internet!
Dear Tucker,
James Poulos really opened my eyes! And in 2:29 minutes!
Yes, America is a divided nation. And it’s all the fault the internet!
Now I know why America had a revolution, and a war between the states. It was because of the internet!
Now I know why America was divided over the idea of joining World War II. It was because of the internet!
I look forward to further “brilliant” hucksters on your show.
Tucker Carlson Today remains a far cry from a quality program like Charlie Rose. ( Or CBS News Nightwatch, hosted by Charlie Rose in the 1980s. )
( When you, presumably, were still doing drugs. )
[ Charlie Rose interviewed everyone. Carlson only interviews people whom he agrees with. The difference is that between a news program, and a ( right wing ) religious revival. ]
17. March 11, 2022.
Subject: Proxies for America.
Dear Tucker,
Thank you for your excellent reporting on America’s overseas bio weapons labs.
The following conclusions can be reached:
A. America is a moral country because it doesn’t extract its own oil. Instead, America buys oil from murderous regimes like Russia ( until recently ), and from Iran and Venezuela.
B. America is a moral country because it doesn’t make bio weapons in America. It makes them in Ukraine, Georgia, and China.
Other countries are, in effect, “drug mules” for what we won’t do ourselves, but demand to have accomplished.
[ I favor Carlson’s interpretation of how the Soviet era research facilities were being used, in our modern era.
Which doesn’t excuse Carlson’s ghastly propaganda for Putin. ]
18. Date: March 11, 2022.
Subject: Endless “buffer states”.
Dear Tucker,
Your guest, Joe Kent, said the following: “Ukraine has always been a buffer state”. His conclusion ( and yours ) was that America should not do anything to defend Ukraine from Russia.
Tucker, the Baltic states have always been buffer states. Poland has always been a buffer state. Modernly, all of Eastern Europe, and East Germany, have been buffer states!
Hence, following your logic, all of the above countries should be ceded to Russia.
That puts Russia on ( the former ) West Germany’s border. What does that then make ( the former ) West Germany? It makes West Germany a buffer state!
Should we then cede all of Germany to Russia? That makes France a buffer state! Should we then cede France to Russia?
Your “adult” conversation is nothing but idiocy. It belongs in a mental asylum.
Why is a congressional candidate on your show? Let’s hear from Senator Tom Cotton ( of Arkansas ). Let’s hear from Speaker Newt Gingrich. Let’s hear from ambassador Nikki Haley!
Sadly, with regard to Ukraine, you only feature guests who agree with your cowardly lunacy.
19. March 13, 2022.
Subject: Laura’s grade.
Dear Laura,
Here is your grade, based on the following test:
“Ukraine, and the defense of democracy, is the moral test of our time.”
- Howard Kurtz.
Source: Howard Kurtz, Media Buzz. The Fox News channel. Via foxnews.com. March 13, 2022.
MORALITY of Fox News hosts GRADED:
Laura Ingrate: F -
Tucker Carlson: F
Mark Levin: A+
[ Laura Ingrate is Laura Ingraham. I sent a copy of this letter to Carlson. On March 29, 2022, I downgraded Carlson’s grade. It is now F-. ]
20. March 16, 2022.
Subject: Tucker’s Disgrace.
Dear Tucker,
Your show continues to be a disgrace.
Every episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight is tailor-made to surrender Ukraine to Vladimir Pukin’.
Pukin’ has already crushed Chechnya, and Syria. Pukin’ stole part of Georgia. Pukin’ stole the Crimea from Ukraine. Pukin’ has now stolen the nation of Belarus, and the Donbas region of Ukraine. Pukin’ is now stealing yet more of Ukraine.
If Pukin’ proves successful in stealing Ukraine, he will steal the Trans-Dnistria region, and Moldova.
If Pukin’ is successful in those places, he’ll steal the Baltic states, and Poland.
If Pukin’ is successful in stealing the Baltic states and Poland, he’ll steal all of Eastern Europe.
Pukin’ wants to restore the old Soviet Union. The old Soviet Union wasn’t about a Russian empire. Its purpose was to spread Communism throughout the world.
None of the areas mentioned above want to be under Pukin’s jackboot. Pukin’ is a psychopathic killer.
Would you send your family to live with a psychopathic killer? No. ( If your answer is “yes”, you’re insane. )
You have argued that Ukraine should be neutral. That is, what’s left of Ukraine should be neutral, after Pukin’ has stolen the rest.
Were you neutral when you were in Iraq? No. You picked up a gun, and defended yourself.
If you’d been neutral in Iraq, you’d likely be dead.
The Ukrainians don’t want to be dead. They don’t want to live under Pukin’s malevolent rule. Many Russians would also like to be rid of Pukin’.
I fail to understand what the point is of your Pukin’ loving propaganda.
A world ruled by Pukin’ is a world without America. America would exist as a landmass, but it would be ruled by Pukin’. That includes “the middle of nowhere”, where you now live.
Perhaps your show belongs “in the middle of nowhere”. It is little more than Russian propaganda, massaged to please American morons.
Reference: The Long Slide, a book by Tucker Carlson.
[ Some years ago, protestors made a ruckus outside of Carlson’s house. The result? Carlson moved house. In The Long Slide, he claims that he now lives “in the middle of nowhere”.
But if people’s homes are being blown up in Ukraine, who gives a F—k? Right, Tucker? ]
21. March 20, 2022.
Subject: No help from Tucker!
Dear Tucker,
Recently, one of your propagandistic, pro-Pukin’ monologues stated the following:
Civilians are being killed by war in Ukraine. However, we shouldn’t do anything about this. Why?
A. Civilians are being killed by war in many countries throughout the world.
B. Civilians have been killed by war throughout history.
So, let’s take a look at the job performance of a hypothetical Sheriff Tucker.
Someone comes to Sheriff Tucker. They tell Sheriff Tucker that a crime is being committed. Here’s Sheriff Tucker’s answer:
A. Crimes are happening throughout the world.
B. Crimes have happened to people throughout history.
As a result, Sheriff Tucker does nothing.
Tucker, please never run for Sheriff!
Before you reply that America isn’t the world’s Sheriff, read the Bible. Specifically, read the parable of the Good Samaritan.
( I think you would have walked on by, ignoring the victim in the ditch. )
( Based on her rhetorical record, Laura Ingrate would have sailed by in her limousine, and thrown trash on the victim! )
22. March 29, 2022.
Subject: Weirdo Tucker flames again!
Dear Tucker,
My opinion of you continues to plummet.
Children in Ukraine are being murdered and maimed by Vladimir Putin. Yet you ran a segment criticizing those, in America, who are trying to help these children, by raising money for Ukraine!
Video: “Columnist blasts the left for extracting political clout from Ukraine-Russia war”.
You heartily agreed with the columnist’s horrific point of view.
Meanwhile, you spent 20 minutes criticizing teachers who interact with their students about human biological issues!
You, like Laura Ingrate, are obsessed with children’s sexuality.
Yet, you obviously care nothing about children who are being murdered and maimed.
I am forced to conclude that you’re downright weird, or a psychopath.
Perhaps those are the requirements for becoming a prime time host on the Fox News Channel!
Source: Two separate videos.
23. Date: March 30, 2022.
Subject: Moral Conversion Therapy for Tucker Carlson.
Dear Tucker,
With regard to Ukraine, you are a moral degenerate.
Fortunately, you can be saved!
Moral Conversion Therapy is now available for Tucker Carlson. It is here:
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/shows/the-story
T.V. show: the story with Martha MacCallum
Video: “Gen. Jack Keane: This is why the US isn’t all in on helping Zelenskyy win”.
Tucker, watch this video over and over.
WARNING: If you watch this video enough, you will become a moral person!
Good luck, Tucker! Satan assures me that some people are irredeemable.
If you remain damned, you won’t be lonely. Hitler ( a talker, like you ) wants company in Hell.
24. March 30, 2022.
Subject: Tucker is Putin’s Baghdad Bob.
Dear Fox News,
Ukraine may defeat Russia. If Ukraine does, this will be a huge benefit to the West. A well-armed Ukraine will serve as a bulwark against Russian aggression.
Specifically, a well-armed Ukraine will serve as a bulwark against aggression by Russia’s mad, murderous leader, Vladimir Putin.
Yet your resident traitor, Tucker Carlson, continues to use his “show” as a platform for Putin-loving propaganda.
Tucker Carlson is Putin’s Baghdad Bob. He allows no opinions on his show except those which serve Putin’s murderous ways.
Tucker Carlson does not belong on Fox News. Let him fly his flag on Russia Today.
Only an idiot would think that Putin likes having a Russian flag that is red, white, and blue. ( Its current colors. ) Putin won’t be happy until the Communist flag flies again over Russia. ( And over as much of the rest of the world as he can steal. )
Therefore, by serving Putin’s purposes, Tucker Carlson is serving the global expansion of Communism. It is ridiculous for Fox News to be paying Tucker Carlson. Let Putin do it!
I doubt you’ll take my advice ( above ). Therefore, I have a final suggestion. Please change the theme song for Tucker Carlson Tonight. Change it to “Back in the U.S.S.R”.
Andrew Roller
1. “Beware the ides of March.”
Source: Soothsayer. Act 1, Scene 2, of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
( Apt words regarding Tucker Carlson Tonight in March of 2022. )
2. “The abject amorality [ is ] talking about something, and not doing something about it, when you [ have ] the power.”
- Victor Davis Hanson.
Source: C-SPAN. Victor Davis Hanson. Bookshop Lecture: An Autumn of War. August 26, 2002.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?172403-1/an-autumn-war
1. “Life, Liberty, and Levin” is a T.V. show. It airs on the Fox News Channel.
2. Laura Ingraham pollutes the Fox News Channel with her anti-Ukraine “show”. It’s called The Ingraham Angle.
Laura Ingrate: “I have a T.V. show.”
Yes, Laura. But you have no soul.
Source: A recent episode of The Ingrate Angle.
3. I use quote marks instead of italics. In the 1990s, the internet had trouble displaying italics. I use quote marks selectively. I omit them where possible. I include them where it appears that they’re necessary.
4. Modernly, the parable of the Good Samaritan would be called the parable of the Good Child Molester. Why?
“Although Samaritans and Jews despised each other, the Samaritan helps the injured man.”
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Good_Samaritan.
The radicalism of Jesus Christ is lost on modern audiences.
5. I once regarded Tucker Carlson as a smart, credible source. He remains highly intelligent. Then again, Adolf Hitler was highly intelligent, in his areas of specialization: political organization, speechmaking, and the conquest of Europe. Hitler was also hopelessly insane.
I pray that, in criticizing Carlson, I’m criticizing someone who remains of sound mind.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans.com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 166
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 166, version 4.0
Date Written: March 31, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
“Because he’s a Klingon!”
- Bill O’Reilly, diagnosing LeVar Burton of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Source: The O’Reilly Factor. The Fox News Channel.
Hopefully, my diagnosis of Tucker Carlson is not so erroneous.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 165
Editorial Thunder presents...
Putin Exposed!
Plus: Advice to Putin-Lovin’ Republicans.
by Andrew Roller
You may wonder where Vladimir Putin got his name. Wasn’t he once named Vladimir Schicklgruber? He was.
In his early days, Vlad was a gay prostitute in Moscow. He didn’t speak much English. When encountering an English speaking tourist, Putin would bare his backside, and show his anus.
Putin only knew two words. Fortunately, he only needed to know two words. Baring his ass, Putin would say,
“Put in! Put in!”
So, the English speaking tourist, if he was gay, would put his dick in Putin’s ass.
People in Moscow soon ceased to call Vlad “Mr. Schicklgruber”. Instead, they called him “Mr. Putin”.
ADVICE to PUTIN-LOVIN’ Republicans:
“It can be far more amoral to sit and do nothing, and allow innocents to be butchered, than it can be to use force to stop somebody.”
- Victor Davis Hanson
Source: C-SPAN. Victor Davis Hanson. Bookshop Lecture: An Autumn of War. August 26, 2002.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?172403-1/an-autumn-war
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 165
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 165, version 2.0
Date Written: March 26, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 165
Editorial Thunder presents...
Putin Exposed!
Plus: Advice to Putin-Lovin’ Republicans.
by Andrew Roller
You may wonder where Vladimir Putin got his name. Wasn’t he once named Vladimir Schicklgruber? He was.
In his early days, Vlad was a gay prostitute in Moscow. He didn’t speak much English. When encountering an English speaking tourist, Putin would bare his backside, and show his anus.
Putin only knew two words. Fortunately, he only needed to know two words. Baring his ass, Putin would say,
“Put in! Put in!”
So, the English speaking tourist, if he was gay, would put his dick in Putin’s ass.
People in Moscow soon ceased to call Vlad “Mr. Schicklgruber”. Instead, they called him “Mr. Putin”.
ADVICE to PUTIN-LOVIN’ Republicans:
“It can be far more amoral to sit and do nothing, and allow innocents to be butchered, than it can be to use force to stop somebody.”
- Victor Davis Hanson
Source: C-SPAN. Victor Davis Hanson. Bookshop Lecture: An Autumn of War. August 26, 2002.
Link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?172403-1/an-autumn-war
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 165
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 165, version 2.0
Date Written: March 26, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
AI 31
Apple Info presents...
Fix Photos!
Plus: Make your iPhone jerk off ready!
And: The New Yorker on free speech.
by Andrew Roller
Probably, you look at your photos a lot. ( Especially if they’re of naked girls! )
I have an Apple iPad. I look at photos in my Apple “Photos” app.
My iPad only has one terabyte of memory. Therefore, I chose to “optimize” my photos. You can do this too:
“Settings” app > [ “Your name” Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases” ] > ( scroll down ) > Photos > Optimize iPad Storage.
By optimizing your photos, you send them to your Apple iCloud account. Your photos are stored there. You’ll still see your photos on your iPad. However, the photos on your iPad will be low quality representations of your real photos, which are stored in iCloud.
All of the above works great. Until, that is, you start to masturbate. Lately, when I start to masturbate, I find that I’m unable to download my photos from iCloud!
Here’s what happens:
1. I open my Photos app.
2. I tap on a photo I like.
3. My photo opens.
4. But! It is the low quality representation that is on my iPad.
5. An icon appears on my photo. It appears in the lower right corner of my photo. The icon is of a circle, with an exclamation point inside of it. The icon is white.
6. I tap on the icon. A notice appears. The notice reads as follows:
“iCloud cannot download your photo.” ( Paraphrased. )
How do you solve this problem? Here’s how:
1. Open your Settings app.
2. Tap on [ “Your name” Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases” ].
3. ( Look down. )
4. Tap on “Wi-Fi”.
5. “Wi-Fi” opens. An interactive box appears on the right side of your screen. The box is titled, “Wi-Fi”.
6. My Wi-Fi is provided by my cable T.V. company.
I don’t have cable T.V. I just buy the local cable T.V. company’s Wi-Fi service.
The cable T.V. company put a router in my room. It provides me with Wi-Fi service.
You’ll see that your Wi-Fi is working fine.
What do you do now?
I have an iPhone. I don’t just masturbate over photos on my iPad. I also masturbate over photos on my iPhone. Hence, my iPhone is always, um, handy.
7. You are still in the Wi-Fi section of your Settings app. ( On your iPad. )
Your iPhone is present in the interactive box. I’m speaking of the interactive box that’s titled, “Wi-Fi”.
Hence, you see:
User’s iPhone
8. Tap on “User’s iPhone”.
9. Watch as “User’s iPhone” replaces the Wi-Fi router that your cable T.V. company gave you.
10. Exit your Settings app.
11. Open your Photos app.
12. Tap on a photo in Photos.
NOTE: Some photos are always downloaded to my iPad. These are photos that I look at a lot. So, please tap on a photo you don’t ordinarily look at. See if the photo downloads to your iPad.
13. In my case, my photo of Devil Harris, America’s vice president, downloaded to my iPad.
Did your photo download to your iPad? If so, you have ( hopefully ) fixed the problem.
14. Open your Settings app.
15. Following the steps above, go to “Wi-Fi” in your Settings app. Switch your Wi-Fi service from your phone back to the router that your cable T.V. company gave you.
16. Exit Settings.
You can now masturbate over your photos in your Photos app. Your photos will download from iCloud.
I have an iPhone 6s. To masturbate over the photos on my phone, I need my phone to stand upright. Here, from an episode of Captain Kangaroo, is information on how to accomplish this:
1. Buy a roll of package tape. ( My roll of package tape doesn’t have any tape on it. I used up the tape. ) Place the roll of package tape flat on your desk.
2. Put a dark washcloth into the roll of package tape.
3. Put the ( end of the ) electrical cord for your iPhone into the washcloth.
4. Attach the electrical cord to your iPhone.
5. Jam your iPhone down into the washcloth, which is stuck in the roll of package tape.
6. Squash a piece of paper towel.
7. Jam the piece of squashed paper towel behind your iPhone.
Your iPhone will now stand upright. ( The best position for your iPhone is to be leaning back somewhat, as it stands inside of the roll of package tape. )
Why the dark washcloth? A dark color won’t reflect on the screen of your iPad.
Don’t worry about your iPhone’s electrical cord. In my experience, jamming your iPhone into the roll of package tape ( with the electrical cord inserted ) doesn’t damage the cord.
You are now fully armed, with both your iPhone and your iPad, to masturbate over your photos!
( But not over photos that Josh Hawley, America’s Prude in Chief, would disapprove of! )
“The New Yorker will not be edited for the old lady from Dubuque.”
- Harold [ Wallace ] Ross, upon founding The New Yorker, in the year 1925.
Source: Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 696.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 31
Arcana: This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 31, version 2.0
Date Written: March 25, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
AI 31
Apple Info presents...
Fix Photos!
Plus: Make your iPhone jerk off ready!
And: The New Yorker on free speech.
by Andrew Roller
Probably, you look at your photos a lot. ( Especially if they’re of naked girls! )
I have an Apple iPad. I look at photos in my Apple “Photos” app.
My iPad only has one terabyte of memory. Therefore, I chose to “optimize” my photos. You can do this too:
“Settings” app > [ “Your name” Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases” ] > ( scroll down ) > Photos > Optimize iPad Storage.
By optimizing your photos, you send them to your Apple iCloud account. Your photos are stored there. You’ll still see your photos on your iPad. However, the photos on your iPad will be low quality representations of your real photos, which are stored in iCloud.
All of the above works great. Until, that is, you start to masturbate. Lately, when I start to masturbate, I find that I’m unable to download my photos from iCloud!
Here’s what happens:
1. I open my Photos app.
2. I tap on a photo I like.
3. My photo opens.
4. But! It is the low quality representation that is on my iPad.
5. An icon appears on my photo. It appears in the lower right corner of my photo. The icon is of a circle, with an exclamation point inside of it. The icon is white.
6. I tap on the icon. A notice appears. The notice reads as follows:
“iCloud cannot download your photo.” ( Paraphrased. )
How do you solve this problem? Here’s how:
1. Open your Settings app.
2. Tap on [ “Your name” Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases” ].
3. ( Look down. )
4. Tap on “Wi-Fi”.
5. “Wi-Fi” opens. An interactive box appears on the right side of your screen. The box is titled, “Wi-Fi”.
6. My Wi-Fi is provided by my cable T.V. company.
I don’t have cable T.V. I just buy the local cable T.V. company’s Wi-Fi service.
The cable T.V. company put a router in my room. It provides me with Wi-Fi service.
You’ll see that your Wi-Fi is working fine.
What do you do now?
I have an iPhone. I don’t just masturbate over photos on my iPad. I also masturbate over photos on my iPhone. Hence, my iPhone is always, um, handy.
7. You are still in the Wi-Fi section of your Settings app. ( On your iPad. )
Your iPhone is present in the interactive box. I’m speaking of the interactive box that’s titled, “Wi-Fi”.
Hence, you see:
User’s iPhone
8. Tap on “User’s iPhone”.
9. Watch as “User’s iPhone” replaces the Wi-Fi router that your cable T.V. company gave you.
10. Exit your Settings app.
11. Open your Photos app.
12. Tap on a photo in Photos.
NOTE: Some photos are always downloaded to my iPad. These are photos that I look at a lot. So, please tap on a photo you don’t ordinarily look at. See if the photo downloads to your iPad.
13. In my case, my photo of Devil Harris, America’s vice president, downloaded to my iPad.
Did your photo download to your iPad? If so, you have ( hopefully ) fixed the problem.
14. Open your Settings app.
15. Following the steps above, go to “Wi-Fi” in your Settings app. Switch your Wi-Fi service from your phone back to the router that your cable T.V. company gave you.
16. Exit Settings.
You can now masturbate over your photos in your Photos app. Your photos will download from iCloud.
I have an iPhone 6s. To masturbate over the photos on my phone, I need my phone to stand upright. Here, from an episode of Captain Kangaroo, is information on how to accomplish this:
1. Buy a roll of package tape. ( My roll of package tape doesn’t have any tape on it. I used up the tape. ) Place the roll of package tape flat on your desk.
2. Put a dark washcloth into the roll of package tape.
3. Put the ( end of the ) electrical cord for your iPhone into the washcloth.
4. Attach the electrical cord to your iPhone.
5. Jam your iPhone down into the washcloth, which is stuck in the roll of package tape.
6. Squash a piece of paper towel.
7. Jam the piece of squashed paper towel behind your iPhone.
Your iPhone will now stand upright. ( The best position for your iPhone is to be leaning back somewhat, as it stands inside of the roll of package tape. )
Why the dark washcloth? A dark color won’t reflect on the screen of your iPad.
Don’t worry about your iPhone’s electrical cord. In my experience, jamming your iPhone into the roll of package tape ( with the electrical cord inserted ) doesn’t damage the cord.
You are now fully armed, with both your iPhone and your iPad, to masturbate over your photos!
( But not over photos that Josh Hawley, America’s Prude in Chief, would disapprove of! )
“The New Yorker will not be edited for the old lady from Dubuque.”
- Harold [ Wallace ] Ross, upon founding The New Yorker, in the year 1925.
Source: Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 696.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 31
Arcana: This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 31, version 2.0
Date Written: March 25, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Meet Your Master
ET 164
Editorial Thunder presents...
Meet Your Master
Plus: Victor Davis Hanson at C-SPAN.
And: The New York Times on free speech.
“Free” Speech in “The Land of the Free”.
by Andrew Roller
The U.S. Supreme Court case outlawing so-called “child pornography” was wrongly decided. As explained in a previous issue of ARSE, the reasoning supporting the Supreme Court’s decision is ridiculous. “Child pornography” didn’t exist as an offence until the Supreme Court invented it, out of whole cloth.
Decades later, America continues to persecute any art it manages to call “child pornography”. Even people who just look at so-called “child pornography” are subjected to judicial punishment for decades. The same is true of people who unknowingly possesses so-called “child pornography”.
That’s not freedom. A country that perpetrates such injustices cannot legitimately call itself “the land of the free”.
Today, U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, a sitting Judge, rattled off the usual laundry list of words to describe so-called “child pornography”. I’ve reproduced them below. God forbid that anyone should apply such words to gays, Jews, Blacks, women, the transgendered, bisexuals, or any of the other innumerable “protected” groups in America. Only so-called “pedophiles” are damned with such words.
The good news? According to Victor Davis Hanson, America continues to balkanize itself into tribes. The probable result of this will be a civil war. A civil war in America.
America had to bomb Nazi Germany to rid it of Nazism. America will likely have to bomb itself to be rid of pedophobia.
Until then, meet your master ( above ). You either obey U.S. Senator Josh Hawley ( who elicited Jackson’s comments ), or you go to prison. Not jail. Prison. For a long time. To paraphrase The Doors’ Jim Morrison, “God Bless the United Fucking States of America.” One can also paraphrase 20th century Germans: Heil Hawley!”
And you thought Vladimir Pukin’ was our only problem.
( Even I forgot that there were more problems than Pukin’. )
Note that “children” routinely use their phones to photograph themselves having sex. Under the law, such ordinary photos are so-called “child pornography”.
JUDGE Jackson on SO-CALLED “Child Pornography”:
1. Sickening.
2. Egregious.
3. Offence.
4. Hurt.
5. Damaging.
6. Horrible.
7. When imposing a sentence regarding so-called “child pornography”, the sentence must “PROMOTE the purposes of PUNISHMENT”. ( Emphasis added. )
8. At trial, Judge Jackson “makes sure that a child’s voice is ‘represented’ in her sentencing.” ( In other words, the child’s voice isn’t actually heard. The Judge, with her blatant bias, claims to speak for the child. )
9. Judge Jackson claims that, at the sentencing, she must read “graphic descriptions” of the so-called “child pornography”. ( In other words, she must describe the contents of the ordinary photos, mentioned above. ) ( And what does Judge Jackson do, every night, when she goes home? Presumably, she engages in the various acts that she claimed she had “difficulty” describing in court! )
10. The “child” in the case is described as a “victim”. The “child” is described as someone who suffered “abuse”. Never mind if she, the “child”, photographed herself having consensual sex with her boyfriend, for the 9,000th time! )
11. Jackson claims that viewing so-called “child pornography” is a “severe” offence.
12. Jackson claims that a “victim” of so-called “child pornography” ( a girl who enjoyed having sex with a boy, and who photographed herself doing so ) later winds up abusing drugs, or becoming a prostitute. So I guess anyone who smokes marijuana is a “child pornography victim”. As is any female who ever accepted money for sex.
Jackson claimed that a “victim” of so-called “child pornography” developed agoraphobia! ( A fear of crowds. ) Endless mental sand castles can be erected, following such logic.
13. Jackson said that those guilty of a so-called “child pornography” offence are “lookers”. Lookers? In the “land of the free”, you go to prison for decades for being a “looker”?
14. Jackson said that such “lookers” are “contributing to child sex abuse.” ( In other words, contributing to the girl choosing to have sex with her boyfriend! For how many eons have girls been having sex with boys? )
15. Jackson said that she imposes sentences on “lookers” that are:
A. Significant.
B. That impose “restraints”.
C. That require “20, 30, 40 years of [ judicial ] supervision. They can’t use their computers in a normal way for decades.”
Reader, I ask you a question. Aside from children being murdered and maimed by Vladimir Pukin’, what is the most important issue regarding freedom today?
To find the answer, you don’t have to look far. You only need to look at the punishments being imposed on art that’s called “child pornography”.
You only need to look at the punishments being imposed on ordinary photos, taken by “children”, as they consensually engage in sex.
Fight for freedom!
Or, obey your master. Obey Josh Hawley, and his ilk.
Of Hitler, one of his henchmen proclaimed, “Germany is Hitler! Hitler is Germany!”
Is the same true of America? It America Hawley? Is Hawley America? Does his bigotry define us?
By the way, Josh Hawley is a White man. As a U.S. Senator, he’s a privileged White man. He’s also a straight White man.
“In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
- Martin Niemoeller.
You can watch excellent videos at the following web site:
These are informational videos. They consist of a lecture, or an interview.
The best speaker that I’ve found so far is Victor Davis Hanson. Direct access to his lectures on C-SPAN is at:
The best lectures by Hanson that I’ve heard so far are:
1. The Father of Us All.
2. A War Like No Other: The Peloponnesian War.
Modernly, Hanson is a weak speaker. At least, he’s a weak speaker when someone is interviewing him. In the two lectures mentioned above, Hanson is younger. He’s also lecturing from a lectern. There is no intermediary between himself and his listeners.
“Free speech demands a greater willingness to engage with ideas we dislike.”
- The Editorial Board of The New York Times.
Source: Jesse Watters Primetime. March 18, 2022. The Fox News Channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
1. Source for Ketanji Brown Jackson’s comments: the Fox News app. Article: “Ketanji Brown Jackson responds to Hawley child porn comments: ‘Nothing could be further from the truth’”.
2. Source for Martin Niemoeller’s comment: Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 696.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 164
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 164, version 3.0
Date Written: March 22, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
ET 164
Editorial Thunder presents...
Meet Your Master
Plus: Victor Davis Hanson at C-SPAN.
And: The New York Times on free speech.
“Free” Speech in “The Land of the Free”.
by Andrew Roller
The U.S. Supreme Court case outlawing so-called “child pornography” was wrongly decided. As explained in a previous issue of ARSE, the reasoning supporting the Supreme Court’s decision is ridiculous. “Child pornography” didn’t exist as an offence until the Supreme Court invented it, out of whole cloth.
Decades later, America continues to persecute any art it manages to call “child pornography”. Even people who just look at so-called “child pornography” are subjected to judicial punishment for decades. The same is true of people who unknowingly possesses so-called “child pornography”.
That’s not freedom. A country that perpetrates such injustices cannot legitimately call itself “the land of the free”.
Today, U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, a sitting Judge, rattled off the usual laundry list of words to describe so-called “child pornography”. I’ve reproduced them below. God forbid that anyone should apply such words to gays, Jews, Blacks, women, the transgendered, bisexuals, or any of the other innumerable “protected” groups in America. Only so-called “pedophiles” are damned with such words.
The good news? According to Victor Davis Hanson, America continues to balkanize itself into tribes. The probable result of this will be a civil war. A civil war in America.
America had to bomb Nazi Germany to rid it of Nazism. America will likely have to bomb itself to be rid of pedophobia.
Until then, meet your master ( above ). You either obey U.S. Senator Josh Hawley ( who elicited Jackson’s comments ), or you go to prison. Not jail. Prison. For a long time. To paraphrase The Doors’ Jim Morrison, “God Bless the United Fucking States of America.” One can also paraphrase 20th century Germans: Heil Hawley!”
And you thought Vladimir Pukin’ was our only problem.
( Even I forgot that there were more problems than Pukin’. )
Note that “children” routinely use their phones to photograph themselves having sex. Under the law, such ordinary photos are so-called “child pornography”.
JUDGE Jackson on SO-CALLED “Child Pornography”:
1. Sickening.
2. Egregious.
3. Offence.
4. Hurt.
5. Damaging.
6. Horrible.
7. When imposing a sentence regarding so-called “child pornography”, the sentence must “PROMOTE the purposes of PUNISHMENT”. ( Emphasis added. )
8. At trial, Judge Jackson “makes sure that a child’s voice is ‘represented’ in her sentencing.” ( In other words, the child’s voice isn’t actually heard. The Judge, with her blatant bias, claims to speak for the child. )
9. Judge Jackson claims that, at the sentencing, she must read “graphic descriptions” of the so-called “child pornography”. ( In other words, she must describe the contents of the ordinary photos, mentioned above. ) ( And what does Judge Jackson do, every night, when she goes home? Presumably, she engages in the various acts that she claimed she had “difficulty” describing in court! )
10. The “child” in the case is described as a “victim”. The “child” is described as someone who suffered “abuse”. Never mind if she, the “child”, photographed herself having consensual sex with her boyfriend, for the 9,000th time! )
11. Jackson claims that viewing so-called “child pornography” is a “severe” offence.
12. Jackson claims that a “victim” of so-called “child pornography” ( a girl who enjoyed having sex with a boy, and who photographed herself doing so ) later winds up abusing drugs, or becoming a prostitute. So I guess anyone who smokes marijuana is a “child pornography victim”. As is any female who ever accepted money for sex.
Jackson claimed that a “victim” of so-called “child pornography” developed agoraphobia! ( A fear of crowds. ) Endless mental sand castles can be erected, following such logic.
13. Jackson said that those guilty of a so-called “child pornography” offence are “lookers”. Lookers? In the “land of the free”, you go to prison for decades for being a “looker”?
14. Jackson said that such “lookers” are “contributing to child sex abuse.” ( In other words, contributing to the girl choosing to have sex with her boyfriend! For how many eons have girls been having sex with boys? )
15. Jackson said that she imposes sentences on “lookers” that are:
A. Significant.
B. That impose “restraints”.
C. That require “20, 30, 40 years of [ judicial ] supervision. They can’t use their computers in a normal way for decades.”
Reader, I ask you a question. Aside from children being murdered and maimed by Vladimir Pukin’, what is the most important issue regarding freedom today?
To find the answer, you don’t have to look far. You only need to look at the punishments being imposed on art that’s called “child pornography”.
You only need to look at the punishments being imposed on ordinary photos, taken by “children”, as they consensually engage in sex.
Fight for freedom!
Or, obey your master. Obey Josh Hawley, and his ilk.
Of Hitler, one of his henchmen proclaimed, “Germany is Hitler! Hitler is Germany!”
Is the same true of America? It America Hawley? Is Hawley America? Does his bigotry define us?
By the way, Josh Hawley is a White man. As a U.S. Senator, he’s a privileged White man. He’s also a straight White man.
“In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
- Martin Niemoeller.
You can watch excellent videos at the following web site:
These are informational videos. They consist of a lecture, or an interview.
The best speaker that I’ve found so far is Victor Davis Hanson. Direct access to his lectures on C-SPAN is at:
The best lectures by Hanson that I’ve heard so far are:
1. The Father of Us All.
2. A War Like No Other: The Peloponnesian War.
Modernly, Hanson is a weak speaker. At least, he’s a weak speaker when someone is interviewing him. In the two lectures mentioned above, Hanson is younger. He’s also lecturing from a lectern. There is no intermediary between himself and his listeners.
“Free speech demands a greater willingness to engage with ideas we dislike.”
- The Editorial Board of The New York Times.
Source: Jesse Watters Primetime. March 18, 2022. The Fox News Channel. Via foxnews ( dot ) com.
1. Source for Ketanji Brown Jackson’s comments: the Fox News app. Article: “Ketanji Brown Jackson responds to Hawley child porn comments: ‘Nothing could be further from the truth’”.
2. Source for Martin Niemoeller’s comment: Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Little, Brown and Company. Hachette Book Group. New York, New York. The United States of America. Published from 1882 - 2014, and ongoing. Page 696.
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. ET, Editorial Thunder, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 164
Arcana: This is ET, Editorial Thunder, issue number 164, version 3.0
Date Written: March 22, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
Free Kay J
AI 30
Apple Info presents...
Free Kay J
Plus: The indispensability of women.
And: The value of Brooke’s ass.
From wild child in “White” to Baywatch babe in “Bae Watch”.
by Andrew Roller
The following web site is new to me. It’s called Eros Berry. It has free photos of nude model Kay J.
Link: https://www ( dot ) erosberry ( dot ) com/search?search=Kay+J
The web site works well. Occasionally, a dancing model will appear on your screen. It is an advertisement. However, at Eros Berry, you can easily rid yourself of this ad. If you click the little “X” near the ad, it will go away.
Alternatively, just tap “JPG”, near the top of your iPad’s screen. ( At Eros Berry. ) That will also get rid of the ad.
At Eros Berry, you’ll encounter a common problem. The size of the image will spill beyond the borders of your iPad’s screen! Below, I tell how to fix this.
1. You arrive at the Eros Berry page for Kay J. Tap on the photo gallery that you want to see.
2. You tap on “Nastia And Kay J Your…”
3. The photo gallery “Nastia And Kay J Your…” opens.
4. Tap on the first image in the gallery.
5. Now, look to the top of your iPad’s screen. Tap on JPG.
6. Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen. There, you’ll see a blue icon. It’s an icon of a box. An arrow is sticking out of the top of the box.
7. Tap on the icon of the box with the arrow. Whoa! An informational box appears. It appears under the box with the arrow. In this box, scroll down to: Copy to Documents.
NOTE: To see “Copy to Documents”, you’ll need the following app on your iPad: Documents, by the company called Readdle. I used the free version of Documents for a long time. It was very capable. Now, mostly by happenstance, I am a subscriber to Documents.
NOTE: If “Copy to Documents” doesn’t appear ( and you have it ), try flinging the informational box with your finger. I’m speaking of the informational box that is under the box with the arrow.
How do you fling the informational box? Put your finger on it. Then, briskly fling your finger upwards. This should ensure that “Copy to Documents” appears.
8. Tap on “Copy to Documents”. Whoa! You leave your browser! You’re taken to the app called Documents. You’re taken to the “My Files” page of Documents.
In Documents, a PDF file is instantly created. The PDF file that is created is a Documents file.
If you watch very closely, you’ll see the PDF as it’s created.
You do not remain on the “My Files” page of Documents. You’re whisked on to another page in Documents. There, you’ll see an image of Kay J and Nastia. This is the image that you were looking at, a moment ago, in your browser!
Notice something? The image of Kay J and Nastia is now a good size. You can screenshot it.
Would you like this image to be in an Adobe Acrobat format? Look to the top of your iPad’s screen, within Documents. You’ll see this: PDF. An arrow is above PDF.
9. Tap on PDF. Documents creates another PDF of the image that you’re looking at. It’s in an Adobe Acrobat format. However, it’s stored in Documents. It’s stored beside the PDF that is in the Documents format.
As a result, you have the following:
A. A PDF in the Documents format. ( Which you can open in Documents. )
B. A screenshot. ( Which is stored in your Photos app. )
C. A PDF in the Adobe Acrobat format. ( Which you can open in Documents. )
I only have the free version of Adobe Acrobat. It’s called Adobe Acrobat Reader. I got it in the Apple “App Store” app.
10. You have now created the PDF in the Adobe Acrobat format. You’re still in Documents. You’re still looking at the image of Kay J and Nastia. Look to the top left corner of your iPad’s screen. An arrow is there: <
11. Tap on the arrow: <
12. You are taken to the “My Files” page in Documents. Check that both PDFs are there: the Documents version, and the Adobe Acrobat version. ( If you want both. )
13. Now, swipe up from the bottom of your iPad’s screen. This causes you to leave Documents. Go back to your browser.
14. In your browser, you see Kay J and Nastia. Look to the top left corner of your browser’s screen. Tap on the arrow: <
15. You have left JPG ( at Eros Berry ). Look to the top left of your browser’s screen. Tap on the arrow: <
16. You have left the browser page containing the image of Kay J and Nastia. ( At Eros Berry. )
17. You are now ( again ) at the photo gallery called, “Nastia And Kay J Your…” Click on the next photo in the gallery. Follow the steps that I stated above.
18. When you finish with the photo gallery called, “Nastia And Kay J Your…”, move on to the next photo gallery on Kay J’s page. ( At Eros Berry. )
If you’re highly interested in Kay J, be disciplined. Collect all of the Kay J photos before moving on to new girls. Otherwise, you’ll wind up with a junkyard of various photos, that might not be well organized.
If you like a new girl, as you’re photographing Kay J, screenshot the new girl on Kay J’s page. Try to come back to the new girl later. ( Your screenshot will help you figure out where you found the new girl. )
Eros Berry correctly identifies each porn site that provided free samples to it. However, Eros Berry sometimes applies its own, invented title to a photographic item. Hence, “Kay J Banana Story” is actually called, at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, “Beautiful Day”. Eros Berry also gives its own titles to the Me Tart Network films that are called ( by the Me Tart Network ), “Wet Dreams”, and “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”.
I found another web site that has free photos of Kay J. It’s called Tribute to Beauty.
Link: https://www ( dot ) tribute-to ( dot ) com/beauty/babes/kay-j/
Some of the links at Tribute to Beauty were broken.
At Tribute to Beauty, there is a photo gallery of Kay J called “White”. This is credited to “Met-Art”. ( The metartnetwork ( dot ) com. )
However, there is no photo gallery called “White” at Met-Art. Nor is there a photo gallery called “White” at the Me Tart Network. The photo gallery called “Maru”, at the Me Tart Network, looks like “White”. However, “Maru” is a different photo gallery.
At Tribute to Beauty, the photo gallery called “White” connects to eroticbeauties ( dot ) net. Erotic Beauties can be an infuriating web site. The reason? Some of the photos at Erotic Beauties are larger than my iPad. I tried capturing them with various apps. Here was the result:
It is impossible to capture the photos at Erotic Beauties using any app that I have. However, you can reduce the size of each photo at Erotic Beauties. Spread two fingers of one hand. Put them against the photo. Now, begin closing your fingers. The photo reduces in size! Screenshot it.
At Erotic Beauties, some of the photo galleries of Kay J worked well. Each photo fit within my iPad. I was able to screenshot each photo in turn.
I found another way to capture photos at web sites. Send the photo to Amazon’s Kindle app! There, open the photo in Kindle. The photo will be a reasonable size. Screenshot it.
Kindle is a slow app. I only use it if I can’t use Documents, for some reason.
The Kindle app is available for free in the Apple “App Store” app.
Readdle, which makes Documents, also sells PDF Expert. In my experience, PDF Expert is almost useless, when it comes to capturing photos. It only manages to copy typewritten information about the photo, in most cases.
If PDF Expert does successfully capture a photo, you can’t open the photo! ( As I recall. ) I’m speaking of the free version of PDF Expert.
A year ago, I felt obliged to subscribe to PDF Expert. I only did so in order to open a photo that I’d captured off of the internet. ( In which case, I actually did get to the see the photo, not just typewritten information about the photo. )
The only reason I keep PDF Expert around is because I’m afraid that, if I unsubscribe, I won’t be able to open photos in it anymore. Whenever I do my religious writing, I always boot up a bunch of different apps. Each one displays one of my favorite photos of a nude girl. In the case of PDF Expert, I rely on it to show me Brooke Shields naked, at age 10. Specifically, her bare bottom. Hence, I pay about $60.00 a year to PDF Expert to look at Brooke’s ass. It has no other purpose in my life.
We don’t need women doctors. Men can be doctors. But men cannot be mothers.
“Met-Art” is one web site contained within the family of web sites known as The Met Art Network. ( Which I sometimes mistakenly spell as the Me Tart Network. )
The Me Tart Network should give you everything that is at each individual web site in the Me Tart family. However, sometimes, some of a model’s photo galleries won’t be at the Me Tart Network web site. You’ll have to enter each individual web site in the Me Tart family.
There is no problem entering each individual web site in the Me Tart family. It’s just time consuming.
Last summer, I complained to the Me Tart Network about the problem of missing photo galleries. They indicated that they’d fix this problem. However, they have not fixed this problem.
All of Kay J’s Me Tart photo galleries are at the Me Tart Network web site. You won’t have to visit individual web sites in the Me Tart family to get all of Kay J’s photo galleries.
I recommend joining the Me Tart Network. It’s expensive. However, it’s a better option than joining each individual Me Tart web site in turn. If you do that, you’ll always be missing photo galleries for a particular model, until you join every web site that’s in the Me Tart Network.
With regard to joining the Me Tart Network, just join the Me Tart Network itself. Don’t sign up for any “extra” Me Tart web sites beyond it. ( “Super hairy”, or whatever else the Me Tart Network is selling. ) The Me Tart Network has everything you need. It also has every Kay J photo gallery that Me Tart owns.
The Me Tart Network has begun selling “special films”. These are “extras”, that cost money. Fortunately, none of Me Tart’s “special films” have interested me. Kay J isn’t in any of them.
Alex Lynn was Kay J’s finest photographer. All of the extant Alex Lynn photo galleries of Kay J are at the Me Tart Network.
Some photo galleries by Alex Lynn, of Kay J, are now only available as free samples. ( For instance: the photo gallery “White”, and all of the photo galleries of Kay J with Nastia. )
I asked Kay J where her missing Alex Lynn photo galleries are. She didn’t reply to my question on this topic.
Kay J remains quite beautiful at age 26. ( She turned 26 on March 21, 2022. ) However, Kay J was astoundingly lovely at age 20. All of her extant photo galleries, and videos, of her at age 20 are at the Me Tart Network. ( Not at rival porn sites. )
It is tragic that Kay J didn’t start modeling at age 18, or younger. If you’re a girl, and you’re astoundingly lovely, drop your panties now! In front of a camera! Thank you! Immortality awaits!
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 30
Arcana: This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 30, version 3.0
Date Written: March 22, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
Immortality awaits, along with my dick!
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.
AI 30
Apple Info presents...
Free Kay J
Plus: The indispensability of women.
And: The value of Brooke’s ass.
From wild child in “White” to Baywatch babe in “Bae Watch”.
by Andrew Roller
The following web site is new to me. It’s called Eros Berry. It has free photos of nude model Kay J.
Link: https://www ( dot ) erosberry ( dot ) com/search?search=Kay+J
The web site works well. Occasionally, a dancing model will appear on your screen. It is an advertisement. However, at Eros Berry, you can easily rid yourself of this ad. If you click the little “X” near the ad, it will go away.
Alternatively, just tap “JPG”, near the top of your iPad’s screen. ( At Eros Berry. ) That will also get rid of the ad.
At Eros Berry, you’ll encounter a common problem. The size of the image will spill beyond the borders of your iPad’s screen! Below, I tell how to fix this.
1. You arrive at the Eros Berry page for Kay J. Tap on the photo gallery that you want to see.
2. You tap on “Nastia And Kay J Your…”
3. The photo gallery “Nastia And Kay J Your…” opens.
4. Tap on the first image in the gallery.
5. Now, look to the top of your iPad’s screen. Tap on JPG.
6. Look to the top right corner of your iPad’s screen. There, you’ll see a blue icon. It’s an icon of a box. An arrow is sticking out of the top of the box.
7. Tap on the icon of the box with the arrow. Whoa! An informational box appears. It appears under the box with the arrow. In this box, scroll down to: Copy to Documents.
NOTE: To see “Copy to Documents”, you’ll need the following app on your iPad: Documents, by the company called Readdle. I used the free version of Documents for a long time. It was very capable. Now, mostly by happenstance, I am a subscriber to Documents.
NOTE: If “Copy to Documents” doesn’t appear ( and you have it ), try flinging the informational box with your finger. I’m speaking of the informational box that is under the box with the arrow.
How do you fling the informational box? Put your finger on it. Then, briskly fling your finger upwards. This should ensure that “Copy to Documents” appears.
8. Tap on “Copy to Documents”. Whoa! You leave your browser! You’re taken to the app called Documents. You’re taken to the “My Files” page of Documents.
In Documents, a PDF file is instantly created. The PDF file that is created is a Documents file.
If you watch very closely, you’ll see the PDF as it’s created.
You do not remain on the “My Files” page of Documents. You’re whisked on to another page in Documents. There, you’ll see an image of Kay J and Nastia. This is the image that you were looking at, a moment ago, in your browser!
Notice something? The image of Kay J and Nastia is now a good size. You can screenshot it.
Would you like this image to be in an Adobe Acrobat format? Look to the top of your iPad’s screen, within Documents. You’ll see this: PDF. An arrow is above PDF.
9. Tap on PDF. Documents creates another PDF of the image that you’re looking at. It’s in an Adobe Acrobat format. However, it’s stored in Documents. It’s stored beside the PDF that is in the Documents format.
As a result, you have the following:
A. A PDF in the Documents format. ( Which you can open in Documents. )
B. A screenshot. ( Which is stored in your Photos app. )
C. A PDF in the Adobe Acrobat format. ( Which you can open in Documents. )
I only have the free version of Adobe Acrobat. It’s called Adobe Acrobat Reader. I got it in the Apple “App Store” app.
10. You have now created the PDF in the Adobe Acrobat format. You’re still in Documents. You’re still looking at the image of Kay J and Nastia. Look to the top left corner of your iPad’s screen. An arrow is there: <
11. Tap on the arrow: <
12. You are taken to the “My Files” page in Documents. Check that both PDFs are there: the Documents version, and the Adobe Acrobat version. ( If you want both. )
13. Now, swipe up from the bottom of your iPad’s screen. This causes you to leave Documents. Go back to your browser.
14. In your browser, you see Kay J and Nastia. Look to the top left corner of your browser’s screen. Tap on the arrow: <
15. You have left JPG ( at Eros Berry ). Look to the top left of your browser’s screen. Tap on the arrow: <
16. You have left the browser page containing the image of Kay J and Nastia. ( At Eros Berry. )
17. You are now ( again ) at the photo gallery called, “Nastia And Kay J Your…” Click on the next photo in the gallery. Follow the steps that I stated above.
18. When you finish with the photo gallery called, “Nastia And Kay J Your…”, move on to the next photo gallery on Kay J’s page. ( At Eros Berry. )
If you’re highly interested in Kay J, be disciplined. Collect all of the Kay J photos before moving on to new girls. Otherwise, you’ll wind up with a junkyard of various photos, that might not be well organized.
If you like a new girl, as you’re photographing Kay J, screenshot the new girl on Kay J’s page. Try to come back to the new girl later. ( Your screenshot will help you figure out where you found the new girl. )
Eros Berry correctly identifies each porn site that provided free samples to it. However, Eros Berry sometimes applies its own, invented title to a photographic item. Hence, “Kay J Banana Story” is actually called, at the metartnetwork ( dot ) com, “Beautiful Day”. Eros Berry also gives its own titles to the Me Tart Network films that are called ( by the Me Tart Network ), “Wet Dreams”, and “Model Tests episode IV Kay J”.
I found another web site that has free photos of Kay J. It’s called Tribute to Beauty.
Link: https://www ( dot ) tribute-to ( dot ) com/beauty/babes/kay-j/
Some of the links at Tribute to Beauty were broken.
At Tribute to Beauty, there is a photo gallery of Kay J called “White”. This is credited to “Met-Art”. ( The metartnetwork ( dot ) com. )
However, there is no photo gallery called “White” at Met-Art. Nor is there a photo gallery called “White” at the Me Tart Network. The photo gallery called “Maru”, at the Me Tart Network, looks like “White”. However, “Maru” is a different photo gallery.
At Tribute to Beauty, the photo gallery called “White” connects to eroticbeauties ( dot ) net. Erotic Beauties can be an infuriating web site. The reason? Some of the photos at Erotic Beauties are larger than my iPad. I tried capturing them with various apps. Here was the result:
It is impossible to capture the photos at Erotic Beauties using any app that I have. However, you can reduce the size of each photo at Erotic Beauties. Spread two fingers of one hand. Put them against the photo. Now, begin closing your fingers. The photo reduces in size! Screenshot it.
At Erotic Beauties, some of the photo galleries of Kay J worked well. Each photo fit within my iPad. I was able to screenshot each photo in turn.
I found another way to capture photos at web sites. Send the photo to Amazon’s Kindle app! There, open the photo in Kindle. The photo will be a reasonable size. Screenshot it.
Kindle is a slow app. I only use it if I can’t use Documents, for some reason.
The Kindle app is available for free in the Apple “App Store” app.
Readdle, which makes Documents, also sells PDF Expert. In my experience, PDF Expert is almost useless, when it comes to capturing photos. It only manages to copy typewritten information about the photo, in most cases.
If PDF Expert does successfully capture a photo, you can’t open the photo! ( As I recall. ) I’m speaking of the free version of PDF Expert.
A year ago, I felt obliged to subscribe to PDF Expert. I only did so in order to open a photo that I’d captured off of the internet. ( In which case, I actually did get to the see the photo, not just typewritten information about the photo. )
The only reason I keep PDF Expert around is because I’m afraid that, if I unsubscribe, I won’t be able to open photos in it anymore. Whenever I do my religious writing, I always boot up a bunch of different apps. Each one displays one of my favorite photos of a nude girl. In the case of PDF Expert, I rely on it to show me Brooke Shields naked, at age 10. Specifically, her bare bottom. Hence, I pay about $60.00 a year to PDF Expert to look at Brooke’s ass. It has no other purpose in my life.
We don’t need women doctors. Men can be doctors. But men cannot be mothers.
“Met-Art” is one web site contained within the family of web sites known as The Met Art Network. ( Which I sometimes mistakenly spell as the Me Tart Network. )
The Me Tart Network should give you everything that is at each individual web site in the Me Tart family. However, sometimes, some of a model’s photo galleries won’t be at the Me Tart Network web site. You’ll have to enter each individual web site in the Me Tart family.
There is no problem entering each individual web site in the Me Tart family. It’s just time consuming.
Last summer, I complained to the Me Tart Network about the problem of missing photo galleries. They indicated that they’d fix this problem. However, they have not fixed this problem.
All of Kay J’s Me Tart photo galleries are at the Me Tart Network web site. You won’t have to visit individual web sites in the Me Tart family to get all of Kay J’s photo galleries.
I recommend joining the Me Tart Network. It’s expensive. However, it’s a better option than joining each individual Me Tart web site in turn. If you do that, you’ll always be missing photo galleries for a particular model, until you join every web site that’s in the Me Tart Network.
With regard to joining the Me Tart Network, just join the Me Tart Network itself. Don’t sign up for any “extra” Me Tart web sites beyond it. ( “Super hairy”, or whatever else the Me Tart Network is selling. ) The Me Tart Network has everything you need. It also has every Kay J photo gallery that Me Tart owns.
The Me Tart Network has begun selling “special films”. These are “extras”, that cost money. Fortunately, none of Me Tart’s “special films” have interested me. Kay J isn’t in any of them.
Alex Lynn was Kay J’s finest photographer. All of the extant Alex Lynn photo galleries of Kay J are at the Me Tart Network.
Some photo galleries by Alex Lynn, of Kay J, are now only available as free samples. ( For instance: the photo gallery “White”, and all of the photo galleries of Kay J with Nastia. )
I asked Kay J where her missing Alex Lynn photo galleries are. She didn’t reply to my question on this topic.
Kay J remains quite beautiful at age 26. ( She turned 26 on March 21, 2022. ) However, Kay J was astoundingly lovely at age 20. All of her extant photo galleries, and videos, of her at age 20 are at the Me Tart Network. ( Not at rival porn sites. )
It is tragic that Kay J didn’t start modeling at age 18, or younger. If you’re a girl, and you’re astoundingly lovely, drop your panties now! In front of a camera! Thank you! Immortality awaits!
Copyright 2022 by Andrew L. Roller. AI, Apple Info, and ARSE, Andrew Roller Stories and Essays, are trademarks of Andrew L. Roller.
I am https://andrewroller.wordpress.com
Earlier posts by me are at https://asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/
I’m on paper at: https://www.abebooks.com > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
and https://www.abebooks.co.uk > AbeBooks > Roller, Andrew
If you visit an “AbeBooks” website, you’ll be presented with a large square “Search” box. In the box labelled “Author”, type in “Andrew Roller”. In the box labelled “Title”, type in “Andrew Roller Presents”. This will bring up some of my pamphlets. I have not yet figured out how to bring up other pamphlets by me, under other titles. I don’t recall all the titles I published under.
I have no financial involvement in these resale items.
I post comments at Kay J’s onlyfans ( dot ) com web site: ukaybb. ( No period. ) Tap on the “dialogue bubble”, under a given photo of Kay, to read the comments.
On Apple Music, my “Username” is: @andrewroller666. ( No period. ) You can listen for free to my playlist, “F—k Your Parents”. This playlist is under construction. Presumably, you’ll need access to Apple Music to hear my playlist. Also available: “Insurrection”.
The WordPress app is available for free at the Apple App Store.
This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 30
Arcana: This is AI, Apple Info, issue number 30, version 3.0
Date Written: March 22, 2022. Live for the day that censorious Big Tech is dead.
Immortality awaits, along with my dick!
This has been a presentation of A R S E news.